'Pili' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:
Ceremonia de inauguración - 56º festival internacional de cine de San Sebastián (2008)
Robert De Niro (actor),
Juan Diego (actor),
Daniel Day-Lewis (actor),
Roberto Benigni (actor),
Steve Buscemi (actor),
Jonathan Demme (actor),
Javier Bardem (actor),
Woody Allen (actor),
David Cronenberg (actor),
Alfonso Cuarón (actor),
Javier Cámara (actor),
Willem Dafoe (actor),
Eduardo Campoy (actor),
Antonio Banderas (actor),
Matt Dillon (actor),
Pear ta ma 'on maf (2004)
Rena Owen (actress),
Jonathan Woodford-Robinson (editor),
Merata Mita (producer),
Corey Tong (producer),
Sarote Fonmanu (actor),
Vilsoni Hereniko (writer),
Sarote Fonmanu (actor),
Vilsoni Hereniko (director),
Jare Ieli (actor),
Lawrence Olsson (actor),
Mata Tomniko Iane (actor),
Eliesa Paka (actor),
Alfereti Samo (actor),
Voi Fesaitu (actor),
Seu Morris (actor),
Plot: The Land Has Eyes is an 87-minute narrative drama about Viki, (introducing Sapeta Taito) a young South Pacific Islander who redeems her family's name by exposing the secrets of her island's most powerful and important people. Shamed by her village for being poor and the daughter of a wrongly convicted thief, Viki is inspired and haunted by the island's mythical 'warrior woman' (Rena Owen, Once Were Warriors). The lush tropical beauty of Rotuma (part of Fiji) contrasts with the stifling conformity of her island's culture as Viki confronts notions of justice and her own personal freedom.
Taglines: The land has teeth and knows the truth... - A Rotuman Proverb
Sin noticias de Dios (2001)
Gemma Jones (actress),
Elsa Pataky (actress),
Emilio Gutiérrez Caba (actor),
Penélope Cruz (actress),
Bruno Bichir (actor),
Victoria Abril (actress),
Fanny Ardant (actress),
Pilar Bardem (actress),
Juan Echanove (actor),
Demian Bichir (actor),
Gael García Bernal (actor),
Javier Bardem (actor),
Luis Tosar (actor),
Mariela Besuievsky (producer),
Elena Anaya (actress),
Plot: A boxer named Manny, battling a potentially life-threatening brain injury, finds his soul to be the object of a metaphysical fight. Two different supernatural agents are sent to win over his soul to their side: one is an angel from a curious version of Heaven, that looks just like a beatific Paris, and in it everyone speaks French; and the other agent is a waitress from Hell, sent to seduce him to spend his eternity in a red-tinted prison where everyone speaks English.
Keywords: airport, angel, armed-guard, armed-robbery, arrogance, attempted-rape, backhand-slap, beating, bible, bible-quote
Taglines: Heaven and hell are on Earth, and they're wearing heels. Ama ni mo noboru, otoshimae[Japan] Anata no tamashii, itadakimasu[Japan] No news from God
[on Carmen]::Lola Nevado: Bad people never let you down, because bad people never change
[when Davenport and Marina D'Angelo meet to speak about the rebellion in hell]::Davenport: The rich planned this for ages! They've created a world of puppets with TV and propaganda, a kind of evil Disneyland where men...::Marina D'Angelo: [interrupting him] And women, Jack!::Davenport: Sure, men and women. Where men and women are guiltless, and not responsible for their acts! I won't stand for it!
[first lines]::Carmen Ramos: History vindicates us, and you know it.::Lola Nevado: History vindicates no one. History's a deaf man answering questions he wasn't asked.
Carmen Ramos: [to Lola Nevado] Remember: either God wants all evil to disappear but can't do it, which means He's weak. Or He can, but won't, which means He's evil. Or He can't and won't, so He's weak and evil, and therefore not God. Unde malum?
Lola Nevado: I presume you know the Bible.::Carmen Ramos: Shit, Lola! I'm a pro!
