Tiraspol, Transnistria - Travel Magazín 20 (Travel Channel Slovakia)
Moldova, Transnistria 2015 - Podnestersko
A Tourist's Guide to Tiraspol, Transnstria
www.theredquest.com We take a day trip (from Chisinau, Moldova) into the breakaway republic of Transnistria to see the sights!
Trip from Tiraspol to Bender
Поїздка з центру Тирасполя в центр Бендер.
Transnistria - Blockade of Tiraspol. Special report by Anna Afanasyeva Eng Subs
Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People
source: https://youtu.be/OplLEJFwlsE
Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Voxpopulievo
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/voxpopulievo
Our LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Vox_Populi_Evo
In the world of mass media voice of the people goes largely unheard. All struggles, conflicts and worries of the people are
Tiraspol, Pridnestrovie
Tiraspol, the capital of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. 23.august 2011.
Tiraspol Transnistria Has Great Raw Food Market
This is a special market, there is more diversity of foods than almost anywhere I have visited.
To write comments that Andy reads go here: http://www.hobotraveler.com/videos/
Daily --- "The ASK ANDY SHOW"
Send questions: hoboontheroad AT yahoo.com
About Andy Lee Graham:
Tiraspol City
Tiraspol Beach City Center open in Late May Tiraspol Hostel TRANSNISTRIA
Tiraspol Hostel, tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Tel. 373-68-571-472 Tiraspol, Moldova / Transnistria! Tiraspol Hostel Email: tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Always Email...
Parade Rehearsal Tiraspol 2015
Репетиция парада Тирасполь ПМР
Tiraspol Beach Girls Summer 2015 Transnistria, Moldova
Tiraspol Beach, Tiraspol Transnistria - Moldova city center! Join us! - tiraspolhostel@gmail.com - http://www.moldovahostels.com
Touring Tiraspol Transnistria
Touring with Tiraspol Hostel
Ep. 8 - Totally Tiraspol! Motherfreakin' Transnistria!
Rick takes his first jaunt into Tiraspol, the capital of Transnistria. Along the way he meets Viteslav and Lubos, two Czechs also exploring Transnistria. Ric...
Canta cucu în Bucovina ...la liceul românesc „Lucian Blaga” Tiraspol de 1 decembrie (2015)
Așa se ține ființa națională românească în bastionul limbii române din Transnistria, la Tiraspol - liceul românesc „Lucian Blaga” Tiraspol de 1 decembrie (2015)
Credit video: prof. Raisa Pădurean
Citeste mai mult:
Moldavia Chisinau - Tiraspol 2015
Bellissima vacanza nella Capitale moldava, giro in città, cena e vino, escursione nella vicino Milestii Mici una grandissima e bellissima cantina dove è possibile ammirare milioni di bottiglie di vino e degustare un buon pranzo. Magnifica la giornata a Tiraspol nello Stato della Transnistria.
Tiraspol. Transnistria. Evening 21/05/2013.
The end of the working day. City Center. Transnistria is living a normal life and does not disturb anyone. It is necessary to recognize it as a state and be ...
Vlad Chiriches vs Sheriff Tiraspol [A] HD 720p (24/10/2013)
Another Ride on a trolleybus in Tiraspol, Transnistria
Another Ride on a trolleybus in Tiraspol, Transnistria.
█ Jeep Trial Cross Tiraspol
Jeep Trial Cross Tiraspol.
- AUTHOR: AutoStrada Moldova (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgp9t2CZ918)
- If you want taken out your video, please contact me.
- Лайк и подписка на канал очень сильно поможет нам в развитии =)
(На публикацию всех видео присутствуют разрешения авторов)
(The publication of the video there permission of the authors)
FC Milsami Orhei - FC Tiraspol vs FC Milsami, scor 1-2.
Caviar produs la Tiraspol
Slavia Praha(Czech)-Sheriff Tiraspol(Mda) 1-1 Champions league
İnter 3-1 Tiraspol (UEFA Avropa Liqası)
İnter 3-1 Tiraspol (UEFA Avropa Liqası)
Drag Tiraspol 15.10.2011
A Tourist's Guide to Tiraspol, Transnstria
www.theredquest.com We take a day trip (from Chisinau, Moldova) into the breakaway republic of Transnistria to see the sights!...
www.theredquest.com We take a day trip (from Chisinau, Moldova) into the breakaway republic of Transnistria to see the sights!
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Tiraspol, Transnstria
www.theredquest.com We take a day trip (from Chisinau, Moldova) into the breakaway republic of Transnistria to see the sights!
Trip from Tiraspol to Bender
Поїздка з центру Тирасполя в центр Бендер....
Поїздка з центру Тирасполя в центр Бендер.
wn.com/Trip From Tiraspol To Bender
Поїздка з центру Тирасполя в центр Бендер.
- published: 28 Oct 2011
- views: 7547
author: VPovver
Transnistria - Blockade of Tiraspol. Special report by Anna Afanasyeva Eng Subs
Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People
source: https://youtu.be/OplLEJFwlsE
Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com...
Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People
source: https://youtu.be/OplLEJFwlsE
Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Voxpopulievo
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/voxpopulievo
Our LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Vox_Populi_Evo
In the world of mass media voice of the people goes largely unheard. All struggles, conflicts and worries of the people are carefuly ground up and digested through modern media machines. On this channel we are gathering a collection of videos about ongoing struggles of peoples against the machine of elitism. Once again my dear audience it is up to you to watch or not to watch. The main thing is to think for yourself.
