Linz, Altstadt - Austria HD Travel Channel
Linz, Old City, Austria
English see below
[dt.] Linz, die Landeshauptstadt Oberösterreichs liegt am Ausgang des Tales, das die Donau durch die böhmische Masse geschnitten hat.
Die Altstadt von Linz ist bekannt für ihre barocken Häuser und Hinterhöfe der Renaissance. Einer der schönsten ist der Hof des Landhauses, dem Sitz der oberösterreichischen Landesregierung.
Mozart - Symphony No. 36 in C, K. 425 [complete] (Linz)
The Symphony No. 36 in C major, KV 425, (known as the Linz Symphony) was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart during a stopover in the Austrian town of Linz on his and his wife's way back home to Vienna from Salzburg in late 1783. The entire symphony was written in four days to accommodate the local count's announcement, upon hearing of the Mozarts' arrival in Linz, of a concert. The première in Lin
"Happy" in Linz
We are "Happy" in Linz!
nachrichten.at/linz - facebook.com/StolzeLinzer
Thanks so much for watching and welcome to the fam!!! Next week we will switch to MWF videos:)
Moms On Call (0-6 months) http://amzn.to/1yCC7TW
Moms On Call (6-15 months) http://amzn.to/1JQU1Db
LIKE us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDeFrancoFam
Linz Twitter: https://twitter.com/linzdefranco
Linz Instagram: https://instagram.com/linzdefranco/
Phil Twitter: https://twitter.com/phillyd
Bankomat RAUB Linz
2 Bankräuber schleifen auf in einer Fußgängerzone einen Bankautomaten und werden dann von der Polizei erwischt :-D
Linz, Austria
Linz, Austria
Linz, Donau-Hochwasser 4 Juni 2013 (920 cm)
Die Donau erreicht den Höchststand von 920 cm am 4. Juni 2013. Linz versinkt in den Fluten.
Il danubio raggiunge la sua altezza massima di 920 cm il 4 giugno 2013. Linz sprofonda fra i flutti.
I. Adagio - Allegro spiritoso II. Andante con moto III. Menuetto IV. Presto
The "Linz" Symphony, which opens the series of Mozart's five great final symphonies, certainly shows no signs of haste. It is especially concisely worked out. The first Vienna performance was in spring of 1783 and the work was probably perfo
Check out our new video from Linz trip! I've organized this small tour for the hungarian scooter riders to show them the skatepark in Linz. Everybody loved the vibes and all the stuff, cant wait for the next one! Thanks to everyone who helped us especially:
Bence Pipo / filming,editing
Dia Deutsch / organization
Gergo Sarkany / tourmanager
Crank it up to HD and enjoy!
[HD] Führerstandsmitfahrt LINZ - WIEN
4K - Parkbad Linz - Splashdiving
Contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
Filmed in Linz Parkbad.
-GH4 with 14-140mm
-Glidecam HD 1000
Song by Camo & Krooked - Move around
360-Grad Motorrad Linz 2016 - Rundgang
Zückt eure Smartphones und seid Live dabei, bei einem Rundgang auf der Motorrad Linz 2016!
Wir vom 1000PS Team würden uns freuen, wenn ihr unseren Youtube Kanal abonniert: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbWl7Gv6YD0_QKp-LUlF1g
Tägliche News rund um das Thema Motorrad bekommt ihr auf http://www.1000ps.at oder auf
Besucht uns auf unserer 1000PS Facebook Seite: http://www.fa
Architecture in Linz - Everything flows
Linz, once an exclusively industrial town, has become a city of culture and research. This is also reflected in its architecture: for instance the Museum of Modern Art, Lentos, or the Ars Electronica Center. The latter acts as a point of intersection between art and technology. Linz is also home to Austria's largest steel mill. Its magnificent adventure world „VOEST Alpine Stahlwelt" offers an imp
Persönliche Mobilität ist eines der wichtigsten menschlichen Bedürfnisse. Als Verkehrsunternehmen sind die LINZ AG LINIEN Teil des täglichen Lebens im Großraum Linz.
My Wife Gives Me Cry-Boners w/ Linz DeFranco LMMT #5
My wife is my favorite asshole, so of course I had to have her in embarrass me. Enjoy!
