- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 1535
The service mark symbol, designated by ℠ (the letters SM written in superscript style), is a symbol commonly used in the United States to provide notice that the preceding mark is a service mark. This symbol has some legal force, and is typically used for service marks not yet registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; registered service marks are instead marked with the same symbol used for registered trademarks, the registered trademark symbol ®. The proper manner to display the symbol is immediately following the mark in superscript style.
The character is mapped in Unicode as U+2120 ℠ service mark (HTML: ℠
). Unlike the similar trademark symbol, there is no simple built-in way to type the service mark symbol on Microsoft Windows or Macintosh systems though it is easily created on Linux systems with the key combination "Compose, s, m".
A service mark or servicemark is a trademark used in some countries, notably the United States, to identify a service rather than a product. When a service mark is federally registered, the standard registration symbol ® or "Reg U.S. Pat & TM Off" may be used (the same symbol is used to mark registered trademarks). Before it is registered, it is common practice (with some legal standing) to use the service mark symbol ℠ (a superscript SM).
A service mark differs from a trademark in that the mark is used on the advertising of the service rather than on the packaging or delivery of the service, since there is generally no "package" to place the mark on, which is the practice for trademarks. For example, a private carrier can paint its service mark on its vehicles, such as on planes or buses. Personal service providers can place their service marks on their delivery vehicles, such as on the trucks of plumbers or on moving vans. However, if the service deals with communications, it is possible to use a service mark consisting of a sound (a sound trademark) in the process of delivering the service. This has been done in the case of AT&T, which uses a tone sound followed by a woman speaking the company's name to identify its long distance service, MGM, which uses the sound of a lion's roar, and RKO, which uses a Morse code signal for their motion pictures.
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