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February 17, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Alden Pellett / AP

Why ‘Berniecare’ Has Legs

Achieving Medicare for all won’t be easy, and the Wall Street-backed medical industry will fight it every step of the way, but don’t count Sanders’ health care plan out just yet.


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How the Democrats Killed Roosevelt’s Dream of the Affordable Home

The following excerpt from Robert Scheer's book "The Great American Stickup" details the perversion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and is particularly relevant this election season, as it explains the connection between Clinton "progressives" and the 2008 housing meltdown that impoverished millions.
Aaron Favila/ AP Photo

AUDIO: ‘Asterisk: A Glyph’: A Forceful Poem About Why ‘Forsaken People…Turn Athletes Into Gods’

Hakim Bellamy, Albuquerque's first poet laureate, writes a series of questions about reactions to the tennis star Serena Williams that will echo in your mind for days on end.
A/V Booth

“Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” is finally back from a several-month hiatus, with a scathing message to legislators trying to curtail Americans’ right to vote.

In this week’s “Scheer Intelligence”—the Truthdig editor-in-chief’s podcast on KCRW—author, journalist and former investment banker Nomi Prins explains the culture of Wall Street and its influence on government.

Guess Who’s the Only 2016 Presidential Candidate Who Pays His Interns?

Some candidates running for president wax poetic about the student debt crisis, but only one of them is willing to pay his interns.

VIDEO: Noam Chomsky: Bernie Sanders Is Not a Socialist, He’s a ‘Decent, Honest New-Dealer’

“If [Bernie Sanders] were elected, I think he’d be the one, from the current candidates ... with the best policies,” the renowned linguist and activist recently told Al-Jazeera in an interview.

The Chinese Are Coming: First ‘New Silk Road’ Train Reaches Iran’s Capital

In a sign of China’s increasingly powerful role in Central Asia and the Middle East, on Tuesday a Chinese train arrived in Tehran after a 14-day journey.

Unlikely Critic Neel Kashkari Says Banks Still Pose ‘Nuclear’ Risk to U.S. Economy

Federal Reserve official Neel Kashkari warns that “we won’t see the next crisis coming, and it won’t look like what we might be expecting.”



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President Obama Goes Constitutional on GOP Foes, Vows to Name Scalia’s Successor

The president’s background in constitutional law is coming in handy this week.

VIDEO: ‘Days of Revolt’: Chris Hedges, Jill Stein Take On the Scam of American Politics

Hedges and the Green Party presidential candidate explore the problems plaguing American politics, including the essential dysfunction of a two-party system, the staged hypocrisy of the presidential debates and the lack of difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Chelsea Clinton Attacks Bernie Sanders: ‘We Are Not Electing a King’

The former first daughter joined her father in hitting out at her mother’s rival Tuesday, leveling harsh criticism at Bernie Sanders’ proposal to end mass incarceration in the U.S.

Minimum Wage, Minimum Chance: On Being Nickel-and-Dimed in 2016

When presidential candidate Bernie Sanders talks about income inequality, and when other candidates speak about the minimum wage and food stamps, what are they really talking about?

VIDEO: Stephen Colbert’s Moving Tribute to Justice Antonin Scalia

On “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” on Monday night, the comedian recalled a memorable moment he spent with the late Supreme Court justice.

Does Hillary Clinton Care About the Gender Pay Gap? She Didn’t When She Was a Senator

Despite the belief that Hillary Clinton is a feminist candidate, she doesn’t always practice what she preaches. As a U.S. senator, Clinton paid female staff members 72 cents for every dollar that she paid males, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

George W. Bush, Who Mirrored and Inflamed Public Passions, Attacks Donald Trump for Doing It (Video)

George W. Bush came out of political exile on Monday to be his brother Jeb’s surrogate in attacking Donald Trump.

The Death of the Republican Party

I’m writing to you today to announce the death of the Republican Party. It is no longer a living, vital, animate organization.

Despite Syria’s Cease-Fire, Belligerents Plot Military Victory (Video)

Despite the announcement at Munich of a cessation of hostilities in Syria, to be implemented in the next week or so, all the major fighting forces in Syria have announced a determination to soldier on.

Donald Trump Does Away With the GOP’s 9/11 Fantasy

“Surely this time,” the Republican establishment chorus cries with joy, “Donald Trump has gone too far!” Don’t bet on it.

Playing the Victim Card, Hillary Clinton Betrays Women

Clinton—who at one time had a big lead in opinion polls but now cultivates an underdog persona—is sending a harmful message about female voters and women in politics. Her defensive, faux-feminist comments imply that women are too weak to participate in meaningful debate, and she has been invoking sexism to avoid talking about the real issues.

A Court Fight for the Ages

Justice Antonin Scalia’s death Saturday means that President Obama or his successor—if that successor is a Democrat—could overturn the current conservative majority on the court, which could lead it to revisit many of the most troubling decisions of recent years.

John Kasich Teamed With Clintons on 1990s Law That Helped Double Extreme Poverty

As House Budget Committee chairman in the 1990s, Republican presidential candidate and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who has claimed to be a friend of the working poor and a foe of Hillary Clinton, worked with the Clintons to throw Americans off welfare.

VIDEO: 150,000 Penguins Have Died Since a Huge Iceberg Blocked Their Colony From the Sea

The penguins died in recent years after an iceberg “the size of Rome” became grounded near their Antarctic colony in 2010, separating them from their food source: the sea.

Fossil Fuels Are Now a Bad Bet, Investors Are Told

Owning a piece of the fossil fuel industry was once like having money in the bank—but not any longer, investors are being warned.

How Government Can Get Smart

Here’s hoping that alongside the angry campaign to succeed him, President Obama and his budget chief, Shaun Donovan, will make their case for smart government and an approach to social policy that is both compassionate and pragmatic. You can even imagine a catchy slogan for their effort: “Yes, we can.”

VIDEO: Stephen Colbert Asks Bernie Sanders If It’s Really Possible to Change the U.S.

Still riding on the excitement of his New Hampshire primary victory last week, Sanders stopped by the “Late Show” to discuss his movement and get some tips from South Carolina native Colbert on how to win that state.

Could a Post-Scalia Court Restore Campaign Finance Sanity and Pull Back From Plutocracy?

There is no guarantee that the successor to the late Justice Antonin Scalia will be a liberal. But only if Ted Cruz wins the presidency can we expect a nominee as hard right as Scalia.