Americo Gomes - Bissau ( OFFICIAL VIDEO )
Artiste : AMERICO GOMES Titre : Bissau Cadrage : Rodney Montage & Réalisation : REC Night CONTACT REALISATEUR : therecnight@gmail.com.
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau (1)
This footage was recorded in March 2012. From city center up to Somec, our base camp situated in the area of Bairo Militar. Distance is about 7 km. You're se...
A Revolta dos Mais Velhos (Guiné Bissau, 1998/99)
Guerra civil na Guiné-Bissau. As razões da revolta expressas pelos cinco comandantes do cerco a Bissau: Tagma Na Way, Bubo Na Tchuto, Bidom Na Montche, Lassa...
Miss Guiné-Bissau Portugal 2015 | Momentos | 5ª Gala
M CISSE guinea bissau music
ABM STARS3 Guine-Bissau
clips da nova geração Guiné-Bissau, 2014 um dos melhores artista da nova geração da guiné-bissau no ano 2014
Guiné Bissau - 18 de Maio 2012
Guinea Bissau CARNAVAL (trailer)
trailer k dokumentárnímu filmu o tradičním guinejském karnevalu (Guinea Bissau CARNAVAL, 25 min.)
Barafunda (Comedia da Guine-Bissau) 01
DTM Concert Guinee Bissau
DTM Conert Guinee Bissau 2014
from " PSYCHEDELIC SANZA 1982-1984" comp
MORE INFOS and BUY: http://www.bornbadrecords.net/releases/1260/
Guinea Bissau's government forces came under heavy attack from rebels on Sunday in some of the heaviest fighting since a military faction mutinied a month ago.
The government forces have been backed up by troops from neighboring Senegal.
Rumours that 1-thousand new Senegalese troops had been dispatched to the area inspired the rebel forces to launch their biggest offensive y
Baasal ittat Dimaagu vol 1 um filme completo em lingua fula
Film guinéen, Guinea movie, regarder le film guinéen.
viaje a Guinea Bissau 2013
Reportaje sobre el viaje a Guinea Bissau organizado por SODEPAZ en octubre de 2013
Guinea Bissau - Rui Sangara - Butakala - Copyright Claim by The Orchard
Unreported World: Guinea Bissau - Cocaine Country
STPtv - Miss Guiné-Bissau
Subscreva o canal STPtv: http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv
Siga-nos no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STPtv
Apresentadora: Abigail Tiny Cosme
Sophie Baessa - organização Miss Guiné-Bissau
Rubiato Namajo - Miss Guiné-Bissau
Miss Guiné Bissau Portugal é um concurso de beleza anual, onde se elege a mais bela guineense a residir em Portugal. A vencedora deste ano
Mesa Redonda: Discurso do PR José Mário Vaz, da Guiné-Bissau
Mesa Redonda de Bruxelas: Discurso do PR José Mário Vaz, da Guiné-Bissau, durante a cerimónia de abertura da mesa redonda da Guiné-Bissau com os seus parceiros internacionais e doadores.
25 de Março de 2015
Reportagem Guiné Bissau e Cabo Verde
Reportagem Guiné Bissau e Cabo Verde.
STPtv - Guiné - Bissau : Novo Futuro
Subscreva o canal STPtv:http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv Siga-nos no Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/STPtv GUINÉ-BISSAU: NOVO FUTURO Apresentador: Abílio ...
Americo Gomes - Bissau ( OFFICIAL VIDEO )
Artiste : AMERICO GOMES Titre : Bissau Cadrage : Rodney Montage & Réalisation : REC Night CONTACT REALISATEUR : therecnight@gmail.com....
Artiste : AMERICO GOMES Titre : Bissau Cadrage : Rodney Montage & Réalisation : REC Night CONTACT REALISATEUR : therecnight@gmail.com.
wn.com/Americo Gomes Bissau ( Official Video )
Artiste : AMERICO GOMES Titre : Bissau Cadrage : Rodney Montage & Réalisation : REC Night CONTACT REALISATEUR : therecnight@gmail.com.
- published: 13 Dec 2011
- views: 370883
author: TheRecnight
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau (1)
This footage was recorded in March 2012. From city center up to Somec, our base camp situated in the area of Bairo Militar. Distance is about 7 km. You're se......
This footage was recorded in March 2012. From city center up to Somec, our base camp situated in the area of Bairo Militar. Distance is about 7 km. You're se...
wn.com/Bissau, Guinea Bissau (1)
This footage was recorded in March 2012. From city center up to Somec, our base camp situated in the area of Bairo Militar. Distance is about 7 km. You're se...
A Revolta dos Mais Velhos (Guiné Bissau, 1998/99)
Guerra civil na Guiné-Bissau. As razões da revolta expressas pelos cinco comandantes do cerco a Bissau: Tagma Na Way, Bubo Na Tchuto, Bidom Na Montche, Lassa......
Guerra civil na Guiné-Bissau. As razões da revolta expressas pelos cinco comandantes do cerco a Bissau: Tagma Na Way, Bubo Na Tchuto, Bidom Na Montche, Lassa...
wn.com/A Revolta Dos Mais Velhos (Guiné Bissau, 1998 99)
Guerra civil na Guiné-Bissau. As razões da revolta expressas pelos cinco comandantes do cerco a Bissau: Tagma Na Way, Bubo Na Tchuto, Bidom Na Montche, Lassa...
Miss Guiné-Bissau Portugal 2015 | Momentos | 5ª Gala
wn.com/Miss Guiné Bissau Portugal 2015 | Momentos | 5ª Gala
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 1214
ABM STARS3 Guine-Bissau
clips da nova geração Guiné-Bissau, 2014 um dos melhores artista da nova geração da guiné-bissau no ano 2014...
clips da nova geração Guiné-Bissau, 2014 um dos melhores artista da nova geração da guiné-bissau no ano 2014
wn.com/Abm Stars3 Guine Bissau
clips da nova geração Guiné-Bissau, 2014 um dos melhores artista da nova geração da guiné-bissau no ano 2014
- published: 28 Nov 2014
- views: 0
wn.com/Dj Six Mix G Bissau
- published: 28 May 2015
- views: 227
Guinea Bissau CARNAVAL (trailer)
trailer k dokumentárnímu filmu o tradičním guinejském karnevalu (Guinea Bissau CARNAVAL, 25 min.)...
trailer k dokumentárnímu filmu o tradičním guinejském karnevalu (Guinea Bissau CARNAVAL, 25 min.)
wn.com/Guinea Bissau Carnaval (Trailer)
trailer k dokumentárnímu filmu o tradičním guinejském karnevalu (Guinea Bissau CARNAVAL, 25 min.)
