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Throw Away Society

Monday 3.45pm

“Hello dad. Sorry for phoning you at
work but I'm of to casualty. I tripped over earlier and I've hurt mi
wrist. It's all swollen and really hurts” explains brat girl.

“Do you want me to come with you?”
asks crap dad.

“No, you're all right. I'm going wi
so-an-so. I just thought I'd phone ya and tell ya what I'm doin' just
in case it takes a while. I wouldn't want ya t' be worried.”
explains brat girl

“OK, keep me informed about what's
happening.” says crap dad.

“I will. Bye” ends brat girl

Monday 5.00pm

Txt from crap dad to brat girl, “How's
the wrist?”

Monday 6.30pm

Txt from crap dad to brat girl, “Where
r u? R u still at the hospital? Contact us as soon as u can, please.
Hope you're ok. Love dad xxx”

Monday 7.15pm

“Hello dad, I've just left the
hospital and am on mi way to college to pick up mi stuff. The doctor
says I've sprained mi wrist and torn some of the ligaments. I'll be
back 'ome in about an hour.”

Monday 8.00pm

“Hi, I'm back. Do we have any
bandages?” asks brat girl even before she's closed the front door.

“Eh? What did you say my love”
enquires evil stepmother “Why don't you come in here rather than
speaking to us from the hall.”

Brat girl enters the living room with
her arm in a sling

“Do we have any bandages? Repeats
brat girl with a slight tone of exasperation in her voice.

“Haven't you just been to the
hospital? If they thought it needed bandaging then they would have
put one on?” states evil stepmother.

“They did.”

“Where is it it then?” asks crap
dad rather puzzled.

“Er, it got it wet so I threw it

4.4.06 07:29

To date 17 Comment(s)     TrackBack-URL

(5.4.06 18:16)
they inhabit a parralell universe dont they.stuff makes complete sense to them but is gobbledegook to us.

(6.4.06 07:16)
It certainly feels like that much of the time. It's the 'are you an idiot' look she gives you, when you say something like 'why did you throw the bandage away?', that is hardest to cope with.

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