

This site was built by fans and family of Jack Vance.

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Jack Vance

Jack Vance

- In Memory of Jack Vance -

Visit foreverness.jackvance.com


September 15th, 2015 - Audio Book Enthusiasts Take Note!

Audiobooks Today reviews To Live Forever audiobook from Blackstone Audio.
Blackstone is also producing the four Planet of Adventure ("Tschai") novels!

September 6th, 2015 - Artwork Solicitation

Spatterlight Press is beginning a new phase of expansion, and once again seeks talented individuals interested in providing artwork to cover our ebooks and soon-to-come POD print editions. If you are interested in contributing, please contact us.

December 2nd, 2014 - Spatterlight YouTube channel

The Spatterlight YouTube channel just went live, dedicated to everything Jack Vance. We're adding more promo clips for the books in the coming weeks, and some other fun video material is in the making! Please go have a look, give thumbs up if you like it, leave comments, and subscribe for more!
Please visit The Spatterlight YouTube channel

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Featured artist: Luc Desmarchelier

Madouc and Shimrod stroll outside Trilda, on Lally Meadow. The inimitable Luc Desmarchelier has revamped covers for the entire Lyonesse trilogy, and the omnibus to boot! As a professional illustrator Luc has left his mark on many animated and live-action films; check out his portfolio at www.ldesmarchelier.com, and see the full Madouc painting here!


We're proud to offer our very own highest quality Jack Vance e-books in our webshop. All of Jack Vance's novels, short stories and omnibuses are available in DRM-free e-book format.

VIE Sets

Reader’s and Deluxe versions of the peerless Vance Integral Edition are available for $4000 and $6000, delivered. Supply is limited, so contact us soon to secure your own set of these remarkable books.


A large quantity of Vance is available for non-English speakers at Afton House Books. If you're an Esperantist, check this out!

E-book Cover Art

Spatterlight Press is privileged to include exciting original art by Joel Anderson, Joe Bergeron, Dylan Carroll, Luigi Castellani, Luc Desmarchelier, Howard Kistler, Menno van der Leden, Li-An, Konstantin Korobov, Ronald Marc, Jared Pullen, Paul Rhoads, David Russell, Jasper Schreurs, C. Michael Taylor, Tais Teng, Todd Tennant, and Koen Vyverman. If you'd like to see your work on our e-books as well, please contact us.

The Paul Allen Library Fund

Mr. Allen's gracious endowment allows us to provide VIE sets free of charge to select university libraries, for the lasting preservation and appreciation of Jack Vance's work. More than thirty institutions have benefitted from this program so far, and yours could be next. Ask your librarian to drop us a line.

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