Dept of Eagles @ Cafe du Nord - Phantom Other
Department of Eagles perform 'Phantom Other' live at San Francisco's Cafe du Nord.
Interview with Roger Nord, Deputy Director of the IMF’s African Department
L.A. Music Canada Keyboard Department - FANTOM G8, NORD, MICRO X, M3
Keyboard Demonstration at LA Music.
It was Roland Day on December 14, 2013 at L.A. Music, Thank you to everyone who made it out thru the snow to get some great info and deals on Roland Products!
Hotel Campanile Lille Lomme Nord department France
Hotel Campanile Lille Lomme Nord department France
Roger Nord - Deputy Director, Africa Department, IMF
Roger Nord - Deputy Director, Africa Department, IMF - presents key findings from the IMF's Regional Economic Outlook for Africa. This event - Report launch - IMF Regional Economic Outlook for Africa: 'Sustaining Growth amid Global Uncertainty'- was held on the 31st May 2012 at ODI offices, London.
message from Claude Lenglet Haed of the TIR department of the Nord Pas de Calais Region France
Lille, Nord-Pas de Calais, France - 8th January, 2013
Lille is the largest city of the French Flanders in northern France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the country behind those of Paris, Lyon and Marseille. Lille is situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department.
This video features
[Berliner Feuerwehr] ELW 3617 + RTW FW Charlottenburg-Nord
Einsatz für ein den ELW 3617 und den Rettungswagen der Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord.
The Berlin fire department responding with a command van and an ambulance out of fire station Charlottenburg-Nord.
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - http://www.rescue-tube.com - Berlin, Deutschland - 04.2011
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rescue911.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rescue911de
44 Minutes The North Hollywood Shoot-Out full length
After a failed bank robbery, two heavily armed men hold the Los Angeles Police Department at bay for 44 minutes.
DnB Nord New Year HD (2009)
As a part of the contest for being the best department among all the departments of DnB Nord in Latvia, we've figured out the way we would like to congratulate our collegues. No more secrets. Santa Claus is one of us.
Это должно было случится. Примерить на себя роль Спайдермена и Санта Клауса, чтобы спасти офис от скучного рождества.
RTW Berliner Feuerwehr Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord
Videoaufnahmen eines Rettungswagen der Berliner Feuerwehr. Es handelt sich hier um den Rettungswagen, der an der Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord stationiert ist //
Video compilation showing an ambulance of the Berlin fire department reponding. This emergency ambulance is housed at the Charlottenburg-Nord fire station //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - http://www.rescue-tube.com -
W. J. T. Mitchell - A Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Interview
W. J. T. Mitchell
A Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Interview
Part of the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Lecture Series on Media and Power in the Information Society. Anne Helmreich interviews W. J. T. Mitchell exploring the logic that connects cloning and terrorism as the twin phobias of our historical epoch. Recorded in Clark Hall on November 30, 2006 at Case Western Re
Trains du Nord - 5
Trafic marchandises et voyageurs sur la voie ferroviaire franco-belge entre Lille et Tournai. Prises de vues réalisées dans la matinée du 6 septembre 2010 à Marcq en Barœul dans le département du Nord. (A regarder de préférence en HD et grand écran).
Passenger and freight rail traffic on the line between Franco-Belgian Lille and Tournai. Shots recorded on the morning of 6 S
RTW Berliner Feuerwehr Feuerwache Spandau-Nord
Einsatz für die Berliner Feuerwehr. Einer der älterern Rettungswagen rückt von der Feuerwache Spandau-Nord aus zum Einsatz.
The Berlin fire department on duty. One of the older emergency ambulances responding to a call.
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - http://www.rescue-tube.com - Berlin, Deutschland - 03.2011
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rescue911.de
Twitter: http://twitter.
RTW BF Berlin FW Charlottenburg-Nord
ein Rettungswagen der Berliner Feuerwehr rückt von der Wache Charlottenburg-Nord aus zu einem nächtlichen Einsatz //
An ambulance of the Berlin fire department responding to a call //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - Berlin, Deutschland - 01.2011
[Berliner Feuerwehr] ELW C Dienst 3617 FW Charlottenburg-Nord
Der ELW C-Dienst 3617 rückt von der Feuerwache Charlottenburg Nord (3600) aus zu einem Einsatz. //
A command car of the Berlin fire department responding to a call. //
Berlin, Deutschland / Germany 07.2014
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116133537654712443767/116133537654712443767/posts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mario40029
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mario40029EinsatzfahrtenInt
Löschzug BF Mannheim FW Nord
Einsatz für den Löschzug der Nordwache der Berufsfeuerwehr Mannheim. Beide Hilfeleistungslöschfahrzeuge HLF 30/20 und die Drehleiter mit Korb DLK 23/12 rücken aus. Der genaue Einsatzgrund ist mir nicht bekannt //
Both rescue pumpers and the ladder truck of the north fire station of the Mannheim fire department responding to a call //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - Mannheim,
2x RTW Berliner Feuerwehr FW Charlottenburg Nord
Die RTW 3600/1 und 3600/2 rücken von der Feuerwache Charlottenburg Nord zu einem Notfall aus
deux VSAV des pompiers de Berlin au départ du CS Charlottenburg Nord
two emergency ambulances of the Berlin Fire Department responding
by l'ambulance verte
Berlin, Deutschland
[ERSTMALIG + SELTEN!] KdoW Fachberater Chemie Werkfeuerwehr Chempark Nord Dormagen in Bonn (HD)
Einsatz für die Werkfeuerwehr (WF) Chempark Nord in Dormagen.
Zu einem Bombenentschärfungseinsatz mit Chemikalien in Bonn-Mehlem rückt an der Komanndowagen (KdoW) des Fachberater Chemie der Wekrfeuerwehr.
The factory fire department from the enterprise Chemical park north from the city of Dormagen response with the comannd car from the chmical supervisor with blue lights and siren to a bomb aler
LHF BF Berlin FW Spandau-Nord
Die Berliner Feuerwehr rückt mit einem Löschhilfeleistungsfahrzeug von der Wache Spandau Nord aus zum Einsatz. Ob das Blaulicht absichtlich oder aus Versehen ausgeschaltet wurde kann ich nicht beurteilen. Das Einsatzhorn wurde aber an der nächsten Kreuzung wieder eingeschaltet //
The Berlin fire department responding with a rescue pumper to a call. I don't know why the lights have been switched
Africa Rising: Roger Nord
At the eve of the Africa Rising Conference, Roger Nord explains the background of the conference and some of the persisting challenges the African continent continues to face.
The conference is hosted by the Government of Mozambique and the IMF to take stock of Africa's strong economic performance, its increased resilience to shocks, and the key ongoing economic policy challenges.
Leipzig BF ambulance FW Nord [20.11.2015]
An ambulance from the north house of the Leipzig fire department responding.
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 11/20/2015.
[Zwei Perspektiven] Löschzug BF Magdeburg FW1 Nord
Einsatz für die Berufsfeuerwehr Magdeburg am Karfreitag gegen 10:25 Uhr. Der ganze Löschzug (ELW, HLF, TLF, DLK) muss ausrücken, zu sehen bekommt ihr ihn nun gleich in zwei Ansichten.
Bereits am Tag vorher standen wir insgesamt etwa 7 Stunden an der Feuerwache, da allerdings nichts los war, entschieden wir uns, es nochmal zu probieren. Der zweite Versuch brauchte nur 25 Minuten, dann gab es schon
Dept of Eagles @ Cafe du Nord - Phantom Other
Department of Eagles perform 'Phantom Other' live at San Francisco's Cafe du Nord....
Department of Eagles perform 'Phantom Other' live at San Francisco's Cafe du Nord.
wn.com/Dept Of Eagles Cafe Du Nord Phantom Other
Department of Eagles perform 'Phantom Other' live at San Francisco's Cafe du Nord.
- published: 26 Jan 2009
- views: 4337
L.A. Music Canada Keyboard Department - FANTOM G8, NORD, MICRO X, M3
Keyboard Demonstration at LA Music.
It was Roland Day on December 14, 2013 at L.A. Music, Thank you to everyone who made it out thru the snow to get some great...
Keyboard Demonstration at LA Music.
It was Roland Day on December 14, 2013 at L.A. Music, Thank you to everyone who made it out thru the snow to get some great info and deals on Roland Products!
wn.com/L.A. Music Canada Keyboard Department Fantom G8, Nord, Micro X, M3
Keyboard Demonstration at LA Music.
It was Roland Day on December 14, 2013 at L.A. Music, Thank you to everyone who made it out thru the snow to get some great info and deals on Roland Products!
- published: 22 Dec 2008
- views: 18043
Hotel Campanile Lille Lomme Nord department France
Hotel Campanile Lille Lomme Nord department France...
Hotel Campanile Lille Lomme Nord department France
wn.com/Hotel Campanile Lille Lomme Nord Department France
Hotel Campanile Lille Lomme Nord department France
- published: 29 Dec 2012
- views: 13
Roger Nord - Deputy Director, Africa Department, IMF
Roger Nord - Deputy Director, Africa Department, IMF - presents key findings from the IMF's Regional Economic Outlook for Africa. This event - Report launch - ...
Roger Nord - Deputy Director, Africa Department, IMF - presents key findings from the IMF's Regional Economic Outlook for Africa. This event - Report launch - IMF Regional Economic Outlook for Africa: 'Sustaining Growth amid Global Uncertainty'- was held on the 31st May 2012 at ODI offices, London.
wn.com/Roger Nord Deputy Director, Africa Department, Imf
Roger Nord - Deputy Director, Africa Department, IMF - presents key findings from the IMF's Regional Economic Outlook for Africa. This event - Report launch - IMF Regional Economic Outlook for Africa: 'Sustaining Growth amid Global Uncertainty'- was held on the 31st May 2012 at ODI offices, London.
