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Saying Their Names! The Oakland Airport Echos With the Names of Those Killed by Police.
jpmassar 01/17/2016 5 11 - -
Why is the "Tragedy of the Commons" far too Common?
There was an economic-ecologic concept posed back in the 1960's -- the "Tragedy of the Commons" -- that for a while provided the context and the framing -- that made it seem the worst of our environme
jamess 12/25/2015 41 104 - -
Paul Ryan get's it wrong...again
This is from an article in Truth Dig published 12/5/2015 from Robert Reich.  Paul Ryan again ignores the will of the people with this proposal.  I added my personal comments on his proposals whic
arky70 12/05/2015 9 15 - -
You Pay How Much in Rent?!?!?!?!
A bit about myself before I launch into what could be a rather contentious (I hope that it is more thought-provoking than contentious) group of issues that seem to be tied together in rather an ...
AKBear 11/01/2015 271 259 2 -
Human Interest Lending: A Radical Rethinking of the Payday Loan Industry.
Do you live paycheck to paycheck? Do you know anyone who does? More than half of Americans do, with no emergency savings and no cushion. (1) While many rely on credit ...
jpmassar 10/26/2015 31 40 2 -
The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend
The Middle East is a relevant example of this saying. But, this diary is about something closer to home - the GOP. The GOP has mutated from loyal opposition to domestic enemy of democracy. The ...
arendt 10/25/2015 7 10 - -
Texas Judges Blatantly Ignorant of Law, Toss Poor People Into Debtors' Prisons.
Did you know the Supreme Court outlawed debtors' prisons in the United States? Did you know that Texas law requires judges to hold a hearing when someone cannot pay a fine, to assess someone's ...
jpmassar 10/07/2015 56 147 - -
False Prophet Republicans and The Big Lie
Politicians tell so many lies that it is hard to tell which one is the biggest or most outrageous. But one thing is certain. Pope Francis ushered in a breath of fresh air on our politically toxic ...
Libby Shaw 10/01/2015 5 5 - -
Bernie Needs Your Help
Bernie needs some help in creating a credible foreign policy that puts America on a path to dealing with the excesses, abuses and failed policy of previous administrations. His foreign policy also ...
joe shikspack 09/28/2015 87 45 2 -
GOP Presidential Debate: A Trip Back to the Twilight Zone
We have to thank Donald Trump for a few things. That said, if I had to choose between voting for Donald Trump and tying myself to a train track I would opt for the latter. The idea that Donald ...
Libby Shaw 09/18/2015 7 6 1 -
Republicans Are Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Photos of high speed rail frequently appear on my Facebook wall. Many of my friends and followers will routinely ask why the U.S. cannot have the same high ...
Libby Shaw 09/11/2015 22 24 - -
Jeremy Corbyn, "Britain's Bernie Sanders," About to Become Labour Party Leader.
Bernie Sanders is leading in New Hampshire; a new poll shows him in the lead in Iowa. The Conservative government in Canada looks likely to be defeated in a month if nothing changes . And now Jeremy ...
jpmassar 09/10/2015 31 58 1 -
Rep Ryan’s Inner City Culture comment was reviewed by Politifact
Politifact’s rating the truth about political claims leaves much to be desired for example the Title of the article In Context: Were Paul Ryan’s poverty comments a ‘thinly veiled racial ...
Things Come Undone 09/02/2015 1 6 - -
The Stock Market Plunge: Why Bernie's Plan For Social Security Rocks & Why Mass Unionization Rocks
Trillions of dollars lost, pensions ravaged, retired people who can't pay to stay in retirement homes, peoples' futures wrecked...that was so financial crisis days, huh? But, if there is ever a ...
Tasini 08/24/2015 67 109 1 -
Tomorrow I'm going to hear how Arizona will screw the poor even more
Oops, that's supposed to be a picture of Gov. Ducey. No matter, same-same. One must ask: Does Arizona Governor Doug Ducey roll out of bed every morning wondering, "How can I harass, humiliate, ...
Mother Mags 08/17/2015 17 66 - -
Donald Trump to Detroit autoworkers: you make too much money
Originally posted at Eclectablog . Donald Trump's "Let Detroit go bankrupt" moment? Donald Trump has something to say to Detroit autoworkers: you make too much money. Talking about U.S. vehicle ...
