Schoenstatt - Eswars
Oración en Eswars - Gebet in Eswars - Prayer in Eswars
TMCE Eswars Téléthon 2011.mp4
TMCE ESWARS telethon 2011; 250 motos; 320 motards
Superbe balade ce 6 Décembre 2009 au profit du Telethon,
Nous étions plus de 260 Motos venues de tout le département, notre service de sécurité fut exceptionnel ,merci à toutes et à tous pour votre participation.
Encore merci à toutes et tous les bénévoles dEswars, de Ramillies, de Paillancourt, dEtrun et de Thun lEvéque commune qui nous à accueillie lors de notre retour, à la Communauté de
telethon 2011 eswars tmce
eswars telethon 2011 moto
Telethon eswars 2012 tmce
Hôtel Eswars
Hôtel Eswars: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/
Téléthon 2012 - Eswars - AM Production
Balade moto organisée par le Touring Moto Club d'Eswars le 9 décembre 2012 pour le Téléthon.
N'hésitez pas à partager.
Una buena partida en eswars
me encanta yooutube y los quiero a ustedes mis suscritores
How to pronounce Eswars (French/France) - PronounceNames.com
Audio and video pronunciation of Eswars brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Eswars
eswars edit 21
Balade moto eswars
Rupteur =p
balade téléthon eswars 2012
160 participants
* WOoOOuOoOoooUooOoOO gran video el de hoy de Egg Wars donde lo daremos todo desde el principio para conseguir la victoria!!! AU AU AU!
********** POSTER VEGETTA VS DRAGON ***********
FRIKSTER: http://goo.gl/F6eyaD
*********** REDES SOCIALES Y CANAL DE TWITCH ***********
- TWITCH:http://goo.gl/V8MZfM
- TWITTER: http://goo.gl/s0ScyN
- FACEBOOK (PAGINA): http://goo.gl/Gfj14j
SUSCRÍBETE!! http://goo.gl/7NptXY
MI TWITTER!! https://twitter.com/DaniRep
MI CANAL PRINCIPAL DE GTA 5: http://goo.gl/iE6JKd
Кубок Урала 2011 - полуфиналы, финалы, интервью
Кубок Урала 2011 - полуфиналы, финалы, интервью с победителями
Игры: Eswars-UmbaUral, RZP-Demich, Demich-ImbaUral, Eswars-RZP
Bertrand Milliot donne son avis sur le John Deere 6930
Pour en savoir +: http://www.agriavis.com/produit-3734-tracteurs+agricoles-john+deere-6930.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le département du Nord. Il a acheté en 2009 un tracteur agricole John Deere 6930. Bertrand Milliot effectue les semis de céréales avec ce tracteur et un combiné de semis Amazone en 3m. Ce tracteur effectue également la pulvérisation ave
Bertrand Milliot donne son avis sur le CAN-AM Outlander 650 Max
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-9749-quads-can+am-outlander+650.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le Nord. Il a acheté en septembre 2011 un quad CAN-AM Outlander 650 chez le concessionnaire Can-Am et Sea-Doo JPS à Naves (59). Bertrand Millot a pris le modèle Outlander 650 Max car il emmène quelque fois son épouse voir une parcelle de terre à
Bertrand Milliot donne son avis sur l'Evrard Regulor 5 et l'EZ Boom de Trimble
Pour en savoir +: http://www.agriavis.com/avis-produit-3035-systeme+de+regulation-evrard-regulor+5.php
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le Nord. Il pratique la pulvérisation bas-volume et a investi en 2010 dans un pulvérisateur trainé Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus avec régulation Regulor 5, coupure des tronçons par GPS (Trimble EZ Boom) et écran Trimble 500. Bertrand M
Bertrand Milliot donne son avis sur l'Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-2549-pulverisateurs+traines-evrard-meteor+2500+2800+3400+4100+plus.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur à Eswars dans le Nord. Il est polyculteur-éleveur et utilise un pulvérisateur Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus pour la protection des cultures et l'apport d'azote aux cultures. Il est très satisfait de ce pulvérisateur Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus qu'il a acq
François-Xavier Milliot donne son avis sur son chien Drahthaar
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-9746-syndicats-drathaar+club+de+france-faire+connaitre+la+race+de+chiens+drahthaar.html
François-Xavier Milliot est fils d'agriculteurs à Eswars (59). Il a une chienne de race Drahthaar. C'est un excellent chien de chasse.
Balade moto organisée par DIRTY RIDERS MOTO CLUB de CAUDRY avec le soutien du TOURING MOTO CLUB d'ESWARS
avec la participation de l'Amical des Sapeurs Pompiers de Caudry et le moto club les Spinasses d'Épinoy
Plus de 500 motards ont participé à cet élan de générosité.
Un grand merci à tous les bénévoles qui ont protégé chaque carrefour pour les vingtaines de communes traversées.
Schoenstatt - Eswars
Oración en Eswars - Gebet in Eswars - Prayer in Eswars
Oración en Eswars - Gebet in Eswars - Prayer in Eswars
wn.com/Schoenstatt Eswars
Oración en Eswars - Gebet in Eswars - Prayer in Eswars
- published: 06 Oct 2008
- views: 116
TMCE Eswars Téléthon 2011.mp4
TMCE ESWARS telethon 2011; 250 motos; 320 motards...
TMCE ESWARS telethon 2011; 250 motos; 320 motards
wn.com/Tmce Eswars Téléthon 2011.Mp4
TMCE ESWARS telethon 2011; 250 motos; 320 motards
- published: 10 Dec 2011
- views: 481
Superbe balade ce 6 Décembre 2009 au profit du Telethon,
Nous étions plus de 260 Motos venues de tout le département, notre service de sécurité fut exception...
Superbe balade ce 6 Décembre 2009 au profit du Telethon,
Nous étions plus de 260 Motos venues de tout le département, notre service de sécurité fut exceptionnel ,merci à toutes et à tous pour votre participation.
Encore merci à toutes et tous les bénévoles dEswars, de Ramillies, de Paillancourt, dEtrun et de Thun lEvéque commune qui nous à accueillie lors de notre retour, à la Communauté de Communes Sensescaut
wn.com/Tmce Eswars Telethon 2009
Superbe balade ce 6 Décembre 2009 au profit du Telethon,
Nous étions plus de 260 Motos venues de tout le département, notre service de sécurité fut exceptionnel ,merci à toutes et à tous pour votre participation.
Encore merci à toutes et tous les bénévoles dEswars, de Ramillies, de Paillancourt, dEtrun et de Thun lEvéque commune qui nous à accueillie lors de notre retour, à la Communauté de Communes Sensescaut
- published: 10 Dec 2009
- views: 774
telethon 2011 eswars tmce
eswars telethon 2011 moto...
eswars telethon 2011 moto
wn.com/Telethon 2011 Eswars Tmce
eswars telethon 2011 moto
- published: 14 Dec 2011
- views: 78
Hôtel Eswars
Hôtel Eswars: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/...
Hôtel Eswars: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/
wn.com/Hôtel Eswars
Hôtel Eswars: http://hotel.expertsolution.net/
- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 6
Téléthon 2012 - Eswars - AM Production
Balade moto organisée par le Touring Moto Club d'Eswars le 9 décembre 2012 pour le Téléthon.
N'hésitez pas à partager....
Balade moto organisée par le Touring Moto Club d'Eswars le 9 décembre 2012 pour le Téléthon.
N'hésitez pas à partager.
wn.com/Téléthon 2012 Eswars Am Production
Balade moto organisée par le Touring Moto Club d'Eswars le 9 décembre 2012 pour le Téléthon.
N'hésitez pas à partager.