- published: 27 Dec 2013
- views: 35544
author: TheJiriPO
DTM Concert Guinee Bissau
DTM Conert Guinee Bissau 2014...
DTM Conert Guinee Bissau 2014
wn.com/Dtm Concert Guinee Bissau
DTM Conert Guinee Bissau 2014
- published: 26 Mar 2015
- views: 728
from " PSYCHEDELIC SANZA 1982-1984" comp
MORE INFOS and BUY: http://www.bornbadrecords.net/releases/1260/...
from " PSYCHEDELIC SANZA 1982-1984" comp
MORE INFOS and BUY: http://www.bornbadrecords.net/releases/1260/
wn.com/Francis Bebey Bissau
from " PSYCHEDELIC SANZA 1982-1984" comp
MORE INFOS and BUY: http://www.bornbadrecords.net/releases/1260/
- published: 24 Sep 2014
- views: 926
Guinea Bissau's government forces came under heavy attack from rebels on Sunday in some of the heaviest fighting since a military faction mutini...
Guinea Bissau's government forces came under heavy attack from rebels on Sunday in some of the heaviest fighting since a military faction mutinied a month ago.
The government forces have been backed up by troops from neighboring Senegal.
Rumours that 1-thousand new Senegalese troops had been dispatched to the area inspired the rebel forces to launch their biggest offensive yet, attacking government forces in the north of the city.
The fighting in Guinea Bissau began on June 7 with a coup attempt in the capital, Bissau, by former army chief of staff Brigadier Ansumane Mane, who accuses President Vieira of corruption and says he should resign.
The rebel forces are determined to win on this front, which lies to the North of the capital, and controls the route to the airport.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"We are so confident that we will conquer them , we are preparing, preparing some means to attack them and when we launch an attack we have to head up the city. There is no stop."
SUPER CAPTION: Major Almane Alan Camara, Rebel Officer
Rebel troops find many bodies in the area - a result of the heavy mortar fire from both sides.
But any soldier for the government is left in the jungle to rot.
The rebels attitude is apparently different when it comes to civilian deaths.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/1530d0749f20fa9fd9a03490e3313f6a
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Guinea Bissau Government Forces Attacked By Rebels
Guinea Bissau's government forces came under heavy attack from rebels on Sunday in some of the heaviest fighting since a military faction mutinied a month ago.
The government forces have been backed up by troops from neighboring Senegal.
Rumours that 1-thousand new Senegalese troops had been dispatched to the area inspired the rebel forces to launch their biggest offensive yet, attacking government forces in the north of the city.
The fighting in Guinea Bissau began on June 7 with a coup attempt in the capital, Bissau, by former army chief of staff Brigadier Ansumane Mane, who accuses President Vieira of corruption and says he should resign.
The rebel forces are determined to win on this front, which lies to the North of the capital, and controls the route to the airport.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"We are so confident that we will conquer them , we are preparing, preparing some means to attack them and when we launch an attack we have to head up the city. There is no stop."
SUPER CAPTION: Major Almane Alan Camara, Rebel Officer
Rebel troops find many bodies in the area - a result of the heavy mortar fire from both sides.
But any soldier for the government is left in the jungle to rot.
The rebels attitude is apparently different when it comes to civilian deaths.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/1530d0749f20fa9fd9a03490e3313f6a
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 1
viaje a Guinea Bissau 2013
Reportaje sobre el viaje a Guinea Bissau organizado por SODEPAZ en octubre de 2013...
Reportaje sobre el viaje a Guinea Bissau organizado por SODEPAZ en octubre de 2013
wn.com/Viaje A Guinea Bissau 2013
Reportaje sobre el viaje a Guinea Bissau organizado por SODEPAZ en octubre de 2013
- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 12850
wn.com/Guine Bissau B Star Ft Makaveli Rap I Assim
STPtv - Miss Guiné-Bissau
Subscreva o canal STPtv: http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv
Siga-nos no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STPtv
Apresentadora: Abigail Tiny ...
Subscreva o canal STPtv: http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv
Siga-nos no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STPtv
Apresentadora: Abigail Tiny Cosme
Sophie Baessa - organização Miss Guiné-Bissau
Rubiato Namajo - Miss Guiné-Bissau
Miss Guiné Bissau Portugal é um concurso de beleza anual, onde se elege a mais bela guineense a residir em Portugal. A vencedora deste ano está hoje na STPtv para conversar com Abigail Tiny Cosme sobre as perspectivas de um futuro enquanto representante do seu país!
00:26 - Reportagem "Miss Guiné-Bissau"
00:39 - Conversa com as convidadas
22:02 - Reportagem "Lusofonia em Londres"
25:46 - Conversa com as convidadas
40:19 - Mensagem das convidadas para casa
41:34 - Agenda STPtv
42:39 - Episódio de Humor "Nós Por Cá"
Subscreva o canal STPtv:http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv
Siga-nos no Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/STPtv
Um projeto inovador com várias emissões semanais dedicadas ao Entretenimento, Informação, Música e Humor, com enfoque na atualidade de S. Tomé e Príncipe e dos PALOP em geral.
2ªs e 4ªs-feiras | 12h
Abigail Tiny Cosme recebe artistas, escritores, músicos e outras figuras de destaque das mais variadas áreas e conduz uma emissão esclarecedora e dinâmica.
Sábados | 18h
A Informação de referência é também imagem de marca da STPtv. Os principais temas da atualidade estão em cima da mesa com o apresentador Abílio Neto e o comentador Patrice Trovoada, ex-primeiro-ministro de S. Tomé e Príncipe.
6ªs feiras e domingos | 20h
A Música marca igualmente presença neste canal, com actuações especiais e exclusivas de músicos lusófonos.
A STPtv é um projecto da Companhia de Ideias, a principal produtora portuguesa de conteúdos para os PALOP através da RTP África.
