USA Today Poll: Hillary Trails All GOP Candidates [UPDATE: Cruz Overtakes Trump?] USA Today Poll: Hillary Trails All GOP Candidates <font color=red>[UPDATE: Cruz Overtakes Trump?]</font>

Travel Alert: Obama Is Going To CubaTravel Alert: Obama Is Going To Cuba

Three Days to South Carolina: A Three-Way Battle For The Evangelical VoteThree Days to South Carolina: A Three-Way Battle For The Evangelical Vote

Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: GOP Baffled As Voters Rally to Popular Candidate

Donald Trump's latest bombshell, claiming the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction to get us into the Iraq War, is just him doing wheelies on the way to the nomination. He's apparently decided it would be fun to taunt the entire GOP by demonstrating that he can say anything and his voters won't care.

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: The Lure of Socialism

Many people of mature years are amazed at how many young people have voted for Senator Bernie Sanders, and are enthusiastic about the socialism he preaches.

Todd Starnes Todd Starnes: Republicans Need to Stop Acting the Fool

After watching the mayhem at last weeks GOP presidential debate, Ive decided its time for the Republican candidates to have a Come-to-Jesus meeting.

Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson: The Return of Appeasement, Collaboration and Isolationism

World War II broke out when Nazi Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. A once preventable war had become inevitable -- and would soon become global -- due to three fatal decisions.

Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: It Just Got Real

News of the death of Antonin Scalia washed across the political landscape like few things could. Most of us aspire to cause a ripple in the pond of life; Scalia was a tidal wave.

Larry Elder Larry Elder: Trump: Bush Administration Knowingly 'Lied' About Iraq War Intel

It's one thing to disagree with the decision to go to war in Iraq. That, believe it or not, was once a minority view. According to a Gallup poll taken in March 2003, the night after the Iraq war began, 76 percent supported President George W. Bush's decision.

Jackie Gingrich Cushman Jackie Gingrich Cushman: Lenten Reflection

Lent began last week on February 10. In the Christian tradition, the Lenten period is a time of fasting and prayer, preparation and reflection in anticipation of Easter, which commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Gil Gutknecht Gil Gutknecht: Fact Check on Drug Discount Program

Founder John Adams famously said, Facts are stubborn things. Its good to see conservatives debating the merits of the 340B drug discount program, but a fact check is in order.

Matt Towery Matt Towery: Trump's Big Gamble

St. Petersburg, FL -- Many a political pundit was stunned to hear Donald Trump's blunt attacks on President George W. Bush in a debate held last week in South Carolina. Trump severely criticized Bush's alleged failure to prevent 9/11 and his decision to invade Iraq. And when Trump called Ted Cruz a liar to his face, the gauntlet had truly been thrown down. Trump even muttered that Planned Parenthood did some good things, quickly adding that abortion was not one of them.

Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: Let Us Now Praise Other Presidents

February is called Presidents Month for good reason: It's when the birthdays of the Big Two -- Washington and Lincoln -- are observed with due pomp and circumstance.

Emmett Tyrrell Emmett Tyrrell: Hillary the Inevitable and Ethelred the Unready

Recall if you will those unforgettable royal figures from yesteryear with their peculiar cognomens. Some of my favorites are Ethelred the Unready, a famously tardy English king from the Middle Ages. Or how about Charles the Bald, the Holy Roman Emperor whose glabrous head was widely remarked in his time and still is to this very day? And who can forget Pepin the Short? Even standing on his tiptoes he was the diminutive King of the Franks.

Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: Ted Cruz's Supreme Court Folly

The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia shocked Ted Cruz into a sudden realization: It's even more important than before that Ted Cruz be our next president.

Cliff May Cliff May: Bystanders to Genocide

President Obama and his team promised to do better.

Ed Feulner Ed Feulner: Time to Ask the EPA Some Hard Questions

Remember the Gold King mine spill in Colorado last August?

John P. Warren John P. Warren: The Art of the Con

In this weeks Economist (February 13-19), an otherwise ordinary book review brought home to me, as it should to you, that in the world of con artists, there is one and only one king: Donald Trump.

Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams: Acquiring A Better Vantage Point Through Moral Striving

The outside observer looking at what I have been able to accomplish over the years might agree that I have been blessed with an abundance of outward success. But I tend to view life from a much different vantage point.

Susan Combs Susan Combs: An Open Letter to President Obama: Please Pick the Right Justice

Dear President Obama, I was deeply saddened at the news of Justice Antonin Scalias passing.

Laura Hollis Laura Hollis: Free Speech or Forced Promotion of Abortion?

