Sen. Jeff Sessions Endorses Trump Sen. Jeff Sessions Endorses Trump

Middle East Political Analyst Details How the Obama Admin Has Underestimated World PowersMiddle East Political Analyst Details How the Obama Admin Has Underestimated World Powers

Washington Considers Nation's First Carbon Emissions TaxWashington Considers Nation's First Carbon Emissions Tax

Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: The Emperor Has No Clue…And His Devotees Couldn’t Care Less

There he was, stripped bare and standing in the middle of the debate stage. Donald Trump was eviscerated in Thursdays debate. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz took turns pummeling the founder of Trump University with his own words, his own history, and delivering body blow after body blow.

Michael Brown Michael Brown: Confronting a Dangerous Endtime Mentality

I hear it all the time, and as quickly as I hear it, I reject it.

Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: San Francisco puts Sanctuary Before Funding

Ever since Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez shot and killed Kate Steinle on a warm July evening as she strolled along Pier 14 with her father, San Francisco's Sanctuary City policy has enraged swaths of the rest of America. Lopez-Sanchez, you see, had been convicted of multiple felonies and deported five times. Immigration and Customs Enforcement would have deported the Mexican national if he had not been handed over to the San Francisco Sheriffs Office on a decades-old marijuana charge.

Bruce Bialosky Bruce Bialosky: Time for Cruz to Drop Out for the Good of The Country

When this election started what seems like a lifetime ago, I was contacted by the Bush people. After all, I had been a supporter of Bush 43 and one of his appointees.

Bryan Crabtree Bryan Crabtree: If Anyone is a Con-Artist it was Tea-Party Candidate, Rubio, Turned Amnesty.

Have you noticed? Marco Rubio plays every version of himself very well, with the exception of that New Hampshire stumble.

Paul Jacob Paul Jacob: Work and Pay Realism vs Progressive Nonsense

Mary Claire Kendall Mary Claire Kendall: Great Moments in Oscar History: McDaniel, Chaplin, Hayward & Wayne

Robert  Charles Robert Charles: Whoa! We Are Republicans!

Whoa! Let me get this right. After Sunday morning, we now have a potential Republican candidate who is comfortable quoting the Italian dictator and ruthless fascist Benito Mussolini, one of Hitlers closest allies. Specifically, Trump retweeted a quote from the fascist dictator and said Sunday is comfortable being affiliated with that quote, and by implications the man.

Rebecca Hagelin Rebecca Hagelin: Meet Donald Trump: The King of Sleaze

Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: In Defense of Rattlesnakes

I was going to write this column about slimy, venomous reptiles that are so frightening you would go well out of your way to avoid them. But I'm tired of the presidential campaign. So I decided to write about rattlesnakes instead.

Matt Barber Matt Barber: You Blew It, Kasich, Move Aside

Much will be written about the utter thrashing GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump took at the hands of the far-more prepared, knowledgeable, qualified and otherwise principled Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio during Thursday nights Republican presidential debate on CNN. I will, therefore, focus, instead, on another Republican candidate whos absolutely got to go: Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Hank  Adler Hank Adler: He Is Building A Bigger Republican Party

This week, Mr. Trump indicated that "One of the things I'm going to do if I win... I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money."

Jeff Crouere Jeff Crouere: The Disgraceful New York Times

On Wednesday, Ross Douthat, a columnist for the New York Times, set a new low for his liberal publication. As a supposed joke, Douthat tweeted that the best way to stop Donald Trump was to attempt to assassinate him. He said, Good news, Ive figured out how the Trump campaign ends, and included a link to a scene from the 1983 movie, The Dead Zone, which featured an attempted assassination attempt on a deranged political candidate who had visions of running for President.

John Nantz John Nantz: The Historic Conservative Review Convention

When people think of landmarks in political history the Grecian Senate comes to mind, learned men debating in colonnaded halls of marble; Rome with its noble but contorted spasms of democracy, terminating in the butchery of mad and tyrannical Caesars; and, the golden experiment of the American founding, men of genius and faith who gave birth to a Constitutional Republic sublime in its balanced complexity and reliance on Divine principle.

Chris  Skates Chris Skates: The Evangelical Case for Ted Cruz

If you are an evangelical Christian reading this, you base your life on principles. Your guiding principles come from the Bible, which you believe to be the living Word of God. Yet though the Bible ALWAYS speaks truly, it does not attempt to speak comprehensively on all matters.

Jeremiah Cuevas Jeremiah Cuevas : Making America Great Again: We do not Negotiate with Terrorists

John Hawkins John Hawkins: 40 Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump

1) Trump has favorability ratings that make him unelectable: The American public is very familiar with Donald Trump and people hate his guts. Trumps current favorable/unfavorable rating is 34/58. Just as a point of comparison, the two biggest landslides in history were against Jimmy Carter (33/58) and Walter Mondale (34/40). Trump is so unpopular with the general electorate that we might as well be running Jared Fogle or Bill Cosby.

At Last, McAuliffe Signs Virginia Gun Bills Into Law
Here Are The Other Politicians That Decided To Opt-Out Of Obama's SCOTUS List
'Liar,' 'Two Faced,' 'Establishment' Are Just Some of Ways Bernie Supporters Describe Clinton
Former IRS Agent: It's 'Very Unusual' Trump's Been Audited For 12 Years
ROUNDUP: Hillary Poised To Outright Destroy Sanders Tomorrow
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How Do You Feel About A Version Of RFRA Being Signed Into Law In Indiana?
Maine Gov. Paul LePage Also Endorses Donald Trump
In Reverse, Trump Sounds Like An Insane Eastern European Dictator
Rumor Mill: If Cruz Does Poorly On Super Tuesday, Expect Defections To Rubio; UPDATE: Or Not...
Thursday's CNN Debate Had Highest Ratings Since December
Commentary: To Stop Trump, A Rubio/Kasich Ticket, and Justice Cruz
Shocker: Bernie Sanders' Health Care Plan Is A 'Train Wreck' For The Poor