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 161
Lille, Nord-Pas de Calais, France - 8th January, 2013
Lille is the largest city of the French Flanders in northern France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in th...
Lille is the largest city of the French Flanders in northern France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the country behind those of Paris, Lyon and Marseille. Lille is situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department.
This video features views around the City Centre of Lille including the following identified locations: Gare de Lille Europe, Place François Miterand, Tour de Lille (Lille Tower), Euralille, Gare de Lille Flandres, Rue Faidherbe, Opéra de Lille, Lille Chamber of Commerce Belfry, Rue de Paris, Place du Général de Gaulle, Christmas Wheel, Column of the Goddess, Rue des Trons Couronnes, Lille Old Stock Exchange, Lille Chamber of Commerce, Rue Doudin, Rue Royale, Banque de France, Quai du Wault, River Deûle, Citadelle de Lille and Lille Christmas lights.
wn.com/Lille, Nord Pas De Calais, France 8Th January, 2013
Lille is the largest city of the French Flanders in northern France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the country behind those of Paris, Lyon and Marseille. Lille is situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department.
This video features views around the City Centre of Lille including the following identified locations: Gare de Lille Europe, Place François Miterand, Tour de Lille (Lille Tower), Euralille, Gare de Lille Flandres, Rue Faidherbe, Opéra de Lille, Lille Chamber of Commerce Belfry, Rue de Paris, Place du Général de Gaulle, Christmas Wheel, Column of the Goddess, Rue des Trons Couronnes, Lille Old Stock Exchange, Lille Chamber of Commerce, Rue Doudin, Rue Royale, Banque de France, Quai du Wault, River Deûle, Citadelle de Lille and Lille Christmas lights.
- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 27657
[Berliner Feuerwehr] ELW 3617 + RTW FW Charlottenburg-Nord
Einsatz für ein den ELW 3617 und den Rettungswagen der Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord.
The Berlin fire department responding with a command van and an ambulanc...
Einsatz für ein den ELW 3617 und den Rettungswagen der Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord.
The Berlin fire department responding with a command van and an ambulance out of fire station Charlottenburg-Nord.
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - http://www.rescue-tube.com - Berlin, Deutschland - 04.2011
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rescue911.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rescue911de
Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/113378557970221685392/113378557970221685392/
Video clips of responding emergency vehicles - wwwrescue911de
On this channel you will find video clips of emergency vehicles (fire/rescue, ambulance, police) from around the world responding to calls with their warning lights and sirens.
Please note that all videos being posted on this channel have been made by myself!
Videos von Einsatzfahrzeugen auf Alarmfahrt - wwwrescue911de
Auf diesem Kanal findet ihr Videoclips von Einsatzfahrzeugen (Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst, Polizei) aus diversen Ländern, die mit Sondersignal unterwegs sind.
Bitte beachtet, dass alle hier geposteten Videos ausschließlich von mir gemacht wurden!
wn.com/Berliner Feuerwehr Elw 3617 Rtw Fw Charlottenburg Nord
Einsatz für ein den ELW 3617 und den Rettungswagen der Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord.
The Berlin fire department responding with a command van and an ambulance out of fire station Charlottenburg-Nord.
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - http://www.rescue-tube.com - Berlin, Deutschland - 04.2011
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rescue911.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rescue911de
Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/113378557970221685392/113378557970221685392/
Video clips of responding emergency vehicles - wwwrescue911de
On this channel you will find video clips of emergency vehicles (fire/rescue, ambulance, police) from around the world responding to calls with their warning lights and sirens.
Please note that all videos being posted on this channel have been made by myself!
Videos von Einsatzfahrzeugen auf Alarmfahrt - wwwrescue911de
Auf diesem Kanal findet ihr Videoclips von Einsatzfahrzeugen (Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst, Polizei) aus diversen Ländern, die mit Sondersignal unterwegs sind.
Bitte beachtet, dass alle hier geposteten Videos ausschließlich von mir gemacht wurden!
- published: 16 Sep 2014
- views: 1919
44 Minutes The North Hollywood Shoot-Out full length
After a failed bank robbery, two heavily armed men hold the Los Angeles Police Department at bay for 44 minutes....
After a failed bank robbery, two heavily armed men hold the Los Angeles Police Department at bay for 44 minutes.
wn.com/44 Minutes The North Hollywood Shoot Out Full Length
After a failed bank robbery, two heavily armed men hold the Los Angeles Police Department at bay for 44 minutes.
- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 5040517
DnB Nord New Year HD (2009)
As a part of the contest for being the best department among all the departments of DnB Nord in Latvia, we've figured out the way we would like to congratulate ...
As a part of the contest for being the best department among all the departments of DnB Nord in Latvia, we've figured out the way we would like to congratulate our collegues. No more secrets. Santa Claus is one of us.
Это должно было случится. Примерить на себя роль Спайдермена и Санта Клауса, чтобы спасти офис от скучного рождества.
wn.com/Dnb Nord New Year Hd (2009)
As a part of the contest for being the best department among all the departments of DnB Nord in Latvia, we've figured out the way we would like to congratulate our collegues. No more secrets. Santa Claus is one of us.
Это должно было случится. Примерить на себя роль Спайдермена и Санта Клауса, чтобы спасти офис от скучного рождества.
- published: 27 Dec 2008
- views: 2260
RTW Berliner Feuerwehr Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord
Videoaufnahmen eines Rettungswagen der Berliner Feuerwehr. Es handelt sich hier um den Rettungswagen, der an der Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord stationiert ist ...
Videoaufnahmen eines Rettungswagen der Berliner Feuerwehr. Es handelt sich hier um den Rettungswagen, der an der Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord stationiert ist //
Video compilation showing an ambulance of the Berlin fire department reponding. This emergency ambulance is housed at the Charlottenburg-Nord fire station //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - http://www.rescue-tube.com - Berlin, Deutschland - 2011
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/rescue911de/126482447368628
wn.com/Rtw Berliner Feuerwehr Feuerwache Charlottenburg Nord
Videoaufnahmen eines Rettungswagen der Berliner Feuerwehr. Es handelt sich hier um den Rettungswagen, der an der Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord stationiert ist //
Video compilation showing an ambulance of the Berlin fire department reponding. This emergency ambulance is housed at the Charlottenburg-Nord fire station //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - http://www.rescue-tube.com - Berlin, Deutschland - 2011
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/rescue911de/126482447368628
- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 2481
W. J. T. Mitchell - A Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Interview
W. J. T. Mitchell
A Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Interview
Part of the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Lecture Series on Media and Pow...
W. J. T. Mitchell
A Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Interview
Part of the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Lecture Series on Media and Power in the Information Society. Anne Helmreich interviews W. J. T. Mitchell exploring the logic that connects cloning and terrorism as the twin phobias of our historical epoch. Recorded in Clark Hall on November 30, 2006 at Case Western Reserve University.
wn.com/W. J. T. Mitchell A Baker Nord Center For The Humanities Interview
W. J. T. Mitchell
A Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Interview
Part of the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Lecture Series on Media and Power in the Information Society. Anne Helmreich interviews W. J. T. Mitchell exploring the logic that connects cloning and terrorism as the twin phobias of our historical epoch. Recorded in Clark Hall on November 30, 2006 at Case Western Reserve University.
- published: 23 Mar 2008
- views: 7943
Trains du Nord - 5
Trafic marchandises et voyageurs sur la voie ferroviaire franco-belge entre Lille et Tournai. Prises de vues réalisées dans la matinée du...
Trafic marchandises et voyageurs sur la voie ferroviaire franco-belge entre Lille et Tournai. Prises de vues réalisées dans la matinée du 6 septembre 2010 à Marcq en Barœul dans le département du Nord. (A regarder de préférence en HD et grand écran).
Passenger and freight rail traffic on the line between Franco-Belgian Lille and Tournai. Shots recorded on the morning of 6 September 2010, Marcq en Barœul in the "Nord" Department. (A look into péférence HD and widescreen)
wn.com/Trains Du Nord 5
Trafic marchandises et voyageurs sur la voie ferroviaire franco-belge entre Lille et Tournai. Prises de vues réalisées dans la matinée du 6 septembre 2010 à Marcq en Barœul dans le département du Nord. (A regarder de préférence en HD et grand écran).
Passenger and freight rail traffic on the line between Franco-Belgian Lille and Tournai. Shots recorded on the morning of 6 September 2010, Marcq en Barœul in the "Nord" Department. (A look into péférence HD and widescreen)
- published: 09 Sep 2010
- views: 4003
RTW Berliner Feuerwehr Feuerwache Spandau-Nord
Einsatz für die Berliner Feuerwehr. Einer der älterern Rettungswagen rückt von der Feuerwache Spandau-Nord aus zum Einsatz.
The Berlin fire department on duty....
Einsatz für die Berliner Feuerwehr. Einer der älterern Rettungswagen rückt von der Feuerwache Spandau-Nord aus zum Einsatz.
The Berlin fire department on duty. One of the older emergency ambulances responding to a call.
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - http://www.rescue-tube.com - Berlin, Deutschland - 03.2011
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rescue911.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rescue911de
Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/113378557970221685392/113378557970221685392/
Video clips of responding emergency vehicles - wwwrescue911de
On this channel you will find video clips of emergency vehicles (fire/rescue, ambulance, police) from around the world responding to calls with their warning lights and sirens.
Please note that all videos being posted on this channel have been made by myself!
