16 February 2016

Syria fighting escalates as ceasefire deadline approaches

By Bill Van Auken, 16 February 2016

The intensifying clashes on the Syrian-Turkish border have placed the five-year-old conflict in Syria on a hair trigger for provoking a global confrontation.

Washington denounces Russia, backs escalation of Syria war

The US “Plan B” for Syria and the threat of world war

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Civilian casualties in Afghanistan hit record in 2015

By Thomas Gaist, 16 February 2016

Responsibility for the social catastrophe in Afghanistan lies with American imperialism, which has fomented and waged a series of wars against the Afghan people.

Water quality official warned Flint, Michigan was not prepared for switch to Flint River

By James Brewer, 16 February 2016

Eight days before switching to the heavily polluted river as a water source, a city official warned that the water system was not ready for the change.

GM and UAW donate $3 million to Flint: Criminals covering their tracks

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Bernie Sanders campaigns at Eastern Michigan University

By Shannon Jones, 16 February 2016

Sanders made a direct pitch for the support of the unions based on an appeal to economic nationalism and American chauvinism.

Youth discuss war, inequality at Michigan rally for Sanders

By our reporting team, 16 February 2016

The political role of the Bernie Sanders campaign

More on the 2016 US elections »

Closure of Balkan refugee route deepens rifts in the EU

By Martin Kreickenbaum, 16 February 2016

Diplomatic tensions between the EU member states are intensifying in the run-up to the meeting of heads of state and governments this week.

NATO sends a flotilla to repulse refugees in the Aegean Sea

More on the refugee crisis »

US military boosts anti-missile systems in South Korea

By Peter Symonds, 16 February 2016

Far from being a defensive move, the restructuring of US forces in South Korea is bound up with more aggressive war plans, agreed last year between Washington and Seoul.

In wake of VW scandal European Parliament relaxes emissions regulations

By Jan Peters and Dietmar Henning, 16 February 2016

Last autumn, it was revealed that Volkswagen manipulated the emissions readings in 11 million diesel vehicles and hundreds of thousands of petrol models.

Argentina’s president Macri attacks public employees and teachers

By Rafael Azul, 16 January 2016

Macri’s agreement with the trade union bureaucracy and political opposition gives him a free hand to carry out attacks on teachers and public employees.

ANC in crisis as President Zuma struggles to reassure big capital

By G.T. Maqhubela, 16 February 2016

The Economic Freedom Fighters, led by Julius Malema, are making political capital from the crisis confronting the ANC by posturing as a “left” anti-corruption alternative.

Is the Indian Stalinist CPM heading for a split?

By Arun Kumar and Deepal Jayasekera, 16 February 2016

India’s principal Stalinist party is bitterly divided over whether to ally with the Indian bourgeoisie’s traditional party of government, the Congress, to contest elections in West Bengal.

Rising school costs deepen class divide in New Zealand education

By John Braddock, 16 February 2016

Public education is supposed to be free, but families are being pressured to give more money to schools every year.

New in Turkish

ABD’nin Suriye için “B Planı” ve dünya savaşı tehdidi

Bill Van Auken, 15 Şubat 2016

IŞİD’le mücadele örtüsü altında yürütülecek ancak Esad hükümetini devirmeye yönelecek olan “B Planı”, Suriye’de ABD askeri müdahalesinin keskin bir tırmanmasından ibaret olacaktır.

New in French

Washington dénonce la Russie et soutient l’escalade de la guerre en Syrie

Par Alex Lantier, 16 février 2016

Les puissances de l'OTAN soutiennent le plan d’une invasion turque et saoudienne de la Syrie qui pourrait entraîner l'ensemble du Moyen-Orient dans la guerre et déclencher un conflit mondial.

New in German

Der Nachweis von Gravitationswellen ist Meilenstein für die Wissenschaft

Von Bryan Dyne, 16. Februar 2016

Der Nachweis von Gravitationswellen ist eine Bestätigung der Wissenschaft und der Fähigkeit des Menschen, die schwierigsten Probleme zu lösen.

Abriegelung der Balkanroute vertieft Gräben in der EU

Von Martin Kreickenbaum, 16. Februar 2016

Unmittelbar vor ihrem Gipfeltreffen streiten die EU-Mitglieder darüber, mit welchen Maßnahmen eine Abriegelung Europas gegen Flüchtlinge besser zu bewerkstelligen ist.

Der Syrienkrieg wird unvermindert fortgesetzt

Von Bill Van Auken, 16. Februar 2016

Die Einigung in der vergangenen Woche über eine Waffenruhe und humanitäre Hilfe kann nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass Washington und Moskau diametral entgegengesetzte Ziele verfolgen.

Tod eines Flüchtlingsbabys wirft Schlaglicht auf mangelnde medizinische Versorgung

Von Benjamin Harder, 16. Februar 2016

Laut übereinstimmenden Berichten verschiedener Medien wurde den Eltern im Flüchtlingslager der rechtzeitige Besuch eines Kinderarztes verwehrt

Kriege und sinkender Ölpreis verstärken die Krise der saudischen Monarchie

Von Jean Shaoul, 16. Februar 2016

Die saudische Monarchie will die Kriegskosten und die Last der Wirtschaftskrise der Arbeiterklasse aufzuzwingen.

