Projekt Masaż - Fizjoterapia ĆWICZENIA BIERNE I 20#
Gabinet fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/gabinet/
Kursy dla praktyków fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/kursy/
W filmie wkradła się mała pomyłka 3:12 chodzi o mięśnie synergistyczne a nie antagonistyczne.
Pierwsza część ćwiczeń biernych. Zaprezentujemy jak je wykonać i o co w nich chodzi. Nauczycie się także Testu Lovetta.
W odcinku konkurs! Do rozdania mamy 3
Projekt Masaż - Fizjoterapia ĆWICZENIA BIERNE II 21#
Gabinet fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/gabinet/
Kursy dla praktyków fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/kursy/
Druga i ostatnia część ćwiczeń biernych. Dzisiaj schodzimy niżej, czyli do poziomu nóg :)
Losujemy także nagrody, po które zgłosiło się rekordowe 200 osób! Najchętniej każdego z Was wynagrodzilibyśmy olejkami, ale mieliśmy ich ograniczoną liczbę. Zwycię
Brixen forklarer om bierne og blomsterne til Vium
Brixen udfører seksualundervisning for Vium, så han ved, hvordan han skal gøre!
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/Gamerhuset
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.dk/Gamerhuset
Hjemmeside ► http://www.Gamerhuset.dk/
Artist: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
E-papierosy: Bierne palenie
Papierosy tradycyjne zagrażają nie tylko palaczom, ale także osobom w ich pobliżu. Zapalony papieros emituje dym bezpośrednio do otoczenia. 65% dymu z tradycyjnych papierosów stanowią produkty uboczne spalania - toksyczne substancje smoliste oraz tlenek węgla, które dosłownie wgryzają się we wszystko, co napotkają na swojej drodze: włosy, ubrania, a nawet meble. W jakim stopniu na bierne paleni
Carnaval Bierne 2015
Carnaval de Bierne à coté de Bergues du 24 janvier 2015 en complément des photos du site www.JLBPHOTOS.fr
Kubota Farm Machinery (Bierne, France)
Dansk Minecraft - Pixelmon: Blomsterne og bierne! #11
Smid meget gerne et like! :)
I denne serie spiller jeg "Pixelmon" inde på en "Matrieuxelmon", der er en privat Pixelmon server.
Andre steder du kan følge mig:
- Twitter: @ZagiMC
- Livestream: http://da.twitch.tv/zagilp
- Link til min anden kanal: http://www.youtube.com/c/Zagi2nd
Glem ikke at smide et like, hvis du kan li' videoen :)
Bierne zdobywanie kart steam- poradnik(aktualizacja)
Link do programu : http://www.steamidlemaster.com/
Bierne zdobywanie kart steam- poradnik
Poradnik na przeglądarke google chrome
Obiecany link : https://github.com/jshackles/idle_master
La Bande de Bierne 2015
La Bande de Bierne 2015
Bierne Mølle ved Ullerslev på en kold vinterdag
Bierne Mølle ved Ullerslev på en kold vinterdag.
Bierne Fisher : 1925 to 2014
Private Family Video.
A tribute to my father in law, Bierne Fisher. He passed away on December 6, 2014...Bierne was truly a wonderful man. Sadly missed already.
Kathy A Fisher
PO Box 13
Vernon, CT 06066 USA
Bierne og blomsten ...Zulu Love Camp premiere 5. januar 09 kl. 21.50
5 søde bier har svært ved at finde sig en kæreste.
Så møder de moderblomsten som lærer dem at kontakte blomsterne.
Zulu Love Camp 6 mandage kl. 21.50 - 22.20 fra 5. januar 09 på TV2 Zulu.
Se hvad der sker ....!!!
PAPIEROS ZABIJA - palenie bierne
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
ruchy bierne liniowe.MPG
Bierne sværmer
28 maj 2013 var bierne ude for at finde et nyt hjem.
DamishianDK FTB Ep. 3 - Bierne Virker! - Dansk
Hej og velkommen til DamishianDK's tredje episode af Feed The Beast Ultimate! Christian er desværre ikke med i denne episode men han skal nok komme :) Texture-packen er Soartex Fanver som er en del af FTB Launcherens Texture-Packs.
Musik fra https://machinimasound.com/
4. RMK bierne jako rezerwy
Wykład omawia w jakich przypadkach do rezerw na zobowiązania zaliczamy również bierne rozliczenia międzyokresowe kosztów (RMK bierne). Przedstawia również sytuacje w jakich zgodnie z ustawą o rachunkowości należy utworzyć bierne rozliczenia międzyokresowe kosztów. Porusza kwestię m.in rezerw na św
Bierne Społeczeństwo
Co zrobić, aby dobre multimedia prowadziły do żywej relacji z Jezusem?
Moto news # 9 /smart fortwo cabrio, bezpieczeństwo bierne, Rajd Szwecji - Colin's Crest/
W dzisiejszym odcinku wyjaśniamy pojęcie bezpieczeństwa biernego w samochodzie, przypominamy kto skoczył najdalej na hopie Colina w 2015 roku, zapoznamy WAS z ceną smarta fortwo cabrio - można go już kupić od lutego w salonach oraz z wariacją Citroena czyli SpaceTourer Hyphen.
Bierne sidst i august.
Fodring, dronningeskift, reservefamilier,
Odder biavlerforening 29, aug. 2011
Bierne: Midt i april.
Hvad skal der ske hvis familien er lille eller hvad hvis den er stor i april?
Projekt Masaż - Fizjoterapia ĆWICZENIA BIERNE I 20#
Gabinet fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/gabinet/
Kursy dla praktyków fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/kursy/
W filmie wkrad...
Gabinet fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/gabinet/
Kursy dla praktyków fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/kursy/
W filmie wkradła się mała pomyłka 3:12 chodzi o mięśnie synergistyczne a nie antagonistyczne.
Pierwsza część ćwiczeń biernych. Zaprezentujemy jak je wykonać i o co w nich chodzi. Nauczycie się także Testu Lovetta.
W odcinku konkurs! Do rozdania mamy 3 zestawy olejków ufundowane przez Natur Polska.
Zasady są proste i mieszczą się w trzech punktach:
1. Należy polubić nasz fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/ProjektMasaz
2. Należy polubić fanpage sponsora: http://www.tinyurl.pl/?UT2xSe3d
3. Wysyłacie nam na priva na FB maila, że chcecie wygrać nagrody :)
Uwaga: Nasze filmy przybliżają ideę masażu i nie zawierają wszystkich informacji. Dlatego nie bierzemy odpowiedzialności, za to co zrobicie z informacjami podanymi przez nas. Polecamy poszerzać swoją wiedzę także innymi źródłami.
wn.com/Projekt Masaż Fizjoterapia Ćwiczenia Bierne I 20
Gabinet fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/gabinet/
Kursy dla praktyków fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/kursy/
W filmie wkradła się mała pomyłka 3:12 chodzi o mięśnie synergistyczne a nie antagonistyczne.
Pierwsza część ćwiczeń biernych. Zaprezentujemy jak je wykonać i o co w nich chodzi. Nauczycie się także Testu Lovetta.
W odcinku konkurs! Do rozdania mamy 3 zestawy olejków ufundowane przez Natur Polska.
Zasady są proste i mieszczą się w trzech punktach:
1. Należy polubić nasz fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/ProjektMasaz
2. Należy polubić fanpage sponsora: http://www.tinyurl.pl/?UT2xSe3d
3. Wysyłacie nam na priva na FB maila, że chcecie wygrać nagrody :)
Uwaga: Nasze filmy przybliżają ideę masażu i nie zawierają wszystkich informacji. Dlatego nie bierzemy odpowiedzialności, za to co zrobicie z informacjami podanymi przez nas. Polecamy poszerzać swoją wiedzę także innymi źródłami.
- published: 27 Oct 2012
- views: 26845
Projekt Masaż - Fizjoterapia ĆWICZENIA BIERNE II 21#
Gabinet fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/gabinet/
Kursy dla praktyków fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/kursy/
Druga i ostat...
Gabinet fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/gabinet/
Kursy dla praktyków fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/kursy/
Druga i ostatnia część ćwiczeń biernych. Dzisiaj schodzimy niżej, czyli do poziomu nóg :)
Losujemy także nagrody, po które zgłosiło się rekordowe 200 osób! Najchętniej każdego z Was wynagrodzilibyśmy olejkami, ale mieliśmy ich ograniczoną liczbę. Zwycięzcom gratulujemy, a reszcie życzymy powodzenia w kolejnych konkursach, które nadejdą niebawem.
Uwaga: Nasze filmy przybliżają ideę masażu i nie zawierają wszystkich informacji. Dlatego nie bierzemy odpowiedzialności, za to co zrobicie z informacjami podanymi przez nas. Polecamy poszerzać swoją wiedzę także innymi źródłami.
wn.com/Projekt Masaż Fizjoterapia Ćwiczenia Bierne Ii 21
Gabinet fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/gabinet/
Kursy dla praktyków fizjoterapii i masażu: http://www.projektmasaz.pl/kursy/
Druga i ostatnia część ćwiczeń biernych. Dzisiaj schodzimy niżej, czyli do poziomu nóg :)
Losujemy także nagrody, po które zgłosiło się rekordowe 200 osób! Najchętniej każdego z Was wynagrodzilibyśmy olejkami, ale mieliśmy ich ograniczoną liczbę. Zwycięzcom gratulujemy, a reszcie życzymy powodzenia w kolejnych konkursach, które nadejdą niebawem.
Uwaga: Nasze filmy przybliżają ideę masażu i nie zawierają wszystkich informacji. Dlatego nie bierzemy odpowiedzialności, za to co zrobicie z informacjami podanymi przez nas. Polecamy poszerzać swoją wiedzę także innymi źródłami.
- published: 02 Nov 2012
- views: 16785
Brixen forklarer om bierne og blomsterne til Vium
Brixen udfører seksualundervisning for Vium, så han ved, hvordan han skal gøre!
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/Gamerhuset
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.dk/Gam...
Brixen udfører seksualundervisning for Vium, så han ved, hvordan han skal gøre!
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/Gamerhuset
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.dk/Gamerhuset
Hjemmeside ► http://www.Gamerhuset.dk/
Artist: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
wn.com/Brixen Forklarer Om Bierne Og Blomsterne Til Vium
Brixen udfører seksualundervisning for Vium, så han ved, hvordan han skal gøre!
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/Gamerhuset
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.dk/Gamerhuset
Hjemmeside ► http://www.Gamerhuset.dk/
Artist: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
- published: 10 Jan 2015
- views: 9688
E-papierosy: Bierne palenie
Papierosy tradycyjne zagrażają nie tylko palaczom, ale także osobom w ich pobliżu. Zapalony papieros emituje dym bezpośrednio do otoczenia. 65% dymu z tradycyj...
Papierosy tradycyjne zagrażają nie tylko palaczom, ale także osobom w ich pobliżu. Zapalony papieros emituje dym bezpośrednio do otoczenia. 65% dymu z tradycyjnych papierosów stanowią produkty uboczne spalania - toksyczne substancje smoliste oraz tlenek węgla, które dosłownie wgryzają się we wszystko, co napotkają na swojej drodze: włosy, ubrania, a nawet meble. W jakim stopniu na bierne palenie narażone są osoby przebywające w otoczeniu użytkowników e-papierosów? Co kryje się w aerozolu z e-papierosa? Zobaczcie sami!
Dowiedz się więcej: www.1500razy.pl
wn.com/E Papierosy Bierne Palenie
Papierosy tradycyjne zagrażają nie tylko palaczom, ale także osobom w ich pobliżu. Zapalony papieros emituje dym bezpośrednio do otoczenia. 65% dymu z tradycyjnych papierosów stanowią produkty uboczne spalania - toksyczne substancje smoliste oraz tlenek węgla, które dosłownie wgryzają się we wszystko, co napotkają na swojej drodze: włosy, ubrania, a nawet meble. W jakim stopniu na bierne palenie narażone są osoby przebywające w otoczeniu użytkowników e-papierosów? Co kryje się w aerozolu z e-papierosa? Zobaczcie sami!
Dowiedz się więcej: www.1500razy.pl
- published: 28 Dec 2015
- views: 4952
Carnaval Bierne 2015
Carnaval de Bierne à coté de Bergues du 24 janvier 2015 en complément des photos du site www.JLBPHOTOS.fr...
Carnaval de Bierne à coté de Bergues du 24 janvier 2015 en complément des photos du site www.JLBPHOTOS.fr
wn.com/Carnaval Bierne 2015
Carnaval de Bierne à coté de Bergues du 24 janvier 2015 en complément des photos du site www.JLBPHOTOS.fr
- published: 28 Jan 2015
- views: 1723
Dansk Minecraft - Pixelmon: Blomsterne og bierne! #11
Smid meget gerne et like! :)
I denne serie spiller jeg "Pixelmon" inde på en "Matrieuxelmon", der er en privat Pixelmon server.
Andre steder du kan følge mi...
Smid meget gerne et like! :)
I denne serie spiller jeg "Pixelmon" inde på en "Matrieuxelmon", der er en privat Pixelmon server.
Andre steder du kan følge mig:
- Twitter: @ZagiMC
- Livestream: http://da.twitch.tv/zagilp
- Link til min anden kanal: http://www.youtube.com/c/Zagi2nd
Glem ikke at smide et like, hvis du kan li' videoen :)
wn.com/Dansk Minecraft Pixelmon Blomsterne Og Bierne 11
Smid meget gerne et like! :)
I denne serie spiller jeg "Pixelmon" inde på en "Matrieuxelmon", der er en privat Pixelmon server.
Andre steder du kan følge mig:
- Twitter: @ZagiMC
- Livestream: http://da.twitch.tv/zagilp
- Link til min anden kanal: http://www.youtube.com/c/Zagi2nd
Glem ikke at smide et like, hvis du kan li' videoen :)
- published: 23 Dec 2015
- views: 29420
Bierne zdobywanie kart steam- poradnik(aktualizacja)
Link do programu : http://www.steamidlemaster.com/...
Link do programu : http://www.steamidlemaster.com/
wn.com/Bierne Zdobywanie Kart Steam Poradnik(Aktualizacja)
Link do programu : http://www.steamidlemaster.com/
- published: 08 Jul 2015
- views: 2345
Bierne zdobywanie kart steam- poradnik
Poradnik na przeglądarke google chrome
Obiecany link : https://github.com/jshackles/idle_master...
Poradnik na przeglądarke google chrome
Obiecany link : https://github.com/jshackles/idle_master
wn.com/Bierne Zdobywanie Kart Steam Poradnik
Poradnik na przeglądarke google chrome
Obiecany link : https://github.com/jshackles/idle_master
- published: 26 Oct 2014
- views: 12297
La Bande de Bierne 2015
La Bande de Bierne 2015...