- published: 10 Dec 2012
- views: 814
Una buena partida en eswars
me encanta yooutube y los quiero a ustedes mis suscritores...
me encanta yooutube y los quiero a ustedes mis suscritores
wn.com/Una Buena Partida En Eswars
me encanta yooutube y los quiero a ustedes mis suscritores
- published: 29 Nov 2015
- views: 30
- published: 10 Nov 2015
- views: 30
How to pronounce Eswars (French/France) - PronounceNames.com
Audio and video pronunciation of Eswars brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names...
Audio and video pronunciation of Eswars brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Eswars
wn.com/How To Pronounce Eswars (French France) Pronouncenames.Com
Audio and video pronunciation of Eswars brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Eswars
- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 3
* WOoOOuOoOoooUooOoOO gran video el de hoy de Egg Wars donde lo daremos todo desde el principio para conseguir la victoria!!! AU AU AU!
********** POSTER VEGE...
* WOoOOuOoOoooUooOoOO gran video el de hoy de Egg Wars donde lo daremos todo desde el principio para conseguir la victoria!!! AU AU AU!
********** POSTER VEGETTA VS DRAGON ***********
FRIKSTER: http://goo.gl/F6eyaD
*********** REDES SOCIALES Y CANAL DE TWITCH ***********
- TWITCH:http://goo.gl/V8MZfM
- TWITTER: http://goo.gl/s0ScyN
- FACEBOOK (PAGINA): http://goo.gl/Gfj14j
- FACEBOOK (PERFIL): http://goo.gl/vq5YU1
- MI APP CUQUI: http://goo.gl/Iaue6
- INSTAGRAM: http://goo.gl/m33DQo
- GOOGLE+: http://goo.gl/oXY9jZ
- VINE: http://goo.gl/MMJWvO
************** PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES ****************
- Mi vida en Youtube: http://goo.gl/ULwfQ
- Aqui os dejo el enlace de la lista de reproduccion de mis videos: http://goo.gl/nI66hp (lo actualizo a finales de cada mes)
- De momento no, ya que de vez en cuando voy actualizando la lista pero a día de hoy la tengo llena y vería injusto borrar a gente con la que no he jugado o amigos con los que juego habitualmente.
- Mi skype solo lo tienen amigos cercanos o familiares, y prefiero mantenerlo asi ya que lo uso exclusivamente para ello.
- Ya lo he aclarado en varias ocasiones,intento siempre evitarlo en los videos de cara a que hay mucha gente que esta suscrita es joven y poco a poco me he ido acostumbrando ^^ aunque a veces se me escape alguna cosilla :P
- Soartex Fanver Texture Pack,Ovos Rustic Redemption,Sphax PureBDcraft.
- Evidentemente se que pone Gaymer y no Gamer,y las mujeres me gustan tanto como los unicornios rosas con pecas moradas. Si quieres saber si me gustan los unicornios rosas solo tienes que quedarte en mi canal y lo averiguaras :P
- Vegetta,mi madre era una fan de Dragon Ball y me llamo así... (es broma) Mi verdadero nombre es Samuel De Luque y tengo 26 añetes.
- Como en muchos vídeos he ido aclarando a lo largo de todo este tiempo,paso bastantes horas respondiendo a comentarios ya sea de Twitter,facebook,o del canal de Youtube de forma aleatoria pero por mas que quiera responder a todos es físicamente imposible y realmente os digo que me gustaría. Esto no quita que también dedique mucho tiempo a leer esos comentarios y muchos consejos que me dais intento implementarlos en la medida de lo posible en mis vídeos! Un besazooo
wn.com/Minecraft Eggwars Asesino Silencioso
* WOoOOuOoOoooUooOoOO gran video el de hoy de Egg Wars donde lo daremos todo desde el principio para conseguir la victoria!!! AU AU AU!
********** POSTER VEGETTA VS DRAGON ***********
FRIKSTER: http://goo.gl/F6eyaD
*********** REDES SOCIALES Y CANAL DE TWITCH ***********
- TWITCH:http://goo.gl/V8MZfM
- TWITTER: http://goo.gl/s0ScyN
- FACEBOOK (PAGINA): http://goo.gl/Gfj14j
- FACEBOOK (PERFIL): http://goo.gl/vq5YU1
- MI APP CUQUI: http://goo.gl/Iaue6
- INSTAGRAM: http://goo.gl/m33DQo
- GOOGLE+: http://goo.gl/oXY9jZ
- VINE: http://goo.gl/MMJWvO
************** PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES ****************
- Mi vida en Youtube: http://goo.gl/ULwfQ
- Aqui os dejo el enlace de la lista de reproduccion de mis videos: http://goo.gl/nI66hp (lo actualizo a finales de cada mes)
- De momento no, ya que de vez en cuando voy actualizando la lista pero a día de hoy la tengo llena y vería injusto borrar a gente con la que no he jugado o amigos con los que juego habitualmente.
- Mi skype solo lo tienen amigos cercanos o familiares, y prefiero mantenerlo asi ya que lo uso exclusivamente para ello.
- Ya lo he aclarado en varias ocasiones,intento siempre evitarlo en los videos de cara a que hay mucha gente que esta suscrita es joven y poco a poco me he ido acostumbrando ^^ aunque a veces se me escape alguna cosilla :P
- Soartex Fanver Texture Pack,Ovos Rustic Redemption,Sphax PureBDcraft.
- Evidentemente se que pone Gaymer y no Gamer,y las mujeres me gustan tanto como los unicornios rosas con pecas moradas. Si quieres saber si me gustan los unicornios rosas solo tienes que quedarte en mi canal y lo averiguaras :P
- Vegetta,mi madre era una fan de Dragon Ball y me llamo así... (es broma) Mi verdadero nombre es Samuel De Luque y tengo 26 añetes.
- Como en muchos vídeos he ido aclarando a lo largo de todo este tiempo,paso bastantes horas respondiendo a comentarios ya sea de Twitter,facebook,o del canal de Youtube de forma aleatoria pero por mas que quiera responder a todos es físicamente imposible y realmente os digo que me gustaría. Esto no quita que también dedique mucho tiempo a leer esos comentarios y muchos consejos que me dais intento implementarlos en la medida de lo posible en mis vídeos! Un besazooo
- published: 15 Aug 2015
- views: 1203310
SUSCRÍBETE!! http://goo.gl/7NptXY
MI TWITTER!! https://twitter.com/DaniRep
MI CANAL PRINCIPAL DE GTA 5: http://goo.gl/iE6JKd...
SUSCRÍBETE!! http://goo.gl/7NptXY
MI TWITTER!! https://twitter.com/DaniRep
MI CANAL PRINCIPAL DE GTA 5: http://goo.gl/iE6JKd
wn.com/Danirep Vs Team Full Diamante Sky Wars Minecraft
SUSCRÍBETE!! http://goo.gl/7NptXY
MI TWITTER!! https://twitter.com/DaniRep
MI CANAL PRINCIPAL DE GTA 5: http://goo.gl/iE6JKd
- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 472650
Кубок Урала 2011 - полуфиналы, финалы, интервью
Кубок Урала 2011 - полуфиналы, финалы, интервью с победителями
Игры: Eswars-UmbaUral, RZP-Demich, Demich-ImbaUral, Eswars-RZP...
Кубок Урала 2011 - полуфиналы, финалы, интервью с победителями
Игры: Eswars-UmbaUral, RZP-Demich, Demich-ImbaUral, Eswars-RZP
wn.com/Кубок Урала 2011 Полуфиналы, Финалы, Интервью
Кубок Урала 2011 - полуфиналы, финалы, интервью с победителями
Игры: Eswars-UmbaUral, RZP-Demich, Demich-ImbaUral, Eswars-RZP
- published: 21 Nov 2011
- views: 65
Bertrand Milliot donne son avis sur le John Deere 6930
Pour en savoir +: http://www.agriavis.com/produit-3734-tracteurs+agricoles-john+deere-6930.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars d...