Landgericht Detmold eröffnet Prozess gegen SS-Wachmann in Auschwitz

Von Elisabeth Zimmermann, 16. Februar 2016

Am 11. Februar begann vor dem Landgericht Detmold der Prozess gegen den 94-jährigen Reinhold Hanning. Er ist der Beihilfe zum Mord in 170.000 Fällen angeklagt.

Der Guardian verteidigt die Verfolgung von Julian Assange

Von Robert Stevens, 16. Februar 2016

Um den Spruch der UN zu diskreditieren, gibt der Guardian einfach die Position der britischen und der schwedischen Regierung wieder.

Other Languages


The glorification of Antonin Scalia

16 February 2016

The sickening tributes across the official US political and media spectrum to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died suddenly on Saturday at the age of 79, are a barometer of the putrefaction of American democracy.

Earlier Perspectives »


The legacy of Antonin Scalia

By Tom Carter, 15 February 2016

Arts Review

Woman at the Window: Oratorio remembers the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

By Adam Mclean, 16 February 2016

Students at the Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts in Los Angeles tackle the deadliest industrial disaster in US history in an honest and compelling work.

Jia Zhangke’s Mountains May Depart: Three periods in modern China, a good deal of confusion


Inequality, class and life expectancy in America

By Barry Grey, 15 February 2016

Japanese PM pushes to remove constitutional constraints on military

By Ben McGrath, 15 February 2016

What is behind Varoufakis’s “Democracy Movement to Rescue Europe?”

By Ulrich Rippert, 15 January 2016

Regional tensions and falling oil prices deepen crisis of Saudi monarchy

By Jean Shaoul, 15 February 2016

The German president’s imperialist mission in Africa

By Gustav Kemper, 15 February 2016

Australian government-union conspiracy to sack “underperforming” teachers

By Richard Phillips, 15 February 2016

UK: Second undercover police officer exposed infiltrating Socialist Party

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

16 February 2015

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

United Steelworkers offers ArcelorMittal millions in concessions

“If the company gets away with this, they will do it with other workers”
Locked out Allegheny Technologies workers to lose jobless benefits

The 2016 US Elections

Republican debate in South Carolina: Lies, mudslinging and an important truth

By Patrick Martin, 15 February 2016

On-the-spot report from NH primary
New Hampshire students discuss Sanders and socialism

By Kate Randall, 13 February 2016

In Democratic debate, Clinton presses Sanders on race, gender and support for Obama

Socialist Alternative defends Sanders’ support for imperialist war

More on the 2016 US elections »


The detection of gravitational waves: A scientific milestone

By Bryan Dyne, 13 February 2016

Astronomers detect gravitational waves predicted by Einstein

25 years ago: US rejects Iraqi offer to withdraw from Kuwait

As the war in Iraq entered its second month, the Bush Administration brushed aside the February 15, 1991 offer of the Iraqi government to withdraw from Kuwait.

More »

50 years ago: Meany denies CIA funding of AFL-CIO

On February 21, 1966, AFL-CIO President George Meany brazenly denied well-documented reports that the labor federation was receiving funds from the CIA.

More »

75 years ago: US big business condemns high school textbooks

On February 21, 1941, a panel of academics, commissioned by the National Association of Manufacturers to review social science textbooks announced a substantial portion were critical of American capitalism.

More »


100 years ago: Russian offensive captures Ottoman fortress city of Erzurum I

On February 16, 1916, Russian troops captured the eastern Turkish city of Erzurum, then the third most powerful fortress city of the Ottoman Empire.

More »

Autoworkers Struggles

UAW President Dennis Williams denounces role of “outside groups” in 2015 auto contract negotiations

By Shannon Jones, 13 February 2016

As its hometown of Flint remains poisoned, GM makes record 2015 profit

More on autoworkers struggles »

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

Detroit bankruptcy judge appointed to restructure public schools

By Nancy Hanover, 15 February 2016

More on the defense of public education »

The World Socialist Web Site and the Flint water crisis

By Shannon Jones, 1 February 2016

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Featured video

Video: Retirees speak on Teamsters pension cuts in Detroit

11 February 2016

Who is Kenneth Feinberg?
Kenneth Feinberg and the victim compensation racket

The looting of US workers’ pensions

NHS Fightback

Government to impose contract on junior doctors after second England-wide strike

By Robert Stevens, 12 February 2016

British junior doctors speak from the picket lines

By our reporters, 12 February 2016

Mehring Books

Twenty-five years since the first Gulf War
Desert Slaughter: The Imperialist War Against Iraq—an enduring contribution to waging war on war

By Eric London, 21 January 2016

In 1991, the Workers League, forerunner of the SEP, published this valuable compendium of articles and statements providing a Marxist analysis of the imperialist war in Iraq and the breakdown of the postwar international order.

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky