Chile - Arica,city of eternal spring on the Pacific coast - South America,part 71 - Travel video HD
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region, located only 18 km (11...
Arica (Chile) Barefoot- Island Outpost 1
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region, located only 18 km (11...
Arica the beautiful, northern Chile.
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region. It is Chile's northern...
WitKop Solar Farm - Polokwane, South Arica
WitKop Solar Farm - Polokwane, South Arica
A 30 megawatt solar farm built and maintained by SunEdison in the province of Limpopo of South Africa.
oBataille d'Arica, faisant partie de la Guerre du Pacifique (1879-1884), oArica, ville aujourd'hui chilienne où se déroula la bataille, citée ci-dessus, oAri...
Bayer Malaria Training Video
Training Program for indoor residential spraying. The purpose of this video is to help those who are establishing an Indoor Residual Spraying Malaria Control...
Gracias a decisión política del alcalde de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huanta, Prof. Percy Abel Bermudo Valladares; los vecinos del Jr. Arica podrán contar con nuevas pistas y veredas para su mayor facilidad a la hora de transitar.
Visita Protocolar a la Municipalidad de Arica,Chile
Visita hecha por el Embajador Cultural de la provincia de Caylloma Sr Guillermo Carlos Rendón Cuadros a la Municipalidad de Arica Chile el 09 de Julio del 20...
Arica Tacna Tratado de Lima 1929 Chile Perú
Documental peruano resumido sobre la situación y destino de Arica y Tacna, antes y después de la Guerra del Pacífico, también denominada como la Guerra del Guano y el Salitre. Este conflicto bélico sucedió entre los años 1879 y 1883, enfrentándose la República de Chile contra las repúblicas de Bolivia y del Perú. Temas que aborda este documental: -El Tratado de Paz de Ancón entre Chile y Perú en
Arica Neutralizada por Zonas Francas de Iquique y Tacna
Parte 1reportaje tv abandono de Arica: Todos los últimos Gobiernos de Chile, han dejado a Arica imposibilitada de poder competir, al extremo que han permitid...
Arica y Parinacota #2 - Putre, Parinacota, Lago Chungara y mas...
Acompañanos en este recorrido turístico por #AricayParinacota, partimos desde el Valle de Azapa hasta el Lago Chungara, pasando por Putre, Parinacota, Lago Chungará y Socoroma, que lo disfrutes!!!
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LaFamiliaViajeraChile
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/familia_viajera
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lafamiliaviajera
ReportajeTV: Arica Chile Tiene que Buscar Salud en Tacna Perú (parte1)
Los habitantes de Arica y parte del norte grande de Chile, tienen que recurrir al hospital de la Solidaridad de Tacna en Perú, para obtener los servicios de ...
Salida de Pesca en Arica y capturas.
Pesca en Arica
Newsroom, 28 May 2014
Newsroom from Johannesburg in South Africa presented by Eben Jansen. This show is live and broadcast from our studios in Auckland park. We are also streaming live on Youtube as we speak, with...
ReportajeTV: Abandono de Arica Expuesto por Fallo Haya Chile Perú
Reportaje sobre el abandono de Arica, emitido un día después del fallo de la Haya Chile Perú. "Era una protesta en reacción al fallo de la Haya, pero se conv...
Rómulo Fernández Medina, Director de PYMES PERÚ rtv, dialoga con el Alcalde del distrito del distrito de NUEVA ARICA, Don Silver Rodas, quien señala lo siguiente:
1.Resalta la importancia del Congreso nacional de Alcaldes, organizado por el AMPE
2. Señala que recibe 60 mil soles mensuales de FONCOMUN y que la munic
Iquique con San Marcos de Arica abril 2015
www.iquiquedesdeelaire todos al estadio al estadio.
Bachelet visits quake zone, promises a 'return to normal as fast as we can do it'
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet visited Arica on Wednesday, one of the cities closest to the epicentre of the earthquake that struck the north of the country on Tuesday night.
The 8.2 magnitude earthquake killed at least six people but caused surprisingly little damage.
At a news conference in Arica, Bachelet said she had marked Arica city, the Tarapaca region and Parinacota province as disa
Entabeni Game Reserve Limpopo South Africa
Entabeni Game Reserve in the Waterberg Biosphere, Limpopo province of South Arica
Entabeni Game Reserve is malaria-free, has a moderate climate, summer rainfall and a close proximity to Johannesburg/Pretoria. The reserve offers five splendidly situated lodges/camps, set on two escarpments in a series of awesome landscapes. Lake Entabeni lies between soaring bluffs and peaks, a wonderful place for
APB Arica Chilean Challenge 2014 - Highlights - Day 4
APB Arica Chilean Challenge 2014 - Highlights - Day 4 Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Coming Down https://www.facebook.com/clapyourhandssayyeah Camaras : Cristoba...
Arica: Campaña Erradicación de la Malaria 1925-1945
Documental sobre la campaña de erradicación de la malaria (1925-1945). Iniciativa del gobierno del general Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, realizada en las provincias de Tacna (entonces aún en manos de Chile), Arica y Tarapacá. Para este efecto se creó una comisión antimalárica presidida por el médico italiano, Juan Noé Crevani. Se estimaba que el 90 por ciento de los 28.700 habitantes de Tacna y Arica p
Arica Hotel Pacífico
Trabajo realizado por los profesores Alfredo Kalice y Belsi Díaz con el propósito de preservar la memoria de nuestra amada ciudad de Arica. En esta oportunidad les presentamos un vídeo que recuerda al emblemático "Hotel Pacífico".
Baile Típico de la Zona de Arica
Presentación Folclórica de integrante de la delegación de la Municipalidad de Arica, en el XXI Congreso Nacional de la Asociación de Municipios Turísticos de Chile.
Chile - Arica,city of eternal spring on the Pacific coast - South America,part 71 - Travel video HD
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region, located only 18 km (11......
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region, located only 18 km (11...
wn.com/Chile Arica,City Of Eternal Spring On The Pacific Coast South America,Part 71 Travel Video Hd
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region, located only 18 km (11...
- published: 18 Nov 2012
- views: 14859
author: costitravel
Arica (Chile) Barefoot- Island Outpost 1
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region, located only 18 km (11......
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region, located only 18 km (11...
wn.com/Arica (Chile) Barefoot Island Outpost 1
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region, located only 18 km (11...
- published: 08 Jan 2012
- views: 585
author: sancisco
Arica the beautiful, northern Chile.
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region. It is Chile's northern......
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region. It is Chile's northern...
wn.com/Arica The Beautiful, Northern Chile.
Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region. It is Chile's northern...
WitKop Solar Farm - Polokwane, South Arica
WitKop Solar Farm - Polokwane, South Arica
A 30 megawatt solar farm built and maintained by SunEdison in the province of Limpopo of South Africa....
WitKop Solar Farm - Polokwane, South Arica
A 30 megawatt solar farm built and maintained by SunEdison in the province of Limpopo of South Africa.
wn.com/Witkop Solar Farm Polokwane, South Arica
WitKop Solar Farm - Polokwane, South Arica
A 30 megawatt solar farm built and maintained by SunEdison in the province of Limpopo of South Africa.
- published: 04 May 2015
- views: 6
oBataille d'Arica, faisant partie de la Guerre du Pacifique (1879-1884), oArica, ville aujourd'hui chilienne où se déroula la bataille, citée ci-dessus, oAri......
oBataille d'Arica, faisant partie de la Guerre du Pacifique (1879-1884), oArica, ville aujourd'hui chilienne où se déroula la bataille, citée ci-dessus, oAri...
wn.com/Arica Ciudad Historica
oBataille d'Arica, faisant partie de la Guerre du Pacifique (1879-1884), oArica, ville aujourd'hui chilienne où se déroula la bataille, citée ci-dessus, oAri...
- published: 27 Apr 2009
- views: 263
author: odria
Bayer Malaria Training Video
Training Program for indoor residential spraying. The purpose of this video is to help those who are establishing an Indoor Residual Spraying Malaria Control......
Training Program for indoor residential spraying. The purpose of this video is to help those who are establishing an Indoor Residual Spraying Malaria Control...
wn.com/Bayer Malaria Training Video
Training Program for indoor residential spraying. The purpose of this video is to help those who are establishing an Indoor Residual Spraying Malaria Control...
