- published: 19 Jul 2011
- views: 1040
CHS Inc. (NASDAQ: CHSCP) is a Fortune 500 business owned by United States agricultural cooperatives, farmers, ranchers and thousands of preferred stock holders; based in suburban St. Paul, Minnesota. It owns and operates various food processing and wholesale, farm supply, Cenex brand fuel, financial services and retail businesses, and is a co-owner of Ventura Foods, a vegetable oil processor.
It is ranked 1st on the National Cooperative Bank Co-op 100 list of mutuals and cooperatives (ranked by 2009 revenue), and 103rd (by 2010 revenue) in the Fortune 500 2010 list of United States corporations. CHS is the 25th largest convenience store chain in the United States.
CHS today is the result of many mergers of farmer-owned cooperatives. Significant events include the following.
In 1931 Farmers Union Central Exchange was founded in Saint Paul, Minnesota. That core cooperative company later became Cenex, a combination from the last two words in its former name.
In 1998, Cenex merged with Harvest States Cooperatives to form Cenex Harvest States.
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CHS Inc.