Pour en savoir +: http://www.agriavis.com/produit-3734-tracteurs+agricoles-john+deere-6930.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le département du Nord. Il a acheté en 2009 un tracteur agricole John Deere 6930. Bertrand Milliot effectue les semis de céréales avec ce tracteur et un combiné de semis Amazone en 3m. Ce tracteur effectue également la pulvérisation avec un Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus. A la moisson, le John Deere 6930 presse avec une Case IH RBX. Bertrand Milliot est satisfait du John Deere.
wn.com/Bertrand Milliot Donne Son Avis Sur Le John Deere 6930
Pour en savoir +: http://www.agriavis.com/produit-3734-tracteurs+agricoles-john+deere-6930.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le département du Nord. Il a acheté en 2009 un tracteur agricole John Deere 6930. Bertrand Milliot effectue les semis de céréales avec ce tracteur et un combiné de semis Amazone en 3m. Ce tracteur effectue également la pulvérisation avec un Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus. A la moisson, le John Deere 6930 presse avec une Case IH RBX. Bertrand Milliot est satisfait du John Deere.
- published: 24 Nov 2012
- views: 21439
Bertrand Milliot donne son avis sur le CAN-AM Outlander 650 Max
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-9749-quads-can+am-outlander+650.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le Nor...
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-9749-quads-can+am-outlander+650.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le Nord. Il a acheté en septembre 2011 un quad CAN-AM Outlander 650 chez le concessionnaire Can-Am et Sea-Doo JPS à Naves (59). Bertrand Millot a pris le modèle Outlander 650 Max car il emmène quelque fois son épouse voir une parcelle de terre à 15 km de l'exploitation avec ce quad biplace. Il est très content du Can-Am Outlander Max 650.
wn.com/Bertrand Milliot Donne Son Avis Sur Le Can Am Outlander 650 Max
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-9749-quads-can+am-outlander+650.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le Nord. Il a acheté en septembre 2011 un quad CAN-AM Outlander 650 chez le concessionnaire Can-Am et Sea-Doo JPS à Naves (59). Bertrand Millot a pris le modèle Outlander 650 Max car il emmène quelque fois son épouse voir une parcelle de terre à 15 km de l'exploitation avec ce quad biplace. Il est très content du Can-Am Outlander Max 650.
- published: 24 Nov 2012
- views: 21685
Bertrand Milliot donne son avis sur l'Evrard Regulor 5 et l'EZ Boom de Trimble
Pour en savoir +: http://www.agriavis.com/avis-produit-3035-systeme+de+regulation-evrard-regulor+5.php
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à E...
Pour en savoir +: http://www.agriavis.com/avis-produit-3035-systeme+de+regulation-evrard-regulor+5.php
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le Nord. Il pratique la pulvérisation bas-volume et a investi en 2010 dans un pulvérisateur trainé Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus avec régulation Regulor 5, coupure des tronçons par GPS (Trimble EZ Boom) et écran Trimble 500. Bertrand Milliot est très satisfait de son Evrard 4100 Plus, du boitier Regulor5, de la fermeture de tronçons EZ Boom. C'est un vrai plus, notamment lorsque l'on pulvérise la nuit dit-il.
wn.com/Bertrand Milliot Donne Son Avis Sur L'Evrard Regulor 5 Et L'EZ Boom De Trimble
Pour en savoir +: http://www.agriavis.com/avis-produit-3035-systeme+de+regulation-evrard-regulor+5.php
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur polyculteur-éleveur à Eswars dans le Nord. Il pratique la pulvérisation bas-volume et a investi en 2010 dans un pulvérisateur trainé Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus avec régulation Regulor 5, coupure des tronçons par GPS (Trimble EZ Boom) et écran Trimble 500. Bertrand Milliot est très satisfait de son Evrard 4100 Plus, du boitier Regulor5, de la fermeture de tronçons EZ Boom. C'est un vrai plus, notamment lorsque l'on pulvérise la nuit dit-il.
- published: 24 Nov 2012
- views: 3162
Bertrand Milliot donne son avis sur l'Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-2549-pulverisateurs+traines-evrard-meteor+2500+2800+3400+4100+plus.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur à Esw...
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-2549-pulverisateurs+traines-evrard-meteor+2500+2800+3400+4100+plus.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur à Eswars dans le Nord. Il est polyculteur-éleveur et utilise un pulvérisateur Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus pour la protection des cultures et l'apport d'azote aux cultures. Il est très satisfait de ce pulvérisateur Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus qu'il a acquis en 2010. Ce pulvérisateur est simple d'utilisation avec ses deux vannes. Il est précis. La rampe BR3 de 36 m en aluminium est costaud et stable.
wn.com/Bertrand Milliot Donne Son Avis Sur L'Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-2549-pulverisateurs+traines-evrard-meteor+2500+2800+3400+4100+plus.html
Bertrand Milliot est agriculteur à Eswars dans le Nord. Il est polyculteur-éleveur et utilise un pulvérisateur Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus pour la protection des cultures et l'apport d'azote aux cultures. Il est très satisfait de ce pulvérisateur Evrard Meteor 4100 Plus qu'il a acquis en 2010. Ce pulvérisateur est simple d'utilisation avec ses deux vannes. Il est précis. La rampe BR3 de 36 m en aluminium est costaud et stable.
- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 4927
François-Xavier Milliot donne son avis sur son chien Drahthaar
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-9746-syndicats-drathaar+club+de+france-faire+connaitre+la+race+de+chiens+drahthaar.html
François-Xavier Millio...
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-9746-syndicats-drathaar+club+de+france-faire+connaitre+la+race+de+chiens+drahthaar.html
François-Xavier Milliot est fils d'agriculteurs à Eswars (59). Il a une chienne de race Drahthaar. C'est un excellent chien de chasse.
wn.com/François Xavier Milliot Donne Son Avis Sur Son Chien Drahthaar
Pour en savoir +:http://www.agriavis.com/produit-9746-syndicats-drathaar+club+de+france-faire+connaitre+la+race+de+chiens+drahthaar.html
François-Xavier Milliot est fils d'agriculteurs à Eswars (59). Il a une chienne de race Drahthaar. C'est un excellent chien de chasse.
- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 11168
Balade moto organisée par DIRTY RIDERS MOTO CLUB de CAUDRY avec le soutien du TOURING MOTO CLUB d'ESWARS
avec la participation de l'Amical des Sapeurs Pompier...
Balade moto organisée par DIRTY RIDERS MOTO CLUB de CAUDRY avec le soutien du TOURING MOTO CLUB d'ESWARS
avec la participation de l'Amical des Sapeurs Pompiers de Caudry et le moto club les Spinasses d'Épinoy
Plus de 500 motards ont participé à cet élan de générosité.
Un grand merci à tous les bénévoles qui ont protégé chaque carrefour pour les vingtaines de communes traversées.
wn.com/Dirty Riders Tmce Telethon 2013 Part1
Balade moto organisée par DIRTY RIDERS MOTO CLUB de CAUDRY avec le soutien du TOURING MOTO CLUB d'ESWARS
avec la participation de l'Amical des Sapeurs Pompiers de Caudry et le moto club les Spinasses d'Épinoy
Plus de 500 motards ont participé à cet élan de générosité.
Un grand merci à tous les bénévoles qui ont protégé chaque carrefour pour les vingtaines de communes traversées.
- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 1043
Travel Guide: Prince Edward Island
This island is known as the Garden of the Gulf. http://www.WatchMojo.com continues our travel series with a look at Prince Edward Island.
Singapore River with Edward Russell | Travel Guide | February 2016
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
There are many areas of historic importance around Singapore but none is so important to the island's recent history as the Singapore River. Quite simply, this is WHERE IT ALL BEGAN.
As a port city, Singapore's now thriving economy was founded on the banks of the Singapore River back in the 19th century. Legend
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Prince Edward Island Travel Video: Prince Edward
Prince Edward Island Travel Videos: The perfect Prince Edward Island vacation planning tool. Discover our collection of Prince Edward Island vacation videos, cruise videos and hotel videos.
Inspiring Minds : Travel Photography Tips by Mark Edward Harris
This is the first of a new series of interviews and tips from the master photographers of our time. Come with me to meet some of the most successful and interesting folks in photography. Presented by http/www.samys.com This is part one of three of my conversation with World Renowned Photographer Mark Edward Harris. This is good times for sure. Enjoy
INSIDE Singapore with Jamie Yeo | Travel Guide | January 2016
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
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Edwards Air Force Base Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The P-59
Airacomet ushered in America's jet age at Edwards. The flat lakebeds
provided excellent emergency landing sites, as evidenced by this Bell
X-2 crash site. Lt. Col. John Stapp rides the rocket sled '"Gee Whiz"'.
Stapp hits the brakes, hard in '"Gee Whiz"'. The Space Shuttle
Enterprise being tested in the skies above Edwards Air Fo
INSIDE Singapore with Jamie Yeo | Travel Guide | February 2016
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
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Alyssa Edwards' Secret - Mistaken Identity
Enjoy the video? Subscribe here!
When you're fish, you're fish. Alyssa Edwards is Finding Nemo fish! And when you're fish like Alyssa, you often get mistaken for a real woman.
New episodes of Alyssa's Secret every Monday on WOWPresents!
Follow Alyssa Edwards on Twitter: @AlyssaEdwards_1
Follow World Of Wonder on Twitter: @WorldOfWonder
Thairin Smother
Prince Edward Island Travel Documentary: August 2011
A travel documentary about Prince Edward Island, Canada by Mark Martucci.
DIY Skincare Travel Containers - Edward Avila
Don't want to carry all your skincare with you cos it's a lot of shit?! I've got just the thing for you ;D
You can also find me here:
Instagram: @edweird0
Twitter: http://twitter.com/edweird0
Tumblr: http://ed-weirdo.tumblr.com
Eeeey I'm Eddy and welcome to my ~Twisted Mind~ just kidding. I live in South Korea (right now heh) and I like to make beauty, fashion, hair, skincare, and daily life vi
Travel Book Review: Eritrea, 4th (Bradt Travel Guide) by Edward Denison, Edward Paice
This is the summary of Eritrea, 4th (Bradt Travel Guide) by Edward Denison, Edward Paice.
John Edward - Facts and Fiction of the Spirit World
Hay House World Summit 2013
Prince Edward Island: Top Attractions
This lovely island is Canada's smallest province. Here, http://www.WatchMojo.com checks out a few of the top tourist attractions found in Prince Edward Island.
PERRIE EDWARDS Inspired Fresh/Nude Glam - Glowy Skin Makeup!
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Today I’ll show you how to create this fresh, nude glamorous look with GLOWY SKIN! Hope you enjoy & thanks for watching!
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Meet Our Guides: Dave Edwards
Meet "Big Wave" Dave, long time guide and climbing maestro. He's traveled the world on his bike guiding from the jungles of Costa Rica to the back roads of his current home in Greenville, SC. Learn more about our guides at http://www.trektravel.com/why-trek-travel/our-team/
Kimberly's Travel Adventures - Rwanda with Edward the Gorilla Translator
For more health tips, visit my blog: http://kimberlysnyder.net/blog/
Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/_kimberlysnyder
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KimberlySnyderCN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_KimberlySnyder
Travel Oman - On assignment with Nat Geo photographer Jason Edwards
Ever wondered what it is like for a National Geographic photographer on assignment?
As the mentor of our Travel Photography Scholarship, Nat Geo photographer Jason Edwards travelled to Oman with Oman Tourism and Peregrine Adventures to capture the people and landscapes of this stunning country.
Watch as Jason shares his journey through Oman with mentee Jake Salyers - as well as his tips for aspi
VLOG by Edward: "My 21 place and HLTV TOP and travel to USA" (ENG SUBS)
VLOG by Edward: "My 21 place and HLTV TOP and travel to USA" (ENG SUBS)
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Edgar Wright - How to Do Visual Comedy
If you love visual comedy, you gotta love Edgar Wright, one of the few filmmakers who is consistently finding humor through framing, camera movement, editing, goofy sound effects and music. This is an analysis and appreciation of one of our finest comedic voices.
For educational purposes only. You can donate to support the channel at
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/everyframeapainting
And follow
Guide To Lebanon
A guide to Lebanon showing different sights and an introduction to the lifestyle and the people. As Lebanon was on the Forbes list of top destinations and is hitting the top spots in many of the "places to visit" lists around the world, this video offers an insight of what to expect.
Reiseführer: Stockholm, Schweden | Travel Guide: Stockholm, Sweden
| Insider Tipps für den perfekten Winter-Urlaub in Stockholm | The best places of interest in the city of Stockholm | Two nice guys! | Have fun with our Travel Guide for Stockholm (Sweden) - a trailer about our trip! | | | You like our video? Please, comment, like and share!
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home (RAC Mix)
Jahzzar -Fireworks
Dexter Britain -Waking Up Instrumental
Travel Guide: Prince Edward Island
This island is known as the Garden of the Gulf. http://www.WatchMojo.com continues our travel series with a look at Prince Edward Island....
This island is known as the Garden of the Gulf. http://www.WatchMojo.com continues our travel series with a look at Prince Edward Island.
wn.com/Travel Guide Prince Edward Island
This island is known as the Garden of the Gulf. http://www.WatchMojo.com continues our travel series with a look at Prince Edward Island.
- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 3817
Singapore River with Edward Russell | Travel Guide | February 2016
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
There are many areas of historic importance around Singapore but none is ...
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
There are many areas of historic importance around Singapore but none is so important to the island's recent history as the Singapore River. Quite simply, this is WHERE IT ALL BEGAN.
As a port city, Singapore's now thriving economy was founded on the banks of the Singapore River back in the 19th century. Legend has it that a Sumatran prince named the island Singapura after spotting a lion after disembarking, but the lion only really started to roar after the arrival of Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819. After signing an agreement with a member of the Johor royal family, Raffles set up a post of the East India Trading Company on the river's banks and began to transform the area from disease infested swamp into a center for pan-asian trade.
With improved infrastructure, trade along the river soon flourished, with merchant ships arriving from the surrounding countries laden with spices and other commodities. This produce was then stored in a series of go downs and warehouses, here at Boat Quay and further upstream at Clarke Quay and Robertson Quay.
On this month's edition, our host Edward Russell brings us to these amazing places along the Singapore River:
* Fremantle Seafood Market
* TongKang Riverboat Dining
* Hot Stones Steak & Seafood Restaurant
* Clarke Quay Central
* Mogambo Bar & Restaurant
About Singapore River One (SRO)
Singapore River One (SRO) is a private sector-led partnership charged with the day-to-day management, maintenance, enhancement and marketing of the Singapore River.