Gracias a decisión política del alcalde de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huanta, Prof. Percy Abel Bermudo Valladares; los vecinos del Jr. Arica podrán contar c...
Gracias a decisión política del alcalde de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huanta, Prof. Percy Abel Bermudo Valladares; los vecinos del Jr. Arica podrán contar con nuevas pistas y veredas para su mayor facilidad a la hora de transitar.
wn.com/M.P.H. Realiza Construcción De Pistas Y Veredas En El Jr. Arica De La Provincia De Huanta
Gracias a decisión política del alcalde de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huanta, Prof. Percy Abel Bermudo Valladares; los vecinos del Jr. Arica podrán contar con nuevas pistas y veredas para su mayor facilidad a la hora de transitar.
- published: 25 Jun 2015
- views: 0
Visita Protocolar a la Municipalidad de Arica,Chile
Visita hecha por el Embajador Cultural de la provincia de Caylloma Sr Guillermo Carlos Rendón Cuadros a la Municipalidad de Arica Chile el 09 de Julio del 20......
Visita hecha por el Embajador Cultural de la provincia de Caylloma Sr Guillermo Carlos Rendón Cuadros a la Municipalidad de Arica Chile el 09 de Julio del 20...
wn.com/Visita Protocolar A La Municipalidad De Arica,Chile
Visita hecha por el Embajador Cultural de la provincia de Caylloma Sr Guillermo Carlos Rendón Cuadros a la Municipalidad de Arica Chile el 09 de Julio del 20...
Arica Tacna Tratado de Lima 1929 Chile Perú
Documental peruano resumido sobre la situación y destino de Arica y Tacna, antes y después de la Guerra del Pacífico, también denominada como la Guerra del Gu...
Documental peruano resumido sobre la situación y destino de Arica y Tacna, antes y después de la Guerra del Pacífico, también denominada como la Guerra del Guano y el Salitre. Este conflicto bélico sucedió entre los años 1879 y 1883, enfrentándose la República de Chile contra las repúblicas de Bolivia y del Perú. Temas que aborda este documental: -El Tratado de Paz de Ancón entre Chile y Perú en 1883. -El Plebiscito no realizado de 1894 para definir el destino de Arica y Tacna. -El Protocolo de Santiago de 1898, no ratificado por el Congreso de Chile para realizar el Plebiscito. -La campaña agresiva de chilenización de Arica y Tacna que comenzó en 1901. -El arbitraje del Presidente de los Estados unidos Calvin Coolidge en 1922, que decidiría si se realizaba el Plebiscito establecido en el Tratado de Ancón de 1894. -El Plebiscito no realizado de 1925. -El Tratado de Lima entre Chile y Perú de 1929, que definió finalmente el destino de Arica y Tacna. –Límites terrestres y obligaciones entre Chile y Perú establecidos en el Tratado de Lima de 1929.
wn.com/Arica Tacna Tratado De Lima 1929 Chile Perú
Documental peruano resumido sobre la situación y destino de Arica y Tacna, antes y después de la Guerra del Pacífico, también denominada como la Guerra del Guano y el Salitre. Este conflicto bélico sucedió entre los años 1879 y 1883, enfrentándose la República de Chile contra las repúblicas de Bolivia y del Perú. Temas que aborda este documental: -El Tratado de Paz de Ancón entre Chile y Perú en 1883. -El Plebiscito no realizado de 1894 para definir el destino de Arica y Tacna. -El Protocolo de Santiago de 1898, no ratificado por el Congreso de Chile para realizar el Plebiscito. -La campaña agresiva de chilenización de Arica y Tacna que comenzó en 1901. -El arbitraje del Presidente de los Estados unidos Calvin Coolidge en 1922, que decidiría si se realizaba el Plebiscito establecido en el Tratado de Ancón de 1894. -El Plebiscito no realizado de 1925. -El Tratado de Lima entre Chile y Perú de 1929, que definió finalmente el destino de Arica y Tacna. –Límites terrestres y obligaciones entre Chile y Perú establecidos en el Tratado de Lima de 1929.
- published: 04 Apr 2015
- views: 134
Arica Neutralizada por Zonas Francas de Iquique y Tacna
Parte 1reportaje tv abandono de Arica: Todos los últimos Gobiernos de Chile, han dejado a Arica imposibilitada de poder competir, al extremo que han permitid......
Parte 1reportaje tv abandono de Arica: Todos los últimos Gobiernos de Chile, han dejado a Arica imposibilitada de poder competir, al extremo que han permitid...
wn.com/Arica Neutralizada Por Zonas Francas De Iquique Y Tacna
Parte 1reportaje tv abandono de Arica: Todos los últimos Gobiernos de Chile, han dejado a Arica imposibilitada de poder competir, al extremo que han permitid...
Arica y Parinacota #2 - Putre, Parinacota, Lago Chungara y mas...
Acompañanos en este recorrido turístico por #AricayParinacota, partimos desde el Valle de Azapa hasta el Lago Chungara, pasando por Putre, Parinacota, Lago Chun...
Acompañanos en este recorrido turístico por #AricayParinacota, partimos desde el Valle de Azapa hasta el Lago Chungara, pasando por Putre, Parinacota, Lago Chungará y Socoroma, que lo disfrutes!!!
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LaFamiliaViajeraChile
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/familia_viajera
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lafamiliaviajera
wn.com/Arica Y Parinacota 2 Putre, Parinacota, Lago Chungara Y Mas...
Acompañanos en este recorrido turístico por #AricayParinacota, partimos desde el Valle de Azapa hasta el Lago Chungara, pasando por Putre, Parinacota, Lago Chungará y Socoroma, que lo disfrutes!!!
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LaFamiliaViajeraChile
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/familia_viajera
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lafamiliaviajera
- published: 06 Sep 2015
- views: 41
ReportajeTV: Arica Chile Tiene que Buscar Salud en Tacna Perú (parte1)
Los habitantes de Arica y parte del norte grande de Chile, tienen que recurrir al hospital de la Solidaridad de Tacna en Perú, para obtener los servicios de ......
Los habitantes de Arica y parte del norte grande de Chile, tienen que recurrir al hospital de la Solidaridad de Tacna en Perú, para obtener los servicios de ...
wn.com/Reportajetv Arica Chile Tiene Que Buscar Salud En Tacna Perú (Parte1)
Los habitantes de Arica y parte del norte grande de Chile, tienen que recurrir al hospital de la Solidaridad de Tacna en Perú, para obtener los servicios de ...
Newsroom, 28 May 2014
Newsroom from Johannesburg in South Africa presented by Eben Jansen. This show is live and broadcast from our studios in Auckland park. We are also streaming li...
Newsroom from Johannesburg in South Africa presented by Eben Jansen. This show is live and broadcast from our studios in Auckland park. We are also streaming live on Youtube as we speak, with...
wn.com/Newsroom, 28 May 2014
Newsroom from Johannesburg in South Africa presented by Eben Jansen. This show is live and broadcast from our studios in Auckland park. We are also streaming live on Youtube as we speak, with...
ReportajeTV: Abandono de Arica Expuesto por Fallo Haya Chile Perú
Reportaje sobre el abandono de Arica, emitido un día después del fallo de la Haya Chile Perú. "Era una protesta en reacción al fallo de la Haya, pero se conv......
Reportaje sobre el abandono de Arica, emitido un día después del fallo de la Haya Chile Perú. "Era una protesta en reacción al fallo de la Haya, pero se conv...
wn.com/Reportajetv Abandono De Arica Expuesto Por Fallo Haya Chile Perú
Reportaje sobre el abandono de Arica, emitido un día después del fallo de la Haya Chile Perú. "Era una protesta en reacción al fallo de la Haya, pero se conv...
Rómulo Fernández Medina, Director de PYMES PERÚ rtv, dialoga con el Alcalde del...
Rómulo Fernández Medina, Director de PYMES PERÚ rtv, dialoga con el Alcalde del distrito del distrito de NUEVA ARICA, Don Silver Rodas, quien señala lo siguiente:
1.Resalta la importancia del Congreso nacional de Alcaldes, organizado por el AMPE
2. Señala que recibe 60 mil soles mensuales de FONCOMUN y que la municipalidad recepción en malas condiciones, entre ellos con exceso de personal.
