NEPAL - INDIE, el. do Mistrzostw Świata Rosja 2018, Tour de Sport #4
17 marca 2015, Katmandu, Nepal. Ciężko w to uwierzyć, ale to mój pierwszy w życiu mecz reprezentacyjny! Trochę dziwnie zaczynać reprezentacyjną przygodę od meczu krajów z końcówki drugiej setki rankingu FIFA. To miejsce w piłkarskim szeregu zdecydowanie było widać na boisku. Kluby polskiej A klasy mogłyby rywalizować z obiema reprezentacjami jak równy z równym. Może po Nepalu nie spodziewałem się
SAFF U19 Championship Finals - Nepal Vs India 2015 Highlights
Subscribe us for more sports videos and full match of Nepal vs India.
SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs India
Nepal vs India Full Match
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs Afghanistan
Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
Nepal Vs India 2015
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SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs India
Nepal vs India Full Match
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs Afghanistan
Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
Nepal Sports Management
Nepal Sports Management
UM RENEGADE SPORTS 180 : Kathmandu, Nepal
Tried Some Bike shots !!
The Renegade Sports in its range comes with three engines of 140 cc, 180 cc variation which features an air-cooled single-cylinder engine that develops a 15.22 hp and peak torque of 14.67 Nm. The bike weighs just 110 kg.
The bike gets hydraulic telescopic suspension at the front, hydraulic spring setup at the rear, disc brakes at the front and drum brakes at the rear.
Top 5 Most Expensive Bikes in Nepal (नेपालमा पहिने ५ महँगा बाईक)
Motor Bikes are common private mode of transportation in Nepal. It is cheap, easy to ride and suitable for the road of Nepal. However some wealthy or interested people are influenced by some expensive luxurious super bikes. The trend of having expensive super bikes in Nepal is increasing and that's the reason of many Luxurious bikes hitting the street of Nepal. From Ducati to Yamaha all are in the
Superbikes Ride in Nepal -- Full
As every Saturday comes, we get the roads roaring and head turning. This was our first ride with the GoPro HD. Also, there was a small ride towards Chovar for Channel Nepal's program LifeStyle. Me riding as sweeper on Bombay Orange CB600F F5.
For low resolution video, click on this link
Please do visit us at http://www.tradenepal.com.np
Amazing Goal By Nepal - SAFF U19 Championship : Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
Subscribe us for more sports videos.
SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs Afghanistan
Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
Top 5 Most Expensive Cars in Nepal (नेपालमा पहिने ५ महँगा कारहरु )
Cars are the basic means of transportation. In Nepal the craze of having private means of transportation is increasing leading to the high demand of cars. There are many international brand fulfilling this demand like KIA , Mahindra, Honda, Suzuki, Toyota, TATA and many others. Keeping this in side here are top 5 list of expensive cars in Nepal which are comfortable and luxurious to ride.
Super bikes nepal ride to dhulikhel
Top 5 Things To Do In Pokhara( Nepal Tourism)
Pokhara is the famous tourist destination of Nepal. Every year thousands of tourist visit Pokhara in the seek of Natural Beauty and Adventure. Tripadvisor.com the famous tourism website has listed many interesting things that can be done in Pokhara. Being part of Nepal tourism, Pokhara has contributed a lot. So here are top 5 things that can be done in Pokhara.
Parahawking: http://www.parahawking
Nepal Football Song
ayo gorkhalii!!!!
nepali football song
Nepal sports carnival (skateboarding)
Nepal skateboarding scene is slowly taking its shape, building its pace and is ready to explode. bunch of steezy kids, out to play, creating history in this country of mountains and the exciting part about it, they don't even realize. i, am, glad, to be a part of this journey, can't wait to see all that glimmers of light that will eventually shine upon these talented gladiators as they start flyin
SUPERNEPAL (adventure sports version)
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Glider Plane
World's most extreme zipline - ZipFlyer Nepal
Visit our website at : www.highgroundnepal.com
or visit us on facebook at: www.facebook.com/hgnepal
ZipFlyer Nepal is the world's most extreme zipline. With a vertical drop of 600 meters over a total distance of 1.8km makes this the world's steepest, tallest and one of the longest ziplines. Its also one of the fastest with top speeds of upto 140 kmph. This zipline is located on Sarangkot, about 1
Sports Journal (Liverpool Fans Nepal Special)
A Day With Super-Sports - Riderznepal - Super Bikes 0f Nepal ( SBN )
INSPIRE nepal - Sports day
On christmas day 2015, INSPIRE nepal and a small group of volunteers held a sports day for 50 deaf children in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Scoreboard Nepal Sports News June 2015
Scoreboard Nepal Sports News June 2015, Nepal Sports News, Nepal Weekly Sports related news on Nepal Cricket, Nepal Football, Nepal volleyball, Athletics, Swimming, Shooting and all other games.
Nepal sport bike cbr 600rr 231 speed
Extreme Sports and Adventure trips to Nepal | Palii Travel and Adventure
Departures from Thailand starting from the first week of march 2015
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Adventure Sports in Nepal
Nepal, the land of himalayas has a lot to offer when it comes to Adventure sports. Travel to Nepal to experience Bungy in Nepal, Canyon Swing, High Ropes, Canyoning, Rafting, Kayaking, Mountain biking, Hiking and more.
Nepali Host Family is a Non Profit, volunteer organization established in the year 2006. We are a Small Nepali Organization which is based in the Capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, run b
RJ Sports Nepal an exclusive showroom on Sports Wear
RJ Sports Nepal is one of the leading company on sports wear . It lies on the heart of town at China Town Shopping Complex , Sundhara Kathmandu .
NEPAL - INDIE, el. do Mistrzostw Świata Rosja 2018, Tour de Sport #4
17 marca 2015, Katmandu, Nepal. Ciężko w to uwierzyć, ale to mój pierwszy w życiu mecz reprezentacyjny! Trochę dziwnie zaczynać reprezentacyjną przygodę od mecz...
17 marca 2015, Katmandu, Nepal. Ciężko w to uwierzyć, ale to mój pierwszy w życiu mecz reprezentacyjny! Trochę dziwnie zaczynać reprezentacyjną przygodę od meczu krajów z końcówki drugiej setki rankingu FIFA. To miejsce w piłkarskim szeregu zdecydowanie było widać na boisku. Kluby polskiej A klasy mogłyby rywalizować z obiema reprezentacjami jak równy z równym. Może po Nepalu nie spodziewałem się zbyt wiele, ale po Indiach zdecydowanie więcej. To jednak gospodarze zdominowali mecz i nie dopuścili drużyny gości do głosu nawet na minutę.
Dobra, o co chodziło? Był to mecz eliminacji do eliminacji Mistrzostw Świata w Rosji w 2018. W strefie Azjatyckiej najsłabsze zespoły rozlosowywane są w pary, z których to w dwumeczu wyłaniane są kraje, które będą miały prawo występować w tych "prawdziwych" eliminacjach. Tym sposobem Nepal odpadając z rozgrywek już w 2015 roku, następny mecz o stawkę rozegra dopiero w eliminacjach do Mistrzostw Świata w 2022.
