- published: 22 Jan 2016
- views: 10
Text figures (also known as non-lining, lowercase, old style,ranging, hanging, medieval, billing, or antique figures or numerals) are numerals typeset with varying heights in a fashion that resembles a typical line of running text, hence the name. They are contrasted with lining figures (also called titling or modern figures), which are the same height as upper-case letters.
In text figures, the shape and positioning of the numerals vary as those of lowercase letters do. In the most common scheme, 0, 1, and 2 are of x-height, having neither ascenders nor descenders; 6 and 8 have ascenders; and 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 have descenders. Other schemes exist; for example, the types cut by the Didot family of punchcutters and typographers in France between the late 18th and early 19th centuries typically had an ascending 3, a form preserved in some later French typefaces. A few other typefaces used different arrangements.
High-quality typesetting generally prefers text figures in body text: they integrate better with lowercase letters and small capitals, and their greater variety of shape facilitates reading. They help accomplish consistent typographic colour in blocks of text, unlike runs of lining figures, which can distract the eye. (Such a distraction may be desired when numbers are to stand out, for example in scientific text.) Lining figures are called for in all-capitals settings (hence the alternative name titling figures), and may work better in tables and spreadsheets. Some typographers disagree with these opinions, and maintain that a skilled typesetter can do an adequate, if not superior, job using text figures.
Text figures
18240 Excel2010 Of Convert Numeric Data To Text Figures
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How to insert figures into text.
How to remove figures from text Как удалить цифры из текста
Research writing tips: How to best apply tables and figures in text in research writing
How to Draw a Stick Figure (School of Youtube)
Two Figures Check Out Crashed UFO On Mars
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Create a Table of Contents and Table of Figures - Microsoft Word
Text figures Text figures (also known as non-lining, lowercase, old style, ranging, hanging, medieval, billing, or antique figures or numerals) are numerals typeset with varying heights in a fashion that resembles a typical line of running text, hence the name.They are contrasted with lining figures (also called titling or modern figures), which are the same height as upper-case letters. =======Image-Copyright-Info======= Image is in public domain Author-Info: Traced by User:Stannered Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mediaevalziffern.svg =======Image-Copyright-Info======== -Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVSm8InrJlA
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A simple tutorial explaining how to insert figures into a text file.
How to remove figures from text Как удалить цифры из текста
In this article, I discuss how best to present figures and tables in view of numbering, detailing, and presenting them within the rest of research paper content. Read more at http://www.bestessayservices.com/ or http://www.customwritingservice.org/
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An image taken by the mars curiosity rover, appears to show two humanoids, and a crashed UFO on the Martian landscape. http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/904/1P208441438EFF74ZTP2293R2M1.JPG Visit My Blog: http://theparanormalcrucible.blogspot.co.uk/ Please subscribe to watch more great vids.
This tutorial will explain how to create and update a multi-level table of contents and a table a figures using Microsoft Word 2010. We will mark text as Heading 1 and also level 1 as well as apply captions to images. This can all be done under the Reference Tab.
PyData SV 2014 Tutorial - IPython provides an architecture for interactive computing. The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computing environment for exploratory and reproducible computing. With the IPython Notebook, users create documents, called notebooks, that contain formatted text, figures, equations, programming code, and code output. As of version 2.0, the IPython Notebook includes interactive JavaScript widgets. These widgets provide a way for users to interact with UI controls in the browser that are tied to Python code in running in the kernel. We will begin by covering the highest-level API for these widgets, "interact," which automatically builds a user interface for exploring a Python function. Next we will describe the lower-level widget objects that are included w...
PyData Sv 2014 Tutorial - IPython provides an architecture for interactive computing. The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computing environment for exploratory and reproducible computing. With the IPython Notebook, users create documents, called notebooks, that contain formatted text, figures, equations, programming code, and code output. As of version 2.0, the IPython Notebook includes interactive JavaScript widgets. These widgets provide a way for users to interact with UI controls in the browser that are tied to Python code in running in the kernel. We will begin by covering the highest-level API for these widgets, "interact," which automatically builds a user interface for exploring a Python function. Next we will describe the lower-level widget objects that are included w...
PyData SV 2014 IPython provides an architecture for interactive computing. The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computing environment for exploratory and reproducible computing. With the IPython Notebook, users create documents, called notebooks, that contain formatted text, figures, equations, programming code, and code output. As of version 2.0, the IPython Notebook includes interactive JavaScript widgets. These widgets provide a way for users to interact with UI controls in the browser that are tied to Python code in running in the kernel. We will begin by covering the highest-level API for these widgets, "interact," which automatically builds a user interface for exploring a Python function. Next we will describe the lower-level widget objects that are included with IPython...
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(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) James Kugel, director of the Institute for the History of the Jewish Bible at Bar Ilan University, argues that the Hebrew Bible was, from the beginning, the Interpreted Bible. In the third and second centuries B.C.E. -- well before the last books of the Bible were written -- groups of interpreters were puzzling over the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Esau, and other ancient figures. Their interpretations were often fanciful, and sometimes wildly inventive, but their grasp of the very idea of the Bible is still with us and continues to influence today's readers. Series: "Burke Lectureship on Religion & Society" [6/2013] [Humanities] [Show ID: 24917]
Pushing the Community Forward: http://www.meetup.com/visualizemydata/events/161570292/ and http://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-d3-User-Group/events/161420362/ Combined event between Bay Area d3 User Group and Data Visualization Group in the Bay Area. The goal of this event is to create a conversation in the community around ideas that help challenge the ways people work with and comprehend information. Event Details 6:30 - 7:00: Beer and Pizza 7:00 - 8:30: Talks followed by Q&A; 8:30 - 9:00: Networking Talks Whatever Happened to "Augmenting Human Intellect"? - Scott Murray (University of San Francisco) The fundamental role of data visualization is to express information in a form more palatable to human perception than rows and columns of raw values. We are visual creatures, and vis...
Abstract: The ContentMine (http://contentmine.org/) has developed Open tools for mining the scientific and medical literature (full text, figures, images and supplemental data). We have developed a pipeline to cover the whole process of Crawling, Scraping, Normalising and Mining articles and storing/republishing the results. We are now doing this on a daily basis. The ContentMine is funded by a Fellowship to PMR from the Shuttleworth Foundation. The aims include the creation of subcommunities, and unrestricted dissemination of all materials, code and results (Apache 2, CC-BY and CC0 as appropriate). We intend to generate publish 100 million facts per year available for use and re-use. The system is designed to allow anyone to create pluggable resources (code, vocabularies) and to make Con...