Lemberg - Auferstanden aus Erinnerungen - Ukraine
Es ist der Klang, der alle Zeitenwenden überlebt hat: Quietschend, schabend rumpeln die alten Straßenbahnen durch die Stadt. Am Schalthebel oft Frauen, die ihre Führerhäuschen liebevoll ausgestattet haben, als trügen sie ihr Schneckenhaus mit sich.
1941 | The Lemberg Pogrom
Lemberg | Lviv | Lwów | Lvov |
Lemberg Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeAEOpFDFPX6ADtXSl-92F0nEm81iRmv
Lemberg,- "Klein Paris" des Ostens
Euronews-Reporter Seamus Kearney:"Die Stadt Lviv, auf deutsch Lemberg, ist wohl das beste Beispiel für die große Vielfalt unter ukrainischen Städten. Wer diese alten Straßen hinuntergeht, hat den Eindruck, sich in irgendeiner historischen Stadt Westeuropas zu befinden. Da erstaunt es nicht, das Lemberg oft als "Klein-Paris des Ostens" bezeichnet wird.
Lemberg MX 07/2014
Motocross center Lemberg pri šmarju.
Honda CR250R 2005, Honda CR250R 2002, Yamaha YZ125 2005
MX Lemberg 2015
Thanks to
Team AllOut
Svete&Gery; xD
Zu Besuch in Lemberg, Ukraine | Euromaxx on tour
In Lemberg werden wir uns der Kaffeehauskultur annehmen. Vasyl Rasevych ist Historiker an der Akademie für Wissenschaften in Lemberg. Er erklärt uns, wie die Kaffeehäuser als ein Vermächtnis Österreichs nach Lemberg kamen. Außerdem besucht der Eruomaxx-Reporter Willi Neumann eine Schokoladenmanufaktur, die sich zur EM ganz dem Thema Fußball verschrieben hat.
Weiterlesen unter: www.dw.de/dw/episode
1941 | NKVD Lemberg Massacre
Lemberg | Lviv | Lwów | Lvov |
Lemberg Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeAEOpFDFPX6ADtXSl-92F0nEm81iRmv
Los Colorados - Only in Lemberg (Тільки у Львові)
Los Colorados about Ukrainian city Lviv (Львів, Lemberg, Lwow...)
Let others go find magic pies in the skies
Of Venice, Toronto or Paris
But I never fall for such things they believe
I'll never leave my darling Lviv
Where else can you feel as awesome as here?
Only in Lemberg!
Where else can you find such a beautiful sight?
Only in Lemberg!
Let's hide our sorrow away deep inside
Don't leave all
Відкриття LEMBERG TROPHY - 2016 (Open Cup of Lviv)
З 29 по 31 січня 2016 року - відкритий чемпіонат Львівської області по фігурному катанню. м. Новояворівськ вул. Шевченка 5.
г. Новояворовск 29-30.01.2016
Трансляция и онлайн результаты соревнований:
Cseh Tamás: Lemberg mellett van egy kerek erdő...
Cseh Tamás - Magyar katonadalok és énekek a XX. századból
Lviv, Lemberg, Львів, Leopolis, Lvov, Lwów, Львов, Leopol, Galicia, Halychyna,City of Lions
Lviv is a city with long history which is closely intertwined with cultures of different nations. Stormy and extremely interesting history of this unique Ukrainian city of Lviv is seven and a half centuries old.
1. After 1084, due to the feudal fragmentation, on lands of Volyn principality formed Galician principality, which started the settlement that later became the city of Lviv.
2. 1253-1349:
Nazi Pogrom in Lemberg
A very rare video showing a Nazi pogrom in Lemberg during the Second World War. The video also shows (for a few seconds) the Bobover Rebbe Benzion Halberstam (1874 - July 1941) shortly before he was murdered.
Kaviar-Haus Lemberg, Präsentation
Das Kaviar-Haus Lemberg ist ein international agierendes Unternehmen und zählt zu den größten Kaviarlieferanten europaweit.
Das Unternehmen wurde 2002 gegründet. Alles begann mit einem kleinen Kaviar-Laden in Berlin. Der hohe Qualitätsstandard der Produkte machte Lemberg zur ersten Kaviar-Adresse. Schon bald entwickelte sich daraus ein modernes Unternehmen mit dem breitesten Kaviar-Sortiment in Eu
Ткаченко Евгения фигурное катание FS LEMBERG TROPHY Tkachenko Eugenia is a figure-skating
Фигурное катание, Евгения Ткаченко, FS LEMBERG TROPHY, 30 января 2016 г, открытый чемпионат Львовской области по фигурному катанию, Украина, г. Новояворовск, https://vk.com/id288417963 Ткаченко Евгения категория Pre-Bronze 2008-2009, 1-е место, фигурное катание дети. Figure-skating, Evgeniya Tkachenko, FS LEMBERG TROPHY, on January, 30 a 2016 gramme, opened championship of the Lvov area on a figur
Lwow Lemberg 1941
Lwow Lemberg 1941. Germans entering Lwow Lemberg. Anti-Jewish attacks and provocations. Sad days for Jews, Lwow, Ukraine and the world.
Lwów - Львов - Львів - Lviv - Lemberg 2008 (HQ High Quality)
Wycieczka do Lwowa.
Lwów (ukr. Львів, łac. Leopolis, niem. Lemberg, jid. לעמבערג Lemberg, ros. Львов) największe miasto zachodniej Ukrainy, stolica obwodu lwowskiego (do 1939 stolica województwa lwowskiego), na Wyżynie Podolskiej, nad Pełtwią; ośrodek przemysłowy; port lotniczy, węzeł kolejowy i drogowy; ośrodek kulturalny i naukowy, Uniwersytet Lwowski (1661), Politechnika Lwowska (1844), Lw
Adiel Lemberg vs. Dimitrios Kydonakis
Promotion Showdown vol.2 26.9.2015
Muay Thai 3 x 3 min
-81 kg Adiel Lemberg, TMT vs. Dimitrios Kydonakis, HTBC
Concierto de Año Nuevo en Ceuta con la Orquesta Filarmónica de Lemberg.
El Concierto de Año Nuevo que dio en Ceuta la Orquesta Filarmónica de Lemberg se encuadra en el ciclo ‘Tocan los clásicos’ y está organizado por la ‘Sociedad Cultural Amigos de la Música’ en colaboración con la Consejería de Educación y Cultura.
Los principios de la ‘Sociedad Filarmónica Estatal de Lemberg’ se remontan a la primera mitad del siglo XIX, si bien fue en la segunda mitad del siglo XX
Reise in die Ukraine: Lemberg
Teil der DVD "Reise in die Ukraine" von Edwin Grub Media
Armenische Gasse - Boim-Kapelle - Lytschakiwski-Friedhof
Reiseberichte und Informationen über die Ukraine gibt's auf www.edwin-grub-media.de
Lemberg 1941
Angizia - 02. "Mein Jahr In Lemberg, 1911"
Band: Angizia
Country: Austria
Album: 39 Jahre für den Leierkastenmann
Genre: Avant-Garde
Mutter! Mutter? Bin ich denn ein Kind von hier?
Ein Strolch bin ich, der dreht an seiner Leier.
Ein Judenbub, besessen gar von Seltsamkeit und Posse.
Hör an mein Leid, es quält mich bitter...
Ich schlie
Angizia "Mein Jahr In Lemberg 1911" Subtítulos en Alemán y Español
Lemberg - Auferstanden aus Erinnerungen - Ukraine
Es ist der Klang, der alle Zeitenwenden überlebt hat: Quietschend, schabend rumpeln die alten Straßenbahnen durch die Stadt. Am Schalthebel oft Frauen, die ihre...
Es ist der Klang, der alle Zeitenwenden überlebt hat: Quietschend, schabend rumpeln die alten Straßenbahnen durch die Stadt. Am Schalthebel oft Frauen, die ihre Führerhäuschen liebevoll ausgestattet haben, als trügen sie ihr Schneckenhaus mit sich.
wn.com/Lemberg Auferstanden Aus Erinnerungen Ukraine
Es ist der Klang, der alle Zeitenwenden überlebt hat: Quietschend, schabend rumpeln die alten Straßenbahnen durch die Stadt. Am Schalthebel oft Frauen, die ihre Führerhäuschen liebevoll ausgestattet haben, als trügen sie ihr Schneckenhaus mit sich.
- published: 06 Feb 2014
- views: 1893
1941 | The Lemberg Pogrom
Lemberg | Lviv | Lwów | Lvov |
Lemberg Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeAEOpFDFPX6ADtXSl-92F0nEm81iRmv...
Lemberg | Lviv | Lwów | Lvov |
Lemberg Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeAEOpFDFPX6ADtXSl-92F0nEm81iRmv
wn.com/1941 | The Lemberg Pogrom
Lemberg | Lviv | Lwów | Lvov |
Lemberg Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeAEOpFDFPX6ADtXSl-92F0nEm81iRmv
- published: 11 Jan 2015
- views: 12795
Lemberg,- "Klein Paris" des Ostens
Euronews-Reporter Seamus Kearney:"Die Stadt Lviv, auf deutsch Lemberg, ist wohl das beste Beispiel für die große Vielfalt unter ukrainischen Städten. Wer diese ...
Euronews-Reporter Seamus Kearney:"Die Stadt Lviv, auf deutsch Lemberg, ist wohl das beste Beispiel für die große Vielfalt unter ukrainischen Städten. Wer diese alten Straßen hinuntergeht, hat den Eindruck, sich in irgendeiner historischen Stadt Westeuropas zu befinden. Da erstaunt es nicht, das Lemberg oft als "Klein-Paris des Ostens" bezeichnet wird.
wn.com/Lemberg, Klein Paris Des Ostens
Euronews-Reporter Seamus Kearney:"Die Stadt Lviv, auf deutsch Lemberg, ist wohl das beste Beispiel für die große Vielfalt unter ukrainischen Städten. Wer diese alten Straßen hinuntergeht, hat den Eindruck, sich in irgendeiner historischen Stadt Westeuropas zu befinden. Da erstaunt es nicht, das Lemberg oft als "Klein-Paris des Ostens" bezeichnet wird.
- published: 22 Aug 2011
- views: 7605
Lemberg MX 07/2014
Motocross center Lemberg pri šmarju.
Honda CR250R 2005, Honda CR250R 2002, Yamaha YZ125 2005...
Motocross center Lemberg pri šmarju.
Honda CR250R 2005, Honda CR250R 2002, Yamaha YZ125 2005
wn.com/Lemberg Mx 07 2014
Motocross center Lemberg pri šmarju.
Honda CR250R 2005, Honda CR250R 2002, Yamaha YZ125 2005
- published: 31 Jul 2014
- views: 326
MX Lemberg 2015
Thanks to
Team AllOut
Svete&Gery; xD...
Thanks to
Team AllOut
Svete&Gery; xD
wn.com/Mx Lemberg 2015
Thanks to
Team AllOut
Svete&Gery; xD
- published: 28 Mar 2015
- views: 614
Zu Besuch in Lemberg, Ukraine | Euromaxx on tour
In Lemberg werden wir uns der Kaffeehauskultur annehmen. Vasyl Rasevych ist Historiker an der Akademie für Wissenschaften in Lemberg. Er erklärt uns, wie die Ka...
In Lemberg werden wir uns der Kaffeehauskultur annehmen. Vasyl Rasevych ist Historiker an der Akademie für Wissenschaften in Lemberg. Er erklärt uns, wie die Kaffeehäuser als ein Vermächtnis Österreichs nach Lemberg kamen. Außerdem besucht der Eruomaxx-Reporter Willi Neumann eine Schokoladenmanufaktur, die sich zur EM ganz dem Thema Fußball verschrieben hat.
Weiterlesen unter: www.dw.de/dw/episode/9800/0,,15960376,00.html
wn.com/Zu Besuch In Lemberg, Ukraine | Euromaxx On Tour
In Lemberg werden wir uns der Kaffeehauskultur annehmen. Vasyl Rasevych ist Historiker an der Akademie für Wissenschaften in Lemberg. Er erklärt uns, wie die Kaffeehäuser als ein Vermächtnis Österreichs nach Lemberg kamen. Außerdem besucht der Eruomaxx-Reporter Willi Neumann eine Schokoladenmanufaktur, die sich zur EM ganz dem Thema Fußball verschrieben hat.
Weiterlesen unter: www.dw.de/dw/episode/9800/0,,15960376,00.html
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 9657
1941 | NKVD Lemberg Massacre
Lemberg | Lviv | Lwów | Lvov |
Lemberg Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeAEOpFDFPX6ADtXSl-92F0nEm81iRmv...
Lemberg | Lviv | Lwów | Lvov |
Lemberg Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeAEOpFDFPX6ADtXSl-92F0nEm81iRmv
wn.com/1941 | Nkvd Lemberg Massacre
Lemberg | Lviv | Lwów | Lvov |
Lemberg Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeAEOpFDFPX6ADtXSl-92F0nEm81iRmv
- published: 30 Apr 2015
- views: 926
Los Colorados - Only in Lemberg (Тільки у Львові)
Los Colorados about Ukrainian city Lviv (Львів, Lemberg, Lwow...)
Let others go find magic pies in the skies
Of Venice, Toronto or Paris
But I never fall for s...
Los Colorados about Ukrainian city Lviv (Львів, Lemberg, Lwow...)
Let others go find magic pies in the skies
Of Venice, Toronto or Paris
But I never fall for such things they believe
I'll never leave my darling Lviv
Where else can you feel as awesome as here?
Only in Lemberg!
Where else can you find such a beautiful sight?
Only in Lemberg!
Let's hide our sorrow away deep inside
Don't leave all your beer for tomorrow
They say our city is great, they are right
In daytime and also at night
На світі є Відень, Гонконг і Нью-Йорк
Я ж ніґди туди не поїду
Бо зроду не схильний до хибних думок
Зі Львова я ані на крок
Бо де ще є людям так файно як ту
Тілько ві Львові
Бо де ще зобачиш таку красоту
Тілько ві Львові
Let's hide our sorrow away deep inside
Don't leave all your beer for tomorrow
They say our city is great, they are right
In daytime and also at night
Where else can you feel as awesome as here?
Only in Lemberg!
Where else can you find such a beautiful sight?
Only in Lemberg!
Тут море утіх, und das freut mich
Don't leave all your beer for tomorrow
They say our city is great, they are right
In daytime and also at night
wn.com/Los Colorados Only In Lemberg (Тільки У Львові)
Los Colorados about Ukrainian city Lviv (Львів, Lemberg, Lwow...)
Let others go find magic pies in the skies
Of Venice, Toronto or Paris
But I never fall for such things they believe
I'll never leave my darling Lviv
Where else can you feel as awesome as here?
Only in Lemberg!
Where else can you find such a beautiful sight?
