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Top Stories Worldwide | 2016-02-17

Experts: Asteroid Hurtling Towards March 5 Rendezvous With Earth, Impact Unlikely

When Asteroid 2013 TX68 flew past Earth two years ago, astronomers assured citizens it was at a comfortable distance of about 1.3 million miles away with no...

Independent Online | 2016-02-17

Pope Francis loses his cool - Don’t be selfish, he shouts after being pulled over

Pope Francis has shown a rare sign of anger during his trip to Mexico after an eager crowd tugged his arms and caused him to topple over onto a disabled person...

LA Daily News | 2016-02-17

John Kerry turns to Hollywood for help fighting ISIS

Kerry met with some of Hollywood’s top executives to discuss ways to fight ISIS. The meeting, which was reportedly off the books, was held at Universal...

Bloomberg | 2016-02-17

China Debt Binge Spurs S&P; Warning as Magnus Sees `Big Problems'

China’s unprecedented jump in new loans at the start of 2016 is fueling concern that excessive credit growth is piling up risks in the nation’s financial...

Open Minds Worldwide

The Washington Post | 2016-02-17

How to hype the presidential race, courtesy of CNN

During CNN’s 11 a.m. hour today, host John Berman had what might appear to be a good problem...

Creators Syndicate | 2016-02-17

Hillary the Inevitable and Ethelred the Unready

WASHINGTON — Recall if you will those unforgettable royal figures from yesteryear with their...

New York Times | 2016-02-17

Heartburn Drugs Tied to Dementia Risk

The popular heartburn drugs known as proton pump inhibitors have been linked to an increased risk of...

The Washington Post | 2016-02-17

When will Fox News get into the town hall biz?

By week’s end, Americans may well feel that they’ve spent plenty of time with their...

Alternet | 2016-02-17

How a Democratic Primary Coronation Turned Into a War

Bernie Sanders has captured the imaginations of American progressives. He's also had some help. Over...