Prerromanesque Art - 5 Carolingian Art
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The Prerromanesque period, which extends between the
V century to
XI century, is considered divided into two periods. The first corresponds to the
VIII century, bounded by the Moslem invasion and the beginning of the reign of
Charlemagne. This is the art of the barbarians established in the western provinces of the
Roman Empire. The second period is started in
France with the
Carolingian Renaissance, which links to the first
Romanesque art in
Catalonia, France and
Italy, and the art of the
Asturian kingdom in
Renovatio Imperi. When Charlemagne is crowned in year 800, his main ambition is to renovate the Roman Empire.
Imperator Romanorum. He is the emperor of the romans.
Islam is a menace. The carolingian renaissance refers to renovation in art and culture, renovation of the antiquity. ç
Charlemagne built his capital city in
Aachen. He want to create a royal court like
Imitatio Imperi. In south is the Asembly and in north is the
Palatine Chapel, built similar to the celestial
Jerusalem, that is actually
the Aachen Cathedral. In this chapel is the throne of Charlemagne. He even build thermal baths, as remembrance of the Roman Empire. The Crisotriclinio is a lost building where the throne was in the center with the
Pantokrator, stablishing so a relation between terrain-emperor and celestial-emperor
. In the Palatine Chapel is not so, the throne is in other place.
About the other examples of churches I have put, I must say that the
Church of
Saint Gall represents the ideal of carolingian monastery, future
The Church of
Fulda is the most important church of christianism in
Central Germany in these times.
The Church of
Corvey stand out by its interior, very radiant and beautiful.
Carolingian crypts are important due that there were made experiments for future romanesque buildings. Quadrangular and semisubterranean crypts. Under the presbytery.
Stand out the Crypt of
Saint-Germain of Auxerre.
Sculpture is scarce, standing out the book covers and ivory plaques, like the cover of the
Lorsch Gospels and the ivory plaque of
Remy and
Miniatures are very important in the carolingian empire. There were some schools.
The Palatine School of Aachen drawed the characters in architectonic backgrounds, standing out Godescalco
Gospel and
Ada Gospels. The Ebbon School represents character in nature and generally alone, standing out the Eddon Gospel. The
Tours School stands out by bit colous, using gold and silver, as in the San Emerano of Ratisbona Gospel.
The Workshop of
Drogo de
Metz is inspirated in mural decorations and roman mosaics, so, the characters are little and lot of vegetation, standing out the Sacramentarium of Drogo. The other artworks that appear are a image of the Lorsch Gospels, the cover of the
Codex Aureus of San
Emmeram, and the
Lothair Crystal, a gem with the tale of Sussana.
Adam de la Halle - Le jeu de
Robin et
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