Only in Lemberg!
Let's hide our sorrow away deep inside
Don't leave all your beer for tomorrow
They say our city is great, they are right
In daytime and also at night
На світі є Відень, Гонконг і Нью-Йорк
Я ж ніґди туди не поїду
Бо зроду не схильний до хибних думок
Зі Львова я ані на крок
Бо де ще є людям так файно як ту
Тілько ві Львові
Бо де ще зобачиш таку красоту
Тілько ві Львові
Let's hide our sorrow away deep inside
Don't leave all your beer for tomorrow
They say our city is great, they are right
In daytime and also at night
Where else can you feel as awesome as here?
Only in Lemberg!
Where else can you find such a beautiful sight?
Only in Lemberg!
Тут море утіх, und das freut mich
Don't leave all your beer for tomorrow
They say our city is great, they are right
In daytime and also at night
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 116582
Відкриття LEMBERG TROPHY - 2016 (Open Cup of Lviv)
З 29 по 31 січня 2016 року - відкритий чемпіонат Львівської області по фігурному катанню. м. Новояворівськ вул. Шевченка 5....
З 29 по 31 січня 2016 року - відкритий чемпіонат Львівської області по фігурному катанню. м. Новояворівськ вул. Шевченка 5.
wn.com/Відкриття Lemberg Trophy 2016 (Open Cup Of Lviv)
З 29 по 31 січня 2016 року - відкритий чемпіонат Львівської області по фігурному катанню. м. Новояворівськ вул. Шевченка 5.
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 818
г. Новояворовск 29-30.01.2016
Трансляция и онлайн результаты соревнований:
г. Новояворовск 29-30.01.2016
Трансляция и онлайн результаты соревнований:
wn.com/Lemberg Trophy 30.01.2016
г. Новояворовск 29-30.01.2016
Трансляция и онлайн результаты соревнований:
- published: 30 Jan 2016
- views: 2890
Cseh Tamás: Lemberg mellett van egy kerek erdő...
Cseh Tamás - Magyar katonadalok és énekek a XX. századból...
Cseh Tamás - Magyar katonadalok és énekek a XX. századból
wn.com/Cseh Tamás Lemberg Mellett Van Egy Kerek Erdő...
Cseh Tamás - Magyar katonadalok és énekek a XX. századból
- published: 15 Aug 2010
- views: 17462
Lviv, Lemberg, Львів, Leopolis, Lvov, Lwów, Львов, Leopol, Galicia, Halychyna,City of Lions
Lviv is a city with long history which is closely intertwined with cultures of different nations. Stormy and extremely interesting history of this unique Ukrain...
Lviv is a city with long history which is closely intertwined with cultures of different nations. Stormy and extremely interesting history of this unique Ukrainian city of Lviv is seven and a half centuries old.
1. After 1084, due to the feudal fragmentation, on lands of Volyn principality formed Galician principality, which started the settlement that later became the city of Lviv.
2. 1253-1349: Kingdom of Russ (Galicia-Volyn state): Confrontation with the Golden Horde
3. 1349-1387: Kingdom of Russ: confrontation with Poland and Hungary
4. 1387-1772: under the rule of the Polish Kingdom
5. 1772-1914: as part of the Austrian (later Austro-Hungarian) Empire
6. 1914-1919: during World War I and the Ukrainian Revolution
7. 1919-1939: as part of the Second Commonwealth of Poland
8. 1939-1944: During World War II
9. 1944-1991: as part of the Soviet Union
10. After 1991: Independent Ukraine
In 1998 the city of Lviv was included in the listed of the world architectural monuments that are protected by UNESCO.
Львів - місто з багатовіковою історією в якому тісно переплелася культура різних народів. Бурхлива і надзвичайно цікава історія унікального українського міста Львова налічує сім з половиною віків.
1. Після 1084 року, у зв'язку з феодальною роздробленістю, на частині земель Волинського князівства утворилося Галицьке, до якого відійшли поселення, що стали зародком Львова.
2. 1253-1349: Руське Королівство (Галицько-Волинська держава): протистояння з Золотою Ордою
3. 1349-1387: Руське Королівство: протистояння з Польщею та Угорщиною
4. 1387-1772: під владою Польського королівства та Речі Посполитої
5. 1772-1914: у складі Австрійської (згодом Австро-Угорської) імперії
6. 1914-1919: у період Першої світової війни та Української революції
7. 1919-1939: у складі Другої Речі Посполитої
8. 1939-1944: у період Другої світової війни
9. 1944-1991: у складі Радянського Союзу
10. Після 1991: у Незалежній Україні
У 1998 році місто Львів був внесений до списку світових пам'яток архітектури, які знаходяться під охороною ЮНЕСКО.
Lwów - miasto o długiej historii, które jest ściśle spleciona kulturę różnych narodów. Burzliwe i niezwykle interesująca historia wyjątkowego miasta ukraińskiego Lwowa jest siedem i pół wieku.
1. Po 1084, ze względu na feudalne rozdrobnienie ziem Księstwa Wołyńskiego powstaje Galicyjski, który odszedł ugody, która stała się zalążkiem miasta.
2. 1253-1349: Królestwo Rusi (Galicja-Wołyń stan): Konfrontacja z Złotej Ordy
3. 1349-1387: Ruska UK: opozycja z Polski i Węgier
4. 1387-1772: pod rządami Królestwa Polskiego i Rzeczypospolitej
5. 1772-1914: w Austrii (później Austro-Węgry), Imperium
6. 1914-1919: w czasie I wojny światowej i rewolucji ukraińskiej
7. 1919-1939: w ramach II Rzeczypospolitej
8. 1939-1944: w czasie II wojny światowej
9. 1944-1991: w Związku Radzieckim
10. Po roku 1991: w niepodległej Ukrainie
W 1998 roku, miasto Lwów został wymieniony jako światowych zabytków architektonicznych, które są chronione przez UNESCO.
Lviv - eine Stadt mit einer langen Geschichte, die eng Kultur der verschiedenen Nationen miteinander verflochten. Stormy und äußerst interessante Geschichte der einzigartigen ukrainischen Stadt Lviv ist sieben und eine halbe Jahrhundert.
Ein. Nach 1084, aufgrund der feudalen Zersplitterung auf Ländereien von Volyn Fürstentum gebildet Galizisch, was ging Siedlung, die der Embryo der Stadt wurde.
2. 1253-1349: Kingdom of Rus (Galizien-Wolhynien Zustand): Konfrontation mit der Goldenen Horde
3. 1349-1387: Ruska UK: Opposition aus Polen und Ungarn
4. 1387-1772: Unter der Herrschaft des Königreichs Polen und des Commonwealth
5. 1772-1914: in der österreichischen (später österreichisch-ungarischen) Empire
6. 1914-1919: Während des Ersten Weltkrieges und der ukrainischen Revolution
7. 1919-1939: Im Rahmen des Zweiten Commonwealth
8. 1939-1944: Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs
9. 1944-1991: in der Sowjetunion
10. Nach 1991: In der unabhängigen Ukraine
Im Jahr 1998 wurde die Stadt Lviv als weltweit architektonische Denkmäler, die von der UNESCO geschützt werden aufgelistet.
wn.com/Lviv, Lemberg, Львів, Leopolis, Lvov, Lwów, Львов, Leopol, Galicia, Halychyna,City Of Lions
Lviv is a city with long history which is closely intertwined with cultures of different nations. Stormy and extremely interesting history of this unique Ukrainian city of Lviv is seven and a half centuries old.
1. After 1084, due to the feudal fragmentation, on lands of Volyn principality formed Galician principality, which started the settlement that later became the city of Lviv.
2. 1253-1349: Kingdom of Russ (Galicia-Volyn state): Confrontation with the Golden Horde
3. 1349-1387: Kingdom of Russ: confrontation with Poland and Hungary
4. 1387-1772: under the rule of the Polish Kingdom
5. 1772-1914: as part of the Austrian (later Austro-Hungarian) Empire
6. 1914-1919: during World War I and the Ukrainian Revolution
7. 1919-1939: as part of the Second Commonwealth of Poland
8. 1939-1944: During World War II
9. 1944-1991: as part of the Soviet Union
10. After 1991: Independent Ukraine
In 1998 the city of Lviv was included in the listed of the world architectural monuments that are protected by UNESCO.
Львів - місто з багатовіковою історією в якому тісно переплелася культура різних народів. Бурхлива і надзвичайно цікава історія унікального українського міста Львова налічує сім з половиною віків.
1. Після 1084 року, у зв'язку з феодальною роздробленістю, на частині земель Волинського князівства утворилося Галицьке, до якого відійшли поселення, що стали зародком Львова.
2. 1253-1349: Руське Королівство (Галицько-Волинська держава): протистояння з Золотою Ордою
3. 1349-1387: Руське Королівство: протистояння з Польщею та Угорщиною
4. 1387-1772: під владою Польського королівства та Речі Посполитої
5. 1772-1914: у складі Австрійської (згодом Австро-Угорської) імперії
6. 1914-1919: у період Першої світової війни та Української революції
7. 1919-1939: у складі Другої Речі Посполитої
8. 1939-1944: у період Другої світової війни
9. 1944-1991: у складі Радянського Союзу
10. Після 1991: у Незалежній Україні
У 1998 році місто Львів був внесений до списку світових пам'яток архітектури, які знаходяться під охороною ЮНЕСКО.
Lwów - miasto o długiej historii, które jest ściśle spleciona kulturę różnych narodów. Burzliwe i niezwykle interesująca historia wyjątkowego miasta ukraińskiego Lwowa jest siedem i pół wieku.
1. Po 1084, ze względu na feudalne rozdrobnienie ziem Księstwa Wołyńskiego powstaje Galicyjski, który odszedł ugody, która stała się zalążkiem miasta.
2. 1253-1349: Królestwo Rusi (Galicja-Wołyń stan): Konfrontacja z Złotej Ordy
3. 1349-1387: Ruska UK: opozycja z Polski i Węgier
4. 1387-1772: pod rządami Królestwa Polskiego i Rzeczypospolitej
5. 1772-1914: w Austrii (później Austro-Węgry), Imperium
6. 1914-1919: w czasie I wojny światowej i rewolucji ukraińskiej
7. 1919-1939: w ramach II Rzeczypospolitej
8. 1939-1944: w czasie II wojny światowej
9. 1944-1991: w Związku Radzieckim
10. Po roku 1991: w niepodległej Ukrainie
W 1998 roku, miasto Lwów został wymieniony jako światowych zabytków architektonicznych, które są chronione przez UNESCO.
Lviv - eine Stadt mit einer langen Geschichte, die eng Kultur der verschiedenen Nationen miteinander verflochten. Stormy und äußerst interessante Geschichte der einzigartigen ukrainischen Stadt Lviv ist sieben und eine halbe Jahrhundert.
Ein. Nach 1084, aufgrund der feudalen Zersplitterung auf Ländereien von Volyn Fürstentum gebildet Galizisch, was ging Siedlung, die der Embryo der Stadt wurde.
2. 1253-1349: Kingdom of Rus (Galizien-Wolhynien Zustand): Konfrontation mit der Goldenen Horde
3. 1349-1387: Ruska UK: Opposition aus Polen und Ungarn
4. 1387-1772: Unter der Herrschaft des Königreichs Polen und des Commonwealth
5. 1772-1914: in der österreichischen (später österreichisch-ungarischen) Empire
6. 1914-1919: Während des Ersten Weltkrieges und der ukrainischen Revolution
7. 1919-1939: Im Rahmen des Zweiten Commonwealth
8. 1939-1944: Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs
9. 1944-1991: in der Sowjetunion
10. Nach 1991: In der unabhängigen Ukraine
Im Jahr 1998 wurde die Stadt Lviv als weltweit architektonische Denkmäler, die von der UNESCO geschützt werden aufgelistet.
- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 13375
Nazi Pogrom in Lemberg
A very rare video showing a Nazi pogrom in Lemberg during the Second World War. The video also shows (for a few seconds) the Bobover Rebbe Benzion Halberstam (1...
A very rare video showing a Nazi pogrom in Lemberg during the Second World War. The video also shows (for a few seconds) the Bobover Rebbe Benzion Halberstam (1874 - July 1941) shortly before he was murdered.
wn.com/Nazi Pogrom In Lemberg
A very rare video showing a Nazi pogrom in Lemberg during the Second World War. The video also shows (for a few seconds) the Bobover Rebbe Benzion Halberstam (1874 - July 1941) shortly before he was murdered.
- published: 23 Sep 2009
- views: 36842
Kaviar-Haus Lemberg, Präsentation
Das Kaviar-Haus Lemberg ist ein international agierendes Unternehmen und zählt zu den größten Kaviarlieferanten europaweit.
Das Unternehmen wurde 2002 gegründet...
Das Kaviar-Haus Lemberg ist ein international agierendes Unternehmen und zählt zu den größten Kaviarlieferanten europaweit.
Das Unternehmen wurde 2002 gegründet. Alles begann mit einem kleinen Kaviar-Laden in Berlin. Der hohe Qualitätsstandard der Produkte machte Lemberg zur ersten Kaviar-Adresse. Schon bald entwickelte sich daraus ein modernes Unternehmen mit dem breitesten Kaviar-Sortiment in Europa.
Besonderer Wert wurde auf eigene Infrastruktur in Verarbeitung, Verpackung und Versand unserer Produkte gelegt, so dass die Kunden saisonunabhängig rund um das ganze Jahr beliefert werden können.
Lemberg steht für Spitzenqualität zu erschwinglichen Preisen.
Unser Webshop:
Unsere Ladengeschäfte in Berlin:
• Otto-Suhr-Allee 94
10585 Berlin
• Olivaer Platz 8
10707 Berlin
• LEDO Berlin
Forckenbeckstr. 1
14199 Berlin
wn.com/Kaviar Haus Lemberg, Präsentation
Das Kaviar-Haus Lemberg ist ein international agierendes Unternehmen und zählt zu den größten Kaviarlieferanten europaweit.
Das Unternehmen wurde 2002 gegründet. Alles begann mit einem kleinen Kaviar-Laden in Berlin. Der hohe Qualitätsstandard der Produkte machte Lemberg zur ersten Kaviar-Adresse. Schon bald entwickelte sich daraus ein modernes Unternehmen mit dem breitesten Kaviar-Sortiment in Europa.
Besonderer Wert wurde auf eigene Infrastruktur in Verarbeitung, Verpackung und Versand unserer Produkte gelegt, so dass die Kunden saisonunabhängig rund um das ganze Jahr beliefert werden können.
Lemberg steht für Spitzenqualität zu erschwinglichen Preisen.