Listen on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/philip-defranco-56351909/my-wife-gives-me-cry-boners-w-linz-defranco-lmmt-5
Listen on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/my-wife-gives-me-cry-boners/id1062117502?i=360732478&mt;=2
Would You Rather w/ Linz DeFranco: https://youtu.be/yo2xSplWrdc
SnapChat: TheDe
Linz Marathon 2014 - Komplette Übertragung
Insane Trampolining - MAXX Arena Linz - 4K
So much thank's to MAXX Fun for giving us the chance to make a small video in there! You can find them here: http://www.maxxfun.at
Also big thank's to the amazing athletes, check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/Spinning-Souls-143929528957865/?ref=bookmarks&__mref=message_bubble
As it goes over the technical stuff, the lighting was very bad and we had to use some very high ISO sometimes,
Linz - gestern und heute
Linz-Motive zwischen "gestern und heute".
Produktionsjahr: 2007
Dauer: 3:17 Minuten
Produktion: Archiv der Stadt Linz / Stadtkommunikation
Awesome Splashdiving - Parkbad Linz - 4K
Contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
So this actually is the second video i shot with the splashdivers in Linz.
I filmed with my GH4 and the Glidecam for the stabilizing shots.
Leave a like or comment if you enjoy, or tell me what you like and what you don't like ;)
#staytuned #morevideoscomingsoon
GO4IT Linz Trip 2.0
Ismételten beadtuk az év legjobban várt buszos kirándulását az ausztriai Linz városába, ahol egy fedett-fűtött skateparkban nyomattunk egy felejthetetlen sessiont.
Szombaton reggel találkoztunk a Hősök Terén majd miután bepakoltuk a BMX-eket a buszba, benyomtunk egy frissítő viwa vizet és nyugatnak indulva célba vettük Ausztriát. Közel ötvenen voltunk a kiránduláson, ami jó hangulatban telt. Miut
Live QnA w/ Linz
Linz and I will take questions or the stream will fail miserably. Yay testing. OH and if you want to try to win $5k for free go here http://bit.ly/1AyfjUZ
jelena karleusa live - ide maca oko tebe @ club imperio linz 16.01.2016
2015 ISU Jr. Grand Prix - Linz Ladies Free Skate
Subscribe now to the ISU YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/1moLURT
Follow the ISU: http://twitter.com/ISU_Reporter
Like the ISU: http://facebook.com/isufigureskating
Instagram: http://instagram.com/isufigureskating
For schedules, results and skater information/bios visit the ISU.org at: http://bit.ly/1kXbRfR
The ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating consists of seven events, Bratislava, Slovakia:
Linz, Altstadt - Austria HD Travel Channel
Linz, Old City, Austria
English see below
[dt.] Linz, die Landeshauptstadt Oberösterreichs liegt am Ausgang des Tales, das die Donau...
Linz, Old City, Austria
English see below
[dt.] Linz, die Landeshauptstadt Oberösterreichs liegt am Ausgang des Tales, das die Donau durch die böhmische Masse geschnitten hat.
Die Altstadt von Linz ist bekannt für ihre barocken Häuser und Hinterhöfe der Renaissance. Einer der schönsten ist der Hof des Landhauses, dem Sitz der oberösterreichischen Landesregierung.
Das Kremsmünsterer Freihaus (Freihaus Bischofshof) war bis 1493 im Besitz von Kaiser Friedrich III. Der Legende nach starb Friedrich III. hier. 1507 wurde es vom Stift Kremsmünster gekauft und ist bis heute Sitz des Bischofs von Linz.
In unmittelbarer Nähe zum Hauptplatz befinden sich die ehemaligen Wohnhäuser der berühmten Söhne der Stadt, Adalbert Stifter und Johannes Kepler. Im Stifterhaus befindet sich heute neben dem Adalbert Stifter Institut das Oberösterreichische Literaturhaus.
Im benachbarten alten Dom war Bruckner von 1856 an zwölf Jahre als Organist tätig. Die berühmte Orgel wurde nach ihm benannt.
In Linz siedelten bereits die Kelten. Während der Markomannenkriege gründeten die Römer das Kastell Lentia. Danach gehörte Linz bis 1210 zu den bayerischen Herzogtümern. Unter Friedrich III. war Linz Residenzstadt, da Wien von Matthias Corvinius besetzt war. Er ließ damals das Schloss, das an der Stelle des römischen Kastells errichtet worden war, ausbauen. Am Friedrichstor sind die Buchstaben A.E.I.O.U., das Symbol des Hauses Habsburg, eingraviert.
Die Martinskirche, 799 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt, galt lange als eine der ältesten in ursprünglichem Zustand erhaltenen Kirchen Österreichs.
******** [en.]
Linz, the capital of Upper Austria lies at the exit of the valley, which was cut by the Danube River through the Bohemian Massif.
The old town of Linz is known for its Baroque houses and backyards of the Renaissance. One of the beautiful is the courtyard of the Landhaus, the seat of the Upper Austrian State Assembly.