Email SRO at team@singapore-river.com
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wn.com/Singapore River With Edward Russell | Travel Guide | February 2016
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
There are many areas of historic importance around Singapore but none is so important to the island's recent history as the Singapore River. Quite simply, this is WHERE IT ALL BEGAN.
As a port city, Singapore's now thriving economy was founded on the banks of the Singapore River back in the 19th century. Legend has it that a Sumatran prince named the island Singapura after spotting a lion after disembarking, but the lion only really started to roar after the arrival of Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819. After signing an agreement with a member of the Johor royal family, Raffles set up a post of the East India Trading Company on the river's banks and began to transform the area from disease infested swamp into a center for pan-asian trade.
With improved infrastructure, trade along the river soon flourished, with merchant ships arriving from the surrounding countries laden with spices and other commodities. This produce was then stored in a series of go downs and warehouses, here at Boat Quay and further upstream at Clarke Quay and Robertson Quay.
On this month's edition, our host Edward Russell brings us to these amazing places along the Singapore River:
* Fremantle Seafood Market
* TongKang Riverboat Dining
* Hot Stones Steak & Seafood Restaurant
* Clarke Quay Central
* Mogambo Bar & Restaurant
About Singapore River One (SRO)
Singapore River One (SRO) is a private sector-led partnership charged with the day-to-day management, maintenance, enhancement and marketing of the Singapore River.
Email SRO at team@singapore-river.com
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- published: 09 Feb 2016
- views: 168
Bestiez﹣日本東京自由行秋之旅﹣Japan Tokyo Travel Guide
此行 Dress Code 也變得更豐富更有挑戰性!
此行 Dress Code 也變得更豐富更有挑戰性!
【Bestiez 最好的朋友】
wn.com/Bestiez﹣日本東京自由行秋之旅﹣Japan Tokyo Travel Guide
此行 Dress Code 也變得更豐富更有挑戰性!
【Bestiez 最好的朋友】
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 50685
Edward Hosts "Quick Travel Guide" - Santa Monica, California
Take a stroll with Edward as he shares with you fun things to do and sites to see at Santa Monica, California.
Take a stroll with Edward as he shares with you fun things to do and sites to see at Santa Monica, California.
wn.com/Edward Hosts Quick Travel Guide Santa Monica, California
Take a stroll with Edward as he shares with you fun things to do and sites to see at Santa Monica, California.
- published: 12 Jul 2013
- views: 247
Prince Edward Island Travel Video: Prince Edward
Prince Edward Island Travel Videos: The perfect Prince Edward Island vacation planning tool. Discover our collection of Prince Edward Island vacation videos, cr...
Prince Edward Island Travel Videos: The perfect Prince Edward Island vacation planning tool. Discover our collection of Prince Edward Island vacation videos, cruise videos and hotel videos.
wn.com/Prince Edward Island Travel Video Prince Edward
Prince Edward Island Travel Videos: The perfect Prince Edward Island vacation planning tool. Discover our collection of Prince Edward Island vacation videos, cruise videos and hotel videos.
- published: 28 Apr 2010
- views: 6627
Inspiring Minds : Travel Photography Tips by Mark Edward Harris
This is the first of a new series of interviews and tips from the master photographers of our time. Come with me to meet some of the most successful and intere...
This is the first of a new series of interviews and tips from the master photographers of our time. Come with me to meet some of the most successful and interesting folks in photography. Presented by http/www.samys.com This is part one of three of my conversation with World Renowned Photographer Mark Edward Harris. This is good times for sure. Enjoy
wn.com/Inspiring Minds Travel Photography Tips By Mark Edward Harris
This is the first of a new series of interviews and tips from the master photographers of our time. Come with me to meet some of the most successful and interesting folks in photography. Presented by http/www.samys.com This is part one of three of my conversation with World Renowned Photographer Mark Edward Harris. This is good times for sure. Enjoy
- published: 22 Oct 2009
- views: 13379
INSIDE Singapore with Jamie Yeo | Travel Guide | January 2016
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
SUBSCRIBE to Insider TV's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/inside...
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
SUBSCRIBE to Insider TV's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/insiderTV
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YouKu: http://i.youku.com/insidertv
Here's your essential Singapore travel guide this January 2016! Our hosts Jamie Yeo, Edward Russell, and Yumika Hoskins tour us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Singapore.
Get yourself ready for a day of exploration:
INSIDE Sentosa: https://youtu.be/Jw-AHWg_Z1Y
Singapore Turf Club: https://youtu.be/-bAQuwsBoRM
Singapore River: https://youtu.be/h2xITZoeInc
Eat, drink, and be merry at these amazing restaurants:
Dining at Resorts World Sentosa: https://youtu.be/sx7JxNYG4-Q
The Connoisseur Concerto (tcc): https://youtu.be/Rq6wR1gbnWY
Singapore's Coolest Bars: https://youtu.be/uWjIG9bsEKo
It's time to shop 'til you drop:
Larry Jewelry: https://youtu.be/4xefxMEOvJU
Fashion at 313@Somerset: https://youtu.be/J2k50TW23Rs
Takashimaya: https://youtu.be/gaOWHbiQjt4
Don't miss the following events:
* Cinderella – A Fairly True Story — 10 December 2015 – 4 January 2016
* Singapore Art Week — 16 - 24 January
* Singapore Contemporary Art Show — 21 - 24 January
* National Geographic Live Ocean Wild with Brian Skerry — 24 January
* St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival Singapore 2016 — 30 January
For event tickets and more information, visit http://www.sistic.com.sg and https://www.artweek.sg/
Be the first to know the latest Singapore hotspots where you can eat, relax, shop, and unwind this month! Click the link for more Singapore attractions: http://bit.ly/AttractionsSingapore
Cheers to a new year!
INSIDE Singapore | January 2016: https://youtu.be/aaV9B7jRqZ0
wn.com/Inside Singapore With Jamie Yeo | Travel Guide | January 2016
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
SUBSCRIBE to Insider TV's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/insiderTV
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insidertvasia
Check out http://www.insider-tv.com/ and follow us on:
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Instagram: https://instagram.com/insider.tv
Weibo: http://e.weibo.com/insidertvasia
YouKu: http://i.youku.com/insidertv
Here's your essential Singapore travel guide this January 2016! Our hosts Jamie Yeo, Edward Russell, and Yumika Hoskins tour us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Singapore.
Get yourself ready for a day of exploration:
INSIDE Sentosa: https://youtu.be/Jw-AHWg_Z1Y
Singapore Turf Club: https://youtu.be/-bAQuwsBoRM
Singapore River: https://youtu.be/h2xITZoeInc
Eat, drink, and be merry at these amazing restaurants:
Dining at Resorts World Sentosa: https://youtu.be/sx7JxNYG4-Q
The Connoisseur Concerto (tcc): https://youtu.be/Rq6wR1gbnWY
Singapore's Coolest Bars: https://youtu.be/uWjIG9bsEKo
It's time to shop 'til you drop:
Larry Jewelry: https://youtu.be/4xefxMEOvJU
Fashion at 313@Somerset: https://youtu.be/J2k50TW23Rs
Takashimaya: https://youtu.be/gaOWHbiQjt4
Don't miss the following events:
* Cinderella – A Fairly True Story — 10 December 2015 – 4 January 2016
* Singapore Art Week — 16 - 24 January
* Singapore Contemporary Art Show — 21 - 24 January
* National Geographic Live Ocean Wild with Brian Skerry — 24 January
* St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival Singapore 2016 — 30 January
For event tickets and more information, visit http://www.sistic.com.sg and https://www.artweek.sg/
Be the first to know the latest Singapore hotspots where you can eat, relax, shop, and unwind this month! Click the link for more Singapore attractions: http://bit.ly/AttractionsSingapore
Cheers to a new year!