[last lines]::Lola Nevado: When I'm out, I'll come visit you. Marina owes me a favor.::Carmen Ramos: By then I'll be in Circle 10.::Lola Nevado: So what?::Carmen Ramos: I'll be a man at last. What if I'm not your type?
Lola Nevado: Manny, listen, you can't go back to boxing.::Manny: Yes, I can.::Lola Nevado: If you do, I'm leaving.::Manny: [pauses] Know what the ring is called where I come from? "The Stage of the Brave." When you're up there, you're somebody. Even if you lose, you're somebody. But when you win... when you win, you're a god. You can't understand that.::Lola Nevado: Sure, I do... but you can get killed.::Manny: So?... So what?
Girasoles para Lucía (1999)
Luis Llosa (producer),
Luis Barrios (director),
Aldo Salvini (director),
Margarita Morales Macedo (producer),
Paul Vega (actor),
Ramsay Ross (actor),
Gianella Neyra (actress),
Fabrizio Aguilar (actor),
Yvonne Frayssinet (actress),
Sergio Galliani (actor),
Alberto Isola (actor),
Daniela Sarfaty (actress),
Jorge Félix (producer),
Marcelo Oxenford (actor),
Doris Seguí (writer),
Plot: Soñadora y llena de vida, Lucía Trevi sueña con casarse con el empresario playboy de Lima Jose Simon Landaeta. Cuando una coincidencia de la vida une a Lucía con su galan, empiezan su noviazgo - pero Jose Simon no sabe que la quien cree una condesa es verdaderamente una empleada de una tienda de delicateses. Lucía tambien conoce a Roberto y se enamora de el, pero ella tampoco esta enterado de que el es un Landaeta.
Keywords: remake, soap
El pez (1998)
Mario de Benito (composer),
Carmen Balagué (actress),
Juan y Medio (actor),
Abel Vitón (actor),
Miguel Ortiz (composer),
Miguel Ortiz (director),
Miguel Ortiz (producer),
Miguel Ortiz (writer),
Lola Marceli (actress),
Pietro Olivera (actor),
Carmen Arévalo (actress),
José Ares (editor),
José Pastor (actor),
Daniel Llobregat (actor),
Cuestión de suerte (1996)
Eduardo Noriega (actor),
Anna Galiena (actress),
Simón Andreu (actor),
Paco Sagarzazu (actor),
Bernardo Bonezzi (composer),
Marta Belaustegui (actress),
Isidoro Fernández (actor),
Luis Marías (writer),
Ion Gabella (actor),
Aitzpea Goenaga (actress),
Mikel Garmendia (actor),
Leire Berrocal (actress),
Maiken Beitia (actress),
Rafael Monleón (director),
Miguel Puertas (miscellaneous crew),
Plot: A good-looking young guy living in a village on the Basque coast is set to marry his sweetheart. A series of events pose obstacles. He rents a room from a sexy French widow with a shady past, and finds a crashed vehicle near his new rented room. What impact will these events have on his calm, routine life, and the other villagers?
Keywords: abandoned-car, basque, corpse, female-nudity, landlady, sex, spain
Fatherland (1994)
Gary Chang (composer),
Peter Vaughan (actor),
Miranda Richardson (actress),
John Shrapnel (actor),
David Ryall (actor),
Jean Marsh (actress),
John Woodvine (actor),
Clive Russell (actor),
Rutger Hauer (actor),
Rupert Degas (actor),
Michael Kitchen (actor),
Garrick Hagon (actor),
Marek Vasut (actor),
Andrew Jack (miscellaneous crew),
Tariq Anwar (editor),
Plot: Fictional account of what might have happened if Hitler had won the war. It is now the 1960's and Germany's war crimes have so far been kept a secret. Hitler wants to talk peace with the US president. An American journalist and a German homicide cop stumble into a plot to destroy all evidence of the genocide.
Keywords: 1960s, actress, alternative-history, anti-semitism, archive-footage, art-collection, based-on-novel, berlin-germany, betrayal, bus-ride
Taglines: It's 1964. What if Hitler had won the war?
