Профіль @WValderrama заблоковано

Ви впевнені, що хочете переглянути ці твіти? Перегляд твітів не розблокує профіль @WValderrama.

  1. I believe in me more now then I've ever had...

  2. My bed hair made me look like an model LOL....

  3. A few shots from our pilot.. Here with the always insanely great ... And our awesome cast.

  4. Estoy contigo , todas mis oraciones estan con ustedes...

  5. Big shit poppin' and little shit stoppin'

  6. Witnessed my nephew chris_valderrama... Completely move an entire auditorium to tears.. So proud…

  7. ., it's been a real privilege to witness the journey & legacy of your heart for the sport. Officially immortal

  8. KOBE!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Supporting my friend & my costar in ... If you're in LA visit her

  10. On set with my brother for life ... pilot

  11. Who's watching tonight?? Your boy it's on..

  12. You know you love what you do, when you work from 6am to midnight.. Get up and STILL get in the…

  13. It's gonna be a LONG WORK day.. Two shows and only 12 hours.. In two different zip codes 😏🎥🎞

Схоже, завантаження займе трохи часу.

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