Join our live online musical performance and discussion with Jamie Kilstein on Thursday, February 25 at 8pm east.

Shadowproof journalist Kevin Gosztola and Jamie will talk about protest music, comedy and his new project, Jamie Kilstein & The Agenda.

Shadowproof Events are FREE to attend! Click here to RSVP.

The Dissenter

Albert Woodfox (
19 Feb 2016

After Release, Albert Woodfox Pledges To Fight For End To ‘Barbarous Use of Solitary’

Albert Woodfox, known as one of the “Angola 3,” was finally released from the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola. He spent over four decades in solitary confinement, and had his conviction for second-degree murder overturned three times. Each time, despite clear evidence of abuse and corruption, the state of Louisiana

Michael Moore plants an American flag in a living room in "Where To Invade Next." (Screenshot from the trailer)
19 Feb 2016

‘Where To Invade Next’ Shows Americans Can Live Better If They Believe Anything’s Possible

Michael Moore’s latest documentary is meant to inspire Americans with great ideas for social justice policies inspired by his visits to Europe.

A portrait of Younous Abdurrahman Chekkouri in an orange prisoner's jumpsuit. After being imprisoned for 13 years without charges in Guantanamo Bay prison, Yunus was sent to Morocco last week, where he remains in custody. (Reprieve)
18 Feb 2016

How US Destroyed Former Guantánamo Prisoner’s Life, ‘Slandered’ Him, And Left Him To Suffer In Moroccan Jail

Because of U.S. reluctance to admit Younous Chekkouri’s innocence, Morocco is threatening to subject the former Guantanamo prisoner to more investigations.

Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters after conceding to Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire (Photo by Ted Eytan)
18 Feb 2016

The Problem With The Bourgeois Feminist Defense Of Hillary Clinton

After all, how distressing can the financial establishment be to those unaffected by its destruction?


Prison Protest

Photo from UUSC report, "No Safe Haven Here: Children and Families Face Trauma in the Hands of U.S. Immigration"
12 Feb 2016

Texas Lowers Childcare Standards To Keep Private Family Detention Centers Open

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission quietly lowered standards for licensing childcare facilities, allowing family detention centers to stay open.

President Barack Obama addresses the audience at Penn State. (Penn State on Flickr)
09 Feb 2016

Did Obama Approve GOP Efforts To Water-Down Criminal Justice Reform?

Republicans are likely to further weaken bipartisan criminal justice reform, and it appears President Obama may have given them the green light.

Michael Marshall paces a hallway at the Denver Detention Center moments before his death (Screenshot from video obtained by the Colorado Independent)
05 Feb 2016

Denver Inmate’s Death Calls Attention to Disturbing Use of Restraints in Jails

Michael Marshall, a fifty year-old homeless black man in Denver, Colorado, who was jailed for trespassing, died while officers restrained him. His death has received a substantial amount of attention. Sadly, there is not much that is unique about Marshall’s case. A survey of news reports from the last three

Administrative United States Penitentiary Thomson (Photo from Bureau of Prisons)
26 Jan 2016

Obama Limits Solitary Confinement As Government Plans New Supermax Facility

President Barack Obama announced his administration will take action to limit the use of solitary confinement in federal prisons. The actions, determined by recommendations made by a Justice Department task force in July 2015, include a ban on the use of solitary confinement against juveniles and as a response to low-level infractions. The administration


The Bullpen

Hillary Clinton gives a speech to supporters after conceding to Bernie Sanders [Hooksett New Hampshire, USA] (Ted Eytan on Flickr)
19 Feb 2016

Clinton Defends Withholding Transcripts, Tells Dishonest Wall Street Story During Town Hall

Last night in Nevada, the two remaining candidates to be the Democratic Party’s 2016 nominee participated in a town hall ahead of this weekend’s caucus. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton faced more questions concerning the $2.9 million she personally made in Wall Street speaking fees. One member of the

Neel Kashkari spoke at the Brookings Institution on Feb. 16. (YouTube screenshot)
17 Feb 2016

Even Bank Bailout Architect Says Time To Break Up Banks

In a recent speech, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Chairman Neel Kaskkari said only breaking up the Too Big To Fail banks can prevent another financial crisis.

A Very Heavy Agenda
15 Feb 2016

PREVIEW: Talk With A Very Heavy Agenda Series Director Robbie Martin

On Feb. 18th at 8 pm EST, Dan Wright will talk with Robbie Martin about “A Very Heavy Agenda,” & the rise of neoconservativism from George W. Bush to today.

Hillary Clinton stands at a podium while speaking at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa on June 14, 2015. (Flickr / Gregory Hauenstein)
15 Feb 2016

Hillary Clinton Claims To Oppose Breaking Up The Banks Because Racism

Hillary Clinton asked a crowd, “If we broke up the big banks tomorrow, would that end racism? Would that end sexism?”


The Next Cold War

Russian air force airdrops humanitarian aid in Deir Ez-Zour (photo by Russian Ministry of Defense)
19 Feb 2016

United States, Russia, Agencies Coordinate Syria Humanitarian Aid

Next Cold War 2/19/16 Last week’s deal by the International Syrian Support Group (ISSG) in which they agreed to work to expedite aid to besieged areas of Syria and work on a cessation of hostilities succeeded in getting more aid trucks and an arrangement for airdrops but the group struggles

Andriy Biletsky stands with members of the Azov Brigade in Ukraine in June 2014 as a news crew watches. (Wikimedia Commons / My News24)
18 Feb 2016

Discussing Ukraine On The Scott Horton Show

Dan Wright appeared on the Scott Horton Show to discuss how Congress killed a proposed ban on US military training of neo-Nazi militia groups in Ukraine.

President Obama in the Oval Office During an Intelligence Briefing (by White House)
17 Feb 2016

Obama ASEAN Comments Signal Return to Regime Change Policy in Syria

Next Cold War Roundup 2/17/16 Obama’s Harsh Remarks for Russia _ At the ASEAN conference, Obama received questions about recent advances by the Syria-Russia coalition.  His position sounds very much like a return to the aggressive, neocon + interventionist blend that had been toned down in the past month or

"CF-1 flight test" (US Navy / Andy Wolfe)
16 Feb 2016

New Cold War Declared

Fulfilling the hopes of neoconservatives in DC and beyond, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has now admitted to what has been increasingly obvious for some time; the West and Russia are in a new Cold War. Medvedev blamed NATO for the new tension, saying, “NATO’s policy with regard to Russia