The Kremsmünsterer Free House (Free House bishop's court) was in the possession of the Emperor Frederick III until 1493. According to legend, Friedrich III died. here. In 1507 it was bought by the Kremsmünster Abbey and is still the seat of the Bishop of Linz.
In the immediate vincinity of the main square are the former residential buildings of the famous sons of the town, Adalbert Stifter and Johannes Kepler. In the StifterHaus one can find the Adalbert Stifter Institute as well as the Upper Austrian Literature House.
In the neighboring old cathedral, Bruckner was working twelve years as organist starting in 1856. The famous organ was named after him.
Already the Celts settled in Linz. During the Marcomannic Wars, the romans founded the fort Lentia. Afterwards, Linz belonged to the Bavarian dukedoms until 1210. Due to the occupation of Vienna by Matthias Corvinius, Linz was royal seat under Friedrich III. He expanded the castle which had been built on the site of the Roman fort. The motto of the House of Habsburg, the letters A.E.I.O.U. are engraved at the Friedrichstor.
St. Martin's Church, for the first time documentary mentioned in 799, was long considered one of the oldest churches in Austria in original condition.
wn.com/Linz, Altstadt Austria Hd Travel Channel
Linz, Old City, Austria
English see below
[dt.] Linz, die Landeshauptstadt Oberösterreichs liegt am Ausgang des Tales, das die Donau durch die böhmische Masse geschnitten hat.
Die Altstadt von Linz ist bekannt für ihre barocken Häuser und Hinterhöfe der Renaissance. Einer der schönsten ist der Hof des Landhauses, dem Sitz der oberösterreichischen Landesregierung.
Das Kremsmünsterer Freihaus (Freihaus Bischofshof) war bis 1493 im Besitz von Kaiser Friedrich III. Der Legende nach starb Friedrich III. hier. 1507 wurde es vom Stift Kremsmünster gekauft und ist bis heute Sitz des Bischofs von Linz.
In unmittelbarer Nähe zum Hauptplatz befinden sich die ehemaligen Wohnhäuser der berühmten Söhne der Stadt, Adalbert Stifter und Johannes Kepler. Im Stifterhaus befindet sich heute neben dem Adalbert Stifter Institut das Oberösterreichische Literaturhaus.
Im benachbarten alten Dom war Bruckner von 1856 an zwölf Jahre als Organist tätig. Die berühmte Orgel wurde nach ihm benannt.
In Linz siedelten bereits die Kelten. Während der Markomannenkriege gründeten die Römer das Kastell Lentia. Danach gehörte Linz bis 1210 zu den bayerischen Herzogtümern. Unter Friedrich III. war Linz Residenzstadt, da Wien von Matthias Corvinius besetzt war. Er ließ damals das Schloss, das an der Stelle des römischen Kastells errichtet worden war, ausbauen. Am Friedrichstor sind die Buchstaben A.E.I.O.U., das Symbol des Hauses Habsburg, eingraviert.
Die Martinskirche, 799 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt, galt lange als eine der ältesten in ursprünglichem Zustand erhaltenen Kirchen Österreichs.
******** [en.]
Linz, the capital of Upper Austria lies at the exit of the valley, which was cut by the Danube River through the Bohemian Massif.
The old town of Linz is known for its Baroque houses and backyards of the Renaissance. One of the beautiful is the courtyard of the Landhaus, the seat of the Upper Austrian State Assembly.
The Kremsmünsterer Free House (Free House bishop's court) was in the possession of the Emperor Frederick III until 1493. According to legend, Friedrich III died. here. In 1507 it was bought by the Kremsmünster Abbey and is still the seat of the Bishop of Linz.
In the immediate vincinity of the main square are the former residential buildings of the famous sons of the town, Adalbert Stifter and Johannes Kepler. In the StifterHaus one can find the Adalbert Stifter Institute as well as the Upper Austrian Literature House.
In the neighboring old cathedral, Bruckner was working twelve years as organist starting in 1856. The famous organ was named after him.
Already the Celts settled in Linz. During the Marcomannic Wars, the romans founded the fort Lentia. Afterwards, Linz belonged to the Bavarian dukedoms until 1210. Due to the occupation of Vienna by Matthias Corvinius, Linz was royal seat under Friedrich III. He expanded the castle which had been built on the site of the Roman fort. The motto of the House of Habsburg, the letters A.E.I.O.U. are engraved at the Friedrichstor.
St. Martin's Church, for the first time documentary mentioned in 799, was long considered one of the oldest churches in Austria in original condition.