3. Nueva Arica tiene 3,500 habitantes
4. Se está trabajando con Sierra exportadora
Lima, 26 Marzo 2015
wn.com/Municipalidad Del Distrito De Nueva Arica, Pva De Chiclayo, Region Lambayeque
Rómulo Fernández Medina, Director de PYMES PERÚ rtv, dialoga con el Alcalde del distrito del distrito de NUEVA ARICA, Don Silver Rodas, quien señala lo siguiente:
1.Resalta la importancia del Congreso nacional de Alcaldes, organizado por el AMPE
2. Señala que recibe 60 mil soles mensuales de FONCOMUN y que la municipalidad recepción en malas condiciones, entre ellos con exceso de personal.
3. Nueva Arica tiene 3,500 habitantes
4. Se está trabajando con Sierra exportadora
Lima, 26 Marzo 2015
- published: 06 Mar 2015
- views: 4
Iquique con San Marcos de Arica abril 2015
www.iquiquedesdeelaire todos al estadio al estadio....
www.iquiquedesdeelaire todos al estadio al estadio.
wn.com/Iquique Con San Marcos De Arica Abril 2015
www.iquiquedesdeelaire todos al estadio al estadio.
- published: 22 Apr 2015
- views: 616
Bachelet visits quake zone, promises a 'return to normal as fast as we can do it'
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet visited Arica on Wednesday, one of the cities closest to the epicentre of the earthquake that struck the north of the countr...
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet visited Arica on Wednesday, one of the cities closest to the epicentre of the earthquake that struck the north of the country on Tuesday night.
The 8.2 magnitude earthquake killed at least six people but caused surprisingly little damage.
At a news conference in Arica, Bachelet said she had marked Arica city, the Tarapaca region and Parinacota province as disaster zones which will allow the use of emergency funds for recovery efforts.
She said the disaster zone decree would "continue for as long as necessary."
The quake was centered 61 miles (99 kilometres) northwest of Iquique, which is home to about 200,000 people.
About 2,500 homes were damaged in Alto Hospicio, a poor neighbourhood in the hills above Iquique.
Bachelet said issues with water, electricity and fuel supply had been resolved by as much as 90 percent in Iquique and Arica.
"We're going to continue to work in these different areas, water and electricity, so schools can get back to normal as fast as we can," she said.
A mandatory evacuation that lasted for 10 hours in Iquique and Arica has been lifted.
About 900,000 people were kept out of their homes along Chile's 2,500-mile (4,000 kilometre) coastline.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/c3cc146a2636b44176cdb8942a0d8a35
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Bachelet Visits Quake Zone, Promises A 'Return To Normal As Fast As We Can Do It'
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet visited Arica on Wednesday, one of the cities closest to the epicentre of the earthquake that struck the north of the country on Tuesday night.
The 8.2 magnitude earthquake killed at least six people but caused surprisingly little damage.
At a news conference in Arica, Bachelet said she had marked Arica city, the Tarapaca region and Parinacota province as disaster zones which will allow the use of emergency funds for recovery efforts.
She said the disaster zone decree would "continue for as long as necessary."
The quake was centered 61 miles (99 kilometres) northwest of Iquique, which is home to about 200,000 people.
About 2,500 homes were damaged in Alto Hospicio, a poor neighbourhood in the hills above Iquique.
Bachelet said issues with water, electricity and fuel supply had been resolved by as much as 90 percent in Iquique and Arica.
"We're going to continue to work in these different areas, water and electricity, so schools can get back to normal as fast as we can," she said.
A mandatory evacuation that lasted for 10 hours in Iquique and Arica has been lifted.
About 900,000 people were kept out of their homes along Chile's 2,500-mile (4,000 kilometre) coastline.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/c3cc146a2636b44176cdb8942a0d8a35
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 2
Entabeni Game Reserve Limpopo South Africa
Entabeni Game Reserve in the Waterberg Biosphere, Limpopo province of South Arica
Entabeni Game Reserve is malaria-free, has a moderate climate, summer rainfall...
Entabeni Game Reserve in the Waterberg Biosphere, Limpopo province of South Arica
Entabeni Game Reserve is malaria-free, has a moderate climate, summer rainfall and a close proximity to Johannesburg/Pretoria. The reserve offers five splendidly situated lodges/camps, set on two escarpments in a series of awesome landscapes. Lake Entabeni lies between soaring bluffs and peaks, a wonderful place for hippo and bird watching and viewing a rich variety of wildlife.
wn.com/Entabeni Game Reserve Limpopo South Africa
Entabeni Game Reserve in the Waterberg Biosphere, Limpopo province of South Arica
Entabeni Game Reserve is malaria-free, has a moderate climate, summer rainfall and a close proximity to Johannesburg/Pretoria. The reserve offers five splendidly situated lodges/camps, set on two escarpments in a series of awesome landscapes. Lake Entabeni lies between soaring bluffs and peaks, a wonderful place for hippo and bird watching and viewing a rich variety of wildlife.
- published: 18 Jun 2015
- views: 2
APB Arica Chilean Challenge 2014 - Highlights - Day 4
APB Arica Chilean Challenge 2014 - Highlights - Day 4 Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Coming Down https://www.facebook.com/clapyourhandssayyeah Camaras : Cristoba......
APB Arica Chilean Challenge 2014 - Highlights - Day 4 Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Coming Down https://www.facebook.com/clapyourhandssayyeah Camaras : Cristoba...
wn.com/Apb Arica Chilean Challenge 2014 Highlights Day 4
APB Arica Chilean Challenge 2014 - Highlights - Day 4 Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Coming Down https://www.facebook.com/clapyourhandssayyeah Camaras : Cristoba...
Arica: Campaña Erradicación de la Malaria 1925-1945
Documental sobre la campaña de erradicación de la malaria (1925-1945). Iniciativa del gobierno del general Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, realizada en las provincias ...
Documental sobre la campaña de erradicación de la malaria (1925-1945). Iniciativa del gobierno del general Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, realizada en las provincias de Tacna (entonces aún en manos de Chile), Arica y Tarapacá. Para este efecto se creó una comisión antimalárica presidida por el médico italiano, Juan Noé Crevani. Se estimaba que el 90 por ciento de los 28.700 habitantes de Tacna y Arica padecían de malaria. Las medidas estuvieron centradas en el control del mosquito Anofeles a través del saneamiento ambiental (drenaje y uso de petróleo de charcos y pantanos, encauzamiento de ríos, creación de brigada montada antimalárica, siembra de peces depredadores de larvas de mosquito, uso de insecticida DDT), como en el tratamiento de los enfermos. En 1929, Chile entrega la provincia de Tacna a Perú libre de malaria. En 1945, se sofoca el último foco en la quebrada de Tarapacá, año en que Chile es el primer país de América en erradicar la enfermedad. Este antecedente sirvió para que la Organización Mundial de la Salud, en 1955, declarara como objetivo mundial su erradicación. Chile, hasta el presente, está libre de la enfermedad. La campaña permitió el poblamiento del norte del país y el auge demográfico del Arica, con el Puerto Libre en la década del '60. Giovanni Noé Crevani, médico nacido en 1877, en Pavía, Italia, y fallecido en 1947, en Santiago de Chile. Estudió medicina en la Universidad de Roma donde se tituló en 1902. Discípulo del profesor en zoología médica, Gian Battista Grassi, quien identificó al mosquito Anofeles como vector transmisor de la malaria en 1898. En 1912, se traslada a Chile para asumir las cátedras de zoología médica, biología general, histología, anatomía microscópica, parasitología y embriología en la Universidad de Chile, en Santiago, donde trabaja en la modernización de la escuela de medicina. Entre 1925 y 1945, el Gobierno de Chile le encarga liderar una campaña para la erradicación de la malaria en el extremo norte del país. También asesoró al gobierno chileno en el control del mal de Chagas transmitido por la vinchuca (1943). Debido a su aporte en la lucha contra la malaria, el hospital regional de Arica lleva su nombre desde 1952. Fuente: El Dr. Juan Noé, la malaria y otras zoologías (2013). Hernán Sudy Pinto.