La Bande de Bierne 2015
wn.com/La Bande De Bierne 2015
La Bande de Bierne 2015
- published: 25 Jan 2015
- views: 382
Bierne Mølle ved Ullerslev på en kold vinterdag
Bierne Mølle ved Ullerslev på en kold vinterdag....
Bierne Mølle ved Ullerslev på en kold vinterdag.
wn.com/Bierne Mølle Ved Ullerslev På En Kold Vinterdag
Bierne Mølle ved Ullerslev på en kold vinterdag.
- published: 24 Jan 2016
- views: 40
Bierne Fisher : 1925 to 2014
Private Family Video.
A tribute to my father in law, Bierne Fisher. He passed away on December 6, 2014...Bierne was truly a wonderful man. Sadly missed already....
Private Family Video.
A tribute to my father in law, Bierne Fisher. He passed away on December 6, 2014...Bierne was truly a wonderful man. Sadly missed already.
Kathy A Fisher
PO Box 13
Vernon, CT 06066 USA
wn.com/Bierne Fisher 1925 To 2014
Private Family Video.
A tribute to my father in law, Bierne Fisher. He passed away on December 6, 2014...Bierne was truly a wonderful man. Sadly missed already.
Kathy A Fisher
PO Box 13
Vernon, CT 06066 USA
- published: 08 Dec 2014
- views: 828
Bierne og blomsten ...Zulu Love Camp premiere 5. januar 09 kl. 21.50
5 søde bier har svært ved at finde sig en kæreste.
Så møder de moderblomsten som lærer dem at kontakte blomsterne.
Zulu Love Camp 6 mandage kl. 21.50 - 22.2...
5 søde bier har svært ved at finde sig en kæreste.
Så møder de moderblomsten som lærer dem at kontakte blomsterne.
Zulu Love Camp 6 mandage kl. 21.50 - 22.20 fra 5. januar 09 på TV2 Zulu.
Se hvad der sker ....!!!
wn.com/Bierne Og Blomsten ...Zulu Love Camp Premiere 5. Januar 09 Kl. 21.50
5 søde bier har svært ved at finde sig en kæreste.
Så møder de moderblomsten som lærer dem at kontakte blomsterne.
Zulu Love Camp 6 mandage kl. 21.50 - 22.20 fra 5. januar 09 på TV2 Zulu.
Se hvad der sker ....!!!
- published: 29 Dec 2008
- views: 8428
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)...
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 37
Bierne sværmer
28 maj 2013 var bierne ude for at finde et nyt hjem....
28 maj 2013 var bierne ude for at finde et nyt hjem.
wn.com/Bierne Sværmer
28 maj 2013 var bierne ude for at finde et nyt hjem.
- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 138
DamishianDK FTB Ep. 3 - Bierne Virker! - Dansk
Hej og velkommen til DamishianDK's tredje episode af Feed The Beast Ultimate! Christian er desværre ikke med i denne episode men han skal nok komme :) Texture-p...
Hej og velkommen til DamishianDK's tredje episode af Feed The Beast Ultimate! Christian er desværre ikke med i denne episode men han skal nok komme :) Texture-packen er Soartex Fanver som er en del af FTB Launcherens Texture-Packs.
Musik fra https://machinimasound.com/
wn.com/Damishiandk Ftb Ep. 3 Bierne Virker Dansk
Hej og velkommen til DamishianDK's tredje episode af Feed The Beast Ultimate! Christian er desværre ikke med i denne episode men han skal nok komme :) Texture-packen er Soartex Fanver som er en del af FTB Launcherens Texture-Packs.
Musik fra https://machinimasound.com/
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 4731
4. RMK bierne jako rezerwy
Wykład omawia w jakich przypadkach do rezerw na zobowiązan...
Wykład omawia w jakich przypadkach do rezerw na zobowiązania zaliczamy również bierne rozliczenia międzyokresowe kosztów (RMK bierne). Przedstawia również sytuacje w jakich zgodnie z ustawą o rachunkowości należy utworzyć bierne rozliczenia międzyokresowe kosztów. Porusza kwestię m.in rezerw na świadczenia pracownicze i emerytalne a także rezerwy na naprawy gwarancyjne.
wn.com/4. Rmk Bierne Jako Rezerwy
Wykład omawia w jakich przypadkach do rezerw na zobowiązania zaliczamy również bierne rozliczenia międzyokresowe kosztów (RMK bierne). Przedstawia również sytuacje w jakich zgodnie z ustawą o rachunkowości należy utworzyć bierne rozliczenia międzyokresowe kosztów. Porusza kwestię m.in rezerw na świadczenia pracownicze i emerytalne a także rezerwy na naprawy gwarancyjne.
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 110
Bierne Społeczeństwo
Co zrobić, aby dobre multimedia prowadziły do żywej relacji z Jezusem?...
Co zrobić, aby dobre multimedia prowadziły do żywej relacji z Jezusem?
wn.com/Bierne Społeczeństwo
Co zrobić, aby dobre multimedia prowadziły do żywej relacji z Jezusem?
- published: 22 Jan 2015
- views: 55
Moto news # 9 /smart fortwo cabrio, bezpieczeństwo bierne, Rajd Szwecji - Colin's Crest/
W dzisiejszym odcinku wyjaśniamy pojęcie bezpieczeństwa biernego w samochodzie, przypominamy kto skoczył najd...
W dzisiejszym odcinku wyjaśniamy pojęcie bezpieczeństwa biernego w samochodzie, przypominamy kto skoczył najdalej na hopie Colina w 2015 roku, zapoznamy WAS z ceną smarta fortwo cabrio - można go już kupić od lutego w salonach oraz z wariacją Citroena czyli SpaceTourer Hyphen.
wn.com/Moto News 9 Smart Fortwo Cabrio, Bezpieczeństwo Bierne, Rajd Szwecji Colin's Crest
W dzisiejszym odcinku wyjaśniamy pojęcie bezpieczeństwa biernego w samochodzie, przypominamy kto skoczył najdalej na hopie Colina w 2015 roku, zapoznamy WAS z ceną smarta fortwo cabrio - można go już kupić od lutego w salonach oraz z wariacją Citroena czyli SpaceTourer Hyphen.
- published: 09 Feb 2016
- views: 89
Bierne sidst i august.
Fodring, dronningeskift, reservefamilier,
Odder biavlerforening 29, aug. 2011...
Fodring, dronningeskift, reservefamilier,
Odder biavlerforening 29, aug. 2011
wn.com/Bierne Sidst I August.
Fodring, dronningeskift, reservefamilier,
Odder biavlerforening 29, aug. 2011
- published: 31 Aug 2011
- views: 2567
Bierne: Midt i april.
Hvad skal der ske hvis familien er lille eller hvad hvis den er stor i april?...
Hvad skal der ske hvis familien er lille eller hvad hvis den er stor i april?
wn.com/Bierne Midt I April.
Hvad skal der ske hvis familien er lille eller hvad hvis den er stor i april?
- published: 21 Apr 2011
- views: 1811
New Ross Survival Guide
A - Good Counsel College, New Ross, Wexford - Production.
Directed by:
Evan Murphy.
Shot by:
Adam Mansfield & Denis Maher.
Sound Mixer:
Dave Muldoon.
Boom Operator:
Tommy Murphy.
John Marshall.
David O' Bierne.
Shane Flood.
Christopher Molloy.
Paul Manning.
Top Tips for the Camino de Santiago | Travel TV Independent.ie
Spain's Camino de Santiago is one of the world's great pilgrimage routes. But how can you tackle it as a holiday? Pól Ó Conghaile reports.