Xavier March: How do I tell my son that I've served murderers all my life?
Charlie Maguire: They killed all the Jews.::Xavier March: No, we didn't. We resettled them.
Artur Nebe: What do you want, Globus?::Odilo 'Globus' Globocnik: I want to... broaden your horizons.
Xavier March: Let me tell you a story about a clockmaker. He was over a hundred years old. Wrinkled face, his hair was white as snow. He'd worked all his life, hunched over clocks like this. So, he was a hunchback. People thought he was ugly, people of the village, and they used to call him names. So, he lived on top of the mountain with all his clocks. And he worked day and night. While he was working all the time, he didnt notice that the hunch on his back started to grow. Bigger and bigger. And one day, when he went out for a walk, his nose almost touched the ground. Thats how big it was. And that same night he was working, working away with little clocks, and they suddenly stopped ticking and he looked up. And he saw, in the mirror, two little feathers coming out of his coat and he started growing. And he looked in the mirror and he saw that he had these two big wings. And all the clocks starting singing. And he opened the window, looked at the stars, and flew up in the sky.::Pili March: Then what happened to him?::Xavier March: He became an Angel.::Pili March: Will that happen to him?::Xavier March: Well. We can't kill angels can we?
Artur Nebe: You're a good promotion prospect, Xavi, leave this alone and you could go far. You can't afford to make an enemy of Globus... or of me.
SS-Untersturmführer Max Jäger: [Ordering coffee in SS Headquarters as a male and female prisoner are led away] Another busy day in the Sexual Crimes Unit. Who are the lovebirds?::Sex Crimes Cop: Pure Aryan woman and a Polock. Caught right in the act. Coffee, please. Resettlement day for her, ten years hard labor for him. I just don't understand these people.::SS-Untersturmführer Max Jäger: Every time somebody makes love, somebody else writes a report.::Sex Crimes Cop: Yeah, that's right.
Anna Von Hagen: Berlin was beautiful before the war. The only thing that spoilt it was the Jews. I have no career left but I would like to go to America just to upset the Jews. So what do you think? Think you'll finally do something about your Jews as we did with ours?::Charlie Maguire: What did you do?::Anna Von Hagen: We put them in cattle cars and shipped them east. Always east.::Charlie Maguire: To the Ukraine, you mean? To the resettlement camps?::Anna Von Hagen: Ja, to resettle them. In the air.
Charlie Maguire: [recalling a Gestapo agent at Stuckart's apartment] That wasn't the man who let me in this morning.::Xavier March: You didn't mention "a man" in your statement!
Dos chicas locas locas (1965)
Mariano Ozores (writer),
Esperanza Roy (actress),
Trini Alonso (actress),
José Luis Chinchilla (actor),
Xan das Bolas (actor),
José Villasante (actor),
Mari Carmen Prendes (actress),
Miguel Ríos (actor),
José Orjas (actor),
Erasmo Pascual (actor),
Juan Cortés (actor),
Vicente Roca (actor),
Adriano Domínguez (actor),
Goyo Lebrero (actor),
Mariano Ozores (writer),
Plot: La mayor de las hermanas gemelas Pili y Mili, huérfanas y separadas durante toda su vida, es la heredera de la fortuna de su abuelo Diógenes. No obstante, sólo su viuda abuela Rosa, que vive en la Costa del Sol, sabe con certeza cuál de ellas es la mayor. Por ello, en sus manos está decidir quién se llevará la fortuna. Con el fin de aclarar el asunto, tanto ellas como los familiares de Diógenes que las han estado cuidando van a ver a la abuela...