wn.com/Arica Campaña Erradicación De La Malaria 1925 1945
Documental sobre la campaña de erradicación de la malaria (1925-1945). Iniciativa del gobierno del general Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, realizada en las provincias de Tacna (entonces aún en manos de Chile), Arica y Tarapacá. Para este efecto se creó una comisión antimalárica presidida por el médico italiano, Juan Noé Crevani. Se estimaba que el 90 por ciento de los 28.700 habitantes de Tacna y Arica padecían de malaria. Las medidas estuvieron centradas en el control del mosquito Anofeles a través del saneamiento ambiental (drenaje y uso de petróleo de charcos y pantanos, encauzamiento de ríos, creación de brigada montada antimalárica, siembra de peces depredadores de larvas de mosquito, uso de insecticida DDT), como en el tratamiento de los enfermos. En 1929, Chile entrega la provincia de Tacna a Perú libre de malaria. En 1945, se sofoca el último foco en la quebrada de Tarapacá, año en que Chile es el primer país de América en erradicar la enfermedad. Este antecedente sirvió para que la Organización Mundial de la Salud, en 1955, declarara como objetivo mundial su erradicación. Chile, hasta el presente, está libre de la enfermedad. La campaña permitió el poblamiento del norte del país y el auge demográfico del Arica, con el Puerto Libre en la década del '60. Giovanni Noé Crevani, médico nacido en 1877, en Pavía, Italia, y fallecido en 1947, en Santiago de Chile. Estudió medicina en la Universidad de Roma donde se tituló en 1902. Discípulo del profesor en zoología médica, Gian Battista Grassi, quien identificó al mosquito Anofeles como vector transmisor de la malaria en 1898. En 1912, se traslada a Chile para asumir las cátedras de zoología médica, biología general, histología, anatomía microscópica, parasitología y embriología en la Universidad de Chile, en Santiago, donde trabaja en la modernización de la escuela de medicina. Entre 1925 y 1945, el Gobierno de Chile le encarga liderar una campaña para la erradicación de la malaria en el extremo norte del país. También asesoró al gobierno chileno en el control del mal de Chagas transmitido por la vinchuca (1943). Debido a su aporte en la lucha contra la malaria, el hospital regional de Arica lleva su nombre desde 1952. Fuente: El Dr. Juan Noé, la malaria y otras zoologías (2013). Hernán Sudy Pinto.
- published: 15 Aug 2015
- views: 40
Arica Hotel Pacífico
Trabajo realizado por los profesores Alfredo Kalice y Belsi Díaz con el propósito de preservar la memoria de nuestra amada ciudad de Arica. En esta oportunidad ...
Trabajo realizado por los profesores Alfredo Kalice y Belsi Díaz con el propósito de preservar la memoria de nuestra amada ciudad de Arica. En esta oportunidad les presentamos un vídeo que recuerda al emblemático "Hotel Pacífico".
wn.com/Arica Hotel Pacífico
Trabajo realizado por los profesores Alfredo Kalice y Belsi Díaz con el propósito de preservar la memoria de nuestra amada ciudad de Arica. En esta oportunidad les presentamos un vídeo que recuerda al emblemático "Hotel Pacífico".
- published: 20 Jan 2014
- views: 1184
Baile Típico de la Zona de Arica
Presentación Folclórica de integrante de la delegación de la Municipalidad de Arica, en el XXI Congreso Nacional de la Asociación de Municipios Turísticos de Ch...
Presentación Folclórica de integrante de la delegación de la Municipalidad de Arica, en el XXI Congreso Nacional de la Asociación de Municipios Turísticos de Chile.
wn.com/Baile Típico De La Zona De Arica
Presentación Folclórica de integrante de la delegación de la Municipalidad de Arica, en el XXI Congreso Nacional de la Asociación de Municipios Turísticos de Chile.
- published: 23 Apr 2015
- views: 70
Arica, Chile - Pelicans, Sea Lions and Cats
Arica is very interesting town to explore, if you like urban and harbor areas. It is located in the very North of Chile. http://travelguide-southamerica.com.
Maui and Sons Arica Pro Tour 2015 by Corona Day 2
Ruta Del Altiplano Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Ruta Del Altiplano. From the coastal cities in the north of Chile, the ancient trading routes of the Incas lead into the remot...
Arica Travel Video
Arica Travel Video, The pace of Arica is simply delightful. Its warm and sunny year-round, theres a cool pedestrian mall to flip-flop around come sunset and ...
Arica to La Paz by train (Chile / Bolivia)
A journey from Arica on the Pacific coast of Chile to La Paz, capital of Bolivia, high in the Andes. This line was once a busy freight link to Bolivia, and had adhesion and rack sections.
A stunning ride where we climb over 12,224 feet as we ascend to the Altiplano in our Bolivian railcar.
Part of a longer trip in Chile and Bolivia organised by Ffestiniog Travel in November 1997.
#01 Chile desde Arica a Punta Arenas en 10 minutos - Atlas vivo de Chile
El recorrido parte en Arica, norte desértico de Chile, y concluye en Punta Arenas, la ciudad más austral de Chile. http://www.atlasvivodechile.com/ Realizaci...
Ruta 5 Chile - Video filmagem de Arica até San Pedro de Atacama - trajeto completo
Ruta 5 Chile - Video filmagem de Arica até San Pedro de Atacama - trajeto completo
Chile border to Arica via Route 11-Lauca National Park-South America part69-Travel Video-HD
Lauca National Park is located in Chile's far north, in the Andean range. It encompasses an area of 1,379 km² of altiplano and mountains, the latter consisting mainly of enormous volcanoes.One of the main attractions of the park is the small lacustrine area formed by Chungará and Cotacotani lakes, which lies at the foothills of the Nevados de Payachata.
Video by costiflorea
#DFK2014 - Arica, Chile
Cast your vote for kindness! www.lifevestinside.com/vote
Life Vest Inside is up to win a $10,000 grant through KIND snacks and the organization with the most votes wins!
When you share on FB, twitter and email after you vote- your vote can count 4x as much! The steps are real simple and every vote counts! Visit www.lifevestinside.com/vote
A WorldWide event in celebration of World Kindness Day.
Travel Guide to Chile
As the longest, thinnest country in the world, Chile stretches all the way from the borders with Bolivia and Peru in the north, 4,500ks to Tierra del Fuego in the south, and yet at its widest point it, in the Atacama Desert, is only 400ks across. Sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the towering Andes, this fascinating Latin American country is home to the world’s driest desert, arguably the c
This travel vlog documents some of my experiences in Arica, Chile!! Meet my Peruvian friend Margarita...she only started learning English recently and it did...
Arica, Chile
Arica is a port city located in Northern Chile only 11 miles South of Peru. It has a mild climate with an average yearly temperature of 75 degrees, abundant ...
A Tourist's Guide to La Paz, Bolivia
We drive up from Lake Titicaca, to La Paz. We see the sights, including Plaza San Francisco and see the llama foetuses in the Witches' Market
"Peru" Tiinatuuttila's photos around Arica, Tacna, Cusco,, Peru
Preview of Tiinatuuttila's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/tiinatuuttila/1/1215217740/tpod.html This...
Quellaveco - Pasantía de comuneros al valle de Azapa Arifca - Chile
Anglo American Quellaveco
Arica Tours Video
Arica tours Video, The pace of Arica is simply delightful. Its warm and sunny year-round, theres a cool pedestrian mall to flip-flop around come sunset and decent brown-sugar beaches are just a short walk from the town center.
Top this off with some kick-ass surf breaks and a cool cliff-top War of the Pacific battlefield at El Morro, and you may just stay another day or two before you head up to
Chile Arica, HD
Arica City, Chile
Shirley Arica "mirala que es realidad"
Modelo Shirley Arica en Nvo. Chimbote
Promo Miss Laucho 2012. Arica - Chile
Promo Miss Laucho 2012. Arica - Chile Invitan Puerta Norte y DeportesArica.cl.