Subscribe to Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MafcE
Click to tweet: http://indo.ie/MDYPn
Read more: http://www.independent.ie/life/travel/travel-tv/travel-tv-on-the-camino-30831845.html
10 tips for the Camino de Santiago: http://indo.ie/MDZ6i
How to pack like a pro! | Travel TV - Independent.ie
Packing should be simple, yet cramming everything you need into a carry-on is anything but. Join Travel Editor Pól Ó Conghaile and Fashion Editor Bairbre Power for their top tips!
Subscribe to Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MafcE
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Spanish wine tasting video: Magical Spain wine with Dan O'Beirne - www.MagicalSpain.com ©
Welcome to our Spanish wine show! While we are not yet in the Wine Spectator or New York Times this show is for you if you love wine from Spain or just want to learn more about Spanish wine. We'd love to hear your ideas or Spain wine request & comments. To start we'll be offering a fun weekly Spanish wine tasting videos from known & unknown regions & wineries here in España. This means Spain
Volunteering Changed my Life - Khalid O'Beirne
On 12th May 2012, over 300 alumni attended the first Raleigh International Alumni conference in London.
To open the event, Khalid O'Beirne took the main stage to share his experience of Raleigh.
Why the Irish love Lanzarote | Travel TV - Independent.ie
Over 200,000 Irish holidaymakers will visit the Canary Island this year. Join Pól Ó Conghaile for a look at what Lanzarote has to offer... and it's a lot more than sun, sea and sand.
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Watch more from Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MaGwn
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Wine Tasting - Personal Travel Guide Spain
Karina takes a novice eye-view on local Spanish wine production, what to look for in the supermarkets and how to get the most out of tasting and drinking the Grand Reserva
10 Great Reasons to Visit Limerick | Travel TV - Independent.ie
Pól Ó Conghaile counts down the top ten reasons to #LoveLimerick.
Click to tweet: http://indo.ie/Mag6b
Read more about Limerick: http://indo.ie/MajdH
Subscribe to Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MafcE
Watch more Travel TV: http://indo.ie/MafhR
****Follow Independent Travel****
SURPRISING SPAIN FACTS in a medieval castle with DanO -- © www.MagicalSpain.com
SURPRISING SPAIN -10 facts about Spain with the USA's Spain expert & resident Dan O'Beirne. © www.MagicalSpain.com "USA's Spain travel gurus...Siesta-free since 1998"
10 Southern Spain Andalucia Luxury Travel Ideas - www.Magicalspain.com ®
10 Southern Spain Andalucia Luxury Travel Ideas - www.Magicalspain.com ®
Want to know Where To Go in Spain Beyond the Crowds of Barcelona? Go south to Mediterranean Spain & Andalucia Attractions: famous pueblos blancos, the white-washed medieval hill towns, olive groves, ancient cities like Malaga, Granada, Seville +......
NEXT? Get your FREE copy of our Spain Travel Top 20 guide via the
Dream and Opal, guide dog puppies, arrive in Canada
A little slideshow/video I made for a client/charity I support.
This video depicts the arrival of two new puppies who came to Canada from England to join the puppy breeding program for BC and Alberta Guide Dog Services and their sister charity, Autism Support Dogs.
Music: Brown's Little Jug by Dave Pell. Licensed through Animoto.com.
Why Spain?... After a decade, DanO has insider secrets.
Hi from Spain.....After 10 years living, eating & traveling here, USA expat and Spain expert Dan O'Beirne of MagicalSpain.com has the inside scoop. see http://www.magicalspain.com for inside info to experience the authentic Spain in style in 2009 with custom trips or creative corporate events in medieval castles, wineries, theaters, art museums or Med islands.
Dan French, PhD - The FUNNIEST Weight Loss Success Story
Great interview with the savvy & funny Dan French
a.k.a - The Healthy Comedian - about his lasting weight loss story and much more...
Get more expert interviews & cutting edge wellness biohacks here....
MetabolicMotivation com
- "Vitality & Wellness Solutions since 1990"
English pronunciation FAIL
English speaking tour guide in Vietnam. Cabe = Cave!
TSA Great Spanish Wines Penin Guide 2011
The "Peñín Guide to Spanish Wines" leaded 26 Top Wineries from Spain to visit Hong Kong on 22 September for a Grand Wine Tasting Event in the Owner's Box of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Wine importers from Hong Kong and Mainland China were invited, this event attracted more than 500 attendants, all the wine professionals agreed the wines chosen in the tasting showed a very high standard of quality S
Oi Ginger! - Zoe Promo
In this instalment of Reality Bites, Angela Scanlon, the stylist and fashion journalist, explores one of Ireland's best known features: our red hair. Angela is herself a natural redhead, and in this entertaining documentary she guides us through the experiences, good and bad, of growing up as a 'Ginger'.
Windmill Lane's Vinny Beirne not only edited this 52 minute doc, this is his directorial debu
What to do in Spain?
Wine tasting & active luxury travel...www.MagicalSpain.com ®
Travelling man
Tom McDonald travelled up to 2000 kilometres each week so he could play with the North Ballarat Rebels
Winter sunrise Dewey Beach Delaware Pa USA
Winter sunrise on March 2nd 2014.
Sam Feltham, founder Smash the Fat in the UK - www.MetabolicMotivation.com
On the Metabolic Motivation Health Expert Show, Dan O´Beirne, wellness coach & chief of www.MetabolicMotivation.com interviews fellow coach & entrepreneur Sam Feltham, a very nice guy, fitness expert and founder and owner of SMASH THE FAT Fitness & Fat Loss Boot Camps in the UK.
We discuss his story and success helping people with fat loss and more.
Here is a bit from Sam: " Well after 4 year
Songs of Irish Immigration Playlist
http://celticmusicpodcast.com/2013/143-songs-of-irish-immigration/ Show #143 of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast highlights Songs of Irish Immigration with Irish Celtic music from Bad Haggis, Marc Gunn, Gerry O'Beirne & Rosie Shipley, Jil Chambless & Scooter Muse, by The Rogues, 3 Pints Gone, Tullamore, The Gothard Sisters, Ken O'Malley, Giant's Dance, Gaelic Storm, Gunns & Drums, Dun Aengus, Mith
New Ross Survival Guide
A - Good Counsel College, New Ross, Wexford - Production.
Directed by:
Evan Murphy.
Shot by:
Adam Mansfield & Denis Maher.
Sound Mixer:
Dave Muldoon.
Boom O...
A - Good Counsel College, New Ross, Wexford - Production.
Directed by:
Evan Murphy.
Shot by:
Adam Mansfield & Denis Maher.
Sound Mixer:
Dave Muldoon.
Boom Operator:
Tommy Murphy.
John Marshall.
David O' Bierne.
Shane Flood.
Christopher Molloy.
Paul Manning.
wn.com/New Ross Survival Guide
A - Good Counsel College, New Ross, Wexford - Production.
Directed by:
Evan Murphy.
Shot by:
Adam Mansfield & Denis Maher.
Sound Mixer:
Dave Muldoon.
Boom Operator:
Tommy Murphy.
John Marshall.
David O' Bierne.
Shane Flood.
Christopher Molloy.
Paul Manning.
- published: 25 Apr 2014
- views: 3982
Top Tips for the Camino de Santiago | Travel TV Independent.ie
Spain's Camino de Santiago is one of the world's great pilgrimage routes. But how can you tackle it as a holiday? Pól Ó Conghaile reports.
Subscribe to Indepen...
Spain's Camino de Santiago is one of the world's great pilgrimage routes. But how can you tackle it as a holiday? Pól Ó Conghaile reports.
