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5 years, and some change, is how long I have not had access to this weblog because I had been locked out of my gmail account.  Miraculously I got in today.  Will see if I can bring this weblog back to life or not, if it is even worth it.

Cheers, Mark
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This powerful speech by Reverend Graylan Hagler is undoubtedly the best speech of the 21st Century.

In just over 4 minutes, Reverend Hagler covers the major problems of America in the world and the major solution--grass-roots efforts by people like you. You WILL believe you CAN make a difference after watching this speech.

Reverend Graylan Hagler is National President, Ministers for Racial, Social and Economic Justice and Senior Minister, Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ Washington, D.C.

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Dear Friends,

Many thanks to all of those who have given us suggestions on how to proceed with the IBM Italy workers’ struggle that had remained unsolved after our historical Protest in Second Life on September 27th. By the time we went through all of the excellent and original ideas you gave us, some developments had taken place….indeed there are some very positive news we had to share with you:

1. Mr Andrea Pontremoli, IBM Italy’s CEO (who personally received all of your petitions by email) has resigned.

It seems our Virtual action had an impact on his role at IBM. IBM Corporation made a complaint to IBM Italy for the way they’ve managed the negotiations with the thousands of employees and how they’ve let it lead to such a harmful image for the company.

2. IBM Italy management have accepted to return to the negotiations’ table and has already met with the Works Council. We expect an agreement will -finally- be signed in the next week or two. IBM workers have now been waiting an entire year for the situation to unblock, so this is really fantastic news.

We would like to think that all of this has a lot to do with the incredible support all of you have given them over the last 6 weeks. Your involvement with the protest in Second Life, your news coverage of the events and your ideas to pursue fighting in “first” and “second life” have really helped tremendously.

You will never be thanked enough.

Again, we’ll keep you informed of the signing of the new agreement for IBM Italy workers!

IBM Protest organisers
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Lazy Web - ACTIVATE!

Gobby is a free collaborative editor supporting multiple documents in one session and a multi-user chat. It runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix-like platforms.

Except the Mac OS X install is miserable and not me friendly.

Please help


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IBM virtual protest

from email:

More than 1’850 -real- people protested behind their computers in over 30
countries to show solidarity with IBM Italy workers.
The protest took place at 7 IBM locations, and in particular at IBM Italia
and the IBM Business Centre in Second Life.
Many Italian IBM workers joined the event after work, from 7pm to 10pm
Rome, Italy time.

It was reported that Second Life was having some technical difficulties,
which is why we believe we could have reached an even higher number of

IBM did not officially react to our protest so far.
However, they did shut down parts of their Business Centre to visitors (or
really, protesters).
A number of participants managed to crash an IBM staff meeting during the
afternoon - where they were immediately asked to leave and to "protest
Instead, they demanded to speak to Management. But the staff meeting, which
seemed to be about the new IBM website functionalities, was called to an

The media coverage for this event was impressive.
The news about the protest was covered by blogs, radio and TV stations,
newspapers and podcasts in numerous countries.
Italy's national TV station highlighted the event in the evening news
during 5 minutes, showing screenshots from Second Life and its almost 2’000

More information about this historical protest will come in the next days.
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Guatemalan Banana Union Leader Murdered

Posted to the IUF website 25-Sep-2007

Masked gunmen murdered Guatemalan union leader Marco Tulio Ramírez Portela early in the morning of September 23 as he was leaving his home for work. Marco Tulio was secretary of sports and culture of the banana workers union SITRABI, which organizes Del Monte workers. His brother, Noé Antonio Ramírez Portela,is the union general secretary.

Tulio's murder follows a pattern of rising anti-union violence and institutional impunity in Guatemala. In July, the SITRABI headquarters was raided by uniformed soldiers using official vehicles, who demanded information on union officers and members. The union filed a full report with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Special Unit for Crimes against Unionists and Journalists.

The IUF has called on the Guatemalan government to immediately undertake a full and open investigation into this latest union assassination. You can support the struggle against immunity - Click here to send a message to the authorities. Copies of all messages will be automatically forwarded to SITRABI.
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Shakey Jake and me.

What a joy Shakey Jake was. He was always on the move, much like Ann Arbor. He spirit and energy will always be a part of the town.

Rest In Peace.
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This in from a friend of mine:

She's Geeky (http://www.shesgeeky.org)
A Women's Tech (un)conference
October 22-23 in Mountain View, CA.