Paintball Sicarios Arica + Dji Phantom 2
Paintball Club Sicarios Arica presenta video grabado con Dji phantom 2 + gimbal H3-3D + Gopro Hero3
#Dji Phantom 2
#Gopro hero 3
Kanye West-Stronger (Instrumental)
Fort Minor-Remember the Name (feat. Styles of Beyond)
03 El espíritu del surf en Arica ~ Atlas Vivo de Chile
for more info (price, specs, etc) go to http://www.product-catalog.tk
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this is an aggregator channel.
all rights of every videos are credited to the original uploader.
several keywords of this channel:
canadian womens national soccer team, good roadie presenta rones, banff national parks carrot creek, lg banff national park, noma
Dakar 2011 Paso de Chaleco López Etapa Iquique Arica
for more info (price, specs, etc) go to http://www.product-catalog.tk
give your comment and rating, share it to you friend :)
this is an aggregator channel.
all rights of every videos are credited to the original uploader.
several keywords of this channel:
canadian womens national soccer team, good roadie presenta rones, banff national parks carrot creek, lg banff national park, noma
Chile Travel - Chile Promotional Video
Video promocional. Compilado recorrido por Chile
Arica, Chile - Pelicans, Sea Lions and Cats
Arica is very interesting town to explore, if you like urban and harbor areas. It is located in the very North of Chile. http://travelguide-southamerica.com....
Arica is very interesting town to explore, if you like urban and harbor areas. It is located in the very North of Chile. http://travelguide-southamerica.com.
wn.com/Arica, Chile Pelicans, Sea Lions And Cats
Arica is very interesting town to explore, if you like urban and harbor areas. It is located in the very North of Chile. http://travelguide-southamerica.com.
Ruta Del Altiplano Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Ruta Del Altiplano. From the coastal cities in the north of Chile, the ancient trading routes of the Incas lead into the remot......
Travel video about destination Ruta Del Altiplano. From the coastal cities in the north of Chile, the ancient trading routes of the Incas lead into the remot...
wn.com/Ruta Del Altiplano Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Ruta Del Altiplano. From the coastal cities in the north of Chile, the ancient trading routes of the Incas lead into the remot...
Arica Travel Video
Arica Travel Video, The pace of Arica is simply delightful. Its warm and sunny year-round, theres a cool pedestrian mall to flip-flop around come sunset and ......
Arica Travel Video, The pace of Arica is simply delightful. Its warm and sunny year-round, theres a cool pedestrian mall to flip-flop around come sunset and ...
wn.com/Arica Travel Video
Arica Travel Video, The pace of Arica is simply delightful. Its warm and sunny year-round, theres a cool pedestrian mall to flip-flop around come sunset and ...
Arica to La Paz by train (Chile / Bolivia)
A journey from Arica on the Pacific coast of Chile to La Paz, capital of Bolivia, high in the Andes. This line was once a busy freight link to Bolivia, and had ...
A journey from Arica on the Pacific coast of Chile to La Paz, capital of Bolivia, high in the Andes. This line was once a busy freight link to Bolivia, and had adhesion and rack sections.
A stunning ride where we climb over 12,224 feet as we ascend to the Altiplano in our Bolivian railcar.
Part of a longer trip in Chile and Bolivia organised by Ffestiniog Travel in November 1997.
wn.com/Arica To La Paz By Train (Chile Bolivia)
A journey from Arica on the Pacific coast of Chile to La Paz, capital of Bolivia, high in the Andes. This line was once a busy freight link to Bolivia, and had adhesion and rack sections.
A stunning ride where we climb over 12,224 feet as we ascend to the Altiplano in our Bolivian railcar.
Part of a longer trip in Chile and Bolivia organised by Ffestiniog Travel in November 1997.
- published: 23 Feb 2008
- views: 66725
#01 Chile desde Arica a Punta Arenas en 10 minutos - Atlas vivo de Chile
El recorrido parte en Arica, norte desértico de Chile, y concluye en Punta Arenas, la ciudad más austral de Chile. http://www.atlasvivodechile.com/ Realizaci......
El recorrido parte en Arica, norte desértico de Chile, y concluye en Punta Arenas, la ciudad más austral de Chile. http://www.atlasvivodechile.com/ Realizaci...
wn.com/01 Chile Desde Arica A Punta Arenas En 10 Minutos Atlas Vivo De Chile
El recorrido parte en Arica, norte desértico de Chile, y concluye en Punta Arenas, la ciudad más austral de Chile. http://www.atlasvivodechile.com/ Realizaci...
- published: 25 Sep 2012
- views: 285784
author: Chile
Ruta 5 Chile - Video filmagem de Arica até San Pedro de Atacama - trajeto completo
Ruta 5 Chile - Video filmagem de Arica até San Pedro de Atacama - trajeto completo...
Ruta 5 Chile - Video filmagem de Arica até San Pedro de Atacama - trajeto completo
wn.com/Ruta 5 Chile Video Filmagem De Arica Até San Pedro De Atacama Trajeto Completo
Ruta 5 Chile - Video filmagem de Arica até San Pedro de Atacama - trajeto completo
- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 10022
Chile border to Arica via Route 11-Lauca National Park-South America part69-Travel Video-HD
Lauca National Park is located in Chile's far north, in the Andean range. It encompasses an area of 1,379 km² of altiplano and mountains, the latter consisting ...
Lauca National Park is located in Chile's far north, in the Andean range. It encompasses an area of 1,379 km² of altiplano and mountains, the latter consisting mainly of enormous volcanoes.One of the main attractions of the park is the small lacustrine area formed by Chungará and Cotacotani lakes, which lies at the foothills of the Nevados de Payachata.
Video by costiflorea
wn.com/Chile Border To Arica Via Route 11 Lauca National Park South America Part69 Travel Video Hd
Lauca National Park is located in Chile's far north, in the Andean range. It encompasses an area of 1,379 km² of altiplano and mountains, the latter consisting mainly of enormous volcanoes.One of the main attractions of the park is the small lacustrine area formed by Chungará and Cotacotani lakes, which lies at the foothills of the Nevados de Payachata.
Video by costiflorea
- published: 11 Nov 2012
- views: 1603
#DFK2014 - Arica, Chile
Cast your vote for kindness! www.lifevestinside.com/vote
Life Vest Inside is up to win a $10,000 grant through KIND snacks and the organization with the most v...
Cast your vote for kindness! www.lifevestinside.com/vote
Life Vest Inside is up to win a $10,000 grant through KIND snacks and the organization with the most votes wins!
When you share on FB, twitter and email after you vote- your vote can count 4x as much! The steps are real simple and every vote counts! Visit www.lifevestinside.com/vote
A WorldWide event in celebration of World Kindness Day. Groups from all across the globe join together to perform a Kindness Freezmob/Flashmob to the same song, same dance, all happening on the same day.
wn.com/Dfk2014 Arica, Chile
Cast your vote for kindness! www.lifevestinside.com/vote
Life Vest Inside is up to win a $10,000 grant through KIND snacks and the organization with the most votes wins!
When you share on FB, twitter and email after you vote- your vote can count 4x as much! The steps are real simple and every vote counts! Visit www.lifevestinside.com/vote
A WorldWide event in celebration of World Kindness Day. Groups from all across the globe join together to perform a Kindness Freezmob/Flashmob to the same song, same dance, all happening on the same day.
- published: 07 Jan 2015
- views: 214
Travel Guide to Chile
As the longest, thinnest country in the world, Chile stretches all the way from the borders with Bolivia and Peru in the north, 4,500ks to Tierra del Fuego in t...
As the longest, thinnest country in the world, Chile stretches all the way from the borders with Bolivia and Peru in the north, 4,500ks to Tierra del Fuego in the south, and yet at its widest point it, in the Atacama Desert, is only 400ks across. Sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the towering Andes, this fascinating Latin American country is home to the world’s driest desert, arguably the continent’s most stunning national park, an impressive wine region and, on Chiloe Island, the home of the potato! An economically sound country that is fast become a first world nation, Chile has a huge amount to offer the modern traveller.
Unless coming in overland, most trips to Chile will start here in the nation’s capital, Santiago.
Although most guidebooks will tell you Santiago is not as exciting at Rio or as elegant and enchanting as Buenos Aires, and should be used only as a gateway to the rest of the country, I feel it is an interesting place to explore for a day or two. Like many large Latin American cities it suffers somewhat from schizophrenic urban design where the city’s impressive colonial past is often dwarfed and obscured by its more ugly modern present; tenement towers and, since its rise as a regional economic powerhouse – Chile has the highest GDP per capita in South America – glass fronted office blocks. But there are still some great sites to check out including the Plaza de Armas, the Palacio Modera, the city’s main museum, and the Mercado Central, where you can enjoy a delicious seafood lunch, beneath a roof that was actually made in Birmingham! Santiago also has some lovely hotels and is famous for its excellent dining.