Subscribe to Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MafcE
Click to tweet: http://indo.ie/MDYPn
Read more: http://www.independent.ie/life/travel/travel-tv/travel-tv-on-the-camino-30831845.html
10 tips for the Camino de Santiago: http://indo.ie/MDZ6i
Pilgrims' Progress - Santiago de Compostela: http://indo.ie/MDZd8
All roads lead to historic Santiago: http://indo.ie/MDZp5
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Presented by: Pól Ó Conghaile
Shot by: David Beirne
Edited by: David Beirne
wn.com/Top Tips For The Camino De Santiago | Travel Tv Independent.Ie
Spain's Camino de Santiago is one of the world's great pilgrimage routes. But how can you tackle it as a holiday? Pól Ó Conghaile reports.
Subscribe to Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MafcE
Click to tweet: http://indo.ie/MDYPn
Read more: http://www.independent.ie/life/travel/travel-tv/travel-tv-on-the-camino-30831845.html
10 tips for the Camino de Santiago: http://indo.ie/MDZ6i
Pilgrims' Progress - Santiago de Compostela: http://indo.ie/MDZd8
All roads lead to historic Santiago: http://indo.ie/MDZp5
Watch more #Travel TV: http://indo.ie/MafhR
Watch more #WindmillLaneSessions: http://indo.ie/MaGnp
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Presented by: Pól Ó Conghaile
Shot by: David Beirne
Edited by: David Beirne
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 476
How to pack like a pro! | Travel TV - Independent.ie
Packing should be simple, yet cramming everything you need into a carry-on is anything but. Join Travel Editor Pól Ó Conghaile and Fashion Editor Bairbre Power ...
Packing should be simple, yet cramming everything you need into a carry-on is anything but. Join Travel Editor Pól Ó Conghaile and Fashion Editor Bairbre Power for their top tips!
Subscribe to Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MafcE
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Presented by: Pól Ó Conghaile
Shot by: David Beirne
Edited by: David Beirne
wn.com/How To Pack Like A Pro | Travel Tv Independent.Ie
Packing should be simple, yet cramming everything you need into a carry-on is anything but. Join Travel Editor Pól Ó Conghaile and Fashion Editor Bairbre Power for their top tips!
Subscribe to Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MafcE
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Presented by: Pól Ó Conghaile
Shot by: David Beirne
Edited by: David Beirne
- published: 24 Jul 2015
- views: 107
Spanish wine tasting video: Magical Spain wine with Dan O'Beirne - www.MagicalSpain.com ©
Welcome to our Spanish wine show! While we are not yet in the Wine Spectator or New York Times this show is for you if you love wine from Spain or just want ...
Welcome to our Spanish wine show! While we are not yet in the Wine Spectator or New York Times this show is for you if you love wine from Spain or just want to learn more about Spanish wine. We'd love to hear your ideas or Spain wine request & comments. To start we'll be offering a fun weekly Spanish wine tasting videos from known & unknown regions & wineries here in España. This means Spain wine from Rioja, Jumilla, Monsant, Sierras de Ronda, Rias Baixas & Ribera, Priorat, Bierzo and much more. -
Spanish wine tasting video: Magical Spain wine with Dan O'Beirne -
www.MagicalSpain.com © - "When was the last time you experienced something
unforgettable.... with your favorite people?"
wn.com/Spanish Wine Tasting Video Magical Spain Wine With Dan O'Beirne Www.Magicalspain.Com ©
Welcome to our Spanish wine show! While we are not yet in the Wine Spectator or New York Times this show is for you if you love wine from Spain or just want to learn more about Spanish wine. We'd love to hear your ideas or Spain wine request & comments. To start we'll be offering a fun weekly Spanish wine tasting videos from known & unknown regions & wineries here in España. This means Spain wine from Rioja, Jumilla, Monsant, Sierras de Ronda, Rias Baixas & Ribera, Priorat, Bierzo and much more. -
Spanish wine tasting video: Magical Spain wine with Dan O'Beirne -
www.MagicalSpain.com © - "When was the last time you experienced something
unforgettable.... with your favorite people?"
- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 315
Volunteering Changed my Life - Khalid O'Beirne
On 12th May 2012, over 300 alumni attended the first Raleigh International Alumni conference in London.
To open the event, Khalid O'Beirne took the main stage ...
On 12th May 2012, over 300 alumni attended the first Raleigh International Alumni conference in London.
To open the event, Khalid O'Beirne took the main stage to share his experience of Raleigh.
wn.com/Volunteering Changed My Life Khalid O'Beirne
On 12th May 2012, over 300 alumni attended the first Raleigh International Alumni conference in London.
To open the event, Khalid O'Beirne took the main stage to share his experience of Raleigh.
- published: 21 Aug 2012
- views: 846
wn.com/Bal De Bierne
- published: 01 Nov 2008
- views: 176
Why the Irish love Lanzarote | Travel TV - Independent.ie
Over 200,000 Irish holidaymakers will visit the Canary Island this year. Join Pól Ó Conghaile for a look at what Lanzarote has to offer... and it's a lot more t...
Over 200,000 Irish holidaymakers will visit the Canary Island this year. Join Pól Ó Conghaile for a look at what Lanzarote has to offer... and it's a lot more than sun, sea and sand.
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Presented by: Pól Ó Conghaile
Shot by: David Beirne
Edited by: David Beirne
wn.com/Why The Irish Love Lanzarote | Travel Tv Independent.Ie
Over 200,000 Irish holidaymakers will visit the Canary Island this year. Join Pól Ó Conghaile for a look at what Lanzarote has to offer... and it's a lot more than sun, sea and sand.
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Watch more from Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MaGwn
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Presented by: Pól Ó Conghaile
Shot by: David Beirne
Edited by: David Beirne
- published: 03 Jun 2015
- views: 346
Wine Tasting - Personal Travel Guide Spain
Karina takes a novice eye-view on local Spanish wine production, what to look for in the supermarkets and how to get the m...
Karina takes a novice eye-view on local Spanish wine production, what to look for in the supermarkets and how to get the most out of tasting and drinking the Grand Reserva
wn.com/Wine Tasting Personal Travel Guide Spain
Karina takes a novice eye-view on local Spanish wine production, what to look for in the supermarkets and how to get the most out of tasting and drinking the Grand Reserva
- published: 14 Sep 2010
- views: 520
10 Great Reasons to Visit Limerick | Travel TV - Independent.ie
Pól Ó Conghaile counts down the top ten reasons to #LoveLimerick.
Click to tweet: http://indo.ie/Mag6b
Read more about Limerick: http://indo.ie/MajdH
Pól Ó Conghaile counts down the top ten reasons to #LoveLimerick.
Click to tweet: http://indo.ie/Mag6b
Read more about Limerick: http://indo.ie/MajdH
Subscribe to Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MafcE
Watch more Travel TV: http://indo.ie/MafhR
****Follow Independent Travel****
****Follow Independent.ie****
SNAPCHAT: Independent.ie
Presented by: Pól Ó Conghaile
Shot by: David Beirne
Edited by: David Beirne
wn.com/10 Great Reasons To Visit Limerick | Travel Tv Independent.Ie
Pól Ó Conghaile counts down the top ten reasons to #LoveLimerick.