Mecz długo wisiał na włosku z powodu remontu na stadionie narodowym Nepalu - Dasarath Rangasala. Długo utrzymywano, iż oba mecze będą rozgrywane w Indiach. Byłoby to dziwne ponieważ, "jak widać na załączonym obrazku", Nepal niezbyt często rozgrywa mecze o stawkę. Dopiero na kilka dni przed meczem potwierdzono Katmandu. Tu, nie mając pojęcia jak to będzie wyglądało na miejscu, rozpoczęły się próby zdobycia biletów z wyprzedzeniem. Oczywiście żadna sprzedaż online nie wchodziła w grę. Korespondencja z federacją Nepalu nie przyniosła efektów. Obsługa hotelu, w którym mieliśmy się zatrzymać nic nie potrafiła poradzić. Dopiero będąc już na miejscu udało się uzyskać jakiekolwiek informacje bezpośrednio na stadionie. Okazało się, iż bilety będą dostępne w dniu meczu o 8ej rano. Nie wiedzieliśmy czego się spodziewać, ilu będzie chętnych więc stawiliśmy się pod stadionem z samego rana. Ceny - jak na taki kraj, bardzo wysokie! Tańszy bilet na łuki za bramkami kosztował 700 rupii nepalskich (25 zł). Dla porównania za tą kwotę można kupić 7 "obiadów" (bardzo orientacyjnie, zależy od miejsca, lokalizacji itp). Bilet na trybunę główną to wydatek rzędu 1000 rupii. Pomimo to zainteresowanie było całkiem spore. Niestety spora część stadionu wyłączona była z użytku co z pewnością odbiło się na atmosferze. A skoro o niej mowa to trzeba wspomnieć, iż Nepalczycy dopingowali bardzo żywiołowo... ale bez składu i ładu... Przy 'fali meksykańskiej' tworzyło się takie zamieszanie, że po jednym okrążeniu tworzyły się dwie fale płynące w przeciwnych kierunkach. Ogólnie jeden wielki chaos ;)
Szkoda Nepalu. Powinni wygrać i spokojnie odrobić dwubramkową stratę z pierwszego meczu. Jedyne czego im zabrakło (poza oczywiście ogólnopojętymi umiejętnościami gry w piłkę) to skuteczność. Prawie nie wychodzili z pola karnego Indii obijając słupki i poprzeczki (jak już udało się kopnąć piłkę prosto), raz nawet udało się wepchnąć piłkę do siatki, niestety bramka nie została uznana (z jakiegoś tam powodu).
Jeśli się podobało i chcesz zobaczyć więcej daj lajka i subskrybuj kanał! :)
Music 1: FLOAT by Floppy Circus
Music 2: Sometimes by ProleteR
Music 3: Nothing at all by ProleteR
Music 4: Sometimes by ProleteR
Find themhere: proleter.bandcamp.com
wn.com/Nepal Indie, El. Do Mistrzostw Świata Rosja 2018, Tour De Sport 4
17 marca 2015, Katmandu, Nepal. Ciężko w to uwierzyć, ale to mój pierwszy w życiu mecz reprezentacyjny! Trochę dziwnie zaczynać reprezentacyjną przygodę od meczu krajów z końcówki drugiej setki rankingu FIFA. To miejsce w piłkarskim szeregu zdecydowanie było widać na boisku. Kluby polskiej A klasy mogłyby rywalizować z obiema reprezentacjami jak równy z równym. Może po Nepalu nie spodziewałem się zbyt wiele, ale po Indiach zdecydowanie więcej. To jednak gospodarze zdominowali mecz i nie dopuścili drużyny gości do głosu nawet na minutę.
Dobra, o co chodziło? Był to mecz eliminacji do eliminacji Mistrzostw Świata w Rosji w 2018. W strefie Azjatyckiej najsłabsze zespoły rozlosowywane są w pary, z których to w dwumeczu wyłaniane są kraje, które będą miały prawo występować w tych "prawdziwych" eliminacjach. Tym sposobem Nepal odpadając z rozgrywek już w 2015 roku, następny mecz o stawkę rozegra dopiero w eliminacjach do Mistrzostw Świata w 2022.
Mecz długo wisiał na włosku z powodu remontu na stadionie narodowym Nepalu - Dasarath Rangasala. Długo utrzymywano, iż oba mecze będą rozgrywane w Indiach. Byłoby to dziwne ponieważ, "jak widać na załączonym obrazku", Nepal niezbyt często rozgrywa mecze o stawkę. Dopiero na kilka dni przed meczem potwierdzono Katmandu. Tu, nie mając pojęcia jak to będzie wyglądało na miejscu, rozpoczęły się próby zdobycia biletów z wyprzedzeniem. Oczywiście żadna sprzedaż online nie wchodziła w grę. Korespondencja z federacją Nepalu nie przyniosła efektów. Obsługa hotelu, w którym mieliśmy się zatrzymać nic nie potrafiła poradzić. Dopiero będąc już na miejscu udało się uzyskać jakiekolwiek informacje bezpośrednio na stadionie. Okazało się, iż bilety będą dostępne w dniu meczu o 8ej rano. Nie wiedzieliśmy czego się spodziewać, ilu będzie chętnych więc stawiliśmy się pod stadionem z samego rana. Ceny - jak na taki kraj, bardzo wysokie! Tańszy bilet na łuki za bramkami kosztował 700 rupii nepalskich (25 zł). Dla porównania za tą kwotę można kupić 7 "obiadów" (bardzo orientacyjnie, zależy od miejsca, lokalizacji itp). Bilet na trybunę główną to wydatek rzędu 1000 rupii. Pomimo to zainteresowanie było całkiem spore. Niestety spora część stadionu wyłączona była z użytku co z pewnością odbiło się na atmosferze. A skoro o niej mowa to trzeba wspomnieć, iż Nepalczycy dopingowali bardzo żywiołowo... ale bez składu i ładu... Przy 'fali meksykańskiej' tworzyło się takie zamieszanie, że po jednym okrążeniu tworzyły się dwie fale płynące w przeciwnych kierunkach. Ogólnie jeden wielki chaos ;)
Szkoda Nepalu. Powinni wygrać i spokojnie odrobić dwubramkową stratę z pierwszego meczu. Jedyne czego im zabrakło (poza oczywiście ogólnopojętymi umiejętnościami gry w piłkę) to skuteczność. Prawie nie wychodzili z pola karnego Indii obijając słupki i poprzeczki (jak już udało się kopnąć piłkę prosto), raz nawet udało się wepchnąć piłkę do siatki, niestety bramka nie została uznana (z jakiegoś tam powodu).
Jeśli się podobało i chcesz zobaczyć więcej daj lajka i subskrybuj kanał! :)
Music 1: FLOAT by Floppy Circus
Music 2: Sometimes by ProleteR
Music 3: Nothing at all by ProleteR
Music 4: Sometimes by ProleteR
Find themhere: proleter.bandcamp.com
- published: 12 Jun 2015
- views: 5916
SAFF U19 Championship Finals - Nepal Vs India 2015 Highlights
Subscribe us for more sports videos and full match of Nepal vs India.
SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By N...
Subscribe us for more sports videos and full match of Nepal vs India.
SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs India
Nepal vs India Full Match
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs Afghanistan
Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
wn.com/Saff U19 Championship Finals Nepal Vs India 2015 Highlights
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SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs India
Nepal vs India Full Match
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs Afghanistan
Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
- published: 29 Aug 2015
- views: 24198
Nepal Vs India 2015
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SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs India
Nepal vs Indi...
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SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs India
Nepal vs India Full Match
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs Afghanistan
Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
wn.com/Nepal Vs India 2015
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SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs India
Nepal vs India Full Match
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs Afghanistan
Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
- published: 30 Aug 2015
- views: 36665
Nepal Sports Management
Nepal Sports Management...
Nepal Sports Management
wn.com/Nepal Sports Management
Nepal Sports Management
- published: 08 Sep 2015
- views: 186
UM RENEGADE SPORTS 180 : Kathmandu, Nepal
Tried Some Bike shots !!
The Renegade Sports in its range comes with three engines of 140 cc, 180 cc variation which features an air-cooled single-cylinder eng...
Tried Some Bike shots !!
The Renegade Sports in its range comes with three engines of 140 cc, 180 cc variation which features an air-cooled single-cylinder engine that develops a 15.22 hp and peak torque of 14.67 Nm. The bike weighs just 110 kg.
The bike gets hydraulic telescopic suspension at the front, hydraulic spring setup at the rear, disc brakes at the front and drum brakes at the rear.
The Renegade Sport measures 1,975 mm in length, 730 mm in width and has a seat height of 756 mm. It gets a wheelbase of 1,350 mm and a 10 liter fuel tank.
A number of optional features like blind spot mirrors, LED indicators, LED surround lights and Bluetooth helmet are available for the Renegade Sport.
Music from: bensound.com
Exclusive Showroom, Rastriya Naachghar
Jamal, Kathmandu
Tel.: 977-1-4166001
Email: um@imeautomotives.com
fb: umnepal
wn.com/Um Renegade Sports 180 Kathmandu, Nepal
Tried Some Bike shots !!
The Renegade Sports in its range comes with three engines of 140 cc, 180 cc variation which features an air-cooled single-cylinder engine that develops a 15.22 hp and peak torque of 14.67 Nm. The bike weighs just 110 kg.