Videos von Einsatzfahrzeugen auf Alarmfahrt - wwwrescue911de
Auf diesem Kanal findet ihr Videoclips von Einsatzfahrzeugen (Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst, Polizei) aus diversen Ländern, die mit Sondersignal unterwegs sind.
Bitte beachtet, dass alle hier geposteten Videos ausschließlich von mir gemacht wurden!
wn.com/Rtw Berliner Feuerwehr Feuerwache Spandau Nord
Einsatz für die Berliner Feuerwehr. Einer der älterern Rettungswagen rückt von der Feuerwache Spandau-Nord aus zum Einsatz.
The Berlin fire department on duty. One of the older emergency ambulances responding to a call.
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - http://www.rescue-tube.com - Berlin, Deutschland - 03.2011
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rescue911.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rescue911de
Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/113378557970221685392/113378557970221685392/
Video clips of responding emergency vehicles - wwwrescue911de
On this channel you will find video clips of emergency vehicles (fire/rescue, ambulance, police) from around the world responding to calls with their warning lights and sirens.
Please note that all videos being posted on this channel have been made by myself!
Videos von Einsatzfahrzeugen auf Alarmfahrt - wwwrescue911de
Auf diesem Kanal findet ihr Videoclips von Einsatzfahrzeugen (Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst, Polizei) aus diversen Ländern, die mit Sondersignal unterwegs sind.
Bitte beachtet, dass alle hier geposteten Videos ausschließlich von mir gemacht wurden!
- published: 09 Feb 2014
- views: 2024
RTW BF Berlin FW Charlottenburg-Nord
ein Rettungswagen der Berliner Feuerwehr rückt von der Wache Charlottenburg-Nord aus zu einem nächtlichen Einsatz //
An ambulance of the Berlin fire departm...
ein Rettungswagen der Berliner Feuerwehr rückt von der Wache Charlottenburg-Nord aus zu einem nächtlichen Einsatz //
An ambulance of the Berlin fire department responding to a call //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - Berlin, Deutschland - 01.2011
wn.com/Rtw Bf Berlin Fw Charlottenburg Nord
ein Rettungswagen der Berliner Feuerwehr rückt von der Wache Charlottenburg-Nord aus zu einem nächtlichen Einsatz //
An ambulance of the Berlin fire department responding to a call //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - Berlin, Deutschland - 01.2011
- published: 16 Feb 2011
- views: 1841
[Berliner Feuerwehr] ELW C Dienst 3617 FW Charlottenburg-Nord
Der ELW C-Dienst 3617 rückt von der Feuerwache Charlottenburg Nord (3600) aus zu einem Einsatz. //
A command car of the Berlin fire department responding to a ...
Der ELW C-Dienst 3617 rückt von der Feuerwache Charlottenburg Nord (3600) aus zu einem Einsatz. //
A command car of the Berlin fire department responding to a call. //
Berlin, Deutschland / Germany 07.2014
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116133537654712443767/116133537654712443767/posts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mario40029
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mario40029EinsatzfahrtenInternational?ref=hl
by Mario40029 - International Emergency Responses
wn.com/Berliner Feuerwehr Elw C Dienst 3617 Fw Charlottenburg Nord
Der ELW C-Dienst 3617 rückt von der Feuerwache Charlottenburg Nord (3600) aus zu einem Einsatz. //
A command car of the Berlin fire department responding to a call. //
Berlin, Deutschland / Germany 07.2014
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116133537654712443767/116133537654712443767/posts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mario40029
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mario40029EinsatzfahrtenInternational?ref=hl
by Mario40029 - International Emergency Responses
- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 360
Löschzug BF Mannheim FW Nord
Einsatz für den Löschzug der Nordwache der Berufsfeuerwehr Mannheim. Beide Hilfeleistungslöschfahrzeuge HLF 30/20 und die Drehleiter mit Korb DLK 23/12 rücken a...
Einsatz für den Löschzug der Nordwache der Berufsfeuerwehr Mannheim. Beide Hilfeleistungslöschfahrzeuge HLF 30/20 und die Drehleiter mit Korb DLK 23/12 rücken aus. Der genaue Einsatzgrund ist mir nicht bekannt //
Both rescue pumpers and the ladder truck of the north fire station of the Mannheim fire department responding to a call //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland - 01.2011
wn.com/Löschzug Bf Mannheim Fw Nord
Einsatz für den Löschzug der Nordwache der Berufsfeuerwehr Mannheim. Beide Hilfeleistungslöschfahrzeuge HLF 30/20 und die Drehleiter mit Korb DLK 23/12 rücken aus. Der genaue Einsatzgrund ist mir nicht bekannt //
Both rescue pumpers and the ladder truck of the north fire station of the Mannheim fire department responding to a call //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland - 01.2011
- published: 06 Feb 2012
- views: 7011
2x RTW Berliner Feuerwehr FW Charlottenburg Nord
Die RTW 3600/1 und 3600/2 rücken von der Feuerwache Charlottenburg Nord zu einem Notfall aus
deux VSAV des pompiers de Berlin au départ du CS Charlottenburg ...
Die RTW 3600/1 und 3600/2 rücken von der Feuerwache Charlottenburg Nord zu einem Notfall aus
deux VSAV des pompiers de Berlin au départ du CS Charlottenburg Nord
two emergency ambulances of the Berlin Fire Department responding
by l'ambulance verte
Berlin, Deutschland
wn.com/2X Rtw Berliner Feuerwehr Fw Charlottenburg Nord
Die RTW 3600/1 und 3600/2 rücken von der Feuerwache Charlottenburg Nord zu einem Notfall aus
deux VSAV des pompiers de Berlin au départ du CS Charlottenburg Nord
two emergency ambulances of the Berlin Fire Department responding
by l'ambulance verte
Berlin, Deutschland
- published: 10 Nov 2013
- views: 117
[ERSTMALIG + SELTEN!] KdoW Fachberater Chemie Werkfeuerwehr Chempark Nord Dormagen in Bonn (HD)
Einsatz für die Werkfeuerwehr (WF) Chempark Nord in Dormagen.
Zu einem Bombenentschärfungseinsatz mit Chemikalien in Bonn-Mehlem rückt an der Komanndowagen (Kd...
Einsatz für die Werkfeuerwehr (WF) Chempark Nord in Dormagen.
Zu einem Bombenentschärfungseinsatz mit Chemikalien in Bonn-Mehlem rückt an der Komanndowagen (KdoW) des Fachberater Chemie der Wekrfeuerwehr.
The factory fire department from the enterprise Chemical park north from the city of Dormagen response with the comannd car from the chmical supervisor with blue lights and siren to a bomb alert in Bonn south.
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH_f2-XtpLwTnKCclNv5g4Q (Montis Videobloggs)
***Meine Videos beziehen sich NUR auf die Fahrzeugtechnik und die Einsatzfahrten sowie die BOS Alarmsysteme!***
***Personen sind rechtliches Beiwerk gemäß den §§ 23 und 57 des Kunsturhebergesetz(KunstUrHG)
Bei Fragen bitte eine Email an meine Google Mail Adresse, siehe unten!!!
Besucht eueren Monti doch mal auf seiner Facebook Fanpage...!?! :=)
Impressum nach § 5 Abs. 1 TMG: EXMGE Network GbR
Jägersteg 10 14532 Kienwerder Germany E-Mail: kontakt@exmge.com Telefon: +493329615632
Montis Einsatzfahrten E-Mail: Montragoar@googlemail.com
Video by Manuel Breitenbach ~ Montragoar Monti
Video in Deutschland NRW Bundesstadt Bonn
wn.com/Erstmalig Selten Kdow Fachberater Chemie Werkfeuerwehr Chempark Nord Dormagen In Bonn (Hd)
Einsatz für die Werkfeuerwehr (WF) Chempark Nord in Dormagen.
Zu einem Bombenentschärfungseinsatz mit Chemikalien in Bonn-Mehlem rückt an der Komanndowagen (KdoW) des Fachberater Chemie der Wekrfeuerwehr.
The factory fire department from the enterprise Chemical park north from the city of Dormagen response with the comannd car from the chmical supervisor with blue lights and siren to a bomb alert in Bonn south.
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH_f2-XtpLwTnKCclNv5g4Q (Montis Videobloggs)
***Meine Videos beziehen sich NUR auf die Fahrzeugtechnik und die Einsatzfahrten sowie die BOS Alarmsysteme!***
***Personen sind rechtliches Beiwerk gemäß den §§ 23 und 57 des Kunsturhebergesetz(KunstUrHG)
Bei Fragen bitte eine Email an meine Google Mail Adresse, siehe unten!!!
Besucht eueren Monti doch mal auf seiner Facebook Fanpage...!?! :=)
Impressum nach § 5 Abs. 1 TMG: EXMGE Network GbR
Jägersteg 10 14532 Kienwerder Germany E-Mail: kontakt@exmge.com Telefon: +493329615632
Montis Einsatzfahrten E-Mail: Montragoar@googlemail.com
Video by Manuel Breitenbach ~ Montragoar Monti
Video in Deutschland NRW Bundesstadt Bonn
- published: 16 Sep 2015
- views: 1988
LHF BF Berlin FW Spandau-Nord
Die Berliner Feuerwehr rückt mit einem Löschhilfeleistungsfahrzeug von der Wache Spandau Nord aus zum Einsatz. Ob das Blaulicht absichtlich oder aus Versehen au...