Unser Webshop:
Unsere Ladengeschäfte in Berlin:
• Otto-Suhr-Allee 94
10585 Berlin
• Olivaer Platz 8
10707 Berlin
• LEDO Berlin
Forckenbeckstr. 1
14199 Berlin
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 1835
Ткаченко Евгения фигурное катание FS LEMBERG TROPHY Tkachenko Eugenia is a figure-skating
Фигурное катание, Евгения Ткаченко, FS LEMBERG TROPHY, 30 января 2016 г, открытый чемпионат Львовской области по фигурному катанию, Украина, г. Новояворовск, ht...
Фигурное катание, Евгения Ткаченко, FS LEMBERG TROPHY, 30 января 2016 г, открытый чемпионат Львовской области по фигурному катанию, Украина, г. Новояворовск, https://vk.com/id288417963 Ткаченко Евгения категория Pre-Bronze 2008-2009, 1-е место, фигурное катание дети. Figure-skating, Evgeniya Tkachenko, FS LEMBERG TROPHY, on January, 30 a 2016 gramme, opened championship of the Lvov area on a figure-skating, Ukraine, Novoyavorovsk, Tkachenko Eugenia category of Pre-bronze 2008-2009, 1th place, a figure-skating is children.
wn.com/Ткаченко Евгения Фигурное Катание Fs Lemberg Trophy Tkachenko Eugenia Is A Figure Skating
Фигурное катание, Евгения Ткаченко, FS LEMBERG TROPHY, 30 января 2016 г, открытый чемпионат Львовской области по фигурному катанию, Украина, г. Новояворовск, https://vk.com/id288417963 Ткаченко Евгения категория Pre-Bronze 2008-2009, 1-е место, фигурное катание дети. Figure-skating, Evgeniya Tkachenko, FS LEMBERG TROPHY, on January, 30 a 2016 gramme, opened championship of the Lvov area on a figure-skating, Ukraine, Novoyavorovsk, Tkachenko Eugenia category of Pre-bronze 2008-2009, 1th place, a figure-skating is children.
- published: 30 Jan 2016
- views: 1286
Lwow Lemberg 1941
Lwow Lemberg 1941. Germans entering Lwow Lemberg. Anti-Jewish attacks and provocations. Sad days for Jews, Lwow, Ukraine and the world....
Lwow Lemberg 1941. Germans entering Lwow Lemberg. Anti-Jewish attacks and provocations. Sad days for Jews, Lwow, Ukraine and the world.
wn.com/Lwow Lemberg 1941
Lwow Lemberg 1941. Germans entering Lwow Lemberg. Anti-Jewish attacks and provocations. Sad days for Jews, Lwow, Ukraine and the world.
- published: 22 Oct 2008
- views: 87020
Lwów - Львов - Львів - Lviv - Lemberg 2008 (HQ High Quality)
Wycieczka do Lwowa.
Lwów (ukr. Львів, łac. Leopolis, niem. Lemberg, jid. לעמבערג Lemberg, ros. Львов) największe miasto zachodniej Ukrainy, stolica obwodu ...
Wycieczka do Lwowa.
Lwów (ukr. Львів, łac. Leopolis, niem. Lemberg, jid. לעמבערג Lemberg, ros. Львов) największe miasto zachodniej Ukrainy, stolica obwodu lwowskiego (do 1939 stolica województwa lwowskiego), na Wyżynie Podolskiej, nad Pełtwią; ośrodek przemysłowy; port lotniczy, węzeł kolejowy i drogowy; ośrodek kulturalny i naukowy, Uniwersytet Lwowski (1661), Politechnika Lwowska (1844), Lwowska Galeria Sztuki (1897), Teatr Wielki (1900); cenny zespół obiektów zabytkowych wpisany na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO w 1998; główny ośrodek nauki i kultury polskiej na Ukrainie.
Stolica województwa ruskiego, jedno z głównych miast I i II Rzeczypospolitej, w okresie rozbiorów ośrodek kultury polskiej i stolica Galicji.
Lwów został założony przez księcia Daniela Halickiego ok. 1250 r., wywodzącego się z dynastii Rurykowiczów, który nazwał miasto Lwowem na cześć swojego syna Lwa. Lew Halicki po śmierci ojca przeniósł do Lwowa stolicę Rusi Halicko-Włodzimierskiej.W 1340 r. po śmierci Bolesława Jerzego II miasto na podstawie umowy podpisanej dwa lata wcześniej, zajął Kazimierz III Wielki. W 1350 r ks. litewski Lubart w czasie napadu niszczy Lwów W 1356 Kazimierz Wielki lokował miasto na prawie magdeburskim. Lwów stanowił od tego czasu część Polski. Ludwik Węgierski przyłączył Ruś Halicką do Węgier w 1370. Rządy namiestnicze sprawował tam w imieniu króla książę Władysław Opolczyk. Po jego śmierci w 1379 rządzili tu starostowie węgierscy. W 1387 usunęła ich królowa Jadwiga Andegaweńska, która ostatecznie przyłączyła Ruś Czerwoną do Korony. [1]W 1412 roku stał się siedzibą metropolity łacińskiego. Podobnie jak Kraków czy Gdańsk, Lwów był miastem królewskim o wielkim znaczeniu obronnym i ekonomicznym Polski.
źródło: http://pl.wikipedia.org
wn.com/Lwów Львов Львів Lviv Lemberg 2008 (Hq High Quality)
Wycieczka do Lwowa.
Lwów (ukr. Львів, łac. Leopolis, niem. Lemberg, jid. לעמבערג Lemberg, ros. Львов) największe miasto zachodniej Ukrainy, stolica obwodu lwowskiego (do 1939 stolica województwa lwowskiego), na Wyżynie Podolskiej, nad Pełtwią; ośrodek przemysłowy; port lotniczy, węzeł kolejowy i drogowy; ośrodek kulturalny i naukowy, Uniwersytet Lwowski (1661), Politechnika Lwowska (1844), Lwowska Galeria Sztuki (1897), Teatr Wielki (1900); cenny zespół obiektów zabytkowych wpisany na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO w 1998; główny ośrodek nauki i kultury polskiej na Ukrainie.
Stolica województwa ruskiego, jedno z głównych miast I i II Rzeczypospolitej, w okresie rozbiorów ośrodek kultury polskiej i stolica Galicji.
Lwów został założony przez księcia Daniela Halickiego ok. 1250 r., wywodzącego się z dynastii Rurykowiczów, który nazwał miasto Lwowem na cześć swojego syna Lwa. Lew Halicki po śmierci ojca przeniósł do Lwowa stolicę Rusi Halicko-Włodzimierskiej.W 1340 r. po śmierci Bolesława Jerzego II miasto na podstawie umowy podpisanej dwa lata wcześniej, zajął Kazimierz III Wielki. W 1350 r ks. litewski Lubart w czasie napadu niszczy Lwów W 1356 Kazimierz Wielki lokował miasto na prawie magdeburskim. Lwów stanowił od tego czasu część Polski. Ludwik Węgierski przyłączył Ruś Halicką do Węgier w 1370. Rządy namiestnicze sprawował tam w imieniu króla książę Władysław Opolczyk. Po jego śmierci w 1379 rządzili tu starostowie węgierscy. W 1387 usunęła ich królowa Jadwiga Andegaweńska, która ostatecznie przyłączyła Ruś Czerwoną do Korony. [1]W 1412 roku stał się siedzibą metropolity łacińskiego. Podobnie jak Kraków czy Gdańsk, Lwów był miastem królewskim o wielkim znaczeniu obronnym i ekonomicznym Polski.
źródło: http://pl.wikipedia.org
- published: 15 Sep 2008
- views: 94087
Adiel Lemberg vs. Dimitrios Kydonakis
Promotion Showdown vol.2 26.9.2015
Muay Thai 3 x 3 min
-81 kg Adiel Lemberg, TMT vs. Dimitrios Kydonakis, HTBC...
Promotion Showdown vol.2 26.9.2015
Muay Thai 3 x 3 min
-81 kg Adiel Lemberg, TMT vs. Dimitrios Kydonakis, HTBC
wn.com/Adiel Lemberg Vs. Dimitrios Kydonakis
Promotion Showdown vol.2 26.9.2015
Muay Thai 3 x 3 min
-81 kg Adiel Lemberg, TMT vs. Dimitrios Kydonakis, HTBC
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 266
Concierto de Año Nuevo en Ceuta con la Orquesta Filarmónica de Lemberg.
El Concierto de Año Nuevo que dio en Ceuta la Orquesta Filarmónica de Lemberg se encuadra en el ciclo ‘Tocan los clásicos’ y está organizado por la ‘Sociedad Cu...
El Concierto de Año Nuevo que dio en Ceuta la Orquesta Filarmónica de Lemberg se encuadra en el ciclo ‘Tocan los clásicos’ y está organizado por la ‘Sociedad Cultural Amigos de la Música’ en colaboración con la Consejería de Educación y Cultura.
Los principios de la ‘Sociedad Filarmónica Estatal de Lemberg’ se remontan a la primera mitad del siglo XIX, si bien fue en la segunda mitad del siglo XX cuando el trabajo de la orquesta comenzó a tener más proyección internacional. En la actualidad, sus giras por Alemania, Italia, Francia, Polonia, España y Suiza confirman su elevado nivel artístico.
En mayo de 1998, el director suizo Gunhard Mattes, en el Festival Internacional de Cultura de Lemberg dirigió a la Filarmónica de la Academia de Música durante la actuación final del festival. Se encontró con unos jóvenes músicos con talento y altamente motivados que desarrollaban su profesión en condiciones extremas, sin locales de ensayo ni posibilidades si quiera de adquirir en propiedad los instrumentos que tocaban.
En ese contexto, Mattes decidió formar una orquesta en Lemberg, proyecto que llevó a cabo con la ayuda de donaciones espontáneas de amigos y conocidos suizos y el apoyo generoso de la Fundación Gebauer. Primero fue la Orquesta del Festival de Lemberg y, tras años de entrega e idealismo, se ha convertido en lo que el público ceutí podrá disfrutar el próximo día 4: una orquesta con dirección suiza y músicos ucranianos profesionales que cautiva con un amplio repertorio que bebe del barroco, la literatura concertística clásico-romántica y, también, del desafío de los contemporáneos. Entre sus grabaciones destaca el Love CD, con Yasmine Tamara, premiado con el Disco de Oro.
wn.com/Concierto De Año Nuevo En Ceuta Con La Orquesta Filarmónica De Lemberg.
El Concierto de Año Nuevo que dio en Ceuta la Orquesta Filarmónica de Lemberg se encuadra en el ciclo ‘Tocan los clásicos’ y está organizado por la ‘Sociedad Cultural Amigos de la Música’ en colaboración con la Consejería de Educación y Cultura.
Los principios de la ‘Sociedad Filarmónica Estatal de Lemberg’ se remontan a la primera mitad del siglo XIX, si bien fue en la segunda mitad del siglo XX cuando el trabajo de la orquesta comenzó a tener más proyección internacional. En la actualidad, sus giras por Alemania, Italia, Francia, Polonia, España y Suiza confirman su elevado nivel artístico.
En mayo de 1998, el director suizo Gunhard Mattes, en el Festival Internacional de Cultura de Lemberg dirigió a la Filarmónica de la Academia de Música durante la actuación final del festival. Se encontró con unos jóvenes músicos con talento y altamente motivados que desarrollaban su profesión en condiciones extremas, sin locales de ensayo ni posibilidades si quiera de adquirir en propiedad los instrumentos que tocaban.
En ese contexto, Mattes decidió formar una orquesta en Lemberg, proyecto que llevó a cabo con la ayuda de donaciones espontáneas de amigos y conocidos suizos y el apoyo generoso de la Fundación Gebauer. Primero fue la Orquesta del Festival de Lemberg y, tras años de entrega e idealismo, se ha convertido en lo que el público ceutí podrá disfrutar el próximo día 4: una orquesta con dirección suiza y músicos ucranianos profesionales que cautiva con un amplio repertorio que bebe del barroco, la literatura concertística clásico-romántica y, también, del desafío de los contemporáneos. Entre sus grabaciones destaca el Love CD, con Yasmine Tamara, premiado con el Disco de Oro.
- published: 04 Jan 2016
- views: 419
Reise in die Ukraine: Lemberg
Teil der DVD "Reise in die Ukraine" von Edwin Grub Media
Armenische Gasse - Boim-Kapelle - Lytschakiwski-Friedhof
Reiseberichte und Informationen über die...
Teil der DVD "Reise in die Ukraine" von Edwin Grub Media
Armenische Gasse - Boim-Kapelle - Lytschakiwski-Friedhof
Reiseberichte und Informationen über die Ukraine gibt's auf www.edwin-grub-media.de
wn.com/Reise In Die Ukraine Lemberg
Teil der DVD "Reise in die Ukraine" von Edwin Grub Media
Armenische Gasse - Boim-Kapelle - Lytschakiwski-Friedhof
Reiseberichte und Informationen über die Ukraine gibt's auf www.edwin-grub-media.de
- published: 15 May 2012
- views: 3648
Angizia - 02. "Mein Jahr In Lemberg, 1911"
Band: Angizia
Country: Austria
Album: 39 Jahre für den Leierkastenmann
Genre: Avant-Garde
Band: Angizia
Country: Austria
Album: 39 Jahre für den Leierkastenmann
Genre: Avant-Garde
Mutter! Mutter? Bin ich denn ein Kind von hier?
Ein Strolch bin ich, der dreht an seiner Leier.
Ein Judenbub, besessen gar von Seltsamkeit und Posse.
Hör an mein Leid, es quält mich bitter...
Ich schlief und erbat,
dass die Welt mich versteht,
dass ein jüdischer Traum
keine Sünde gesteht.
Ich sann nach dem Spiel
mit dem Kasten, mein Freund.
Ich drehte die Leier
mit Herz und mit Leid!
Spielt auf, ihr Kinder der Lemberger Zeit,
meißelt den Klang, der die Juden befreit.
Spielt auf für die Zeit, die mein Leben begann!
Stimmt das Leben an!
Ich trotzte das Leid mit kläglichem Klang,
nachts zogen schier Bögen die Geigen entlang.
Wir kratzten an Bünden, die sonst niemand fand,
wir machten Musik für das jüdische Land.
Spielt auf, ihr Kinder der Lemberger Zeit,
meißelt den Klang, der die Juden befreit.
Spielt auf für die Zeit, die mein Leben begann!
Stimmt das Leben an!
Hörst du die Geige,
er spielt sie so weich...
Sein Spiel ist famos
...und jüdisch zugleich.
Hörst du, Elias,
du spielst doch noch kaum,
hat dich der Kasten besiegt?
Nein, ich spiele den Kasten mit Mut...
Was soll ich denn spielen?
Musik für die Ruh?
Das ist die Geschichte einer mutigen Tat;
sie war eines Tages Elias' Verrat.
Nein, Mutter, nein,
ich spiel' für mein Herz,
mein Leben als Jude,
es kostet mich Schmerz...