В мире масс медиа голос народа в большей части остаётся неуслышанным. Все беды, конфликты и заботы народов аккуратно перемалываются и перевариваются современными медиа машинами. На этом канале мы собираем коллекцию видео о насущной борьбе народов против машины элитизма. Как всегда, мои дорогие зрители, вам решать, смотреть или нет. Главное - думайте самостоятельно.
wn.com/Transnistria Blockade Of Tiraspol. Special Report By Anna Afanasyeva Eng Subs
Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People
source: https://youtu.be/OplLEJFwlsE
Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Voxpopulievo
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/voxpopulievo
Our LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Vox_Populi_Evo
In the world of mass media voice of the people goes largely unheard. All struggles, conflicts and worries of the people are carefuly ground up and digested through modern media machines. On this channel we are gathering a collection of videos about ongoing struggles of peoples against the machine of elitism. Once again my dear audience it is up to you to watch or not to watch. The main thing is to think for yourself.
В мире масс медиа голос народа в большей части остаётся неуслышанным. Все беды, конфликты и заботы народов аккуратно перемалываются и перевариваются современными медиа машинами. На этом канале мы собираем коллекцию видео о насущной борьбе народов против машины элитизма. Как всегда, мои дорогие зрители, вам решать, смотреть или нет. Главное - думайте самостоятельно.
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 141
Tiraspol, Pridnestrovie
Tiraspol, the capital of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. 23.august 2011....
Tiraspol, the capital of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. 23.august 2011.
wn.com/Tiraspol, Pridnestrovie
Tiraspol, the capital of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. 23.august 2011.
Tiraspol Transnistria Has Great Raw Food Market
This is a special market, there is more diversity of foods than almost anywhere I have visited.
To write comments that Andy reads go here: http://www.hobotr...
This is a special market, there is more diversity of foods than almost anywhere I have visited.
To write comments that Andy reads go here: http://www.hobotraveler.com/videos/
Daily --- "The ASK ANDY SHOW"
Send questions: hoboontheroad AT yahoo.com
About Andy Lee Graham:
Thanks, Andy Lee Graham
wn.com/Tiraspol Transnistria Has Great Raw Food Market
This is a special market, there is more diversity of foods than almost anywhere I have visited.
To write comments that Andy reads go here: http://www.hobotraveler.com/videos/
Daily --- "The ASK ANDY SHOW"
Send questions: hoboontheroad AT yahoo.com
About Andy Lee Graham:
Thanks, Andy Lee Graham
- published: 01 Nov 2014
- views: 131
Tiraspol Beach City Center open in Late May Tiraspol Hostel TRANSNISTRIA
Tiraspol Hostel, tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Tel. 373-68-571-472 Tiraspol, Moldova / Transnistria! Tiraspol Hostel Email: tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Always Email......
Tiraspol Hostel, tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Tel. 373-68-571-472 Tiraspol, Moldova / Transnistria! Tiraspol Hostel Email: tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Always Email...
wn.com/Tiraspol Beach City Center Open In Late May Tiraspol Hostel Transnistria
Tiraspol Hostel, tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Tel. 373-68-571-472 Tiraspol, Moldova / Transnistria! Tiraspol Hostel Email: tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Always Email...
Parade Rehearsal Tiraspol 2015
Репетиция парада Тирасполь ПМР...
Репетиция парада Тирасполь ПМР
wn.com/Parade Rehearsal Tiraspol 2015
Репетиция парада Тирасполь ПМР
- published: 01 Sep 2015
- views: 3074
Tiraspol Beach Girls Summer 2015 Transnistria, Moldova
Tiraspol Beach, Tiraspol Transnistria - Moldova city center! Join us! - tiraspolhostel@gmail.com - http://www.moldovahostels.com...
Tiraspol Beach, Tiraspol Transnistria - Moldova city center! Join us! - tiraspolhostel@gmail.com - http://www.moldovahostels.com
wn.com/Tiraspol Beach Girls Summer 2015 Transnistria, Moldova
Tiraspol Beach, Tiraspol Transnistria - Moldova city center! Join us! - tiraspolhostel@gmail.com - http://www.moldovahostels.com
- published: 29 May 2015
- views: 72
Touring Tiraspol Transnistria
Touring with Tiraspol Hostel...
Touring with Tiraspol Hostel
wn.com/Touring Tiraspol Transnistria
Touring with Tiraspol Hostel
- published: 23 Jan 2015
- views: 23
Ep. 8 - Totally Tiraspol! Motherfreakin' Transnistria!
Rick takes his first jaunt into Tiraspol, the capital of Transnistria. Along the way he meets Viteslav and Lubos, two Czechs also exploring Transnistria. Ric......
Rick takes his first jaunt into Tiraspol, the capital of Transnistria. Along the way he meets Viteslav and Lubos, two Czechs also exploring Transnistria. Ric...
wn.com/Ep. 8 Totally Tiraspol Motherfreakin' Transnistria
Rick takes his first jaunt into Tiraspol, the capital of Transnistria. Along the way he meets Viteslav and Lubos, two Czechs also exploring Transnistria. Ric...
Canta cucu în Bucovina ...la liceul românesc „Lucian Blaga” Tiraspol de 1 decembrie (2015)
Așa se ține ființa națională românească în bastionul limbii române din Transnistria, la Tiraspol - liceul românesc „Lucian Blaga” Tiraspol de 1 decembrie (201...