Die Berliner Feuerwehr rückt mit einem Löschhilfeleistungsfahrzeug von der Wache Spandau Nord aus zum Einsatz. Ob das Blaulicht absichtlich oder aus Versehen ausgeschaltet wurde kann ich nicht beurteilen. Das Einsatzhorn wurde aber an der nächsten Kreuzung wieder eingeschaltet //
The Berlin fire department responding with a rescue pumper to a call. I don't know why the lights have been switched off but at the next intersection the siren was on again //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - Berlin, Deutschland - 03.2011
wn.com/Lhf Bf Berlin Fw Spandau Nord
Die Berliner Feuerwehr rückt mit einem Löschhilfeleistungsfahrzeug von der Wache Spandau Nord aus zum Einsatz. Ob das Blaulicht absichtlich oder aus Versehen ausgeschaltet wurde kann ich nicht beurteilen. Das Einsatzhorn wurde aber an der nächsten Kreuzung wieder eingeschaltet //
The Berlin fire department responding with a rescue pumper to a call. I don't know why the lights have been switched off but at the next intersection the siren was on again //
by Dirk Steinhardt - http://www.rescue911.de - Berlin, Deutschland - 03.2011
- published: 02 May 2012
- views: 6132
Africa Rising: Roger Nord
At the eve of the Africa Rising Conference, Roger Nord explains the background of the conference and some of the persisting challenges the African continent co...
At the eve of the Africa Rising Conference, Roger Nord explains the background of the conference and some of the persisting challenges the African continent continues to face.
The conference is hosted by the Government of Mozambique and the IMF to take stock of Africa's strong economic performance, its increased resilience to shocks, and the key ongoing economic policy challenges.
Roger Nord, Deputy Director African Department, IMF
wn.com/Africa Rising Roger Nord
At the eve of the Africa Rising Conference, Roger Nord explains the background of the conference and some of the persisting challenges the African continent continues to face.
The conference is hosted by the Government of Mozambique and the IMF to take stock of Africa's strong economic performance, its increased resilience to shocks, and the key ongoing economic policy challenges.
Roger Nord, Deputy Director African Department, IMF
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 169
Leipzig BF ambulance FW Nord [20.11.2015]
An ambulance from the north house of the Leipzig fire department responding.
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 11/20/2015....
An ambulance from the north house of the Leipzig fire department responding.
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 11/20/2015.
wn.com/Leipzig Bf Ambulance Fw Nord 20.11.2015
An ambulance from the north house of the Leipzig fire department responding.
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 11/20/2015.
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 91
[Zwei Perspektiven] Löschzug BF Magdeburg FW1 Nord
Einsatz für die Berufsfeuerwehr Magdeburg am Karfreitag gegen 10:25 Uhr. Der ganze Löschzug (ELW, HLF, TLF, DLK) muss ausrücken, zu sehen bekommt ihr ihn nun gl...
Einsatz für die Berufsfeuerwehr Magdeburg am Karfreitag gegen 10:25 Uhr. Der ganze Löschzug (ELW, HLF, TLF, DLK) muss ausrücken, zu sehen bekommt ihr ihn nun gleich in zwei Ansichten.
Bereits am Tag vorher standen wir insgesamt etwa 7 Stunden an der Feuerwache, da allerdings nichts los war, entschieden wir uns, es nochmal zu probieren. Der zweite Versuch brauchte nur 25 Minuten, dann gab es schon den Alarm. Schön anzusehen sind die roten Alarmlämpchen, wer genau hinhört, hört auch den Gong.
Trotz der am Feiertag sehr ruhigen Umgebung gibt es eine Menge Horn zu hören, danke dafür an die Wachschicht!
Magdeburg Fire Department responding code 3 to a call. You see the Einsatzleitwagen (Batallion Chief), the HLF (Squad), the TLF (Engine) and the DLK (Ladder Truck).
WERDE FAN: http://www.facebook.com/Firescue112
Karfreitag, 18.04.2014
Sony HDR-PJ650VE
► Nordfilmer (Lüneburg) + Südfilmer (München)
Alle auf Kanal Firescue112 gezeigten Videos beziehen sich ausschließlich auf gezeigte BOS-Fahrzeuge. Personen und private PKW sind lediglich sogenanntes "Beiwerk"!
Dies bezieht sich auf §23 KunstUrhG
© Firescue112, 2013
Persönliche Nachricht via YouTube oder Facebook. Bitte beachtet, das der YouTube Posteingang nur noch unregelmäßig überprüft wird!
wn.com/Zwei Perspektiven Löschzug Bf Magdeburg Fw1 Nord
Einsatz für die Berufsfeuerwehr Magdeburg am Karfreitag gegen 10:25 Uhr. Der ganze Löschzug (ELW, HLF, TLF, DLK) muss ausrücken, zu sehen bekommt ihr ihn nun gleich in zwei Ansichten.
Bereits am Tag vorher standen wir insgesamt etwa 7 Stunden an der Feuerwache, da allerdings nichts los war, entschieden wir uns, es nochmal zu probieren. Der zweite Versuch brauchte nur 25 Minuten, dann gab es schon den Alarm. Schön anzusehen sind die roten Alarmlämpchen, wer genau hinhört, hört auch den Gong.
Trotz der am Feiertag sehr ruhigen Umgebung gibt es eine Menge Horn zu hören, danke dafür an die Wachschicht!
Magdeburg Fire Department responding code 3 to a call. You see the Einsatzleitwagen (Batallion Chief), the HLF (Squad), the TLF (Engine) and the DLK (Ladder Truck).
WERDE FAN: http://www.facebook.com/Firescue112
Karfreitag, 18.04.2014
Sony HDR-PJ650VE
► Nordfilmer (Lüneburg) + Südfilmer (München)
Alle auf Kanal Firescue112 gezeigten Videos beziehen sich ausschließlich auf gezeigte BOS-Fahrzeuge. Personen und private PKW sind lediglich sogenanntes "Beiwerk"!
Dies bezieht sich auf §23 KunstUrhG
© Firescue112, 2013
Persönliche Nachricht via YouTube oder Facebook. Bitte beachtet, das der YouTube Posteingang nur noch unregelmäßig überprüft wird!
- published: 21 Apr 2014
- views: 5239
Fourmies, Nord
Fourmies, Nord
Fourmies is a commune in the Nord department in northern France.The inhabitants are called Fourmisiens.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0)
LicenseLink: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0
Author-Info: Superbenjamin
Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:France_location_map-Regions_and_
ELW C-Dienst Berliner Feuerwehr FW Charlottenburg-Nord
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frash1011/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Einsatzfahrtenfilmer-Frash1011/647077111989503
In diesem Video sieht man den Einsatzleitwagen des C-Dienstes der Berufsfeuerwehr Berlin Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord auf Einsatzfahrt.
Here you can see a command van from the Berlin fire department responding to a call.
© Frash1011 - International Emergency
Magasin du Nord flagship store, Copenhagen – Denmark
Magasin du Nord is Denmark’s oldest and biggest department store with 6 stores in central parts of Denmark. At the flagship store, located in a historical building in the heart of Copenhagen, the kitchen department has just been refurbished. The shop fit which was done by the in house design team has taken inspiration from the industrial lofts of New York and combined it with on trend materials li
SIM 418 Montreal Fire Department responding
In Montreal-nord, SIM 418 Montreal Fire Department responding. Henri-Bourassa and Pie-IX.
Lille A walking tour around the city / Un paseo por la ciudad
Lille is a city in northern France (French Flanders). It's situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department.
Photographic slideshow which includes aerial views from the top of the belfry of the townhall and several pictures taken during a sightseeing walk across the city of Lille, with th
Fourmies, Nord
Fourmies, Nord
Fourmies is a commune in the Nord department in northern France.The inhabitants are called Fourmisiens.
Fourmies, Nord
Fourmies is a commune in the Nord department in northern France.The inhabitants are called Fourmisiens.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0)
LicenseLink: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0
Author-Info: Superbenjamin
Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:France_location_map-Regions_and_departements-2016.svg
-Video is targeted to blind users
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
image source in video
wn.com/Fourmies, Nord
Fourmies, Nord
Fourmies is a commune in the Nord department in northern France.The inhabitants are called Fourmisiens.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0)
LicenseLink: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0
Author-Info: Superbenjamin
Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:France_location_map-Regions_and_departements-2016.svg
-Video is targeted to blind users
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
image source in video
- published: 22 Jan 2016
- views: 0
ELW C-Dienst Berliner Feuerwehr FW Charlottenburg-Nord
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frash1011/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Einsatzfahrtenfilmer-Frash1011/647077111989503
In diesem Video sieht ...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frash1011/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Einsatzfahrtenfilmer-Frash1011/647077111989503
In diesem Video sieht man den Einsatzleitwagen des C-Dienstes der Berufsfeuerwehr Berlin Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord auf Einsatzfahrt.
Here you can see a command van from the Berlin fire department responding to a call.
© Frash1011 - International Emergency Responses
Bei Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. ;)
wn.com/Elw C Dienst Berliner Feuerwehr Fw Charlottenburg Nord
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frash1011/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Einsatzfahrtenfilmer-Frash1011/647077111989503
In diesem Video sieht man den Einsatzleitwagen des C-Dienstes der Berufsfeuerwehr Berlin Feuerwache Charlottenburg-Nord auf Einsatzfahrt.
Here you can see a command van from the Berlin fire department responding to a call.
© Frash1011 - International Emergency Responses
Bei Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. ;)
- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 157
Magasin du Nord flagship store, Copenhagen – Denmark
Magasin du Nord is Denmark’s oldest and biggest department store with 6 stores in central parts of Denmark. At the flagship store, located in a historical build...