Musik ist mein Glück...
und das ist, das ist mein!
Stört dich die Trauer, der elende Ton,
die Schöpfung der Geigen, das Kratzen,
mein Sohn?
Elias war mutig, denn es klopfte sein Traum,
als wollt' er besessen in sein Inneres schauen.
Nein, Mutter, nein,
ich dreh' doch den Kasten,
wem stört dieser Klang?
Was kratzt schon ein Bogen
die Geige entlang?
Was kratzt mich dieser Ton?
Elias, dein Traum ist reich,
so mutig, doch klein...
denn du träumst,
denn du lebst zum Schein!
Elias, wach auf, du lebst einen Traum!
Das ist mein Traum von Tönen und Klängen
der fidelen Art...Das ist mehr als ein Traum!
Sie hören eine Geschichte,
die das Leben bezwang.
Sie glich einer Rüge
für den jüdischen Mann!
Wach auf, ehe du schläfst,
denn dein Traum ist voll Neid.
Wach auf, ehe du weißt,
dass ein Traumbild dich teilt!
Was stört euch am Träumen?
Was soll mir der Kasten...
am Leben versäumen?
Was nimmt's denn an Zeit?
Wach auf, ehe du schläfst,
denn dein Traum ist voll Leid
Wach auf, ehe du glaubst,
dass dein Kasten dich braucht!
Was stört euch am Träumen?
Was soll mir der Kasten...
am Leben versäumen?
Wie bringt er mir Leid?
Wach auf, ehe du schläfst,
denn dein Traum ist voll Neid.
Wach auf, ehe du weißt,
dass ein Traumbild dich teilt!
Was stört euch am Träumen?
Was soll mir der Kasten...
am Leben versäumen?
Wie bringt er mir Leid?
wn.com/Angizia 02. Mein Jahr In Lemberg, 1911
Band: Angizia
Country: Austria
Album: 39 Jahre für den Leierkastenmann
Genre: Avant-Garde
Mutter! Mutter? Bin ich denn ein Kind von hier?
Ein Strolch bin ich, der dreht an seiner Leier.
Ein Judenbub, besessen gar von Seltsamkeit und Posse.
Hör an mein Leid, es quält mich bitter...
Ich schlief und erbat,
dass die Welt mich versteht,
dass ein jüdischer Traum
keine Sünde gesteht.
Ich sann nach dem Spiel
mit dem Kasten, mein Freund.
Ich drehte die Leier
mit Herz und mit Leid!
Spielt auf, ihr Kinder der Lemberger Zeit,
meißelt den Klang, der die Juden befreit.
Spielt auf für die Zeit, die mein Leben begann!
Stimmt das Leben an!
Ich trotzte das Leid mit kläglichem Klang,
nachts zogen schier Bögen die Geigen entlang.
Wir kratzten an Bünden, die sonst niemand fand,
wir machten Musik für das jüdische Land.
Spielt auf, ihr Kinder der Lemberger Zeit,
meißelt den Klang, der die Juden befreit.
Spielt auf für die Zeit, die mein Leben begann!
Stimmt das Leben an!
Hörst du die Geige,
er spielt sie so weich...
Sein Spiel ist famos
...und jüdisch zugleich.
Hörst du, Elias,
du spielst doch noch kaum,
hat dich der Kasten besiegt?
Nein, ich spiele den Kasten mit Mut...
Was soll ich denn spielen?
Musik für die Ruh?
Das ist die Geschichte einer mutigen Tat;
sie war eines Tages Elias' Verrat.
Nein, Mutter, nein,
ich spiel' für mein Herz,
mein Leben als Jude,
es kostet mich Schmerz...
Musik ist mein Glück...
und das ist, das ist mein!
Stört dich die Trauer, der elende Ton,
die Schöpfung der Geigen, das Kratzen,
mein Sohn?
Elias war mutig, denn es klopfte sein Traum,
als wollt' er besessen in sein Inneres schauen.
Nein, Mutter, nein,
ich dreh' doch den Kasten,
wem stört dieser Klang?
Was kratzt schon ein Bogen
die Geige entlang?
Was kratzt mich dieser Ton?
Elias, dein Traum ist reich,
so mutig, doch klein...
denn du träumst,
denn du lebst zum Schein!
Elias, wach auf, du lebst einen Traum!
Das ist mein Traum von Tönen und Klängen
der fidelen Art...Das ist mehr als ein Traum!
Sie hören eine Geschichte,
die das Leben bezwang.
Sie glich einer Rüge
für den jüdischen Mann!
Wach auf, ehe du schläfst,
denn dein Traum ist voll Neid.
Wach auf, ehe du weißt,
dass ein Traumbild dich teilt!
Was stört euch am Träumen?
Was soll mir der Kasten...
am Leben versäumen?
Was nimmt's denn an Zeit?
Wach auf, ehe du schläfst,
denn dein Traum ist voll Leid
Wach auf, ehe du glaubst,
dass dein Kasten dich braucht!
Was stört euch am Träumen?
Was soll mir der Kasten...
am Leben versäumen?
Wie bringt er mir Leid?
Wach auf, ehe du schläfst,
denn dein Traum ist voll Neid.
Wach auf, ehe du weißt,
dass ein Traumbild dich teilt!
Was stört euch am Träumen?
Was soll mir der Kasten...
am Leben versäumen?
Wie bringt er mir Leid?
- published: 09 Jan 2011
- views: 3516
How to Pickup Girls in Ukraine + Travel Tips (Lviv,Ternopil, Vinnytsia)
CHECK OUT APPROACH 2 LAY: http://approach2lay.com/
For 1 to 1 coaching (including Skype) and bootcamps please email eddie@street-attraction.com or visit www.street-attraction.com.
Music by Eddie Hitchens: https://soundcloud.com/street-attraction
The Lviv Coffee Guide | European Coffee Trip
# Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/EuropeanCoffeeTrip
# Article: http://europeancoffeetrip.com/best-coffee-in-lviv
Cafés in Lviv:
- SVIT KAVY Café & Roastery (0:11, 0:24, 1:26)
- Чехович (0:40)
- Blackwood ( 0:59)
- Альтернативна кава (1:14)
About European Coffee Trip:
European Coffee Trip is a project that wants to understand and explore the current state of the specialty coffee scene in Eu
Lviv trip
#lviv #travel #love #lifestyle #Стратиенко #Stratienko_edit
Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine (Travel Video Blog 021)
Check out what to do and see in on a day in Lviv Ukraine -- from the old town to the green areas and viewpoints.
As i already told before my stay in Ukraine was pretty cool. With this video i want to share why i had a blast in Lviv/Lvov and why this town in the western Ukraine is worth a visit.
"See the Sun" by Black Lab
VLOG - One day trip to Lviv, Ukraine
Blog: http://hannamykhailova.blogspot.com/
E-mail: equipemihailova@gmail.com
Instagram http://instagram.com/anyamihailova
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnyaMihailova
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anya.mihailova
Snapchat: anyamihailova
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hannamykhailova/
Bloglovin Profile: https://www.bloglovin.com/hannamykhailova
Bloglovin Blog: https://www.bloglovi
Lviv, travel, sightseeings
Some information about Ukrainian cities http://russian-zone.com/articles/first-impression/ukraine
Ukraine Lviv private tour guide testimonials. www.Go2UA.com
Go2UA.com private tour for our two American tourists visiting Ukraine in business and traveling on the weekends. Castles around Lviv are impressive and full of historical background.
PS: private car tour with personal English speaking sertified best guide Taras.
PS2: Thank you Brett for the great testimonial!
Lviv Travel Club. Карибські острови: Сінт-Мартен, Кюрасао та Бонайре (Станіслав Ільків)
Розповідь про Карибські острови Сінт-Мартен, Кюрасао та Бонайре в "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників" (Lviv Travel Club).
А саме:
- Які Карибські острови можна відвідати з шенгеном
- З яких острівних країн складається Королівство Нідерландів
- Де проходить кордон між Нідерландами і Францією
- Як шукати перельоти між островами
- Рай для споттерів на ос
Lviv Travel Club. Історії з 20 країн світу, як мандрувати світом.
Розповідь про те як мандрувати світом у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників".
Наша група у Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lvivtravelclub/
Anastasiya Chmil розповідала про те, як:
- загубити і повернути паспорт в Гонконгу,
- жити на острові на Байкалі,
- медитувати з Монахами у Тайланді,
- розмовляти з китайськими поліцейськими
- і чому Казахстан то не тільки пустеля, а й неймовірні люд
My trip to Lviv! // Travel vlog by Lera
Subscribe to our channel! We would love to see ya ;)
Check out Joshua's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoshuaPratt5
Find him on twitter: @JoshuaPratt1
Follow us on twitter!
Like us on Facebook!
Travelling to Lviv
YourGreenPet , Lviv , romantic story
Lviv City Guide
Lviv (Lvov) Ukraine Tour Guide
Lviv (Lvov) is a stunning city in the west of Ukraine. The UNESCO World Heritage listed old town contains stunning architecture from many styles. To discover more click on the link above.
Lviv Ukraine Travel. Львів - коротка подорож. リヴィウの街. 短い旅行. Вулицями Львова. Part 1.
City of Lviv. Tours in/around Lviv. Европа. Downtown of Lviv. Travel.
Урок музыки во львовском дворике #lviv #travel #ukraine
Video created with the Socialcam app on iPhone: http://socialcam.com
Lviv Travel Club. Good morning, В'єтнам! (Nata Stolyar)
Розповідь про подорож у Вєтнам у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників".
Наша група у Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lvivtravelclub/
Nata Stolyar розповідає про свою мандрівку до В'єтнаму (Saigon, Da Lat, Mui Ne, Nha Trang, Hoi An, Hue, Hanoi)
Короткий відгук + фото з цієї подорожі можна читати тут: https://natastolyar.wordpress.com/2015/01/17/good-morning-вєтнам/
Lviv, the city of lions
American student is sharing her experience of staying in Lviv
Travel to Lviv with JC Travel Ukraine
We are glad to present you the new video – Lviv from the bird’s eye view. Lviv is one of the most visited cities of Ukraine. But have you seen how beautiful the city is if we look from the air? Now you have this opportunity!
Enjoy the video! And Enjoy Ukraine! Book your trip to Lviv with us!
Our web-site: http://enjoy-ukraine.com/
Filmed by http://skyandmethod.com/
Follow us on FB: https://w
A walk around the city of Paris France during a period of one week in December 2011.
Paris, being my favorite city, was deserving of a longer film. I hope that this longer, yet 'small scratch of the surface' film of this magnificent city shall convince you to visit for yourselves and experience all that Paris has to offer first hand. Bon Voyage!
With Google Maps, you may get an even better idea
Ukraine Travel Guide - Lonely Planet
DOWNLOAD: http://www.ebooks.eu/ebook/bid-1499786-lonely-planet-ukraine/
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Ukraine is your passport to all the most relevant and up-to-date advice on what to see, what to skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Descend into catacombs to see mummies in Kyiv, hike to Ukraine's highest peak - Mt. Hoverla, or watch the old Sovi
My Apartment in Lviv, Ukraine
Rent an apartment like this and get a free $25 travel credit with AirBNB: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/airbnb
While bicycle touring across eastern Europe, I rented a small studio apartment in the center of Lviv, Ukraine. This video shows off a little of Lviv as well as some clips from inside my temporary home in Ukraine. I spent two weeks living in this apartment.
Lviv| Ukraine W.E. Art travel
We are going to show you small exciting videos of the places where our artistic team was looking for inspiration.
Lviv. tourist Dream
Everything about this video in a blog Maugham www.cheslavval.blogspot.com/
One of the most beautiful cities IZ Europe and Ukraine.
Dostoprymechatelnosty city of Lviv. Historically Center. Architecture, doshedshaya skvoz century. Dream tourist!
How to Pickup Girls in Ukraine + Travel Tips (Lviv,Ternopil, Vinnytsia)
CHECK OUT APPROACH 2 LAY: http://approach2lay.com/
For 1 to 1 coach...
CHECK OUT APPROACH 2 LAY: http://approach2lay.com/
For 1 to 1 coaching (including Skype) and bootcamps please email eddie@street-attraction.com or visit www.street-attraction.com.
Music by Eddie Hitchens: https://soundcloud.com/street-attraction
wn.com/How To Pickup Girls In Ukraine Travel Tips (Lviv,Ternopil, Vinnytsia)
CHECK OUT APPROACH 2 LAY: http://approach2lay.com/
For 1 to 1 coaching (including Skype) and bootcamps please email eddie@street-attraction.com or visit www.street-attraction.com.
Music by Eddie Hitchens: https://soundcloud.com/street-attraction
- published: 24 Apr 2015
- views: 116560
The Lviv Coffee Guide | European Coffee Trip
# Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/EuropeanCoffeeTrip
# Article: http://europeancoffeetrip.com/best-coffee-in-lviv
Cafés in Lviv:
- SVIT KAVY Café & Roastery...
# Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/EuropeanCoffeeTrip
# Article: http://europeancoffeetrip.com/best-coffee-in-lviv
Cafés in Lviv:
- SVIT KAVY Café & Roastery (0:11, 0:24, 1:26)
- Чехович (0:40)
- Blackwood ( 0:59)
- Альтернативна кава (1:14)
About European Coffee Trip:
European Coffee Trip is a project that wants to understand and explore the current state of the specialty coffee scene in Europe. Whilst traveling across Europe we will be taking pictures, shooting videos, and interviewing people in order to share our journey with as many of you as possible. You’ll get a chance to experience the essence of every single city's coffee scene we visit..
Our ultimate goal is to create a community of like-minded people who want to keep learning and discovering the culture of specialty coffee.
Find out more at:
European Coffee Trip is supported by:
Mahlköenig | http://www.mahlkoenig.com/
BRITA | http://www.brita.co.uk/
Victoria Arduino | http://www.victoriaarduino.com/
URNEX | http://www.urnex.com/
wn.com/The Lviv Coffee Guide | European Coffee Trip
# Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/EuropeanCoffeeTrip
# Article: http://europeancoffeetrip.com/best-coffee-in-lviv
Cafés in Lviv:
- SVIT KAVY Café & Roastery (0:11, 0:24, 1:26)
- Чехович (0:40)
- Blackwood ( 0:59)
- Альтернативна кава (1:14)
About European Coffee Trip:
European Coffee Trip is a project that wants to understand and explore the current state of the specialty coffee scene in Europe. Whilst traveling across Europe we will be taking pictures, shooting videos, and interviewing people in order to share our journey with as many of you as possible. You’ll get a chance to experience the essence of every single city's coffee scene we visit..
Our ultimate goal is to create a community of like-minded people who want to keep learning and discovering the culture of specialty coffee.