Așa se ține ființa națională românească în bastionul limbii române din Transnistria, la Tiraspol - liceul românesc „Lucian Blaga” Tiraspol de 1 decembrie (2015)
Credit video: prof. Raisa Pădurean
Citeste mai mult:
Canta cucu bata-l vina
De rasuna Bucovina
Canta cucu bata-l vina
De rasuna Bucovina
Canta cucu-n tru-n bradut
De rasuna Cernauti mai, mai
Canta cucu-n tru-n bradut
De rasuna Radauti mai, mai
Canta cucu sus pe casa
Toti feciori stau la masa mai, mai
Nici nu beau nici nu mananca
Dar sunt suparati si canta mai, mai
Canta toti de suparare
Ca au ordin de plecare mai, mai
Bucovina draga mea
Nu stiu de te-om mai vedea mai, mai
Bucovina plai cu flori
Unde sunt ai tai feciori? mai, mai
Bucovina plai cu flori
Unde sunt ai tai feciori? mai, mai
Au fost dusi in alta tara
Dar se-ntorc la primavara
Inapoi cand or veni
Tot pe tine te-or iubi mai, mai
Canta cucu-ntro gradina
Dup-anoastra Bucovina
Canta-n varful fagului
In Codrii Cosminului mai, mai
Canta cucu cu dor mult
Bucovina te-am pierdut
Canta cucu-n zori pe roua
Bucovina-i rupta-n doua mai, mai
Muntilor cu creasta rara
Nu lasa Straja sa piara
Muntilor cu creasta rara
Nu lasa Straja sa piara
Ca de piere Straja voastra
Moare Romania noastra mai, mai
Ca de piere Straja voastre
Moare Romania noastra
Muntilor cu creastre rara
nu lasa Straja sa piara
Ca de piera Straja voastra
Moare Romanïa noastra
wn.com/Canta Cucu În Bucovina ...La Liceul Românesc „Lucian Blaga” Tiraspol De 1 Decembrie (2015)
Așa se ține ființa națională românească în bastionul limbii române din Transnistria, la Tiraspol - liceul românesc „Lucian Blaga” Tiraspol de 1 decembrie (2015)
Credit video: prof. Raisa Pădurean
Citeste mai mult:
Canta cucu bata-l vina
De rasuna Bucovina
Canta cucu bata-l vina
De rasuna Bucovina
Canta cucu-n tru-n bradut
De rasuna Cernauti mai, mai
Canta cucu-n tru-n bradut
De rasuna Radauti mai, mai
Canta cucu sus pe casa
Toti feciori stau la masa mai, mai
Nici nu beau nici nu mananca
Dar sunt suparati si canta mai, mai
Canta toti de suparare
Ca au ordin de plecare mai, mai
Bucovina draga mea
Nu stiu de te-om mai vedea mai, mai
Bucovina plai cu flori
Unde sunt ai tai feciori? mai, mai
Bucovina plai cu flori
Unde sunt ai tai feciori? mai, mai
Au fost dusi in alta tara
Dar se-ntorc la primavara
Inapoi cand or veni
Tot pe tine te-or iubi mai, mai
Canta cucu-ntro gradina
Dup-anoastra Bucovina
Canta-n varful fagului
In Codrii Cosminului mai, mai
Canta cucu cu dor mult
Bucovina te-am pierdut
Canta cucu-n zori pe roua
Bucovina-i rupta-n doua mai, mai
Muntilor cu creasta rara
Nu lasa Straja sa piara
Muntilor cu creasta rara
Nu lasa Straja sa piara
Ca de piere Straja voastra
Moare Romania noastra mai, mai
Ca de piere Straja voastre
Moare Romania noastra
Muntilor cu creastre rara
nu lasa Straja sa piara
Ca de piera Straja voastra
Moare Romanïa noastra
- published: 04 Dec 2015
- views: 478
Moldavia Chisinau - Tiraspol 2015
Bellissima vacanza nella Capitale moldava, giro in città, cena e vino, escursione nella vicino Milestii Mici una grandissima e bellissima cantina dove è possibi...
Bellissima vacanza nella Capitale moldava, giro in città, cena e vino, escursione nella vicino Milestii Mici una grandissima e bellissima cantina dove è possibile ammirare milioni di bottiglie di vino e degustare un buon pranzo. Magnifica la giornata a Tiraspol nello Stato della Transnistria.
wn.com/Moldavia Chisinau Tiraspol 2015
Bellissima vacanza nella Capitale moldava, giro in città, cena e vino, escursione nella vicino Milestii Mici una grandissima e bellissima cantina dove è possibile ammirare milioni di bottiglie di vino e degustare un buon pranzo. Magnifica la giornata a Tiraspol nello Stato della Transnistria.
- published: 08 Aug 2015
- views: 7
Tiraspol. Transnistria. Evening 21/05/2013.
The end of the working day. City Center. Transnistria is living a normal life and does not disturb anyone. It is necessary to recognize it as a state and be ......
The end of the working day. City Center. Transnistria is living a normal life and does not disturb anyone. It is necessary to recognize it as a state and be ...
wn.com/Tiraspol. Transnistria. Evening 21 05 2013.
The end of the working day. City Center. Transnistria is living a normal life and does not disturb anyone. It is necessary to recognize it as a state and be ...
- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 3046
author: aprart
█ Jeep Trial Cross Tiraspol
Jeep Trial Cross Tiraspol.
- AUTHOR: AutoStrada Moldova (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgp9t2CZ918)
- If you want taken out your video, please contact me.
- Л...
Jeep Trial Cross Tiraspol.