INSIDE Singapore | January 2016: https://youtu.be/aaV9B7jRqZ0
- published: 29 Dec 2015
- views: 6276
Edwards Air Force Base Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The P-59
Airacomet ushered in America's jet age at Edwards. The flat lakebeds
provided excellent eme...
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The P-59
Airacomet ushered in America's jet age at Edwards. The flat lakebeds
provided excellent emergency landing sites, as evidenced by this Bell
X-2 crash site. Lt. Col. John Stapp rides the rocket sled '"Gee Whiz"'.
Stapp hits the brakes, hard in '"Gee Whiz"'. The Space Shuttle
Enterprise being tested in the skies above Edwards Air Force Base. For
a complete list of Space Shuttle landing locations, see: List of space
shuttle missions. Discovery (STS-114) touches down in Edwards Air Force
Base (August 9, 2005 PST). This aerial photo of the main base shows its
runways extending out over the hard playa of Rogers Lake. Dryden Flight
Research Center fleet. Test area 1-120 at Edwards AFRL site. Satellite
photo of the base. The world's largest compass rose is painted on the
playa beside NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center.
wn.com/Edwards Air Force Base Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The P-59
Airacomet ushered in America's jet age at Edwards. The flat lakebeds
provided excellent emergency landing sites, as evidenced by this Bell
X-2 crash site. Lt. Col. John Stapp rides the rocket sled '"Gee Whiz"'.
Stapp hits the brakes, hard in '"Gee Whiz"'. The Space Shuttle
Enterprise being tested in the skies above Edwards Air Force Base. For
a complete list of Space Shuttle landing locations, see: List of space
shuttle missions. Discovery (STS-114) touches down in Edwards Air Force
Base (August 9, 2005 PST). This aerial photo of the main base shows its
runways extending out over the hard playa of Rogers Lake. Dryden Flight
Research Center fleet. Test area 1-120 at Edwards AFRL site. Satellite
photo of the base. The world's largest compass rose is painted on the
playa beside NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center.
- published: 22 Mar 2010
- views: 706
INSIDE Singapore with Jamie Yeo | Travel Guide | February 2016
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
SUBSCRIBE to Insider TV's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/inside...
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
SUBSCRIBE to Insider TV's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/insiderTV
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insidertvasia
Check out http://www.insider-tv.com/ and follow us on:
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Weibo: http://e.weibo.com/insidertvasia
YouKu: http://i.youku.com/insidertv
Here's your essential Singapore travel guide this February 2016! Our hosts Jamie Yeo, Edward Russell, and Yumika Hoskins tour us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Singapore.
Coming up on this month's show!
INSIDE Sentosa: https://youtu.be/Jw-AHWg_Z1Y
Marina Bay Golf: https://youtu.be/UVt3Lj2GN0c
Singapore Turf Club: https://youtu.be/-bAQuwsBoRM
The Connoisseur Concerto (tcc): https://youtu.be/Rq6wR1gbnWY
Joël Robuchon Restaurant: https://youtu.be/IF3fcVgOpuI
Singapore's Coolest Bars: https://youtu.be/YTMTC42dJZ
Paragon: https://youtu.be/fcVHyfpe9Zo
IMM Outlet Mall: https://youtu.be/Ez01InOyt5g
313@Somerset: https://youtu.be/shROYc-kGso
Don't miss the following events:
* Kids Fest Singapore 2016 — 3-14 February
* Singapore Airshow 2016 — 16 - 24 January
* Chingay 2016 — 19 - 20 February
* Bon Iver - Live in Singapore — 26 February
* Cirque Eloize — 27 February – 6 March
* Madonna: Rebel Heart Tour 2016 — 28 February
For event tickets and more information, visit http://www.kidsfest.com.sg/, https://www.singaporeairshow.com/, https://chingay.org.sg/, http://www.sistic.com.sg, and http://www.sportshub.com.sg/sportshubtix/Pages/Madonna-2016.aspx
Have a great stay in Singapore!
wn.com/Inside Singapore With Jamie Yeo | Travel Guide | February 2016
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities!
SUBSCRIBE to Insider TV's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/insiderTV
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insidertvasia
Check out http://www.insider-tv.com/ and follow us on:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Insider_tv
Instagram: https://instagram.com/insider.tv
Weibo: http://e.weibo.com/insidertvasia
YouKu: http://i.youku.com/insidertv
Here's your essential Singapore travel guide this February 2016! Our hosts Jamie Yeo, Edward Russell, and Yumika Hoskins tour us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Singapore.
Coming up on this month's show!
INSIDE Sentosa: https://youtu.be/Jw-AHWg_Z1Y
Marina Bay Golf: https://youtu.be/UVt3Lj2GN0c
Singapore Turf Club: https://youtu.be/-bAQuwsBoRM
The Connoisseur Concerto (tcc): https://youtu.be/Rq6wR1gbnWY
Joël Robuchon Restaurant: https://youtu.be/IF3fcVgOpuI
Singapore's Coolest Bars: https://youtu.be/YTMTC42dJZ
Paragon: https://youtu.be/fcVHyfpe9Zo
IMM Outlet Mall: https://youtu.be/Ez01InOyt5g
313@Somerset: https://youtu.be/shROYc-kGso
Don't miss the following events:
* Kids Fest Singapore 2016 — 3-14 February
* Singapore Airshow 2016 — 16 - 24 January
* Chingay 2016 — 19 - 20 February
* Bon Iver - Live in Singapore — 26 February
* Cirque Eloize — 27 February – 6 March
* Madonna: Rebel Heart Tour 2016 — 28 February
For event tickets and more information, visit http://www.kidsfest.com.sg/, https://www.singaporeairshow.com/, https://chingay.org.sg/, http://www.sistic.com.sg, and http://www.sportshub.com.sg/sportshubtix/Pages/Madonna-2016.aspx
Have a great stay in Singapore!
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 1061
Alyssa Edwards' Secret - Mistaken Identity
Enjoy the video? Subscribe here!
When you're fish, you're fish. Alyssa Edwards is Finding Nemo fish! And when you're fish like Alyssa, ...
Enjoy the video? Subscribe here!
When you're fish, you're fish. Alyssa Edwards is Finding Nemo fish! And when you're fish like Alyssa, you often get mistaken for a real woman.
New episodes of Alyssa's Secret every Monday on WOWPresents!
Follow Alyssa Edwards on Twitter: @AlyssaEdwards_1
Follow World Of Wonder on Twitter: @WorldOfWonder
Thairin Smothers
Pete Williams
Blake Jacobs
Adam Asea
Read More at: http://worldofwonder.net/
Follow World of Wonder on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1dM5ZvS
Follow World of Wonder on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1kFOupm
Follow World of Wonder on Instagram: http://bit.ly/1orXheO
Who is World of Wonder?
World of Wonder, the producers of RuPaul's Drag Race, Million Dollar Listing, and I Am Britney Jean, brings you, Alyssa's Secret, RuPaul Drives, James St James' Transformations, Ring My Bell, and so much more.
wn.com/Alyssa Edwards' Secret Mistaken Identity
Enjoy the video? Subscribe here!
When you're fish, you're fish. Alyssa Edwards is Finding Nemo fish! And when you're fish like Alyssa, you often get mistaken for a real woman.
New episodes of Alyssa's Secret every Monday on WOWPresents!
Follow Alyssa Edwards on Twitter: @AlyssaEdwards_1
Follow World Of Wonder on Twitter: @WorldOfWonder
Thairin Smothers
Pete Williams
Blake Jacobs
Adam Asea
Read More at: http://worldofwonder.net/
Follow World of Wonder on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1dM5ZvS
Follow World of Wonder on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1kFOupm
Follow World of Wonder on Instagram: http://bit.ly/1orXheO
Who is World of Wonder?