Direitos de Propriedade
Todos os conteúdos do canal www.youtube.com/Canalstptv, designadamente design, logotipo, genérico e grafismos, textos, fotografias, imagens, reportagens e rubricas, encontram-se protegidos por Direitos de Autor e Direitos Conexos, não podendo ser utilizados fora da STPtv sem o prévio consentimento escrito da mesma.
Sem prejuízo do acima disposto, o utilizador pode descarregar ou copiar os conteúdos do canal www.youtube.com/Canalstptv estritamente para seu uso pessoal.
É expressamente proibida a utilização de quaisquer conteúdos da STPtv para fins ilegais ou que possam ser considerados como lesivos do bom nome, imagem e reputação da STPtv.
A STPtv reserva-se o direito de agir judicialmente contra os autores de qualquer cópia, reprodução ou outra utilização não autorizada do conteúdo do canal www.youtube.com/Canalstptv.
wn.com/Stptv Miss Guiné Bissau
Subscreva o canal STPtv: http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv
Siga-nos no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STPtv
Apresentadora: Abigail Tiny Cosme
Sophie Baessa - organização Miss Guiné-Bissau
Rubiato Namajo - Miss Guiné-Bissau
Miss Guiné Bissau Portugal é um concurso de beleza anual, onde se elege a mais bela guineense a residir em Portugal. A vencedora deste ano está hoje na STPtv para conversar com Abigail Tiny Cosme sobre as perspectivas de um futuro enquanto representante do seu país!
00:26 - Reportagem "Miss Guiné-Bissau"
00:39 - Conversa com as convidadas
22:02 - Reportagem "Lusofonia em Londres"
25:46 - Conversa com as convidadas
40:19 - Mensagem das convidadas para casa
41:34 - Agenda STPtv
42:39 - Episódio de Humor "Nós Por Cá"
Subscreva o canal STPtv:http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv
Siga-nos no Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/STPtv
Um projeto inovador com várias emissões semanais dedicadas ao Entretenimento, Informação, Música e Humor, com enfoque na atualidade de S. Tomé e Príncipe e dos PALOP em geral.
2ªs e 4ªs-feiras | 12h
Abigail Tiny Cosme recebe artistas, escritores, músicos e outras figuras de destaque das mais variadas áreas e conduz uma emissão esclarecedora e dinâmica.
Sábados | 18h
A Informação de referência é também imagem de marca da STPtv. Os principais temas da atualidade estão em cima da mesa com o apresentador Abílio Neto e o comentador Patrice Trovoada, ex-primeiro-ministro de S. Tomé e Príncipe.
6ªs feiras e domingos | 20h
A Música marca igualmente presença neste canal, com actuações especiais e exclusivas de músicos lusófonos.
A STPtv é um projecto da Companhia de Ideias, a principal produtora portuguesa de conteúdos para os PALOP através da RTP África.
Direitos de Propriedade
Todos os conteúdos do canal www.youtube.com/Canalstptv, designadamente design, logotipo, genérico e grafismos, textos, fotografias, imagens, reportagens e rubricas, encontram-se protegidos por Direitos de Autor e Direitos Conexos, não podendo ser utilizados fora da STPtv sem o prévio consentimento escrito da mesma.
Sem prejuízo do acima disposto, o utilizador pode descarregar ou copiar os conteúdos do canal www.youtube.com/Canalstptv estritamente para seu uso pessoal.
É expressamente proibida a utilização de quaisquer conteúdos da STPtv para fins ilegais ou que possam ser considerados como lesivos do bom nome, imagem e reputação da STPtv.
A STPtv reserva-se o direito de agir judicialmente contra os autores de qualquer cópia, reprodução ou outra utilização não autorizada do conteúdo do canal www.youtube.com/Canalstptv.
- published: 27 Oct 2014
- views: 317
Mesa Redonda: Discurso do PR José Mário Vaz, da Guiné-Bissau
Mesa Redonda de Bruxelas: Discurso do PR José Mário Vaz, da Guiné-Bissau, durante a cerimónia de abertura da mesa redonda da Guiné-Bissau com os seus parceiros ...
Mesa Redonda de Bruxelas: Discurso do PR José Mário Vaz, da Guiné-Bissau, durante a cerimónia de abertura da mesa redonda da Guiné-Bissau com os seus parceiros internacionais e doadores.
25 de Março de 2015
wn.com/Mesa Redonda Discurso Do Pr José Mário Vaz, Da Guiné Bissau
Mesa Redonda de Bruxelas: Discurso do PR José Mário Vaz, da Guiné-Bissau, durante a cerimónia de abertura da mesa redonda da Guiné-Bissau com os seus parceiros internacionais e doadores.
25 de Março de 2015
- published: 27 Mar 2015
- views: 5
STPtv - Guiné - Bissau : Novo Futuro
Subscreva o canal STPtv:http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv Siga-nos no Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/STPtv GUINÉ-BISSAU: NOVO FUTURO Apresentador: Abílio ......
Subscreva o canal STPtv:http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv Siga-nos no Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/STPtv GUINÉ-BISSAU: NOVO FUTURO Apresentador: Abílio ...
wn.com/Stptv Guiné Bissau Novo Futuro
Subscreva o canal STPtv:http://www.youtube.com/Canalstptv Siga-nos no Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/STPtv GUINÉ-BISSAU: NOVO FUTURO Apresentador: Abílio ...
- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 3805
author: STPtv
Visit Guinea-Bissau - Brought to you by Tour Advisor TV
Tourism videos from around the world for more info on World travel visit our website. www.touradvi...
Beautiful Guinea-Bissau Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide
Beautiful Guinea-Bissau Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide http://www.hotels-aroundtheglobe.info/en/Guinea-Bissau/ Guinea-Bissau hotels Gui...
DNS2013 Africa travel 4 part - Guinea-Bissau
Getting to Guinea-Bissau from Senegal
On Day 19 I finally leave the country of Senegal and make my way to Guinea-Bissau, a country that just got over a military coup 4 months prior and has no int...
On island Bubaque in Guinea-Bissau
Study travel to Africa On island Bubaque in Guinea-Bissau By students DNS2012 Eduardo Girbal Egle Simukenaite DNS - The Necessary Teacher Training College ww...