Magasin du Nord is Denmark’s oldest and biggest department store with 6 stores in central parts of Denmark. At the flagship store, located in a historical building in the heart of Copenhagen, the kitchen department has just been refurbished. The shop fit which was done by the in house design team has taken inspiration from the industrial lofts of New York and combined it with on trend materials like copper and metro tiles. To give the department a Scandinavian feel light driftwood has been used on main surfaces. To create smaller environments industrial glass walls with integrated shelves was used.
interior design
interior decorating
before and after
room makeover
home makeover
interior design ideas
interior designer
home decor
room design ideas
san diego
living room
decorating ideas
transformation house
design ideas
room decor
Rebecca Robeson
home improvement
design team
design firm
interior designer
interior decorator
wn.com/Magasin Du Nord Flagship Store, Copenhagen – Denmark
Magasin du Nord is Denmark’s oldest and biggest department store with 6 stores in central parts of Denmark. At the flagship store, located in a historical building in the heart of Copenhagen, the kitchen department has just been refurbished. The shop fit which was done by the in house design team has taken inspiration from the industrial lofts of New York and combined it with on trend materials like copper and metro tiles. To give the department a Scandinavian feel light driftwood has been used on main surfaces. To create smaller environments industrial glass walls with integrated shelves was used.
interior design
interior decorating
before and after
room makeover
home makeover
interior design ideas
interior designer
home decor
room design ideas
san diego
living room
decorating ideas
transformation house
design ideas
room decor
Rebecca Robeson
home improvement
design team
design firm
interior designer
interior decorator
- published: 04 Aug 2014
- views: 156
SIM 418 Montreal Fire Department responding
In Montreal-nord, SIM 418 Montreal Fire Department responding. Henri-Bourassa and Pie-IX....
In Montreal-nord, SIM 418 Montreal Fire Department responding. Henri-Bourassa and Pie-IX.
wn.com/Sim 418 Montreal Fire Department Responding
In Montreal-nord, SIM 418 Montreal Fire Department responding. Henri-Bourassa and Pie-IX.
- published: 02 Nov 2013
- views: 154
Lille A walking tour around the city / Un paseo por la ciudad
Lille is a city in northern France (French Flanders). It's situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de ...
Lille is a city in northern France (French Flanders). It's situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department.
Photographic slideshow which includes aerial views from the top of the belfry of the townhall and several pictures taken during a sightseeing walk across the city of Lille, with the main touristic highlights: Townhall, Porte de Paris, Place du General De Gaulle or Grand Place, Vieille Bourse, Chamber of Commerce, Opera Theatre, Euralille, Saint-Maurice Church, Cathedral, Museum of the Hospice Comtesse, Museum of Fine Arts and Prefecture. Finally night photos.
wn.com/Lille A Walking Tour Around The City Un Paseo Por La Ciudad
Lille is a city in northern France (French Flanders). It's situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department.
Photographic slideshow which includes aerial views from the top of the belfry of the townhall and several pictures taken during a sightseeing walk across the city of Lille, with the main touristic highlights: Townhall, Porte de Paris, Place du General De Gaulle or Grand Place, Vieille Bourse, Chamber of Commerce, Opera Theatre, Euralille, Saint-Maurice Church, Cathedral, Museum of the Hospice Comtesse, Museum of Fine Arts and Prefecture. Finally night photos.
- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 16325
Vichy France and the Jews, revisited: Robert Paxton in conversation with Henry Rousso and Phil Nord
October 5, 2015 a panel discussion Vichy France and the Jews, revisited: Robert Paxton in conversation with Henry Rousso and Phil Nord
Robert Paxton and Michael R. Marrus's Vichy et les Juifs was published in 1981, first in French by Calmann Levy, then in English by Basic Books. This book, along with Paxton's 1973 book, Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, completely altered historians' unders
La Bonne Nouvelle Trou du Nord
Frere Joel discovers an agricultural revolution underway in Trou du Nord, Haiti.
Plages du Nord - Les carnets de Julie
Les carnets de Julie : Plages du Nord dans le Pas-de-Calais
Retrouvez nous http://www.france3.fr/emissions/les-carnets-de-julie
Twitter : @LCDJf3
Tous les samedi à 17h sur France 3.
Partir à la découverte d’une région, parcourir son histoire à travers une recette ancestrale, typique, pour mieux comprendre ses spécificités et ses richesses, telle est
Mark Nord Struggling to Feed the Family, Household Food Security in Recessionary Times
Eighty-fi ve percent of American households were food secure throughout the entire year in 2008, meaning that they had access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. The remaining households (14.6 percent) were food insecure at least some time during the year, including 5.7 percent with very low food security meaning that the food intake of one or more ho
CNE Youth Department-Purity Conference 2012-Chairlady Kim Millentree, Speaker
La maison hantée dans le nord-pas-de-calais (partie 1) (S01E01)
La première enquête faite par G.I.P c'est déroulée dans le Nord Pas de calais, pour des raisons de confidentialité, nous n'indiquons ni l'endroit exacte de la maison, ni les propriétaires de ces lieux puisqu'il on voulu garder l'anonymat. Cette famille a connu depuis leurs arrivées des problèmes très étranges: La mère de cette maison a vu son enfant griffé dans le dos, ces traces portant étrangeme
Reportage : Crime dans le nord pas de calais
Reportage : Crime dans le nord pas de calais
N'hésitez pas à Liker, Commenter et Partager les vidéos
Air Force One, l'avion Présidentiel Americain [Enquete Exclusive]
La Force aérienne des États-Unis, en anglais United States Air Force, souvent abrégé en US Air Force et USAF, est la branche aérienne des forces armées des États-Unis. Sa mission actuelle est la défense des États-Unis par le contrôle de l'air, de l'espace et du cyberespace.
Initialement connue comme l’United States Army Air Corps puis l’United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) (toutes deux dépendante
Le Ch'Nord & Ch'Belgique
Les Buch'Crafteurs du Ch'Nord (Romain & Alain) reçoivent Lamateur Dubushcraft qui arrive de la Ch'Belgique, une sortie dans la forêt près de Ors, une aventure extraordinaire avec du danger, du suspens et de l'action, mieux que les aventures de Bear Grylls.
Buchcraft 59 :
Bushcraft/3RT :
Rwanda, IMF forge a plan to keep the country growing above 7%
The International Monetary Fund recently concluded its annual consultations with Rwandan government officials and business leaders, seeking to help the country maintain growth above seven per cent even as commodity prices slide. For more CNBC Africa's Godfrey Mutizwa caught up with Claver Gatete, Rwanda Minister of Finance and Economic Planning and Roger Nord, Deputy Director, Africa Department Or
North Hollywood Bank Shootout_February 28, 1997
Raw footage from the North Hollywood Bank Shootout.
The North Hollywood shootout was an armed confrontation between two heavily armed and armored bank robbers and officers of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in the North Hollywood district of Los Angeles on February 28, 1997. Both robbers were killed, eleven police officers and seven civilians were injured, and numerous vehicles and othe
ENGLISH N. Korean film on Death of Kim Jong Il
North Korea
Corea del Norte
Corée du Nord
Koreańska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna
Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика
Kuzey Kore
كوريا الشمالية
Arras is the capital of the Pas-de-Calais department, which is half of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France’s fourth most populous region. It is located in Northern France on the Scarpe river. The Arras plain lies on a large chalk plateau bordered on the north by the Marqueffles fault, on the southwest by the Artois and Ternois hills, and on the south by the slopes of Beaufort-Blavincourt. On the east it is
Frappadingue NORD XTREME Le Quesnoy : SPARTANTOONS
Frappadingue du 14 juin 2015 réalisé par les SPARTANTOONS !
Miami's Most Violent Gang The Zoe Pounds Gang
This show provides the viewers with a firsthand look at the Zoe Pound Gang based in Miami.
Zoe Pound is a criminal street gang based in Miami, Florida founded by Haitian immigrants.
Having branched out from Miami in the two decades leading up to 2010, they are known to be involved in drug trafficking and robbery and related violent crimes in support of their drug trafficking activities in Evans
Lille (French pronunciation: [lil] ( ); Dutch: Rijsel [ˈrɛi̯səɫ]) is a city in the North of France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in France after those of Paris, Lyon and Marseille. Lille is situated in French Flanders, on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture
Bracor Presentation
Bruce Nord presentation on the use of liquid de-icers in the Department of Transportation.
How the British Army Broke the Famous Hindenburg Line, 1918
Help us caption, translate, and tag this video on Amara.org: http://amara.org/en/videos/ettg9cPHzVdH/info/how-the-british-army-broke-the-famous-hindenburg-line-1918/
Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. (09/18/1947 - 02/28/1964)
Series : Historical Films, compiled ca. 1914 - ca. 1936
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Si
FLANDRAIL. RMC 59. Coudekerque-Branche (03-04/10/2015)
FR - ENG : Les 3 et 4 octobre 2015, le club RMC 59 (Rail Modélisme Coudekerquois) organisait FLANDRAIL, une grande exposition internationale de modélisme ferroviaire, dans la ville de Coudekerque-Branche dans le département du Nord. En voici quelques images. (A visionner de préférence en HD et grand écran.)
3 and October 4, 2015, the RMC Club 59 (Rail Model Coudekerquois) organized FLANDRAIL, a m
David Grinspoon - Climate Catastrophes in the Solar System: Lessons for Earth
David Grinspoon
"Climate Catastrophes in the Solar System: Lessons for Earth"
Date: 04-04-2012
Location: Wolstein Building Auditorium
Sponsored by the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities at Case Western Reserve University
Grinspoon, author, Curator of Astrobiology in the Department of Space Sciences at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and Adjunct Professor of Astrophysical and Planetary S
Vichy France and the Jews, revisited: Robert Paxton in conversation with Henry Rousso and Phil Nord
October 5, 2015 a panel discussion Vichy France and the Jews, revisited: Robert Paxton in conversation with Henry Rousso and Phil Nord
Robert Paxton and Michae...
