- published: 06 Apr 2013
- views: 301748
Dōgen Zenji (道元禅師; also Dōgen Kigen 道元希玄, or Eihei Dōgen 永平道元, or Koso Joyo Daishi高祖承陽大師, or Bussho Dento Kokushi 仏性伝東国師) (19 January 1200 – 22 September 1253) was a Japanese Buddhist priest, writer, poet, philosopher, and founder of the Sōtō school of Zen in Japan. Originally ordained as a monk in the Tendai School in Kyoto, he was ultimately dissatisfied with its teaching and traveled to China to seek out a more authentic Buddhism. He remained there for five years, finally training under Tiantong Rujing, an eminent teacher of the Chinese Caodong lineage. Upon his return to Japan he began promoting the meditation practice of zazen through literary works such as Fukan zazengi and Bendōwa. He eventually broke relations completely with the powerful Tendai School and, after several years of likely friction between him and the establishment, left Kyoto for the mountainous countryside where he founded the monastery Eihei-ji, which remains the head temple of the Sōtō school today.
Dōgen is known for his extensive writing including his most famous work, the collection of 95 essays called the Shōbōgenzō, but also Eihei Kōroku, a collection of his talks, poetry, and commentaries, and Eihei Shingi, the first Zen monastic code written in Japan, among others.
Japanese may refer to:
Zen master is a somewhat vague English term that arose in the first half of the 20th century, sometimes used to refer to an individual who teaches Zen Buddhist meditation and practices, usually implying longtime study and subsequent authorization to teach and transmit the tradition themselves.
Until the Tang Dynasty, the term "Chánshī" (禅师; Dhyana Master) was regularly used for a monk who was a master of chan, or meditation, versus those who specialized in Dharma (scriptural teachings) and Vinaya (discipline and moral precepts). This included several important figures who were later not considered to be part of the "Chán school" per se, such as Tiantai Master Zhiyi.
In contemporary China, the term "Chán" (禪), being simply one of many terms for forms of meditation, is not limited to the Chán school alone. Neither the majority of monastics nor lay people are formally tied to a given "school" of Buddhist practice, which is different from the situation in Japan. It is only those senior and experienced practitioners who receive such transmission into the Chán school. Most temples belong to the Chán school in name, but also embrace other teachings including those of Tiantai, Pure Land, Huayan, and Yogacara schools, often under the umbrella term "Chinese Buddhism" (中國佛教). This has been the norm for the past 1000 years, since the Song Dynasty.
Japanese (日本語, Nihongo, [nihõŋɡo] or [nihõŋŋo]) is an East Asian language spoken by about 125 million speakers, primarily in Japan, where it is the national language. It is a member of the Japonic (or Japanese-Ryukyuan) language family, whose relation to other language groups, particularly to Korean and the suggested Altaic language family, is debated.
Little is known of the language's prehistory, or when it first appeared in Japan. Chinese documents from the 3rd century recorded a few Japanese words, but substantial texts did not appear until the 8th century. During the Heian period (794–1185), Chinese had considerable influence on the vocabulary and phonology of Old Japanese. Late Middle Japanese (1185–1600) saw changes in features that brought it closer to the modern language, as well as the first appearance of European loanwords. The standard dialect moved from the Kansai region to the Edo (modern Tokyo) region in the Early Modern Japanese period (early 17th century–mid-19th century). Following the end in 1853 of Japan's self-imposed isolation, the flow of loanwords from European languages increased significantly. English loanwords in particular have become frequent, and Japanese words from English roots have proliferated.
Life is the characteristic that distinguishes organisms from inorganic substances and dead objects.
Life may also refer to:
Zen - The Life Of Zen Master Dogen
Snowman / ゆきだるま
Very Serious Q&A; / 超真面目な質疑応答
FILM: Zen, The Life Of Zen Master Dogen
A message to Logan Paul / ローガン・ポールへ
Who was Dogen?