A Grand Procession. More Travel Scenes from Guinea Bissau, West Africa
More great classic video from my travel's in Bissau -Guinea Bissau ,West Africa- 1996- Showcases the diverse tribal culture's in how they represent their traditions in celebration of their ancestry & roots in their society. If you enjoy my archives subscribe and tell your friend- welcome to my vlog.To read more of my life in West Africa, please visit my blog:
DNS2013 Africa travel 5 part - Guinea-Bissau, tree planting
Getting a Visa for Guinea-Bissau in Senegal
On day 17 of "It's My Life 365" I have my first experience with the famous visa procedures of Africa. Nearly every country you enter you need to get a visa, ...
Senegal Travel Doc Part 01
Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country south of the Sénégal River in western Africa. Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west,...
Senegal Travel Doc Part 07
Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country south of the Sénégal River in western Africa. Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west,...
Carnival in Guinea Bissau - West Africa
http://jspinwestafrica.blogspot.com/ http://sambalivesinafrica.blogspot.com/ Guinea Bissau- West Africa I shot this documentary in 1997. A gift for the peopl...
Chile (South-America) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 4.131 Hotels in Chile - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/MCQoOI
Travel video about destination Chile.
Chile was given its name by the Incas who respectfully called it Chili, ‘the country in the south’. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and th
Porto, Portugal Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Porto, also known as Oporto in English, is the second-largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, and one of the major urban areas in Southern Europe and the capital of the second major great urban area in Portugal. Located along the Douro river estuary in northern Portugal, Porto is one of the oldest European centres, and registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996
Guinea-Bissau motorcycle trip - mad nomad
Η μικρή κι άγνωστη Γουινέα-Μπισάου, με το πορτογαλικό αποικιακό της παρελθόν, διαφέρει από τις γειτονικές της χώρες. Για πρώτη φορά στην Αφρική μέναμε σε πόλ...
Sex in Africa (part 5): prostitution
We know the story of Ada, a girl of 27 who are engaged in prostitution. A past of poverty led her to leave her family in search of a better future. He curren...
Guinea-Bissau Music and Images
Guinea-Bissau is the 69th country in my music/travel series.
Travel Guide: Nirwana Gardens at Bintan Resorts
Escape to Nirwana Gardens and you will be pleasantly spoilt for choice. Nirwana Gardens serves up a heady concoction of five different holiday experiences on the north-western coast of Bintan Island.
Spanning 330 hectares of lush tropical land and powder-soft beaches, Nirwana Gardens is a truly complete resort destination for you, your family, loved ones and friends.
Nirwana Gardens at Bintan Re
Top 10 Largest Cities or Towns of Guinea-Bissau
Thanks for watching....
1. Bissau
2. Bafatá
3. Gabú
4. Bissorã
5. Bolama
6. Cacheu
7. Bubaque
8. Catió
9. Mansôa
10. Buba
Guinea-Bissau, officially the Republic of Guinea-Bissau Listeni/ˈɡɪni bɪˈsaʊ/, gi-nee-bi-sow, (Portuguese: República da Guiné-Bissau, pronounced: [ʁeˈpublikɐ dɐ ɡiˈnɛ biˈsaw]), is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Senegal to the north and Guinea to the south and east
Guinea Bissau Video
Aquitaine Travel Guide
Aquitaine Travel Guide - Bordered along the whole of its west coast by the Atlantic Ocean, Aquitaine is bathed in a mild oceanic climate with the influence of the Gulf Stream.
The 2,200 sunshine hours per year make the Bordeaux region similar to the Mediterranean. Along with rainfall that is well distributed over the year, this sunshine is one of the elements which favour vine-growing in Aquitai
Mauritius Travel Guide, travel tips and travel attractions
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Mauritius Travel Guide http://bit.ly/17PLixt Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Mauritius, a ...
Female Sex Tourism (Full Documentary) Video !
Female Sex Tourism (Full Documentary) Video !
Many Caribbean countries are seeing a rise in sex tourism, especially female sex tourism, and the Dominican Republic is no exception. It is estimated that anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 women work in the sex trade in the Dominican Republic, and many cross over from Haiti as well. Prostitution is not illegal in the Dominican Republic, although sex with
Take a behind the scenes peek into the lives of liner crew members and discover the pleasures of a life spent at sea.
Stopover will take you on prodigious trips across the most marvelous oceans and rivers of the world. Travel with us as we explore not just the waters of the world, but also the mythical cruise ships, legendary liners, magnificent sailboats and fascinating traditional vessels that
Visit Guinea-Bissau - Brought to you by Tour Advisor TV
Tourism videos from around the world for more info on World travel visit our website. www.touradvi......
Tourism videos from around the world for more info on World travel visit our website. www.touradvi...
wn.com/Visit Guinea Bissau Brought To You By Tour Advisor Tv
Tourism videos from around the world for more info on World travel visit our website. www.touradvi...
Beautiful Guinea-Bissau Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide
Beautiful Guinea-Bissau Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide http://www.hotels-aroundtheglobe.info/en/Guinea-Bissau/ Guinea-Bissau hotels Gui......
Beautiful Guinea-Bissau Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide http://www.hotels-aroundtheglobe.info/en/Guinea-Bissau/ Guinea-Bissau hotels Gui...
wn.com/Beautiful Guinea Bissau Landscape Hotels Accommodation Yacht Charter Guide
Beautiful Guinea-Bissau Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide http://www.hotels-aroundtheglobe.info/en/Guinea-Bissau/ Guinea-Bissau hotels Gui...
Getting to Guinea-Bissau from Senegal
On Day 19 I finally leave the country of Senegal and make my way to Guinea-Bissau, a country that just got over a military coup 4 months prior and has no int......
On Day 19 I finally leave the country of Senegal and make my way to Guinea-Bissau, a country that just got over a military coup 4 months prior and has no int...
wn.com/Getting To Guinea Bissau From Senegal
On Day 19 I finally leave the country of Senegal and make my way to Guinea-Bissau, a country that just got over a military coup 4 months prior and has no int...
On island Bubaque in Guinea-Bissau
Study travel to Africa On island Bubaque in Guinea-Bissau By students DNS2012 Eduardo Girbal Egle Simukenaite DNS - The Necessary Teacher Training College ww......
Study travel to Africa On island Bubaque in Guinea-Bissau By students DNS2012 Eduardo Girbal Egle Simukenaite DNS - The Necessary Teacher Training College ww...
wn.com/On Island Bubaque In Guinea Bissau
Study travel to Africa On island Bubaque in Guinea-Bissau By students DNS2012 Eduardo Girbal Egle Simukenaite DNS - The Necessary Teacher Training College ww...
- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 1204
author: Egle Sim
A Grand Procession. More Travel Scenes from Guinea Bissau, West Africa
More great classic video from my travel's in Bissau -Guinea Bissau ,West Africa- 1996- Showcases the diverse tribal culture's in how they represent their tradit...
More great classic video from my travel's in Bissau -Guinea Bissau ,West Africa- 1996- Showcases the diverse tribal culture's in how they represent their traditions in celebration of their ancestry & roots in their society. If you enjoy my archives subscribe and tell your friend- welcome to my vlog.To read more of my life in West Africa, please visit my blog:
wn.com/A Grand Procession. More Travel Scenes From Guinea Bissau, West Africa
More great classic video from my travel's in Bissau -Guinea Bissau ,West Africa- 1996- Showcases the diverse tribal culture's in how they represent their traditions in celebration of their ancestry & roots in their society. If you enjoy my archives subscribe and tell your friend- welcome to my vlog.To read more of my life in West Africa, please visit my blog:
- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 568
Getting a Visa for Guinea-Bissau in Senegal
On day 17 of "It's My Life 365" I have my first experience with the famous visa procedures of Africa. Nearly every country you enter you need to get a visa, ......
On day 17 of "It's My Life 365" I have my first experience with the famous visa procedures of Africa. Nearly every country you enter you need to get a visa, ...
wn.com/Getting A Visa For Guinea Bissau In Senegal
On day 17 of "It's My Life 365" I have my first experience with the famous visa procedures of Africa. Nearly every country you enter you need to get a visa, ...
Senegal Travel Doc Part 01
Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country south of the Sénégal River in western Africa. Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west,......
Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country south of the Sénégal River in western Africa. Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west,...
wn.com/Senegal Travel Doc Part 01
Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country south of the Sénégal River in western Africa. Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west,...
Senegal Travel Doc Part 07
Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country south of the Sénégal River in western Africa. Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west,......
Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country south of the Sénégal River in western Africa. Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west,...
wn.com/Senegal Travel Doc Part 07
Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country south of the Sénégal River in western Africa. Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west,...
Carnival in Guinea Bissau - West Africa
http://jspinwestafrica.blogspot.com/ http://sambalivesinafrica.blogspot.com/ Guinea Bissau- West Africa I shot this documentary in 1997. A gift for the peopl......
http://jspinwestafrica.blogspot.com/ http://sambalivesinafrica.blogspot.com/ Guinea Bissau- West Africa I shot this documentary in 1997. A gift for the peopl...
wn.com/Carnival In Guinea Bissau West Africa
http://jspinwestafrica.blogspot.com/ http://sambalivesinafrica.blogspot.com/ Guinea Bissau- West Africa I shot this documentary in 1997. A gift for the peopl...
- published: 06 Mar 2009
- views: 20485
author: Joel Samuel
Chile (South-America) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 4.131 Hotels in Chile - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/MCQoOI
Travel video about destination Chile.
Chile was given its name by the Incas who respect...
✱ 4.131 Hotels in Chile - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/MCQoOI
Travel video about destination Chile.
Chile was given its name by the Incas who respectfully called it Chili, ‘the country in the south’. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The city of Valparaiso or, Paradise Valley, is around a hundred and twenty kilometres from the capital of Santiago De Chile on the Pacific coast. The city’s development was closely connected with its harbour which brought it wealth and power. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, escalators have rattled up and down the steep hills of the harbour city with forty five hills flanking the bay, each of them covered with a number of tiny wooden huts. Only a short journey on a gravel road and the Atacama Desert begins. At its centre it is the driest desert in the world where the forces of nature have turned it into an extraordinary landscape. The Atacama extends between the Pacific Ocean and the Cordilleras, an area of stone and sand that is perforated only by various frequently dried out salt lakes. For those ships that sailed around Cape Horn, Ancud represented a safe harbour on the journey north in which they could rest after sailing the stormy waters of the South Pacific. At a time when whales and seals were hunted in the Antarctic, Ancud served as a supply station along the route to the southern Polar sea. From the Atacama Desert in the north to as far as the stormy Tierra Del Fuego in the south, Chile is a country rich in contrast. Volcanoes, arid deserts, salt lakes, lively geysers, sandstone mountains and a cosmopolitan city. All of this is to be found in Chile, a country at the end of the world!
wn.com/Chile (South America) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 4.131 Hotels in Chile - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/MCQoOI
Travel video about destination Chile.
Chile was given its name by the Incas who respectfully called it Chili, ‘the country in the south’. Santiago De Chile, the capital of Chile, is dignified, modest and European-looking and also lively, modern and full of Latin temperament. The Plaza De Armas is the heart of the city and the historic centre of colonial Santiago that contains the city’s most important buildings. The city of Valparaiso or, Paradise Valley, is around a hundred and twenty kilometres from the capital of Santiago De Chile on the Pacific coast. The city’s development was closely connected with its harbour which brought it wealth and power. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, escalators have rattled up and down the steep hills of the harbour city with forty five hills flanking the bay, each of them covered with a number of tiny wooden huts. Only a short journey on a gravel road and the Atacama Desert begins. At its centre it is the driest desert in the world where the forces of nature have turned it into an extraordinary landscape. The Atacama extends between the Pacific Ocean and the Cordilleras, an area of stone and sand that is perforated only by various frequently dried out salt lakes. For those ships that sailed around Cape Horn, Ancud represented a safe harbour on the journey north in which they could rest after sailing the stormy waters of the South Pacific. At a time when whales and seals were hunted in the Antarctic, Ancud served as a supply station along the route to the southern Polar sea. From the Atacama Desert in the north to as far as the stormy Tierra Del Fuego in the south, Chile is a country rich in contrast. Volcanoes, arid deserts, salt lakes, lively geysers, sandstone mountains and a cosmopolitan city. All of this is to be found in Chile, a country at the end of the world!
- published: 11 Feb 2014
- views: 150959
Porto, Portugal Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Porto, also known as Oporto in English, is the second-largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, and one of the major urban areas in Sout...
Porto, also known as Oporto in English, is the second-largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, and one of the major urban areas in Southern Europe and the capital of the second major great urban area in Portugal. Located along the Douro river estuary in northern Portugal, Porto is one of the oldest European centres, and registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996.