Eclectablog 08/14/2015 214 185 2 -
Charles Koch. Mocking Us All
Charles Koch owes me a keyboard and monitor, there I was drinking coffee and reading the usual drivel from a major purveyor of economic and political corruption, then at the end this.... Koch went ...
LaFeminista 08/02/2015 29 45 1 -
The "others": First they came for the blacks...
...but I wasn't black, so I said nothing... Everyone knows that famous "poem" (reproduced at the end), so just fill in Women, Gays, Intellectuals, and finally, the middle class. All of those ...
arendt 07/27/2015 7 12 - -
ISIS, the USSR, and a Policy of Containment
There are parallels between international Jihadism based in ISIS and international Communism based in the USSR. Like Communism, Jihadism appeals the young, to the idealistic, to men and women all ...
stancutler 07/26/2015 13 2 - -
Bernie and People Power: a Historical Overview of Conscientization
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Our society urgently requires that citizens become more conscious of their enslavement by corporate government and thereafter engage in a political revolution to reduce ...
feather fall 07/22/2015 20 25 1 -
Democratic Socialist Economics for us Beginners Part 4/4
Welcome to Part 4, the last. Bernie Sanders' ideas for an ethical economics are perfectly suited to our times of inequality and oligarchic corporatist government. This diary series explores the ...
feather fall 07/13/2015 9 10 1 -
Democratic Socialist Economics for us Beginners: Part 1/4
The impact of Bernie Sanders on the Democratic primaries is becoming noticeable. Folks everywhere are marvelling at the popularity of his ideas. They're so mainstream! What is this socialism he's on ...
feather fall 07/04/2015 12 39 8 -
The Four Horsemen of Neoliberal Capitalism
To describe the current state of our democracy, just substitute "Usury, Class War, Beast-starving, and Privatization" for the Biblical "Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death". Make no mistake, the ...
arendt 07/03/2015 15 29 3 -
The Prime Minister of Greece Tweets his Case.
I can't recall another head of government tweeting out an extensive series of statements espousing a policy position. Here is Alexis Tsipras, making his case for why Greek voters should vote NO on ...
jpmassar 07/02/2015 84 26 - -
Only One Choice For Democracy
Bernie is undeniably the ONLY way you can vote for democracy and all the issues for which the Democratic Party stands. With Hillary, you are voting for someone who has enormous debts to repay Wall ...
Words In Action 06/26/2015 29 28 1 -
Another attack on Michigan workers: Republicans move to slash minimum wage for under-20 workers
Originally posted at Eclectablog . In their neverending quest to screw over workers to benefit employers, Republicans in Michigan are now turning their attention to those making minimum wage. A ...
Eclectablog 06/17/2015 7 12 - -
Identity Politics vs. Inequality Politics: My Two Cents
I want to continue a conversation that has been big on the rec list and front page articles over the past week or so and perhaps take it in a slightly different direction. I'm speaking of the ...
greywolfe359 06/05/2015 35 21 1 -
Obama must now lead the Democratic Party in preparation for the 2016 general election. In similar circumstances, Harry Truman engineered a winning strategy that could work for the Democratic nominee ...
stancutler 06/04/2015 3 3 - -
Bernie 2016: Volunteer link, Issues Page, petition to end Citizens United, Donate, etc.
Join the Campaign or Sign up to Volunteer for specific tasks or Sign up for Updates . To donate: Stand with Bernie We are at a moment of ...
distraught 06/04/2015 131 216 16 -
Gangster Capitalism in China
I must recommend the very readable paper, [ China’s Communist-Capitalist ecological apocalypse]. While the paper is 45 pages long (with at least ...
arendt 05/28/2015 4 23 2 -
Republican Austerity Kills. Literally
When I heard about the Amtrak train wreck outside of Philadelphia on Tuesday night my heart stopped for a few seconds. My son lives in Washington D.C. His girlfriend's family lives in NYC. I have ...
Libby Shaw 05/16/2015 20 18 - -
Hillary & Establishment Groupthink Are Consistently WRONG
Mainstream thinking, not just Republican thinking, is consistently wrong. Justification and support for the Iraq War? WRONG. Catastrophically wrong. Multi-generational even. Centennial even. An ...
Words In Action 05/15/2015 146 42 1 -
From Oakland to Baltimore. Labor & Community Against Police Terror on May Day.
