Science News

'It's either aliens or a swarm of comets': scientists baffled by bizarre star

Marcus Strom   A star that some think might be home to high-tech aliens has scientists asking 'WTF?'.

Latest science news

Fourth industrial revolution arrives

Alasdair Macleod is developing software to manage grass-fed cattle.

Marcus Strom 6:29 AM   Need to know if your beef cattle has been properly grass fed? There's an app for that.


Rarest minerals reveal Earth's uniqueness

Wycheproofite, new mineral Peter Spinks mineral story. Wycheproofite, first described from the Wycheproof granite ...

Peter Spinks 8:36 PM   About 120 new minerals are found every year, roughly double that of two decades ago - and they shed light on Earth's evolution.

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Another reason to eat your greens: sugar

Kale and other leafy greens have a secret ingredient your gut bacteria will love: sugar.

Bridie Smith 3:00 AM   Kale and other leafy greens have a secret ingredient your gut bacteria will love: sugar.

CSIRO's gravitation waves contribution came from unit now axed

CSIRO technicians work on one of the mirrors to be used in LIGO in the detection of gravitational waves.

Peter Hannam   CSIRO executives are being accused of claiming credit for achievements of a science unit it has recently axed, amid on-going job cuts at the agency.

Heritage Strategy launched at ACT's newest heritage site Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station

Former Honeysuckle Creek tracking station employee Hamish Lindsay at the recently heritage-listed site.

Clare Colley   Almost 49 years since its antenna beamed the first TV images of the moon landing, and 24 years after the site was levelled, the Honeysuckle Creek tracking station has been added to the ACT's heritage register.

How a group of Canberra scientists helped to prove what Einstein couldn't

Professor David McClelland and Professor Susan Scott at the ANU Centre for Gravitational Physics.

Katie Burgess   How a group of Canberra scientists helped to prove Einstein wrong.

Gravitational waves: Australian scientists central role in their discovery

A simulation of two black holes colliding.

Marcus Strom   This discovery means we can see the universe with a totally new sense. We have been limited with one view of the universe, using our eyes, looking at light. It's now like being able to hear the universe for the first time.

Researchers give type 1 diabetics new hope

Dr Stuart Mannering, right, with Dane Pavlovic who has type 1 diabetes.

Bridie Smith   Researchers have worked out what makes the body attack its insulin-producing cells, causing type 1 diabetes.

Gravitational waves: what do they sound like and why are scientists going nuts with #ChirpForLIGO

Gabriela Gonzalez, from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), speaks during a news conference ...

Marcus Strom   Gravitational waves not only make "noise", it has created its own hashtag.

Albert Einstein was right - 100 years on

An illustration of gravitational waves produced by two orbiting black holes.

Marcus Strom   An overnight announcement confirms the existence of Einstein's predicted gravitational waves.

Fuzzy Logic: Getting an earful of yourself

When you hear your recorded voice – as on an answering machine – it sounds higher pitched because it takes a longer ...

Question: Why does our own voice sound different?

Gravitational waves discovery would open up new world of science

All of Albert Einstein's predictions have been proven - except one.

Marcus Strom   Scientists across the world are giddy with the prospect that the final piece in the puzzle emerging from Einstein's theory of general relativity will fall into place on Friday.

Gravitational waves: an explainer

Albert Einstein in 1947.

Marcus Strom   Every single one of Albert Einstein's prediction about space-time have been observed, except one: gravitational waves.

Why sex matters in science

The under-representation of female mice in animal trials could have dramatic implications.

Bridie Smith   Female participation in scientific research needs to increase dramatically, if discoveries are to benefit all of humanity. It's a familiar theme. But this time, there's a twist.


Revealed: the Nullarbor Plain's wet and forested beginnings

Researchers abseil down the vertical entrance of one of the hundreds of caves on the Nullarbor Plain.

The Nullarbor was once cloaked in gums and banksias and enjoyed a rainfall much higher than today.

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Virtual reality gamers scale the mountain

Lightning Rock programmers Stephen Shorrock and Ben Doobov, artist Chris Hahn and producer Shannon Pickles in their ...

Alexandra Back   An exciting new virtual-reality game due out in stores soon is the brainchild of four whiz-kids working out of a loungeroom in Canberra.

Why do we listen to music? The search for the brain's music room

Illustration: Marcos Chin/New York Times

Natalie Angier   It's one of humanity's greatest pleasures and has been with us since the beginning. Now scientists are starting to discover what part of our brain connects to music.


Astronomers discover nearly a thousand hidden galaxies behind the Milky Way

This image provided by NASA shows the immense Andromeda galaxy, also known as Messier 31, captured in full in this new ...

You would think it was pretty hard to hide a galaxy, but nearly a thousand of them?


Meteorite may have killed someone for the first time in two centuries

This 1.68 kilogram meteorite was tracked and retrieved by Australian scientists in January.

Ishaan Tharoor   Local authorities in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu are investigating whether the death of a man at a college campus over the weekend was the result of a falling meteorite.

Human trials for Australian-made bionic spine to start next year

Biomedical engineer Nick Opie is part of the team working on the 'bionic spine'.

Bridie Smith   Patients left paralysed by injury or illness could be back on their feet again, thanks to a breakthrough by Melbourne researchers who have designed a revolutionary bionic spine.


Science is Golden

Listen to our podcast series about science and scientists.

Scientists find echoes of Big Bang

An experiment at the South Pole leads to what is potentially one of the biggest scientific discoveries of the past two decades.

The secret to running repairs

Scientists think the Mexican walking fish may hold the key to regeneration in humans.

Alive as a dodo

Bringing animals back from extinction is no longer science fiction. But the question is, should we do it?


Navy reveals Antarctic secrets

Australian Navy hydrographers on their boat the Wyatt Earp map the seafloor off Casey Station in Antarctica.

Cycling out of intensive care

World leading research is under way to rehabilitate ICU patients - some unconscious - with horizontal exercise bikes. Producer - Tom McKendrick

Furry Facts

Why onions make you cry

Ever wonder why chopping onions is such a tear jerking event?


Needles aren't a whole lot of fun, but why is immunisation so important? Cartoonist John Shakespeare and Science Editor Nicky Phillips explain.

El Nino and La Nina

Have you ever found it hard to understand why Australia's swings between drought and floods?


They're some of the most destructive forces on the planet, but what's the difference between a tornado and a cyclone?


What is a sinkhole? What causes them? Furry Facts explains.