The bike gets hydraulic telescopic suspension at the front, hydraulic spring setup at the rear, disc brakes at the front and drum brakes at the rear.
The Renegade Sport measures 1,975 mm in length, 730 mm in width and has a seat height of 756 mm. It gets a wheelbase of 1,350 mm and a 10 liter fuel tank.
A number of optional features like blind spot mirrors, LED indicators, LED surround lights and Bluetooth helmet are available for the Renegade Sport.
Music from: bensound.com
Exclusive Showroom, Rastriya Naachghar
Jamal, Kathmandu
Tel.: 977-1-4166001
Email: um@imeautomotives.com
fb: umnepal
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 2980
Top 5 Most Expensive Bikes in Nepal (नेपालमा पहिने ५ महँगा बाईक)
Motor Bikes are common private mode of transportation in Nepal. It is cheap, easy to ride and suitable for the road of Nepal. However some wealthy or interested...
Motor Bikes are common private mode of transportation in Nepal. It is cheap, easy to ride and suitable for the road of Nepal. However some wealthy or interested people are influenced by some expensive luxurious super bikes. The trend of having expensive super bikes in Nepal is increasing and that's the reason of many Luxurious bikes hitting the street of Nepal. From Ducati to Yamaha all are in the race of fulfilling the demand of their customer. So in the list we have top 5 most expensive bikes in Nepal. Heed that all the information is based on online research and if any mistake feel free to address me.
Motor bikes price in nepal motorcycle scooter cheap expensive luxurious mopped Nepali country italian brand mileage ducati diavel carbon yamaha r1 r6 agusta superbikes sportbikes cruiser top speed race hayabusa top
Subscribe: https://goo.gl/rP1qg8
Google+: https://goo.gl/3FA9Ey
Please watch: "
Top 5 Future Tech Available In Nepal
➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92lwo_N824I
wn.com/Top 5 Most Expensive Bikes In Nepal (नेपालमा पहिने ५ महँगा बाईक)
Motor Bikes are common private mode of transportation in Nepal. It is cheap, easy to ride and suitable for the road of Nepal. However some wealthy or interested people are influenced by some expensive luxurious super bikes. The trend of having expensive super bikes in Nepal is increasing and that's the reason of many Luxurious bikes hitting the street of Nepal. From Ducati to Yamaha all are in the race of fulfilling the demand of their customer. So in the list we have top 5 most expensive bikes in Nepal. Heed that all the information is based on online research and if any mistake feel free to address me.
Motor bikes price in nepal motorcycle scooter cheap expensive luxurious mopped Nepali country italian brand mileage ducati diavel carbon yamaha r1 r6 agusta superbikes sportbikes cruiser top speed race hayabusa top
Subscribe: https://goo.gl/rP1qg8
Google+: https://goo.gl/3FA9Ey
Please watch: "
Top 5 Future Tech Available In Nepal
➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92lwo_N824I
- published: 21 Jun 2015
- views: 51936
Superbikes Ride in Nepal -- Full
As every Saturday comes, we get the roads roaring and head turning. This was our first ride with the GoPro HD. Also, there was a small ride towards Chovar for C...
As every Saturday comes, we get the roads roaring and head turning. This was our first ride with the GoPro HD. Also, there was a small ride towards Chovar for Channel Nepal's program LifeStyle. Me riding as sweeper on Bombay Orange CB600F F5.
For low resolution video, click on this link
Please do visit us at http://www.tradenepal.com.np
wn.com/Superbikes Ride In Nepal Full
As every Saturday comes, we get the roads roaring and head turning. This was our first ride with the GoPro HD. Also, there was a small ride towards Chovar for Channel Nepal's program LifeStyle. Me riding as sweeper on Bombay Orange CB600F F5.
For low resolution video, click on this link
Please do visit us at http://www.tradenepal.com.np
- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 45878
Amazing Goal By Nepal - SAFF U19 Championship : Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
Subscribe us for more sports videos.
SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs...
Subscribe us for more sports videos.
SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs Afghanistan
Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
wn.com/Amazing Goal By Nepal Saff U19 Championship Nepal Vs Afghanistan U19 2015
Subscribe us for more sports videos.
SAFF U19 Championship
SAFF U19 Championship 2015
Amazing Goal By Nepal
Goal By Nepal
Nepal vs Bhutan U19
Nepal vs Afghanistan
Nepal vs Afghanistan U19 2015
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 29886
Top 5 Most Expensive Cars in Nepal (नेपालमा पहिने ५ महँगा कारहरु )
Cars are the basic means of transportation. In Nepal the craze of having private means of transportation is increasing leading to the high demand of cars. There...
Cars are the basic means of transportation. In Nepal the craze of having private means of transportation is increasing leading to the high demand of cars. There are many international brand fulfilling this demand like KIA , Mahindra, Honda, Suzuki, Toyota, TATA and many others. Keeping this in side here are top 5 list of expensive cars in Nepal which are comfortable and luxurious to ride.
Nepal expensive cars new old cars for sale toyota mahindra honda mercedes benz toyota land cruiser prado price nepal bikes motor cycles cheap kia cars nepal sports cars nepal vintage cars nepal car nepal
Subscribe: https://goo.gl/rP1qg8
Google+: https://goo.gl/3FA9Ey
Please watch: "
Top 5 Future Tech Available In Nepal
➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92lwo_N824I
wn.com/Top 5 Most Expensive Cars In Nepal (नेपालमा पहिने ५ महँगा कारहरु )
Cars are the basic means of transportation. In Nepal the craze of having private means of transportation is increasing leading to the high demand of cars. There are many international brand fulfilling this demand like KIA , Mahindra, Honda, Suzuki, Toyota, TATA and many others. Keeping this in side here are top 5 list of expensive cars in Nepal which are comfortable and luxurious to ride.
Nepal expensive cars new old cars for sale toyota mahindra honda mercedes benz toyota land cruiser prado price nepal bikes motor cycles cheap kia cars nepal sports cars nepal vintage cars nepal car nepal
Subscribe: https://goo.gl/rP1qg8
Google+: https://goo.gl/3FA9Ey
Please watch: "
Top 5 Future Tech Available In Nepal
➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92lwo_N824I
- published: 28 Jun 2015
- views: 31769
Top 5 Things To Do In Pokhara( Nepal Tourism)
Pokhara is the famous tourist destination of Nepal. Every year thousands of tourist visit Pokhara in the seek of Natural Beauty and Adventure. Tripadvisor.com t...
Pokhara is the famous tourist destination of Nepal. Every year thousands of tourist visit Pokhara in the seek of Natural Beauty and Adventure. Tripadvisor.com the famous tourism website has listed many interesting things that can be done in Pokhara. Being part of Nepal tourism, Pokhara has contributed a lot. So here are top 5 things that can be done in Pokhara.
Parahawking: http://www.parahawking.com/
Ultra-flight : http://www.flypokhara.com/
Zipline ride: http://highgroundnepal.com/
Nepal tourist destination pokhara lakeside fewa lake begnas lake saragkot paragliding parahawking boating zipline ride ultra flight mountain view aviation adventure sports trek tourism hotels accommodation restaurants guide freelancer home stay view nature beauty Nepal
Subscribe: https://goo.gl/rP1qg8
Google+: https://goo.gl/3FA9Ey
Please watch: "
Top 5 Future Tech Available In Nepal
➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92lwo_N824I
wn.com/Top 5 Things To Do In Pokhara( Nepal Tourism)
Pokhara is the famous tourist destination of Nepal. Every year thousands of tourist visit Pokhara in the seek of Natural Beauty and Adventure. Tripadvisor.com the famous tourism website has listed many interesting things that can be done in Pokhara. Being part of Nepal tourism, Pokhara has contributed a lot. So here are top 5 things that can be done in Pokhara.
