Hôtel Preux-au-Sart
Hôtel Preux-au-Sart: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
monument des Terre-Neuviens de Monchy le Preux (62)
- Le caribou, monument des Terre-Neuviens. Le caribou se dresse sur les ruines d'une fortification allemande, tourné vers la colline de l'infanterie où, le 14 avril 1917, une poignée de valeureux Terre-Neuviens repoussèrent les contre-attaques massives de l'ennemi. À neuf kilomètres à l'est d'Arras, le village de Monchy-le-Preux couronne une colline en forme de cône, à environ un kilomètre au nord
Sortie VTT 3 - Sart-Bernard - Crupet - 22 08 2014
Chouette sortie du vendredi soir avec Oli et Gary.
Parcours parfait, assez vallonné reprenant quelques belles difficultés. Depuis Sart-Bernard, on rejoint le bois des Acremonts (belle et longue descente - attention aux pierres glissantes) à Lustin avant de remonter la rue des Fonds et d'emprunter un sentier menant au fond de la rue Saint-Roch et à sa chapelle.
De là, nous traversons le village pou
Vis En Artois British Cemetery and Memorial, France
Video of this large cemetery and memorial in northern France. Here's what wiki says about the memorial
"This Memorial bears the names of over 9,000 men who fell in the period from 8 August 1918 to the date of the Armistice in the Advance to Victory in Picardy and Artois, between the Somme and Loos, and who have no known grave. They belonged to the forces of Great Britain and Ireland and South Af
ensilage maïs
ensillage de maïs dans l'aisne avec ensileuse john deere et tracteurs Case IH comme le 1056 xl, le 1255 xl ou encore le CS 150...
Hôtel Perrigny-sur-Armançon
Hôtel Perrigny-sur-Armançon: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
Hôtel Ramatuelle
Hôtel Ramatuelle: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
Hôtel Prats-du-Périgord
Hôtel Prats-du-Périgord: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
Hôtel Pothières
Hôtel Pothières: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
Ferguson petit gris au labour
Labour sur colza en Lorraine avec un petit gris TEA 20.
Les cannes de colza ne facilitent pas la tâche mais le tracteur s'en sort très bien à 1200 tours/minute avec une pression d'huile qui ne fléchit pas d'un bar...
Hôtel Pougues-les-Eaux
Hôtel Pougues-les-Eaux: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
Fearious Black - T Virus (Original Mix)
A very simple yet crunchy and industrial electro house track. Crank the volume!
Follow Fearious Black!
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/FeariousBlack
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/fearious-black
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/FeariousBlack
bermeries sous la neige
vu les grosses precipitations de neige nous decidons d'aller visiter les rues de bermeries en vu d'y trouver des personnes en difficulté
Présentation du Golf de Mormal, 15 mns de Valenciennes
Le golf de Mormal vous présente la vidéo de son site et de ses activités.
Hôtel Preux-au-Sart
Hôtel Preux-au-Sart: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel....
Hôtel Preux-au-Sart: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
wn.com/Hôtel Preux Au Sart
Hôtel Preux-au-Sart: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 16
monument des Terre-Neuviens de Monchy le Preux (62)
- Le caribou, monument des Terre-Neuviens. Le caribou se dresse sur les ruines d'une fortification allemande, tourné vers la colline de l'infanterie où, le 14 a...
- Le caribou, monument des Terre-Neuviens. Le caribou se dresse sur les ruines d'une fortification allemande, tourné vers la colline de l'infanterie où, le 14 avril 1917, une poignée de valeureux Terre-Neuviens repoussèrent les contre-attaques massives de l'ennemi. À neuf kilomètres à l'est d'Arras, le village de Monchy-le-Preux couronne une colline en forme de cône, à environ un kilomètre au nord de la route principale Arras-Cambrai. En bordure est du village, sur les ruines d'une fortification allemande, se dresse le caribou du Mémorial de Terre-Neuve à Monchy, le regard fièrement tourné vers la colline de l'Infanterie où, le 14 avril 1917, une poignée de valeureux Terre-Neuviens repoussèrent les contre-attaques massives de l'ennemi.
Colline de l'Infanterie (1917)
La rencontre eut lieu au cours de la grande offensive du printemps du feld-maréchal sir Douglas Haig, tandis que les Première et Troisième armées britanniques attaquaient sur un front de vingt-deux kilomètres à l'est d'Arras. La 88e brigade devait lancer une attaque de deux bataillons contre la colline de l'Infanterie derrière un barrage d'artillerie roulant. Le Newfoundland Regiment, sous le commandement du lieutenant-colonel James Forbes-Robertson, se tenait sur la droite, et le 1st Essex Battalion, sur la gauche.
À 5 h 30 le 14 avril, les Britanniques ouvrirent leur barrage d'artillerie et les deux bataillons amorcèrent leur avance. Au bout de quatre-vingt-dix minutes, l'Essex s'était emparé de son secteur de la colline de l'Infanterie. Mais, pendant que les compagnies terre-neuviennes avançaient, elles furent balayées par le feu des mitrailleuses. Malgré de lourdes pertes, les Terre-Neuviens continuèrent d'avancer afin d'occuper les premières tranchées ennemies en face de la colline de l'Infanterie.
Arrivés au haut de la colline, ils furent reçus par un nouveau bataillon ennemi. Deux autres bataillons allemands entrèrent en lice et les Terre-Neuviens furent contre-attaqués sur trois côtés. Une poignée d'hommes poursuivirent le combat jusqu'à ce qu'ils fussent tous tués ou capturés.
À 10 heures, le lieutenant-colonel Forbes-Robertson apprit que pas un seul Terre-Neuvien n'était sorti indemne à l'est de Monchy, et que de deux cents à trois cents Allemands avançaient à moins d'un demi-kilomètre de là. Groupant rapidement tous les hommes disponibles de son état-major, il les conduisit sous le feu ennemi vers une tranchée dans la banlieue du village. Ils tirèrent aussitôt des rafales de feu sur les Allemands qui arrivaient, mais qui, croyant affronter une force supérieure, se terrèrent en grande hâte. Pendant les quatre heures suivantes, ces dix hommes déterminés représentèrent, selon le British Official History, «tout ce qu'il y avait entre les Allemands et Monchy, une des positions les plus vitales de tout le champ de bataille».
Les défenseurs visèrent avec une extrême précaution afin que chaque belle comptât, tirant en particulier sur les éclaireurs ennemis envoyés pour étudier la situation; c'est ainsi qu'ils purent tromper les Allemands sur leur nombre si réduit. Ils furent finalement relevés au milieu de l'après-midi par des renforts britanniques arrivant à Monchy. L'ennemi tenta sans succès un dernier assaut sur Monchy, mais les grosses pièces de l'artillerie du Corps bombardèrent les zones de rassemblement allemandes au bois du Vert et au bois du Sart.