A simple tweetpic essay. from the 510 to the 410 — m4rg1n4L (@marg1nal) May 1, 2015 Putting the final touches on chalk art at Oscar Grant Plaza before the march ...
jpmassar 05/01/2015 6 18 1 -
The Only Chart You Need To Pick a President
I was born in 1979. It's a year that many economists have now found to be a turning point. From the end of the Great Depression until the year I was born, American productivity and prosperity ...
greywolfe359 05/01/2015 28 37 - -
A Photo from Baltimore.
Photo : If ever a photo should exist to explain how we feel every day, from the moment we arise til we fall asleep. — The Real Segun Idowu (@RevrendDoctor) April 26, ...
jpmassar 04/26/2015 94 209 2 -
The Failure of Privatization
Sell Yosemite! Dump the Post Office, the prison system, education, Social Security!! Conservatives have been pushing this agenda for decades, insisting that private ownership would increase ...
T C Gibian 04/26/2015 11 33 1 -
It's long past time to take away Obama's flying death robots
Back in 2013, in the aftermath of his murder of Americans Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16 year old son, when Mr. Obama was trying to justify his arrogated powers to incinerate people with his fleet of ...
joe shikspack 04/24/2015 379 131 1 -
Campaign Cost Reform?
Regulating the money contributed to election campaigns, Campaign Finance Reform, is a failed approach. Can the problem be approached from the cost side? Rather than trying to limit contributions, ...
stancutler 04/22/2015 3 - - -
The Future of the Middle Class: Slumlords, sharecroppers, and racist vigilantes
In case you missed it, the billionaires' final solution to the problem of the American middle class (as created by FDR) has been underway since the 2008 crash. For six centuries there has been a ...
arendt 04/22/2015 23 38 3 -
The War On The Poor: What Will It Take To End It?
I'm tired of the war on the poor. I'm tired of running into people, including Democrats, who support the war on the poor. This is not a rebuttal to any Daily Kos diary. This is a rebuttal to what I'...
joedemocrat 04/12/2015 50 78 - -
For a Political Revolution
The good news is that the economy today is much better than it was six years ago when George W. Bush left office. The bad news is that, despite these improvements, the 40-year decline of the ...
Senator Bernie Sanders 04/03/2015 233 602 16 -
Strike Debt Take Three Strikes at Student Debt, Scores Hat Trick.
Although Prock finally has the degree, the only potential job the college helped her find was a ...
jpmassar 03/30/2015 10 20 - -
Why The TPP is a Game Changer
In February 2008, with only two candidates left in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Barack Obama distributed a flier to Ohio voters denouncing Hillary Clinton’s support of NAFTA.
praenomen 03/27/2015 200 184 5 -
Action: The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease
Leaders in Congress, particularly John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi are preparing another bipartisan fiasco in order to reward a particularly powerful constituency and stop them from engaging in their ...
joe shikspack 03/26/2015 27 32 2 -
Sign up to be a citizen sponsor of the Congressional Progressive Caucus's People's Budget
Only one budget proposal for fiscal year 2016 wisely deals with the real needs of Americans both in the present and the future. That's the Congressional Progressive Caucus's budget: ...
Meteor Blades 03/24/2015 29 98 1 -
Why the Right is so Wrong
Actually, the Right is more than wrong. It's behavior and policies are scary, dangerous and are an unmitigated disaster. The social media had been on fire last week with shares and hashtags that ...
Libby Shaw 03/22/2015 42 99 3 -
Adelson and Kristol attempt the first Liberum Veto in US history
As the GOP sabotage and sedition continues, the US appears to be going the way of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth (P-LC) rather than the way of the Roman Empire. If you know your history, this ...
arendt 03/16/2015 128 348 16 -
A Tale of Three States: California, Kansas, and Florida
Robert Reich recently pointed out that if you listen to rightwing groups like the Tax Foundation, you would think California is a horrible place for business. These groups rank it in the top 10 ...
SemDem 03/15/2015 208 294 5 -
Bill Maher slams GOP for support of welfare for the rich as they attack welfare for the poor
Egberto Willies 03/14/2015 14 35 1 -
The Snow Made Them Do It
What happens when the contempt of elected officials for the duly elected POTUS (twice, thank you) trumps loyalty to one's country and its Constitution. This is especially true when these same ...
Libby Shaw 03/14/2015 2 13 - -
One of the Most Moving and Memorable Speeches of our Lifetimes
The President gave a moving and rousing speech today to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Selma at the Edmund Pettis bridge. (The full speech is included in the link.) Excerpts: It is a rare ...