October 5, 2015 a panel discussion Vichy France and the Jews, revisited: Robert Paxton in conversation with Henry Rousso and Phil Nord
Robert Paxton and Michael R. Marrus's Vichy et les Juifs was published in 1981, first in French by Calmann Levy, then in English by Basic Books. This book, along with Paxton's 1973 book, Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, completely altered historians' understanding of the nature of the Vichy regime and its anti-Jewish policies. Paxton's groundbreaking scholarship has entered the lexicon among French historians as la révolution paxtonienne. Robert Paxton has substantively revised Vichy et les Juifs for a re-edition to be released by Calmann Levy in October 2015, taking into account the rich scholarship that has appeared since the first edition in 1981. Henry Rousso will join Robert Paxton to discuss the new findings and directions researchers have taken in the past 25 years, the intense public interest this scholarship has generated, and how it has reshaped our understanding of Vichy’s Jewish policies.
Robert Paxton is Mellon Professor Emeritus of Social Sciences at Columbia University. Henry Rousso is a leading contemporary historian and director of the CNRS whose research - including Le Syndrome de Vichy - focuses on the history, legacy, and memory of the Vichy Regime. Phil Nord is the Rosengarten Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, Department of History, Princeton University.
Event co-sponsored by the Columbia Maison Française and Department of History. Funding for this event was provided by the Knapp Family Foundation.
wn.com/Vichy France And The Jews, Revisited Robert Paxton In Conversation With Henry Rousso And Phil Nord
October 5, 2015 a panel discussion Vichy France and the Jews, revisited: Robert Paxton in conversation with Henry Rousso and Phil Nord
Robert Paxton and Michael R. Marrus's Vichy et les Juifs was published in 1981, first in French by Calmann Levy, then in English by Basic Books. This book, along with Paxton's 1973 book, Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, completely altered historians' understanding of the nature of the Vichy regime and its anti-Jewish policies. Paxton's groundbreaking scholarship has entered the lexicon among French historians as la révolution paxtonienne. Robert Paxton has substantively revised Vichy et les Juifs for a re-edition to be released by Calmann Levy in October 2015, taking into account the rich scholarship that has appeared since the first edition in 1981. Henry Rousso will join Robert Paxton to discuss the new findings and directions researchers have taken in the past 25 years, the intense public interest this scholarship has generated, and how it has reshaped our understanding of Vichy’s Jewish policies.
Robert Paxton is Mellon Professor Emeritus of Social Sciences at Columbia University. Henry Rousso is a leading contemporary historian and director of the CNRS whose research - including Le Syndrome de Vichy - focuses on the history, legacy, and memory of the Vichy Regime. Phil Nord is the Rosengarten Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, Department of History, Princeton University.
Event co-sponsored by the Columbia Maison Française and Department of History. Funding for this event was provided by the Knapp Family Foundation.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 203
La Bonne Nouvelle Trou du Nord
Frere Joel discovers an agricultural revolution underway in Trou du Nord, Haiti....
Frere Joel discovers an agricultural revolution underway in Trou du Nord, Haiti.
wn.com/La Bonne Nouvelle Trou Du Nord
Frere Joel discovers an agricultural revolution underway in Trou du Nord, Haiti.
- published: 16 May 2015
- views: 80986
Plages du Nord - Les carnets de Julie
Les carnets de Julie : Plages du Nord dans le Pas-de-Calais
Retrouvez nous http://www.france3.fr/emissions/les-carnets-de-julie
Les carnets de Julie : Plages du Nord dans le Pas-de-Calais
Retrouvez nous http://www.france3.fr/emissions/les-carnets-de-julie
Twitter : @LCDJf3
Tous les samedi à 17h sur France 3.
Partir à la découverte d’une région, parcourir son histoire à travers une recette ancestrale, typique, pour mieux comprendre ses spécificités et ses richesses, telle est l’aventure que nous fait partager Julie Andrieu en sillonnant les routes de France.
wn.com/Plages Du Nord Les Carnets De Julie
Les carnets de Julie : Plages du Nord dans le Pas-de-Calais
Retrouvez nous http://www.france3.fr/emissions/les-carnets-de-julie
Twitter : @LCDJf3
Tous les samedi à 17h sur France 3.
Partir à la découverte d’une région, parcourir son histoire à travers une recette ancestrale, typique, pour mieux comprendre ses spécificités et ses richesses, telle est l’aventure que nous fait partager Julie Andrieu en sillonnant les routes de France.
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 10573
Mark Nord Struggling to Feed the Family, Household Food Security in Recessionary Times
Eighty-fi ve percent of American households were food secure throughout the entire year in 2008, meaning that they had access at all times to enough food for an...
Eighty-fi ve percent of American households were food secure throughout the entire year in 2008, meaning that they had access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. The remaining households (14.6 percent) were food insecure at least some time during the year, including 5.7 percent with very low food security meaning that the food intake of one or more household members was reduced and their eating patterns were disrupted at times during the year because the household lacked money and other resources for food. Prevalence rates of food insecurity and very low food security were up from 11.1 percent and 4.1 percent, respectively, in 2007, and were the highest recorded since 1995, when the fi rst national food security survey was conducted. The typical food-secure household spent 31 percent more on food than the typical food-insecure household of the same size and household composition. Fifty-fi ve percent of all food-insecure households participated in one or more of the three largest Federal food and nutrition assistance programs during the month prior to the 2008 survey. Download 2008 USDA Report on Household Food Security in the United States.
Dr. Mark Nord is a sociologist at the Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He leads the Agency's work on measuring and monitoring household food security and conducts research on measurement and determinants of food security. Previous work includes research on natural resources, rural poverty, and migration at ERS and at the Pennsylvania State University, management of relief and development programs of a non-government organization in Bangladesh, and bush flying in the jungles of Borneo. He received MS and Ph. D. degrees in rural sociology from the Pennsylvania State University.
wn.com/Mark Nord Struggling To Feed The Family, Household Food Security In Recessionary Times
Eighty-fi ve percent of American households were food secure throughout the entire year in 2008, meaning that they had access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. The remaining households (14.6 percent) were food insecure at least some time during the year, including 5.7 percent with very low food security meaning that the food intake of one or more household members was reduced and their eating patterns were disrupted at times during the year because the household lacked money and other resources for food. Prevalence rates of food insecurity and very low food security were up from 11.1 percent and 4.1 percent, respectively, in 2007, and were the highest recorded since 1995, when the fi rst national food security survey was conducted. The typical food-secure household spent 31 percent more on food than the typical food-insecure household of the same size and household composition. Fifty-fi ve percent of all food-insecure households participated in one or more of the three largest Federal food and nutrition assistance programs during the month prior to the 2008 survey. Download 2008 USDA Report on Household Food Security in the United States.
Dr. Mark Nord is a sociologist at the Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He leads the Agency's work on measuring and monitoring household food security and conducts research on measurement and determinants of food security. Previous work includes research on natural resources, rural poverty, and migration at ERS and at the Pennsylvania State University, management of relief and development programs of a non-government organization in Bangladesh, and bush flying in the jungles of Borneo. He received MS and Ph. D. degrees in rural sociology from the Pennsylvania State University.
- published: 28 Jun 2011
- views: 294
La maison hantée dans le nord-pas-de-calais (partie 1) (S01E01)
La première enquête faite par G.I.P c'est déroulée dans le Nord Pas de calais, pour des raisons de confidentialité, nous n'indiquons ni l'endroit exacte de la m...
La première enquête faite par G.I.P c'est déroulée dans le Nord Pas de calais, pour des raisons de confidentialité, nous n'indiquons ni l'endroit exacte de la maison, ni les propriétaires de ces lieux puisqu'il on voulu garder l'anonymat. Cette famille a connu depuis leurs arrivées des problèmes très étranges: La mère de cette maison a vu son enfant griffé dans le dos, ces traces portant étrangement 3 griffes représenteraient le signe du diable, ceci reste cependant une hypothèse de l'équipe, nous devons donc mener cette enquête avec délicatesse car elle pourrait être dangereuse si tel est le cas.
ABONNER vous sur notre chaîne YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC21c3SdKfmBt6OyvaT6uvmA/feed
wn.com/La Maison Hantée Dans Le Nord Pas De Calais (Partie 1) (S01E01)
La première enquête faite par G.I.P c'est déroulée dans le Nord Pas de calais, pour des raisons de confidentialité, nous n'indiquons ni l'endroit exacte de la maison, ni les propriétaires de ces lieux puisqu'il on voulu garder l'anonymat. Cette famille a connu depuis leurs arrivées des problèmes très étranges: La mère de cette maison a vu son enfant griffé dans le dos, ces traces portant étrangement 3 griffes représenteraient le signe du diable, ceci reste cependant une hypothèse de l'équipe, nous devons donc mener cette enquête avec délicatesse car elle pourrait être dangereuse si tel est le cas.
ABONNER vous sur notre chaîne YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC21c3SdKfmBt6OyvaT6uvmA/feed
- published: 04 Jul 2014
- views: 56082
Reportage : Crime dans le nord pas de calais
Reportage : Crime dans le nord pas de calais
N'hésitez pas à Liker, Commenter et Partager les vidéos...