This event is designed to bring together women from a range of technology-focused disciplines who self identify as geeky. Our goal is to support skill exchange and learning between women working in diverse fields and to create a space for networking and to talk about issues faced by women in technology.

I posted about the event and gone into some more detail about my motivations and hopes here.

Please forward to interested people.
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via Derek Blackadder :

As you may have heard, the union representing workers at IBM Italia is organizing what is likely the world's first online job action. In September the RSU will be calling on its members and supporters around the world to join in a picket at IBM's 'offices' in Second Life, the online virtual world.

You can sign up to receive an e-mail when the date and time for the picket are set and learn how to use Second Life by visiting a site set up by UNI, the global union federation for the service industries at:


For more information about the job action and its potential see:


Derek Blackadder
LabourStart Canada
Skype me as: dblackadder
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Where Mainstream Fails, YouTube Delivers Dick :

"It's not exactly a stretch to say the White House has public relations issues. For the most part, though, footage that could be held against them has been dug up by the Daily Show more than the mainstream media. And then came YouTube."

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Social Justice Photography Galleries by Jonathan McIntosh

"AUG/11/07 - Providence RI, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) march on Jackies Galaxy, a local restaurant chain supplied by HWH/Dragonland in NYC, a supplier notorious for slave labor conditions and a lack of basic labor rights. A few blocks before finishing the march North Providence police brutally tackled two of the marches after they moved to the sidewalk too slowly, both were arrested and one suffered a badly broken leg in the attack."
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The Flint Creative Alliance presents: Tuesday, October 2, 2007
United States Film Debut 20 TO LIFE: The Life & Times of John Sinclair

Directed by Steve Gebhardt 87 minutes, Unrated

This documentary tells the real-life story of the legendary Flint-born poet-provocateur and cultural activist whose exploits have reverberated through the international underground for 40 years.

The film features commentary from Sinclair, his family, friends and associates through the years, as well as a series of electrifying poetry performances by Sinclair's contemporary blues and jazz ensembles.

Founder of: "Rainbow Peoples Party", "White Panther Party", and also the "Detroit Artist Collective"; Sinclair has also written underground classics, "Guitar Army" and "Fattening Frogs for Snakes". The director of the film, Steve Gephardt was John Lennon and Yoko Ono's personal film maker and did "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE ROLLING STONES".

The event will take place on John's 66th birthday, October 2nd, in his hometown at the beautiful Flint Institute of Arts followed by an after party at Churcill's Food & Spirits. Doors open at 5pm for a meet and greet with Sinclair and director Steve Gephardt. The film will start at 7pm followed by a question and answer session. Sinclair and Michigan jam partners Glowb will cap the night off with a performance at downtown hotspot, Churchill's Food & Spirits starting at 10pm.

Sinclair has designated all net proceeds from the event to The Flint Creative Alliance for their continued pursuit of collective creative action. For more information: www.FlintCA.org
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Global War on Terrorism Special Plate

Please go away...
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What's In a Name?

In fighting that cultural abyss of hegemonic female disempowerment that only callousness would think could be ameliorated in two generations (I mean, think about that--my grandfather was born before all women could vote), I knew that I would try not to follow social norms without question and rock them back a little bit if I could.
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Brian does this interesting timelapes of him in front of his laptop
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WikiIndex was in what looks to be a high profile weblog today!

j's scratchpad: SLA: Mary Ellen Bates’ Searching the New Web

I *loved* the reference to the new Web, instead of the dreaded Web 2.0 (I am still waiting for Web 1.0)

Added a .com instead of my preffered .org, but that is ok! :-) It redirects now, so all is good.
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This is kinda funny:

Replication Theory

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"When we come back, we won't work with or against politicians, but we'll work with humanity."

via AlterNet.org
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25 Ways to Tokenize or Alienate a Non-White Person Around You

re-blogged via Knowmore.org:

(Or, 25 Examples of the Racism We Witness on a Regular Basis)

Fight Racism - I had a conversation with a friend the other day about racism (big surprise there!), and we began to get into inadvertent or ingrained racism. That is, the acts of racism that people commit without realizing that they are doing so. It was my contention that most everyone is guilty at different times of some sort of prejudice whether it be on purpose or not. He insisted that this wasn’t so, that he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body...

Unless it was intentional, which it may have been, the title should be the number one way to alienate people of color, defining people as non-white. I expected to see the post say something about it, because it was used all over the place and looks intentional. But no.