Libby Shaw 03/07/2015 15 34 2 -
I am Not Ready for Hillary
I really hope that Hillary Clinton, by some mercy bestowed upon us by an act of Fate or whatever, decides not to run for president. �I know, I know, you've been ready since 2008, just seizing with ...
ThisIsProgress 03/05/2015 244 33 - -
Bernie Sanders Economic Agenda for America
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders unveiled a 12-step plan to revitalize the American economy last December, which has gotten fairly little attention.  The self-proclaimed socialist, who is considering a ...
ThisIsProgress 03/05/2015 35 24 1 -
Capitalism's Last Defense
American history is riddled with disingenuous moments wherein leaders, seeing their preferred system of capitalism threatened by bottom-up production, give the smallest concession to expanded ...
ThisIsProgress 03/05/2015 11 3 - -
Why Scott Walker's Union-ISIS Comparison Doesn't Shock Me
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is drowning in his own words , having stated that if he can stop union protesters in Wisconsin, he can handle ISIS. A lot has been said about this subject already, ...
ThisIsProgress 03/05/2015 5 8 - -
Anti-Capitalist Meetup: The Mouse Has Roared – Greece post-Elections
The Greeks have said enough! Hope has defeated fear and SYRIZA has won the election and have beaten New Democracy and the fear-mongers, as expected. This is a major victory for anti-austerity ...
NY brit expat 03/05/2015 57 26 - -
Let's stop the disaster that is the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership)!
There have been lots of great posts on the TPP. I wrote about it here and here ...
VL Baker 03/05/2015 72 102 4 -
It's the looting, stupid.
That's the reminder I want to see taped to my political candidates' laptop screen. Today's world is run by looters. There are neoliberal looters using financial weapons, and there are neocon ...
arendt 03/01/2015 65 131 8 -
"What May Be the First Organized Student Debt Strike..."
It began with a crazy idea more than two years ago.
jpmassar 02/23/2015 47 34 4 -
Gen Jones Wants Cuts To Military Middle Class - Buys $3.7M Mansion
Four retired senior officers have written an ...
angelajean 02/11/2015 87 224 2 -
Infinite Money brings SciFi weaponry to politics
As a tech-literate reader of hard SciFi, I've always have to "suspend disbelief" about energy density. For a general audience, I call it the rayguns, warp drives, and Terminators problem. The ...
arendt 02/08/2015 37 20 - -
Conservative Texas: Cronies, Crooks, No Bid Contracts, No Oversight, Junk Science. But...
And a former Governor, recently indicted for the abuse of power, said he wears his indictment as a badge of honor. This is what happens when there are no term limits. Rick Perry served as the ...
Libby Shaw 01/30/2015 18 21 1 -
If the TPP passes, 2016 is irrelevant
Yes, TPP has been designed to be a boring, opaque, fly-under-the-radar, FATAL corporate coup d'etat. But, let's focus all our attention of the 2016 race. Let's badger Elizabeth Warren to the point ...
arendt 01/18/2015 20 15 - -
I, for one, do NOT welcome our techno-libertarian overlords
We need to stop the billionaire elitist radicals who want to replace democracy with corporate feudalism and techno-elitist domination. If we don't, technological progress will become the private ...
arendt 12/30/2014 83 10 1 -
A decent nation would have impeached Bush and Obama
The administration of George W. Bush committed a number of actions, some of which are likely criminal , some of which expand the powers of the ...
joe shikspack 12/18/2014 801 158 17 -
American libraries are under attack as the last best socialized institution in America
(Written by American expat living in the European Union) (This diary is written by an American expat living in the European Union who is a male business librarian who holds a graduate library ...
Democrats Ramshield 12/14/2014 66 98 6 -
Spiegel quote: It is mostly white men who shoot young African Americans in the service of the state.
(Written by a Caucasian, American expat living in Germany). THE AMERICAN 200 YEAR RACE WAR!! The German magazine Der Spiegel's English language edition is the ...
Democrats Ramshield 12/13/2014 254 129 3 -
Chicago Murders Up 50%: Rahm Manipulating Murder Rate News
Chicago Murders in November 2014 up 50% during the same time last November. In November 2013 there were 28 total murders. There have already been 24 murders as of November 16, 2014 with 14 more days ...
Hyde Park Johnny 12/13/2014 12 14 - -
Make No Mistake, There Will Be Trouble Down at the Hamster Wheel
I guarantee it. I am that trouble. I am making that trouble. And so should you. I feel our pain. I am sorry. It was sad. We try so hard. The deck is stacked. Turnout so low . Lies are told. ...