Click to tweet: http://indo.ie/Mag6b
Read more about Limerick: http://indo.ie/MajdH
Subscribe to Independent.ie: http://indo.ie/MafcE
Watch more Travel TV: http://indo.ie/MafhR
****Follow Independent Travel****
****Follow Independent.ie****
SNAPCHAT: Independent.ie
Presented by: Pól Ó Conghaile
Shot by: David Beirne
Edited by: David Beirne
- published: 27 Apr 2015
- views: 435
SURPRISING SPAIN FACTS in a medieval castle with DanO -- © www.MagicalSpain.com
SURPRISING SPAIN -10 facts about Spain with the USA's Spain expert & resident Dan O'Beirne. © www.MagicalSpain.com "USA's Spain travel gurus...Siesta-free s...
SURPRISING SPAIN -10 facts about Spain with the USA's Spain expert & resident Dan O'Beirne. © www.MagicalSpain.com "USA's Spain travel gurus...Siesta-free since 1998"
wn.com/Surprising Spain Facts In A Medieval Castle With Dano © Www.Magicalspain.Com
SURPRISING SPAIN -10 facts about Spain with the USA's Spain expert & resident Dan O'Beirne. © www.MagicalSpain.com "USA's Spain travel gurus...Siesta-free since 1998"
- published: 12 Mar 2009
- views: 2206
10 Southern Spain Andalucia Luxury Travel Ideas - www.Magicalspain.com ®
10 Southern Spain Andalucia Luxury Travel Ideas - www.Magicalspain.com ®
Want to know Where To Go in Spain Beyond the Crowds of Barcelona? Go south to Medite...
10 Southern Spain Andalucia Luxury Travel Ideas - www.Magicalspain.com ®
Want to know Where To Go in Spain Beyond the Crowds of Barcelona? Go south to Mediterranean Spain & Andalucia Attractions: famous pueblos blancos, the white-washed medieval hill towns, olive groves, ancient cities like Malaga, Granada, Seville +......
NEXT? Get your FREE copy of our Spain Travel Top 20 guide via the link at the end of the video.
Please share on FB & like our video if you enjoy it as we spent many hours to create! thanks & enjoy :-)
Nuria & the team at www.MagicalSpain.com
wn.com/10 Southern Spain Andalucia Luxury Travel Ideas Www.Magicalspain.Com ®
10 Southern Spain Andalucia Luxury Travel Ideas - www.Magicalspain.com ®
Want to know Where To Go in Spain Beyond the Crowds of Barcelona? Go south to Mediterranean Spain & Andalucia Attractions: famous pueblos blancos, the white-washed medieval hill towns, olive groves, ancient cities like Malaga, Granada, Seville +......
NEXT? Get your FREE copy of our Spain Travel Top 20 guide via the link at the end of the video.
Please share on FB & like our video if you enjoy it as we spent many hours to create! thanks & enjoy :-)
Nuria & the team at www.MagicalSpain.com
- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 797
Dream and Opal, guide dog puppies, arrive in Canada
A little slideshow/video I made for a client/charity I support.
This video depicts the arrival of two new puppies who came to Canada from England to join the ...
A little slideshow/video I made for a client/charity I support.
This video depicts the arrival of two new puppies who came to Canada from England to join the puppy breeding program for BC and Alberta Guide Dog Services and their sister charity, Autism Support Dogs.
Music: Brown's Little Jug by Dave Pell. Licensed through Animoto.com.
wn.com/Dream And Opal, Guide Dog Puppies, Arrive In Canada
A little slideshow/video I made for a client/charity I support.
This video depicts the arrival of two new puppies who came to Canada from England to join the puppy breeding program for BC and Alberta Guide Dog Services and their sister charity, Autism Support Dogs.
Music: Brown's Little Jug by Dave Pell. Licensed through Animoto.com.
- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 233
Why Spain?... After a decade, DanO has insider secrets.
Hi from Spain.....After 10 years living, eating & traveling here, USA expat and Spain expert Dan O'Beirne of MagicalSpain.com has the inside scoop. see http://...
Hi from Spain.....After 10 years living, eating & traveling here, USA expat and Spain expert Dan O'Beirne of MagicalSpain.com has the inside scoop. see http://www.magicalspain.com for inside info to experience the authentic Spain in style in 2009 with custom trips or creative corporate events in medieval castles, wineries, theaters, art museums or Med islands.
wn.com/Why Spain ... After A Decade, Dano Has Insider Secrets.
Hi from Spain.....After 10 years living, eating & traveling here, USA expat and Spain expert Dan O'Beirne of MagicalSpain.com has the inside scoop. see http://www.magicalspain.com for inside info to experience the authentic Spain in style in 2009 with custom trips or creative corporate events in medieval castles, wineries, theaters, art museums or Med islands.
- published: 02 Sep 2008
- views: 699
Dan French, PhD - The FUNNIEST Weight Loss Success Story
Great interview with the savvy & funny Dan French
a.k.a - The Healthy Comedian - about his lasting weight loss story and much more...
Get more expert interv...
Great interview with the savvy & funny Dan French
a.k.a - The Healthy Comedian - about his lasting weight loss story and much more...
Get more expert interviews & cutting edge wellness biohacks here....
MetabolicMotivation com
- "Vitality & Wellness Solutions since 1990"
wn.com/Dan French, Phd The Funniest Weight Loss Success Story
Great interview with the savvy & funny Dan French
a.k.a - The Healthy Comedian - about his lasting weight loss story and much more...
Get more expert interviews & cutting edge wellness biohacks here....
MetabolicMotivation com
- "Vitality & Wellness Solutions since 1990"
- published: 10 Feb 2015
- views: 108
English pronunciation FAIL
English speaking tour guide in Vietnam. Cabe = Cave!...
English speaking tour guide in Vietnam. Cabe = Cave!
wn.com/English Pronunciation Fail
English speaking tour guide in Vietnam. Cabe = Cave!
- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 72
TSA Great Spanish Wines Penin Guide 2011
The "Peñín Guide to Spanish Wines" leaded 26 Top Wineries from Spain to visit Hong Kong on 22 September for a Grand Wine Tasting Event in the Owner's Box of the...
The "Peñín Guide to Spanish Wines" leaded 26 Top Wineries from Spain to visit Hong Kong on 22 September for a Grand Wine Tasting Event in the Owner's Box of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Wine importers from Hong Kong and Mainland China were invited, this event attracted more than 500 attendants, all the wine professionals agreed the wines chosen in the tasting showed a very high standard of quality Spanish wine. In the Press conference, Mr. Peñín shared his opinions on Spanish Wine: "Spain has the biggest vine growing area in the world, different region has different terroir which suitable for varies grape varieties makes Spain a diversification country in term of wine. The 26 wineries came with the Peñín Guide are specially chosen for this tasting, they need to gain 91 points or above from "Peñín Guide 2011", all these wines can match different styles of food, as Hong Kong is a place full of International Cuisines, Mr. Peñín recommended Hong Kong Wine Lovers to enjoy more by experience wines from different regions of Spain to match food from different countries.
