Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good question…

…from Goldy's feature story in The Stranger...
...when longtime Reichert observers started speculating that his recent head injury may have resulted in permanent brain damage, the first question I had to ask myself was: “How would you know?”
I dunno, how would you?

I'll tell you something I do know - if I lived in WA-8 I'd vote for Suzan DelBene.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Good question.

Atrios asks...
Exactly why is anything Newt Gingrich says newsworthy?
Good question. So good, in fact, that it should be put, pointedly and repeatedly, to anyone and everyone who cites, quotes or interviews the disgraced former Speaker on any subject in any venue.

An exception can be made, I suppose, should he be heard to say "Guilty, your Honor," in a superior court somewhere.

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Saturday, August 07, 2010

Good question…

…from Glenn Greenwald.
Does anyone doubt that once a society ceases to be able to afford schools, public transit, paved roads, libraries and street lights -- or once it chooses not to be able to afford those things in pursuit of imperial priorities and the maintenance of a vast Surveillance and National Security State -- that a very serious problem has arisen, that things have gone seriously awry, that imperial collapse, by definition, is an imminent inevitability?
Of course, I've never been all that fond of the empire thing, anyway. Don't think I'd miss it, but some of the potential replacements are pretty scary. Some, on the other hand, seem somewhat idyllic.

As always, vigilance and hard work seem to be in order.

Hat tip to Gordon.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Good questions…

The Gavel responds to the latest Boehner boner by wondering...
Which of these proposed federal regulations to protect taxpayers and consumers does Mr. Boehner think is “a great idea” to stop to give “breathing room” to the special interests?
SAFE CRIBS AND BASSINETS FOR CHILDREN: The Commission is proposing a more stringent safety standard for bassinets and cradles that will further reduce the risk of injury associated with these products.

TRANSPARENT GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING: The establishment of a free, public, website containing full disclosure of all Federal contract award information.

CONSUMER PROTECTIONS FOR AMERICAN AIR TRAVELERS: New action to strengthen the rights of air travelers in the event of oversales, flight cancellations and long delays, and to ensure that passengers have accurate and adequate information to make informed decisions when selecting flights.

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Good question...

…from a slightly R-rated dog blog.

Couldn't resist...

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Good question…

…from the Speaker...
"What is it that Republicans in the Senate and House don't understand about the need for jobs in America?"
I suppose the best answer is "anything." The don't understand anything about the need for jobs in America. They don't, in fact, understand anything about most anything.

Hat tip to Joan McCarter.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good question…

…from Jed Lewison.
Why did Carly Fiorina doubt Meg Whitman could handle Hannity?

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Saturday, June 05, 2010

Good question…

…from Matt Yglesias.
Of course Israelis don’t want to be hit by rockets, but why shouldn’t Gaza’s civilians have electricity?

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Speaking of questions…

Dennis G. has another one.
Do you really think that you could have Anti-Government Republicans in charge for 30 plus years and actively working to destroy the infrastructure of government without causing system failures?
Since you asked, no, I don't. Not at all.

How 'bout you?

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Good questions?

Cookie Jill's got a batch of 'em…
· why aren't we working on energy efficiency?
· why aren't we talking about our infrastructure's dependency upon oil?
· why are we so dependent upon the ooey gooey stuff?
· where are the "drill baby, drill" folks now?
· why is offshore drilling here in the u.s. not ok for the u.s. environmentalists but they are silent when the drilling is offshore in other countries? shouldn't we be concerned about their environment too?
· how much oil is required to ship food all over the united states?
· why is bp more powerful than the u.s?
· why are activists arrested but oil company executives are not?
· why aren't people being questioned about what they would be willing to give up to lessen our country's dependency upon oil?
…and "Because" isn't an answer.

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Good question...

...for the Baraquitter from Ron Chusid...
Hey Sarah Palin, how is that winkey, stupidy thing working out for you?
Survey says not so good.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good question…

From Bob Herbert.
How can you look out for the interests of working people with Tim Geithner whispering in one ear and Larry Summers in the other?
I'm stumped. How?

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Good question…

…from Scott Nance.
If, through intentional inaction on the Left, Democrats across the board go down to defeat, just who really would be punished?
Me. Probably you. Certainly not the banksters and bigots.

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Monday, January 04, 2010

Good question…

…from the good Roger Ailes.
So when does Brit Hume advise Charles Krauthammer that if he accepts Jesus as his personal Saviour he will walk again?

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Good question...

…from Paul Krugman...
What, if anything, does "moving to the center" mean?
I'm not sure myself, but it's probably not what you think, no matter who you are.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Good question…

…from Chris in Paris.
Is it ethical and morally acceptable to maintain the posh Wall Street lifestyle when we are seeing so many Americans falling so far behind?
Not in my America.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Good question…

…from aimai.
Elvis Impersonators make good money imitating Elvis. Tina Fey made good money imitating Sarah Palin. Why shouldn't Sarah Palin make good money imitating a Presidential Candidate?
Nothing, I suppose, as long as she keeps us laughing...

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Good question.

Tom Harper wonders...
And who exactly still listens to the GOP weekly address? Does their audience include ANYBODY whose parents aren’t first cousins???

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Good question.

John Cole ponders the great debate...
Do the men who write for ABC’s the Note have sex with barnyard animals, as some suggest?

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Good question...

…from Col Pat Lang.
Does the Times now believe that armed resistance to a government, any government is by definition "terrorism?"
And furthermore...
By that standard was George Washington a terrorist? Were the Machabees terrorists? How about Simon Bolivar, was he a terrorist? Was Emilio Aguinaldo a terrorist?
Are the Baluchis? Really?

That's not rhetorical. I'm about as non-authoritative about Iranian political and religious factions as you'll find. It's not hard to imagine that a group that's a religious, cultural, geographic and language minority has a legitimate grievance or two with an authoritarian fundamentalist regime.

Of course, there's a counter-argument to be made along the lines of "So what?" Sure, insurgents and revolutionaries use terror. What else, in many cases, do they have? Terror is, by these terms, simply a tactic, to be used for good or ill, and shouldn't be considered a pejorative at all absent context. I confess that I'm pretty sympathetic to this notion.

Yep, good question. Got me thinkin'...

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