Keywords: twins
Cerca de las estrellas (1962)
Juan Torres (actor),
Magdalena Pulido (editor),
Augusto Algueró (composer),
Enrique Ávila (actor),
César Fernández Ardavín (director),
Milagros Leal (actress),
César Fernández Ardavín (writer),
George Rigaud (actor),
Adriano Domínguez (actor),
Enriqueta Carballeira (actress),
Marisa de Leza (actress),
Camino Delgado (actress),
Fernando Cebrián (actor),
Silvia Morgan (actress),
Gonzalo Cañas (actor),
Surcos (1951)
José Prada (actor),
Casimiro Hurtado (actor),
Jesús García Leoz (composer),
María Asquerino (actress),
Luis Peña (actor),
José Sepúlveda (actor),
Félix Dafauce (actor),
Francisco Bernal (actor),
Juan Cazalilla (actor),
José Villasante (actor),
Félix Briones (actor),
Montserrat Carulla (actress),
Margarita de Ochoa (editor),
José Guardiola (actor),
Marujita Díaz (actress),
Pilici (Chickens) - Pilici (2015) - Popular Video for Kids
IDJKids™ je novi Youtube kanal namenjen našim najmladjim drugarima. Uživajte u crtaćima, muzici, animacijama i obavezno kliknite Subscribe!
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Facebook: https://goo.gl/T4FPPt
Instagram: http://goo.gl/6gihn0
Production: IDJKids
Music: Čoko
Maroko &
Vili Bertini
U ovom videu su korišćeni logo, pozadina, karakteri iz video igre
Chicken Lines / Pilići
Copyright ©
2015 IDJVideos / IDJDigital / IDJKids
Faleaitu 2 - Pili - Trying Speak English
Faleaitu Part 2
Samoa Villiamu
Pili and au boyz-INISINIA-FALEITU
Pili ma le vaega faakau maugu lol
SAMOAN FALEAITU 2013 Pili (Ulu i Fe'e)
Tiger dance/Pili Nalike - Polali Tigers
Polali Tiger Dance Team -
Winners of
Pili Nalike -2
Volleyball ground, Mangala Stadiumangalore
kevin and pili kiss in hoh 4/23/15
sorry i've barely uploaded any videos. i'm not at my house at the moment but when i get back i'll try my best to upload more videos.
Guasones-La flaca Pili y el negro Tomas-Video Oficial.
Pili ma le vaega ai mealele lol
Pili ma le vaega...Iona
Pili -Mulumulugavae.wmv
Pili ma le vaega
Pili ma le vaega 3
kevin and pili 5/5/15
(OFFICIAL VIDEO)G Nako fEAT Nikki Wa Pili na Chin Bees - AROSTO
Angalia video mpya ya G
Nako fEAT
Nikki Wa
Pili na
Chin Bees - AROSTO
Pili ma le vaega...ako pegu lol
Bios Pili Nedir ve Bios Pili Nasıl Değiştirilir-Saat ve Tarih Ayarları Nasıl Yapılır
Bios pili biten bilgisayar nasıl hata verir
bios pili değişimi
Tarih ve saat ayarları bozulan bilgisayarlara bios pili değiştirmek lazım
tarih ve saat ayarları sabit kalmıyor
bios pil türleri
tarih ve saat ayarları değiştirmek
bios battery change
notebookların bios pil değişimi
laptapların pil değişimi
notebookların bios pil değişimi
Pili Yeri Nerededir Nasıl Çıkarılır
KalyeSerye Day 37: Ang Pili at Pillow (Happy 6th Weeksary!)
Subscribe now and catch all the #aldub #kalyserye on YouTube! #eatbulagapamore
Pili ma le vaega fia kisi lol
Abat la haine, unissons nos forces et énergies pour l'assaut final.
Gravity | Pili Pinas | Official Lyric Video
Lyric Video of
Gravity performing "PILI PINAS", the official theme of
Comelec for 2016
Presidential Election (C)
2015 Ivory Music & Video,
Now available on iTunes:
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/IvoryMus
'PILI PINAS' Comelec official theme of the 2016 Presidential
Pili Pinas Single:
On Spotify: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasSpotify
On Deezer: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasDeezer
On Guvera: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasGuvera
Rdio: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasRdio
Amazon: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasAmazon
On iTunes: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumiTunes
On Spinnr: http://bit.ly/1bzHDLG
On Spotify: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumSpotify...
