- published: 23 Mar 2016
- views: 214
The Huallaga River is a tributary of the Marañón River, part of the Amazon Basin. Old names for this river include Guallaga and Rio de los Motilones. The Huallaga is born on the slopes of the Andes in central Peru and joins the Marañón before the latter reaches the Ucayali River to form the Amazon. Its main affluents are the Monzón, Mayo, Biabo, Abiseo and Tocache rivers. Coca is grown in most of those valleys, which are also exposed to periodic floods.
Although it runs for 700 miles (1,100 km), it remains unnavigable for most part. For nearly its entire length the Huallaga is an impetuous torrent running through a succession of gorges. It has forty-two rapids (pongos) and it crosses the Andes, forming the Pongo de Aguirre gorge. From this point, 140 miles (230 km) from the Amazon, the Huallaga can be ascended by larger river boats (lanchas) to the port city of Yurimaguas, Loreto.
Although there are no defined boundaries, the river is commonly divided into two or three sections. From the town of Tocache in San Martin to the source of the river is generally referred to as the Upper Huallaga. Regions of the river are also referred to as central Huallaga (usually from Tocache or Juanjui to Chazuta), and the lower Huallaga (usually from Chazuta to Yurimaguas where the Huallaga meets the Marañon). These divisions are for general reference, and are independent of the "highland" and "lowland" jungle regions of the Amazon Rainforest.
Toxic Medical Waste Dumping into the Huallaga River (La Moyuna), Tingo Maria, Peru
On the Huallaga River with Micah Tuttle
MVI_5167-Crossing Huallaga River in Peru's Jungle.
Cruzando el río Huallaga - Crossing the Huallaga river (HD)
Huallaga River
Huallaga River
First Descent: Great Bend of the Rio Huallaga, Peru
Please SIGN and SHARE the petition to the Provincial Municipality of Leoncio Prado to STOP the dumping of toxic medical waste into the Huallaga river at the "Moyuna" located in the district of Rupa Rupa, city of Tingo Maria, Peru: https://goo.gl/Wm2JV7 Below is the English transcript: Martin.-“What is your name? Isaias Trujillo M.-“How many years, you have been working here? I.-“20 years” M.-“Don’t you get sick with the rubbish?” I.- “No, because I eat well” M.-“Ok, you eat well, so it’s been 20 years with the rubbish”. “What are you looking for? Plastic, bottles?” I.-“Yes, as you can see, plastic, paper, film, cans…” M.-“What’s the name of this place? Tingo María isn’t it” I.- “yes, Tingo María, this spot is call La Moyuna” M.- “La Moyuna” ok Located just one kilometer from the...
Ingredients: 5 days, 4 villages, 3 Tuttles, 2 ladies, 1 doctor and a handful of adventurers. Mix every day with Evangelistic meetings, Medical treatment, Believer training, Childrens program and Encouragement for the women. Throw in some baptisms and weird food to taste and you've got an awesome mission trip down the river!
Crossing the Huallaga River on a motorized barge. By Gary Lecomte of chemelec.com
A possible accident during event in the Huallaga River in Peru Tarapoto, raised the level of its waters due to rainfall and these are their consequences, uprooted trees, cable transport to the water level, the danger of transportable motorized canoe, with its crew.
Cruce del río Huallaga camino al pueblo de Sauce, región San Martín (Perú). Atravesar el río Huallaga en este punto demora unos cinco minutos y es posible hacerlo en dos lugares distantes unos 3 km el uno del otro, ambos a aproximadamente 35 km desde Tarapoto vía la carretera Fernando Belaúnde Terry. Este tramo del trayecto Tarapoto-Sauce demora unos 40 minutos. Este video registra las operaciones en el punto de cruce más meridional, el cual se cruza con la embarcación más rudimentaria, una balsa trimarán artesanal. Tras atravesar el Huallaga, el trayecto hasta el pueblo de Sauce, ubicado a orillas de la laguna del mismo nombre (también conocida como Laguna Azul), es de otros 40 minutos aproximadamente, a pesar de que esta parte del recorrido es de sólo 18 kilómetros. Sin embargo, esta ...