Si Monchy fut sauvé, c'est avant tout grâce à l'héroïsme et à la détermination de dix hommes. Toutefois, les pertes du Newfoundland Regiment furent très lourdes ce jour-là, soit quatre cent soixante militaires de tous rangs, dont cent cinquante-trois qui furent faits prisonniers.
wn.com/Monument Des Terre Neuviens De Monchy Le Preux (62)
- Le caribou, monument des Terre-Neuviens. Le caribou se dresse sur les ruines d'une fortification allemande, tourné vers la colline de l'infanterie où, le 14 avril 1917, une poignée de valeureux Terre-Neuviens repoussèrent les contre-attaques massives de l'ennemi. À neuf kilomètres à l'est d'Arras, le village de Monchy-le-Preux couronne une colline en forme de cône, à environ un kilomètre au nord de la route principale Arras-Cambrai. En bordure est du village, sur les ruines d'une fortification allemande, se dresse le caribou du Mémorial de Terre-Neuve à Monchy, le regard fièrement tourné vers la colline de l'Infanterie où, le 14 avril 1917, une poignée de valeureux Terre-Neuviens repoussèrent les contre-attaques massives de l'ennemi.
Colline de l'Infanterie (1917)
La rencontre eut lieu au cours de la grande offensive du printemps du feld-maréchal sir Douglas Haig, tandis que les Première et Troisième armées britanniques attaquaient sur un front de vingt-deux kilomètres à l'est d'Arras. La 88e brigade devait lancer une attaque de deux bataillons contre la colline de l'Infanterie derrière un barrage d'artillerie roulant. Le Newfoundland Regiment, sous le commandement du lieutenant-colonel James Forbes-Robertson, se tenait sur la droite, et le 1st Essex Battalion, sur la gauche.
À 5 h 30 le 14 avril, les Britanniques ouvrirent leur barrage d'artillerie et les deux bataillons amorcèrent leur avance. Au bout de quatre-vingt-dix minutes, l'Essex s'était emparé de son secteur de la colline de l'Infanterie. Mais, pendant que les compagnies terre-neuviennes avançaient, elles furent balayées par le feu des mitrailleuses. Malgré de lourdes pertes, les Terre-Neuviens continuèrent d'avancer afin d'occuper les premières tranchées ennemies en face de la colline de l'Infanterie.
Arrivés au haut de la colline, ils furent reçus par un nouveau bataillon ennemi. Deux autres bataillons allemands entrèrent en lice et les Terre-Neuviens furent contre-attaqués sur trois côtés. Une poignée d'hommes poursuivirent le combat jusqu'à ce qu'ils fussent tous tués ou capturés.
À 10 heures, le lieutenant-colonel Forbes-Robertson apprit que pas un seul Terre-Neuvien n'était sorti indemne à l'est de Monchy, et que de deux cents à trois cents Allemands avançaient à moins d'un demi-kilomètre de là. Groupant rapidement tous les hommes disponibles de son état-major, il les conduisit sous le feu ennemi vers une tranchée dans la banlieue du village. Ils tirèrent aussitôt des rafales de feu sur les Allemands qui arrivaient, mais qui, croyant affronter une force supérieure, se terrèrent en grande hâte. Pendant les quatre heures suivantes, ces dix hommes déterminés représentèrent, selon le British Official History, «tout ce qu'il y avait entre les Allemands et Monchy, une des positions les plus vitales de tout le champ de bataille».
Les défenseurs visèrent avec une extrême précaution afin que chaque belle comptât, tirant en particulier sur les éclaireurs ennemis envoyés pour étudier la situation; c'est ainsi qu'ils purent tromper les Allemands sur leur nombre si réduit. Ils furent finalement relevés au milieu de l'après-midi par des renforts britanniques arrivant à Monchy. L'ennemi tenta sans succès un dernier assaut sur Monchy, mais les grosses pièces de l'artillerie du Corps bombardèrent les zones de rassemblement allemandes au bois du Vert et au bois du Sart.
Si Monchy fut sauvé, c'est avant tout grâce à l'héroïsme et à la détermination de dix hommes. Toutefois, les pertes du Newfoundland Regiment furent très lourdes ce jour-là, soit quatre cent soixante militaires de tous rangs, dont cent cinquante-trois qui furent faits prisonniers.
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 355
Sortie VTT 3 - Sart-Bernard - Crupet - 22 08 2014
Chouette sortie du vendredi soir avec Oli et Gary.
Parcours parfait, assez vallonné reprenant quelques belles difficultés. Depuis Sart-Bernard, on rejoint le bo...
Chouette sortie du vendredi soir avec Oli et Gary.
Parcours parfait, assez vallonné reprenant quelques belles difficultés. Depuis Sart-Bernard, on rejoint le bois des Acremonts (belle et longue descente - attention aux pierres glissantes) à Lustin avant de remonter la rue des Fonds et d'emprunter un sentier menant au fond de la rue Saint-Roch et à sa chapelle.
De là, nous traversons le village pour rejoindre le parking du "trou d'Haquin" (haut lieu de la spéléo) d'où part une belle côte avec quelques passages techniques.
Depuis le bois, nous joignons Ivoy que nous traversons avant de grimper par la route au niveau du Chateau de la Poste de Ronchinne. De là, un sentier de terre descendant nous mène à Crupet mais un second, très ascendant, nous éloigne aussitôt du village. Après avoir passé quelques barrières à promeneurs dans les pâtures, on joint à nouveau Ivoy et puis le "Château d'Arche" (Maillen) par les champs. Ne nous reste plus que la technique cuvette de la "Vierge Noire" à franchir pour rejoindre Sart-Bernard!
Distance: 23,3 km - Dénivelé positif: 535 mètres
Bonne balade!
wn.com/Sortie Vtt 3 Sart Bernard Crupet 22 08 2014
Chouette sortie du vendredi soir avec Oli et Gary.
Parcours parfait, assez vallonné reprenant quelques belles difficultés. Depuis Sart-Bernard, on rejoint le bois des Acremonts (belle et longue descente - attention aux pierres glissantes) à Lustin avant de remonter la rue des Fonds et d'emprunter un sentier menant au fond de la rue Saint-Roch et à sa chapelle.
De là, nous traversons le village pour rejoindre le parking du "trou d'Haquin" (haut lieu de la spéléo) d'où part une belle côte avec quelques passages techniques.