Parahawking: http://www.parahawking.com/
Ultra-flight : http://www.flypokhara.com/
Zipline ride: http://highgroundnepal.com/
Nepal tourist destination pokhara lakeside fewa lake begnas lake saragkot paragliding parahawking boating zipline ride ultra flight mountain view aviation adventure sports trek tourism hotels accommodation restaurants guide freelancer home stay view nature beauty Nepal
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Please watch: "
Top 5 Future Tech Available In Nepal
➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92lwo_N824I
- published: 23 Jun 2015
- views: 9484
Nepal Football Song
ayo gorkhalii!!!!
nepali football song...
ayo gorkhalii!!!!
nepali football song
wn.com/Nepal Football Song
ayo gorkhalii!!!!
nepali football song
- published: 21 Sep 2013
- views: 5676
Nepal sports carnival (skateboarding)
Nepal skateboarding scene is slowly taking its shape, building its pace and is ready to explode. bunch of steezy kids, out to play, creating history in this cou...
Nepal skateboarding scene is slowly taking its shape, building its pace and is ready to explode. bunch of steezy kids, out to play, creating history in this country of mountains and the exciting part about it, they don't even realize. i, am, glad, to be a part of this journey, can't wait to see all that glimmers of light that will eventually shine upon these talented gladiators as they start flying above their own shadows of improvement.
"support the future." (future of the new generation of Nepal that's coming at our way)
***NOTICE*** both of the flat bar slide tricks are backside boarslides except the first ones with the fakie out
wn.com/Nepal Sports Carnival (Skateboarding)
Nepal skateboarding scene is slowly taking its shape, building its pace and is ready to explode. bunch of steezy kids, out to play, creating history in this country of mountains and the exciting part about it, they don't even realize. i, am, glad, to be a part of this journey, can't wait to see all that glimmers of light that will eventually shine upon these talented gladiators as they start flying above their own shadows of improvement.
"support the future." (future of the new generation of Nepal that's coming at our way)
***NOTICE*** both of the flat bar slide tricks are backside boarslides except the first ones with the fakie out
- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 1582
SUPERNEPAL (adventure sports version)
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Videos were taken from:
Glider Plane
Bus ride
wn.com/Supernepal (Adventure Sports Version)
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Videos were taken from:
Glider Plane
Bus ride
- published: 25 Sep 2014
- views: 696
World's most extreme zipline - ZipFlyer Nepal
Visit our website at : www.highgroundnepal.com
or visit us on facebook at: www.facebook.com/hgnepal
ZipFlyer Nepal is the world's most extreme zipline. With a ...
Visit our website at : www.highgroundnepal.com
or visit us on facebook at: www.facebook.com/hgnepal
ZipFlyer Nepal is the world's most extreme zipline. With a vertical drop of 600 meters over a total distance of 1.8km makes this the world's steepest, tallest and one of the longest ziplines. Its also one of the fastest with top speeds of upto 140 kmph. This zipline is located on Sarangkot, about 10 km from the beautiful town of Pokhara.
Music : Wishbone by Hey Sholay / http://www.facebook.com/heysholay
Available on iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/hey-sholay/id473362259
wn.com/World's Most Extreme Zipline Zipflyer Nepal
Visit our website at : www.highgroundnepal.com
or visit us on facebook at: www.facebook.com/hgnepal
ZipFlyer Nepal is the world's most extreme zipline. With a vertical drop of 600 meters over a total distance of 1.8km makes this the world's steepest, tallest and one of the longest ziplines. Its also one of the fastest with top speeds of upto 140 kmph. This zipline is located on Sarangkot, about 10 km from the beautiful town of Pokhara.
Music : Wishbone by Hey Sholay / http://www.facebook.com/heysholay
Available on iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/hey-sholay/id473362259
- published: 04 Jun 2012
- views: 1434474
INSPIRE nepal - Sports day
On christmas day 2015, INSPIRE nepal and a small group of volunteers held a sports day for 50 deaf children in Kathmandu, Nepal....
On christmas day 2015, INSPIRE nepal and a small group of volunteers held a sports day for 50 deaf children in Kathmandu, Nepal.
wn.com/Inspire Nepal Sports Day
On christmas day 2015, INSPIRE nepal and a small group of volunteers held a sports day for 50 deaf children in Kathmandu, Nepal.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 165
Scoreboard Nepal Sports News June 2015
Scoreboard Nepal Sports News June 2015, Nepal Sports News, Nepal Weekly Sports related news on Nepal Cricket, Nepal Football, Nepal volleyball, Athletics, Swimm...
Scoreboard Nepal Sports News June 2015, Nepal Sports News, Nepal Weekly Sports related news on Nepal Cricket, Nepal Football, Nepal volleyball, Athletics, Swimming, Shooting and all other games.
wn.com/Scoreboard Nepal Sports News June 2015
Scoreboard Nepal Sports News June 2015, Nepal Sports News, Nepal Weekly Sports related news on Nepal Cricket, Nepal Football, Nepal volleyball, Athletics, Swimming, Shooting and all other games.
- published: 21 Jun 2015
- views: 274
Extreme Sports and Adventure trips to Nepal | Palii Travel and Adventure
Departures from Thailand starting from the first week of march 2015
Limited seats only.... Make your reservation now.
Live life at the edge, underneath the Him...
Departures from Thailand starting from the first week of march 2015
Limited seats only.... Make your reservation now.
Live life at the edge, underneath the Himalayan landscapes and on heights that cross human limits.
For more info:
wn.com/Extreme Sports And Adventure Trips To Nepal | Palii Travel And Adventure
Departures from Thailand starting from the first week of march 2015
Limited seats only.... Make your reservation now.
Live life at the edge, underneath the Himalayan landscapes and on heights that cross human limits.
For more info:
- published: 29 Jan 2015
- views: 117
Adventure Sports in Nepal
Nepal, the land of himalayas has a lot to offer when it comes to Adventure sports. Travel to Nepal to experience Bungy in Nepal, Canyon Swing, High Ropes, Canyo...
Nepal, the land of himalayas has a lot to offer when it comes to Adventure sports. Travel to Nepal to experience Bungy in Nepal, Canyon Swing, High Ropes, Canyoning, Rafting, Kayaking, Mountain biking, Hiking and more.
Nepali Host Family is a Non Profit, volunteer organization established in the year 2006. We are a Small Nepali Organization which is based in the Capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, run by Nepalese Social workers. With a vision to help the community and the people in need, we carry out our activities by the help of our volunteers.
Nepali Host Family provides Free Volunteer Projects in Schools, Orphanages, Rehabilitation Centers and Hospitals in Nepal. Nepali Homestay, Nepali Language Course, Nepali Cooking Course for the Foreigners is provided at a very affordable cost. We also arrange Yoga, Trekking in Nepal and Travel in Nepal for our volunteers and guests.
Volunteer Abroad, Internships Abroad, Gap Year Programs, Volunteering Programs
We organize different tours and trips for our volunteers. The trip to The Last Resort in Nepal is arranged so that interested volunteers can enjoy Bungy Nepal, Rafting, Canyoning and other activities.
Find us on facebook
Check our website to get information's about volunteering in Nepal.
wn.com/Adventure Sports In Nepal
Nepal, the land of himalayas has a lot to offer when it comes to Adventure sports. Travel to Nepal to experience Bungy in Nepal, Canyon Swing, High Ropes, Canyoning, Rafting, Kayaking, Mountain biking, Hiking and more.
Nepali Host Family is a Non Profit, volunteer organization established in the year 2006. We are a Small Nepali Organization which is based in the Capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, run by Nepalese Social workers. With a vision to help the community and the people in need, we carry out our activities by the help of our volunteers.
Nepali Host Family provides Free Volunteer Projects in Schools, Orphanages, Rehabilitation Centers and Hospitals in Nepal. Nepali Homestay, Nepali Language Course, Nepali Cooking Course for the Foreigners is provided at a very affordable cost. We also arrange Yoga, Trekking in Nepal and Travel in Nepal for our volunteers and guests.
Volunteer Abroad, Internships Abroad, Gap Year Programs, Volunteering Programs
We organize different tours and trips for our volunteers. The trip to The Last Resort in Nepal is arranged so that interested volunteers can enjoy Bungy Nepal, Rafting, Canyoning and other activities.
Find us on facebook
Check our website to get information's about volunteering in Nepal.
- published: 05 Dec 2011
- views: 846
RJ Sports Nepal an exclusive showroom on Sports Wear
RJ Sports Nepal is one of the leading company on sports wear . It lies on the heart of town at China Town Shopping Complex , Sundhara Kathmandu . ...