Advanced Japanese Lesson #59: The 9 Types of Foreigner / 上級日本語:レッスン 59「9種の外国人」
Zen, la vida de Dogen (completa con subtitulos en español)
Advanced Japanese Lesson #38: FATAL JAPANESE MISTAKES / 上級日本語:レッスン 38「致命的な日本語誤り」
Zen - The Life Of Zen Master Dogen - English Sub
About the Blackface video (feat. Pain) / 黒塗りの動画について(ペイン登場)
ZEN - A vida do Mestre Dogen - Português
Dogen: The Mark of Realization
Advanced Japanese Lesson #56: Using the Phone / 上級日本語:レッスン 56「電話の使い方」
25 Dogen and Hakuin—Zen Buddhism
Advanced Japanese Lesson #63: Kōhaku / 上級日本語:レッスン 63「紅白」
Zen the life of Master Dogen sottotitoli italiano
Advanced Japanese Lesson #57: Election Season / 上級日本語:レッスン 57「選挙の季節」
American Japanese: I Love Japan But... / アメリカ人 日本語:「僕は日本が大好きだが… 」
Japanese Phonetics #1: Introduction to Japanese Phonetics (Pitch-accent and Pronunciation)
Actors: Lola Dauda (miscellaneous crew), Ivan Marevich (actor), Samuel Clemens (actor), Michelle Lee (actress), Karla Guimarães (editor), Alex Liang (actor), Jillian O'Dowd (actress), Jason Ritchie (director), Jason Ritchie (writer), Brad Shaw (actor), Nathan Palmer (composer), Geir Kellen (actor), Helen Langston (producer), Deniss Ivanov (actor), Fin (actor),
Genres: Comedy, Thriller,Actors: Marguerite Lliteras (producer), Walter Koenig (actor), David Jean Thomas (actor), Ralph Lliteras (producer), David Jean Thomas (producer), Jack Donner (actor), Karl Urban (actor), Parry Shen (actor), Scott Levy (actor), David Weisenberg (actor), Benjamin Lum (actor), Robert Chapin (actor), Alice Amter (actress), Karen Sheperd (actress), Harry Johnson (actor),
Genres: Sci-Fi,Actors: Charles Band (producer), Tim Thomerson (actor), Richard Band (composer), Richard Moll (actor), Charles Band (director), Kelly Preston (actress), Albert Band (producer), Larry Pennell (actor), Craig Caton (miscellaneous crew), Jeffrey Byron (actor), Michael Preston (actor), Michael Thomas Slifkin (miscellaneous crew), Marty Zagon (actor), Ronald C. Ross (actor), William Jones (actor),
Plot: A seeker named Dogen rescues Dhyana after her father is murdered by the evil Jared-Syn. To avenge her father's death, Dogen must find Jared-Syn's hideout in the mysterious "Lost City", but the only person who knows where it is an aging, burned-out seeker named Rhodes. Along the way, they will need to do battle against the hunter Baal and his Cyclopean minions for engaging Jared-Syn in a final encounter.
Keywords: 3-dimensional, character-name-in-title, hyphen-in-title, independent-film, punctuation-in-title, spaceThe film Zen focuses on the life of Zen master Dogen, the prolific writer of The Eihei Koroku, a translation of which can be found in Dogen's Extensive Record. The Japan Times is calling Zen an inspired biopic, "since Dogen was a fearless spiritual seeker and brilliant writer whose deeds and words still engage. The film is generally faithful to what is known of his life, from the early deaths of his parents to his travels in China and his difficulties with the religious powers-that-be in Japan."
This film is about the life of Zen teacher Dogen. Dogen Zenji learnt Buddhism in the Caodong school of Zen in China.
A brief message to Logan Paul. ローガン・ポールに言いたいこと。 Suicide is never the answer. Help is available: https://goo.gl/dBLYFG
Mini Interview with Brad Warner: Who was Dogen? In a series of mini interviews Brad Warner answers basic questions about Buddhism, Zen and Dogen. More info at: http://www.dogensanghalosangeles.org http://hardcorezen.info http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid... Filmed by Jan Becker, www.bluetreeproductions.com
Learn Japanese pitch-accent and pronunciation from my Patreon Series "Japanese Phonetics" http://www.patreon.com/dogen "The 9 Types of Foreigner" Music by Bossfight. Check the other videos in my Japanese Lesson series to learn the super secret Japanese tips I've picked up over the years and go beyond JLPT N2 I mean N1* ...Perhaps the most advanced Japanese lessons on the internet. Definitely. Also check my twitter and Instagram for Japanese language tips and lessons everyday. Covers beginner, intermediate, and advanced Japanese. https://twitter.com/dogen https://www.instagram.com/dogensensei/ *Not entirely applicable to the JLPT. 今回は「9種の外国人」について話をします。外国人。The 9 Types of Foreigner *Not entirely applicable to the JLPT.