Galtisalie 12/13/2014 27 10 - -
The hole in my soul is the least of it
I grew up in the wake of WWII, was in fact born into a military family smack in the middle of the Korean war, and found myself coming of age on a fast-track trajectory for Vietnam. What a bizarre ...
One Pissed Off Liberal 11/30/2014 198 302 13 -
I Racked Up $2000 Campaign Debt Fighting Fracking; Can You Help Me Retire It?
I've put off publishing this for what I expect to be a slow day on Daily Kos, because I don't like having to write it at all and, if and when it does its job, I'm happy for it to recede into ...
Seneca Doane 11/27/2014 15 67 3 -
Greg Abbott's Reaction to Immigration? The usual. TX Dems will not give up.
While many of us within the liberal and the populist wing of our Party have been frequently frustrated and disappointed by our President, his bold and decisive executive action on immigration reform ...
Libby Shaw 11/23/2014 22 16 1 -
Elizabeth Warren Smacks Down Mel Watt, Demands Principal Reduction for 5.1 Million Homeowners.
There's nothing that I can add to this takedown by Elizabeth Warren. Listen as she chastises Mel Watt, the new head of Federal Housing Financy Agency, which oversees Fannie and Freddie, as to why he ...
jpmassar 11/19/2014 340 343 7 -
Updates: Call your Senators about their vote on the Keystone Pipeline
Stop the Senate from approving #KeystoneXL ! Tell senators to say NO! #NoKXL via @sierraclub — YEARS (@...
Onomastic 11/18/2014 44 36 1 -
Can the US political system deal with climate change?
The American "system" has been a bit tardy in its response to climate change. Experts tell us that the longer it takes to make needed changes, the more difficult it will be to make them. As'...
joe shikspack 11/18/2014 161 133 9 -
Strike Debt Radio Turns an Ear Towards Predatory Payday Loan and Check Cashing.
Together on Strike Debt Radio the debt-dispatching duo of Mike and Cassie expose the nasty business of Payday Loan shops.
jpmassar 11/17/2014 5 13 - -
Aji for TiaRachel: When There Aren't Enough Spoons In the World: Helping a Friend Dig Out
This diary is written by Aji. She can't post at Daily Kos anymore because it does not download for her, so I am cross-posting for her from her blog .
Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse 11/16/2014 51 108 1 -
Michigan exports its anti-democratic model: Chris Christie considers Emergency Mgr for Atlantic City
Originally posted at Eclectablog . Remember when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie came to Michigan to visit Governor Rick Snyder in March ? And when he came back ...
Eclectablog 11/13/2014 19 18 - -
Inevitability is to Third Way Politics as Austerity is to Disaster Capitalism - changed the title
They are the same scenario: leadership screws up; they are rewarded, while the rank and file are informed they must endure all the hardship and trust the screw-ups to fix things. When the bankers ...
arendt 11/11/2014 10 10 1 -
Obama's Bipartisan Achievements
There has been a lot of talk, now that the elections are over and the legislature has fallen into the hands of Republicans about what this will mean for President Obama's agenda and the Democratic ...
joe shikspack 11/11/2014 270 139 10 -
We Can't Rely On The Democratic Party
The fallout from the elections has been severe with a complete GOP takeover of the Senate, and state legislatures across the country. Our party lost, and there were many reasons, but the most ...
slinkerwink 11/06/2014 290 226 3 -
Drop That Plate Right Now!
Who knows what evil lurks in the plates men carry? "One of the police officers said, 'Drop that plate right now,' as if I were carrying a weapon," said Abbott, who runs a nonprofit group called ...
jpmassar 11/04/2014 14 41 1 -
Poverty Denialism in a Culture of Cruelty: Bashing the Poor as Right-Wing Amusement
The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, The Culture of Cruelty: How America's Elite Demonize the Poor, Valorize the Rich and Jeopardize the Future (San Francisco: City Lights, 2015) ...
tim wise 11/02/2014 140 227 14 -
I will not sit down and shut up about voter suppression in Texas
Of course my Governor Rick Perry would never get directly in my face to tell me to shut up and sit down like the bullying Governor Christi did to one of his protesting constituents the other day. ...
Libby Shaw 11/01/2014 41 120 1 -
Community Quilt for Yasuragi
Meteor Blades' quilt in the quilting hoop Our friend, Yasuragi, has had a hell of a year, and she is in chroni pain. Onomastic is in close touch with her and kindly provided the details of what ...