Depuis le bois, nous joignons Ivoy que nous traversons avant de grimper par la route au niveau du Chateau de la Poste de Ronchinne. De là, un sentier de terre descendant nous mène à Crupet mais un second, très ascendant, nous éloigne aussitôt du village. Après avoir passé quelques barrières à promeneurs dans les pâtures, on joint à nouveau Ivoy et puis le "Château d'Arche" (Maillen) par les champs. Ne nous reste plus que la technique cuvette de la "Vierge Noire" à franchir pour rejoindre Sart-Bernard!
Distance: 23,3 km - Dénivelé positif: 535 mètres
Bonne balade!
- published: 26 Aug 2014
- views: 52
Vis En Artois British Cemetery and Memorial, France
Video of this large cemetery and memorial in northern France. Here's what wiki says about the memorial
"This Memorial bears the names of over 9,000 men who fe...
Video of this large cemetery and memorial in northern France. Here's what wiki says about the memorial
"This Memorial bears the names of over 9,000 men who fell in the period from 8 August 1918 to the date of the Armistice in the Advance to Victory in Picardy and Artois, between the Somme and Loos, and who have no known grave. They belonged to the forces of Great Britain and Ireland and South Africa; the Canadian, Australian and New Zealand forces being commemorated on other memorials to the missing.
The Memorial consists of a screen wall in three parts. The middle part of the screen wall is concave and carries stone panels on which names are carved. It is 26 feet high flanked by pylons 70 feet high. The Stone of Remembrance stands exactly between the pylons and behind it, in the middle of the screen, is a group in relief representing St George and the Dragon. The flanking parts of the screen wall are also curved and carry stone panels carved with names. Each of them forms the back of a roofed colonnade; and at the far end of each is a small building."
and about the cemetery
"Vis-En-Artois and Haucourt were taken by the Canadian Corps on 27 August 1918. The cemetery was begun immediately afterwards and was used by fighting units and field ambulances until the middle of October. It consisted originally of 430 graves (in Plots I and II) of which 297 were Canadian and 55 belonged to the 2nd Duke of Wellington's Regiment. It was increased after the Armistice by the concentration of graves from the battlefields of April-June 1917, August and September 1918, and from the smaller cemeteries in the neighbourhood, including:-
BOIS-DU-SART BRITISH CEMETERY, PELVES, at the North-Western angle of the Bois-du-Sart, which contained the graves of ten soldiers and airmen from the United Kingdom and nine soldiers from Canada who fell in August and September 1918.
DURY GERMAN CEMETERY was on the South-East side of Dury village, a little South of the road to Saudemont. It contained the graves of four British and 49 German soldiers.
ECOURT-ST. QUENTIN GERMAN CEMETERY on the East side of the road to Lecluse. It contained the graves of 16 soldiers from the United Kingdom.
ETAING COMMUNAL CEMETERY GERMAN EXTENSION, which contained the graves of six soldiers and airmen from the United Kingdom, who fell in 1917 and 1918, 331 German soldiers (including some who fell in August 1914), and two Russian prisoners.
LECLUSE GERMAN CEMETERY, on the West side of the village, contained the graves of 476 German soldiers, eleven soldiers from the United Kingdom who fell in 1917, and one Russian prisoner.
MONCHY QUARRY CEMETERY was in a quarry 800 metres South-East of Monchy-le-Preux. It contained the graves of 22 soldiers from the United Kingdom who fell in July 1917.
PELVES CANADIAN CEMETERY, nearly 1.6 kilometes due South of the village, contained the graves of 39 soldiers from Canada who fell in August and September 1918.
PELVES COMMUNAL CEMETERY GERMAN EXTENSION, which contained the graves of two soldiers from the United Kingdom who fell in 1917.
RUMAUCOURT GERMAN CEMETERY, on the Southern edge of the village, which contained the graves of 21 soldiers from the United Kingdom and six from Australia.
SAILLY-EN-OSTREVENT COMMUNAL CEMETERY, which was destroyed by shell-fire, contained the graves of three soldiers from the United Kingdom (two of which were recovered).
VIS-EN-ARTOIS COMMUNAL CEMETERY GERMAN EXTENSION, which was very badly shelled, contained the graves of 621 German soldiers, 14 from the United Kingdom, eight French and five Russian.
The cemetery now contains 2,369 burials and commemorations of the First World War. 1,458 of the burials are unidentified but there are special memorials to eight casualties known or believed to be buried among them. Other special memorials commemorate four soldiers buried in other cemeteries whose graves could not be found on concentration. "
wn.com/Vis En Artois British Cemetery And Memorial, France
Video of this large cemetery and memorial in northern France. Here's what wiki says about the memorial
"This Memorial bears the names of over 9,000 men who fell in the period from 8 August 1918 to the date of the Armistice in the Advance to Victory in Picardy and Artois, between the Somme and Loos, and who have no known grave. They belonged to the forces of Great Britain and Ireland and South Africa; the Canadian, Australian and New Zealand forces being commemorated on other memorials to the missing.
The Memorial consists of a screen wall in three parts. The middle part of the screen wall is concave and carries stone panels on which names are carved. It is 26 feet high flanked by pylons 70 feet high. The Stone of Remembrance stands exactly between the pylons and behind it, in the middle of the screen, is a group in relief representing St George and the Dragon. The flanking parts of the screen wall are also curved and carry stone panels carved with names. Each of them forms the back of a roofed colonnade; and at the far end of each is a small building."
and about the cemetery
"Vis-En-Artois and Haucourt were taken by the Canadian Corps on 27 August 1918. The cemetery was begun immediately afterwards and was used by fighting units and field ambulances until the middle of October. It consisted originally of 430 graves (in Plots I and II) of which 297 were Canadian and 55 belonged to the 2nd Duke of Wellington's Regiment. It was increased after the Armistice by the concentration of graves from the battlefields of April-June 1917, August and September 1918, and from the smaller cemeteries in the neighbourhood, including:-
BOIS-DU-SART BRITISH CEMETERY, PELVES, at the North-Western angle of the Bois-du-Sart, which contained the graves of ten soldiers and airmen from the United Kingdom and nine soldiers from Canada who fell in August and September 1918.
DURY GERMAN CEMETERY was on the South-East side of Dury village, a little South of the road to Saudemont. It contained the graves of four British and 49 German soldiers.
ECOURT-ST. QUENTIN GERMAN CEMETERY on the East side of the road to Lecluse. It contained the graves of 16 soldiers from the United Kingdom.
ETAING COMMUNAL CEMETERY GERMAN EXTENSION, which contained the graves of six soldiers and airmen from the United Kingdom, who fell in 1917 and 1918, 331 German soldiers (including some who fell in August 1914), and two Russian prisoners.