RJ Sports Nepal is one of the leading company on sports wear . It lies on the heart of town at China Town Shopping Complex , Sundhara Kathmandu .
wn.com/Rj Sports Nepal An Exclusive Showroom On Sports Wear
RJ Sports Nepal is one of the leading company on sports wear . It lies on the heart of town at China Town Shopping Complex , Sundhara Kathmandu .
- published: 08 Jun 2014
- views: 466
Prime Minister of India Modi's clone burned in Nepal | Daily Exclusive News ( Media Np TV)
Medianp Present's, The Protest Against The Indian Prime Minister " Narendra Modi" .
Watch The Full Video To Know The Story Behind The Sensation.
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किन केरुङ्ग नाकानै रोज्यो चीनले 'China Support to Nepal' POWER NEWS With Prem Baniya
'China Support to Nepal' POWER NEWS With Prem Baniya
किन केरुङ्ग नाकानै रोज्यो चीनले - POWER NEWS
SUBSCRIBE : http://www.youtube.com/user/news24tvchannel
DNA: Nepal turns to China for fuel after India restricts supply
Fuel-starved Nepal has signed an agreement with China to provide gasoline, diesel and cooking gas after India restricted its supplies as a result of ongoing political protests in the Himalayan nation.
Zee News is the highly popular Hindi News channel of India’s largest television network ZMCL. The channel, which has a huge following in India and abroad, has won several prestigious national and i
Why is India concerned about Nepal's new constitution?
On Prime Time we ask whether it is right of India to interfere in the internal matters of Nepal which is a sovereign country and make suggestions to its constitution. India expressed deep concern over the violence that followed after the country adopted a new constitution. This led to backlash by the social media trended with #backoffIndia by citizens of Nepal. (Audio in Hindi)
Watch full video: h
News Today At Nine: Nepal Accuses India For Violent Incidents
Nepal has accused India of sending soldiers in plain clothes to the Himayalan nation and being responsible for the violence there.
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Protest Against New Constitution Rages On In Nepal
Protests against the new Constitution in Nepal have intensified with one member of Sadbhavana Party even committing suicide. Nepal Police has also increased its presence along the border.
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Is India Causing A Fuel Crisis In Nepal?
Nepal's Desperate Struggle For Democracy http://testu.be/1MLcRBm
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
When Nepal passed its new constitution, India responded by closing its borders. So is India deliberately preventing fuel from entering Nepal?
Learn More:
Analysis: Blockade politics in Nepal
"India's uno
HOT NEWS Express kartik 10, Tuesday 2072, ABC Television, Nepal
HOT NEWS Express kartik 10, Tuesday 2072, ABC Television, Nepal
Nepal Army Day 2015//Celebration
Halla Bol: Modi focuses on Nepal eyeing China
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will leave for a two-day visit to Nepal tomorrow (Sunday). This has raised a debate whether Modi is focusing on the oft-forgotten neighbour Nepal to protect India's interests from the dragon China
For more news subscribe to Aajtak: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt4t-jeY85JegMlZ-E5UWtA
Current News of Nepal-31st May 2012 Part 1
World Wide News-Nepali News
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News
Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012.
Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
Dr. Baburam Bhattarai talking about current situation of Nepal
Dr. Baburam Bhattarai talking about current political situation of Nepal.
Click for news: http://www.onlinekhabar.com/2015/03/250755/
Onlinekhabar.com is authorized to upload this video. Using of this video on other channels without prior permission will be strictly prohibited. (Embedding to the websit
Latest Nepal News Video|Prez calls political parties in shital niwas
Latest Nepal News Video|Prez calls political parties in shital niwas
Nepali Hot Movie "College Bunk" for social awareness | Latest Nepali short Film |
Title : College Bunk
Theme : an incident that occurs while two lovers bunked their college and plan for date. Hot and sexy story with the obstacle they faced during their date.
Parishan B.C.
Sandhya Sanu
Sudip Lama
Sashikala Rai
Binod Timsina
Well to Enjoy Nepal We are Making Nepali movie for social awareness. This movie tries to convey social message and activities in our soci
Indian Television Says Nepal is Part of India
Indian Television Says Nepal is Part of India
Nepal set to adopt new Constitution
Security was beefed up across Nepal ahead of promulgation of the country's new Constitution drawn up after years of political wrangling,despite Madhesi groups objecting to splitting the nation into seven provinces.
For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: http://www.abplive.in & http://www.youtube.com/abpnewsTV
Madhesh-Zee news in nepal on madhesh issue
Zee news in nepal on madhesh issue
SHOCKING: Camera records LIVE earthquake in Nepal Parliament
SHOCKING: Camera records LIVE earthquake in Nepal ParliamentFor latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: http://www.abplive.in & http://www.youtube.com/abpnewsTV
Current Evening News of Nepal, May 31, 2012
World Wide News-Nepali News
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News
Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012.
Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
Ranjit Rae is talking about current situation of Nepal and India
Ranjit Rae (Indian Ambassador to Nepal) is talking about current situation of Nepal India Relationship.
Onlinekhabar.com is authorized to upload this video. Using of this video on other channels without prior permission will be strictly prohibited. (Emb
M7.9 DISASTER IN NEPAL | S0 News April 25, 2015
Observing the Frontier Conference: https://www.eventjoy.com/e/suspicious0bservers
ShakeMovie: http://global.shakemovie.princeton.edu/home.jsp
Strange galaxy: http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/hubbles-look-at-an-extragalactic-peculiarity
Dawn: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=4565
Polar Ice: http://nsidc.org/arct
Current News "RaPraPa Nepal Feri Fut "
Current News "RaPraPa Nepal Feri Fut "
Subscribe Us: https://www.youtube.com/user/sagarmathatvnepal?sub_confirmation=1
"Madan Krishna Shrestha " Speaking About Nepal Situation | Daily Exclusive News ( Media Np TV)
Medianp Present's, "Madan Krishna Shrestha " Talking About Nepal's Present Situation.
Do Watch and Subscribe Us For More News, Entertainment and Much More.
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Prime Minister of India Modi's clone burned in Nepal | Daily Exclusive News ( Media Np TV)
Medianp Present's, The Protest Against The Indian Prime Minister " Narendra Modi" .
Watch The Full Video To Know The Story Behind The Sensation.
For more new...
Medianp Present's, The Protest Against The Indian Prime Minister " Narendra Modi" .
Watch The Full Video To Know The Story Behind The Sensation.
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© Media NP 2015
wn.com/Prime Minister Of India Modi's Clone Burned In Nepal | Daily Exclusive News ( Media Np Tv)
Medianp Present's, The Protest Against The Indian Prime Minister " Narendra Modi" .
Watch The Full Video To Know The Story Behind The Sensation.
For more news and videos Please visit:
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© Media NP 2015
- published: 26 Sep 2015
- views: 56681
किन केरुङ्ग नाकानै रोज्यो चीनले 'China Support to Nepal' POWER NEWS With Prem Baniya
'China Support to Nepal' POWER NEWS With Prem Baniya
किन केरुङ्ग नाकानै रोज्यो चीनले - POWER NEWS
SUBSCRIBE : http://www.youtube.com/user/news24tvchannel
'China Support to Nepal' POWER NEWS With Prem Baniya
किन केरुङ्ग नाकानै रोज्यो चीनले - POWER NEWS
SUBSCRIBE : http://www.youtube.com/user/news24tvchannel
wn.com/किन केरुङ्ग नाकानै रोज्यो चीनले 'China Support To Nepal' Power News With Prem Baniya
'China Support to Nepal' POWER NEWS With Prem Baniya
किन केरुङ्ग नाकानै रोज्यो चीनले - POWER NEWS
SUBSCRIBE : http://www.youtube.com/user/news24tvchannel
- published: 09 Nov 2015
- views: 47965
DNA: Nepal turns to China for fuel after India restricts supply
Fuel-starved Nepal has signed an agreement with China to provide gasoline, diesel and cooking gas after India restricted its supplies as a result of ongoing pol...
Fuel-starved Nepal has signed an agreement with China to provide gasoline, diesel and cooking gas after India restricted its supplies as a result of ongoing political protests in the Himalayan nation.