Año: 2009 Pais: Japon Genero: Drama Sinopsis: La película esta basada en la vida de Dogen Zenji , que vivió entre el 1200 y el 1253, se le considera el maestro preeminente del Zen Soto de Japón y una de las personalidades religiosas más destacadas de ese país. Dogen perdió a su padre cuando tenía dos años y a su madre cuando tenía siete. En medio de esa pena y de la soledad se dio cuenta de la fragilidad de todo lo mundano. Tras la muerte de su madre lo adoptó su tío, un poderoso aristócrata que quiso convertirlo en su heredero. Tenía 12 años cuando se enteró de los planes que de su tio huyó de la casa antes de la fecha fijada para los ritos de la pubertad que marcarían su entrada a la vida secular y, en cambio, se acercó a otro tío más joven que vivía como ermitaño al pie del monte H...
Learn Japanese pitch-accent and pronunciation from my Patreon Series "Japanese Phonetics" http://www.patreon.com/dogen "The Amazing Ultraman" Music by Bossfight. Check the other videos in my Japanese Lesson series to learn the super secret Japanese tips I've picked up over the years and go beyond JLPT N2 I mean N1* ...Perhaps the most advanced Japanese lessons on the internet. Definitely. Also check my twitter and Instagram for Japanese language tips and lessons everyday. Covers beginner, intermediate, and advanced Japanese. https://twitter.com/dogen https://www.instagram.com/dogensensei/ *Not entirely applicable to the JLPT. 今回は「致命的な日本語誤り」について話をします。日本語誤り。あMistakes *Not entirely applicable to the JLPT. Ultraman
A wonderful movie based on the real life Zen Master Dogen. He helped bring the true essence of Buddhism from China to Japan. Enjoy!!! -I do not own this movie credit goes to it's rightful owner- -Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.-
See everyone again in a few days with 'Snowman'. また完成度の低い動画を出してしまい申し訳ありません。 近日「雪だるま」を投稿しますので、楽しみにしていてください。
ZEN - A vida do Mestre Dogen - Legendado pela sangha Daissen ji - Florianópolis
Sokuzan speaks on questions that arose during daily book study of Dogen's Shobogenzo.
Learn Japanese pitch-accent and pronunciation from my Patreon Series "Japanese Phonetics" http://www.patreon.com/dogen Super Close friends: PDR: https://www.youtube.com/user/PDRKabushikigaisha Abroad in Japan: https://www.youtube.com/user/cmbroad44 Drift Hunter Albo: https://www.youtube.com/user/L7frost "Using the Phone" Music by Bossfight. Check the other videos in my Japanese Lesson series to learn the super secret Japanese tips I've picked up over the years and go beyond JLPT N2 I mean N1* ...Perhaps the most advanced Japanese lessons on the internet. Definitely. Also check my twitter and Instagram for Japanese language tips and lessons everyday. Covers beginner, intermediate, and advanced Japanese. https://twitter.com/dogen https://www.instagram.com/dogensensei/ *Not entirely appl...
Learn Japanese pitch-accent and pronunciation from my Patreon Series "Japanese Phonetics" http://www.patreon.com/dogen "Kōhaku" Music by Bossfight. Check the other videos in my Japanese Lesson series to learn the super secret Japanese tips I've picked up over the years and go beyond JLPT N2 I mean N1* ...Perhaps the most advanced Japanese lessons on the internet. Definitely. Also check my twitter and Instagram for Japanese language tips and lessons everyday. Covers beginner, intermediate, and advanced Japanese. https://twitter.com/dogen https://www.instagram.com/dogensensei/ *Not entirely applicable to the JLPT. 今回は「紅白」について話をします。紅白。Kōhaku. *Not entirely applicable to the JLPT.
" Studiare la via del Buddha è studiare se stessi. Studiare se stessi è dimenticare se stessi. Dimenticare se stessi è essere illuminati da ogni cosa. Essere illuminati da ogni cosa è liberarsi. Liberare il proprio corpo e la propria mente è liberare il corpo e la mente degli altri. " Un passaggio del film che cita gli insegnamenti di Dogen. Trama: Siamo nella Kyoto dell'anno 1208 d.c. , nell'epoca dello shogunato di Kamakura quindi, un periodo turbolento in cui il Giappone è martoriato dalle lotte feudali tra i clan che si contendono il potere. Il piccolo Monju ha 7 anni e ha già perso il padre all'età di 3. Ora è al cospetto della sua amata madre morente: da lei riceve l'incarico di votare la propria vita alla ricerca di una soluzione che emancipi l'umanità dal dolore e dalla morte. Qu...