LECLUSE GERMAN CEMETERY, on the West side of the village, contained the graves of 476 German soldiers, eleven soldiers from the United Kingdom who fell in 1917, and one Russian prisoner.
MONCHY QUARRY CEMETERY was in a quarry 800 metres South-East of Monchy-le-Preux. It contained the graves of 22 soldiers from the United Kingdom who fell in July 1917.
PELVES CANADIAN CEMETERY, nearly 1.6 kilometes due South of the village, contained the graves of 39 soldiers from Canada who fell in August and September 1918.
PELVES COMMUNAL CEMETERY GERMAN EXTENSION, which contained the graves of two soldiers from the United Kingdom who fell in 1917.
RUMAUCOURT GERMAN CEMETERY, on the Southern edge of the village, which contained the graves of 21 soldiers from the United Kingdom and six from Australia.
SAILLY-EN-OSTREVENT COMMUNAL CEMETERY, which was destroyed by shell-fire, contained the graves of three soldiers from the United Kingdom (two of which were recovered).
VIS-EN-ARTOIS COMMUNAL CEMETERY GERMAN EXTENSION, which was very badly shelled, contained the graves of 621 German soldiers, 14 from the United Kingdom, eight French and five Russian.
The cemetery now contains 2,369 burials and commemorations of the First World War. 1,458 of the burials are unidentified but there are special memorials to eight casualties known or believed to be buried among them. Other special memorials commemorate four soldiers buried in other cemeteries whose graves could not be found on concentration. "
- published: 17 Aug 2013
- views: 779
ensilage maïs
ensillage de maïs dans l'aisne avec ensileuse john deere et tracteurs Case IH comme le 1056 xl, le 1255 xl ou encore le CS 150......
ensillage de maïs dans l'aisne avec ensileuse john deere et tracteurs Case IH comme le 1056 xl, le 1255 xl ou encore le CS 150...
wn.com/Ensilage Maïs
ensillage de maïs dans l'aisne avec ensileuse john deere et tracteurs Case IH comme le 1056 xl, le 1255 xl ou encore le CS 150...
- published: 23 May 2009
- views: 5482
Hôtel Perrigny-sur-Armançon
Hôtel Perrigny-sur-Armançon: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel....
Hôtel Perrigny-sur-Armançon: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
wn.com/Hôtel Perrigny Sur Armançon
Hôtel Perrigny-sur-Armançon: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 3
Hôtel Ramatuelle
Hôtel Ramatuelle: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel....
Hôtel Ramatuelle: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
wn.com/Hôtel Ramatuelle
Hôtel Ramatuelle: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 16
Hôtel Prats-du-Périgord
Hôtel Prats-du-Périgord: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel....
Hôtel Prats-du-Périgord: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
wn.com/Hôtel Prats Du Périgord
Hôtel Prats-du-Périgord: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 5
Hôtel Pothières
Hôtel Pothières: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel....
Hôtel Pothières: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
wn.com/Hôtel Pothières
Hôtel Pothières: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 3
Ferguson petit gris au labour
Labour sur colza en Lorraine avec un petit gris TEA 20.
Les cannes de colza ne facilitent pas la tâche mais le tracteur s'en sort très bien à 1200 tours/minute...
Labour sur colza en Lorraine avec un petit gris TEA 20.
Les cannes de colza ne facilitent pas la tâche mais le tracteur s'en sort très bien à 1200 tours/minute avec une pression d'huile qui ne fléchit pas d'un bar...
wn.com/Ferguson Petit Gris Au Labour
Labour sur colza en Lorraine avec un petit gris TEA 20.
Les cannes de colza ne facilitent pas la tâche mais le tracteur s'en sort très bien à 1200 tours/minute avec une pression d'huile qui ne fléchit pas d'un bar...
- published: 13 Aug 2009
- views: 11590
Hôtel Pougues-les-Eaux
Hôtel Pougues-les-Eaux: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel....
Hôtel Pougues-les-Eaux: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
wn.com/Hôtel Pougues Les Eaux
Hôtel Pougues-les-Eaux: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/ reservation hôtel reserver hôtel.
- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 31
Fearious Black - T Virus (Original Mix)
A very simple yet crunchy and industrial electro house track. Crank the volume!
Follow Fearious Black!
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/FeariousBlack
A very simple yet crunchy and industrial electro house track. Crank the volume!
Follow Fearious Black!
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/FeariousBlack
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/fearious-black
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/FeariousBlack
wn.com/Fearious Black T Virus (Original Mix)
A very simple yet crunchy and industrial electro house track. Crank the volume!
Follow Fearious Black!
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/FeariousBlack
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/fearious-black
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/FeariousBlack
- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 171
bermeries sous la neige
vu les grosses precipitations de neige nous decidons d'aller visiter les rues de bermeries en vu d'y trouver des personnes en difficulté...
vu les grosses precipitations de neige nous decidons d'aller visiter les rues de bermeries en vu d'y trouver des personnes en difficulté
wn.com/Bermeries Sous La Neige
vu les grosses precipitations de neige nous decidons d'aller visiter les rues de bermeries en vu d'y trouver des personnes en difficulté
- published: 25 Dec 2010
- views: 602
Présentation du Golf de Mormal, 15 mns de Valenciennes
Le golf de Mormal vous présente la vidéo de son site et de ses activités....
Le golf de Mormal vous présente la vidéo de son site et de ses activités.
wn.com/Présentation Du Golf De Mormal, 15 Mns De Valenciennes
Le golf de Mormal vous présente la vidéo de son site et de ses activités.
- published: 31 Mar 2011
- views: 4067
SART Interview
The program at SCSU
An interview with former porn star Sasha Grey
Sasha Grey is an award-winning American pornographic actress. She was one of the most successful adult stars of the Hollywood porn industry.
[Star Date] Street Interview with SHINee!
Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld
KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subti
2013 SART Day 5 JKT Interview with Taboo from Black Eyed Peas
Industrie Alsace - Interview Erick Braquet Sart Von Rohr
Industrie Alsace - Interview Erick Braquet Sart Von Rohr - Réseau d'entreprises locales - Proximité fournisseurs - Cercle d'entreprise Pays Thur Doller - CCI Alsace
What It's Like to Be Engaged to a Porn Star
Porn star Kayden Kross met her fiance, fellow porn actor, Manuel Ferarra on the set of her first film.
Q The Question Interviews porn star Wesley Pipes, hip-hop, porn business!
Q The Questions interviews porn star Wesley Pipes! Q talks with Wesley on how he got his name, rappers he like today and his music career.