- published: 09 Feb 2013
- views: 27995
Mozart - Symphony No. 36 in C, K. 425 [complete] (Linz)
The Symphony No. 36 in C major, KV 425, (known as the Linz Symphony) was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart during a stopover in the Austrian town of Linz on hi...
The Symphony No. 36 in C major, KV 425, (known as the Linz Symphony) was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart during a stopover in the Austrian town of Linz on his and his wife's way back home to Vienna from Salzburg in late 1783. The entire symphony was written in four days to accommodate the local count's announcement, upon hearing of the Mozarts' arrival in Linz, of a concert. The première in Linz took place on 4 November, 1783. The composition was also premièred in Vienna on 1 April, 1784. The autograph score of the "Linz Symphony" was not preserved. The symphony is scored for 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, timpani and strings. There are four movements:
1. Adagio, 3/4 — Allegro spiritoso, 4/4
2. Poco adagio, 6/8
3. Menuetto, 3/4
4. Finale (Presto), 2/4.
Every movement except the minuet is in sonata form. The slow movement has a siciliano character and meter which was rare in Mozart's earlier symphonies (only used in one of the slow movements of the "Paris") but would appear frequently in later works such as #38 and #40. The next symphony by Mozart is Symphony No. 38. The work known as "Symphony No. 37" is mostly by Michael Haydn.
FREE .mp3 and .wav files of all Mozart's music at: http://www.mozart-archiv.de/
FREE sheet music scores of any Mozart piece at: http://dme.mozarteum.at/DME/nma/start.php?l=2
ALSO check out these cool sites: http://musopen.org/
and http://imslp.org/wiki/
NOTE: I do not know who the performers of this are, nor the place and date of recording!!! Any suggestions are welcome.
ENJOY!!!! :D
wn.com/Mozart Symphony No. 36 In C, K. 425 Complete (Linz)
The Symphony No. 36 in C major, KV 425, (known as the Linz Symphony) was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart during a stopover in the Austrian town of Linz on his and his wife's way back home to Vienna from Salzburg in late 1783. The entire symphony was written in four days to accommodate the local count's announcement, upon hearing of the Mozarts' arrival in Linz, of a concert. The première in Linz took place on 4 November, 1783. The composition was also premièred in Vienna on 1 April, 1784. The autograph score of the "Linz Symphony" was not preserved. The symphony is scored for 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, timpani and strings. There are four movements:
1. Adagio, 3/4 — Allegro spiritoso, 4/4
2. Poco adagio, 6/8
3. Menuetto, 3/4
4. Finale (Presto), 2/4.
Every movement except the minuet is in sonata form. The slow movement has a siciliano character and meter which was rare in Mozart's earlier symphonies (only used in one of the slow movements of the "Paris") but would appear frequently in later works such as #38 and #40. The next symphony by Mozart is Symphony No. 38. The work known as "Symphony No. 37" is mostly by Michael Haydn.
FREE .mp3 and .wav files of all Mozart's music at: http://www.mozart-archiv.de/
FREE sheet music scores of any Mozart piece at: http://dme.mozarteum.at/DME/nma/start.php?l=2
ALSO check out these cool sites: http://musopen.org/
and http://imslp.org/wiki/
NOTE: I do not know who the performers of this are, nor the place and date of recording!!! Any suggestions are welcome.
ENJOY!!!! :D
- published: 23 Feb 2012
- views: 285447
"Happy" in Linz
We are "Happy" in Linz!
nachrichten.at/linz - facebook.com/StolzeLinzer...
We are "Happy" in Linz!
nachrichten.at/linz - facebook.com/StolzeLinzer
wn.com/Happy In Linz
We are "Happy" in Linz!
nachrichten.at/linz - facebook.com/StolzeLinzer
- published: 21 Feb 2014
- views: 37793
Thanks so much for watching and welcome to the fam!!! Next week we will switch to MWF videos:)
Moms On Call (0-6 months) http://amzn.to/1yCC7TW
Moms On Call (6...
Thanks so much for watching and welcome to the fam!!! Next week we will switch to MWF videos:)
Moms On Call (0-6 months) http://amzn.to/1yCC7TW
Moms On Call (6-15 months) http://amzn.to/1JQU1Db
LIKE us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDeFrancoFam
Linz Twitter: https://twitter.com/linzdefranco
Linz Instagram: https://instagram.com/linzdefranco/
Phil Twitter: https://twitter.com/phillyd
Phil Instagram: https://instagram.com/phillydefranco/
wn.com/Does Linz Have A Job Or Nah
Thanks so much for watching and welcome to the fam!!! Next week we will switch to MWF videos:)
