A R M Y . O F . T H E . 1 2 . G R I T O S

   The Gritian Chronicles
   The Voice of a City


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4.6.06 21:42

Teddy Bears never die, they just fade away...(*)


A12G is part of the of the Teddy Liberation Front

(*)thanks to menace for that wonderful sentence

29.5.06 22:57

Welcome to the new 20Six Platform

This post can also be read on Negrito's blog, but it seemed important for us to repeat it here, and to illustrate here what awaits us

Dear All,

we are very happy to tell you that the A12G has tested te new 20six platform, based on the french version, and that we can tell you now this platform is a very good one for ^poetic activists, and that we will probably participate to the poetization of the UK one.

For instance, when you come to the home page f the site you can see the new blogs:

Nouveaux Blogs :


















For sure with such names our blogs will be in good company...Amazing isnt' it ? well.... the best is to come : check these blogs :

 Dominique de villepin Blog

Blog dedicated to French .. what ?

Blog dedicated to French Minister sarkozy

Blog dedicated to French journalist Sollers

Blog dedicated to French journalist Pernault

Blog dedicated to French intellectual Houellebecq

that is poetry, don't you find ? I tell you , for a "secured and enhanced platform" where "we will be protected from spam", we will have fun , that's for sure !!!! and we give you access to an unique picture of the new platform, cool isn't it ?

exclusive picture of the new 20 six platform



28.5.06 17:10

Dear All,

just a few words to thank you all, it was a great fun. But as the KLF did when it became necessary, we have to announce the dissolution of the A12G on 20six. The new platform does not allow team blogs, probably because team blog do not bring enough cash.

This blog will therefore self-destroy in a few days. That's life, that's Art also, we did not want to build  pyramids. But we will be back, because we have fun, and because the A12G is the A12G, after all. 


But we wanted to leave you on a positive note, and not on a complain, here it is. We leave the keys to the new guardian of this blog, sure you will like him. Have fun, and do not forget:  kill your Idols!

The A12G is happy to wish a good blogging to all 20sixers with the new blog guardian

26.5.06 14:29

Body Guard to hire!

  Note : Happenodrome party report is HERE...  

Nice looking Bodyguard, specialized in all martial Arts, equiped with latest technology, is looking for a Job. He speaks all languages and can deliver explicit messages to people that would try to invade your place. If you are interested in hiring him, please contact King Negrito who will forward the request.

Bodyguard for hire?

13.5.06 22:41

Happy parade floods the town !

  Note : Happenodrome party report is HERE...  

Have you heard about urban noise administrative fighting? Yep, you know, those crappy pretended politicians, which main dream is living in silent cities, with no parties, no bars, no clubs, youth at home, and no music played anywhere after 10pm. We’ve got a well-known specialist of that kind of conservative people here in Bordeaux, a strangely and powerful addict to sadness, dorm room cities, and I guess that yesterday, he was there, even if I’m sure that; as usual, he was in Paris for the weekend. There was a lot of noise in the streets; a continuous yelling crowd, partying and enjoying life far from the number 6 prisoner’s village ambiance.

WTF ? Did they restored the CPE ?

No, no… wrong way, this was not a “one more time” protest against the government, event. I managed to locate the boss of that unannounced gathering (I found nothing about it in local newspapers in the morning). This was a student’s inter-cities party, flooding the streets with a main goal: “Against silent cities, let’s party!”.

From roses nation to military girls...

So… what could you met if you were there by the early evening? Well… about 2500 students taking control of the streets, grouped by team (schools and cities), for a kind of “before” party, between a cool parade, improvised carnival and a parody of “French youth protest” for the right to be happy ! That was colourful, my special mention going to a kind of military troop from the city of Caen, as a wink that kills international conspiracies illness.

I love that coat, especialy that snow-white's garter !

The red team was made of good drummers, which could be heard from anywhere in the old district of the town. Many creatures were hidden in that happy procession, from excited gorillas to giant turtle’s chicks, but also some kind of heroes escaped from the Matrix, maybe another wink to that unreal performance in such a provincial upper-class city!

Pom-pom-girls versus Pena-cum-cum !

But that was not only surreal, and filled with imaginary toons or heroes. Traditional demonstrations were performed everywhere, with local cheerleaders in the yellow team and “Pena cum cum” madness. WTF is “Pena cum cum” will you say? Well it looks like something between human millipedes and a minimal rocker’s slamming performance. All of that is always done by robust guys, .more shaped as rugby men than opera rats…

From trendyness to Jungo Edwards fanclub !

I ran everywhere in the city in order to cover that event, especially when it came to reach “St-Pierre” area, which is now the typical hype’n’trendy attitude district of Bordeaux, where you can meet many people filled with fashion moods. By the way, I found a brand new “couple of the year” for King Negrito’s contest, joining by the hand an Arno/Higelin looking artist and real top-style and beautiful blond girl!

As I said, Bordeaux is a conservative city. Especially in those kind of districts, where you can have a look to each kind of dressing style that will be reputed as old-fashioned in only a few monthes. I really enjoyed seeing that naked man, wearing just a string with his green hair, chocking all that local upper-class; it had a small taste of the sex pistols performance during the Queen’s jubilee. Unreal and amazing!

No, no, they do not ask for a group picture...

It was now time for me to have a cool drink. I took that last picture. Have you ever heard about “Mardi Gras” in New-Orleans? Surely, that girl did not, and the happy crowd tried to explain it to her for a long, long time. That could have been a totally unseen performance in Bordeaux but… unfortunately, it did not work!

6.5.06 12:08

Summer strikes south west of France

Well... you know, it's quite hot here right now, about 26°C today. Girls wears short dresses, everybody seems to be cool, and you can sometimes hear the music escaping from some flats when you walk in the street But... I really understood that summer was nearly here when we decided to have a drink outside :

That table might be too warn to keep a beer cold !

Yes... bar's tables seems quite hot today. That may not be cool for fresh drinks, but there's something is in the air... Maybe that's whey those humans around stares at each other really more thant they used to to a month ago !

3.5.06 18:26

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