Kelly Divine Talks Male Porn Stars Not Performing
http://www.vladtv.com - Famed adult star Kelly Divine opens up about male stars not being able to perform on set, explaining that it could come from partying the night before, or the pressures surrounding them. She also says that "some guys just aren't cut out for it," even though they think they're great in bed.
Kelly then shares a personal story about a guy losing his erection every time the ca
'How To Get Away With Murder' Star Jack Falahee Interview: TheWrap Magazine Fall TV Cover Shoot
SEE COMPLETE COVER STORY: http://feature.thewrap.com/falltvpreview/story
Subscribe to TheWrap: http://bit.ly/1KvCK60
Subscribe to Our Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1dA8F6T
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thewrap
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thewrap/
Find us at www.TheWrap.com
Porn Star Janice Griffith -- I'm Going After Instagram's Biggest Douche ... After Vag-apult Mishap
Porn star Janice Griffith's message is clear -- she's on a legal offensive against Instagram's Biggest Playboy Dan Bilzerian after he threw her off a roof ... and broke her foot.
Lecture 3 - Before the Startup (Paul Graham)
Lecture Transcript: http://tech.genius.com/Paul-graham-lecture-3-counterintuitive-parts-of-startups-and-how-to-have-ideas-annotated
Paul Graham delivers an informative (and highly amusing) talk, addressing counterintuitive parts of startups, in Lecture 3 of How to Start a Startup.
See the readings at startupclass.samaltman.com/courses/lec03/
Discuss this lecture: https://startupclass.co/courses
Ex Porn Star Jessie Rogers Exposes Shocking Abuses of Porn Industry & Tells Her Story.Jessica Mendes
VISIT JESSICA'S PAGE to read her story, watch more videos, listen to radio interviews, & support her volunteer efforts with us: http://www.antipornography.org/ex-porn-star-Jessie-Rogers.html
Donate to help.Thanks! http://www.antipornography.org/donate.html
Pornography fuels sexual abuse, child abuse, addiction, infidelity, divorce, prostitution, sex trafficking, slavery & more. We're doing our
Jean Smart Bonnie Hunt Show 1 6 2010.avi
i deletet the old one, this one have better sound with it
The Park Inn - Introducing Local Musicians - Part Two: Ryan Sart
A series of short interviews and live music to introduce the local artists from the thriving music scene in and around Dover.
Part Two is with singer/songwriter Ryan Sart. Interview by Laine Napier from the Ratzkins.
"Start Over" - FLAME feat. NF - Official Video
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/royal-flush/id700410840
Official Website: ClearSightMusic.com
Follow @Flame314
Album: Royal Flush
Also available at Google Play, AmazonMP3, Christian bookstores, and select Walmart & Best Buy stores.
Mytv Tok Bompler, តុបំភ្លឺ | Khmer Star Interview, Neay Chhert, នាយឆើត | September 27, 2015, Full
Mytv Tok Bompler, តុបំភ្លឺ | Khmer Star Interview, Neay Chhert, នាយឆើត | September 27, 2015, Full
Check out more videos on: http://www.ikomsan4all.blogspot.com
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Destroying the Wand- Star vs the forces of evil scene [Season finale]
Enjoy it folks~!
Reatrey Komsan 2015, Khmer Star Interview, CTN Live Concert on 23 May 2015, Part 1/2
Please click subcribe to get new videos update, enjoy :)
This is most popular program in CTN call Reatrey Komsan 2015, they always invite khmer pop satars in Cambodia to join this progarm and collect all most popula khmer old song, Khmer new song, Funny Show and Comedy for singing and make all peopels are happy and have fun. We also upload Khmer hot news, Khmer star show, Garden star, Khmer star
Dove arrivo con un pieno? - Puntata 01 - Fedez
Un duello fino all'ultimo chilometro, da Milano verso sud con un pieno a bordo di una smart. Quattro puntate, quattro VIP. Ogni settimana una nuova sfida da non perdere.
Interview with Porn Star Scarlet Red
Porn Star Scarlet Red talks about eating hot dogs and the adult industry.
Interview with Elizabeth Nieves
Capturing Rural Wisdom Podcast Series -
Ms. Elizabeth Nieves is the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Coordinator for Family Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Pittsboro, North Carolina. Family Violence and Rape Crisis Services is a Rural Grantee agency of the Office on Violence Against Women. In this interview, Ms. Nieves discusses her efforts to organize a SART by reaching out to local part
In the bathroom with porn star Nadia Ali
Dogfart brings you another starlet doing the dirty deed. Nadia Ali opens up to our camera right before her Dogfart debut. Enjoy!
7 Second Challenge w/ Jacob Sartorius and Mark Thomas
Thanks for watching! Dont forget to like and subscribe because i make weekly videos! I might make more videos with them in the future :) my socials:
Musical.ly / snapchat @ibrycehall
Jacobs socials:
instagram - @jacobsartorius
twitter - @hiplikejacob
Marks socials:
instagram - @duhitzmark
twitter - @duhitzmark
SART Interview
The program at SCSU...
The program at SCSU
wn.com/Sart Interview
The program at SCSU
- published: 27 Apr 2014
- views: 4
An interview with former porn star Sasha Grey
Sasha Grey is an award-winning American pornographic actress. She was one of the most successful adult stars of the Hollywood porn industry....
Sasha Grey is an award-winning American pornographic actress. She was one of the most successful adult stars of the Hollywood porn industry.
wn.com/An Interview With Former Porn Star Sasha Grey
Sasha Grey is an award-winning American pornographic actress. She was one of the most successful adult stars of the Hollywood porn industry.
- published: 03 Feb 2014
- views: 678414
[Star Date] Street Interview with SHINee!
Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld
Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld
KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subtitles, by subscribing KBS World official YouTube.
대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS World는 전세계 시청자에게 재미있고 유익한 한류 콘텐츠를 영어 자막과 함께 제공하는 No.1 한류 채널입니다. KBS World 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 최신 드라마, K-Pop, 예능, 다큐멘터리 정보를 받아보세요.
[Visit KBS World Official Pages]
Homepage: http://www.kbsworld.co.kr
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kbsworldtv
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kbsworld
wn.com/Star Date Street Interview With Shinee
Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld
KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subtitles, by subscribing KBS World official YouTube.
대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS World는 전세계 시청자에게 재미있고 유익한 한류 콘텐츠를 영어 자막과 함께 제공하는 No.1 한류 채널입니다. KBS World 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 최신 드라마, K-Pop, 예능, 다큐멘터리 정보를 받아보세요.