Moms On Call (0-6 months) http://amzn.to/1yCC7TW
Moms On Call (6-15 months) http://amzn.to/1JQU1Db
LIKE us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDeFrancoFam
Linz Twitter: https://twitter.com/linzdefranco
Linz Instagram: https://instagram.com/linzdefranco/
Phil Twitter: https://twitter.com/phillyd
Phil Instagram: https://instagram.com/phillydefranco/
- published: 17 Apr 2015
- views: 281426
Bankomat RAUB Linz
2 Bankräuber schleifen auf in einer Fußgängerzone einen Bankautomaten und werden dann von der Polizei erwischt :-D...
2 Bankräuber schleifen auf in einer Fußgängerzone einen Bankautomaten und werden dann von der Polizei erwischt :-D
wn.com/Bankomat Raub Linz
2 Bankräuber schleifen auf in einer Fußgängerzone einen Bankautomaten und werden dann von der Polizei erwischt :-D
- published: 10 Mar 2011
- views: 138595
Linz, Austria
Linz, Austria...
Linz, Austria
wn.com/Linz, Austria
Linz, Austria
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 10491
Linz, Donau-Hochwasser 4 Juni 2013 (920 cm)
Die Donau erreicht den Höchststand von 920 cm am 4. Juni 2013. Linz versinkt in den Fluten.
Il danubio raggiunge la sua altezza massima di 920 cm il 4 giugno 20...
Die Donau erreicht den Höchststand von 920 cm am 4. Juni 2013. Linz versinkt in den Fluten.
Il danubio raggiunge la sua altezza massima di 920 cm il 4 giugno 2013. Linz sprofonda fra i flutti.
wn.com/Linz, Donau Hochwasser 4 Juni 2013 (920 Cm)
Die Donau erreicht den Höchststand von 920 cm am 4. Juni 2013. Linz versinkt in den Fluten.
Il danubio raggiunge la sua altezza massima di 920 cm il 4 giugno 2013. Linz sprofonda fra i flutti.
- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 67180
I. Adagio - Allegro spiritoso II. Andante con moto III. Menuetto IV. Presto
I. Adagio - Allegro spiritoso II. Andante con moto III. Menuetto IV. Presto
The "Linz" Symphony, which opens the series of Mozart's five great final symphonies, certainly shows no signs of haste. It is especially concisely worked out. The first Vienna performance was in spring of 1783 and the work was probably performed once more in Mozart's lifetime, in 1787 in Prague.
Carlos Kleiber's reputation as a great conductor is undeniably confirmed in this performance even as we consider the size of the non-period orchestra. He has full control, timing and tempo without over modulating his whole persona in front of the orchestra...a truly great conductor!
wn.com/Mozart Symphony 36 Linz Carlos Kleiber Vienna Philharmonic
I. Adagio - Allegro spiritoso II. Andante con moto III. Menuetto IV. Presto
The "Linz" Symphony, which opens the series of Mozart's five great final symphonies, certainly shows no signs of haste. It is especially concisely worked out. The first Vienna performance was in spring of 1783 and the work was probably performed once more in Mozart's lifetime, in 1787 in Prague.
Carlos Kleiber's reputation as a great conductor is undeniably confirmed in this performance even as we consider the size of the non-period orchestra. He has full control, timing and tempo without over modulating his whole persona in front of the orchestra...a truly great conductor!
- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 72909
Check out our new video from Linz trip! I've organized this small tour for the hungarian scooter riders to show them the skatepark in Linz. Everybody loved the ...
Check out our new video from Linz trip! I've organized this small tour for the hungarian scooter riders to show them the skatepark in Linz. Everybody loved the vibes and all the stuff, cant wait for the next one! Thanks to everyone who helped us especially:
Bence Pipo / filming,editing
Dia Deutsch / organization
Gergo Sarkany / tourmanager
Crank it up to HD and enjoy!
wn.com/Linz Trip 2016
Check out our new video from Linz trip! I've organized this small tour for the hungarian scooter riders to show them the skatepark in Linz. Everybody loved the vibes and all the stuff, cant wait for the next one! Thanks to everyone who helped us especially:
Bence Pipo / filming,editing
Dia Deutsch / organization
Gergo Sarkany / tourmanager
Crank it up to HD and enjoy!
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 1107
4K - Parkbad Linz - Splashdiving
Contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
Filmed in Linz Parkbad.
-GH4 with 14-140mm
-Glidecam HD 1000
Song by Camo & Kroo...
Contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
Filmed in Linz Parkbad.
-GH4 with 14-140mm
-Glidecam HD 1000
Song by Camo & Krooked - Move around
wn.com/4K Parkbad Linz Splashdiving
Contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
Filmed in Linz Parkbad.