- AUTHOR: AutoStrada Moldova (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgp9t2CZ918)
- If you want taken out your video, please contact me.
- Лайк и подписка на канал очень сильно поможет нам в развитии =)
(На публикацию всех видео присутствуют разрешения авторов)
(The publication of the video there permission of the authors)
wn.com/█ Jeep Trial Cross Tiraspol
Jeep Trial Cross Tiraspol.
- AUTHOR: AutoStrada Moldova (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgp9t2CZ918)
- If you want taken out your video, please contact me.
- Лайк и подписка на канал очень сильно поможет нам в развитии =)
(На публикацию всех видео присутствуют разрешения авторов)
(The publication of the video there permission of the authors)
- published: 20 Mar 2014
- views: 407
İnter 3-1 Tiraspol (UEFA Avropa Liqası)
İnter 3-1 Tiraspol (UEFA Avropa Liqası)...
İnter 3-1 Tiraspol (UEFA Avropa Liqası)
wn.com/İnter 3 1 Tiraspol (Uefa Avropa Liqası)
İnter 3-1 Tiraspol (UEFA Avropa Liqası)
- published: 10 Jul 2014
- views: 2310
"Chisinau to Tiraspol" Ced's photos around Tiraspol, Moldova (travel tiraspol odessa)
Preview of Ced's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/ced/ukrrommold2007/1185549900/tpod.html This blog p...
Transdniester: Tiraspol & Bendery, Odessa Summer 2013
A visit to Transdneister in June of 2013 was a real eye opener as to what "Soviet" style life is like. Traveling first to the very busy, charming city of Odessa in the Ukraine, it was a real culture shock to then see the restrictive life in Transdniester, including a police state attitude, reprimands for taking pictures, sanitizing of their history, etc. Just look at what you see on the streets t
"Transnistrien - Tiraspol" Tilman's photos around Tiraspol, Moldova (tiraspol experiences)
Preview of Tilman's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/tilman/43/1237663680/tpod.html This blog preview...
A Summer Day in Tiraspol, Transnistria
This video shows us crossing the border between the Ukraine and Transnistria on our bikes (the camera-bike is a Ducati ST4S-ABS and the other bike is a Suzuk...
L'avventura da Odessa a Tiraspol (Transnistria) per visitare l'ultimo baluardo comunista in Europa
Ore 12:00 stazione centrale di Odessa: chiedo le prime informazioni su come arrivare a Tiraspol in Transnistria!! L'unico treno che collega le due città è un treno nel pomeriggio verso le 17:00/18:00 ma visto l'orario e visto che è una soluzione molto semplice e lineare, preferisco complicarmi un pò la vita e decido un percorso alternativo! :)
Mi reco alla stazione degli autobus proprio accanto al
Tiraspol Girls Runway Show Models of Transnistria Tiraspol Hostel Moldova Hostels
http://www.moldovahostels.com Tiraspol Fashion Show every June 8 and 9! Come with FREE TABLE, BBQ and VODKA! :) Tiraspol Hostel, tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Tel...
What to See in Transnistria
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode, David tours this breakaway state of Moldova to show you what to see in Transnistria, a unique place with many Soviet traditions. Transnistria declared independence from Moldova in 1990. It still forms part of Moldova but relies on Russia for military and economic support. The United Nations doesn’t recognize Transnistria but it remains an autonomous state
A Tourist's Guide to Chisinau, Moldova www.theredquest.com
www.theredquest.com We see what the Moldovan capital has to offer, seeing the sights, drinking the beer and enjoying Chisinau. Read my book about visiting ev...
A Tourist's Guide to Livingstone, Zambia
We see the sights of Livingstone, see the sunset along the Zambezi, take a helicopter ride over the Falls, and feed some inquisitive monkeys at our hotel, th...
A tourist's guide to San Marino
I take a day trip to the tiny republic of San Marino. I see the towers, the walls, the town hall and visit a crap museum. www.theredquest.com.
Travel to Moldova
Travel to Moldova
Day 1.
Arrival of the group. Meet the English Speaking guide and then a panoramic City Tour of Chisinau - the capital of the Republic of Moldova, a modern city situated on 7 hills and it was mentioned for the first time in 1436. The most picturesque buildings are those built in Neo-classical and Neoroman style. The places that make the center of the city popul
"Chisinau to Tiraspol" Ced's photos around Tiraspol, Moldova (travel tiraspol odessa)
Preview of Ced's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/ced/ukrrommold2007/1185549900/tpod.html This blog p......
Preview of Ced's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/ced/ukrrommold2007/1185549900/tpod.html This blog p...
wn.com/Chisinau To Tiraspol Ced's Photos Around Tiraspol, Moldova (Travel Tiraspol Odessa)
Preview of Ced's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/ced/ukrrommold2007/1185549900/tpod.html This blog p...
Transdniester: Tiraspol & Bendery, Odessa Summer 2013
A visit to Transdneister in June of 2013 was a real eye opener as to what "Soviet" style life is like. Traveling first to the very busy, charming city of Odessa...
A visit to Transdneister in June of 2013 was a real eye opener as to what "Soviet" style life is like. Traveling first to the very busy, charming city of Odessa in the Ukraine, it was a real culture shock to then see the restrictive life in Transdniester, including a police state attitude, reprimands for taking pictures, sanitizing of their history, etc. Just look at what you see on the streets to see what life is like..... I am only showing the most memorable shots.
wn.com/Transdniester Tiraspol Bendery, Odessa Summer 2013
A visit to Transdneister in June of 2013 was a real eye opener as to what "Soviet" style life is like. Traveling first to the very busy, charming city of Odessa in the Ukraine, it was a real culture shock to then see the restrictive life in Transdniester, including a police state attitude, reprimands for taking pictures, sanitizing of their history, etc. Just look at what you see on the streets to see what life is like..... I am only showing the most memorable shots.