[Visit KBS World Official Pages]
Homepage: http://www.kbsworld.co.kr
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kbsworldtv
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kbsworld
- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 387846
Industrie Alsace - Interview Erick Braquet Sart Von Rohr
Industrie Alsace - Interview Erick Braquet Sart Von Rohr - Réseau d'entreprises locales - Proximité fournisseurs - Cercle d'entreprise Pays Thur Doller - CCI Al...
Industrie Alsace - Interview Erick Braquet Sart Von Rohr - Réseau d'entreprises locales - Proximité fournisseurs - Cercle d'entreprise Pays Thur Doller - CCI Alsace
wn.com/Industrie Alsace Interview Erick Braquet Sart Von Rohr
Industrie Alsace - Interview Erick Braquet Sart Von Rohr - Réseau d'entreprises locales - Proximité fournisseurs - Cercle d'entreprise Pays Thur Doller - CCI Alsace
- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 273
What It's Like to Be Engaged to a Porn Star
Porn star Kayden Kross met her fiance, fellow porn actor, Manuel Ferarra on the set of her first film....
Porn star Kayden Kross met her fiance, fellow porn actor, Manuel Ferarra on the set of her first film.
wn.com/What It's Like To Be Engaged To A Porn Star
Porn star Kayden Kross met her fiance, fellow porn actor, Manuel Ferarra on the set of her first film.
- published: 15 Nov 2014
- views: 446450
Q The Question Interviews porn star Wesley Pipes, hip-hop, porn business!
Q The Questions interviews porn star Wesley Pipes! Q talks with Wesley on how he got his name, rappers he like today and his music career....
Q The Questions interviews porn star Wesley Pipes! Q talks with Wesley on how he got his name, rappers he like today and his music career.
wn.com/Q The Question Interviews Porn Star Wesley Pipes, Hip Hop, Porn Business
Q The Questions interviews porn star Wesley Pipes! Q talks with Wesley on how he got his name, rappers he like today and his music career.
- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 127381
Kelly Divine Talks Male Porn Stars Not Performing
http://www.vladtv.com - Famed adult star Kelly Divine opens up about male stars not being able to perform on set, explaining that it could come from partying th...
http://www.vladtv.com - Famed adult star Kelly Divine opens up about male stars not being able to perform on set, explaining that it could come from partying the night before, or the pressures surrounding them. She also says that "some guys just aren't cut out for it," even though they think they're great in bed.
Kelly then shares a personal story about a guy losing his erection every time the camera panned over to him, so after six hours he was finally kicked off set and Shorty Mack was invited, which Kelly said was a great day for her.
wn.com/Kelly Divine Talks Male Porn Stars Not Performing
http://www.vladtv.com - Famed adult star Kelly Divine opens up about male stars not being able to perform on set, explaining that it could come from partying the night before, or the pressures surrounding them. She also says that "some guys just aren't cut out for it," even though they think they're great in bed.
Kelly then shares a personal story about a guy losing his erection every time the camera panned over to him, so after six hours he was finally kicked off set and Shorty Mack was invited, which Kelly said was a great day for her.
- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 366548
'How To Get Away With Murder' Star Jack Falahee Interview: TheWrap Magazine Fall TV Cover Shoot
SEE COMPLETE COVER STORY: http://feature.thewrap.com/falltvpreview/story
Subscribe to TheWrap: http://bit.ly/1KvCK60
Subscribe to Our Newsletter: http://bit.ly/...
SEE COMPLETE COVER STORY: http://feature.thewrap.com/falltvpreview/story
Subscribe to TheWrap: http://bit.ly/1KvCK60
Subscribe to Our Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1dA8F6T
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thewrap
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thewrap/
Find us at www.TheWrap.com
wn.com/'How To Get Away With Murder' Star Jack Falahee Interview Thewrap Magazine Fall Tv Cover Shoot
SEE COMPLETE COVER STORY: http://feature.thewrap.com/falltvpreview/story
Subscribe to TheWrap: http://bit.ly/1KvCK60
Subscribe to Our Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1dA8F6T
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thewrap
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thewrap/
Find us at www.TheWrap.com
- published: 16 Sep 2015
- views: 24859
Porn Star Janice Griffith -- I'm Going After Instagram's Biggest Douche ... After Vag-apult Mishap
Porn star Janice Griffith's message is clear -- she's on a legal offensive against Instagram's Biggest Playboy Dan Bilzerian after he threw her off a roof ... a...
Porn star Janice Griffith's message is clear -- she's on a legal offensive against Instagram's Biggest Playboy Dan Bilzerian after he threw her off a roof ... and broke her foot.
wn.com/Porn Star Janice Griffith I'm Going After Instagram's Biggest Douche ... After Vag Apult Mishap
Porn star Janice Griffith's message is clear -- she's on a legal offensive against Instagram's Biggest Playboy Dan Bilzerian after he threw her off a roof ... and broke her foot.
- published: 25 Apr 2014
- views: 983328
Lecture 3 - Before the Startup (Paul Graham)
Lecture Transcript: http://tech.genius.com/Paul-graham-lecture-3-counterintuitive-parts-of-startups-and-how-to-have-ideas-annotated
Paul Graham delivers an inf...
Lecture Transcript: http://tech.genius.com/Paul-graham-lecture-3-counterintuitive-parts-of-startups-and-how-to-have-ideas-annotated
Paul Graham delivers an informative (and highly amusing) talk, addressing counterintuitive parts of startups, in Lecture 3 of How to Start a Startup.
See the readings at startupclass.samaltman.com/courses/lec03/
Discuss this lecture: https://startupclass.co/courses/how-to-start-a-startup/lectures/64032
This video is under Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/
wn.com/Lecture 3 Before The Startup (Paul Graham)
Lecture Transcript: http://tech.genius.com/Paul-graham-lecture-3-counterintuitive-parts-of-startups-and-how-to-have-ideas-annotated
Paul Graham delivers an informative (and highly amusing) talk, addressing counterintuitive parts of startups, in Lecture 3 of How to Start a Startup.
See the readings at startupclass.samaltman.com/courses/lec03/
Discuss this lecture: https://startupclass.co/courses/how-to-start-a-startup/lectures/64032
This video is under Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/
- published: 30 Sep 2014
- views: 183508
Ex Porn Star Jessie Rogers Exposes Shocking Abuses of Porn Industry & Tells Her Story.Jessica Mendes
VISIT JESSICA'S PAGE to read her story, watch more videos, listen to radio interviews, & support her volunteer efforts with us: http://www.antipornography.org/e...