-GH4 with 14-140mm
-Glidecam HD 1000
Song by Camo & Krooked - Move around
- published: 17 May 2015
- views: 9658
360-Grad Motorrad Linz 2016 - Rundgang
Zückt eure Smartphones und seid Live dabei, bei einem Rundgang auf der Motorrad Linz 2016!
Wir vom 1000PS Team würden uns freuen, wenn ihr unseren Youtube Kanal...
Zückt eure Smartphones und seid Live dabei, bei einem Rundgang auf der Motorrad Linz 2016!
Wir vom 1000PS Team würden uns freuen, wenn ihr unseren Youtube Kanal abonniert: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbWl7Gv6YD0_QKp-LUlF1g
Tägliche News rund um das Thema Motorrad bekommt ihr auf http://www.1000ps.at oder auf
Besucht uns auf unserer 1000PS Facebook Seite: http://www.facebook.com/1000ps
wn.com/360 Grad Motorrad Linz 2016 Rundgang
Zückt eure Smartphones und seid Live dabei, bei einem Rundgang auf der Motorrad Linz 2016!
Wir vom 1000PS Team würden uns freuen, wenn ihr unseren Youtube Kanal abonniert: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbWl7Gv6YD0_QKp-LUlF1g
Tägliche News rund um das Thema Motorrad bekommt ihr auf http://www.1000ps.at oder auf
Besucht uns auf unserer 1000PS Facebook Seite: http://www.facebook.com/1000ps
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 310
Architecture in Linz - Everything flows
Linz, once an exclusively industrial town, has become a city of culture and research. This is also reflected in its architecture: for instance the Museum of Mod...
Linz, once an exclusively industrial town, has become a city of culture and research. This is also reflected in its architecture: for instance the Museum of Modern Art, Lentos, or the Ars Electronica Center. The latter acts as a point of intersection between art and technology. Linz is also home to Austria's largest steel mill. Its magnificent adventure world „VOEST Alpine Stahlwelt" offers an impressive view behind the scenes of steel production.
For more information go to: www.linz.at
wn.com/Architecture In Linz Everything Flows
Linz, once an exclusively industrial town, has become a city of culture and research. This is also reflected in its architecture: for instance the Museum of Modern Art, Lentos, or the Ars Electronica Center. The latter acts as a point of intersection between art and technology. Linz is also home to Austria's largest steel mill. Its magnificent adventure world „VOEST Alpine Stahlwelt" offers an impressive view behind the scenes of steel production.
For more information go to: www.linz.at
- published: 15 Nov 2012
- views: 13645
Persönliche Mobilität ist eines der wichtigsten menschlichen Bedürfnisse. Als Verkehrsunternehmen sind die LINZ AG LINIEN Teil des täglichen Lebens im Großraum ...
Persönliche Mobilität ist eines der wichtigsten menschlichen Bedürfnisse. Als Verkehrsunternehmen sind die LINZ AG LINIEN Teil des täglichen Lebens im Großraum Linz.
wn.com/Linz Ag Linien Infofilm
Persönliche Mobilität ist eines der wichtigsten menschlichen Bedürfnisse. Als Verkehrsunternehmen sind die LINZ AG LINIEN Teil des täglichen Lebens im Großraum Linz.
- published: 20 Mar 2014
- views: 6076
My Wife Gives Me Cry-Boners w/ Linz DeFranco LMMT #5
My wife is my favorite asshole, so of course I had to have her in embarrass me. Enjoy!
Listen on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/philip-defranco-56351909/my...
My wife is my favorite asshole, so of course I had to have her in embarrass me. Enjoy!
Listen on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/philip-defranco-56351909/my-wife-gives-me-cry-boners-w-linz-defranco-lmmt-5
Listen on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/my-wife-gives-me-cry-boners/id1062117502?i=360732478&mt;=2
Would You Rather w/ Linz DeFranco: https://youtu.be/yo2xSplWrdc
SnapChat: TheDeFrancoFam
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/PhillyD
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/DeFrancoNation
Instagram: http://Instagram.com/PhillyDeFranco
Mailing Address:
Attn: Philip DeFranco
6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd #805
Canoga Park, CA 91303
wn.com/My Wife Gives Me Cry Boners W Linz Defranco Lmmt 5
My wife is my favorite asshole, so of course I had to have her in embarrass me. Enjoy!