Empanadas / Chaussons/ Pili pili à la viande hachée
Cuisine vous propose la recette d'empanadas ou chaussons, ou pili pili à la viande hachée
100% maison.
Facile à réaliser, mais très délicieuse. Ils peuvent être consommés comme apéritifs, en entrée ou comme un repas avec une salade.
Vous pouvez vous aider de la recette de pâte pour chaussons : https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=e2ZylR8OoWo
Ne manquez plus une seule de nos recettes en vous abonnant à notre chaîne Youtube :
Vous pouvez également imprimer gratuitement toutes les étapes de nos recettes retranscrites sur notre site web : http://toimoietcuisine.com
...et nous suivre sur :
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Bienvenue ...
TONI STORARO & AZIS - Kolko sme pili / ТОНИ СТОРАРО & АЗИС - Колко сме пили
P) & (C) 2014 Diapason
Download it on iTunes:
Official YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/NA086U
Like us on
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nmi1CW
Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1m1Ryx3
Official website:
music: folklore; lyrics: Diyan Georgiev &
Azis; arrangement:
Daniel Ganev; directed by
Nikolay Skerlev; produced by DIAPASON RECORDS
музика: народна; текст: Диян Георгиев & Азис; аранжимент: Даниел Ганев; режисьор: Николай Скерлев; продуцент: DIAPASON RECORDS
Watch more TONI STORARO videos here / Гледайте още клипове на ТОНИ СТОРАРО тук:
Watch more AZIS videos here / Гледайте още клипове на АЗИС тук:
Колко сме пили и дните сме броили,
пак да дойде
Pilici (Chickens) - Pilici (2015) - Popular Video for Kids
IDJKids™ je novi Youtube kanal namenjen našim najmladjim drugarima. Uživajte u crtaćima, muzici, animacijama i obavezno kliknite Subscribe!
Subscribe to IDJKid
IDJKids™ je novi Youtube kanal namenjen našim najmladjim drugarima. Uživajte u crtaćima, muzici, animacijama i obavezno kliknite Subscribe!
Subscribe to IDJKids: https://goo.gl/xAhKZA
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JB HI-FI: https://goo.gl/uplgdx
Facebook: https://goo.gl/T4FPPt
Instagram: http://goo.gl/6gihn0
Production: IDJKids
Music: Čoko
Maroko &
Vili Bertini
U ovom videu su korišćeni logo, pozadina, karakteri iz video igre
Chicken Lines / Pilići
Copyright ©
2015 IDJVideos / IDJDigital / IDJKids
wn.com/Pilici (Chickens) Pilici (2015) Popular Video For Kids
IDJKids™ je novi Youtube kanal namenjen našim najmladjim drugarima. Uživajte u crtaćima, muzici, animacijama i obavezno kliknite Subscribe!
Subscribe to IDJKids: https://goo.gl/xAhKZA
Buy It On:
JB HI-FI: https://goo.gl/uplgdx
Facebook: https://goo.gl/T4FPPt
Instagram: http://goo.gl/6gihn0
Production: IDJKids
Music: Čoko
Maroko &
Vili Bertini
U ovom videu su korišćeni logo, pozadina, karakteri iz video igre
Chicken Lines / Pilići
Copyright ©
2015 IDJVideos / IDJDigital / IDJKids
- published: 07 Jul 2015
- views: 11448417
kevin and pili kiss in hoh 4/23/15
sorry i've barely uploaded any videos. i'm not at my house at the moment but when i get back i'll try my best to upload more videos.
sorry i've barely uploaded any videos. i'm not at my house at the moment but when i get back i'll try my best to upload more videos.
wn.com/Kevin And Pili Kiss In Hoh 4 23 15
sorry i've barely uploaded any videos. i'm not at my house at the moment but when i get back i'll try my best to upload more videos.