Learn Japanese pitch-accent and pronunciation from my Patreon Series "Japanese Phonetics" http://www.patreon.com/dogen "Election season" Music by Bossfight. Check the other videos in my Japanese Lesson series to learn the super secret Japanese tips I've picked up over the years and go beyond JLPT N2 I mean N1* ...Perhaps the most advanced Japanese lessons on the internet. Definitely. Also check my twitter and Instagram for Japanese language tips and lessons everyday. Covers beginner, intermediate, and advanced Japanese. https://twitter.com/dogen https://www.instagram.com/dogensensei/ *Not entirely applicable to the JLPT. 今回は「選挙の季節」について話をします。選挙の季節。Election season *Not entirely applicable to the JLPT. Election politics
Music by Bossfight. Story time! Another pseudo-rakugo piece about my least favorite thing in Japan. 大好きだが、嫌な部分もある。 Written in Japanese and later translated into English for adding subtitles on YouTube. Possibly not the most effective work flow for a native English speaker. A few bits have been changed for the visual medium. Check my twitter for Japanese language tips everyday! https://twitter.com/youtubedogen
Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/dogen Actual Japanese lessons! Very excited to finally announce my Patreon series 'Japanese Phonetics'. In these videos I will break down not only Japanese pronunciation, but also more advanced and complex topics, such as Japanese pitch-accent, in easy to understand language. I'm hoping to make 'Japanese Phonetics' the internet's definitive guide to spoken Japanese. Leave a comment below and let me know your initial impressions! Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dogen Thank you all for your continued support. Comedic Japanese videos to resume next week! Video Sources: ・慶應義塾大学の日本語アクセント講座、当講座の資料 ・新明解日本語アクセント辞典第2版(監修:金田一春彦、編:秋永一枝、出版:三省堂) ・NHK日本語発音アクセント新辞典(編:NHK放送文化研究所) ・Apple Japanese Dictionary(スーパー大辞林) ・The Phonetics of Japanese Language: With Reference to ...
Tijon - Use Me
Intro (Bill Withers)
I want to spread the news, That if it feels this good getting used
You just keep on using me, Till you use me up
Verse 1
I take their breath away, Even take their stress away
With me you could spend the whole day, (Till you use me up)
I got a special kind of glow to me, Strictly what they blow to me
I promise I started white as the snow, homie
The haters might call me, wash up or cook down
I'm cooked up and broke down, They got me for the low now
Or so they say, I got the low down how it goes down
I've been buffed and boofed and rode in coupes from NY to the O-
All white, with a little shade of yellow
So you say im oriental stay around some Philipinos
My father -- a masonary, he works with the Arm & Hammer
My mother been crushing Willy Wonka, stays in coco powder
Streets devour power just to keep my ass up on their counter
They cant live with see me up the hands of a counter part to them
Or mother, sister, brother, cousin, uncle, You been my lover?
They sayin he'll break ya down, He'll let you down
All jealousy they fell for me they miss my kiss
Look at their mouths, Coated with my sugar bliss
So freeze and picture this, Me and you it's effortless
Just flick the flame and light my stem, We'll be heaven sent
I want to spread the news, That if it feels this good getting used
You just keep on using me, Till you use me up
Verse 2
You know I love you, Any storm we can weather
I'll be your bestfriend forever baby (Till you use me up)
Then I gotta go you need me? You know where I stay
Uptown, Lennox Ave, Any time of day
Look I love you, But you got to have the right pay
Cause my handler, Well he's known to get carried away
All my dates, He calls them junkies, Serves them two a day
He's got to be protective, He knew me since I was sugar babe
Plus I copped him cash and cars, We mingled with some superstars
From Whitney, Doc, and Darryl, To some heads of city council
In theirs heads now I can counsel, Navigate or mediate them
That's a come up from the Pyrex vision, kitchen tables
I'm up the street and down the block, Around the corner you can cop
You work with me?, We call it clock
But watch out for the cops, They roll up pop and lock us up for this
All I am is coco crisp cooked... You know what?
I think they want a kiss
See I've seen them looking, Passionately grabbing at me
Served his daddy '88, Now he wants to hit the base
Bad with the face, Lost it in the game