There was a Gala Dinner on the evening hosted by Mr. Peter Kwong, the highest ranking Chinese Sommelier. Guests of Honor included Mr. Peñín Spanish Consul Mr. Juan Manuel López-Nadal and Mr. Javier Sanz Munoz, the Senior Trade Commissioner of Consulate General of Spain. All the guests enjoyed great Spanish wines with elegant Chinese cuisine from Hong Kong Jockey Club. The magic of food and wine matching created sparkles in everyone's palate, the representatives from the wineries shared their opinions about Spanish wine matching with Chinese Cuisines, all guests took this opportunity to discuss their future business cooperation. All of them had high compliments on the wines chosen by the "Peñín Guide 2011". They all expected to see more high quality Spanish wines in the market, an evident conclusion on the successful of the "Great Spanish Wines -- Peñín Guide 2011".
wn.com/Tsa Great Spanish Wines Penin Guide 2011
The "Peñín Guide to Spanish Wines" leaded 26 Top Wineries from Spain to visit Hong Kong on 22 September for a Grand Wine Tasting Event in the Owner's Box of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Wine importers from Hong Kong and Mainland China were invited, this event attracted more than 500 attendants, all the wine professionals agreed the wines chosen in the tasting showed a very high standard of quality Spanish wine. In the Press conference, Mr. Peñín shared his opinions on Spanish Wine: "Spain has the biggest vine growing area in the world, different region has different terroir which suitable for varies grape varieties makes Spain a diversification country in term of wine. The 26 wineries came with the Peñín Guide are specially chosen for this tasting, they need to gain 91 points or above from "Peñín Guide 2011", all these wines can match different styles of food, as Hong Kong is a place full of International Cuisines, Mr. Peñín recommended Hong Kong Wine Lovers to enjoy more by experience wines from different regions of Spain to match food from different countries.
There was a Gala Dinner on the evening hosted by Mr. Peter Kwong, the highest ranking Chinese Sommelier. Guests of Honor included Mr. Peñín Spanish Consul Mr. Juan Manuel López-Nadal and Mr. Javier Sanz Munoz, the Senior Trade Commissioner of Consulate General of Spain. All the guests enjoyed great Spanish wines with elegant Chinese cuisine from Hong Kong Jockey Club. The magic of food and wine matching created sparkles in everyone's palate, the representatives from the wineries shared their opinions about Spanish wine matching with Chinese Cuisines, all guests took this opportunity to discuss their future business cooperation. All of them had high compliments on the wines chosen by the "Peñín Guide 2011". They all expected to see more high quality Spanish wines in the market, an evident conclusion on the successful of the "Great Spanish Wines -- Peñín Guide 2011".
- published: 04 Oct 2011
- views: 396
Oi Ginger! - Zoe Promo
In this instalment of Reality Bites, Angela Scanlon, the stylist and fashion journalist, explores one of Ireland's best known features: our red hair. Angela is ...
In this instalment of Reality Bites, Angela Scanlon, the stylist and fashion journalist, explores one of Ireland's best known features: our red hair. Angela is herself a natural redhead, and in this entertaining documentary she guides us through the experiences, good and bad, of growing up as a 'Ginger'.
Windmill Lane's Vinny Beirne not only edited this 52 minute doc, this is his directorial debut for David Blake Knox of Blueprint Pictures.
Vinny cut three promos last week which went to RTE and consequently went viral across all social media platforms. The promos have received almost 7,500 hits on youtube.
Aer Lingus have now jumped on the bandwagon and bought the rights for Oi Ginger to be shown on all transatlantic flights.
Kudos are due to the Windmill Lane team involved;
Post producer: Sarah Caraher
Director of Photography: Brian Moore
Additional Windmill Crew: Gerry MacArthur, Sean Kingston (especially for wearing the red wig for the test shoots) and Tom Pierce.
Edit Assistants: Tom O'Neill, Mark Piggot
Audio Mix: Dean Jones
Grade: Dave Hughes
GFX: Mark Gilligan
Online: Robbie O'Farrell
And our exceptional DMR and Engineering depts of course!
wn.com/Oi Ginger Zoe Promo
In this instalment of Reality Bites, Angela Scanlon, the stylist and fashion journalist, explores one of Ireland's best known features: our red hair. Angela is herself a natural redhead, and in this entertaining documentary she guides us through the experiences, good and bad, of growing up as a 'Ginger'.
Windmill Lane's Vinny Beirne not only edited this 52 minute doc, this is his directorial debut for David Blake Knox of Blueprint Pictures.
Vinny cut three promos last week which went to RTE and consequently went viral across all social media platforms. The promos have received almost 7,500 hits on youtube.
Aer Lingus have now jumped on the bandwagon and bought the rights for Oi Ginger to be shown on all transatlantic flights.
Kudos are due to the Windmill Lane team involved;
Post producer: Sarah Caraher
Director of Photography: Brian Moore
Additional Windmill Crew: Gerry MacArthur, Sean Kingston (especially for wearing the red wig for the test shoots) and Tom Pierce.
Edit Assistants: Tom O'Neill, Mark Piggot
Audio Mix: Dean Jones
Grade: Dave Hughes
GFX: Mark Gilligan
Online: Robbie O'Farrell
And our exceptional DMR and Engineering depts of course!
- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 501
What to do in Spain?
Wine tasting & active luxury travel...www.MagicalSpain.com ®...
Wine tasting & active luxury travel...www.MagicalSpain.com ®
wn.com/What To Do In Spain
Wine tasting & active luxury travel...www.MagicalSpain.com ®
- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 152
Travelling man
Tom McDonald travelled up to 2000 kilometres each week so he could play with the North Ballarat Rebels...
Tom McDonald travelled up to 2000 kilometres each week so he could play with the North Ballarat Rebels
wn.com/Travelling Man
Tom McDonald travelled up to 2000 kilometres each week so he could play with the North Ballarat Rebels
- published: 14 Feb 2011
- views: 808
Sam Feltham, founder Smash the Fat in the UK - www.MetabolicMotivation.com
On the Metabolic Motivation Health Expert Show, Dan O´Beirne, wellness coach & chief of www.MetabolicMotivation.com interviews fellow coach & entrepreneur Sam F...
On the Metabolic Motivation Health Expert Show, Dan O´Beirne, wellness coach & chief of www.MetabolicMotivation.com interviews fellow coach & entrepreneur Sam Feltham, a very nice guy, fitness expert and founder and owner of SMASH THE FAT Fitness & Fat Loss Boot Camps in the UK.
We discuss his story and success helping people with fat loss and more.
Here is a bit from Sam: " Well after 4 years of lots of exciting adventures there was only one thing that got me really excited! That was to coach people. From my 10 years of experience in the health and fitness industry and coaching people of all levels in snowboarding, from beginners to instructors, I finally felt that I found my calling. It is now my own personal mission in life to help as many people as possible to obtain and maintain a healthy lifestyle."
wn.com/Sam Feltham, Founder Smash The Fat In The UK Www.Metabolicmotivation.Com
On the Metabolic Motivation Health Expert Show, Dan O´Beirne, wellness coach & chief of www.MetabolicMotivation.com interviews fellow coach & entrepreneur Sam Feltham, a very nice guy, fitness expert and founder and owner of SMASH THE FAT Fitness & Fat Loss Boot Camps in the UK.
We discuss his story and success helping people with fat loss and more.
Here is a bit from Sam: " Well after 4 years of lots of exciting adventures there was only one thing that got me really excited! That was to coach people. From my 10 years of experience in the health and fitness industry and coaching people of all levels in snowboarding, from beginners to instructors, I finally felt that I found my calling. It is now my own personal mission in life to help as many people as possible to obtain and maintain a healthy lifestyle."
- published: 08 Nov 2014
- views: 237
Songs of Irish Immigration Playlist
http://celticmusicpodcast.com/2013/143-songs-of-irish-immigration/ Show #143 of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast highlights Songs of Irish Immigration with Iris...
http://celticmusicpodcast.com/2013/143-songs-of-irish-immigration/ Show #143 of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast highlights Songs of Irish Immigration with Irish Celtic music from Bad Haggis, Marc Gunn, Gerry O'Beirne & Rosie Shipley, Jil Chambless & Scooter Muse, by The Rogues, 3 Pints Gone, Tullamore, The Gothard Sisters, Ken O'Malley, Giant's Dance, Gaelic Storm, Gunns & Drums, Dun Aengus, Mithril, Hair of the Dog, Paddy's Pig, Gillian Boucher, Coole Park, Black 47, The Brazen Heads, Emerald Rose. www.celticmusicpodcast.com
If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine at http://celticmp3s.com/ . This is our free monthly newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
Remember too, when you buy through our affiliates at CD Baby, Amazon, or iTunes, you support the artists AND the podcast.