- published: 24 Apr 2015
- views: 607038
Bios Pili Nedir ve Bios Pili Nasıl Değiştirilir-Saat ve Tarih Ayarları Nasıl Yapılır
Bios pili biten bilgisayar nasıl hata verir
bios pili değişimi
Tarih ve saat ayarları bozulan bilgisayarlara bios pili değiştirmek lazım
tarih ve saat ayarları
Bios pili biten bilgisayar nasıl hata verir
bios pili değişimi
Tarih ve saat ayarları bozulan bilgisayarlara bios pili değiştirmek lazım
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bios battery change
notebookların bios pil değişimi
laptapların pil değişimi
notebookların bios pil değişimi
Pili Yeri Nerededir Nasıl Çıkarılır
wn.com/Bios Pili Nedir Ve Bios Pili Nasıl Değiştirilir Saat Ve Tarih Ayarları Nasıl Yapılır
Bios pili biten bilgisayar nasıl hata verir
bios pili değişimi
Tarih ve saat ayarları bozulan bilgisayarlara bios pili değiştirmek lazım
tarih ve saat ayarları sabit kalmıyor
bios pil türleri
tarih ve saat ayarları değiştirmek
bios battery change
notebookların bios pil değişimi
laptapların pil değişimi
notebookların bios pil değişimi
Pili Yeri Nerededir Nasıl Çıkarılır
- published: 04 Dec 2015
- views: 4013
KalyeSerye Day 37: Ang Pili at Pillow (Happy 6th Weeksary!)
Subscribe now and catch all the #aldub #kalyserye on YouTube! #eatbulagapamore
Subscribe now and catch all the #aldub #kalyserye on YouTube! #eatbulagapamore
wn.com/Kalyeserye Day 37 Ang Pili At Pillow (Happy 6Th Weeksary )
Subscribe now and catch all the #aldub #kalyserye on YouTube! #eatbulagapamore
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 46415
Gravity | Pili Pinas | Official Lyric Video
Lyric Video of
Gravity performing "PILI PINAS", the official theme of
Comelec for 2016
Presidential Election (C)
2015 Ivory Music & Video,
Now available on iTunes:
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/IvoryMus
'PILI PINAS' Comelec official theme of the 2016 Presidential
Pili Pinas Single:
On Spotify: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasSpotify
On Deezer: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasDeezer
On Guvera: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasGuvera
Rdio: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasRdio
Amazon: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasAmazon
On iTunes: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumiTunes
On Spinnr: http://bit.ly/1bzHDLG
On Spotify: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumSpotify
On Deezer: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumDeezer
On Guvera: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumGuvera
On Rdio: http://hyperurl.co/GravityAlbumRdio
On Amazon: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumAmazon
Welcome to the channel of Ivory Music & Video, the exclusive licensee of
Sony Music in the
Music is one of the biggest independent record companies in the Philippines and has been an active force in the industry for 3 decades. Ivory takes pride in having premiere local recording artists in its catalogue which includes:
The Company,
Pilita Corrales,
Freddie Aguilar,
April Boy Regino,
Orient Pearl,
Wolfgang, Suy,
Paolo Santos,
Roselle Nava,
Manilyn Reynes, and
Thor among others.
Ivory’s roster also includes the top acoustic recording group –
MYMP, which achieved multi-platinum status.
Current additions are
Maja Salvador,
Iza Calzado,
Silent Sanctuary,
JM De Guzman,
Luke Mejares,
Jason Fernandez,
Moira Dela
Maxine Tiongson, Paullete, Gravity (from
The Voice Kids PH) & more.
Ivory Music is set to make more innovative moves in the PH
Music Industry.