Zee News is the highly popular Hindi News channel of India’s largest television network ZMCL. The channel, which has a huge following in India and abroad, has won several prestigious national and international awards. Amongst its popular programs are -
Dr. Subhash Chandra Show: https://goo.gl/fCugXC
Daily News and Analysis: https://goo.gl/B8eVsD
Manthan: https://goo.gl/6q0wUN
Fast n Facts: https://goo.gl/kW2MYV
Your daily does of entertainment: https://goo.gl/ZNEfhw
Sports round up: https://goo.gl/KeeYjf
Aapke Sitare: https://goo.gl/X56YSa
Bharat Bhagya Vidhata: https://goo.gl/QqJiOV
Taal Thok Ke : https://goo.gl/yiV6e7
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Connect with us at our social media handles:
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wn.com/Dna Nepal Turns To China For Fuel After India Restricts Supply
Fuel-starved Nepal has signed an agreement with China to provide gasoline, diesel and cooking gas after India restricted its supplies as a result of ongoing political protests in the Himalayan nation.
Zee News is the highly popular Hindi News channel of India’s largest television network ZMCL. The channel, which has a huge following in India and abroad, has won several prestigious national and international awards. Amongst its popular programs are -
Dr. Subhash Chandra Show: https://goo.gl/fCugXC
Daily News and Analysis: https://goo.gl/B8eVsD
Manthan: https://goo.gl/6q0wUN
Fast n Facts: https://goo.gl/kW2MYV
Your daily does of entertainment: https://goo.gl/ZNEfhw
Sports round up: https://goo.gl/KeeYjf
Aapke Sitare: https://goo.gl/X56YSa
Bharat Bhagya Vidhata: https://goo.gl/QqJiOV
Taal Thok Ke : https://goo.gl/yiV6e7
Subscribe to our channel at: https://goo.gl/qKzmWg
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Connect with us at our social media handles:
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- published: 02 Nov 2015
- views: 24306
Why is India concerned about Nepal's new constitution?
On Prime Time we ask whether it is right of India to interfere in the internal matters of Nepal which is a sovereign country and make suggestions to its constit...
On Prime Time we ask whether it is right of India to interfere in the internal matters of Nepal which is a sovereign country and make suggestions to its constitution. India expressed deep concern over the violence that followed after the country adopted a new constitution. This led to backlash by the social media trended with #backoffIndia by citizens of Nepal. (Audio in Hindi)
Watch full video: http://khabar.ndtv.com/video/show/prime-time/prime-time-india-opposed-to-new-constitution-of-nepal-384097?yt
Download the NDTV news app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.july.ndtv&utm;_source=Youtube&utm;_medium=embed&utm;_campaign=Inhouse_App_Install
wn.com/Why Is India Concerned About Nepal's New Constitution
On Prime Time we ask whether it is right of India to interfere in the internal matters of Nepal which is a sovereign country and make suggestions to its constitution. India expressed deep concern over the violence that followed after the country adopted a new constitution. This led to backlash by the social media trended with #backoffIndia by citizens of Nepal. (Audio in Hindi)
Watch full video: http://khabar.ndtv.com/video/show/prime-time/prime-time-india-opposed-to-new-constitution-of-nepal-384097?yt
Download the NDTV news app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.july.ndtv&utm;_source=Youtube&utm;_medium=embed&utm;_campaign=Inhouse_App_Install
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 57680
News Today At Nine: Nepal Accuses India For Violent Incidents
Nepal has accused India of sending soldiers in plain clothes to the Himayalan nation and being responsible for the violence there.
Follow us:
YouTube: https:/...
Nepal has accused India of sending soldiers in plain clothes to the Himayalan nation and being responsible for the violence there.
Follow us:
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wn.com/News Today At Nine Nepal Accuses India For Violent Incidents
Nepal has accused India of sending soldiers in plain clothes to the Himayalan nation and being responsible for the violence there.
Follow us:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPvAwZP8pZhSMW8qs7cVCw?sub_confirmation=1
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IndiaToday
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 6157
Protest Against New Constitution Rages On In Nepal
Protests against the new Constitution in Nepal have intensified with one member of Sadbhavana Party even committing suicide. Nepal Police has also increased its...
Protests against the new Constitution in Nepal have intensified with one member of Sadbhavana Party even committing suicide. Nepal Police has also increased its presence along the border.
Follow us:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/aajtaktv?sub_confirmation=1
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wn.com/Protest Against New Constitution Rages On In Nepal
Protests against the new Constitution in Nepal have intensified with one member of Sadbhavana Party even committing suicide. Nepal Police has also increased its presence along the border.
Follow us:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/aajtaktv?sub_confirmation=1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aajtak
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aajtak
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 81900
Is India Causing A Fuel Crisis In Nepal?
Nepal's Desperate Struggle For Democracy http://testu.be/1MLcRBm
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
When Nepal passed its new constitution, India responded b...
Nepal's Desperate Struggle For Democracy http://testu.be/1MLcRBm
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
When Nepal passed its new constitution, India responded by closing its borders. So is India deliberately preventing fuel from entering Nepal?
Learn More:
Analysis: Blockade politics in Nepal
"India's unofficial blockade of its northern Himalayan neighbour has deepened landlocked country's multiple crises."
Make seven changes to your Constitution: India tells Nepal
"These "amendments" have been conveyed to Nepal's leadership by the Indian government through official channels Ranjit Rae, India's ambassador to Nepal."
In Nepal, the Indian Embassy runs out of Petrol on Day Fourteen of the Siege of Kathmandu Oct 7th
"If you really need to know exactly what the rules for rationing of petrol are, click here."
Nepal Receives Fuel From China, Easing Dependency on India
"The first-ever supplies of oil from China have arrived in fuel-starved Nepal, potentially ending the Himalayan country's decades long dependency for its energy needs on India."
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Parallels"
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Special thanks to Julia Wilde for hosting TestTube!
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wn.com/Is India Causing A Fuel Crisis In Nepal
Nepal's Desperate Struggle For Democracy http://testu.be/1MLcRBm
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
When Nepal passed its new constitution, India responded by closing its borders. So is India deliberately preventing fuel from entering Nepal?
Learn More:
Analysis: Blockade politics in Nepal
"India's unofficial blockade of its northern Himalayan neighbour has deepened landlocked country's multiple crises."
Make seven changes to your Constitution: India tells Nepal
"These "amendments" have been conveyed to Nepal's leadership by the Indian government through official channels Ranjit Rae, India's ambassador to Nepal."
In Nepal, the Indian Embassy runs out of Petrol on Day Fourteen of the Siege of Kathmandu Oct 7th
"If you really need to know exactly what the rules for rationing of petrol are, click here."
Nepal Receives Fuel From China, Easing Dependency on India
"The first-ever supplies of oil from China have arrived in fuel-starved Nepal, potentially ending the Himalayan country's decades long dependency for its energy needs on India."
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Parallels"
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TestTube News is committed to answering the smart, inquisitive questions we have about life, society, politics and anything else happening in the news. It's a place where curiosity rules and together we'll get a clearer understanding of this crazy world we live in.
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- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 125919
HOT NEWS Express kartik 10, Tuesday 2072, ABC Television, Nepal
HOT NEWS Express kartik 10, Tuesday 2072, ABC Television, Nepal...
HOT NEWS Express kartik 10, Tuesday 2072, ABC Television, Nepal
wn.com/Hot News Express Kartik 10, Tuesday 2072, Abc Television, Nepal
HOT NEWS Express kartik 10, Tuesday 2072, ABC Television, Nepal
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 1401
Halla Bol: Modi focuses on Nepal eyeing China
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will leave for a two-day visit to Nepal tomorrow (Sunday). This has raised a debate whether Modi is focusing on the oft-forgotten n...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will leave for a two-day visit to Nepal tomorrow (Sunday). This has raised a debate whether Modi is focusing on the oft-forgotten neighbour Nepal to protect India's interests from the dragon China
For more news subscribe to Aajtak: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt4t-jeY85JegMlZ-E5UWtA
wn.com/Halla Bol Modi Focuses On Nepal Eyeing China
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will leave for a two-day visit to Nepal tomorrow (Sunday). This has raised a debate whether Modi is focusing on the oft-forgotten neighbour Nepal to protect India's interests from the dragon China
For more news subscribe to Aajtak: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt4t-jeY85JegMlZ-E5UWtA
- published: 03 Aug 2014
- views: 165387
Current News of Nepal-31st May 2012 Part 1
World Wide News-Nepali News
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News
Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012.
