Building a just society that values the inherent dignity of all people

What We Do

The Center provides media consulting and helps build the organizing capacity of advocacy organizations at the state, local and national levels.
CNC supports organizations, journalists and academics by conducting investigative research and producing free resources in the form of reference guides, backgrounders, and in-depth reports.

February 19, 2016There Goes the Neighborhood is a weekly series from Imagine 2050 staff highlighting upcoming nativist events. This week, an anti-immigrant activist will hold a book signing in California and two prominent leaders of nativist groups will speak at a religious broadcasters conference in Tennessee. On February 20, Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny (BOND) leader Jesse Lee […]
February 18, 2016On the same day the anti-Muslim “think tank” Center for Security Policy (CSP) was named a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, its outreach director was invited to testify before members of the Kansas legislature in favor of anti-refugee legislation. The Kansas House Federal and State Affairs Committee held a hearing Wednesday on House […]