- published: 23 Dec 2009
- views: 2230
Maragheh (Persian: مراغه, Azerbaijani: مراغا Mәrağa), also Romanized as Marāgheh; also known as Marāgha), is a city in and the capital of Maragheh County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. At the 2012 census, its population was 163,859, in 47,982 families.
Maragheh is on the bank of the river Sufi Chay. The population consists mostly of Iranian Azerbaijanis who speak the Azerbaijani language. It is 130 kilometres (81 mi) from Tabriz.
Maragheh is an ancient city situated in a narrow valley running nearly north and south at the eastern extremity of a well-cultivated plain opening towards Lake Urmia, which lies 30 km to the west. The town is encompassed by a high wall ruined in many places, and has four gates. Two stone bridges in good condition, said to have been constructed during the reign of Hulaku Khan (1217-1265), who made Maragheh the capital of the Ilkhanate. Shortly thereafter it became the seat of the Church of the East Patriarch Mar Yaballaha III. The place is surrounded by extensive vineyards and orchards, all well watered by canals led from the river, and producing great quantities of fruit. The hills west of the town consist of horizontal strata of sandstone covered with irregular pieces of basalt.
PressTV-Iran- City of Maraque (Maragheh) Iran
Iran Maragheh county, Picking Apples برداشت سيب شهرستان مراغه ايران
PressTV-Iran- Ancient temple of Maragheh in Iran
تظاهرات مسالمتآمیزعلیه نژادپرستی مردم مراغه، 18 آبان 1934 | Anti-racism protests - Maragheh
Boston - Navid Maragheh
Canoe Polo Final KLCiC 2013 - Shahrdari Maragheh Iran vs XDNH Singapore
2MP Maragheh Parkour Clan
JAAM E JAM Maragheh
Manifestations de grand ampleurs en Iran - Maragheh
August 3, 2015 (Persian calendar 1394/5/6) East Azerbaijan province (استان آذربايجان شرقي) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Azerbaijan_Province Maragheh county (شهرستان مراغه) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maragheh_County Iran Maragheh county, Picking Apples برداشت سيب شهرستان مراغه ايران
١-تركيهراسي، تركيستيزي و تركيزدائي نزديك به دو قرن پيش در دوره فتحعلي شاه آغاز شده و با جنبش مشروطيت به صورت سياست رسمي دولت ايران در آمده است. تحقير و توهين و مسخره نمودن سيستماتيك تركها و هويت تركي و زبان تركي و تاريخ و فرهنگ ترك يكي از اركان جاافتاده اين سياست دولتي استعماري و نژادپرستانه است و هدف از آن ايجاد از خود بيگانگي فرهنگي و نفرت از خود در ميان ملت ترك ساكن در ايران و تسهيل پروژه فارسسازي (فارسيفيكاسيون) تركها است. بررسي پديده توهينهاي ادواري به تركها در نشريات و رسانههاي دولتي و فارسي و يا توسط آسيميله شدگان ترك، ويا جوكهاي تركي و ... مي بايست در متن اين زمينه گستردهتر انجام شود. والا تلاشي عقيم و منتج به نتايجي نادرست خواهد بود. ٢-ادبيات نفرت رسانه دولتي ايران در برنامه فيتيله، توهين به خلق ترك و تك تك افراد ترك در ايران است، تركاني كه هم در منطقه ملي ترك شمال غرب در آ...
Kuala Lumpur Canoe Invitation 2013 canoe polo final between club Shahrdari Maragheh from IR Iran versus XDNH from Singapore on 22nd December 2013 at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Le lundi 9 Novembre, à la suite des insultes méprisables du régime iranien aux compatriotes azéris , il y avait des manifestations de grande ampleur a Tabriz, Oroumieh, Zanjan, Ardabil, Khoy, Maragheh, Marand, naghadé, Meshkin-Shahr, Ahar, Taha et d'autres villes des provinces Azerbaïdjan de l'Est et de l'Ouest. En outre, d’autres rassemblements de protestation et des manifestations ont été également organisé a Téhéran, Shiraz et d'autres villes. Dans certaines villes comme Tabriz protestations et des affrontements ont été poursuivi dans la nuit. Les manifestants ont affronté les forces répressives à Tabriz et dans d'autres villes qui voulaient d'empêcher les manifestations. Certains véhicules gouvernementaux ont été incendiés, un certain nombre de personnes blessées et d'autres arrêtés....
کلیپ مراغه در شبکه جهانی پی ام سی Inja maragheh ast, I love you PMC
I am going to show you an experience when i was travelling at Arjuna Temple in Dieng Plateau tourism complex, Indonesia. Domestic people call it Candi Arjuna (Arjuna Temple). Arjuna Temple is one of group of Dieng Temple Complex (Arjuna Temple , Srikandi Temple, Puntadewa Temple, Sembadra Temple, Semar Temple, Gatutkaca Temple, Bima Temple, Dwarawati Temple). You should know indonesia has many ancient heritage especially coming from the age of kingdom which spread along indonesian archipelago. Arjuna temple is one block of temples in Dieng (wonosobo, indonesia) where much visited by tourists both domestic and foreign. If you travelled here you would enjoy amazing landscape because Dieng is a kind of plateau where enriched by natural landscape surrounding. In Arjuna temple block there ...
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Ulugh Beg observatory and musuem; Shah-i-Zinda; Bibi Khanym mosque and Siob market mohalla.
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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 7.10.39 lecture given by His Grace Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari 2013.05.07. ISKCON Kaunas, Lithuania. Language: English with Lithuanian translation. More info, audio and video lectures at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com © 2013 ISKCON, SDA Media Ministry
१९ अक्टूबर २०१५ हिन्दू वार्तापत्र भाग १ (19 October 2015 Hindu Varta News Bulletin Part 1) मुख्य समाचार (News Headlines) : १. इंडोनेशिया स्थित बाली में पानी के नीचे मिले ५००० वर्ष से अधिक प्राचीन हिन्दू मंदिर ! 1. More than 5000 years old ancient Hindu temples found under the sea in Bali, Indonesia ! २. अमरीकी वैज्ञानिकों का शोध : मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए दही आवश्यक ! 2. Discovery by American scientists : Curd is essential for good mental health ! ३. राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के मुखपत्र पांचजन्य में कहा गया, वेद देते हैं गोहत्यारों की हत्या करने का आदेश ! 3. "Vedas order killing of cow-slaughterers", says RSS' mouthpiece 'Panchjanya' ! ४. भाजपा सांसद साक्षी महाराज ने कहा, नेताओं को अपनी सोच बदलनी होगी अन्यथा वे जनता के सामने लोगों के हाथों पिटने लगेंगे ! 4. BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj says, "Mi...
Chorus: (2x)
Shiva god
Deepest love
Sweetest life I live
Destroy in my mind
Belive in my soul
What you will find
Will turn into gold
I want you to dance
My time won't run out
I will take a bow
I'm not gone around
Chorus (4x)
Don't bury my dream
And spell my belief
Don't waste bitter tears
Past will dsappear
I want you to dance
Make a room for the new
I will take a bow
Past will disappear
Chorus (4x)
My pain cuts so deep
Believe in my soul
What you will find
Will turn into gold