World of Wonder, the producers of RuPaul's Drag Race, Million Dollar Listing, and I Am Britney Jean, brings you, Alyssa's Secret, RuPaul Drives, James St James' Transformations, Ring My Bell, and so much more.
- published: 20 Oct 2014
- views: 135649
Prince Edward Island Travel Documentary: August 2011
A travel documentary about Prince Edward Island, Canada by Mark Martucci....
A travel documentary about Prince Edward Island, Canada by Mark Martucci.
wn.com/Prince Edward Island Travel Documentary August 2011
A travel documentary about Prince Edward Island, Canada by Mark Martucci.
- published: 25 Mar 2012
- views: 19342
DIY Skincare Travel Containers - Edward Avila
Don't want to carry all your skincare with you cos it's a lot of shit?! I've got just the thing for you ;D
You can also find me here:
Instagram: @edweird0
Don't want to carry all your skincare with you cos it's a lot of shit?! I've got just the thing for you ;D
You can also find me here:
Instagram: @edweird0
Twitter: http://twitter.com/edweird0
Tumblr: http://ed-weirdo.tumblr.com
Eeeey I'm Eddy and welcome to my ~Twisted Mind~ just kidding. I live in South Korea (right now heh) and I like to make beauty, fashion, hair, skincare, and daily life videos so I hope you uh come join me on this ride *rides off into the sun*.
I started out out on youtube many a year ago creating short "comedy" videos but I quickly came to realize how much I enjoyed creating educational/how to/tutorial type videos. The feedback and the direct communication I was able to have with my viewers really pushed me to take YouTube more seriously and now I just enjoy bringing out something new every to show you guys.
Email: edwardgavila@yahoo.com
wn.com/Diy Skincare Travel Containers Edward Avila
Don't want to carry all your skincare with you cos it's a lot of shit?! I've got just the thing for you ;D
You can also find me here:
Instagram: @edweird0
Twitter: http://twitter.com/edweird0
Tumblr: http://ed-weirdo.tumblr.com
Eeeey I'm Eddy and welcome to my ~Twisted Mind~ just kidding. I live in South Korea (right now heh) and I like to make beauty, fashion, hair, skincare, and daily life videos so I hope you uh come join me on this ride *rides off into the sun*.
I started out out on youtube many a year ago creating short "comedy" videos but I quickly came to realize how much I enjoyed creating educational/how to/tutorial type videos. The feedback and the direct communication I was able to have with my viewers really pushed me to take YouTube more seriously and now I just enjoy bringing out something new every to show you guys.
Email: edwardgavila@yahoo.com
- published: 24 Aug 2015
- views: 6334
Travel Book Review: Eritrea, 4th (Bradt Travel Guide) by Edward Denison, Edward Paice
This is the summary of Eritrea, 4th (Bradt Travel Guide) by Edward Denison, Edward Paice....
This is the summary of Eritrea, 4th (Bradt Travel Guide) by Edward Denison, Edward Paice.
wn.com/Travel Book Review Eritrea, 4Th (Bradt Travel Guide) By Edward Denison, Edward Paice
This is the summary of Eritrea, 4th (Bradt Travel Guide) by Edward Denison, Edward Paice.
- published: 11 Aug 2012
- views: 60
Prince Edward Island: Top Attractions
This lovely island is Canada's smallest province. Here, http://www.WatchMojo.com checks out a few of the top tourist attractions found in Prince Edward Island....
This lovely island is Canada's smallest province. Here, http://www.WatchMojo.com checks out a few of the top tourist attractions found in Prince Edward Island.
wn.com/Prince Edward Island Top Attractions
This lovely island is Canada's smallest province. Here, http://www.WatchMojo.com checks out a few of the top tourist attractions found in Prince Edward Island.
- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 34582
PERRIE EDWARDS Inspired Fresh/Nude Glam - Glowy Skin Makeup!
⇢ Check out IT COSMETICS: http://bit.ly/1Pzni8j and use promo code "LoveITAug" for a free travel size No-Tug Waterproof Gel Eyeliner + free shipping with any $3...
⇢ Check out IT COSMETICS: http://bit.ly/1Pzni8j and use promo code "LoveITAug" for a free travel size No-Tug Waterproof Gel Eyeliner + free shipping with any $35 itcosmetics.com purchase, until 8/31.
Today I’ll show you how to create this fresh, nude glamorous look with GLOWY SKIN! Hope you enjoy & thanks for watching!
▷ Have you seen my previous video? EASY + AFFORDABLE Back to School Makeup! » https://youtu.be/B8hfAoh4yxk
▷ SUBSCRIBE to my channel » http://bit.ly/SubscribeNikkieTutorials for a new video every Wednesday and Sunday 4.00pm EST/1.00pm PST!
BLOG » http://www.nikkietutorials.com
TWITTER » http://www.twitter.com/Nikkietutorials
FACEBOOK » http://www.facebook.com/NikkieTutorials
INSTAGRAM » https://instagram.com/nikkietutorials/
SNAPCHAT » Nikkietutorials
▷ MY MOM'S SHOP: HETHANNAHHUIS: http://www.hethannahhuis.nl/
▷ FAQ ∙ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: http://www.nikkietutorials.com/site/faq/
The Power of MAKEUP! » http://wp.me/p2GjTk-29f
Glowy Daytime Glam Makeup + Hair » http://wp.me/p2GjTk-27n
Vintage Glam PROM Makeup » http://wp.me/p2GjTk-27B
► Music Provided by Spinnin' Records:
LANY - ILYSB (Ferdinand Weber Remix)
► Music Provided by Spinnin' Records:
KSHMR - Jammu
► Music Provided by Spinnin' Records:
Bobby Burns - Satellites ft. Hannah Robinson
**Feature sponsored by It Cosmetics. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my viewers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising.
Thanks so much for watching, I love you! ♡
wn.com/Perrie Edwards Inspired Fresh Nude Glam Glowy Skin Makeup
⇢ Check out IT COSMETICS: http://bit.ly/1Pzni8j and use promo code "LoveITAug" for a free travel size No-Tug Waterproof Gel Eyeliner + free shipping with any $35 itcosmetics.com purchase, until 8/31.
Today I’ll show you how to create this fresh, nude glamorous look with GLOWY SKIN! Hope you enjoy & thanks for watching!
▷ Have you seen my previous video? EASY + AFFORDABLE Back to School Makeup! » https://youtu.be/B8hfAoh4yxk
▷ SUBSCRIBE to my channel » http://bit.ly/SubscribeNikkieTutorials for a new video every Wednesday and Sunday 4.00pm EST/1.00pm PST!
BLOG » http://www.nikkietutorials.com
TWITTER » http://www.twitter.com/Nikkietutorials
FACEBOOK » http://www.facebook.com/NikkieTutorials
INSTAGRAM » https://instagram.com/nikkietutorials/
SNAPCHAT » Nikkietutorials
▷ MY MOM'S SHOP: HETHANNAHHUIS: http://www.hethannahhuis.nl/
▷ FAQ ∙ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: http://www.nikkietutorials.com/site/faq/
The Power of MAKEUP! » http://wp.me/p2GjTk-29f
Glowy Daytime Glam Makeup + Hair » http://wp.me/p2GjTk-27n
Vintage Glam PROM Makeup » http://wp.me/p2GjTk-27B
► Music Provided by Spinnin' Records:
LANY - ILYSB (Ferdinand Weber Remix)
► Music Provided by Spinnin' Records:
KSHMR - Jammu
► Music Provided by Spinnin' Records:
Bobby Burns - Satellites ft. Hannah Robinson
**Feature sponsored by It Cosmetics. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my viewers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising.