First Descent of the Rio Huallaga. This was the last major tributary of the Amazon yet to be navigated.
EN EL HERMOZO RIO HUALLAGA VISTO DESDE LA CIUDAD SELVATICA DE JUANJUI EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE SAN MARTIN COMO LLEGAR? desde tarapoto son solamente 2 horas y 20 minutos hasta juanjui el pasaje en pizana express cuesta 25 soles y la carretera es afirmada, si quieres ahorrar pregunta en tarapoto por rl paradero de los caminones a juanjui que no te cobraran mas de 10 soles y llegaras en menos de 3 horas. AT HUALLAGA RIVER , BEAUTIFUL RIVER IN THE PERUVIAN JUNGLE,IN THE CITY OF JUANJUI . GETTING THERE: TO REACH JUANJUI YOU CAN TAKE A CAR FROM TARAPOTO THAT WILL COST YOU 25 SOLES/2 HOURS IF YOU ARE A SHOESTRING TRAVELER ASK FOR THE TRUCKS THAT WILL TAKE YOU THERE FOR LESS THAN 10 SOLES/LESS THAN 3 HOURS.
Amazon River cruises 2016 - Amazon River tourism & vacations 2016 - Trip to Amazon River, Peru Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube The Amazon River of South America is the world's largest river and the lifeblood of the world's largest ecosystem, spanning two-fifths of an entire continent. It is home to a huge variety of animals and plants that dwell in its lush, evergreen environment. It is the mightiest river in the world by volume, with six times greater total river flow than the next six largest rivers combined, and the most extensive drainage basin in the world. Because of its vast dimensions it is sometimes called The River Sea. Running about 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers), most sources regard the Amazon as the second lo...
For our 10 tips from Yurimaguas to Iquitos click here: www.bobaroundtheworld.com This video shows BoB and his friends on a boat trip from Yurimaguas to Iquitos. Watch in Full HD! Filmed with the GoPro Hero 3 Black edition and Canon EOS 550D. Only video cutting program: Windows Movie Maker Thanks for watching! Follow golf ball BoB on his travel around the world. This funny golf ball has his own travel blog. The coolest golf ball ever! Music: Amazonas Music - Track 02
Se puede apreciar como la municipalidad hecha su basura al rio Huallaga y no existe un tramatimiento de las aguas servidas.
http://DestinationsToExplore.com Our welcoming dinner for the Adventures by Disney Peru trip was a traditional panchamanca meal. Translated literally, panchamanca means "earth bowl." You can see in the video that our food was cooked within a hole dug into the ground, an earthen bowl, if you will. Our menu included alpaca, guinea pig (cuy), chicken, pork, vegetables, potatoes (of course!), and plantains. Pachamanca is a traditional Peruvian dish based on the baking, with the aid of hot stones (the earthen oven is known as ahuatia), of lamb, mutton, pork, chicken or guinea pig, marinated in spices. Other Andean produce, such as potato, green lima beans or "habas", sweet potato, occasionally cassava or yuca, and humitas (sweet treat) as well as ears of corn, tamale and chili, is included in...
Kayaking the classic rivers of peru
Preview of Bansemer's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/bansemer/s_america2007/1181440620/tpod.html This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Tingo Maria, Peru Entry Title: "Tingo Maria National Park" Entry: "Saturday June 9th, walks near Tingo Maria We will tell you what we did, rather than what we were told we could do (which was usually wrong). First, the only maps of the national park that we could find were at the entrance to Cueva de Lechuzas and at the start of one of today's walks, on notice boards. We walked a couple of kms out of Tingo on the Huanaco road then flagged down a minibus. This dropped us at the start of a walk to Catarata Santa Carmen (no...
Peru travel video. Beach bar fishing boats. Experience Peru via ArmchairTourist videos. Learn more at: http://www.armchairtourist.com/index.php?id=3&D;_ID=7101
Dos meses al año (julio / agosto), aprovechando del “bajo” nivel de agua del río Hullaga cientos de pescadores invaden las orillas de los rápidos de Chumía. Día y noche, llenan sus redes de peces que vienen a reproducirse. A cada uno su lugar, pero todos se cuidan. El ejercicio artesanal es peligroso: echar la red en los rápidos, esperar unos instantes, bucear, juntar los plomos de la red para atrapar presas, sin ahogarse en el río. La pieza maestra la Doncela, se vende 10 soles el kilo, los peces más pequeños son para las familias. Alrededor de esta pesca en ambas orillas del río, hay campamentos improvisados río llenos de vida y de alegría. Vía Alto Mayo Televisión presenta el mijano en los rápidos de Chumia 2015. George Llanca Chicana
Situación de embarcaderos y puertos de Yurimaguas durante el 28 al 31 de marzo del 2014. Incremento del caudal de rio Huallaga sobrepasando sus máximos históricos.
Saving the Amazon River Dolphin introduces biologist Fernando Trujillo, director of the Omacha research foundation, who is convinced that saving the pink river dolphin can ensure the health of the Amazon River and save human lives. In Brazil, the pink river dolphin is used as bait to catch Mota, a scavenger fish that some studies have proven contains high levels of mercury—a result of illegal gold mining that is contaminating their habitat. Today, fish stocks are decaying and 70% of the fish offered in markets as Viudo de Capaz is actually Mota, posing a serious threat to public health. Fernando Trujillo faces a titanic challenge: within six months, he wants the Colombian government to ban the commercialization of Mota within the country. His mission takes him to unexpected revelations, wh...
en este viaje navegue por los rios Huallaga, Marañon, y el Rio mas CAUDALOSO DEL MUNDO el rio AMAZONAS y conoci a los nativos BORAS
Lima, 1 de julio de 2015.- "Evaluación de la Política Forestal implementada por el Estado" Mesa de trabajo organizado por el Cong. Mesías Guevara Amasifuen. "Nuestro país necesita consolidar una política forestal ya que representa una actividad económica productiva que genera mucho empleo, pero lamentablemente su control, supervisión y reforestación está muy debilitada". Así lo dio a conocer el congresista Mesías Guevara Amasifuen (AP-FA) en reunión de trabajo en el que se realizó una evaluación de la política forestal implementada por el Estado peruano. En esta primera mesa de trabajo el parlamentario convocó a los representantes de la Fiscalía, la Policía Nacional del Perú, la Defensoría del Pueblo, OSINFOR, SERFOR, Comité de Gestión de Bosques de Alto Huallaga, entre otras instituciones...
Lima, 1 de julio de 2015.- "Evaluación de la Política Forestal implementada por el Estado" Mesa de trabajo organizado por el Cong. Mesías Guevara Amasifuen. "Nuestro país necesita consolidar una política forestal ya que representa una actividad económica productiva que genera mucho empleo, pero lamentablemente su control, supervisión y reforestación está muy debilitada". Así lo dio a conocer el congresista Mesías Guevara Amasifuen (AP-FA) en reunión de trabajo en el que se realizó una evaluación de la política forestal implementada por el Estado peruano. En esta primera mesa de trabajo el parlamentario convocó a los representantes de la Fiscalía, la Policía Nacional del Perú, la Defensoría del Pueblo, OSINFOR, SERFOR, Comité de Gestión de Bosques de Alto Huallaga, entre otras instituciones...
The parish of San Lorenzo, in the province of Datem Del Maranon, is the largest of all in Peru. Here, time and life flow along with the rhythm of nature. And here, the missionaries together with local communities, face the many challenges of everyday life.
What are you doing now that you are young? preach the gospel! Pray for the ministry of our brother and his family El video subtitulado estará disponible en dos semanas.