The most important places to visit in Porto are: Casa da Musica, Estadio do Dragao, Foz do Douro, Serralves Foundation and Museum, Igreja de Sao Francisco, National Museum Soares dos Reis, Palacio da Bolsa, Porto Cathedral, Teatro Nacional Sao Joao, Port Wine Caves and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Porto travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Porto, Portugal Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Porto, also known as Oporto in English, is the second-largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, and one of the major urban areas in Southern Europe and the capital of the second major great urban area in Portugal. Located along the Douro river estuary in northern Portugal, Porto is one of the oldest European centres, and registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996.
The most important places to visit in Porto are: Casa da Musica, Estadio do Dragao, Foz do Douro, Serralves Foundation and Museum, Igreja de Sao Francisco, National Museum Soares dos Reis, Palacio da Bolsa, Porto Cathedral, Teatro Nacional Sao Joao, Port Wine Caves and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Porto travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 15 Aug 2013
- views: 40513
Guinea-Bissau motorcycle trip - mad nomad
Η μικρή κι άγνωστη Γουινέα-Μπισάου, με το πορτογαλικό αποικιακό της παρελθόν, διαφέρει από τις γειτονικές της χώρες. Για πρώτη φορά στην Αφρική μέναμε σε πόλ......
Η μικρή κι άγνωστη Γουινέα-Μπισάου, με το πορτογαλικό αποικιακό της παρελθόν, διαφέρει από τις γειτονικές της χώρες. Για πρώτη φορά στην Αφρική μέναμε σε πόλ...
wn.com/Guinea Bissau Motorcycle Trip Mad Nomad
Η μικρή κι άγνωστη Γουινέα-Μπισάου, με το πορτογαλικό αποικιακό της παρελθόν, διαφέρει από τις γειτονικές της χώρες. Για πρώτη φορά στην Αφρική μέναμε σε πόλ...
- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 1680
author: mad nomad
Sex in Africa (part 5): prostitution
We know the story of Ada, a girl of 27 who are engaged in prostitution. A past of poverty led her to leave her family in search of a better future. He curren......
We know the story of Ada, a girl of 27 who are engaged in prostitution. A past of poverty led her to leave her family in search of a better future. He curren...
wn.com/Sex In Africa (Part 5) Prostitution
We know the story of Ada, a girl of 27 who are engaged in prostitution. A past of poverty led her to leave her family in search of a better future. He curren...
Guinea-Bissau Music and Images
Guinea-Bissau is the 69th country in my music/travel series....
Guinea-Bissau is the 69th country in my music/travel series.
wn.com/Guinea Bissau Music And Images
Guinea-Bissau is the 69th country in my music/travel series.
- published: 02 May 2009
- views: 44018
author: cre8ivmind
Travel Guide: Nirwana Gardens at Bintan Resorts
Escape to Nirwana Gardens and you will be pleasantly spoilt for choice. Nirwana Gardens serves up a heady concoction of five different holiday experiences on th...
Escape to Nirwana Gardens and you will be pleasantly spoilt for choice. Nirwana Gardens serves up a heady concoction of five different holiday experiences on the north-western coast of Bintan Island.
Spanning 330 hectares of lush tropical land and powder-soft beaches, Nirwana Gardens is a truly complete resort destination for you, your family, loved ones and friends.
Nirwana Gardens at Bintan Resorts is a truly complete resort destination for you, your family, loved ones and friends. Even getting there is easy – via a 55 minute ride on fast speed catamaran from the Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal in Singapore, followed by coach transfer from the ferry terminal to the resort grounds. Give yourself a treat today and have a taste of heavenly bliss at Nirwana Gardens.
Route from Jakarta: Via Batam by boat or Kepulauan Riau by car.
See more photos: http://jakve.nu/NirwanaGardens
Produced by Andhika Zulkarnaen
Video by Erlangga Primaputra
Edited by Emir Al Kautsar
This Journey supported by Nirwana Gardens and JakartaVenue.com
Nirwana Gardens
Jalan Panglima Pantar, Lagoi 29155
Bintan Resorts, Indonesia
wn.com/Travel Guide Nirwana Gardens At Bintan Resorts
Escape to Nirwana Gardens and you will be pleasantly spoilt for choice. Nirwana Gardens serves up a heady concoction of five different holiday experiences on the north-western coast of Bintan Island.
Spanning 330 hectares of lush tropical land and powder-soft beaches, Nirwana Gardens is a truly complete resort destination for you, your family, loved ones and friends.
Nirwana Gardens at Bintan Resorts is a truly complete resort destination for you, your family, loved ones and friends. Even getting there is easy – via a 55 minute ride on fast speed catamaran from the Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal in Singapore, followed by coach transfer from the ferry terminal to the resort grounds. Give yourself a treat today and have a taste of heavenly bliss at Nirwana Gardens.
Route from Jakarta: Via Batam by boat or Kepulauan Riau by car.
See more photos: http://jakve.nu/NirwanaGardens
Produced by Andhika Zulkarnaen
Video by Erlangga Primaputra
Edited by Emir Al Kautsar
This Journey supported by Nirwana Gardens and JakartaVenue.com
Nirwana Gardens
Jalan Panglima Pantar, Lagoi 29155
Bintan Resorts, Indonesia
- published: 11 Feb 2015
- views: 99
Top 10 Largest Cities or Towns of Guinea-Bissau
Thanks for watching....
1. Bissau
2. Bafatá
3. Gabú
4. Bissorã
5. Bolama
6. Cacheu
7. Bubaque
8. Catió
9. Mansôa
10. Buba
Guinea-Bissau, officially the Republi...
Thanks for watching....
1. Bissau
2. Bafatá
3. Gabú
4. Bissorã
5. Bolama
6. Cacheu
7. Bubaque
8. Catió
9. Mansôa
10. Buba
Guinea-Bissau, officially the Republic of Guinea-Bissau Listeni/ˈɡɪni bɪˈsaʊ/, gi-nee-bi-sow, (Portuguese: República da Guiné-Bissau, pronounced: [ʁeˈpublikɐ dɐ ɡiˈnɛ biˈsaw]), is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Senegal to the north and Guinea to the south and east, with the Atlantic Ocean to its west. It covers 36,125 km² (nearly 14,000 sq mi) with an estimated population of 1,600,000.