Thanks so much for watching, I love you! ♡
- published: 19 Aug 2015
- views: 816214
Meet Our Guides: Dave Edwards
Meet "Big Wave" Dave, long time guide and climbing maestro. He's traveled the world on his bike guiding from the jungles of Costa Rica to the back roads of his ...
Meet "Big Wave" Dave, long time guide and climbing maestro. He's traveled the world on his bike guiding from the jungles of Costa Rica to the back roads of his current home in Greenville, SC. Learn more about our guides at http://www.trektravel.com/why-trek-travel/our-team/
wn.com/Meet Our Guides Dave Edwards
Meet "Big Wave" Dave, long time guide and climbing maestro. He's traveled the world on his bike guiding from the jungles of Costa Rica to the back roads of his current home in Greenville, SC. Learn more about our guides at http://www.trektravel.com/why-trek-travel/our-team/
- published: 14 Apr 2014
- views: 979
Kimberly's Travel Adventures - Rwanda with Edward the Gorilla Translator
For more health tips, visit my blog: http://kimberlysnyder.net/blog/
Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/_kimberlysnyder
Facebook: https://www.facebook...
For more health tips, visit my blog: http://kimberlysnyder.net/blog/
Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/_kimberlysnyder
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KimberlySnyderCN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_KimberlySnyder
wn.com/Kimberly's Travel Adventures Rwanda With Edward The Gorilla Translator
For more health tips, visit my blog: http://kimberlysnyder.net/blog/
Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/_kimberlysnyder
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KimberlySnyderCN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_KimberlySnyder
- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 2133
Travel Oman - On assignment with Nat Geo photographer Jason Edwards
Ever wondered what it is like for a National Geographic photographer on assignment?
As the mentor of our Travel Photography Scholarship, Nat Geo photographer J...
Ever wondered what it is like for a National Geographic photographer on assignment?
As the mentor of our Travel Photography Scholarship, Nat Geo photographer Jason Edwards travelled to Oman with Oman Tourism and Peregrine Adventures to capture the people and landscapes of this stunning country.
Watch as Jason shares his journey through Oman with mentee Jake Salyers - as well as his tips for aspiring photographers.
wn.com/Travel Oman On Assignment With Nat Geo Photographer Jason Edwards
Ever wondered what it is like for a National Geographic photographer on assignment?
As the mentor of our Travel Photography Scholarship, Nat Geo photographer Jason Edwards travelled to Oman with Oman Tourism and Peregrine Adventures to capture the people and landscapes of this stunning country.
Watch as Jason shares his journey through Oman with mentee Jake Salyers - as well as his tips for aspiring photographers.
- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 3927
VLOG by Edward: "My 21 place and HLTV TOP and travel to USA" (ENG SUBS)
VLOG by Edward: "My 21 place and HLTV TOP and travel to USA" (ENG SUBS)
Subscribe to Na`Vi YouTube channel if you lik...
VLOG by Edward: "My 21 place and HLTV TOP and travel to USA" (ENG SUBS)
Subscribe to Na`Vi YouTube channel if you like our videos:
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wn.com/Vlog By Edward My 21 Place And Hltv Top And Travel To USA (Eng Subs)
VLOG by Edward: "My 21 place and HLTV TOP and travel to USA" (ENG SUBS)
Subscribe to Na`Vi YouTube channel if you like our videos:
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- published: 02 Mar 2015
- views: 28282
Edgar Wright - How to Do Visual Comedy
If you love visual comedy, you gotta love Edgar Wright, one of the few filmmakers who is consistently finding humor through framing, camera movement, editing, g...
If you love visual comedy, you gotta love Edgar Wright, one of the few filmmakers who is consistently finding humor through framing, camera movement, editing, goofy sound effects and music. This is an analysis and appreciation of one of our finest comedic voices.
For educational purposes only. You can donate to support the channel at
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/everyframeapainting
And follow me here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tonyszhou
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyframeapainting
For further reading/viewing, I highly recommend
David Bordwell's essay on funny framings: http://davidbordwell.net/blog/2007/04/30/funny-framings/
And David Chen's video essay on Wright's use of close-ups: https://vimeo.com/85311313
And Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohJtvuCAsp4
Sex Bob-omb - We Are Sex Bob-omb
Primal Scream - Loaded
Tubthumper - Kick Out the Jams
Rob Viktum- 4/17/75
Pete Woodhead & Daniel Mudford - You've Got Red on You / Shaun of the Dead Suite
DJ Shadow - Why Hip Hop Sucks in '96
Help us caption & translate this video!
wn.com/Edgar Wright How To Do Visual Comedy
If you love visual comedy, you gotta love Edgar Wright, one of the few filmmakers who is consistently finding humor through framing, camera movement, editing, goofy sound effects and music. This is an analysis and appreciation of one of our finest comedic voices.
For educational purposes only. You can donate to support the channel at
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/everyframeapainting
And follow me here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tonyszhou
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyframeapainting
For further reading/viewing, I highly recommend
David Bordwell's essay on funny framings: http://davidbordwell.net/blog/2007/04/30/funny-framings/
And David Chen's video essay on Wright's use of close-ups: https://vimeo.com/85311313
And Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohJtvuCAsp4
Sex Bob-omb - We Are Sex Bob-omb
Primal Scream - Loaded
Tubthumper - Kick Out the Jams
Rob Viktum- 4/17/75
Pete Woodhead & Daniel Mudford - You've Got Red on You / Shaun of the Dead Suite
DJ Shadow - Why Hip Hop Sucks in '96
Help us caption & translate this video!
- published: 27 May 2014
- views: 1393940
Guide To Lebanon
A guide to Lebanon showing different sights and an introduction to the lifestyle and the people. As Lebanon was on the Forbes list of top destinations and is hi...
A guide to Lebanon showing different sights and an introduction to the lifestyle and the people. As Lebanon was on the Forbes list of top destinations and is hitting the top spots in many of the "places to visit" lists around the world, this video offers an insight of what to expect.
wn.com/Guide To Lebanon
A guide to Lebanon showing different sights and an introduction to the lifestyle and the people. As Lebanon was on the Forbes list of top destinations and is hitting the top spots in many of the "places to visit" lists around the world, this video offers an insight of what to expect.
- published: 06 Jul 2012
- views: 133498
Reiseführer: Stockholm, Schweden | Travel Guide: Stockholm, Sweden
| Insider Tipps für den perfekten Winter-Urlaub in Stockholm | The best places of interest in the city of Stockholm | Two nice guys! | Have fun with our Travel ...
| Insider Tipps für den perfekten Winter-Urlaub in Stockholm | The best places of interest in the city of Stockholm | Two nice guys! | Have fun with our Travel Guide for Stockholm (Sweden) - a trailer about our trip! | | | You like our video? Please, comment, like and share!
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home (RAC Mix)
Jahzzar -Fireworks
Dexter Britain -Waking Up Instrumental
All music in this video are free for download with permission for commercial use.
wn.com/Reiseführer Stockholm, Schweden | Travel Guide Stockholm, Sweden
| Insider Tipps für den perfekten Winter-Urlaub in Stockholm | The best places of interest in the city of Stockholm | Two nice guys! | Have fun with our Travel Guide for Stockholm (Sweden) - a trailer about our trip! | | | You like our video? Please, comment, like and share!
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home (RAC Mix)
Jahzzar -Fireworks
Dexter Britain -Waking Up Instrumental
All music in this video are free for download with permission for commercial use.
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 3265