Reportage : Crime dans le nord pas de calais
N'hésitez pas à Liker, Commenter et Partager les vidéos
wn.com/Reportage Crime Dans Le Nord Pas De Calais
Reportage : Crime dans le nord pas de calais
N'hésitez pas à Liker, Commenter et Partager les vidéos
- published: 25 Nov 2015
- views: 459
Air Force One, l'avion Présidentiel Americain [Enquete Exclusive]
La Force aérienne des États-Unis, en anglais United States Air Force, souvent abrégé en US Air Force et USAF, est la branche aérienne des forces armées des État...
La Force aérienne des États-Unis, en anglais United States Air Force, souvent abrégé en US Air Force et USAF, est la branche aérienne des forces armées des États-Unis. Sa mission actuelle est la défense des États-Unis par le contrôle de l'air, de l'espace et du cyberespace.
Initialement connue comme l’United States Army Air Corps puis l’United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) (toutes deux dépendantes de l'US Army), le National Security Act du 18 septembre 1947 a eu comme effet de faire de la force aérienne américaine une branche distincte sous le nom d’US Air Force. Celle-ci reprit les missions et effectifs auparavant confiés aux U.S. Army Air Forces1. Elle est la dernière branche de l'armée américaine à avoir été formée.
L’USAF est, en 2008, la plus importante et technologiquement la plus avancée des armées de l'air dans le monde avec 5 778 avions en servicenote 1, environ 156 drones, 2130 missiles de croisière et 450 missiles balistiques intercontinentaux. L’USAF a 330 000 personnes en service actif, 74 000 dans la réserve et 105 708 dans la garde nationale aérienne. De plus, elle emploie 168 900 personnes civiles incluant l'emploi indirect de ressortissants étrangers.
Pour le budget de la Défense 2009, il était prévu que l’USAF recevrait 143,8 milliards de dollars américains et que son personnel actif soit de 316 600 personnes3. En 2015, il est de 137,8 milliards au 2e rang des branches des forces américaines4.
L’US Air Force dépend du Département de la Force aérienne des États-Unis (United States Department of the Air Force), dirigé par le secrétaire à la Force aérienne, un civil. Ce département est l'un des trois départements militaires du département de la Défense des États-Unis, lequel est dirigé par le secrétaire à la Défense.
wn.com/Air Force One, L'Avion Présidentiel Americain Enquete Exclusive
La Force aérienne des États-Unis, en anglais United States Air Force, souvent abrégé en US Air Force et USAF, est la branche aérienne des forces armées des États-Unis. Sa mission actuelle est la défense des États-Unis par le contrôle de l'air, de l'espace et du cyberespace.
Initialement connue comme l’United States Army Air Corps puis l’United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) (toutes deux dépendantes de l'US Army), le National Security Act du 18 septembre 1947 a eu comme effet de faire de la force aérienne américaine une branche distincte sous le nom d’US Air Force. Celle-ci reprit les missions et effectifs auparavant confiés aux U.S. Army Air Forces1. Elle est la dernière branche de l'armée américaine à avoir été formée.
L’USAF est, en 2008, la plus importante et technologiquement la plus avancée des armées de l'air dans le monde avec 5 778 avions en servicenote 1, environ 156 drones, 2130 missiles de croisière et 450 missiles balistiques intercontinentaux. L’USAF a 330 000 personnes en service actif, 74 000 dans la réserve et 105 708 dans la garde nationale aérienne. De plus, elle emploie 168 900 personnes civiles incluant l'emploi indirect de ressortissants étrangers.
Pour le budget de la Défense 2009, il était prévu que l’USAF recevrait 143,8 milliards de dollars américains et que son personnel actif soit de 316 600 personnes3. En 2015, il est de 137,8 milliards au 2e rang des branches des forces américaines4.
L’US Air Force dépend du Département de la Force aérienne des États-Unis (United States Department of the Air Force), dirigé par le secrétaire à la Force aérienne, un civil. Ce département est l'un des trois départements militaires du département de la Défense des États-Unis, lequel est dirigé par le secrétaire à la Défense.
- published: 12 Dec 2015
- views: 33846
Le Ch'Nord & Ch'Belgique
Les Buch'Crafteurs du Ch'Nord (Romain & Alain) reçoivent Lamateur Dubushcraft qui arrive de la Ch'Belgique, une sortie dans la forêt près de Ors, une aventure e...
Les Buch'Crafteurs du Ch'Nord (Romain & Alain) reçoivent Lamateur Dubushcraft qui arrive de la Ch'Belgique, une sortie dans la forêt près de Ors, une aventure extraordinaire avec du danger, du suspens et de l'action, mieux que les aventures de Bear Grylls.
Buchcraft 59 :
Bushcraft/3RT :
Lamateur Dubushcraft :
wn.com/Le Ch'Nord Ch'Belgique
Les Buch'Crafteurs du Ch'Nord (Romain & Alain) reçoivent Lamateur Dubushcraft qui arrive de la Ch'Belgique, une sortie dans la forêt près de Ors, une aventure extraordinaire avec du danger, du suspens et de l'action, mieux que les aventures de Bear Grylls.
Buchcraft 59 :
Bushcraft/3RT :
Lamateur Dubushcraft :
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 773
Rwanda, IMF forge a plan to keep the country growing above 7%
The International Monetary Fund recently concluded its annual consultations with Rwandan government officials and business leaders, seeking to help the country ...
The International Monetary Fund recently concluded its annual consultations with Rwandan government officials and business leaders, seeking to help the country maintain growth above seven per cent even as commodity prices slide. For more CNBC Africa's Godfrey Mutizwa caught up with Claver Gatete, Rwanda Minister of Finance and Economic Planning and Roger Nord, Deputy Director, Africa Department Org: IMF.
wn.com/Rwanda, Imf Forge A Plan To Keep The Country Growing Above 7
The International Monetary Fund recently concluded its annual consultations with Rwandan government officials and business leaders, seeking to help the country maintain growth above seven per cent even as commodity prices slide. For more CNBC Africa's Godfrey Mutizwa caught up with Claver Gatete, Rwanda Minister of Finance and Economic Planning and Roger Nord, Deputy Director, Africa Department Org: IMF.
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 108
North Hollywood Bank Shootout_February 28, 1997
Raw footage from the North Hollywood Bank Shootout.
The North Hollywood shootout was an armed confrontation between two heavily armed and armored bank robbers...
Raw footage from the North Hollywood Bank Shootout.
The North Hollywood shootout was an armed confrontation between two heavily armed and armored bank robbers and officers of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in the North Hollywood district of Los Angeles on February 28, 1997. Both robbers were killed, eleven police officers and seven civilians were injured, and numerous vehicles and other property were damaged or destroyed by the nearly 2,000 rounds of ammunition fired by the robbers and police.
To license this footage or use in a broadcast contact Launchpad Entertainment, info@lpe360.com
wn.com/North Hollywood Bank Shootout February 28, 1997
Raw footage from the North Hollywood Bank Shootout.
The North Hollywood shootout was an armed confrontation between two heavily armed and armored bank robbers and officers of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in the North Hollywood district of Los Angeles on February 28, 1997. Both robbers were killed, eleven police officers and seven civilians were injured, and numerous vehicles and other property were damaged or destroyed by the nearly 2,000 rounds of ammunition fired by the robbers and police.
To license this footage or use in a broadcast contact Launchpad Entertainment, info@lpe360.com
- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 1098643
ENGLISH N. Korean film on Death of Kim Jong Il
North Korea
Corea del Norte
Corée du Nord
Koreańska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna
Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика
Kuzey Kore
كوريا الشم...
North Korea
Corea del Norte
Corée du Nord
Koreańska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna
Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика
Kuzey Kore
كوريا الشمالية
wn.com/English N. Korean Film On Death Of Kim Jong Il
North Korea
Corea del Norte
Corée du Nord
Koreańska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna
Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика
Kuzey Kore
كوريا الشمالية
- published: 20 May 2012
- views: 229524
Arras is the capital of the Pas-de-Calais department, which is half of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France’s fourth most populous region. It is located in Northern Franc...
Arras is the capital of the Pas-de-Calais department, which is half of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France’s fourth most populous region. It is located in Northern France on the Scarpe river. The Arras plain lies on a large chalk plateau bordered on the north by the Marqueffles fault, on the southwest by the Artois and Ternois hills, and on the south by the slopes of Beaufort-Blavincourt. On the east it is connected to the Scarpe valley.
Established during the Iron Age by the Gauls, the town of Arras was first known as Nemetocenna, which is believed to have originated from the Celtic word nemeton, meaning 'sacred space'. The first mention of the name Arras appeared in the 12th century. Some hypothesize it is a contraction of Atrebates, a Belgic tribe of Gaul and Britain that used to inhabit the area. The name Atrebates could have successively evolved to become Atrades, Atradis, Aras and finally Arras. Others believe it comes from the Celtic word Ar, meaning 'running water', as the Scarpe river flows through Arras.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Arras is the capital of the Pas-de-Calais department, which is half of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France’s fourth most populous region. It is located in Northern France on the Scarpe river. The Arras plain lies on a large chalk plateau bordered on the north by the Marqueffles fault, on the southwest by the Artois and Ternois hills, and on the south by the slopes of Beaufort-Blavincourt. On the east it is connected to the Scarpe valley.
Established during the Iron Age by the Gauls, the town of Arras was first known as Nemetocenna, which is believed to have originated from the Celtic word nemeton, meaning 'sacred space'. The first mention of the name Arras appeared in the 12th century. Some hypothesize it is a contraction of Atrebates, a Belgic tribe of Gaul and Britain that used to inhabit the area. The name Atrebates could have successively evolved to become Atrades, Atradis, Aras and finally Arras. Others believe it comes from the Celtic word Ar, meaning 'running water', as the Scarpe river flows through Arras.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 3
Frappadingue NORD XTREME Le Quesnoy : SPARTANTOONS
Frappadingue du 14 juin 2015 réalisé par les SPARTANTOONS !...