But Santiago is unlikely to form the main reason for your visit to Chile, that is much more likely to lie either in the far north, in the Atacama region or in the far south in Patagonia.
From Santiago, and starting in the very south of the country in Chilean Patagonia, is Puerto Aranas, entry point for what is arguably the continents most impressive national park, Torres del Paine. Deriving its name from the bull-like horns of the park’s most impressive mountain, Torres del Paine covers a quarter of a million hectares, is home to some spectacular and varied accommodation, and is a great place to hike, horse ride or just enjoy the scenery.
Moving north, we come to the beautiful Lake District around the towns of Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas. Here, up the Puelo River valley, you can do some wonderful horse riding as well as walking and kayaking. A short distance off the coast you also have Chiloe Island, which along with stunning coastal walks is also famous for being home of the potato. And further still off the coast, in fact more than 2,000 miles into the Pacific Ocean, is the extraordinary Easter Island… a land shrouded in mystery with its dramatic stone head carvings, Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands on the planet.
Heading further north other notable places are the beautiful coastal towns of La Serena and Valparaiso – just a stone’s throw from the capital Santiago – and the wine district of Coquimbo where some of the country’s leading wines are manufacture
And here in the far north of the country, lies the truly extraordinary Atacama Desert. Bordering Bolivia, Peru and Argentina, is a region that’s renowned as being the driest place on earth.
Sitting in the rain shadow of both the Andes and the Chilean Coastal Range, the Atacama Desert is renowned as being the driest place on earth. It is also the region that has been driest for longest, with some suggesting a continuous arid area here dating back at least three million years. Some of the soil has no life at all, a situation NASA has exploited to test instruments for Mars missions. And, due to its otherworldly landscapes, it has been used as a location on numerous space films including Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets.
Forming the northern chain of Chile’s ‘Ring of Fire’ the region is framed by a spectacular girdle of volcanoes and plethora of fascinating geographical phenomenon.
A country fast emerging as a first world nation, Chile offers today’s traveller a safe location with some great accommodation, fine dining and world-class wines. But first and foremost she offers some of the most varied and impressive landscapes anywhere on earth.
wn.com/Travel Guide To Chile
As the longest, thinnest country in the world, Chile stretches all the way from the borders with Bolivia and Peru in the north, 4,500ks to Tierra del Fuego in the south, and yet at its widest point it, in the Atacama Desert, is only 400ks across. Sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the towering Andes, this fascinating Latin American country is home to the world’s driest desert, arguably the continent’s most stunning national park, an impressive wine region and, on Chiloe Island, the home of the potato! An economically sound country that is fast become a first world nation, Chile has a huge amount to offer the modern traveller.
Unless coming in overland, most trips to Chile will start here in the nation’s capital, Santiago.
Although most guidebooks will tell you Santiago is not as exciting at Rio or as elegant and enchanting as Buenos Aires, and should be used only as a gateway to the rest of the country, I feel it is an interesting place to explore for a day or two. Like many large Latin American cities it suffers somewhat from schizophrenic urban design where the city’s impressive colonial past is often dwarfed and obscured by its more ugly modern present; tenement towers and, since its rise as a regional economic powerhouse – Chile has the highest GDP per capita in South America – glass fronted office blocks. But there are still some great sites to check out including the Plaza de Armas, the Palacio Modera, the city’s main museum, and the Mercado Central, where you can enjoy a delicious seafood lunch, beneath a roof that was actually made in Birmingham! Santiago also has some lovely hotels and is famous for its excellent dining.
But Santiago is unlikely to form the main reason for your visit to Chile, that is much more likely to lie either in the far north, in the Atacama region or in the far south in Patagonia.
From Santiago, and starting in the very south of the country in Chilean Patagonia, is Puerto Aranas, entry point for what is arguably the continents most impressive national park, Torres del Paine. Deriving its name from the bull-like horns of the park’s most impressive mountain, Torres del Paine covers a quarter of a million hectares, is home to some spectacular and varied accommodation, and is a great place to hike, horse ride or just enjoy the scenery.
Moving north, we come to the beautiful Lake District around the towns of Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas. Here, up the Puelo River valley, you can do some wonderful horse riding as well as walking and kayaking. A short distance off the coast you also have Chiloe Island, which along with stunning coastal walks is also famous for being home of the potato. And further still off the coast, in fact more than 2,000 miles into the Pacific Ocean, is the extraordinary Easter Island… a land shrouded in mystery with its dramatic stone head carvings, Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands on the planet.
Heading further north other notable places are the beautiful coastal towns of La Serena and Valparaiso – just a stone’s throw from the capital Santiago – and the wine district of Coquimbo where some of the country’s leading wines are manufacture
And here in the far north of the country, lies the truly extraordinary Atacama Desert. Bordering Bolivia, Peru and Argentina, is a region that’s renowned as being the driest place on earth.
Sitting in the rain shadow of both the Andes and the Chilean Coastal Range, the Atacama Desert is renowned as being the driest place on earth. It is also the region that has been driest for longest, with some suggesting a continuous arid area here dating back at least three million years. Some of the soil has no life at all, a situation NASA has exploited to test instruments for Mars missions. And, due to its otherworldly landscapes, it has been used as a location on numerous space films including Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets.
Forming the northern chain of Chile’s ‘Ring of Fire’ the region is framed by a spectacular girdle of volcanoes and plethora of fascinating geographical phenomenon.
A country fast emerging as a first world nation, Chile offers today’s traveller a safe location with some great accommodation, fine dining and world-class wines. But first and foremost she offers some of the most varied and impressive landscapes anywhere on earth.
- published: 04 Mar 2015
- views: 463
This travel vlog documents some of my experiences in Arica, Chile!! Meet my Peruvian friend Margarita...she only started learning English recently and it did......
This travel vlog documents some of my experiences in Arica, Chile!! Meet my Peruvian friend Margarita...she only started learning English recently and it did...
wn.com/Chile Le Le
This travel vlog documents some of my experiences in Arica, Chile!! Meet my Peruvian friend Margarita...she only started learning English recently and it did...
Arica, Chile
Arica is a port city located in Northern Chile only 11 miles South of Peru. It has a mild climate with an average yearly temperature of 75 degrees, abundant ......
Arica is a port city located in Northern Chile only 11 miles South of Peru. It has a mild climate with an average yearly temperature of 75 degrees, abundant ...
wn.com/Arica, Chile
Arica is a port city located in Northern Chile only 11 miles South of Peru. It has a mild climate with an average yearly temperature of 75 degrees, abundant ...
A Tourist's Guide to La Paz, Bolivia
We drive up from Lake Titicaca, to La Paz. We see the sights, including Plaza San Francisco and see the llama foetuses in the Witches' Market...
We drive up from Lake Titicaca, to La Paz. We see the sights, including Plaza San Francisco and see the llama foetuses in the Witches' Market
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To La Paz, Bolivia
We drive up from Lake Titicaca, to La Paz. We see the sights, including Plaza San Francisco and see the llama foetuses in the Witches' Market
- published: 02 Sep 2012
- views: 37816
"Peru" Tiinatuuttila's photos around Arica, Tacna, Cusco,, Peru
Preview of Tiinatuuttila's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/tiinatuuttila/1/1215217740/tpod.html This......
Preview of Tiinatuuttila's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/tiinatuuttila/1/1215217740/tpod.html This...
wn.com/Peru Tiinatuuttila's Photos Around Arica, Tacna, Cusco,, Peru
Preview of Tiinatuuttila's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/tiinatuuttila/1/1215217740/tpod.html This...
Arica Tours Video
Arica tours Video, The pace of Arica is simply delightful. Its warm and sunny year-round, theres a cool pedestrian mall to flip-flop around come sunset and dece...
Arica tours Video, The pace of Arica is simply delightful. Its warm and sunny year-round, theres a cool pedestrian mall to flip-flop around come sunset and decent brown-sugar beaches are just a short walk from the town center.
Top this off with some kick-ass surf breaks and a cool cliff-top War of the Pacific battlefield at El Morro, and you may just stay another day or two before you head up to nearby Parque Nacional Lauca or take an afternoon off from beach duty to visit the Azapa Valley, home to some of the worlds oldest known mummies.