- published: 31 Mar 2014
- views: 10
"Transnistrien - Tiraspol" Tilman's photos around Tiraspol, Moldova (tiraspol experiences)
Preview of Tilman's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/tilman/43/1237663680/tpod.html This blog preview......
Preview of Tilman's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/tilman/43/1237663680/tpod.html This blog preview...
wn.com/Transnistrien Tiraspol Tilman's Photos Around Tiraspol, Moldova (Tiraspol Experiences)
Preview of Tilman's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/tilman/43/1237663680/tpod.html This blog preview...
A Summer Day in Tiraspol, Transnistria
This video shows us crossing the border between the Ukraine and Transnistria on our bikes (the camera-bike is a Ducati ST4S-ABS and the other bike is a Suzuk......
This video shows us crossing the border between the Ukraine and Transnistria on our bikes (the camera-bike is a Ducati ST4S-ABS and the other bike is a Suzuk...
wn.com/A Summer Day In Tiraspol, Transnistria
This video shows us crossing the border between the Ukraine and Transnistria on our bikes (the camera-bike is a Ducati ST4S-ABS and the other bike is a Suzuk...
- published: 07 Jul 2011
- views: 14364
author: Linefader
L'avventura da Odessa a Tiraspol (Transnistria) per visitare l'ultimo baluardo comunista in Europa
Ore 12:00 stazione centrale di Odessa: chiedo le prime informazioni su come arrivare a Tiraspol in Transnistria!! L'unico treno che collega le due città è un tr...
Ore 12:00 stazione centrale di Odessa: chiedo le prime informazioni su come arrivare a Tiraspol in Transnistria!! L'unico treno che collega le due città è un treno nel pomeriggio verso le 17:00/18:00 ma visto l'orario e visto che è una soluzione molto semplice e lineare, preferisco complicarmi un pò la vita e decido un percorso alternativo! :)
Mi reco alla stazione degli autobus proprio accanto alla stazione ferroviaria al mercato Pryvoz e con un pò di inglese e un pò di russo percepisco subito che non sarà un viaggio molto facile e tranquillo! Devo prendere un autobus urbano per 7/8 km che mi porterà poco fuori Odessa per poi prendere un minibus che in 90 minuti circa mi porterà proprio alla fantomatica dogana tra Ucraina e Transnistria!
Inizio l'avventura e prendo il bus urbano consigliato da un autista! Come si può percepire dalla foto sottostante non godo poi di un trattamento di prima classe con aria condizionata! :) Sul bus si muore dal caldo e vi assicuro che l'odore non è poi così gradevole! Parlo con l'autista e mi tranquillizza facendomi capire che sarà lui a chiamarmi quando sarà la mia fermata e realmente dopo un 15 minuti sento un grido dal fondo dell'autobus "italiansky italiansky italiansky" raccolgo di fretta tutti i miei bagagli e scendo subito da bus!
Mi ritrovo nel bel mezzo del nulla e le facce che vedo attorno non sono proprio il massimo! A 300 metri vedo una stazione di benzina dove c'è un minibus fermo e intuisco che sarà quello il mezzo con cui raggiungerò la dogana ... ma non appena faccio 50 metri mi ritrovo attorno 5/6 zingarelle che mi fanno capire che vogliono qualcosa: tolgo i soldi che mi serviranno per il bus e gli mollo le ultime 40/50 grivna che ho in tasca e mi lasciano andare! Arrivato alla stazione di rifornimento faccio il biglietto per il minibus, parlo con l'autista per chiedere se è possibile sedermi nel posto accanto a lui per poter fare qualche video e ci incamminiamo verso la dagana.
90 minuti e arrivo finalmente alla dogana Ucraina! La fila per le autovetture è di circa 400/500 metri ma io devo attraversare la dogana a piedi e quindi a poco a poco le supero tutte e solo adesso inizio a fare la fila pedonale per il controllo passaporti in uscita dall'Ucraina. Finalmente arriva il mio turno e la polizia di frontiera mi applica il timbro di uscita e proseguo avanti.
wn.com/L'Avventura Da Odessa A Tiraspol (Transnistria) Per Visitare L'Ultimo Baluardo Comunista In Europa
Ore 12:00 stazione centrale di Odessa: chiedo le prime informazioni su come arrivare a Tiraspol in Transnistria!! L'unico treno che collega le due città è un treno nel pomeriggio verso le 17:00/18:00 ma visto l'orario e visto che è una soluzione molto semplice e lineare, preferisco complicarmi un pò la vita e decido un percorso alternativo! :)
Mi reco alla stazione degli autobus proprio accanto alla stazione ferroviaria al mercato Pryvoz e con un pò di inglese e un pò di russo percepisco subito che non sarà un viaggio molto facile e tranquillo! Devo prendere un autobus urbano per 7/8 km che mi porterà poco fuori Odessa per poi prendere un minibus che in 90 minuti circa mi porterà proprio alla fantomatica dogana tra Ucraina e Transnistria!
