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We’re in the thick of primary season and the gaffes will increase from now until at least Super Tuesday. Prepare yourself by hoarding decent reading material until this whole election thing blows over.

After the untimely death of Antonin Scalia, it quickly became apparent that President Obama was about to break the noble American tradition of not nominating a new Supreme Court justice in an election year. Oh, wait a minute, there is no such tradition and it’s been done about, oh, eight times. Welcome to an election year that just got a major dose of crazy-politics steroids. Scalia’s body was hardly cold and people were already going nuts and fabricating bogus “rules” out of thin air.

Besides all the conspiracy theories about Scalia’s death, I am baffled by the speed at which the Republican leadership started condemning Obama for even letting the word “nominate” enter his brain. Aren’t these the same guys who are always calling for us to not politicize mass shootings until the bodies are at least in the ground?  

Picking a Supreme Court justice is naturally a political act (and Democrats will of course politicize this as well) but conservatives are tripping over themselves to prevent Obama from doing what a president is supposed to do. Sorry, it’s his job. Bonus conspiracy theory fodder I came across today: the owner of the Texas resort where Scalia died owns a company that makes parts for . . . hearses. Enjoy the cartoon, and remember, you can help support my work and go behind the scenes here!  


Yes, I know, too soon. Or not soon enough? Are we talking about the same thing? It seems to me that the GOP would drag the corpse of recently deceased Antonin Scalia if it could still take rights away from more Americans, as he enjoyed doing in life. Mitch McConnell issued an obstructionist warning  to President Obama, promising to block any SCOTUS nomination the apparently still in power President might send to the Senate. And human weasel Ted Cruz and all the GOP Presidential candidates say the NEXT President must make the Supreme Court pick, pretty much saying that election don’t matter, basically only the ones they disagree with. I think we all need some time off from these conservative Constitution haters. At least a weekend!

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If Scalia had died during the final year of the George W. Bush administration, can you imagine the GOP making the absurd claim that a successor must not be named in an election year? There is no debate to be had here. It’s Obama’s turn.

May this be the beginning of the end of a retrograde Supreme Court that has been so destructive to our democracy and civil rights, a court more interested in protecting the lives of coal companies than those of Earth’s seven billion human beings. Time for a new era.

Follow Jen on Twitter at @JenSorensen

Hey Republican presidential wannabes!  You think jumping on immigrants, refugees, and progressives makes you tough?

Well, try taking a swing at legendary Republican president and “progressive” Teddy Roosevelt!  Looks like it’s going to be a rough ride! 

Created by Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist Mark Fiore and Comigama Interactive Comics.

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The primaries have just begun, and the party in-fighting will get even more heated for another month or so, making social media a veritable wasteland of outrage and insufferability. When the dust settles and the nominee is known, they’ll have to kiss and make up with the supporters of the candidates they’ve spent all winter savaging.