Wonderful Arica tours Video
wn.com/Arica Tours Video
Arica tours Video, The pace of Arica is simply delightful. Its warm and sunny year-round, theres a cool pedestrian mall to flip-flop around come sunset and decent brown-sugar beaches are just a short walk from the town center.
Top this off with some kick-ass surf breaks and a cool cliff-top War of the Pacific battlefield at El Morro, and you may just stay another day or two before you head up to nearby Parque Nacional Lauca or take an afternoon off from beach duty to visit the Azapa Valley, home to some of the worlds oldest known mummies.
Wonderful Arica tours Video
- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 3
Chile Arica, HD
Arica City, Chile...
Arica City, Chile
wn.com/Chile Arica, Hd
Arica City, Chile
- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 31
Shirley Arica "mirala que es realidad"
Modelo Shirley Arica en Nvo. Chimbote...
Modelo Shirley Arica en Nvo. Chimbote
wn.com/Shirley Arica Mirala Que Es Realidad
Modelo Shirley Arica en Nvo. Chimbote
- published: 21 Sep 2010
- views: 4368
Promo Miss Laucho 2012. Arica - Chile
Promo Miss Laucho 2012. Arica - Chile Invitan Puerta Norte y DeportesArica.cl....
Promo Miss Laucho 2012. Arica - Chile Invitan Puerta Norte y DeportesArica.cl.
wn.com/Promo Miss Laucho 2012. Arica Chile
Promo Miss Laucho 2012. Arica - Chile Invitan Puerta Norte y DeportesArica.cl.
- published: 06 Jan 2012
- views: 2058
author: cdarica
Paintball Sicarios Arica + Dji Phantom 2
Paintball Club Sicarios Arica presenta video grabado con Dji phantom 2 + gimbal H3-3D + Gopro Hero3
#Dji Phantom 2
#Gopro hero 3
Kanye West-Stronger ...
Paintball Club Sicarios Arica presenta video grabado con Dji phantom 2 + gimbal H3-3D + Gopro Hero3
#Dji Phantom 2
#Gopro hero 3
Kanye West-Stronger (Instrumental)
Fort Minor-Remember the Name (feat. Styles of Beyond)
wn.com/Paintball Sicarios Arica Dji Phantom 2
Paintball Club Sicarios Arica presenta video grabado con Dji phantom 2 + gimbal H3-3D + Gopro Hero3
#Dji Phantom 2
#Gopro hero 3
Kanye West-Stronger (Instrumental)
Fort Minor-Remember the Name (feat. Styles of Beyond)
- published: 04 Dec 2014
- views: 81
03 El espíritu del surf en Arica ~ Atlas Vivo de Chile
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this is an aggregator channel.
for more info (price, specs, etc) go to http://www.product-catalog.tk
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this is an aggregator channel.
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several keywords of this channel:
canadian womens national soccer team, good roadie presenta rones, banff national parks carrot creek, lg banff national park, nomade video receta hamburguesa, vaughan auto summit tecnologa lg, chile chile travel lg, camions toyota barres marchepieds chromes, heartthrob sofi a bell canada, world documentary trailer vamos, kisses bullheaded spike meets, patagonia chilena atlas vivo, video product information claire conroy, araucana atlas vivo, lg canada reinventores, dawn aplicacin cinta vhb, cada da somos ms, chile visita chip foose, chile chile travel, catherine fulop te invita, cartagena atlas vivo, trailer converse chuck taylor, torontos air canada centre, impression suzuki way, galgos atlas vivo, revolucion el mundo smartphone, good roadie represento, via del mar audi, reineta y pure, wrx sti enthusiast event, chile atlas vivo, cocina cmo limpiar, antofagasta atlas vivo, suvs suzuki celerio brz, buen uso y mantenimiento, lg cmo limpiar, tv pampita gran venta, huatacondo atlas vivo, chile lg oled tv, reveal hyundai canada himno, world class wave chevrolet, el primer refrigerador smart, valparaso atlas vivo, caspana atlas vivo, todos via del mar, play video games, win sumerge, parks pass program, viajeros por chile, shop chevrolet cruze, toilette annonce tl, atacama surf, el sistema icon, aventura del desierto, yonge dundas square, glee live tour, clasificacin al mundial, star rock chevy, toronto recorrido extremo, fibra cubitron ii, spanish brz, heartthrob bell canada, lactosa industria chilena, india chile, redesign preview, plstico del jardn, legacy liza chung, united states, south korea chile, limpieza y desinfeccin, scene emerson drive, overlap crash test, chance caribou, chile sangue bom, punta al alcance, scene dwight yoakam, rascacielos wonjung min, display tv, alpine ski team, teletrece envases, wild day filmacin, class fuel efficiency, gana chile, lipton, vitara y, magellans ship, chile testimonios, scenes action, main stage, moustache night, utility vehicle, control lg, control things, perfecto audi, year lg, ms fra, track trials, vaca normanda, scene casey, love, infinite possibilities, england, las terrazas, water, concurso rey, board camera, crowd viedos, conciencia y, ti chevrolet, chile benefits, country asmbrate, south korea, teleserie brasilea, lg tutorial, new mini, alexandre despatie, chile, sales vehicle, lancme lg, jack uczciwek, local mc, primera vuelta, ltima fecha, moto x, times square, el festival, punta arenas, fire, exclusive, star, inspirado, prosciutto, splitscreen, distance, mre, legacy, salitre, invitation, whistler, ti, enough, director, canadian, bc, reyes, colegios, cultura, night, radio, country, quality, fecha, pichilemu, people, paris, answer, mesa, cruzar, convierten, siempre, costa, regin, telonear, pusieron, lucknow, el, video, drones, escoba, menos, de, bobina, mosca, month, air, agriculture, lg, tough, clnica, dientes, cartera, lollapalooza, tickets, way, punto, toronto, day, twssf, acidez, guide, vitara, sampaoli, anniversary, rear, patagonia, clarasbigride, fun, vivo, romntico, montreal
wn.com/03 El Espíritu Del Surf En Arica ~ Atlas Vivo De Chile
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all rights of every videos are credited to the original uploader.
several keywords of this channel:
canadian womens national soccer team, good roadie presenta rones, banff national parks carrot creek, lg banff national park, nomade video receta hamburguesa, vaughan auto summit tecnologa lg, chile chile travel lg, camions toyota barres marchepieds chromes, heartthrob sofi a bell canada, world documentary trailer vamos, kisses bullheaded spike meets, patagonia chilena atlas vivo, video product information claire conroy, araucana atlas vivo, lg canada reinventores, dawn aplicacin cinta vhb, cada da somos ms, chile visita chip foose, chile chile travel, catherine fulop te invita, cartagena atlas vivo, trailer converse chuck taylor, torontos air canada centre, impression suzuki way, galgos atlas vivo, revolucion el mundo smartphone, good roadie represento, via del mar audi, reineta y pure, wrx sti enthusiast event, chile atlas vivo, cocina cmo limpiar, antofagasta atlas vivo, suvs suzuki celerio brz, buen uso y mantenimiento, lg cmo limpiar, tv pampita gran venta, huatacondo atlas vivo, chile lg oled tv, reveal hyundai canada himno, world class wave chevrolet, el primer refrigerador smart, valparaso atlas vivo, caspana atlas vivo, todos via del mar, play video games, win sumerge, parks pass program, viajeros por chile, shop chevrolet cruze, toilette annonce tl, atacama surf, el sistema icon, aventura del desierto, yonge dundas square, glee live tour, clasificacin al mundial, star rock chevy, toronto recorrido extremo, fibra cubitron ii, spanish brz, heartthrob bell canada, lactosa industria chilena, india chile, redesign preview, plstico del jardn, legacy liza chung, united states, south korea chile, limpieza y desinfeccin, scene emerson drive, overlap crash test, chance caribou, chile sangue bom, punta al alcance, scene dwight yoakam, rascacielos wonjung min, display tv, alpine ski team, teletrece envases, wild day filmacin, class fuel efficiency, gana chile, lipton, vitara y, magellans ship, chile testimonios, scenes action, main stage, moustache night, utility vehicle, control lg, control things, perfecto audi, year lg, ms fra, track trials, vaca normanda, scene casey, love, infinite possibilities, england, las terrazas, water, concurso rey, board camera, crowd viedos, conciencia y, ti chevrolet, chile benefits, country asmbrate, south korea, teleserie brasilea, lg tutorial, new mini, alexandre despatie, chile, sales vehicle, lancme lg, jack uczciwek, local mc, primera vuelta, ltima fecha, moto x, times square, el festival, punta arenas, fire, exclusive, star, inspirado, prosciutto, splitscreen, distance, mre, legacy, salitre, invitation, whistler, ti, enough, director, canadian, bc, reyes, colegios, cultura, night, radio, country, quality, fecha, pichilemu, people, paris, answer, mesa, cruzar, convierten, siempre, costa, regin, telonear, pusieron, lucknow, el, video, drones, escoba, menos, de, bobina, mosca, month, air, agriculture, lg, tough, clnica, dientes, cartera, lollapalooza, tickets, way, punto, toronto, day, twssf, acidez, guide, vitara, sampaoli, anniversary, rear, patagonia, clarasbigride, fun, vivo, romntico, montreal
- published: 10 Jul 2014
- views: 44
Dakar 2011 Paso de Chaleco López Etapa Iquique Arica
for more info (price, specs, etc) go to http://www.product-catalog.tk
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this is an aggregator channel.