Guinea-Bissau was once part of the kingdom of Gabu, as well as part of the Mali Empire. Parts of this kingdom persisted until the 18th century, while a few others were under some rule by the Portuguese Empire since the 16th century. In the 19th century, it was colonized as Portuguese Guinea. Upon independence, declared in 1973 and recognised in 1974, the name of its capital, Bissau, was added to the country's name to prevent confusion with Guinea (formerly French Guinea). Guinea-Bissau has a history of political instability since independence, and no elected president has successfully served a full five-year term.
On the evening of 12 April 2012, members of the country's military staged a coup d'état and arrested the interim president and a leading presidential candidate. Former vice chief of staff, General Mamadu Ture Kuruma, assumed control of the country in the transitional period and started negotiations with opposition parties.
Only 14% of the population speaks Portuguese, established as the official language in the colonial period. Almost half the population (44%) speaks Crioulo, a Portuguese-based creole language, and the remainder speak a variety of native African languages. The main religions are African traditional religions and Islam; there is a Christian (mostly Roman Catholic) minority. The country's per-capita gross domestic product is one of the lowest in the world.
Guinea-Bissau is a member of the African Union, Economic Community of West African States, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Latin Union, Community of Portuguese Language Countries, La Francophonie and the South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone.
Guinea-Bissau was once part of the kingdom of Gabu, part of the Mali Empire; parts of this kingdom persisted until the 18th century. Other parts of the territory in the current country were considered by the Portuguese as part of their empire.[8] Portuguese Guinea was known as the Slave Coast, as it was a major area for the exportation of African slaves by Europeans to the western hemisphere. Previously slaves had been traded by Arabs north to the northern part of Africa and into the Middle East.
Early reports of Europeans reaching this area include those of the Venetian Alvise Cadamosto's voyage of 1455, the 1479–1480 voyage by Flemish-French trader Eustache de la Fosse, and Diogo Cão. In the 1480s this Portuguese explorer reached the Congo River and the lands of Bakongo, setting up the foundations of modern Angola, some 4200 km down the African coast from Guinea-Bissau.
Although the rivers and coast of this area were among the first places colonized by the Portuguese, who set up trading posts in the 16th century, they did not explore the interior until the 19th century. The local African rulers in Guinea, some of whom prospered greatly from the slave trade, controlled the inland trade and did not allow the Europeans into the interior. They kept them in the fortified coastal settlements where the trading took place. African communities that fought back against slave traders also distrusted European adventurers and would-be settlers. The Portuguese in Guinea were largely restricted to the port of Bissau and Cacheu. Some few, independent European farmer-settlers established isolated farms along Bissau's inland rivers.
For a brief period in the 1790s, the British tried to establish a rival foothold on an offshore island, at Bolama. But by the 19th century the Portuguese were sufficiently secure in Bissau to regard the neighbouring coastline as their own special territory, also up north in part of present South Senegal.
wn.com/Top 10 Largest Cities Or Towns Of Guinea Bissau
Thanks for watching....
1. Bissau
2. Bafatá
3. Gabú
4. Bissorã
5. Bolama
6. Cacheu
7. Bubaque
8. Catió
9. Mansôa
10. Buba
Guinea-Bissau, officially the Republic of Guinea-Bissau Listeni/ˈɡɪni bɪˈsaʊ/, gi-nee-bi-sow, (Portuguese: República da Guiné-Bissau, pronounced: [ʁeˈpublikɐ dɐ ɡiˈnɛ biˈsaw]), is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Senegal to the north and Guinea to the south and east, with the Atlantic Ocean to its west. It covers 36,125 km² (nearly 14,000 sq mi) with an estimated population of 1,600,000.
Guinea-Bissau was once part of the kingdom of Gabu, as well as part of the Mali Empire. Parts of this kingdom persisted until the 18th century, while a few others were under some rule by the Portuguese Empire since the 16th century. In the 19th century, it was colonized as Portuguese Guinea. Upon independence, declared in 1973 and recognised in 1974, the name of its capital, Bissau, was added to the country's name to prevent confusion with Guinea (formerly French Guinea). Guinea-Bissau has a history of political instability since independence, and no elected president has successfully served a full five-year term.
On the evening of 12 April 2012, members of the country's military staged a coup d'état and arrested the interim president and a leading presidential candidate. Former vice chief of staff, General Mamadu Ture Kuruma, assumed control of the country in the transitional period and started negotiations with opposition parties.
Only 14% of the population speaks Portuguese, established as the official language in the colonial period. Almost half the population (44%) speaks Crioulo, a Portuguese-based creole language, and the remainder speak a variety of native African languages. The main religions are African traditional religions and Islam; there is a Christian (mostly Roman Catholic) minority. The country's per-capita gross domestic product is one of the lowest in the world.
Guinea-Bissau is a member of the African Union, Economic Community of West African States, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Latin Union, Community of Portuguese Language Countries, La Francophonie and the South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone.
Guinea-Bissau was once part of the kingdom of Gabu, part of the Mali Empire; parts of this kingdom persisted until the 18th century. Other parts of the territory in the current country were considered by the Portuguese as part of their empire.[8] Portuguese Guinea was known as the Slave Coast, as it was a major area for the exportation of African slaves by Europeans to the western hemisphere. Previously slaves had been traded by Arabs north to the northern part of Africa and into the Middle East.
Early reports of Europeans reaching this area include those of the Venetian Alvise Cadamosto's voyage of 1455, the 1479–1480 voyage by Flemish-French trader Eustache de la Fosse, and Diogo Cão. In the 1480s this Portuguese explorer reached the Congo River and the lands of Bakongo, setting up the foundations of modern Angola, some 4200 km down the African coast from Guinea-Bissau.
Although the rivers and coast of this area were among the first places colonized by the Portuguese, who set up trading posts in the 16th century, they did not explore the interior until the 19th century. The local African rulers in Guinea, some of whom prospered greatly from the slave trade, controlled the inland trade and did not allow the Europeans into the interior. They kept them in the fortified coastal settlements where the trading took place. African communities that fought back against slave traders also distrusted European adventurers and would-be settlers. The Portuguese in Guinea were largely restricted to the port of Bissau and Cacheu. Some few, independent European farmer-settlers established isolated farms along Bissau's inland rivers.