Find out more at:
European Coffee Trip is supported by:
Mahlköenig | http://www.mahlkoenig.com/
BRITA | http://www.brita.co.uk/
Victoria Arduino | http://www.victoriaarduino.com/
URNEX | http://www.urnex.com/
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 563
Lviv trip
#lviv #travel #love #lifestyle #Стратиенко #Stratienko_edit...
#lviv #travel #love #lifestyle #Стратиенко #Stratienko_edit
wn.com/Lviv Trip
#lviv #travel #love #lifestyle #Стратиенко #Stratienko_edit
- published: 02 Apr 2015
- views: 329
Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine (Travel Video Blog 021)
Check out what to do and see in on a day in Lviv Ukraine -- from the old town to the green areas and viewpoints.
As i already told before my stay in Ukraine wa...
Check out what to do and see in on a day in Lviv Ukraine -- from the old town to the green areas and viewpoints.
As i already told before my stay in Ukraine was pretty cool. With this video i want to share why i had a blast in Lviv/Lvov and why this town in the western Ukraine is worth a visit.
"See the Sun" by Black Lab
Follow me:
wn.com/Things To Do In Lviv, Ukraine (Travel Video Blog 021)
Check out what to do and see in on a day in Lviv Ukraine -- from the old town to the green areas and viewpoints.
As i already told before my stay in Ukraine was pretty cool. With this video i want to share why i had a blast in Lviv/Lvov and why this town in the western Ukraine is worth a visit.
"See the Sun" by Black Lab
Follow me:
- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 5853
VLOG - One day trip to Lviv, Ukraine
Blog: http://hannamykhailova.blogspot.com/
E-mail: equipemihailova@gmail.com
Instagram http://instagram.com/anyamihailova
Twitter: https://twitter.com...
Blog: http://hannamykhailova.blogspot.com/
E-mail: equipemihailova@gmail.com
Instagram http://instagram.com/anyamihailova
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnyaMihailova
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anya.mihailova
Snapchat: anyamihailova
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hannamykhailova/
Bloglovin Profile: https://www.bloglovin.com/hannamykhailova
Bloglovin Blog: https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/lifestyle-beauty-fashion-14504815
Google + : https://plus.google.com/+AninhaMihailova
My English Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEW34fz9-U7aMako4rj6aDQ
My Portuguese Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOI0XRYJcQ_uOGcf6cCkqqg
My Russian Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2vt4ClZBsNZ1bzceVXKQoQ
My Spanish Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjYG1PKZ_4QzoBHzkFc43-Q
wn.com/Vlog One Day Trip To Lviv, Ukraine
Blog: http://hannamykhailova.blogspot.com/
E-mail: equipemihailova@gmail.com
Instagram http://instagram.com/anyamihailova
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnyaMihailova
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anya.mihailova
Snapchat: anyamihailova
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hannamykhailova/
Bloglovin Profile: https://www.bloglovin.com/hannamykhailova
Bloglovin Blog: https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/lifestyle-beauty-fashion-14504815
Google + : https://plus.google.com/+AninhaMihailova
My English Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEW34fz9-U7aMako4rj6aDQ
My Portuguese Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOI0XRYJcQ_uOGcf6cCkqqg
My Russian Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2vt4ClZBsNZ1bzceVXKQoQ
My Spanish Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjYG1PKZ_4QzoBHzkFc43-Q
- published: 28 Apr 2015
- views: 541
Lviv, travel, sightseeings
Some information about Ukrainian cities http://russian-zone.com/articles/first-impression/ukraine...
Some information about Ukrainian cities http://russian-zone.com/articles/first-impression/ukraine
wn.com/Lviv, Travel, Sightseeings
Some information about Ukrainian cities http://russian-zone.com/articles/first-impression/ukraine
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 128
Ukraine Lviv private tour guide testimonials. www.Go2UA.com
Go2UA.com private tour for our two American tourists visiting Ukraine in business and traveling on the weekends. Castles around Lviv are impressive and full of ...
Go2UA.com private tour for our two American tourists visiting Ukraine in business and traveling on the weekends. Castles around Lviv are impressive and full of historical background.
PS: private car tour with personal English speaking sertified best guide Taras.
PS2: Thank you Brett for the great testimonial!
wn.com/Ukraine Lviv Private Tour Guide Testimonials. Www.Go2Ua.Com
Go2UA.com private tour for our two American tourists visiting Ukraine in business and traveling on the weekends. Castles around Lviv are impressive and full of historical background.
PS: private car tour with personal English speaking sertified best guide Taras.
PS2: Thank you Brett for the great testimonial!
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 434
Lviv Travel Club. Карибські острови: Сінт-Мартен, Кюрасао та Бонайре (Станіслав Ільків)
Розповідь про Карибські острови Сінт-Мартен, Кюрасао та Бонайре в "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників" (Lviv Travel Club).
Розповідь про Карибські острови Сінт-Мартен, Кюрасао та Бонайре в "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників" (Lviv Travel Club).
А саме:
- Які Карибські острови можна відвідати з шенгеном
- З яких острівних країн складається Королівство Нідерландів
- Де проходить кордон між Нідерландами і Францією
- Як шукати перельоти між островами
- Рай для споттерів на острові Сінт-Мартен
- Сноркелінг та дайвінг на Бонайре та Кюрасао
- Які відчуття під струменем реактивного двигуна літака, що злітає
- Які на смак ігуани :)
(с) Станіслав Ільків
wn.com/Lviv Travel Club. Карибські Острови Сінт Мартен, Кюрасао Та Бонайре (Станіслав Ільків)
Розповідь про Карибські острови Сінт-Мартен, Кюрасао та Бонайре в "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників" (Lviv Travel Club).
А саме:
- Які Карибські острови можна відвідати з шенгеном
- З яких острівних країн складається Королівство Нідерландів
- Де проходить кордон між Нідерландами і Францією
- Як шукати перельоти між островами
- Рай для споттерів на острові Сінт-Мартен
- Сноркелінг та дайвінг на Бонайре та Кюрасао
- Які відчуття під струменем реактивного двигуна літака, що злітає
- Які на смак ігуани :)
(с) Станіслав Ільків
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 86
Lviv Travel Club. Історії з 20 країн світу, як мандрувати світом.
Розповідь про те як мандрувати світом у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників".
Наша група у Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lvivtravelclub/
Anastasiya Chm...
Розповідь про те як мандрувати світом у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників".
Наша група у Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lvivtravelclub/
Anastasiya Chmil розповідала про те, як:
- загубити і повернути паспорт в Гонконгу,
- жити на острові на Байкалі,
- медитувати з Монахами у Тайланді,
- розмовляти з китайськими поліцейськими
- і чому Казахстан то не тільки пустеля, а й неймовірні люди
wn.com/Lviv Travel Club. Історії З 20 Країн Світу, Як Мандрувати Світом.
Розповідь про те як мандрувати світом у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників".
Наша група у Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lvivtravelclub/
Anastasiya Chmil розповідала про те, як:
- загубити і повернути паспорт в Гонконгу,
- жити на острові на Байкалі,
- медитувати з Монахами у Тайланді,
- розмовляти з китайськими поліцейськими
- і чому Казахстан то не тільки пустеля, а й неймовірні люди
- published: 20 Jan 2015
- views: 442
My trip to Lviv! // Travel vlog by Lera
Subscribe to our channel! We would love to see ya ;)
Check out Joshua's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoshuaPratt5
Find him on twitter: @JoshuaPratt1
Subscribe to our channel! We would love to see ya ;)
Check out Joshua's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoshuaPratt5
Find him on twitter: @JoshuaPratt1
Follow us on twitter!
Like us on Facebook!
Check out Yana's Channel:
wn.com/My Trip To Lviv Travel Vlog By Lera
Subscribe to our channel! We would love to see ya ;)
Check out Joshua's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoshuaPratt5
Find him on twitter: @JoshuaPratt1
Follow us on twitter!
Like us on Facebook!
Check out Yana's Channel:
- published: 29 Oct 2014
- views: 468
Travelling to Lviv
YourGreenPet , Lviv , romantic story...
YourGreenPet , Lviv , romantic story
wn.com/Travelling To Lviv
YourGreenPet , Lviv , romantic story
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 204
Lviv City Guide
wn.com/Lviv City Guide
- published: 10 Dec 2011
- views: 145
Lviv (Lvov) Ukraine Tour Guide
Lviv (Lvov) is a stunning city in the west of Ukraine. The UNESCO World Heritage listed old town contains stunning archite...
Lviv (Lvov) is a stunning city in the west of Ukraine. The UNESCO World Heritage listed old town contains stunning architecture from many styles. To discover more click on the link above.
wn.com/Lviv (Lvov) Ukraine Tour Guide
Lviv (Lvov) is a stunning city in the west of Ukraine. The UNESCO World Heritage listed old town contains stunning architecture from many styles. To discover more click on the link above.
- published: 28 Oct 2009
- views: 23669
Урок музыки во львовском дворике #lviv #travel #ukraine
Video created with the Socialcam app on iPhone: http://socialcam.com...
Video created with the Socialcam app on iPhone: http://socialcam.com
wn.com/Урок Музыки Во Львовском Дворике Lviv Travel Ukraine
Video created with the Socialcam app on iPhone: http://socialcam.com
- published: 08 Jul 2012
- views: 140
Lviv Travel Club. Good morning, В'єтнам! (Nata Stolyar)
Розповідь про подорож у Вєтнам у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників".
Наша група у Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lvivtravelclub/
Nata Stolyar розповід...
Розповідь про подорож у Вєтнам у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників".
Наша група у Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lvivtravelclub/
Nata Stolyar розповідає про свою мандрівку до В'єтнаму (Saigon, Da Lat, Mui Ne, Nha Trang, Hoi An, Hue, Hanoi)
Короткий відгук + фото з цієї подорожі можна читати тут: https://natastolyar.wordpress.com/2015/01/17/good-morning-вєтнам/
wn.com/Lviv Travel Club. Good Morning, В'Єтнам (Nata Stolyar)
Розповідь про подорож у Вєтнам у "Львівському Клубі Мандрівників".
Наша група у Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lvivtravelclub/
Nata Stolyar розповідає про свою мандрівку до В'єтнаму (Saigon, Da Lat, Mui Ne, Nha Trang, Hoi An, Hue, Hanoi)
Короткий відгук + фото з цієї подорожі можна читати тут: https://natastolyar.wordpress.com/2015/01/17/good-morning-вєтнам/
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 88
Lviv, the city of lions
American student is sharing her experience of staying in Lviv...
American student is sharing her experience of staying in Lviv
wn.com/Lviv, The City Of Lions
American student is sharing her experience of staying in Lviv
- published: 17 Aug 2011
- views: 53436
Travel to Lviv with JC Travel Ukraine
We are glad to present you the new video – Lviv from the bird’s eye view. Lviv is one of the most visited cities of Ukraine. But have you seen how beautiful the...
We are glad to present you the new video – Lviv from the bird’s eye view. Lviv is one of the most visited cities of Ukraine. But have you seen how beautiful the city is if we look from the air? Now you have this opportunity!
Enjoy the video! And Enjoy Ukraine! Book your trip to Lviv with us!
Our web-site: http://enjoy-ukraine.com/
Filmed by http://skyandmethod.com/
Follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/JCTravelUkraine
G+: https://plus.google.com/+EnjoyukraineJCTravelUkraine
wn.com/Travel To Lviv With Jc Travel Ukraine
We are glad to present you the new video – Lviv from the bird’s eye view. Lviv is one of the most visited cities of Ukraine. But have you seen how beautiful the city is if we look from the air? Now you have this opportunity!
Enjoy the video! And Enjoy Ukraine! Book your trip to Lviv with us!
Our web-site: http://enjoy-ukraine.com/
Filmed by http://skyandmethod.com/
Follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/JCTravelUkraine
G+: https://plus.google.com/+EnjoyukraineJCTravelUkraine
- published: 04 Sep 2015
- views: 149
A walk around the city of Paris France during a period of one week in December 2011.
Paris, being my favorite city, was deserving of a longer film. I hope tha...
A walk around the city of Paris France during a period of one week in December 2011.
Paris, being my favorite city, was deserving of a longer film. I hope that this longer, yet 'small scratch of the surface' film of this magnificent city shall convince you to visit for yourselves and experience all that Paris has to offer first hand. Bon Voyage!
With Google Maps, you may get an even better idea of these spots by cross referencing the image description to the map:
I definitely recommend taking a tour with 'Sight Seekers Delight' in Paris. Their various walking tours show you the best of Paris.
The musicians playing in the metro in the film are called "Les Musiciens de Lviv". Some more info on them: http://www.squidoo.com/cabaret-slave
The man doing tricks with the football at Montmartre is Iya Traoré, a professional football player and freestyler. https://www.facebook.com/iyartball
Camera equipment:
- Sony HDR-AX2000 HD video camera (night shots and most stationary shots).
- Sony Nex-VG10 HD video camera (walking shots).
Camera Accessories
- Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held camera stabilization.
- Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
- Manfrotto 701HDV pro fluid video mini head / 055XB tripod legs.
wn.com/Paris , France A Walking Travel Tour Hd 1080P
A walk around the city of Paris France during a period of one week in December 2011.
Paris, being my favorite city, was deserving of a longer film. I hope that this longer, yet 'small scratch of the surface' film of this magnificent city shall convince you to visit for yourselves and experience all that Paris has to offer first hand. Bon Voyage!
With Google Maps, you may get an even better idea of these spots by cross referencing the image description to the map:
I definitely recommend taking a tour with 'Sight Seekers Delight' in Paris. Their various walking tours show you the best of Paris.
The musicians playing in the metro in the film are called "Les Musiciens de Lviv". Some more info on them: http://www.squidoo.com/cabaret-slave
The man doing tricks with the football at Montmartre is Iya Traoré, a professional football player and freestyler. https://www.facebook.com/iyartball
Camera equipment:
- Sony HDR-AX2000 HD video camera (night shots and most stationary shots).
- Sony Nex-VG10 HD video camera (walking shots).
Camera Accessories
- Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held camera stabilization.
- Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
- Manfrotto 701HDV pro fluid video mini head / 055XB tripod legs.
- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 3349849
Ukraine Travel Guide - Lonely Planet
DOWNLOAD: http://www.ebooks.eu/ebook/bid-1499786-lonely-planet-ukraine/
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Ukraine is your...