Regardless, kudos to Eric Stone for bring up / re-blogging these conversations.
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Group Threatens to Sue Pentagon Over Military Role in Evangelical Festival

"'The participation of the United States Air force and United States Army in a blatantly fundamentalist, evangelizing Christian conversion spectacle represents a veritable unparalleled rape of the US Constitution, which all members of the American military swear an oath to protect, preserve, support and defend..."
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Just found it, 3 years old apparently.

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A witness in the recent trial of Rev. Edward Pinkney
admitted to another witness that she was paid for
her testimony.

She signed an affadavit saying as much which
the second witness gave to his attorney.
His attorney contacted Rev. Pinkney's attorney

Benton Harbor & Rev. Pinkney make
counterpunch.org a second time:

A first time article on Black Commentator:

Don't forget to come to the Mass Demonstration in Benton Harbor
this Monday, May 14, 12noon.

Begins at Colfax and Main St. (Work First Bldg. on corner)
March over bridge into St. Joseph and the Berrien County Courthouse

Rev. Pinkney and others will speak before his sentencing at 1:30pm



Let your voice be heard in support of Benton Harbor citizens by boycotting Berrien County Tourism. The 530 acre Harbor Shores development project is a collaborative venture between Benton Harbor, St.Joseph, Whirlpool Corp., the Alliance for World-Class-Communities, and Cornerstone Alliance. They are all the same people. The land for this venture was transferred to Benton Township and will belong to St. Joseph after Benton Harbor is bled dry paying for the infrastructure.

The land is very valuable real estate. This venture is to take over Benton Harbor and to force its citizens out. Benton Harbor is the poorest city in Michigan. Ninety (90%) percent of the people live below the poverty level and seventy (70%) percent are unemployed. Almost all of the citizens are Black. Rev. Pinkney is facing a prison sentence for fighting this takeover. His innocence was proven by a polygraph test. Help make a statement in support of Benton Harbor citizens by boycotting Berrien County Tourism.
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Protest a stolen election and persecution of Rev. P., sign the petition here. Goal: 1000 signatures. Pass it on!

Counterpunch: BANCO: The Stage is Set for Sentencing Another Innocent Black Man:

In Benton Harbor, Michigan, residents won a recall vote of a corrupt city commissioner through a well-organized campaign led by BANCO (Black Autonomy Network Community Organization). Then, in an attempt to circumvent the will of the people, the vote was overturned by a local judge. In a further outrage, community leader Rev. Edward Pinkney of BANCO was arrested on charges of alleged improper possession of absentee votes and improper influence of voters. Pinkney's second trial in March 2007 before a jury with no minority representation resulted in convictions on all charges (the first trial ended in a hung jury on all charges)."
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7:00 pm
General Lectures Building NW corner of Warren
and Anthony Wayne Drive/ Third Avenue
Wayne State University Campus

Free and open to the public
Lecture and booksigning
Sponsored by the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Wayne State
BOOKBEAT, Colleen Kammer and Carey Loren

Author, Peace Activist & American Hero

Diane Wilson, author, founder of CODE PINK, Environmental & Peace
Activist will speak on Thursday May 10, at 7:00 pm in the General
Lectures Building NW corner of Warren and Anthony Wayne Drive/ Third
Avenue, Wayne State University Campus, in Detroit. This event is free
and open to the public. Books will be available for signing at the
event. Help us spread the word! This will be an exciting event and a
great opportunity to see how one person can make a difference and truly
change the world.

This talk and booksigning are Free & co-sponsored by the CENTER FOR
and THE BOOK BEAT bookstore.


Diane Wilson will also be speaking at an intimate breakfast sponsored
by WAND on FRIDAY MORNING, May 11th, 2007 at 8 a.m., at Glen Oaks
Country Club, 30500 W. 13 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, MI.

Breakfast is $40.00, (save $5.00 by bringing a picture of your child).
Students! are $20.00. Send checks payable to WAND Semich, send to: WAND
SE MICHIGAN, PO BOX 2577, Southfield, MI 48037. WAND's mission is to
empower women to act politically to reduce militarism and violence and
redirect excessive military resources to unmet human and environmental

"We're losing ground. This planet is losing ground. So things need to
happen and they need to happen quick. Our message should be loud and
clearthere comes a time when the home needs protecting and the line
needs drawing and anybody that dares cross it acts at their own peril."
-- Diane Wilson

Fourth-generation shrimper Diane! Wilson had no idea how her life would
change when she called a meeting in 1989 to discuss how expanding a
plastics manufacturing plant might affect the environment in her
coastal Texas county. She just wanted honest discussion of things
anyone who lived in Calhoun County would care about: the impact of a
Formosa Plastics expansion on the health of the people who lived there
and on the livelihood of those who fished the bay.