for more info (price, specs, etc) go to http://www.product-catalog.tk
give your comment and rating, share it to you friend :)
this is an aggregator channel.
all rights of every videos are credited to the original uploader.
several keywords of this channel:
canadian womens national soccer team, good roadie presenta rones, banff national parks carrot creek, lg banff national park, nomade video receta hamburguesa, vaughan auto summit tecnologa lg, chile chile travel lg, camions toyota barres marchepieds chromes, heartthrob sofi a bell canada, world documentary trailer vamos, kisses bullheaded spike meets, patagonia chilena atlas vivo, video product information claire conroy, araucana atlas vivo, lg canada reinventores, dawn aplicacin cinta vhb, cada da somos ms, chile visita chip foose, chile chile travel, catherine fulop te invita, cartagena atlas vivo, trailer converse chuck taylor, torontos air canada centre, impression suzuki way, galgos atlas vivo, revolucion el mundo smartphone, good roadie represento, via del mar audi, reineta y pure, wrx sti enthusiast event, chile atlas vivo, cocina cmo limpiar, antofagasta atlas vivo, suvs suzuki celerio brz, buen uso y mantenimiento, lg cmo limpiar, tv pampita gran venta, huatacondo atlas vivo, chile lg oled tv, reveal hyundai canada himno, world class wave chevrolet, el primer refrigerador smart, valparaso atlas vivo, caspana atlas vivo, todos via del mar, play video games, win sumerge, parks pass program, viajeros por chile, shop chevrolet cruze, toilette annonce tl, atacama surf, el sistema icon, aventura del desierto, yonge dundas square, glee live tour, clasificacin al mundial, star rock chevy, toronto recorrido extremo, fibra cubitron ii, spanish brz, heartthrob bell canada, lactosa industria chilena, india chile, redesign preview, plstico del jardn, legacy liza chung, united states, south korea chile, limpieza y desinfeccin, scene emerson drive, overlap crash test, chance caribou, chile sangue bom, punta al alcance, scene dwight yoakam, rascacielos wonjung min, display tv, alpine ski team, teletrece envases, wild day filmacin, class fuel efficiency, gana chile, lipton, vitara y, magellans ship, chile testimonios, scenes action, main stage, moustache night, utility vehicle, control lg, control things, perfecto audi, year lg, ms fra, track trials, vaca normanda, scene casey, love, infinite possibilities, england, las terrazas, water, concurso rey, board camera, crowd viedos, conciencia y, ti chevrolet, chile benefits, country asmbrate, south korea, teleserie brasilea, lg tutorial, new mini, alexandre despatie, chile, sales vehicle, lancme lg, jack uczciwek, local mc, primera vuelta, ltima fecha, moto x, times square, el festival, punta arenas, fire, exclusive, star, inspirado, prosciutto, splitscreen, distance, mre, legacy, salitre, invitation, whistler, ti, enough, director, canadian, bc, reyes, colegios, cultura, night, radio, country, quality, fecha, pichilemu, people, paris, answer, mesa, cruzar, convierten, siempre, costa, regin, telonear, pusieron, lucknow, el, video, drones, escoba, menos, de, bobina, mosca, month, air, agriculture, lg, tough, clnica, dientes, cartera, lollapalooza, tickets, way, punto, toronto, day, twssf, acidez, guide, vitara, sampaoli, anniversary, rear, patagonia, clarasbigride, fun, vivo, romntico, montreal
wn.com/Dakar 2011 Paso De Chaleco López Etapa Iquique Arica
for more info (price, specs, etc) go to http://www.product-catalog.tk
give your comment and rating, share it to you friend :)
this is an aggregator channel.
all rights of every videos are credited to the original uploader.
several keywords of this channel:
canadian womens national soccer team, good roadie presenta rones, banff national parks carrot creek, lg banff national park, nomade video receta hamburguesa, vaughan auto summit tecnologa lg, chile chile travel lg, camions toyota barres marchepieds chromes, heartthrob sofi a bell canada, world documentary trailer vamos, kisses bullheaded spike meets, patagonia chilena atlas vivo, video product information claire conroy, araucana atlas vivo, lg canada reinventores, dawn aplicacin cinta vhb, cada da somos ms, chile visita chip foose, chile chile travel, catherine fulop te invita, cartagena atlas vivo, trailer converse chuck taylor, torontos air canada centre, impression suzuki way, galgos atlas vivo, revolucion el mundo smartphone, good roadie represento, via del mar audi, reineta y pure, wrx sti enthusiast event, chile atlas vivo, cocina cmo limpiar, antofagasta atlas vivo, suvs suzuki celerio brz, buen uso y mantenimiento, lg cmo limpiar, tv pampita gran venta, huatacondo atlas vivo, chile lg oled tv, reveal hyundai canada himno, world class wave chevrolet, el primer refrigerador smart, valparaso atlas vivo, caspana atlas vivo, todos via del mar, play video games, win sumerge, parks pass program, viajeros por chile, shop chevrolet cruze, toilette annonce tl, atacama surf, el sistema icon, aventura del desierto, yonge dundas square, glee live tour, clasificacin al mundial, star rock chevy, toronto recorrido extremo, fibra cubitron ii, spanish brz, heartthrob bell canada, lactosa industria chilena, india chile, redesign preview, plstico del jardn, legacy liza chung, united states, south korea chile, limpieza y desinfeccin, scene emerson drive, overlap crash test, chance caribou, chile sangue bom, punta al alcance, scene dwight yoakam, rascacielos wonjung min, display tv, alpine ski team, teletrece envases, wild day filmacin, class fuel efficiency, gana chile, lipton, vitara y, magellans ship, chile testimonios, scenes action, main stage, moustache night, utility vehicle, control lg, control things, perfecto audi, year lg, ms fra, track trials, vaca normanda, scene casey, love, infinite possibilities, england, las terrazas, water, concurso rey, board camera, crowd viedos, conciencia y, ti chevrolet, chile benefits, country asmbrate, south korea, teleserie brasilea, lg tutorial, new mini, alexandre despatie, chile, sales vehicle, lancme lg, jack uczciwek, local mc, primera vuelta, ltima fecha, moto x, times square, el festival, punta arenas, fire, exclusive, star, inspirado, prosciutto, splitscreen, distance, mre, legacy, salitre, invitation, whistler, ti, enough, director, canadian, bc, reyes, colegios, cultura, night, radio, country, quality, fecha, pichilemu, people, paris, answer, mesa, cruzar, convierten, siempre, costa, regin, telonear, pusieron, lucknow, el, video, drones, escoba, menos, de, bobina, mosca, month, air, agriculture, lg, tough, clnica, dientes, cartera, lollapalooza, tickets, way, punto, toronto, day, twssf, acidez, guide, vitara, sampaoli, anniversary, rear, patagonia, clarasbigride, fun, vivo, romntico, montreal
- published: 07 Jul 2014
- views: 33
Chile Travel - Chile Promotional Video
Video promocional. Compilado recorrido por Chile
Video promocional. Compilado recorrido por Chile
wn.com/Chile Travel Chile Promotional Video
Video promocional. Compilado recorrido por Chile
- published: 29 Sep 2011
- views: 244420