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  1. 3 hours ago

    Ty John Fox, who was arrested at a Portland riot last year on suspicion he threw an explosive at police, was arrested again on Sunday & charged w/felony unlawful use of a weapon, assault & more. He was released again without bail.

  2. Aug 1

    Recall when and stormed the nation’s capital, burned St John’s Church and lay violent siege to the White House—Trump had to be evacuated to a bunker—the media called it a peaceful protest, not an insurrection. By this standard was a peaceful protest

  3. Jul 29

    This looks like self-flagulation.

  4. Jul 28

    Good night left side! We stand for love. We stand for hope. We stand for peace. We stand for unity. We stand for diversity. We stand for acceptance. We stand for solidarity. We stand for change. We stand against racism and against homophobic. We... The people!

  5. Proof we were not there.😂

  6. Jul 28
  7. Aug 1
  8. Jul 28
  9. poses with captured Nazi flag, world war 2

  10. 7 hours ago

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend

  11. Aug 3

    They got distracted by and and that couple in the Watch me get blocked for this too 🤦🏿‍♂️

  12. Jul 27

    When they ask us about the tolerant left:

  13. Jul 30

    ICYMI - Video: Cops, Fed Up with Violent ‘Protesters’ in Downtown LA, Toss - Like Rag Dolls

  14. 16 hours ago

    "So much for the tolerant left."

  15. Jul 29

    06/01/2020—The fear was would storm police & overrun them—yet unlabelled armed combat troops beat them back w/tear gas, shields, helicopters, & an arsenal of weapons. 01/06/2021—Many dressed like combat troops who beat w/shields, electric prods & flags.

  16. Jul 28

    Guess who else is ...

  17. Replying to

    Come on! Congressional Gold Medal for a (cough) tourist visit? </sarcasm> In all seriousness, thank you for being the on duty that day and standing up for democracy.

  18. Jul 28
  19. Jul 28

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