Inizio l'avventura e prendo il bus urbano consigliato da un autista! Come si può percepire dalla foto sottostante non godo poi di un trattamento di prima classe con aria condizionata! :) Sul bus si muore dal caldo e vi assicuro che l'odore non è poi così gradevole! Parlo con l'autista e mi tranquillizza facendomi capire che sarà lui a chiamarmi quando sarà la mia fermata e realmente dopo un 15 minuti sento un grido dal fondo dell'autobus "italiansky italiansky italiansky" raccolgo di fretta tutti i miei bagagli e scendo subito da bus!
Mi ritrovo nel bel mezzo del nulla e le facce che vedo attorno non sono proprio il massimo! A 300 metri vedo una stazione di benzina dove c'è un minibus fermo e intuisco che sarà quello il mezzo con cui raggiungerò la dogana ... ma non appena faccio 50 metri mi ritrovo attorno 5/6 zingarelle che mi fanno capire che vogliono qualcosa: tolgo i soldi che mi serviranno per il bus e gli mollo le ultime 40/50 grivna che ho in tasca e mi lasciano andare! Arrivato alla stazione di rifornimento faccio il biglietto per il minibus, parlo con l'autista per chiedere se è possibile sedermi nel posto accanto a lui per poter fare qualche video e ci incamminiamo verso la dagana.
90 minuti e arrivo finalmente alla dogana Ucraina! La fila per le autovetture è di circa 400/500 metri ma io devo attraversare la dogana a piedi e quindi a poco a poco le supero tutte e solo adesso inizio a fare la fila pedonale per il controllo passaporti in uscita dall'Ucraina. Finalmente arriva il mio turno e la polizia di frontiera mi applica il timbro di uscita e proseguo avanti.
- published: 04 Jan 2016
- views: 54
Tiraspol Girls Runway Show Models of Transnistria Tiraspol Hostel Moldova Hostels
http://www.moldovahostels.com Tiraspol Fashion Show every June 8 and 9! Come with FREE TABLE, BBQ and VODKA! :) Tiraspol Hostel, tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Tel......
http://www.moldovahostels.com Tiraspol Fashion Show every June 8 and 9! Come with FREE TABLE, BBQ and VODKA! :) Tiraspol Hostel, tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Tel...
wn.com/Tiraspol Girls Runway Show Models Of Transnistria Tiraspol Hostel Moldova Hostels
http://www.moldovahostels.com Tiraspol Fashion Show every June 8 and 9! Come with FREE TABLE, BBQ and VODKA! :) Tiraspol Hostel, tiraspolhostel@gmail.com Tel...
What to See in Transnistria
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode, David tours this breakaway state of Moldova to show you what to see in Transnistria, a unique place with many Soviet ...
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode, David tours this breakaway state of Moldova to show you what to see in Transnistria, a unique place with many Soviet traditions. Transnistria declared independence from Moldova in 1990. It still forms part of Moldova but relies on Russia for military and economic support. The United Nations doesn’t recognize Transnistria but it remains an autonomous state that tourists are welcome to explore.
David begins his tour of Transnistria at the History and Military Memorial in the city of Bendery – a memorial dedicated to the fallen soldiers of three wars (WWII, Russo-Turkish War, and the civil war of Transnistria that took place from in 1992). David’s guide Natalia explains a little bit more about the memorial.
David’s second stop is the 16th century Bendery Fortress built during Ottoman rule. The fortress is about 69 square hectares and has a museum inside. One exhibit displays military artifacts and memorabilia from the civil war of Transnistria in 1992.
Afterwards, David and Natalia continue their tour of what to see in Transnistria by heading to the capital city of Tiraspol, which also happens to be the second-largest city in Moldova. They make a stop at two other war memorials commemorating the fallen soldiers of several wars and a famous Russian general, Alexandr Suvorov. In case you’re wondering, the Soviets were big on building war memorials!
After exploring the main sites of Transnistria, David and Natalia make their way to Kumanek Tavern Restaurant to try some traditional Ukrainian food such as Borshch (vegetable soup made out of beets, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, and garlic). The beets are what give it its intense red color. David also tries Kiev cutlet with potatoes and mushrooms.
Not one to miss the opportunity to try a local alcoholic beverage, David enjoys a 10-year-old glass of cognac by the well-known Transnistrian label KVINT.
And finally, David shares 5 facts about Transnistria you may not know:
1. Transnistria has its own President
2. Transnistria uses its own currency
3. Transnistria produces caviar
4. Transnistria produces world-class cognac
5. Russian is the official language
So there you have it – A guide of what to see in Transnistria. It’s not a place for everyone and isn’t your typical European country, but that’s what traveling is all about – discovering new places around the world!
If you want to travel to Transnistria, I highly recommend contacting Ways Travel Moldova. Their English-speaking guides will organize your trip to Moldova and Transnistria perfectly around the places you want to visit.
Have you ever traveled to Moldova or Transnistria? Tell us about it in a comment below!
wn.com/What To See In Transnistria
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode, David tours this breakaway state of Moldova to show you what to see in Transnistria, a unique place with many Soviet traditions. Transnistria declared independence from Moldova in 1990. It still forms part of Moldova but relies on Russia for military and economic support. The United Nations doesn’t recognize Transnistria but it remains an autonomous state that tourists are welcome to explore.
David begins his tour of Transnistria at the History and Military Memorial in the city of Bendery – a memorial dedicated to the fallen soldiers of three wars (WWII, Russo-Turkish War, and the civil war of Transnistria that took place from in 1992). David’s guide Natalia explains a little bit more about the memorial.
David’s second stop is the 16th century Bendery Fortress built during Ottoman rule. The fortress is about 69 square hectares and has a museum inside. One exhibit displays military artifacts and memorabilia from the civil war of Transnistria in 1992.