Since Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's death on Feb. 13th, a virtual feeding frenzy has commenced. Conservatives are insisting that the GOP-controlled Senate refuse to confirm any nominee put forth by President Obama. Senate Democrats are in their typical state of hypocritical high dudgeon, conveniently ignoring their own past efforts -- often successful -- to block the appointments of individuals nominated by Republican presidents (including the first Hispanic nominee, Miguel Estrada, who withdrew his name from consideration after a six-month filibuster, and the infamous treatment of Judge Robert Bork).

Chip Griffin Chip Griffin: The Santa Claus Primary

Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump take the election year tradition of promising the sun, moon, and stars to voters to a whole new level. They will promise their voters just about anything they want in order to win the presidency.

Jerry Newcombe Jerry Newcombe: How Scalia Stood Strong For Decades

A great man has died, Antonin Scalia. Imagine his great homecoming to be with his Lord, whom he ultimately served.

Johannes  Schmidt Johannes Schmidt: Early States Signal that Americans Are Fed Up

Last week, Americans woke up to some telling results from the New Hampshire primary. But while the medias attention seems to have focused on Bernie Sanders growing competitiveness over Hillary Clinton or the GOP's crowded horserace, the real surprise is that, the candidates that finished ahead in Iowa and New Hampshire, and are projected to top South Carolinas February 20th primary are all proponents of sound monetary reform. So are Americans sending a signal to Washington?

John Kass John Kass: Let the Next President Pick Scalia's Successor

There is a fair way to deal with the political battle over replacing the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia:

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Border Surge Solution: Send 'Em to Camp David!

Colorado dodged a bullet. After a stinging backlash from local leaders and Rocky Mountain politicians in both parties, the Obama White House retreated this weekend from plans to dump in our state 1,000 minors who immigrated here illegally.

Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Clinton and Sanders and Progressivism

Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders seek to claim the "progressive" mantle. Both claim the other is not a true progressive.

Projection: Loretta Lynch 'Likely' To Be Obama's SCOTUS Nominee
Five Days to South Carolina: Who's Attacking Who
Does Sanders' Tax Plan Punish Success?
President Obama Will Not Attend Justice Scalia's Funeral
RNC Chair: No, We Didn't 'Stack' the Debate Audience With Anti-Trump Donors
Is The Senate Already Caving on Obama SCOTUS Demands?
SC Gov. Nikki Haley Reportedly to Endorse Rubio
Cruz: It’s Hypocritical for Nobel Peace Prize Winner Obama To Dishonor Chinese Dissident
FIRE Unveils This Year's List of Worst Colleges for Free Speech
Apple: Sorry, No, We're Not Going to Hack Into The San Bernardino Terrorist's Phone
Looking Ahead to Nevada Caucus on Tuesday, Trump Up Big +20
Black Lives Matter Activists Reportedly Attack, Rob U.S. Marine at DC McDonalds
Obama: 'Trump Will Not Be President'
Netanyahu Suspicious of France's Intention to Restart Palestinian Peace Talks
Apple Asked to Break Into San Bernardino Terrorists' iPhone
10 Things to Know for Today
GOP Candidates in High-Stakes Chess Match in South Carolina
Busted: Sanders Has Benefitted From Super PACs–And He Accepted Contributions From Wall Street
Stephen Colbert Shared a Fun Memory of Antonin Scalia
Obama: I'm Going To Nominate Someone Who is 'Indisputably Qualified' For the Bench
Nino, RBG, And The Friendship That Rose Above The Current Progressive Bloodlust
Pinocchios: Fact-Checking Hillary's Tweets on Scalia Vacancy
Justice Scalia Will Lie In Repose At the Supreme Court This Friday
Black Voter to Rubio: Many Minorities Don't Think Republicans Care About Them
Join Conservatives on FB!
How Do You Feel About A Version Of RFRA Being Signed Into Law In Indiana?
Surprise: Obama Admnistration Slow Walking Investigation Into Iran Holding U.S. Sailors Hostage
Whoops: New Marco Rubio Ad Accidentally Features Canada
Eagles of Death Metal Frontman Has Some Harsh Words on Gun Control
Cruz Says His SCOTUS Arguments Give Him Experience To Nominate New Justice
Mark Levin Unloads: Trump Is "Pretty Damn Close" to Sounding Like a 9/11 Truther
Cheney Calls Trump a 'Liberal Democrat' After Bush 9/11 Claims
Poll: Fewer Americans See US Military As Best in World
Cruz Makes His Supreme Court Knowledge New Focal Point