DOWNLOAD: http://www.ebooks.eu/ebook/bid-1499786-lonely-planet-ukraine/
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Ukraine is your passport to all the most relevant and up-to-date advice on what to see, what to skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Descend into catacombs to see mummies in Kyiv, hike to Ukraine's highest peak - Mt. Hoverla, or watch the old Soviet-era trams rumble past in Lviv, all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Ukraine and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet's Ukraine Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries show you the simplest way to tailor your trip to your own personal needs and interests Insider tips save you time and money, and help you get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - including hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, and prices Honest reviews for all budgets - including eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, and hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer and more rewarding travel experience - including customs, history, Chernobyl, art, literature, sport, music, architecture, politics, and cuisine Over 45 maps Coverage of Kyiv, Crimea, Lviv, Odesa, Yalta, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Chernihiv, Uman, Poltava, Transcarpathia, Podillya, Polissya, Ternopil, Kolomyya, Bakhchysaray, Sudak, Ploshcha Rynok, Andriyivsky Uzviz, Bukovyna, Lutsk, Southern Bessarabia, and more eBook Features: (Best viewed on tablet devices) Zoom-in maps and images bring it all up close and in greater detail Downloadable PDF and offline maps let you stay offline to avoid roaming and data charges Seamlessly flip between pages Easily navigate and jump effortlessly between maps and reviews Speedy search capabilities get you to what you need and want to see Use bookmarks to help you shoot back to key pages in a flash Visit the websites of our recommendations by touching embedded links Adding notes with the tap of a finger offers a way to personalise your guidebook experience Inbuilt dictionary to translate unfamiliar languages and decode site-specific local terms The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Ukraine, our most comprehensive guide to Ukraine, is perfect for those planning to both explore the top sights and take the road less travelled. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's Eastern Europe guide for a comprehensive look at all the region has to offer. Authors: Written and researched by Lonely Planet, Marc Di Duca and Leonid Ragozin About Lonely Planet: Started in 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel guide publisher with guidebooks to every destination on the planet, as well as an award-winning website, a suite of mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet's mission is to enable curious travellers to experience the world and to truly get to the heart of the places they find themselves in. TripAdvisor Travelers' Choice Awards 2012 and 2013 winner in Favorite Travel Guide category 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)
wn.com/Ukraine Travel Guide Lonely Planet
DOWNLOAD: http://www.ebooks.eu/ebook/bid-1499786-lonely-planet-ukraine/
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Ukraine is your passport to all the most relevant and up-to-date advice on what to see, what to skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Descend into catacombs to see mummies in Kyiv, hike to Ukraine's highest peak - Mt. Hoverla, or watch the old Soviet-era trams rumble past in Lviv, all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Ukraine and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet's Ukraine Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries show you the simplest way to tailor your trip to your own personal needs and interests Insider tips save you time and money, and help you get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - including hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, and prices Honest reviews for all budgets - including eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, and hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer and more rewarding travel experience - including customs, history, Chernobyl, art, literature, sport, music, architecture, politics, and cuisine Over 45 maps Coverage of Kyiv, Crimea, Lviv, Odesa, Yalta, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Chernihiv, Uman, Poltava, Transcarpathia, Podillya, Polissya, Ternopil, Kolomyya, Bakhchysaray, Sudak, Ploshcha Rynok, Andriyivsky Uzviz, Bukovyna, Lutsk, Southern Bessarabia, and more eBook Features: (Best viewed on tablet devices) Zoom-in maps and images bring it all up close and in greater detail Downloadable PDF and offline maps let you stay offline to avoid roaming and data charges Seamlessly flip between pages Easily navigate and jump effortlessly between maps and reviews Speedy search capabilities get you to what you need and want to see Use bookmarks to help you shoot back to key pages in a flash Visit the websites of our recommendations by touching embedded links Adding notes with the tap of a finger offers a way to personalise your guidebook experience Inbuilt dictionary to translate unfamiliar languages and decode site-specific local terms The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Ukraine, our most comprehensive guide to Ukraine, is perfect for those planning to both explore the top sights and take the road less travelled. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's Eastern Europe guide for a comprehensive look at all the region has to offer. Authors: Written and researched by Lonely Planet, Marc Di Duca and Leonid Ragozin About Lonely Planet: Started in 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel guide publisher with guidebooks to every destination on the planet, as well as an award-winning website, a suite of mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet's mission is to enable curious travellers to experience the world and to truly get to the heart of the places they find themselves in. TripAdvisor Travelers' Choice Awards 2012 and 2013 winner in Favorite Travel Guide category 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)
- published: 08 Feb 2015
- views: 338
My Apartment in Lviv, Ukraine
Rent an apartment like this and get a free $25 travel credit with AirBNB: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/airbnb
While bicycle touring across eastern Europe,...
Rent an apartment like this and get a free $25 travel credit with AirBNB: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/airbnb
While bicycle touring across eastern Europe, I rented a small studio apartment in the center of Lviv, Ukraine. This video shows off a little of Lviv as well as some clips from inside my temporary home in Ukraine. I spent two weeks living in this apartment.
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
Guided & Self-Guided Bike Tours all around the world:
The Essential Guide To Touring Bicycles (Buyer's Guide):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
RSS: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/feed/rss/
wn.com/My Apartment In Lviv, Ukraine
Rent an apartment like this and get a free $25 travel credit with AirBNB: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/airbnb
While bicycle touring across eastern Europe, I rented a small studio apartment in the center of Lviv, Ukraine. This video shows off a little of Lviv as well as some clips from inside my temporary home in Ukraine. I spent two weeks living in this apartment.
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
Guided & Self-Guided Bike Tours all around the world:
The Essential Guide To Touring Bicycles (Buyer's Guide):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
RSS: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/feed/rss/
- published: 29 Nov 2012
- views: 4198
Lviv| Ukraine W.E. Art travel
We are going to show you small exciting videos of the places where our artistic team was looking for inspiration....
We are going to show you small exciting videos of the places where our artistic team was looking for inspiration.
wn.com/Lviv| Ukraine W.E. Art Travel
We are going to show you small exciting videos of the places where our artistic team was looking for inspiration.
- published: 19 May 2015
- views: 85
Lviv. tourist Dream
Everything about this video in a blog Maugham www.cheslavval.blogspot.com/
One of the most beautiful cities IZ Europe and Ukraine.
Dostoprymechatelnosty city of...
Everything about this video in a blog Maugham www.cheslavval.blogspot.com/
One of the most beautiful cities IZ Europe and Ukraine.
Dostoprymechatelnosty city of Lviv. Historically Center. Architecture, doshedshaya skvoz century. Dream tourist!
wn.com/Lviv. Tourist Dream
Everything about this video in a blog Maugham www.cheslavval.blogspot.com/
One of the most beautiful cities IZ Europe and Ukraine.
Dostoprymechatelnosty city of Lviv. Historically Center. Architecture, doshedshaya skvoz century. Dream tourist!
- published: 23 Jan 2016
- views: 24
Виктория Свистун LEMBERG TROPHY 30.01.2016 г.
г. Новояворовск 29-30.01.2016
Виступ Софії (наживо), Lemberg Trophy 2016
Lemberg Gamer
Anastasiya von Lemberg Desert Abu Dhabi
Desert Experiences - Things to do in Abu Dhabi.Check it out
Jazz in Lemberg 2014
Burg Ruppertstein Ruppertsweiler Lemberg Rheinland-Pfalz Deutschland
Die Burg Ruppertstein ist die Ruine einer Höhenburg auf 452 m ü. NN bei dem Ort Lemberg.
Um 1900 wird eine Steintreppe am Felsen errichtet um die Plattform des Burgfelsens zu erreichen, um diese als Aussichtspunkt zu nutzen.
Sergei Lemberg suit.
Are you being sued by Sergei Lemberg? He sues collection agencies like yours, all the time. Sergei Lemberg sues countless collection agencies and has mastered the game of ranking for
Sergei Lemberg uses seo to sue you.
Have you been sued by Sergei Lemberg? We can use the same SEO Sergei Lemberg uses and help you stop getting sued today. Visit www.collectionagencyseo.com and we can show you how. Sergei Lemberg is a smart consumer attorney that found his market in consumers, and he knows how to rank for your phone number and your collection agency name. If you have been sued by Sergei Lemberg visit us today let us
Rick lemberg challenge 1
Rick Lemberg came up with this challenge. 8 tiny targets. 4x 15 mm and 4x 30mm. Throw 8 knives. 15mm are worth 2 points. 30 mm are worth 1 point. Total possible score = 12 points. Vid must be on continuously. No breaks no edits. Close up of any hits. Each configuration of targets can only be used twice. I recommend using stick-ons.
Talon Newton and Bob Huber are also competing in this video.
Kroda - Live in Lemberg II
Kroda - Live in Lemberg II - Старі пісні
KRODA - Live in Lemberg II - Початок концерту
KRODA - Live in Lemberg II - Багряна смерть
Alexey Lemberg - Hello Cuba
Hope you enjoy!
Officer Nathan Lemberg, Seattle Police
Officer Nathan Lemberg, Seattle Police car chase
KRODA - Live in Lemberg II - Jesus Tod (Burzum cover)
50 Jahre Heinrich-Weber Schule in Lemberg
Kroda. Kalte Aurora. Live at Lemberg II. Fire Show
Kroda. Kalte Aurora. Live in Lemberg II. Show start
Виктория Свистун LEMBERG TROPHY 30.01.2016 г.
г. Новояворовск 29-30.01.2016...
г. Новояворовск 29-30.01.2016
wn.com/Виктория Свистун Lemberg Trophy 30.01.2016 Г.
г. Новояворовск 29-30.01.2016
- published: 31 Jan 2016
- views: 422
Lemberg Gamer
CS:GO Team LG...
wn.com/Lemberg Gamer
- published: 11 Feb 2016
- views: 23
Anastasiya von Lemberg Desert Abu Dhabi
Desert Experiences - Things to do in Abu Dhabi.Check it out
Desert Experiences - Things to do in Abu Dhabi.Check it out
wn.com/Anastasiya Von Lemberg Desert Abu Dhabi
Desert Experiences - Things to do in Abu Dhabi.Check it out
- published: 07 Feb 2016
- views: 27
Burg Ruppertstein Ruppertsweiler Lemberg Rheinland-Pfalz Deutschland
Die Burg Ruppertstein ist die Ruine einer Höhenburg auf 452 m ü. NN bei dem Ort Lemberg.
Um 1900 wird eine Steintreppe am Felsen errichtet um die Plattform des ...
Die Burg Ruppertstein ist die Ruine einer Höhenburg auf 452 m ü. NN bei dem Ort Lemberg.
Um 1900 wird eine Steintreppe am Felsen errichtet um die Plattform des Burgfelsens zu erreichen, um diese als Aussichtspunkt zu nutzen.
wn.com/Burg Ruppertstein Ruppertsweiler Lemberg Rheinland Pfalz Deutschland
Die Burg Ruppertstein ist die Ruine einer Höhenburg auf 452 m ü. NN bei dem Ort Lemberg.
Um 1900 wird eine Steintreppe am Felsen errichtet um die Plattform des Burgfelsens zu erreichen, um diese als Aussichtspunkt zu nutzen.
- published: 02 Feb 2016
- views: 2
Sergei Lemberg suit.
Are you being sued by Sergei Lemberg? He sues coll...
Are you being sued by Sergei Lemberg? He sues collection agencies like yours, all the time. Sergei Lemberg sues countless collection agencies and has mastered the game of ranking for your phone number in the process. He also uses your collection agency name to get your debtors to file suit. Sergei Lemberg figured out how to make his company rank on Google for the names of numerous collection agencies like yours. Would you like to stop Sergei Lemberg, and other consumer attorneys that try to sue you for phone calls? It takes time, but it isn't expensive and the price is much cheaper than the check your about to write.
wn.com/Sergei Lemberg Suit.
Are you being sued by Sergei Lemberg? He sues collection agencies like yours, all the time. Sergei Lemberg sues countless collection agencies and has mastered the game of ranking for your phone number in the process. He also uses your collection agency name to get your debtors to file suit. Sergei Lemberg figured out how to make his company rank on Google for the names of numerous collection agencies like yours. Would you like to stop Sergei Lemberg, and other consumer attorneys that try to sue you for phone calls? It takes time, but it isn't expensive and the price is much cheaper than the check your about to write.
- published: 02 Feb 2016
- views: 8
Sergei Lemberg uses seo to sue you.
Have you been sued by Sergei Lemberg? We can use the same SEO Sergei Lemberg uses and help you stop getting sued today. Visit www.collectionagencyseo.com and we...
Have you been sued by Sergei Lemberg? We can use the same SEO Sergei Lemberg uses and help you stop getting sued today. Visit www.collectionagencyseo.com and we can show you how. Sergei Lemberg is a smart consumer attorney that found his market in consumers, and he knows how to rank for your phone number and your collection agency name. If you have been sued by Sergei Lemberg visit us today let us see if we can slow the insanity. www.collectionagencyseo.com
wn.com/Sergei Lemberg Uses Seo To Sue You.
Have you been sued by Sergei Lemberg? We can use the same SEO Sergei Lemberg uses and help you stop getting sued today. Visit www.collectionagencyseo.com and we can show you how. Sergei Lemberg is a smart consumer attorney that found his market in consumers, and he knows how to rank for your phone number and your collection agency name. If you have been sued by Sergei Lemberg visit us today let us see if we can slow the insanity. www.collectionagencyseo.com
- published: 02 Feb 2016
- views: 15
Rick lemberg challenge 1
Rick Lemberg came up with this challenge. 8 tiny targets. 4x 15 mm and 4x 30mm. Throw 8 knives. 15mm are worth 2 points. 30 mm are worth 1 point. Total possible...
Rick Lemberg came up with this challenge. 8 tiny targets. 4x 15 mm and 4x 30mm. Throw 8 knives. 15mm are worth 2 points. 30 mm are worth 1 point. Total possible score = 12 points. Vid must be on continuously. No breaks no edits. Close up of any hits. Each configuration of targets can only be used twice. I recommend using stick-ons.
Talon Newton and Bob Huber are also competing in this video.
wn.com/Rick Lemberg Challenge 1
Rick Lemberg came up with this challenge. 8 tiny targets. 4x 15 mm and 4x 30mm. Throw 8 knives. 15mm are worth 2 points. 30 mm are worth 1 point. Total possible score = 12 points. Vid must be on continuously. No breaks no edits. Close up of any hits. Each configuration of targets can only be used twice. I recommend using stick-ons.
Talon Newton and Bob Huber are also competing in this video.
- published: 31 Jan 2016
- views: 37
Kroda - Fünf Jahre Kulturkampf [Live in Lemberg]
Order DVD here:
* http://shop.inside-gera.com/product_info.php?language=en&info;=p451_Kroda---Fuenf-Jahre-Kulturkampf--CD---DVD-im-Digi-.html
01. Kroda (intro) / Крода (вступ) 01:44
02. From Behind the Horizon / З-за Обрію 05:32
03. How Steel Was Singing Through the Flames of Fire / Як Сталь Співала у Пожарах... 05:38
04. Wind from the Mountains / Вітер з Гір (Весна Йде) 07:29
05. By a H
Жестокий бандеровский город Львов | Lemberg
Якісна передача російською мовою.
