Now America knows what a tinhorn dictator budget looks like

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My grandfather A.B. Bunch always used to tell me, "Never trust the federal budget when it comes with a Nazi-sympathizer slogan on the front... Read more

Even the FOP's candidate for Philly DA is kind of liberal

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Like their distant cousins in the Canadian Royal Mounted Police, Philadelphia's FOP finally got its man in the wide-open race for district... Read more

One weird trick that truly terrifies Trump and the GOP

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Between the familiar comforts of Mar-a-Lago, the protective bubble of the White House and his trusty TV remote, President Trump doesn't seem... Read more

GOP needs to reject Rep. Steve King's racism...or own it

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It's a mixed blessing when you become a full-time newspaper columnist in the age of Trump. On the plus shortage of material. But... Read more

Bunch: How America's dullest senator became Woke Bob Casey

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OK, so the speaking style can still come off like a 3 a.m. radio DJ overdosing on Sominex. But to the nearly 750 people who packed the dreary... Read more

Will the Russia scandal actually end up helping Trump?

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I've essentially said this in a couple of other recent posts, but when it comes to the smoldering scandal involving President Trump, some of... Read more

Here's 400 people working to destroy your government from inside

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It's impossible to turn on your TV these days without hearing about Russian spies, and I'm not just talking about the return of "The Americans"... Read more

Rich people make off with $250 billion, call it "health care"

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For Republicans in Washington, D.C., Monday began with theft and ended with theft. OK, maybe it's more of a "misdemeanor" than a "high crime"... Read more