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Beach Books 2014-2016

The NAS announces the release of our newest Beach Books report.

Read the report >

Fix Values, Not Statues

The NAS recently published a major statement on the purposes of higher education.

Read it here >

Renew your membership for 2016

NAS membership is by calendar year - renew to stay up-to-date with AQ and your NAS colleagues.
Renew >

Winter 2015 Issue of Academic Questions

The newest issue of Academic Questions is now available >


Educated opinion and commentary on developments and trends in higher education

NAS Blog

A forum for highlighting news and views in higher education


Studies documenting trends in contemporary academia

Press Releases

News from the National Association of Scholars


Official positions taken by the National Association of Scholars

Peter Wood

President, National Association of Scholars

Ashley Thorne

Executive Director, National Association of Scholars

Rachelle Peterson

Research Associate, National Association of Scholars

Michael Toscano

Director of Research, National Association of Scholars

Glenn Ricketts

Public Affairs Officer, National Association of Scholars

More Recent Articles >

The Stiff Price of Social Justice

Feb 18, 2016 by Adam Mission |

Colleges that let in unqualified applicants hire lots of staff for student retention. This raises college costs, drives away poor, qualified students, and doesn't even keep unqualified admits from flunking out of college.

Hook-Up Culture

Feb 16, 2016 by David Randall |

NAS President Peter Wood writes on the hook-up culture on campus.

Thoughts on “The Architecture of Intellectual Freedom”

Feb 10, 2016 by Francis B. Randall |

Professor Francis B. Randall comments upon NAS President Peter Wood's "The Architecture of Intellectual Freedom."

The Wall Street Journal Features Beach Books: 2014-2015 in “Notable & Quotable”

Feb 09, 2016 by NAS |

Common reading programs are back in the spotlight.

Dialogue on “Architecture”: John K. Wilson and David Randall

Feb 09, 2016 by NAS |

John K. Wilson and David Randall discuss NAS President Peter Wood's "The Architecture of Academic Freedom"

Beach Books: 2014-2016

Feb 09, 2016 by David Randall |

A report on the books assigned in 2014-2016 as "common reading."

More Recent Blogs >

How Anthropology was Turned from Intellectual Discipline into Political Activism

Feb 18, 2016 by George Leef |

This week's Pope Center Clarion Call essay discusses the politicalization of anthropology.

Taking Back Student Government

Feb 16, 2016 by Chance Layton |

In a Huffington Post article, Professor Andrew Pessin explains how students can take back their government from divisive activists.