Marc Mauillon, Angélique Mauillon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi, Pierrre Hamon, Lemberg 2013
Mon chant vous envoy
Virelaji, balade in rondoji Guillauma de Machauta / Virelais, ballades et rondeaux de Guillaume de Machaut
Petek / Friday, 26. 7. 2013, 20:30
Vojnik, Grad Lemberg / Lemberg Castle
Seviqc Brežice
festival stare glasbe / Early music festival
Marc Mauillon (glas / voice)
Vivabiancaluna Biffi (viela, glas / medieval fiddle, voice)
Angélique Mauillon (gotska harfa, glas / gothic
fotograf ulla lemberg
fina bilder
Die Deutsche Wochenschau - 1941-07-10 - Nr. 566 - (31.06-04.07) HGr Sud in Lemberg, GPU Untaten,
Die Deutsche Wochenschau - 1941-07-10 - Nr. 566 - (31.06.-04.07) HGr. Sud in Lemberg, GPU-Untaten, HGr. Mitte n. Minsk, HGr. Nord in Jonava, Libau u.Schaulen, Luftwaffe (25'26'')
The German newsreel - 1941-07-10 - No. 566 - (31.06-07.04) Army Group. Sud in Lviv, GPU misdeeds, Army Group. Center n. Minsk, Army Group. North in Jonava, Libau u.Schaulen, Air Force (25'26 '')
For Educational Purposes
Navidad 2013 en DiezTV. Concierto extraordinario de año nuevo Filarmónica de Lemberg
Pikin Sranan "Interview met dhr Lemberg" over vroeger 09-07-2013
Een serie van vertellngen door dhr.Lemberg oud hoofdcontroleur CBB (Bevolkingregister) Paramaribo Suriname.
De niet geschreven Geschiedenis van Suriname vertelt door de Surinamer zelf.
Deze aflevering gaat over een deel van zijn leven en zijn herinneringen over personen als Anton de Kom, Louis Doedel en anderen.
De geschreven Geschiedenis en de niet geschreven Geschiedenis zijn beiden van belang v
brothers in arms Burg Lemberg Open-Air 17. August 2013
brothers in arms - a tribute of Dire Straits
Burg Lemberg Open-Air 17. August 2013
Andreas "Al" Leisner - guitar, vocals
Tom Willow - keyb. , b-vocals
Oly Wahner - drums, perc.
Andy "Doc" Kraus - bass, b-vocals
Morris Kleinert - pedal steel guitar
many thanx for this fine concert, great tribute.
---- DISCLAIMER! ----
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance i
Fahrt von Lemberg über Salzwoog nach Fischbach
Fahrt von Lemberg über Salzwoog nach Fischbach. Video von http://mietwagen-pirmasens.com
Солонка Solonka Lemberg Львів Lviv Малехів Malekhiv Дубляни Dublyany Україна Ukraine 23.10.2014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Пляжний футбол. "Пятниця" - "Lemberg"
Lubomir Melnitchuk (Swoboda-Partei Lemberg) interviewt von Manuel Peters
Lubomir Melnitchuk ist von der Swoboda-Partei Regionalvorsitzender im Oblast Lemberg (Lviv), Ukraine und Fraktionsvorsitzender im Lemberger Stadtrat. Er wurde am 19. Dezember 2014 im Hotel Chopin in Lemberg vom Bundesvorsitzenden der Freiheitspartei, Manuel Peters, interviewt und äußert sich dabei unter anderem zum Ukraine-Konflikt.
Hinweis: Die Übersetzung ist kein wortgetreues 1:1 Dolmetschen.
Oscar Lemberg`s Live в антикафе "Горище" Стрий 27.08.2015 (повна версія)
Новини Стрия: http://news.guru.ua/city/Strij/
"Lemberg Womаn" Львов - "Skala Girls" Мелитополь 0:9
I тур, Чемпионат Украины по флорболу среди женщин, сезон 2013/2014
27 октября 2013
г.Тернополь, арена "ФОК"
Skala Girls (Мелитополь) - Lemberg Women (Львов) 2:0
Финальный матч Чемпионата Украины по флорболу 2012/13 среди женских команд.
14 апреля 2013
г.Киев, спортивная арена ""НТУУ КПИ".
Paul Lemberg - Sales Voodu outbound prospecting Interview
https://www.theprospectingsystem.com Paul Lemberg is interviewed by Peter O'Donoghue
Máquina do Mal vs LEMBERG
Quer fazer parte da família Máquina do Mal? Entre em contato conosco através do app Line. ID: maquinadomal
Gary Lemberg - Cuba House Churches
Rev. Gary Lemberg speaking during the Sunday Morning Service on 4-14-2013.
Lemberg Interchurch Choir
Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 13
CONTWIG live at Domino's Bar, Lemberg, FR (FULL SET)
Live at Domino's Bar, Lemberg, FR
Video by xknoockor57x
Battling on Lemberg Falls 1944
My clanmate modified the AIs so they no longer cheat, maphack, click-read, etc. He also changed their resource bonuses so they spend more time in the infantry phase before vehicles with a smoother progression. It's incredible how much better they play now and how much more fun the games are.
Kroda - Fünf Jahre Kulturkampf [Live in Lemberg]
Order DVD here:
* http://shop.inside-gera.com/product_info.php?language=en&info;=p451_Kroda---Fuenf-Jahre-Kulturkampf--CD---DVD-im-Digi-.html
01. Krod...
Order DVD here:
* http://shop.inside-gera.com/product_info.php?language=en&info;=p451_Kroda---Fuenf-Jahre-Kulturkampf--CD---DVD-im-Digi-.html
01. Kroda (intro) / Крода (вступ) 01:44
02. From Behind the Horizon / З-за Обрію 05:32
03. How Steel Was Singing Through the Flames of Fire / Як Сталь Співала у Пожарах... 05:38
04. Wind from the Mountains / Вітер з Гір (Весна Йде) 07:29
05. By a Hammer of Spirit and Identity of Blood / Молотом Духу та Єдністю Крові... 06:46
06. Revenge Flaming Might of Blazing Steel / Блискавичної Сталі Помсти Полум'яна Міць (інструментал) 01:30
07. Where Mountains are Embraced by Shadows / ...Де Хмари Тінню Гори обіймають... (instrumental) 01:46
08. Cry to Me, River / Поплач мені, Річко... (зрада князя Володимира) 05:22
09. Der Scharlachrote Tod / Багряна Смерть (Absurd cover) 03:10
10. Poppyflowers are Blossoming (Chapter II) / Мак Цвіте (Частина IІ) 07:18
11. Oy na Hori / Ой на Горі... 04:27
12. Der Scharlachrote Tod (encore) / Багряна Смерть (біс) 02:46
wn.com/Kroda Fünf Jahre Kulturkampf Live In Lemberg
Order DVD here:
* http://shop.inside-gera.com/product_info.php?language=en&info;=p451_Kroda---Fuenf-Jahre-Kulturkampf--CD---DVD-im-Digi-.html
01. Kroda (intro) / Крода (вступ) 01:44
02. From Behind the Horizon / З-за Обрію 05:32
03. How Steel Was Singing Through the Flames of Fire / Як Сталь Співала у Пожарах... 05:38
04. Wind from the Mountains / Вітер з Гір (Весна Йде) 07:29
05. By a Hammer of Spirit and Identity of Blood / Молотом Духу та Єдністю Крові... 06:46
06. Revenge Flaming Might of Blazing Steel / Блискавичної Сталі Помсти Полум'яна Міць (інструментал) 01:30
07. Where Mountains are Embraced by Shadows / ...Де Хмари Тінню Гори обіймають... (instrumental) 01:46
08. Cry to Me, River / Поплач мені, Річко... (зрада князя Володимира) 05:22
09. Der Scharlachrote Tod / Багряна Смерть (Absurd cover) 03:10
10. Poppyflowers are Blossoming (Chapter II) / Мак Цвіте (Частина IІ) 07:18
11. Oy na Hori / Ой на Горі... 04:27
12. Der Scharlachrote Tod (encore) / Багряна Смерть (біс) 02:46
- published: 17 Dec 2011
- views: 17381
Marc Mauillon, Angélique Mauillon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi, Pierrre Hamon, Lemberg 2013
Mon chant vous envoy
Virelaji, balade in rondoji Guillauma de Machauta / Virelais, ballades et rondeaux de Guillaume de Machaut
Petek / Friday, 26. 7. 2013, 20...
Mon chant vous envoy
Virelaji, balade in rondoji Guillauma de Machauta / Virelais, ballades et rondeaux de Guillaume de Machaut
Petek / Friday, 26. 7. 2013, 20:30
Vojnik, Grad Lemberg / Lemberg Castle
Seviqc Brežice
festival stare glasbe / Early music festival
Marc Mauillon (glas / voice)
Vivabiancaluna Biffi (viela, glas / medieval fiddle, voice)
Angélique Mauillon (gotska harfa, glas / gothic harp, voice)
Pierre Hamon (srednjeveške flavte, dude, boben / medieval flutes, bagpipe, drum)
S programom Mon chant vous envoy (Pošiljam vam svojo pesem) Marc Mauillon, Pierre Hamon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi in Angélique Mauillon nadaljujejo svojo očarujočo pustolovščino, v kateri nam z obilico domišljije in natančnosti ter na povsem nov način prikažejo enega največjih evropskih glasbenikov srednjega veka: Guillauma de Machauta.
Kako je mogoče, da imajo več kot 700 let kasneje ta zaporedja notnih znamenj tolikšen učinek? To je skrivnost. Čeprav originalno besedilo pogosto deluje izumetničeno, je glasba nenavadno sveža. Ta dela so tako moderna, da lahko v njih uživa tudi današnje občinstvo, ne da bi jih bilo treba posodobiti. Ta glasba predvsem razkriva dušo pesnika, čigar besede so neverjetno blizu našim lastnim občutenjem; nemirna duša, ki se sprašuje o skrivnostni usodi in ljubezenskih bolečinah, medtem ko gleda v nebo, a ne najde nobene gotovosti.
Virelaji, balade in rondoji predstavljajo tisti vidik glasbe Guillauma de Machauta, ki je še vedno premalo poznan, glasbo, na katero prepogosto gledamo kot na razumsko in težko dostopno. Res, bil je prvi skladatelj, ki je pisal dela, ki se po virtuoznosti in intelektualnih ambicijah lahko primerjajo z Bachovo Umetnostjo fuge (Ma fin est mon commencement). Pisal pa je tudi miniature s pridihom ljudske glasbe (Douce dame jolie). V teh delih ni nobene pretirane sentimentalnosti, pomenijo pa vrhunec poetične umetnosti dvorske ljubezni, katere melodije so neverjetno žive in so del našega spomina, naše duše ter v nas prebujajo strasti in strahove tistega mučnega obdobja, štirinajstega stoletja, ko so se v svetu vojn in epidemij rojevali tako strastna intelektualna razmišljanja kot tudi čudovita žeja po življenju. Izvajalci, zbrani okrog Marca Mauillona in Pierra Hamona, so najprej dodobra raziskali pesnikov jezik in posvetili veliko časa besedilu, pri čemer so se o pomembnejših vprašanjih posvetovali z jezikoslovci in muzikologi, strokovnjaki za tisto obdobje, in šele potem pa so bili pripravljeni, da dela predstavijo. Uspelo jim je obnoviti vso modernost in brezčasnost teh pesmi, ki jih je napisal prvi francoski »kantavtor« v sodobnem pomenu izraza.
With "Mon chant vous envoy", Marc Mauillon, Pierre Hamon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi and Angélique Mauillon continue their fascinating adventure, shedding new light with imagination and precision on one of the greatest European musicians of the Middle Ages: Guillaume de Machaut.
How is it that more than 700 years later these sequences of notes can have such an impact? This is a mystery. Although the original lyrics often seem overwrought, the music is extraordinarily fresh. These works are so modern that audiences of today can appreciate them exactly as they are, without any need for updating. This music reveals above all the soul of a poet whose words are amazingly close to our own sensibilities, an unquiet soul questioning destiny, the mysteries of fate and the torments of love, while looking to heaven but finding no certainty.
Virelais, ballades and rondeaux represent the aspect of Guillaume Machaut's music that is still too little known, music that is all too often regarded as intellectual and not easy to approach. Granted, he was the first composer to write pieces of a virtuosity and intellectual ambition comparable to J. S. Bach's The Art of Fugue ("Ma fin est mon commencement"). But he also composed folklike miniatures ("Douce dame jolie"). There is no oversentimentality in these works, which mark the culmination of the poetic art of courtly love, whose melodies are so incredibly alive, a part of our memory, our psyche, awakening the passions and anxieties of that tormented age, the fourteenth century, when, on a background of war and epidemics, were expressed such intense intellectual speculation, such a wonderful thirst for living. After devoting thorough research to the poet's language and much thought to the text, after discussing the matter with linguists and musicologists specialising in this period, the performers gathered around Marc Mauillon and Pierre Hamon were ready to present these pieces. They restore all the modernity and the timelessness of these songs written by France's first "singer-songwriter", in the modern sense of the term.
Video produkcija / Produced by:
Žan Cimerman
wn.com/Marc Mauillon, Angélique Mauillon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi, Pierrre Hamon, Lemberg 2013
Mon chant vous envoy
Virelaji, balade in rondoji Guillauma de Machauta / Virelais, ballades et rondeaux de Guillaume de Machaut
Petek / Friday, 26. 7. 2013, 20:30
Vojnik, Grad Lemberg / Lemberg Castle
Seviqc Brežice
festival stare glasbe / Early music festival
Marc Mauillon (glas / voice)
Vivabiancaluna Biffi (viela, glas / medieval fiddle, voice)
Angélique Mauillon (gotska harfa, glas / gothic harp, voice)
Pierre Hamon (srednjeveške flavte, dude, boben / medieval flutes, bagpipe, drum)
S programom Mon chant vous envoy (Pošiljam vam svojo pesem) Marc Mauillon, Pierre Hamon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi in Angélique Mauillon nadaljujejo svojo očarujočo pustolovščino, v kateri nam z obilico domišljije in natančnosti ter na povsem nov način prikažejo enega največjih evropskih glasbenikov srednjega veka: Guillauma de Machauta.
Kako je mogoče, da imajo več kot 700 let kasneje ta zaporedja notnih znamenj tolikšen učinek? To je skrivnost. Čeprav originalno besedilo pogosto deluje izumetničeno, je glasba nenavadno sveža. Ta dela so tako moderna, da lahko v njih uživa tudi današnje občinstvo, ne da bi jih bilo treba posodobiti. Ta glasba predvsem razkriva dušo pesnika, čigar besede so neverjetno blizu našim lastnim občutenjem; nemirna duša, ki se sprašuje o skrivnostni usodi in ljubezenskih bolečinah, medtem ko gleda v nebo, a ne najde nobene gotovosti.