Afterwards, David and Natalia continue their tour of what to see in Transnistria by heading to the capital city of Tiraspol, which also happens to be the second-largest city in Moldova. They make a stop at two other war memorials commemorating the fallen soldiers of several wars and a famous Russian general, Alexandr Suvorov. In case you’re wondering, the Soviets were big on building war memorials!
After exploring the main sites of Transnistria, David and Natalia make their way to Kumanek Tavern Restaurant to try some traditional Ukrainian food such as Borshch (vegetable soup made out of beets, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, and garlic). The beets are what give it its intense red color. David also tries Kiev cutlet with potatoes and mushrooms.
Not one to miss the opportunity to try a local alcoholic beverage, David enjoys a 10-year-old glass of cognac by the well-known Transnistrian label KVINT.
And finally, David shares 5 facts about Transnistria you may not know:
1. Transnistria has its own President
2. Transnistria uses its own currency
3. Transnistria produces caviar
4. Transnistria produces world-class cognac
5. Russian is the official language
So there you have it – A guide of what to see in Transnistria. It’s not a place for everyone and isn’t your typical European country, but that’s what traveling is all about – discovering new places around the world!
If you want to travel to Transnistria, I highly recommend contacting Ways Travel Moldova. Their English-speaking guides will organize your trip to Moldova and Transnistria perfectly around the places you want to visit.
Have you ever traveled to Moldova or Transnistria? Tell us about it in a comment below!
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 111
A Tourist's Guide to Chisinau, Moldova www.theredquest.com
www.theredquest.com We see what the Moldovan capital has to offer, seeing the sights, drinking the beer and enjoying Chisinau. Read my book about visiting ev......
www.theredquest.com We see what the Moldovan capital has to offer, seeing the sights, drinking the beer and enjoying Chisinau. Read my book about visiting ev...
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Chisinau, Moldova Www.Theredquest.Com
www.theredquest.com We see what the Moldovan capital has to offer, seeing the sights, drinking the beer and enjoying Chisinau. Read my book about visiting ev...
- published: 15 Jul 2010
- views: 19946
author: cessnagbdso
A Tourist's Guide to Livingstone, Zambia
We see the sights of Livingstone, see the sunset along the Zambezi, take a helicopter ride over the Falls, and feed some inquisitive monkeys at our hotel, th......
We see the sights of Livingstone, see the sunset along the Zambezi, take a helicopter ride over the Falls, and feed some inquisitive monkeys at our hotel, th...
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Livingstone, Zambia
We see the sights of Livingstone, see the sunset along the Zambezi, take a helicopter ride over the Falls, and feed some inquisitive monkeys at our hotel, th...
A tourist's guide to San Marino
I take a day trip to the tiny republic of San Marino. I see the towers, the walls, the town hall and visit a crap museum. www.theredquest.com....
I take a day trip to the tiny republic of San Marino. I see the towers, the walls, the town hall and visit a crap museum. www.theredquest.com.
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To San Marino
I take a day trip to the tiny republic of San Marino. I see the towers, the walls, the town hall and visit a crap museum. www.theredquest.com.
Travel to Moldova
Travel to Moldova
Day 1.
Arrival of the group. Meet the English Speaking guide and then a panoramic City Tour of Chisinau - the capital of t...
Travel to Moldova
Day 1.
Arrival of the group. Meet the English Speaking guide and then a panoramic City Tour of Chisinau - the capital of the Republic of Moldova, a modern city situated on 7 hills and it was mentioned for the first time in 1436. The most picturesque buildings are those built in Neo-classical and Neoroman style. The places that make the center of the city popular are: the Great National Assembly Squaire , «M. Eminescu» Theatre, Souvenirs Fair, the building of the Parliament and the Presidential Residence, Organ Hall, National Concert Palace, etc.
Check-in. Free time.
Remark: Duration of the city tour is 2 hrs.
Day 2.
Breakfast. Visiting Calarasi region that is famous for unique monasteries that are situated in the heart of the nature. In the center of the village Raciula is located the monastic complex with the same name Raciula Monastery. Just outside the village there is a Honey Museum, opened by a local family. Monastery Frumoasa is situated on an inclined hill to the river Ikel, surrounded by vineyards, garden and hills. The entrance on the territory of the monastery is atractive. Lunch at the local pension. Then continue to visit Monastery Harjauca that has nearby a wood and an old spring. A beautiiful park in the center of which grew a secular oak, which was torn by e storm you can see at the Monastery Harbovat.
Day 3.
Breakfast. Visiting Soroca Fortress on the border of Nistru river bank and the hill of the Gypsies. The fortress is the only medival monument in Moldova, which has been preserved entirely as it was designed by its builders. Lunch tha the ucranian restaurant. Then continue to visit Rudi Monastery. The appearance of this monastery is based on a legend claiming that there is a spring with miracle-working water in this place.
Day 4.
Breakfast. Visit the museum complex Orheiul Vechi, one of the most popular places of interest in Moldova. It is situated in the cliffy ravine of the Raut river, which measures up to 150-200 meters of depth. You'll see the most beautiful landscapes, traditional Moldavian villages and peasant holdings. Lunch will be at traditional pensione in the village Trebujeni. Guests will be acquainted with the Moldavian cookery. After lunch visit of Curchi Monastery. The yard and the buildings of the monastery are arranged in two terrasses surrounded with a rocky wall. Inside the wall there is the orchard, the lake, the pool, and the cemetery of the monastery.