Listen on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/philip-defranco-56351909/my-wife-gives-me-cry-boners-w-linz-defranco-lmmt-5
Listen on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/my-wife-gives-me-cry-boners/id1062117502?i=360732478&mt;=2
Would You Rather w/ Linz DeFranco: https://youtu.be/yo2xSplWrdc
SnapChat: TheDeFrancoFam
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/PhillyD
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/DeFrancoNation
Instagram: http://Instagram.com/PhillyDeFranco
Mailing Address:
Attn: Philip DeFranco
6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd #805
Canoga Park, CA 91303
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 223709
Linz Marathon 2014 - Komplette Übertragung
wn.com/Linz Marathon 2014 Komplette Übertragung
- published: 05 Oct 2014
- views: 6460
Insane Trampolining - MAXX Arena Linz - 4K
So much thank's to MAXX Fun for giving us the chance to make a small video in there! You can find them here: http://www.maxxfun.at
Also big thank's to the amaz...
So much thank's to MAXX Fun for giving us the chance to make a small video in there! You can find them here: http://www.maxxfun.at
Also big thank's to the amazing athletes, check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/Spinning-Souls-143929528957865/?ref=bookmarks&__mref=message_bubble
As it goes over the technical stuff, the lighting was very bad and we had to use some very high ISO sometimes, that's why it's a little bit noisy.
We had two cameras, one Lumix GH4(7-14mm and 14-140mm) and a Lumix FZ1000. We filmed 4K with both cameras :)
To get the smooth moving shots i used the Glidecam Signature Series. By the way, this thing is awesome.
If you enjoyed please leave a like, comment and by the end make sure to Subscribe hahah ;)
If you have any questions you can always contact me here: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
The song is called: Itro - Panda [NCS Release]
wn.com/Insane Trampolining Maxx Arena Linz 4K
So much thank's to MAXX Fun for giving us the chance to make a small video in there! You can find them here: http://www.maxxfun.at
Also big thank's to the amazing athletes, check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/Spinning-Souls-143929528957865/?ref=bookmarks&__mref=message_bubble
As it goes over the technical stuff, the lighting was very bad and we had to use some very high ISO sometimes, that's why it's a little bit noisy.
We had two cameras, one Lumix GH4(7-14mm and 14-140mm) and a Lumix FZ1000. We filmed 4K with both cameras :)
To get the smooth moving shots i used the Glidecam Signature Series. By the way, this thing is awesome.
If you enjoyed please leave a like, comment and by the end make sure to Subscribe hahah ;)
If you have any questions you can always contact me here: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
The song is called: Itro - Panda [NCS Release]
- published: 24 Oct 2015
- views: 4417
Linz - gestern und heute
Linz-Motive zwischen "gestern und heute".
Produktionsjahr: 2007
Dauer: 3:17 Minuten
Produktion: Archiv der Stadt Linz / Stadtkommunikation
Linz-Motive zwischen "gestern und heute".
Produktionsjahr: 2007
Dauer: 3:17 Minuten
Produktion: Archiv der Stadt Linz / Stadtkommunikation
wn.com/Linz Gestern Und Heute
Linz-Motive zwischen "gestern und heute".
Produktionsjahr: 2007
Dauer: 3:17 Minuten
Produktion: Archiv der Stadt Linz / Stadtkommunikation
- published: 01 Aug 2012
- views: 9747
Awesome Splashdiving - Parkbad Linz - 4K
Contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
So this actually is the second video i shot with the splashdivers in Linz.
I filmed with m...
Contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
So this actually is the second video i shot with the splashdivers in Linz.
I filmed with my GH4 and the Glidecam for the stabilizing shots.
Leave a like or comment if you enjoy, or tell me what you like and what you don't like ;)
#staytuned #morevideoscomingsoon
wn.com/Awesome Splashdiving Parkbad Linz 4K
Contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roman.peherstorfer
So this actually is the second video i shot with the splashdivers in Linz.
I filmed with my GH4 and the Glidecam for the stabilizing shots.
Leave a like or comment if you enjoy, or tell me what you like and what you don't like ;)
#staytuned #morevideoscomingsoon
- published: 01 Sep 2015
- views: 4761
GO4IT Linz Trip 2.0
Ismételten beadtuk az év legjobban várt buszos kirándulását az ausztriai Linz városába, ahol egy fedett-fűtött skateparkban nyomattunk egy felejthetetlen sessio...
Ismételten beadtuk az év legjobban várt buszos kirándulását az ausztriai Linz városába, ahol egy fedett-fűtött skateparkban nyomattunk egy felejthetetlen sessiont.