Virelaji, balade in rondoji predstavljajo tisti vidik glasbe Guillauma de Machauta, ki je še vedno premalo poznan, glasbo, na katero prepogosto gledamo kot na razumsko in težko dostopno. Res, bil je prvi skladatelj, ki je pisal dela, ki se po virtuoznosti in intelektualnih ambicijah lahko primerjajo z Bachovo Umetnostjo fuge (Ma fin est mon commencement). Pisal pa je tudi miniature s pridihom ljudske glasbe (Douce dame jolie). V teh delih ni nobene pretirane sentimentalnosti, pomenijo pa vrhunec poetične umetnosti dvorske ljubezni, katere melodije so neverjetno žive in so del našega spomina, naše duše ter v nas prebujajo strasti in strahove tistega mučnega obdobja, štirinajstega stoletja, ko so se v svetu vojn in epidemij rojevali tako strastna intelektualna razmišljanja kot tudi čudovita žeja po življenju. Izvajalci, zbrani okrog Marca Mauillona in Pierra Hamona, so najprej dodobra raziskali pesnikov jezik in posvetili veliko časa besedilu, pri čemer so se o pomembnejših vprašanjih posvetovali z jezikoslovci in muzikologi, strokovnjaki za tisto obdobje, in šele potem pa so bili pripravljeni, da dela predstavijo. Uspelo jim je obnoviti vso modernost in brezčasnost teh pesmi, ki jih je napisal prvi francoski »kantavtor« v sodobnem pomenu izraza.
With "Mon chant vous envoy", Marc Mauillon, Pierre Hamon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi and Angélique Mauillon continue their fascinating adventure, shedding new light with imagination and precision on one of the greatest European musicians of the Middle Ages: Guillaume de Machaut.
How is it that more than 700 years later these sequences of notes can have such an impact? This is a mystery. Although the original lyrics often seem overwrought, the music is extraordinarily fresh. These works are so modern that audiences of today can appreciate them exactly as they are, without any need for updating. This music reveals above all the soul of a poet whose words are amazingly close to our own sensibilities, an unquiet soul questioning destiny, the mysteries of fate and the torments of love, while looking to heaven but finding no certainty.
Virelais, ballades and rondeaux represent the aspect of Guillaume Machaut's music that is still too little known, music that is all too often regarded as intellectual and not easy to approach. Granted, he was the first composer to write pieces of a virtuosity and intellectual ambition comparable to J. S. Bach's The Art of Fugue ("Ma fin est mon commencement"). But he also composed folklike miniatures ("Douce dame jolie"). There is no oversentimentality in these works, which mark the culmination of the poetic art of courtly love, whose melodies are so incredibly alive, a part of our memory, our psyche, awakening the passions and anxieties of that tormented age, the fourteenth century, when, on a background of war and epidemics, were expressed such intense intellectual speculation, such a wonderful thirst for living. After devoting thorough research to the poet's language and much thought to the text, after discussing the matter with linguists and musicologists specialising in this period, the performers gathered around Marc Mauillon and Pierre Hamon were ready to present these pieces. They restore all the modernity and the timelessness of these songs written by France's first "singer-songwriter", in the modern sense of the term.
Video produkcija / Produced by:
Žan Cimerman
- published: 31 Jul 2013
- views: 3736
Die Deutsche Wochenschau - 1941-07-10 - Nr. 566 - (31.06-04.07) HGr Sud in Lemberg, GPU Untaten,
Die Deutsche Wochenschau - 1941-07-10 - Nr. 566 - (31.06.-04.07) HGr. Sud in Lemberg, GPU-Untaten, HGr. Mitte n. Minsk, HGr. Nord in Jonava, Libau u.Schaulen, L...
Die Deutsche Wochenschau - 1941-07-10 - Nr. 566 - (31.06.-04.07) HGr. Sud in Lemberg, GPU-Untaten, HGr. Mitte n. Minsk, HGr. Nord in Jonava, Libau u.Schaulen, Luftwaffe (25'26'')
The German newsreel - 1941-07-10 - No. 566 - (31.06-07.04) Army Group. Sud in Lviv, GPU misdeeds, Army Group. Center n. Minsk, Army Group. North in Jonava, Libau u.Schaulen, Air Force (25'26 '')
For Educational Purposes Only
You are Welcome to DONATE for the Project here:
Thank you!
wn.com/Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1941 07 10 Nr. 566 (31.06 04.07) Hgr Sud In Lemberg, Gpu Untaten,
Die Deutsche Wochenschau - 1941-07-10 - Nr. 566 - (31.06.-04.07) HGr. Sud in Lemberg, GPU-Untaten, HGr. Mitte n. Minsk, HGr. Nord in Jonava, Libau u.Schaulen, Luftwaffe (25'26'')
The German newsreel - 1941-07-10 - No. 566 - (31.06-07.04) Army Group. Sud in Lviv, GPU misdeeds, Army Group. Center n. Minsk, Army Group. North in Jonava, Libau u.Schaulen, Air Force (25'26 '')
For Educational Purposes Only
You are Welcome to DONATE for the Project here:
Thank you!
- published: 14 Sep 2015
- views: 551
Pikin Sranan "Interview met dhr Lemberg" over vroeger 09-07-2013
Een serie van vertellngen door dhr.Lemberg oud hoofdcontroleur CBB (Bevolkingregister) Paramaribo Suriname.
De niet geschreven Geschiedenis van Suriname vertelt...
Een serie van vertellngen door dhr.Lemberg oud hoofdcontroleur CBB (Bevolkingregister) Paramaribo Suriname.
De niet geschreven Geschiedenis van Suriname vertelt door de Surinamer zelf.
Deze aflevering gaat over een deel van zijn leven en zijn herinneringen over personen als Anton de Kom, Louis Doedel en anderen.
De geschreven Geschiedenis en de niet geschreven Geschiedenis zijn beiden van belang voor de komende generaties.
wn.com/Pikin Sranan Interview Met Dhr Lemberg Over Vroeger 09 07 2013
Een serie van vertellngen door dhr.Lemberg oud hoofdcontroleur CBB (Bevolkingregister) Paramaribo Suriname.
De niet geschreven Geschiedenis van Suriname vertelt door de Surinamer zelf.
Deze aflevering gaat over een deel van zijn leven en zijn herinneringen over personen als Anton de Kom, Louis Doedel en anderen.
De geschreven Geschiedenis en de niet geschreven Geschiedenis zijn beiden van belang voor de komende generaties.
- published: 10 Jul 2013
- views: 922
brothers in arms Burg Lemberg Open-Air 17. August 2013
brothers in arms - a tribute of Dire Straits
Burg Lemberg Open-Air 17. August 2013
Andreas "Al" Leisner - guitar, vocals
Tom Willow - keyb. , b-vocals
Oly Wahn...
brothers in arms - a tribute of Dire Straits
Burg Lemberg Open-Air 17. August 2013
Andreas "Al" Leisner - guitar, vocals
Tom Willow - keyb. , b-vocals
Oly Wahner - drums, perc.
Andy "Doc" Kraus - bass, b-vocals
Morris Kleinert - pedal steel guitar
many thanx for this fine concert, great tribute.
---- DISCLAIMER! ----
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
wn.com/Brothers In Arms Burg Lemberg Open Air 17. August 2013
brothers in arms - a tribute of Dire Straits
Burg Lemberg Open-Air 17. August 2013
Andreas "Al" Leisner - guitar, vocals
Tom Willow - keyb. , b-vocals
Oly Wahner - drums, perc.
Andy "Doc" Kraus - bass, b-vocals
Morris Kleinert - pedal steel guitar
many thanx for this fine concert, great tribute.
---- DISCLAIMER! ----
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
- published: 18 Aug 2013
- views: 1047
Fahrt von Lemberg über Salzwoog nach Fischbach
Fahrt von Lemberg über Salzwoog nach Fischbach. Video von http://mietwagen-pirmasens.com...
Fahrt von Lemberg über Salzwoog nach Fischbach. Video von http://mietwagen-pirmasens.com
wn.com/Fahrt Von Lemberg Über Salzwoog Nach Fischbach
Fahrt von Lemberg über Salzwoog nach Fischbach. Video von http://mietwagen-pirmasens.com
- published: 09 Sep 2015
- views: 67
Солонка Solonka Lemberg Львів Lviv Малехів Malekhiv Дубляни Dublyany Україна Ukraine 23.10.2014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones,...
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
wn.com/Солонка Solonka Lemberg Львів Lviv Малехів Malekhiv Дубляни Dublyany Україна Ukraine 23.10.2014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
- published: 03 Jan 2015
- views: 1249
Lubomir Melnitchuk (Swoboda-Partei Lemberg) interviewt von Manuel Peters
Lubomir Melnitchuk ist von der Swoboda-Partei Regionalvorsitzender im Oblast Lemberg (Lviv), Ukraine und Fraktionsvorsitzender im Lemberger Stadtrat. Er wurde a...
Lubomir Melnitchuk ist von der Swoboda-Partei Regionalvorsitzender im Oblast Lemberg (Lviv), Ukraine und Fraktionsvorsitzender im Lemberger Stadtrat. Er wurde am 19. Dezember 2014 im Hotel Chopin in Lemberg vom Bundesvorsitzenden der Freiheitspartei, Manuel Peters, interviewt und äußert sich dabei unter anderem zum Ukraine-Konflikt.
Hinweis: Die Übersetzung ist kein wortgetreues 1:1 Dolmetschen.
Webseite: http://freiheitspartei.org/
Facebook: https://www.fb.com/libertaere/
FILM: Daniel Seidel Filmproduktion
wn.com/Lubomir Melnitchuk (Swoboda Partei Lemberg) Interviewt Von Manuel Peters
Lubomir Melnitchuk ist von der Swoboda-Partei Regionalvorsitzender im Oblast Lemberg (Lviv), Ukraine und Fraktionsvorsitzender im Lemberger Stadtrat. Er wurde am 19. Dezember 2014 im Hotel Chopin in Lemberg vom Bundesvorsitzenden der Freiheitspartei, Manuel Peters, interviewt und äußert sich dabei unter anderem zum Ukraine-Konflikt.
Hinweis: Die Übersetzung ist kein wortgetreues 1:1 Dolmetschen.
Webseite: http://freiheitspartei.org/
Facebook: https://www.fb.com/libertaere/
FILM: Daniel Seidel Filmproduktion
- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 76
Oscar Lemberg`s Live в антикафе "Горище" Стрий 27.08.2015 (повна версія)
Новини Стрия: http://news.guru.ua/city/Strij/
Новини Стрия: http://news.guru.ua/city/Strij/
wn.com/Oscar Lemberg`S Live В Антикафе Горище Стрий 27.08.2015 (Повна Версія)
Новини Стрия: http://news.guru.ua/city/Strij/
- published: 28 Aug 2015
- views: 282
"Lemberg Womаn" Львов - "Skala Girls" Мелитополь 0:9
I тур, Чемпионат Украины по флорболу среди женщин, сезон 2013/2014
27 октября 2013
г.Тернополь, арена "ФОК"...
I тур, Чемпионат Украины по флорболу среди женщин, сезон 2013/2014
27 октября 2013
г.Тернополь, арена "ФОК"
wn.com/Lemberg Womаn Львов Skala Girls Мелитополь 0 9
I тур, Чемпионат Украины по флорболу среди женщин, сезон 2013/2014
27 октября 2013
г.Тернополь, арена "ФОК"
- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 86
Skala Girls (Мелитополь) - Lemberg Women (Львов) 2:0
Финальный матч Чемпионата Украины по флорболу 2012/13 среди женских команд.
14 апреля 2013
г.Киев, спортивная арена ""НТУУ КПИ"....
Финальный матч Чемпионата Украины по флорболу 2012/13 среди женских команд.
14 апреля 2013
г.Киев, спортивная арена ""НТУУ КПИ".
wn.com/Skala Girls (Мелитополь) Lemberg Women (Львов) 2 0
Финальный матч Чемпионата Украины по флорболу 2012/13 среди женских команд.
14 апреля 2013
г.Киев, спортивная арена ""НТУУ КПИ".
- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 134
Paul Lemberg - Sales Voodu outbound prospecting Interview
https://www.theprospectingsystem.com Paul Lemberg is interviewed by Peter O'Donoghue...
https://www.theprospectingsystem.com Paul Lemberg is interviewed by Peter O'Donoghue
wn.com/Paul Lemberg Sales Voodu Outbound Prospecting Interview
https://www.theprospectingsystem.com Paul Lemberg is interviewed by Peter O'Donoghue
- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 133
Máquina do Mal vs LEMBERG
Quer fazer parte da família Máquina do Mal? Entre em contato conosco através do app Line. ID: maquinadomal...
Quer fazer parte da família Máquina do Mal? Entre em contato conosco através do app Line. ID: maquinadomal
wn.com/Máquina Do Mal Vs Lemberg
Quer fazer parte da família Máquina do Mal? Entre em contato conosco através do app Line. ID: maquinadomal
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 57
Gary Lemberg - Cuba House Churches
Rev. Gary Lemberg speaking during the Sunday Morning Service on 4-14-2013....
Rev. Gary Lemberg speaking during the Sunday Morning Service on 4-14-2013.
wn.com/Gary Lemberg Cuba House Churches
Rev. Gary Lemberg speaking during the Sunday Morning Service on 4-14-2013.
- published: 14 Apr 2013
- views: 958
Lemberg Interchurch Choir
Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 13...
Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 13
wn.com/Lemberg Interchurch Choir
Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 13
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 180
CONTWIG live at Domino's Bar, Lemberg, FR (FULL SET)
Live at Domino's Bar, Lemberg, FR
Video by xknoockor57x...
Live at Domino's Bar, Lemberg, FR
Video by xknoockor57x
wn.com/Contwig Live At Domino's Bar, Lemberg, Fr (Full Set)
Live at Domino's Bar, Lemberg, FR
Video by xknoockor57x
- published: 08 Sep 2014
- views: 741
Battling on Lemberg Falls 1944
My clanmate modified the AIs so they no longer cheat, maphack, click-read, etc. He also changed their resource bonuses so they spend more time in the infantry p...
My clanmate modified the AIs so they no longer cheat, maphack, click-read, etc. He also changed their resource bonuses so they spend more time in the infantry phase before vehicles with a smoother progression. It's incredible how much better they play now and how much more fun the games are.
wn.com/Battling On Lemberg Falls 1944
My clanmate modified the AIs so they no longer cheat, maphack, click-read, etc. He also changed their resource bonuses so they spend more time in the infantry phase before vehicles with a smoother progression. It's incredible how much better they play now and how much more fun the games are.
- published: 14 Nov 2014
- views: 31