Wathc Online evening news of Nepal...
World Wide News-Nepali News
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News
Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012.
Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
wn.com/Current News Of Nepal 31St May 2012 Part 1
World Wide News-Nepali News
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News
Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012.
Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 2503
Dr. Baburam Bhattarai talking about current situation of Nepal
Dr. Baburam Bhattarai talking about current political situation of Nepal.
Click for news: http://www.onlinekhabar.com/2015/03/250755/
Dr. Baburam Bhattarai talking about current political situation of Nepal.
Click for news: http://www.onlinekhabar.com/2015/03/250755/
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wn.com/Dr. Baburam Bhattarai Talking About Current Situation Of Nepal
Dr. Baburam Bhattarai talking about current political situation of Nepal.
Click for news: http://www.onlinekhabar.com/2015/03/250755/
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- published: 10 Mar 2015
- views: 1880
Latest Nepal News Video|Prez calls political parties in shital niwas
Latest Nepal News Video|Prez calls political parties in shital niwas...
Latest Nepal News Video|Prez calls political parties in shital niwas
wn.com/Latest Nepal News Video|Prez Calls Political Parties In Shital Niwas
Latest Nepal News Video|Prez calls political parties in shital niwas
- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 2472
Nepali Hot Movie "College Bunk" for social awareness | Latest Nepali short Film |
Title : College Bunk
Theme : an incident that occurs while two lovers bunked their college and plan for date. Hot and sexy story with the obstacle they faced d...
Title : College Bunk
Theme : an incident that occurs while two lovers bunked their college and plan for date. Hot and sexy story with the obstacle they faced during their date.
Parishan B.C.
Sandhya Sanu
Sudip Lama
Sashikala Rai
Binod Timsina
Well to Enjoy Nepal We are Making Nepali movie for social awareness. This movie tries to convey social message and activities in our society. If you see these kind of activities behind you. You can inform right person to stop sexual accident. If you like this Short Nepali Movie Don't forget to subscribe our enjoy Nepal Youtube Channel so that you can get our regular video update.
Like/Dislike and share the video to Support our channel.
Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more video update.
wn.com/Nepali Hot Movie College Bunk For Social Awareness | Latest Nepali Short Film |
Title : College Bunk
Theme : an incident that occurs while two lovers bunked their college and plan for date. Hot and sexy story with the obstacle they faced during their date.
Parishan B.C.
Sandhya Sanu
Sudip Lama
Sashikala Rai
Binod Timsina
Well to Enjoy Nepal We are Making Nepali movie for social awareness. This movie tries to convey social message and activities in our society. If you see these kind of activities behind you. You can inform right person to stop sexual accident. If you like this Short Nepali Movie Don't forget to subscribe our enjoy Nepal Youtube Channel so that you can get our regular video update.
Like/Dislike and share the video to Support our channel.
Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more video update.
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 13216238
Indian Television Says Nepal is Part of India
Indian Television Says Nepal is Part of India...
Indian Television Says Nepal is Part of India
wn.com/Indian Television Says Nepal Is Part Of India
Indian Television Says Nepal is Part of India
- published: 18 Jun 2012
- views: 64934
Nepal set to adopt new Constitution
Security was beefed up across Nepal ahead of promulgation of the country's new Constitution drawn up after years of political wrangling,despite Madhesi groups o...
Security was beefed up across Nepal ahead of promulgation of the country's new Constitution drawn up after years of political wrangling,despite Madhesi groups objecting to splitting the nation into seven provinces.
For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: http://www.abplive.in & http://www.youtube.com/abpnewsTV
wn.com/Nepal Set To Adopt New Constitution
Security was beefed up across Nepal ahead of promulgation of the country's new Constitution drawn up after years of political wrangling,despite Madhesi groups objecting to splitting the nation into seven provinces.
For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: http://www.abplive.in & http://www.youtube.com/abpnewsTV
- published: 20 Sep 2015
- views: 14234
SHOCKING: Camera records LIVE earthquake in Nepal Parliament
SHOCKING: Camera records LIVE earthquake in Nepal ParliamentFor latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: http://www.abplive.in & http://www.youtube.co...
SHOCKING: Camera records LIVE earthquake in Nepal ParliamentFor latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: http://www.abplive.in & http://www.youtube.com/abpnewsTV
wn.com/Shocking Camera Records Live Earthquake In Nepal Parliament
SHOCKING: Camera records LIVE earthquake in Nepal ParliamentFor latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: http://www.abplive.in & http://www.youtube.com/abpnewsTV
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 55707
Current Evening News of Nepal, May 31, 2012
World Wide News-Nepali News
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News
Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012.
Wathc Online evening news of Nepal...
World Wide News-Nepali News
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News
Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012.
Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
wn.com/Current Evening News Of Nepal, May 31, 2012
World Wide News-Nepali News
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News
Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012.
Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 1443
Ranjit Rae is talking about current situation of Nepal and India
Ranjit Rae (Indian Ambassador to Nepal) is talking about current situation of Nepal India Relationship.
Ranjit Rae (Indian Ambassador to Nepal) is talking about current situation of Nepal India Relationship.
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wn.com/Ranjit Rae Is Talking About Current Situation Of Nepal And India
Ranjit Rae (Indian Ambassador to Nepal) is talking about current situation of Nepal India Relationship.
Onlinekhabar.com is authorized to upload this video. Using of this video on other channels without prior permission will be strictly prohibited. (Embedding to the websites is allowed)
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- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 7909
M7.9 DISASTER IN NEPAL | S0 News April 25, 2015
Observing the Frontier Conference: https://www.eventjoy.com/e/suspicious0bservers
Observing the Frontier Conference: https://www.eventjoy.com/e/suspicious0bservers
ShakeMovie: http://global.shakemovie.princeton.edu/home.jsp
Strange galaxy: http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/hubbles-look-at-an-extragalactic-peculiarity
Dawn: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=4565
Polar Ice: http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/
Valuable Info: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcJiKVxaGLoL3cD2WBPby3z
Sun Series: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcJj_9clLz7Bggso7qg2PDj
Climate Change: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcqdt3LK6d66tMreI4gqIC-
S0 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf0yV0UOU40
10 Amazing Solar Eruptions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qBwmgAnMWQ
Blog: http://www.suspicious0bserverscollective.org
Major Warnings/Alerts: https://twitter.com/TheRealS0s
STARWATER Article: http://wavechronicle.com/wave/?p=1151
S0 Notes on Solar Shutdown: http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/fotw-s0-notes-february-13-2014/
IPCC History: http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/selections-from-the-1st-ipcc-full-report-wg1/
Donate memberships for others: http://tiny.cc/f195ww
Original music by NEMES1S
http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/shop/ [Get NEMES1S Music!]