Szombaton reggel találkoztunk a Hősök Terén majd miután bepakoltuk a BMX-eket a buszba, benyomtunk egy frissítő viwa vizet és nyugatnak indulva célba vettük Ausztriát. Közel ötvenen voltunk a kiránduláson, ami jó hangulatban telt. Miután megérkeztünk Linz-be mindenki berakta az első kerekét és bevettük a skateparkot. Megállás nélkül repkedtek a jobbnál jobb trükkök. Szinte mindenki tanult valami újat a nagy melegben :) Közben Cusi készítette az ütős videókat valamint Peti és Jákob lőtték a fotókat a legjobb pillanatokról. Hatalmas menet volt, miénk volt az egész pálya!
Összességében nagyon szerencsés napot zártunk, senki nem sérült le és szinte mindenki csinált valami tuti trükköt. Végül pedig egy frissítő zuhanyzás után, kellően fáradtan buszra szálltunk és elindultunk haza.
A képekért köszönet Póver művészúrnak: http://go4itbmx.hu/2015/11/03/go4it-linz-2-0-bus-trip-kepek/
A videóért pedig Gál Lacinak !
wn.com/Go4It Linz Trip 2.0
Ismételten beadtuk az év legjobban várt buszos kirándulását az ausztriai Linz városába, ahol egy fedett-fűtött skateparkban nyomattunk egy felejthetetlen sessiont.
Szombaton reggel találkoztunk a Hősök Terén majd miután bepakoltuk a BMX-eket a buszba, benyomtunk egy frissítő viwa vizet és nyugatnak indulva célba vettük Ausztriát. Közel ötvenen voltunk a kiránduláson, ami jó hangulatban telt. Miután megérkeztünk Linz-be mindenki berakta az első kerekét és bevettük a skateparkot. Megállás nélkül repkedtek a jobbnál jobb trükkök. Szinte mindenki tanult valami újat a nagy melegben :) Közben Cusi készítette az ütős videókat valamint Peti és Jákob lőtték a fotókat a legjobb pillanatokról. Hatalmas menet volt, miénk volt az egész pálya!
Összességében nagyon szerencsés napot zártunk, senki nem sérült le és szinte mindenki csinált valami tuti trükköt. Végül pedig egy frissítő zuhanyzás után, kellően fáradtan buszra szálltunk és elindultunk haza.
A képekért köszönet Póver művészúrnak: http://go4itbmx.hu/2015/11/03/go4it-linz-2-0-bus-trip-kepek/
A videóért pedig Gál Lacinak !
- published: 01 Dec 2015
- views: 2603
Live QnA w/ Linz
Linz and I will take questions or the stream will fail miserably. Yay testing. OH and if you want to try to win $5k for free go here http://bit.ly/1AyfjUZ...
Linz and I will take questions or the stream will fail miserably. Yay testing. OH and if you want to try to win $5k for free go here http://bit.ly/1AyfjUZ
wn.com/Live Qna W Linz
Linz and I will take questions or the stream will fail miserably. Yay testing. OH and if you want to try to win $5k for free go here http://bit.ly/1AyfjUZ
- published: 06 Feb 2015
- views: 162038
2015 ISU Jr. Grand Prix - Linz Ladies Free Skate
Subscribe now to the ISU YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/1moLURT
Follow the ISU: http://twitter.com/ISU_Reporter
Like the ISU: http://facebook.com/isufigureskati...
Subscribe now to the ISU YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/1moLURT
Follow the ISU: http://twitter.com/ISU_Reporter
Like the ISU: http://facebook.com/isufigureskating
Instagram: http://instagram.com/isufigureskating
For schedules, results and skater information/bios visit the ISU.org at: http://bit.ly/1kXbRfR
The ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating consists of seven events, Bratislava, Slovakia: from August 20-22 followed by the events in Latvia- August 26-30, USA- September 2-5, Austria -September 9-13, Poland - September 24-26, Spain - October 1-3, Croatia - October 8-10. The top six skaters/couples of the series in each category will advance to the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final in Barcelona, Spain (December 11 to 14).
wn.com/2015 Isu Jr. Grand Prix Linz Ladies Free Skate
Subscribe now to the ISU YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/1moLURT
Follow the ISU: http://twitter.com/ISU_Reporter
Like the ISU: http://facebook.com/isufigureskating
Instagram: http://instagram.com/isufigureskating
For schedules, results and skater information/bios visit the ISU.org at: http://bit.ly/1kXbRfR
The ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating consists of seven events, Bratislava, Slovakia: from August 20-22 followed by the events in Latvia- August 26-30, USA- September 2-5, Austria -September 9-13, Poland - September 24-26, Spain - October 1-3, Croatia - October 8-10. The top six skaters/couples of the series in each category will advance to the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final in Barcelona, Spain (December 11 to 14).
- published: 11 Sep 2015
- views: 35044