For a brief period in the 1790s, the British tried to establish a rival foothold on an offshore island, at Bolama. But by the 19th century the Portuguese were sufficiently secure in Bissau to regard the neighbouring coastline as their own special territory, also up north in part of present South Senegal.
- published: 09 Sep 2014
- views: 300
Aquitaine Travel Guide
Aquitaine Travel Guide - Bordered along the whole of its west coast by the Atlantic Ocean, Aquitaine is bathed in a mild oceanic climate with the influence of t...
Aquitaine Travel Guide - Bordered along the whole of its west coast by the Atlantic Ocean, Aquitaine is bathed in a mild oceanic climate with the influence of the Gulf Stream.
The 2,200 sunshine hours per year make the Bordeaux region similar to the Mediterranean. Along with rainfall that is well distributed over the year, this sunshine is one of the elements which favour vine-growing in Aquitaine.
This is the wonderful programme that awaits you in Aquitaine...
Enjoy Your Aquitaine Travel Guide!
wn.com/Aquitaine Travel Guide
Aquitaine Travel Guide - Bordered along the whole of its west coast by the Atlantic Ocean, Aquitaine is bathed in a mild oceanic climate with the influence of the Gulf Stream.
The 2,200 sunshine hours per year make the Bordeaux region similar to the Mediterranean. Along with rainfall that is well distributed over the year, this sunshine is one of the elements which favour vine-growing in Aquitaine.
This is the wonderful programme that awaits you in Aquitaine...
Enjoy Your Aquitaine Travel Guide!
- published: 03 May 2014
- views: 433
Mauritius Travel Guide, travel tips and travel attractions
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Mauritius Travel Guide http://bit.ly/17PLixt Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Mauritius, a ......
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Mauritius Travel Guide http://bit.ly/17PLixt Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Mauritius, a ...
wn.com/Mauritius Travel Guide, Travel Tips And Travel Attractions
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Mauritius Travel Guide http://bit.ly/17PLixt Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Mauritius, a ...
Female Sex Tourism (Full Documentary) Video !
Female Sex Tourism (Full Documentary) Video !
Many Caribbean countries are seeing a rise in sex tourism, especially female sex tourism, and the Dominican Republ...
Female Sex Tourism (Full Documentary) Video !
Many Caribbean countries are seeing a rise in sex tourism, especially female sex tourism, and the Dominican Republic is no exception. It is estimated that anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 women work in the sex trade in the Dominican Republic, and many cross over from Haiti as well. Prostitution is not illegal in the Dominican Republic, although sex with minors is, and sadly many of the sex workers here are minors. The country’s sex tourism trade may be so popular due to its relative accessibility from both the United States and Europe.
-------------------More video's and Subscribe channel -----------------
(1) The History Of SEX - All Over World (Documentary HD).
(2) Internet Sex Trafficking in America is massive.
(3) Pornography in Ancient Egypt's Full Documentary.
(4) How Sex Changed the World --- Full HD Documentary 2015.
(5) Female Sex Tourism (Full Documentary) Video !
(6) Why Prostitution Should be Decriminalize ?
(7) BBC -- Hidden killers of the Victorian home watch online
(8) The Myth of Sex and Porn Addiction (Full HD Documentary 2015).
(9) Sleeping Sex -- Full HD Documentary 2015
(10) What Are the Symptoms of Sex Addiction?
(11) The Science of Lust, Attraction, and Attachment video !
(12) Sex on the German Line -- Full HD Documentary video (2015)
(13) The Evolution of sexual reproduction
(14) Natural Birth Of Baby (Full HD Documentary 2015) Video !
(15) A Hundred Orgasms A Day Extraordinary People (Full HD Documentary 2015) video.
wn.com/Female Sex Tourism (Full Documentary) Video
Female Sex Tourism (Full Documentary) Video !
Many Caribbean countries are seeing a rise in sex tourism, especially female sex tourism, and the Dominican Republic is no exception. It is estimated that anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 women work in the sex trade in the Dominican Republic, and many cross over from Haiti as well. Prostitution is not illegal in the Dominican Republic, although sex with minors is, and sadly many of the sex workers here are minors. The country’s sex tourism trade may be so popular due to its relative accessibility from both the United States and Europe.
-------------------More video's and Subscribe channel -----------------
(1) The History Of SEX - All Over World (Documentary HD).
(2) Internet Sex Trafficking in America is massive.
(3) Pornography in Ancient Egypt's Full Documentary.
(4) How Sex Changed the World --- Full HD Documentary 2015.
(5) Female Sex Tourism (Full Documentary) Video !
(6) Why Prostitution Should be Decriminalize ?
(7) BBC -- Hidden killers of the Victorian home watch online
(8) The Myth of Sex and Porn Addiction (Full HD Documentary 2015).
(9) Sleeping Sex -- Full HD Documentary 2015
(10) What Are the Symptoms of Sex Addiction?
(11) The Science of Lust, Attraction, and Attachment video !
(12) Sex on the German Line -- Full HD Documentary video (2015)
(13) The Evolution of sexual reproduction
(14) Natural Birth Of Baby (Full HD Documentary 2015) Video !
(15) A Hundred Orgasms A Day Extraordinary People (Full HD Documentary 2015) video.
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 7367947
Take a behind the scenes peek into the lives of liner crew members and discover the pleasures of a life spent at sea.
Stopover will take you on prodigious trip...
Take a behind the scenes peek into the lives of liner crew members and discover the pleasures of a life spent at sea.
Stopover will take you on prodigious trips across the most marvelous oceans and rivers of the world. Travel with us as we explore not just the waters of the world, but also the mythical cruise ships, legendary liners, magnificent sailboats and fascinating traditional vessels that take us from place to place.
Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=StopovertvHD
Add us to your G+ circles: https://plus.google.com/b/115108807276381325913/115108807276381325913/posts
wn.com/Senegal Va
Take a behind the scenes peek into the lives of liner crew members and discover the pleasures of a life spent at sea.
Stopover will take you on prodigious trips across the most marvelous oceans and rivers of the world. Travel with us as we explore not just the waters of the world, but also the mythical cruise ships, legendary liners, magnificent sailboats and fascinating traditional vessels that take us from place to place.
Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=StopovertvHD
Add us to your G+ circles: https://plus.google.com/b/115108807276381325913/115108807276381325913/posts
- published: 28 Jul 2015
- views: 25