

Raymond Wolters On Three Race Theories: White Culpability, Interracial Contact, Human BioDiversity

A Talk for the H. L. Mencken Club, November 7, 2015

See also John Derbyshire: Ray Wolters’ THE LONG CRUSADE And

Let me begin by saying that social science theories, whether they are right or wrong, are more influential than is commonly acknowledged. I’d like to illustrate this point by discussing three theories of race relations.

W. E. B. Du Bois invented "white guilt", and he did so by emphasizing white responsibility for black failure.

Before Du Bois, most of the scholarship on American racial problems had regarded human nature as the source of black deficiency. Du Bois challenged the conventional wisdom of his era when he blamed whites for the problems of blacks.

Du Bois conceded that blacks, although only four percent of the population in Philadelphia, committed 22 percent of the serious crimes. Du Bois also recognized that, as he put it, “sexual looseness” brought “adultery and prostitution in its train.” And Du Bois did not ignore the importance of self-help. In 1896, he told one group of blacks that “the first and greatest step [toward progress] is the correction of the immorality, crime and laziness among Negroes themselves.”

But even more, Du Bois praised

From The Superbowl To South Carolina—Anti-White Thunder Thighs!

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

From the Superbowl to South Carolina, the appetite for anti-White propaganda seems to be well-nigh bottomless. Or at least Thunder-Thighed.

Lead singer in this year's Superbowl half-time show was Beyoncé. Formerly Beyoncé Knowles, which used to get my attention because my mother was a Knowles. I guess Beyoncé and I are related at some level—Hi, cousin!

Beyoncé’s troupe of dancers wore the berets of the 1960s criminal gang who called themselves Black Panthers. During their dance routine they gave Black Power salutes and lined up in an "X" formation, apparently to honor Malcolm X, a black activist murdered by black Muslims in 1965.

The dancers also acted out a protest against the police shooting of Mario Woods in San Francisco last December. Woods, a career criminal with a recent jail sentence for armed robbery, had stabbed a random stranger. When police found and cornered him, he refused to drop his knife. Four beanbag rounds and a dose of pepper spray failed to persuade him; and when he still advanced toward bystanders, still brandishing the knife, Read more >>

Who Really Understands The Threatened End Of Europe—Trump or Rubio?

Not content with trying to save America, Donald Trump is sounding the alarm for the rest of Western Civilization.

valeurs4133_001In a recent interview with the conservative French magazine Valeurs Actuelles, the Republican frontrunner predicted mass immigration from Islamic nations would lead to the “end of Europe” [ Trump gets backing on ‘end of Europe’ warning , WND, February 11, 2016]. Trump also predicted nothing less than “real revolutions” if there was not a change in policy—presumably as native Europeans rise up against their own treasonous leaders. [ EXCLUSIF. Trump : "La France n'est plus ce qu'elle était", by André Bercoff, February 10, 2016] Read more >>
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