Frappadingue du 14 juin 2015 réalisé par les SPARTANTOONS !
wn.com/Frappadingue Nord Xtreme Le Quesnoy Spartantoons
Frappadingue du 14 juin 2015 réalisé par les SPARTANTOONS !
- published: 19 Jun 2015
- views: 415
Miami's Most Violent Gang The Zoe Pounds Gang
This show provides the viewers with a firsthand look at the Zoe Pound Gang based in Miami.
Zoe Pound is a criminal street gang based in Miami, Florida founded...
This show provides the viewers with a firsthand look at the Zoe Pound Gang based in Miami.
Zoe Pound is a criminal street gang based in Miami, Florida founded by Haitian immigrants.
Having branched out from Miami in the two decades leading up to 2010, they are known to be involved in drug trafficking and robbery and related violent crimes in support of their drug trafficking activities in Evansville.
In 2009, six Zoe Pound leaders were arrested on racketeering and conspiracy charges in Fort Pierce, Florida after Florida Department of Law Enforcement offices convinced several gang members to give testimony for the prosecution.
wn.com/Miami's Most Violent Gang The Zoe Pounds Gang
This show provides the viewers with a firsthand look at the Zoe Pound Gang based in Miami.
Zoe Pound is a criminal street gang based in Miami, Florida founded by Haitian immigrants.
Having branched out from Miami in the two decades leading up to 2010, they are known to be involved in drug trafficking and robbery and related violent crimes in support of their drug trafficking activities in Evansville.
In 2009, six Zoe Pound leaders were arrested on racketeering and conspiracy charges in Fort Pierce, Florida after Florida Department of Law Enforcement offices convinced several gang members to give testimony for the prosecution.
- published: 06 Apr 2014
- views: 1175093
Lille (French pronunciation: [lil] ( ); Dutch: Rijsel [ˈrɛi̯səɫ]) is a city in the North of France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-...
Lille (French pronunciation: [lil] ( ); Dutch: Rijsel [ˈrɛi̯səɫ]) is a city in the North of France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in France after those of Paris, Lyon and Marseille. Lille is situated in French Flanders, on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department.
The city of Lille, to which the previously independent town of Lomme was annexed on 27 February 2000, had a population of 226,827 as recorded by the 2009 census. However, Lille Métropole, which also includes Roubaix, Tourcoing and numerous suburban communities, had a population of 1,091,438. The eurodistrict of Lille-Kortrijk, which also includes the Belgian cities of Kortrijk, Tournai and Mouscron, had 1,905,000 residents.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Lille (French pronunciation: [lil] ( ); Dutch: Rijsel [ˈrɛi̯səɫ]) is a city in the North of France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in France after those of Paris, Lyon and Marseille. Lille is situated in French Flanders, on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department.
The city of Lille, to which the previously independent town of Lomme was annexed on 27 February 2000, had a population of 226,827 as recorded by the 2009 census. However, Lille Métropole, which also includes Roubaix, Tourcoing and numerous suburban communities, had a population of 1,091,438. The eurodistrict of Lille-Kortrijk, which also includes the Belgian cities of Kortrijk, Tournai and Mouscron, had 1,905,000 residents.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 21 Jul 2014
- views: 86
Bracor Presentation
Bruce Nord presentation on the use of liquid de-icers in the Department of Transportation....
Bruce Nord presentation on the use of liquid de-icers in the Department of Transportation.
wn.com/Bracor Presentation
Bruce Nord presentation on the use of liquid de-icers in the Department of Transportation.
- published: 02 Aug 2014
- views: 18
How the British Army Broke the Famous Hindenburg Line, 1918
Help us caption, translate, and tag this video on Amara.org: http://amara.org/en/videos/ettg9cPHzVdH/info/how-the-british-army-broke-the-famous-hindenburg-line-...
Help us caption, translate, and tag this video on Amara.org: http://amara.org/en/videos/ettg9cPHzVdH/info/how-the-british-army-broke-the-famous-hindenburg-line-1918/
Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. (09/18/1947 - 02/28/1964)
Series : Historical Films, compiled ca. 1914 - ca. 1936
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985
Production Date: 1918
Other Title(s): Historical Film, No. 1111
Sound Type: Silent
Scope & Content: Summary:On the British advance during the Cambrai Offensive. Reel 1, infantry units move up near Inchy. Supplies are brought up. Prisoners are treated at a dressing station. Railroad tracks along the Canal du Nord are repaired. The British are greeted by villagers as they enter Bapaume, Ecourt St. Quentin, and Le Basse. Reel 2, the village of Lens is liberated- Cambrai is occupied and Canadian troops extinguish fires set by the fleeing Germans. Shows fortifications along the Hindenburg Line. The British are greeted by villagers as they enter Lille.
Contact(s): National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RD-DC-M), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540, Fax: 301-837-3620, Email: mopix@nara.gov
National Archives Identifier: 24617
Local Identifier: 111-H-1111
wn.com/How The British Army Broke The Famous Hindenburg Line, 1918
Help us caption, translate, and tag this video on Amara.org: http://amara.org/en/videos/ettg9cPHzVdH/info/how-the-british-army-broke-the-famous-hindenburg-line-1918/
Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. (09/18/1947 - 02/28/1964)
Series : Historical Films, compiled ca. 1914 - ca. 1936
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985
Production Date: 1918
Other Title(s): Historical Film, No. 1111
Sound Type: Silent
Scope & Content: Summary:On the British advance during the Cambrai Offensive. Reel 1, infantry units move up near Inchy. Supplies are brought up. Prisoners are treated at a dressing station. Railroad tracks along the Canal du Nord are repaired. The British are greeted by villagers as they enter Bapaume, Ecourt St. Quentin, and Le Basse. Reel 2, the village of Lens is liberated- Cambrai is occupied and Canadian troops extinguish fires set by the fleeing Germans. Shows fortifications along the Hindenburg Line. The British are greeted by villagers as they enter Lille.
Contact(s): National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RD-DC-M), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540, Fax: 301-837-3620, Email: mopix@nara.gov
National Archives Identifier: 24617
Local Identifier: 111-H-1111
- published: 27 Aug 2014
- views: 1438
FLANDRAIL. RMC 59. Coudekerque-Branche (03-04/10/2015)
FR - ENG : Les 3 et 4 octobre 2015, le club RMC 59 (Rail Modélisme Coudekerquois) organisait FLANDRAIL, une grande exposition internationale de modélisme ferrov...
FR - ENG : Les 3 et 4 octobre 2015, le club RMC 59 (Rail Modélisme Coudekerquois) organisait FLANDRAIL, une grande exposition internationale de modélisme ferroviaire, dans la ville de Coudekerque-Branche dans le département du Nord. En voici quelques images. (A visionner de préférence en HD et grand écran.)
3 and October 4, 2015, the RMC Club 59 (Rail Model Coudekerquois) organized FLANDRAIL, a major international exhibition of model railways in the town of Coudekerque-Branche in the Northern Department in France. Here are some pictures. (A watch preferably in HD and large screen.)
wn.com/Flandrail. Rmc 59. Coudekerque Branche (03 04 10 2015)
FR - ENG : Les 3 et 4 octobre 2015, le club RMC 59 (Rail Modélisme Coudekerquois) organisait FLANDRAIL, une grande exposition internationale de modélisme ferroviaire, dans la ville de Coudekerque-Branche dans le département du Nord. En voici quelques images. (A visionner de préférence en HD et grand écran.)
3 and October 4, 2015, the RMC Club 59 (Rail Model Coudekerquois) organized FLANDRAIL, a major international exhibition of model railways in the town of Coudekerque-Branche in the Northern Department in France. Here are some pictures. (A watch preferably in HD and large screen.)
- published: 20 Dec 2015
- views: 829
David Grinspoon - Climate Catastrophes in the Solar System: Lessons for Earth
David Grinspoon
"Climate Catastrophes in the Solar System: Lessons for Earth"
Date: 04-04-2012
Location: Wolstein Building Auditorium
Sponsored by the Baker-No...
David Grinspoon
"Climate Catastrophes in the Solar System: Lessons for Earth"
Date: 04-04-2012
Location: Wolstein Building Auditorium
Sponsored by the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities at Case Western Reserve University
Grinspoon, author, Curator of Astrobiology in the Department of Space Sciences at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and Adjunct Professor of Astrophysical and Planetary Science at the University of Colorado presents an interplanetary perspective on climate change. What happened to the lost oceans of Venus and Mars? In this 90-minute lecture, Grinspoon discusses how studying the evolution of other planets contributes to understanding and predicting climate change on Earth. He leads us on a journey through the solar system—and deep time—discovering runaway greenhouses, snowball planets, and the long-term fate of Earth.
wn.com/David Grinspoon Climate Catastrophes In The Solar System Lessons For Earth
David Grinspoon
"Climate Catastrophes in the Solar System: Lessons for Earth"
Date: 04-04-2012
Location: Wolstein Building Auditorium
Sponsored by the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities at Case Western Reserve University
Grinspoon, author, Curator of Astrobiology in the Department of Space Sciences at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and Adjunct Professor of Astrophysical and Planetary Science at the University of Colorado presents an interplanetary perspective on climate change. What happened to the lost oceans of Venus and Mars? In this 90-minute lecture, Grinspoon discusses how studying the evolution of other planets contributes to understanding and predicting climate change on Earth. He leads us on a journey through the solar system—and deep time—discovering runaway greenhouses, snowball planets, and the long-term fate of Earth.
- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 1231