Website: http://www.ivorymusic.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivorymusicandvideophilippines
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IvoryMusicVideo
Instagram: http://instagram.com/ivorymusicvideo
LINE Messenger: IvoryMusicLINE
Add our LINE ID: @ivoryline0119
This video is courtesy of:
John Fernando C. Bonaagua
FEU Institute OF Technology
Message us at admin@ivorymusic.org
Thank you for your continued support, enjoy the music.
wn.com/Gravity | Pili Pinas | Official Lyric Video
Lyric Video of
Gravity performing "PILI PINAS", the official theme of
Comelec for 2016
Presidential Election (C)
2015 Ivory Music & Video,
Now available on iTunes:
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/IvoryMus
'PILI PINAS' Comelec official theme of the 2016 Presidential
Pili Pinas Single:
On Spotify: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasSpotify
On Deezer: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasDeezer
On Guvera: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasGuvera
Rdio: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasRdio
Amazon: http://hyperurl.co/PiliPinasAmazon
On iTunes: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumiTunes
On Spinnr: http://bit.ly/1bzHDLG
On Spotify: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumSpotify
On Deezer: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumDeezer
On Guvera: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumGuvera
On Rdio: http://hyperurl.co/GravityAlbumRdio
On Amazon: http://hyperurl.co/GravityalbumAmazon
Welcome to the channel of Ivory Music & Video, the exclusive licensee of
Sony Music in the
Music is one of the biggest independent record companies in the Philippines and has been an active force in the industry for 3 decades. Ivory takes pride in having premiere local recording artists in its catalogue which includes:
The Company,
Pilita Corrales,
Freddie Aguilar,
April Boy Regino,
Orient Pearl,
Wolfgang, Suy,
Paolo Santos,
Roselle Nava,
Manilyn Reynes, and
Thor among others.
Ivory’s roster also includes the top acoustic recording group –
MYMP, which achieved multi-platinum status.
Current additions are
Maja Salvador,
Iza Calzado,
Silent Sanctuary,
JM De Guzman,
Luke Mejares,
Jason Fernandez,
Moira Dela
Maxine Tiongson, Paullete, Gravity (from
The Voice Kids PH) & more.
Ivory Music is set to make more innovative moves in the PH
Music Industry.
Website: http://www.ivorymusic.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivorymusicandvideophilippines
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IvoryMusicVideo
Instagram: http://instagram.com/ivorymusicvideo
LINE Messenger: IvoryMusicLINE
Add our LINE ID: @ivoryline0119
This video is courtesy of:
John Fernando C. Bonaagua
FEU Institute OF Technology
Message us at admin@ivorymusic.org
Thank you for your continued support, enjoy the music.
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 15467
Empanadas / Chaussons/ Pili pili à la viande hachée
Cuisine vous propose la recette d'empanadas ou chaussons, ou pili pili à la viande hachée
100% maison.
Facile à réaliser, mais très délicieuse. Ils peuve
Cuisine vous propose la recette d'empanadas ou chaussons, ou pili pili à la viande hachée
100% maison.
Facile à réaliser, mais très délicieuse. Ils peuvent être consommés comme apéritifs, en entrée ou comme un repas avec une salade.
Vous pouvez vous aider de la recette de pâte pour chaussons : https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=e2ZylR8OoWo
Ne manquez plus une seule de nos recettes en vous abonnant à notre chaîne Youtube :
Vous pouvez également imprimer gratuitement toutes les étapes de nos recettes retranscrites sur notre site web : http://toimoietcuisine.com
...et nous suivre sur :
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/toimoietcuisine
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/ToiMoietCuisine
- Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/toimoietcuisine
Bienvenue sur ToiMoi&Cuisine;, la chaîne dédiée à la CUISINE AFRICAINE.
Apprenez à cuisiner des plats simples et du monde entier, avec un accent sur la cuisine d'
Afrique Noire (Cameroun,
Côte d'ivoire,
Nigeria ...).
Eunice et Rostand vous ouvrent les portes de leur cuisine chaque semaine pour vous faire découvrir de nouvelles recettes en vidéos.
wn.com/Empanadas Chaussons Pili Pili À La Viande Hachée
Cuisine vous propose la recette d'empanadas ou chaussons, ou pili pili à la viande hachée
100% maison.
Facile à réaliser, mais très délicieuse. Ils peuvent être consommés comme apéritifs, en entrée ou comme un repas avec une salade.