Today's show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations
Good food, good drink, and good company. Join Marc Gunn on an exciting Invasion of Wales in 2014. You will enjoy a small, friendly group, one-third the size of most tour groups. Relax and savor the land like a local. You will enjoy lots of great Celtic music from Marc Gunn and other Celtic musicians. Smile, laugh, and make lots of wonderful memories with Marc Gunn's Celtic Invasion Vacations. Subscribe to the Invasion today at www.CelticInvasion.com
Cast your vote in the Celtic Top 20. Respond to this post and list your TWO favorite songs.
Join Song Henge Today!: This is the official fan club of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. You can join the secret club and get free access to Song Henge, our online archive of Celtic music downloads. Please join today... Because. We are changing the way you hear Celtic music. http://www.songhenge.com/
Living the Tradition is a new series of short music documentaries featuring cellist Ilse de Ziah who, together with filmmaker Maarten Roos, travels all over Ireland to perform and to search for the origins of ten Irish Airs. They are currently crowdfunding the film. Support the film before 30 July. http://www.livingthetradition.com/
Do you enjoy the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Tell me about it. Why do you listen to the show? What new music have you found? How has this show affected your life? Post a comment on our Facebook fan page or call 678-CELT-POD to leave a voicemail message. That's 678-235-8763. Today's voicemail is from...
This Week in Celtic Music
"Reels Part Two (My Love Is In America)" by Bad Haggis
from Trip
"Kilkelly Ireland" by Marc Gunn
from Not Every Day Is St. Patrick's Day
"American Tunes" by Gerry O'Beirne & Rosie Shipley
from Yesterday I Saw the Earth Beautiful
"From Clare to Here" by Jil Chambless & Scooter Muse
from Laverock
"Jimmy's Reel Set" by The Rogues
from American Highlander
"Ireland" by 3 Pints Gone
from Home Brew
"Thousands are Sailing" by Tullamore
from Timber & Stream
"Orange Blossom Special" by The Gothard Sisters
from Celtic Rainbow
"City of Chicago" by Ken O'Malley
from OMaille
"Grumpy Old Man Growling Old Woman/Maudabawn Chapel/Tuttle's Reel" by Giant's Dance
from Giant's Dance
"Tear Upon the Rose" by Gaelic Storm
from How Are We Getting Home?
"Men of the New Basin Canal" by Gunns & Drums
from How America Saved Irish Music
"Far Away in Australia" by Dun Aengus
from Fortified
"American Set: Soldier's Joy/St. Anne's Reel/The Redhaired Boy/Kitchen Girl" by Mithril
from Tangled Up
"The Wild Colonial Boy" by Hair of the Dog
from Release the Hounds
"Back Home in Derry" by Paddy's Pig
from Maple & Wire
"Jig Jazz" by Gillian Boucher
from Elemental
"Empress of Ireland" by Coole Park
from Water Journeys
"San Patricio Brigade" by Black 47
from New York Town
"Spancil Hill" by The Brazen Heads
from Who's Your Paddy
"Hills of America" by Emerald Rose
from Celtic Crescent
wn.com/Songs Of Irish Immigration Playlist
http://celticmusicpodcast.com/2013/143-songs-of-irish-immigration/ Show #143 of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast highlights Songs of Irish Immigration with Irish Celtic music from Bad Haggis, Marc Gunn, Gerry O'Beirne & Rosie Shipley, Jil Chambless & Scooter Muse, by The Rogues, 3 Pints Gone, Tullamore, The Gothard Sisters, Ken O'Malley, Giant's Dance, Gaelic Storm, Gunns & Drums, Dun Aengus, Mithril, Hair of the Dog, Paddy's Pig, Gillian Boucher, Coole Park, Black 47, The Brazen Heads, Emerald Rose. www.celticmusicpodcast.com
If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine at http://celticmp3s.com/ . This is our free monthly newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
Remember too, when you buy through our affiliates at CD Baby, Amazon, or iTunes, you support the artists AND the podcast.
Today's show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations
Good food, good drink, and good company. Join Marc Gunn on an exciting Invasion of Wales in 2014. You will enjoy a small, friendly group, one-third the size of most tour groups. Relax and savor the land like a local. You will enjoy lots of great Celtic music from Marc Gunn and other Celtic musicians. Smile, laugh, and make lots of wonderful memories with Marc Gunn's Celtic Invasion Vacations. Subscribe to the Invasion today at www.CelticInvasion.com
Cast your vote in the Celtic Top 20. Respond to this post and list your TWO favorite songs.
Join Song Henge Today!: This is the official fan club of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. You can join the secret club and get free access to Song Henge, our online archive of Celtic music downloads. Please join today... Because. We are changing the way you hear Celtic music. http://www.songhenge.com/
Living the Tradition is a new series of short music documentaries featuring cellist Ilse de Ziah who, together with filmmaker Maarten Roos, travels all over Ireland to perform and to search for the origins of ten Irish Airs. They are currently crowdfunding the film. Support the film before 30 July. http://www.livingthetradition.com/
Do you enjoy the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Tell me about it. Why do you listen to the show? What new music have you found? How has this show affected your life? Post a comment on our Facebook fan page or call 678-CELT-POD to leave a voicemail message. That's 678-235-8763. Today's voicemail is from...
This Week in Celtic Music
"Reels Part Two (My Love Is In America)" by Bad Haggis
from Trip
"Kilkelly Ireland" by Marc Gunn
from Not Every Day Is St. Patrick's Day
"American Tunes" by Gerry O'Beirne & Rosie Shipley
from Yesterday I Saw the Earth Beautiful
"From Clare to Here" by Jil Chambless & Scooter Muse
from Laverock
"Jimmy's Reel Set" by The Rogues
from American Highlander
"Ireland" by 3 Pints Gone
from Home Brew
"Thousands are Sailing" by Tullamore
from Timber & Stream
"Orange Blossom Special" by The Gothard Sisters
from Celtic Rainbow
"City of Chicago" by Ken O'Malley
from OMaille
"Grumpy Old Man Growling Old Woman/Maudabawn Chapel/Tuttle's Reel" by Giant's Dance
from Giant's Dance
"Tear Upon the Rose" by Gaelic Storm
from How Are We Getting Home?
"Men of the New Basin Canal" by Gunns & Drums
from How America Saved Irish Music
"Far Away in Australia" by Dun Aengus
from Fortified
"American Set: Soldier's Joy/St. Anne's Reel/The Redhaired Boy/Kitchen Girl" by Mithril
from Tangled Up
"The Wild Colonial Boy" by Hair of the Dog
from Release the Hounds
"Back Home in Derry" by Paddy's Pig
from Maple & Wire
"Jig Jazz" by Gillian Boucher
from Elemental
"Empress of Ireland" by Coole Park
from Water Journeys
"San Patricio Brigade" by Black 47
from New York Town
"Spancil Hill" by The Brazen Heads
from Who's Your Paddy
"Hills of America" by Emerald Rose
from Celtic Crescent
- published: 09 Jul 2013
- views: 5171