
Simple Planetary Gears

by jonducrou, published

Simple Planetary Gears by jonducrou Feb 2, 2012

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Set of planetary gears and arms to hold the planet gears in place.

Based off OpenSCAD code from thing:7390 (after cutting out significant portions of it - because the original thing is much more than a toy).

The gear ratios are very interesting, and (at least at first) non-intuitive, depending on the part that is held stationary.

With a fixed Annulus or Sun, this gives 1:6.
With a fixed Planet carrier, this gives 1:5.


  1. Print it.

  2. Assemble.

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bad module of the ring gear ??

I'm surprised that the Annulus doesn't call off. How sturdy is this?

Pretty much has to be on a flat surface to be used. I have been meaning in revisit this and add a holder for the sun and annulus - but it's not high on my priorities.

Could you color it? It would be cooler looking and easier to comprehend if the different types of parts were different colors.

Best regards,
Steve C.

I haven't got enough pretty colours - but check this out: http://www.thingiverse.com/derivative:21916http://www.thingiverse.com/der...

Any chance of saving the scad file to DXF format and posting here for the laser guys? thx

I'm not exactly sure how to - but I will look into it.

I couldn't output to DXF from the OpenSCAD. I've done a bunch of gears for laser cutting with Inkscape before - but i didn't want to recreate it.


I am trying to build a rope machine and this sun gear configuration looks like ti will work. I need to build a housing to hold the gears and have he 3 gears turn three small hooks. the middle gear can be motorized or cranked I think.


Great place to calculate gears and ratios and all that kind of stuff...


Also can you post a DXF file from the scad file here for us guys with a laser cutter/engraver? thx

Whatever happened to "GregFrost's involute gear script", I cannot find it anywhere now.

Is says above: "Derived from 1:216 gearbox" thing 7390.

But that has DiffPlanet.scad which contains a reference to this: "

There is nothing called "involute_gears.scad" in any of these places:

http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:7390 has "DiffPlanet.scad" but no "involute_gears.scad" which it refers to

http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3575 has "parametric_" v4.0 and v5.0 names (must i rename them?)

http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3534 has "parametric_involute_gear.scad" - change Diffplanet to match?

3543 refers to http://github.com/TheOtherRob/MCADhttp://github.com/TheOtherRob/... but it is a dead link

http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3575 has the" parametric..." 4.0/5.0 again, no 'involute..." and leads to

http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3547 "the original", which says "404 You've reached the end of thingiverse"

http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3001 has something with a similar filename, but in python

http://www.thingiverse.com/GregFrosthttp://www.thingiverse.com/Gre... doesn't refer to his script at all.

NOTHING in THINGIVERSE seems to have "involute-gears.scad".
Searching "GregFrost's involute gear script" in the wild:
gives http://www.makerbot.com/blog/tag/gregfrost/http://www.makerbot.com/blog/t... which has the same-old.
gives links back to things 3547
amp; 3575, which I covered before.

What does everyone else know that I'm clueless about?
Waaah! (where's my pacifier).

1:246 Gearbox
by emmett
Parametric Involute Bevel and Spur Gears
Parametric Involute Gear
Involute Gear Script
by robfitz

thanks - how did you find it? (teach a babe to fish) :-P

Nothing magic - searched for "openscad mcad". Was the first hit.

Thanks, but i don't see how i would have ever thought of that.

Guess I need to lurk here much more.

Hah! Just yesterday I had a visitor to my desk ask about a set of these. Next desk toy!