Sara R 10/29/2014 325 122 1 -
"Koch's Angels": the 1% hire the one-percenters
American democracy has reached the level of the Polish [ liberum veto]. Super-rich individuals, like the Koch Brothers or Sheldon Adelson, can block any ...
arendt 10/26/2014 6 12 - -
Texas Voter Photo ID Law Disenfranchises 600,00 to 744,980 American citizens
I know I have written about this subject before but now that we are in the throes of early voting in Texas the abstraction of the strictest Voter Photo ID Law in the U.S. has become a frightening ...
Libby Shaw 10/25/2014 54 117 1 -
Taking on 'Odious Debt' Everywhere: Strike Debt Goes on Television, Radio and The Big Screen.
Almost two years ago Hannel Appel, Bay Area native and Occupy Wall Street veteran, came back to the Bay Area, came to a General Assembly of Occupy Oakland and called on people to form Strike Debt ...
jpmassar 10/03/2014 9 20 - -
Germany just eliminated tuition, while Americans are drowning in $1.2 trillion student loan debt.
(By popular request of readers this diary has been updated and republished at the following link where under Daily Kos rules, reader participation through comments may now be accepted whereas the ...
Democrats Ramshield 10/03/2014 269 225 6 -
Dramatic events in Hong Kong
Americans could take a lesson from Hong Kongers who have taken to the streets in the thousands to fight for a fair election. Thousands now surround government buildings, even surrounding police ...
monkeybrainpolitics 09/28/2014 49 58 3 -
Kansas Teachers Roll out Welcome Mat for Rick Perry in Wichita
Sam Brownback, looking to bring some life back into his campaign, farmed in Rick Perry to bring in donors. Perry, who's next plan is a trip to Europe to recruit business for Texas , still finds ...
Chris Reeves 09/25/2014 24 50 - -
BREAKING: Yahoo! leaves ALEC
Originally posted at Eclectablog . In another blow to the corporate front group American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), another internet powerhouse is leaving the pro-Big Business "bill mill"
Eclectablog 09/25/2014 22 65 1 -
BREAKING: Yelp leaves ALEC. Will Yahoo! be next? (UPDATED)
Originally posted at Eclectablog . Technology giants Microsoft, Google, and Facebook have all made recent announcements that they have or are leaving the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC),
Eclectablog 09/24/2014 27 47 1 -
No money for Unemployment Comp or Food Stamps, but Plenty for Bombs and War
No, you can't have more. We need the money for bombs. Too bad, hungry kids. This country, according to the GOP, can't afford to give you any more food stamps than your monthly allotment. Keep ...
Puddytat 09/23/2014 306 269 3 -
US elites beginning to realize there's a problem
Sorry, I didn't post this two weeks ago, but, frankly, things have been tough so far this year, and I don't get paid to blog. But these are important reflections of how top elites in USA are thinking,
NBBooks 09/21/2014 333 683 61 -
The German Spiegel publishes the truth about history of slavery & bigotry in Ferguson, MO.
'We're Like Animals To Them': An American City's Daily Racism (Spiegel quote) As an American expat of European ancestry living in Germany this article provides a review from my perspective of a ...
Democrats Ramshield 09/20/2014 157 322 9 -
The Wall Street Journal cries about the poverty of making $400,000 a year
Please put down your drink, you won't want to cover your computer/device's screen with coffee or juice or water. But if you do ruin your electronic device, no one understands your pain more ...
Walter Einenkel 09/17/2014 337 268 9 -
President Obama's high-mileage, "new" stupid war
Would you purchase a used war from one of these men, Bush the elder, Bill Clinton or Bush the younger? President Obama, who called it ...
joe shikspack 09/17/2014 391 133 - -
Strike Debt's Rolling Jubilee Erases $4,000,000 in Student Loan Debt - For $100,000!
Almost two years ago the Rolling Jubilee , a project of Strike Debt (an offshoot of Occupy Wall Street), announced an ambitious stunt - raise $50,000 and abolish $1,000,000 in medical debt. They ...
jpmassar 09/17/2014 94 307 7 -
Plutocrat Predicts: The Pitchforks Are Coming
You know things have gotten bad when a self-proclaimed plutocrat sees the future and doesn't like what he sees.
Puddytat 09/15/2014 328 409 17 -
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