VISIT JESSICA'S PAGE to read her story, watch more videos, listen to radio interviews, & support her volunteer efforts with us: http://www.antipornography.org/ex-porn-star-Jessie-Rogers.html
Donate to help.Thanks! http://www.antipornography.org/donate.html
Pornography fuels sexual abuse, child abuse, addiction, infidelity, divorce, prostitution, sex trafficking, slavery & more. We're doing our best to do *our* part to prevent & combat these harms, but this cause will only succeed if MANY MORE PEOPLE LIKE *YOU* step up & do YOUR PART, & help by contributing your time, energy & funds. We're ALL equally responsible for doing everything we can. We hope you'll do YOUR part to help.
YT DONOR CARDS FAQ: https://support.google.com/youtube/?p=donate_FAQ
NOTE: AntiPornography.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax-deductible.
WATCH VIDEOS of Jessica with another of our volunteers, ex porn performer Vanessa Belmond. (AKA "Alexa Cruz"):
2 Ex Porn Stars' Message to Women Considering Doing Porn: Jessie Rogers & Vanessa Belmond Expose All
Two EX PORN STARS Say Working In Porn Is A DEAD END TRIP to Nowhere. Jessie Rogers & Vanessa Belmond
FULL TEXT of speech in video
MURDER of BDSM porn model "Taylor Summers":
"Photographer admits he killed porn model over payment. He stabbed Natel King during a fight in his studio after a photo shoot."
Porn Fuels Sex Crimes
Mr. Marcus Sent To Jail For Exposing Co-Porn Stars To Syphilis
DONATE AT FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation
CAUSES http://causes.com/AntiPornographyOrg
RAZOO http://razoo.com/AntiPornography-Org
FUNDRAZR http://www.FundRazr.com/campaigns/8c9i4
EBAY GIVING WORKS http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/antipornography-org/54639/
101+ Things You Can Do to Help Combat the Harms of Pornography
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OF OUR CHANNELS! Many more videos will be uploaded soon. (Including many with sex industry survivors)
FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation
INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/AntiPornographyOrg
TUMBLR http://AntiPornographyOrg.tumblr.com
WORDPRESS http://AntiPornographyActivist.wordpress.com
Links to other Google+ Pages on each YT channel
READ EXCELLENT ARTICLES by ex porn performer Vanessa Belmond on the harms of porn, prostitution & stripping. And watch her videos!
(Tell them we sent you!)
Peace, love & best wishes to all! :-)
AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ❤
wn.com/Ex Porn Star Jessie Rogers Exposes Shocking Abuses Of Porn Industry Tells Her Story.Jessica Mendes
VISIT JESSICA'S PAGE to read her story, watch more videos, listen to radio interviews, & support her volunteer efforts with us: http://www.antipornography.org/ex-porn-star-Jessie-Rogers.html
Donate to help.Thanks! http://www.antipornography.org/donate.html
Pornography fuels sexual abuse, child abuse, addiction, infidelity, divorce, prostitution, sex trafficking, slavery & more. We're doing our best to do *our* part to prevent & combat these harms, but this cause will only succeed if MANY MORE PEOPLE LIKE *YOU* step up & do YOUR PART, & help by contributing your time, energy & funds. We're ALL equally responsible for doing everything we can. We hope you'll do YOUR part to help.
YT DONOR CARDS FAQ: https://support.google.com/youtube/?p=donate_FAQ
NOTE: AntiPornography.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax-deductible.
WATCH VIDEOS of Jessica with another of our volunteers, ex porn performer Vanessa Belmond. (AKA "Alexa Cruz"):
2 Ex Porn Stars' Message to Women Considering Doing Porn: Jessie Rogers & Vanessa Belmond Expose All
Two EX PORN STARS Say Working In Porn Is A DEAD END TRIP to Nowhere. Jessie Rogers & Vanessa Belmond
FULL TEXT of speech in video
MURDER of BDSM porn model "Taylor Summers":
"Photographer admits he killed porn model over payment. He stabbed Natel King during a fight in his studio after a photo shoot."
Porn Fuels Sex Crimes
Mr. Marcus Sent To Jail For Exposing Co-Porn Stars To Syphilis
DONATE AT FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation
CAUSES http://causes.com/AntiPornographyOrg
RAZOO http://razoo.com/AntiPornography-Org
FUNDRAZR http://www.FundRazr.com/campaigns/8c9i4
EBAY GIVING WORKS http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/antipornography-org/54639/
101+ Things You Can Do to Help Combat the Harms of Pornography
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OF OUR CHANNELS! Many more videos will be uploaded soon. (Including many with sex industry survivors)
FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/ENDSexploitation
INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/AntiPornographyOrg
TUMBLR http://AntiPornographyOrg.tumblr.com
WORDPRESS http://AntiPornographyActivist.wordpress.com
Links to other Google+ Pages on each YT channel
READ EXCELLENT ARTICLES by ex porn performer Vanessa Belmond on the harms of porn, prostitution & stripping. And watch her videos!
(Tell them we sent you!)
Peace, love & best wishes to all! :-)
AntiPornography.org Nonprofit Organization ❤
- published: 09 Jun 2014
- views: 711609
Jean Smart Bonnie Hunt Show 1 6 2010.avi
i deletet the old one, this one have better sound with it...
i deletet the old one, this one have better sound with it
wn.com/Jean Smart Bonnie Hunt Show 1 6 2010.Avi
i deletet the old one, this one have better sound with it
- published: 19 Mar 2010
- views: 7649
The Park Inn - Introducing Local Musicians - Part Two: Ryan Sart
A series of short interviews and live music to introduce the local artists from the thriving music scene in and around Dover.
Part Two is with singer/songwrite...
A series of short interviews and live music to introduce the local artists from the thriving music scene in and around Dover.
Part Two is with singer/songwriter Ryan Sart. Interview by Laine Napier from the Ratzkins.
wn.com/The Park Inn Introducing Local Musicians Part Two Ryan Sart
A series of short interviews and live music to introduce the local artists from the thriving music scene in and around Dover.
Part Two is with singer/songwriter Ryan Sart. Interview by Laine Napier from the Ratzkins.
- published: 21 May 2014
- views: 129
"Start Over" - FLAME feat. NF - Official Video
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/royal-flush/id700410840
Official Website: ClearSightMusic.com
Follow @Flame314
Album: Royal Flush
Also available at ...
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/royal-flush/id700410840
Official Website: ClearSightMusic.com
Follow @Flame314
Album: Royal Flush
Also available at Google Play, AmazonMP3, Christian bookstores, and select Walmart & Best Buy stores.
wn.com/Start Over Flame Feat. Nf Official Video
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/royal-flush/id700410840
Official Website: ClearSightMusic.com
Follow @Flame314
Album: Royal Flush
Also available at Google Play, AmazonMP3, Christian bookstores, and select Walmart & Best Buy stores.
- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 3982770
Mytv Tok Bompler, តុបំភ្លឺ | Khmer Star Interview, Neay Chhert, នាយឆើត | September 27, 2015, Full
Mytv Tok Bompler, តុបំភ្លឺ | Khmer Star Interview, Neay Chhert, នាយឆើត | September 27, 2015, Full
Check out more videos on: http://www.ikomsan4all.blogspot.com
Mytv Tok Bompler, តុបំភ្លឺ | Khmer Star Interview, Neay Chhert, នាយឆើត | September 27, 2015, Full
Check out more videos on: http://www.ikomsan4all.blogspot.com
Follow us on:
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/komsan4all
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+Komsan4aLL/posts
Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/komsan4all
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Komsan4all
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/komsan4all
wn.com/Mytv Tok Bompler, តុបំភ្លឺ | Khmer Star Interview, Neay Chhert, នាយឆើត | September 27, 2015, Full
Mytv Tok Bompler, តុបំភ្លឺ | Khmer Star Interview, Neay Chhert, នាយឆើត | September 27, 2015, Full
Check out more videos on: http://www.ikomsan4all.blogspot.com
Follow us on:
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/komsan4all
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+Komsan4aLL/posts
Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/komsan4all
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Komsan4all
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/komsan4all
- published: 27 Sep 2015
- views: 228
Reatrey Komsan 2015, Khmer Star Interview, CTN Live Concert on 23 May 2015, Part 1/2
Please click subcribe to get new videos update, enjoy :)
This is most popular program in CTN call Reatrey Komsan 2015, they always invite khmer pop satars in C...
Please click subcribe to get new videos update, enjoy :)
This is most popular program in CTN call Reatrey Komsan 2015, they always invite khmer pop satars in Cambodia to join this progarm and collect all most popula khmer old song, Khmer new song, Funny Show and Comedy for singing and make all peopels are happy and have fun. We also upload Khmer hot news, Khmer star show, Garden star, Khmer star interview, Ayai khmer, Khmer comedy, Khmer Stars Competition, Khmer culture, Khmer funny show and more about Cambodia. Please watch and find who you like the best, enjoy :)
For more Reatrey Komsan 2015, please click this link below:
wn.com/Reatrey Komsan 2015, Khmer Star Interview, Ctn Live Concert On 23 May 2015, Part 1 2
Please click subcribe to get new videos update, enjoy :)
This is most popular program in CTN call Reatrey Komsan 2015, they always invite khmer pop satars in Cambodia to join this progarm and collect all most popula khmer old song, Khmer new song, Funny Show and Comedy for singing and make all peopels are happy and have fun. We also upload Khmer hot news, Khmer star show, Garden star, Khmer star interview, Ayai khmer, Khmer comedy, Khmer Stars Competition, Khmer culture, Khmer funny show and more about Cambodia. Please watch and find who you like the best, enjoy :)
For more Reatrey Komsan 2015, please click this link below:
- published: 26 May 2015
- views: 1163
Dove arrivo con un pieno? - Puntata 01 - Fedez
Un duello fino all'ultimo chilometro, da Milano verso sud con un pieno a bordo di una smart. Quattro puntate, quattro VIP. Ogni settimana una nuova sfida da non...
Un duello fino all'ultimo chilometro, da Milano verso sud con un pieno a bordo di una smart. Quattro puntate, quattro VIP. Ogni settimana una nuova sfida da non perdere.
wn.com/Dove Arrivo Con Un Pieno Puntata 01 Fedez
Un duello fino all'ultimo chilometro, da Milano verso sud con un pieno a bordo di una smart. Quattro puntate, quattro VIP. Ogni settimana una nuova sfida da non perdere.
- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 1932048
Interview with Porn Star Scarlet Red
Porn Star Scarlet Red talks about eating hot dogs and the adult industry....
Porn Star Scarlet Red talks about eating hot dogs and the adult industry.
wn.com/Interview With Porn Star Scarlet Red
Porn Star Scarlet Red talks about eating hot dogs and the adult industry.
- published: 22 Feb 2015
- views: 24661
Interview with Elizabeth Nieves
Capturing Rural Wisdom Podcast Series -
Ms. Elizabeth Nieves is the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Coordinator for Family Violence and Rape Crisis Service...
Capturing Rural Wisdom Podcast Series -
Ms. Elizabeth Nieves is the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Coordinator for Family Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Pittsboro, North Carolina. Family Violence and Rape Crisis Services is a Rural Grantee agency of the Office on Violence Against Women. In this interview, Ms. Nieves discusses her efforts to organize a SART by reaching out to local partners, including law enforcement leadership.
wn.com/Interview With Elizabeth Nieves
Capturing Rural Wisdom Podcast Series -
Ms. Elizabeth Nieves is the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Coordinator for Family Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Pittsboro, North Carolina. Family Violence and Rape Crisis Services is a Rural Grantee agency of the Office on Violence Against Women. In this interview, Ms. Nieves discusses her efforts to organize a SART by reaching out to local partners, including law enforcement leadership.
- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 203
In the bathroom with porn star Nadia Ali
Dogfart brings you another starlet doing the dirty deed. Nadia Ali opens up to our camera right before her Dogfart debut. Enjoy!...
Dogfart brings you another starlet doing the dirty deed. Nadia Ali opens up to our camera right before her Dogfart debut. Enjoy!
wn.com/In The Bathroom With Porn Star Nadia Ali
Dogfart brings you another starlet doing the dirty deed. Nadia Ali opens up to our camera right before her Dogfart debut. Enjoy!
- published: 22 Apr 2015
- views: 108056
7 Second Challenge w/ Jacob Sartorius and Mark Thomas
Thanks for watching! Dont forget to like and subscribe because i make weekly videos! I might make more videos with them in the future :) my socials:
Thanks for watching! Dont forget to like and subscribe because i make weekly videos! I might make more videos with them in the future :) my socials:
Musical.ly / snapchat @ibrycehall
Jacobs socials:
instagram - @jacobsartorius
twitter - @hiplikejacob
Marks socials:
instagram - @duhitzmark
twitter - @duhitzmark
wn.com/7 Second Challenge W Jacob Sartorius And Mark Thomas
Thanks for watching! Dont forget to like and subscribe because i make weekly videos! I might make more videos with them in the future :) my socials:
Musical.ly / snapchat @ibrycehall
Jacobs socials:
instagram - @jacobsartorius
twitter - @hiplikejacob
Marks socials:
instagram - @duhitzmark
twitter - @duhitzmark
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 932875