Day 5.
Breakfast. Visiting rocky monastery Tipova that is situated inside the steep rock. This is one of the few rock-hewn monasteries that can be found in the region of Nistru River. The monastery was built on the top of an abrupt rock which opens a fabulous view of the Nistru river valley. Lunch at the local pension. Then continue to the Saharna Monastery that is located 120 km from Chisinau. “Sfinta Treime” Monastery of Saharna is very picturesque. The Nistru River flows nearby, Saharna village stands on its bank. The monastery is surrounded by hills, partially covered with woods.
Day 6.
Breakfast. Transnistria is a "breakaway republic" that "officially" is a part of Republic of Moldova, but unilaterally declarared itself an independent state that is not recognized by any other country. In the morning group will visit Tighina Fortress in Bender - The first documentary mention of “Tighina Fortress” was in 1408. In the reign of Petru Rares the fortress was rebuilt in stone. Its walls have survived to the present and offer an example of classic Moldavian defensive construction. Then visit of Tiraspol - the second largest city in Moldova and is the capital and administrative centre of the self-proclaimed (unrecognized) Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistria). After the lunch in the Ukrainian restaurant, visit of Noul Neamt Monastery. The monastic complex rises grandly to the sky, being seen from the distance by the people coming near the village of Chitcani.
Day 7.
Breakfast. Visiting Capriana and Hancu Monasteries. Capriana Monastery - one of the oldest in Moldova (1429) and Hancu Monastery - the richest convent on the south of Moldova from XVII-th century. Both monasteries lie in a picturesque area, surrounded by hills and secular forest. Free time.
Day 8.
Breakfast. Departure to airport.
wn.com/Travel To Moldova
Travel to Moldova
Day 1.
Arrival of the group. Meet the English Speaking guide and then a panoramic City Tour of Chisinau - the capital of the Republic of Moldova, a modern city situated on 7 hills and it was mentioned for the first time in 1436. The most picturesque buildings are those built in Neo-classical and Neoroman style. The places that make the center of the city popular are: the Great National Assembly Squaire , «M. Eminescu» Theatre, Souvenirs Fair, the building of the Parliament and the Presidential Residence, Organ Hall, National Concert Palace, etc.
Check-in. Free time.
Remark: Duration of the city tour is 2 hrs.
Day 2.
Breakfast. Visiting Calarasi region that is famous for unique monasteries that are situated in the heart of the nature. In the center of the village Raciula is located the monastic complex with the same name Raciula Monastery. Just outside the village there is a Honey Museum, opened by a local family. Monastery Frumoasa is situated on an inclined hill to the river Ikel, surrounded by vineyards, garden and hills. The entrance on the territory of the monastery is atractive. Lunch at the local pension. Then continue to visit Monastery Harjauca that has nearby a wood and an old spring. A beautiiful park in the center of which grew a secular oak, which was torn by e storm you can see at the Monastery Harbovat.
Day 3.
Breakfast. Visiting Soroca Fortress on the border of Nistru river bank and the hill of the Gypsies. The fortress is the only medival monument in Moldova, which has been preserved entirely as it was designed by its builders. Lunch tha the ucranian restaurant. Then continue to visit Rudi Monastery. The appearance of this monastery is based on a legend claiming that there is a spring with miracle-working water in this place.
Day 4.
Breakfast. Visit the museum complex Orheiul Vechi, one of the most popular places of interest in Moldova. It is situated in the cliffy ravine of the Raut river, which measures up to 150-200 meters of depth. You'll see the most beautiful landscapes, traditional Moldavian villages and peasant holdings. Lunch will be at traditional pensione in the village Trebujeni. Guests will be acquainted with the Moldavian cookery. After lunch visit of Curchi Monastery. The yard and the buildings of the monastery are arranged in two terrasses surrounded with a rocky wall. Inside the wall there is the orchard, the lake, the pool, and the cemetery of the monastery.
Day 5.
Breakfast. Visiting rocky monastery Tipova that is situated inside the steep rock. This is one of the few rock-hewn monasteries that can be found in the region of Nistru River. The monastery was built on the top of an abrupt rock which opens a fabulous view of the Nistru river valley. Lunch at the local pension. Then continue to the Saharna Monastery that is located 120 km from Chisinau. “Sfinta Treime” Monastery of Saharna is very picturesque. The Nistru River flows nearby, Saharna village stands on its bank. The monastery is surrounded by hills, partially covered with woods.
Day 6.
Breakfast. Transnistria is a "breakaway republic" that "officially" is a part of Republic of Moldova, but unilaterally declarared itself an independent state that is not recognized by any other country. In the morning group will visit Tighina Fortress in Bender - The first documentary mention of “Tighina Fortress” was in 1408. In the reign of Petru Rares the fortress was rebuilt in stone. Its walls have survived to the present and offer an example of classic Moldavian defensive construction. Then visit of Tiraspol - the second largest city in Moldova and is the capital and administrative centre of the self-proclaimed (unrecognized) Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistria). After the lunch in the Ukrainian restaurant, visit of Noul Neamt Monastery. The monastic complex rises grandly to the sky, being seen from the distance by the people coming near the village of Chitcani.
Day 7.
Breakfast. Visiting Capriana and Hancu Monasteries. Capriana Monastery - one of the oldest in Moldova (1429) and Hancu Monastery - the richest convent on the south of Moldova from XVII-th century. Both monasteries lie in a picturesque area, surrounded by hills and secular forest. Free time.
Day 8.
Breakfast. Departure to airport.
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 1