Vous pouvez vous aider de la recette de pâte pour chaussons : https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=e2ZylR8OoWo
Ne manquez plus une seule de nos recettes en vous abonnant à notre chaîne Youtube :
Vous pouvez également imprimer gratuitement toutes les étapes de nos recettes retranscrites sur notre site web : http://toimoietcuisine.com
...et nous suivre sur :
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/toimoietcuisine
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/ToiMoietCuisine
- Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/toimoietcuisine
Bienvenue sur ToiMoi&Cuisine;, la chaîne dédiée à la CUISINE AFRICAINE.
Apprenez à cuisiner des plats simples et du monde entier, avec un accent sur la cuisine d'
Afrique Noire (Cameroun,
Côte d'ivoire,
Nigeria ...).
Eunice et Rostand vous ouvrent les portes de leur cuisine chaque semaine pour vous faire découvrir de nouvelles recettes en vidéos.
- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 39527
TONI STORARO & AZIS - Kolko sme pili / ТОНИ СТОРАРО & АЗИС - Колко сме пили
P) & (C) 2014 Diapason
Download it on iTunes:
Official YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/NA086U
Like us on
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nmi1CW
Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1m1Ryx3
Official website:
music: folklore; lyrics: Diyan Georgiev &
Azis; arrangement:
Daniel Ganev; directed by
Nikolay Skerlev; produced by DIAPASON RECORDS
музика: народна; текст: Диян Георгиев & Азис; аранжимент: Даниел Ганев; режисьор: Николай Скерлев; продуцент: DIAPASON RECORDS
Watch more TONI STORARO videos here / Гледайте още клипове на ТОНИ СТОРАРО тук:
Watch more AZIS videos here / Гледайте още клипове на АЗИС тук:
Колко сме пили и дните сме броили,
пак да дойде време за море.
Тони Стораро:
Колко сме бачкали, да трупаме стотачки ли
и пак да си изкараме добре.
Тони Стораро:
Колко сме пили и дните сме броили,
пак да дойде време за море.
Колко сме танцували, как сме се ревнували,
заради това пусто море.
Варна, Слънчев бряг,
а леле, какво ги чака пак,
започнем ли и няма спиране.
Приморско, Лозенец, Свети влас,
ще се говори пак за нас,
пазете се, пристигаме.
Тони Стораро:
Колко ще препиваме,
колко ще забиваме на това
Черно море.
Колко много бой там аз видях,
колко много секс аз изтървах,
заради това Черно море.
wn.com/Toni Storaro Azis Kolko Sme Pili Тони Стораро Азис Колко Сме Пили
P) & (C) 2014 Diapason
Download it on iTunes:
Official YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/NA086U
Like us on
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nmi1CW
Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1m1Ryx3
Official website:
music: folklore; lyrics: Diyan Georgiev &
Azis; arrangement:
Daniel Ganev; directed by
Nikolay Skerlev; produced by DIAPASON RECORDS
музика: народна; текст: Диян Георгиев & Азис; аранжимент: Даниел Ганев; режисьор: Николай Скерлев; продуцент: DIAPASON RECORDS
Watch more TONI STORARO videos here / Гледайте още клипове на ТОНИ СТОРАРО тук:
Watch more AZIS videos here / Гледайте още клипове на АЗИС тук:
Колко сме пили и дните сме броили,
пак да дойде време за море.
Тони Стораро:
Колко сме бачкали, да трупаме стотачки ли
и пак да си изкараме добре.
Тони Стораро:
Колко сме пили и дните сме броили,
пак да дойде време за море.
Колко сме танцували, как сме се ревнували,
заради това пусто море.
Варна, Слънчев бряг,
а леле, какво ги чака пак,
започнем ли и няма спиране.
Приморско, Лозенец, Свети влас,
ще се говори пак за нас,
пазете се, пристигаме.
Тони Стораро:
Колко ще препиваме,
колко ще забиваме на това
Черно море.
Колко много бой там аз видях,
колко много секс аз изтървах,
заради това Черно море.
- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 2773539