Wilson couldn't know that her dog would be shot in her yard, she would
become a pariah in her own community, and someone would attempt to sink
her boat with her on it. She couldn't know that she, with just a
high-school diploma and a dislike of chemistry, would become conversant
in chemical compounds and their health risks, file her own legal
briefs, and learn more about corruption of public officials than anyone
wants to believe. She couldn't imagine that what she was starting was a
new life path that would fortify her sense of p! urpose and draw
international networks of support. As Wilson writes in her 2005 book,
An Unreasonable Woman, "Risking one's life can be strangely liberating."

Praise about Unreasonable Woman, Diane Wilson's first book:

"I believe the book will become a classic, not just of the
environmental movement, but of American lit, as well. It is the rare,
clear, moving voice of a working-class woman goaded into action against
the greatest massed forces in the world today: globalized corporate
greed backed by government power." --Molly Ivans

“...An Unreasonable Woman will stand as one of this nation’s greatest
works of nonfiction. I have never read a book quite like this one, and
worry already that I might not yet again. This is one of the most
powerful works of nonfiction I can remember reading in many years. In a
cynical age, amidst such ramp! ant loss and destruction, it’s easy to
regard Diane Wilson’s book as simply a masterpiece, and to let it go at
that. But we owe it more. This book inspires in us the courage to
believe—to remember—we can still change the world.”
—Rick Bass, award-winning author of The Hermit’s Story and Colter: The
True Story of the Best Dog I Ever Had

"Texas is famous for its tall tales, but they pale in comparison to the
true tale of Diane Wilson. Hers is a mind-bending story of corporate
intrigue, government shenanigans and all-around political dirty tricks.
This is a book about one of our greatest local heroes that could just
give Texas a good name for a change."
--Jim Hightower, author, Let's Stop Beating Around the Bush

Learn more about Diane Wilson's amazing odyssey at: AN UNREASONABLE
WOMAN WEBSITE. Read an online interview with Diane at AN UNREASONABLE

When Wilson told her story at the 2001 Bioneers Conference of
environmental activists and scientists, she challenged listeners to
become unreasonable in their defense of the Earth. A new group,
Unreasonable Women for the Earth, immediately formed, and Wilson says
members in eight countries supported her hunger strike against Dow
Chemical. She co-founded another network of women activists, Code Pink
for Peace, in 2002.

In December 2005, Wilson began serving a four-month jail sentence for
civil criminal trespass when she chained herself to a Dow Chemical
tower in August 2002. The jail term opened a new chapter in her
activism, as she advocated for better conditions for other women
imprisoned in the V! ictoria County jail. -- Source: AMERICANS WHO TELL
THE TRUTH. Diane Wilson was one of 50 American Portraits featured in
the Award winning book Americans Who Tell the Truth.

"In 2001, there was a speaker at Bioneers named Diane Wilson, a
fourth-generation fisherwoman from the Texas Gulf who discovered that
her county was the most toxic in the country. She started educating
herself and doing direct action. Through her activist work, she was
able to get two zero-discharge agreements signed by multinational
chemical companies.

When Diane spoke at Bioneers, she closed her remarks by paraphrasing
George Bernard Shaw: "A reasonable woman adapts to the world. And an
unreasonable woman makes the world adapt to her. So, I encourage you
all to be unreasonable, because the world! really needs us." At that,
she got a huge standing ovation. All weekend long, women came up to her
with tears in their eyes thanking her for what she had said. --Nina
Simmons "mother of the bioneers movement" Source: CONSCIOUS

Thank you for your support! The Book Beat is an independent bookstore
serving the Metro-Detroit area since 1982. We are located at 26010
Greenfield, in Oak Park. Please call: 248-968-1190 for more information
baout current and upcoming events visit us online at: TheBookbeat.com.

If you wish to unsunscribe from the Book Beat Newsletter, please send
an email to info@thebookbeat.com.

Center for Peace & Conflict Studies
Wayne State University
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