Pope Francis embraces Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in Havana, Cuba, Feb 12.
February 12, 2016

Today Pope Francis met with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow in Havana, Cuba, with the hope of bettering relationships between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. According to NBC News:

"Finally!" Francis exclaimed as he embraced Kirill in the small, wood-paneled VIP room of Havana's airport, where the three-hour encounter was taking place. "We are brothers." They kissed one another three times on the cheek, and Kirill told the pope through an interpreter: "Now things are easier."

NPR also published...

Lucca, Italy
February 10, 2016

I’m in Lucca, the walled city.

I arrived yesterday afternoon from Florence. From the train station it was a fifteen-minute walk to my hotel, the San Luca Palace, located within the walled historical center near the westernmost gates, Porta Sant’Anna and Porta San Donato. The hotel is one of the nicest I’ve seen in Italy: an elegant breakfast room, fine parquet flooring along the hallways, and everything new and clean. My room is oversized, with a shower so large I can turn without knocking my elbows into the sides (unusual for Europe). The room costs $118 per night, a real bargain in a popular tourist area.

Last night there was no rain and, almost, no dinner. I got recommendations from the man at the desk and headed out early for the most likely restaurant. “A table for...

February 9, 2016

According to U.S. News & World Report, “The advertisements for Super Bowl 50 ranged from heartwarming to absurd. NARAL Pro-Choice America live-tweeted about the Super Bowl ads they liked and disliked.”

When you scroll through the tweets, you quickly see that it doesn’t take much for the people at NARAL to dislike an ad. This includes Audi’s astronaut ad that committed the mortal sin of not having a female astronaut, Kevin Hart “robbing his daughter’s autonomy” by comically following her while she’s on a date, and Ryan Reynolds’ misogynistic reinforcement of the trope that women are bad drivers.

However, they saved...

February 8, 2016

As I wrote in an earlier blog post, Pope Pius XII summarized the core reasons Christians ought to honor Mary with the title of Queen of Heaven and Earth in Ad Caeli Reginam, 34:

According to ancient tradition and the sacred liturgy, the main principle on which the royal dignity of Mary rests is without doubt her divine motherhood. In holy writ, concerning the son whom Mary will conceive, we read this sentence: “He shall be called the son of the most high, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father, and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end,” and in addition Mary is called “...

The inside dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence
February 5, 2016

The top floor of Giotto’s campanile—just a few feet below the very peak—is 414 ever-narrowing steps above the pavement. That puts you almost at eye level with tourists who stand at the base of the lantern that sits atop Filippo Brunelleschi’s dome, the crowning symbol of Florence and, perhaps, of the entire Renaissance.

A light mist fell today as I looked the length of the duomo and at that magnificent, octagonal, and still-not-quite-finished dome. I imagined the double faith the Florentines had in constructing a new cathedral over the one that had served them for centuries. They not only had faith in their religion, which they wished to glorify along with their city, but faith that someone would come up with a way to construct a dome wider than any that had built before,...

February 2, 2016

Controversy concerning sports mascots has been raging in our culture for the past several decades. Many groups have found certain mascots offensive due to pejorative racial or ethnic epithets, such as the National Football League’s Washington Redskins. The clamor to change these mascots to something more palatable to modern sensibilities has been growing.

This campaign has taken aim not only at professional sports franchises but also colleges and universities. Recently, the University of North Dakota changed its name and mascot from the Fighting Sioux to the Fighting Hawks after an acrimonious process involving an official Nickname Committee and a period of time when the university’s sports...

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In his best-selling booklet Absolute Relativism: The New Dictatorship And What To Do About It, Chris Stefanick tackles all the tough qu...