Earth WindMap: http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-345.32,51.43,481
Global Maps: http://www.atmos.albany.edu/student/kgriffin/maps/
NDBC Buoys: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/
HurricaneZone Satellite Images: http://www.hurricanezone.net/westpacific/animations.html
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory: http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/Default.php
Satellite Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-app/satellite?LANG=us&CONT;=namk
Forecast Maps: http://www.woweather.com/weather/maps/forecastmaps?LANG=us&CONT;=usus
TORCON: http://www.weather.com/news/tornado-torcon-index [Tornado Forecast for the day]
HURRICANE TRACKER: http://www.weather.com/weather/hurricanecentral/tracker
GOES Satellites: http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/
THE US WINDMAP: http://hint.fm/wind/
Severe Weather Threats: http://www.weather.com/news/weather-severe/severe-weather-tracker
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites: http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/satellite/index_e.html
Temperature Delta: http://www.intellicast.com/National/Temperature/Delta.aspx
Records/Extremes: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/
NOAA Spaceweather: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov
Spaceweather: http://spaceweather.com
SOHO Solar Wind: http://umtof.umd.edu/pm/
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=ceres;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb
SDO: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/
Helioviewer: http://www.helioviewer.org/
SOHO: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/soho_movie_theater
Stereo: http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images
SOLARIMG: http://solarimg.org/artis/
iSWA: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/iswa/iSWA.html
NASA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/iSWACygnetStreamer?timestamp=2038-01-23+00%3A44%3A00&window;=-1&cygnetId;=261
Gamma Ray Bursts: http://grb.sonoma.edu/
BARTOL Cosmic Rays: http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu//spaceweather/welcome.html
ISWA: http://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/
NOAA Sunspot Classifications: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/SRS.txt
GONG: http://gong2.nso.edu/dailyimages/
GONG Magnetic Maps: http://gong.nso.edu/data/magmap/ondemand.html
MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map: http://jciv.iidj.net/map/
RADIATION Network: http://radiationnetwork.com/
LISS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplots_gsn.php
QUAKES LIST FULL: http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/seismologist.php
RSOE: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php [That cool alert map I use]
Moon: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html
wn.com/M7.9 Disaster In Nepal | S0 News April 25, 2015
Observing the Frontier Conference: https://www.eventjoy.com/e/suspicious0bservers
ShakeMovie: http://global.shakemovie.princeton.edu/home.jsp
Strange galaxy: http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/hubbles-look-at-an-extragalactic-peculiarity
Dawn: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=4565
Polar Ice: http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/
Valuable Info: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcJiKVxaGLoL3cD2WBPby3z
Sun Series: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcJj_9clLz7Bggso7qg2PDj
Climate Change: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcqdt3LK6d66tMreI4gqIC-
S0 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf0yV0UOU40
10 Amazing Solar Eruptions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qBwmgAnMWQ
Blog: http://www.suspicious0bserverscollective.org
Major Warnings/Alerts: https://twitter.com/TheRealS0s
STARWATER Article: http://wavechronicle.com/wave/?p=1151
S0 Notes on Solar Shutdown: http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/fotw-s0-notes-february-13-2014/
IPCC History: http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/selections-from-the-1st-ipcc-full-report-wg1/
Donate memberships for others: http://tiny.cc/f195ww
Original music by NEMES1S
http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/shop/ [Get NEMES1S Music!]
Earth WindMap: http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-345.32,51.43,481
Global Maps: http://www.atmos.albany.edu/student/kgriffin/maps/
NDBC Buoys: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/
HurricaneZone Satellite Images: http://www.hurricanezone.net/westpacific/animations.html
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory: http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/Default.php
Satellite Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-app/satellite?LANG=us&CONT;=namk
Forecast Maps: http://www.woweather.com/weather/maps/forecastmaps?LANG=us&CONT;=usus
TORCON: http://www.weather.com/news/tornado-torcon-index [Tornado Forecast for the day]
HURRICANE TRACKER: http://www.weather.com/weather/hurricanecentral/tracker
GOES Satellites: http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/
THE US WINDMAP: http://hint.fm/wind/
Severe Weather Threats: http://www.weather.com/news/weather-severe/severe-weather-tracker
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites: http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/satellite/index_e.html
Temperature Delta: http://www.intellicast.com/National/Temperature/Delta.aspx
Records/Extremes: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/
NOAA Spaceweather: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov
Spaceweather: http://spaceweather.com
SOHO Solar Wind: http://umtof.umd.edu/pm/
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=ceres;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb
SDO: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/
Helioviewer: http://www.helioviewer.org/
SOHO: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/soho_movie_theater
Stereo: http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images
SOLARIMG: http://solarimg.org/artis/
iSWA: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/iswa/iSWA.html
NASA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/iSWACygnetStreamer?timestamp=2038-01-23+00%3A44%3A00&window;=-1&cygnetId;=261
Gamma Ray Bursts: http://grb.sonoma.edu/
BARTOL Cosmic Rays: http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu//spaceweather/welcome.html
ISWA: http://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/
NOAA Sunspot Classifications: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/SRS.txt
GONG: http://gong2.nso.edu/dailyimages/
GONG Magnetic Maps: http://gong.nso.edu/data/magmap/ondemand.html
MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map: http://jciv.iidj.net/map/
RADIATION Network: http://radiationnetwork.com/
LISS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplots_gsn.php
QUAKES LIST FULL: http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/seismologist.php
RSOE: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php [That cool alert map I use]
Moon: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html
- published: 25 Apr 2015
- views: 251380
Current News "RaPraPa Nepal Feri Fut "
Current News "RaPraPa Nepal Feri Fut "
Subscribe Us: https://www.youtube.com/user/sagarmathatvnepal?sub_confirmation=1...
Current News "RaPraPa Nepal Feri Fut "
Subscribe Us: https://www.youtube.com/user/sagarmathatvnepal?sub_confirmation=1
wn.com/Current News Raprapa Nepal Feri Fut
Current News "RaPraPa Nepal Feri Fut "
Subscribe Us: https://www.youtube.com/user/sagarmathatvnepal?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 235
"Madan Krishna Shrestha " Speaking About Nepal Situation | Daily Exclusive News ( Media Np TV)
Medianp Present's, "Madan Krishna Shrestha " Talking About Nepal's Present Situation.
Do Watch and Subscribe Us For More News, Entertainment and Much More.
Medianp Present's, "Madan Krishna Shrestha " Talking About Nepal's Present Situation.
Do Watch and Subscribe Us For More News, Entertainment and Much More.
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© Media NP 2015
wn.com/Madan Krishna Shrestha Speaking About Nepal Situation | Daily Exclusive News ( Media Np Tv)
Medianp Present's, "Madan Krishna Shrestha " Talking About Nepal's Present Situation.
Do Watch and Subscribe Us For More News, Entertainment and Much More.
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- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 28390
Doing Business in Nepal, How Difficult is it?
Arpita Nepal is cofounder and director of research at Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation in Kathmandu, Nepal. Robin Sitoula is also cofounder of the foundation and executive director of the same. Both, from Nepal, talk about free market and democracy.
Robin starts explaining the political system of Nepal and makes emphasis on the idea that to understand it is important to know the political hi
Nefcast - Nepali Economy: Challenges and Potential
The Neftalk: Nepali Economy -- Challenges and Potential was held on May 16, 2012, with the US Ambassador H.E Scott DeLisi describing the future of Nepal's economic potential as unlimited. The Ambassador provided a perspective of Nepali economy during his two years of stay in Nepal and what he sees unfolding in the future. He identified three key economic challenges that country is faced with:
Nepal Earthquake: Difficult Economic, Political Situation
April 27 -- Council on Foreign Relations India, Pakistan and South Asia Fellow Alyssa Ayres discusses Nepal’s economy and the country’s worst earthquake in decades. She speaks on “Bloomberg Surveillance.”
-- Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Bloomberg
Bloomberg Television offers extensive coverage and analysis of international business news and stories of global importanc
Remittance is backbone of Nepali economy
Trends of onward remittance to Nepal; discussion with remittance business person and economist,
The economic impact of Nepal's earthquake
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Nepal is home to the world's highest mountain and is wedged between two growing economic superpowers, but it is one of the poorest countries in the world.
Now it is struggling to cope with the worst earthquake to hit the Himalayan nation in 80 years. The magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck some 80km northwest of the capital Kathmandu and has affect
A Brand New Nepal
New Nepal With New Hopes And Dreams To Live In. SONG : REWIND from JINDABAAD Video Edited By : Nepal, The Greater Nepal Develop Inn
New Nepal Develop Development Progress Entertainment Mount Everest Skydiving Paragliding Parahawking Pokhara Kathmandu City Life Night Building South Asian Prabal Gurung Anuradha Koirala Country Nepal's Economy Business Tourism Industry Media Fun Adventure Excitement
Banks of Nepal (Economic Express)
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at 9:05 PM(Nepalese Time). This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD).Our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivative market and all economic sector. There are three segment in this program,i
Everest earthquake puts Nepal's economy at risk
Mount Everest is more than just a symbol of the Nepal, it's the lifeblood of it's tourism economy. CNN's Clare Sebastian reports.
Nepal quake devastates Himalayan Kingdom's already fragile economy
"A country on a war-footing". That's how Prime Minister Sushil Koirala described Nepal as his government struggles to help survivors after Saturday's quake. The tragedy has cost thousands of lives, it has also devastated an already fragile economy.
Rebuilding it will top the 10 billion dollar mark and take years according to the country's Finance Minister Ram S Mahat. It's an estimate which is eq
Ground apple nepal (Economic Express Chaitra 25 2069 part 1)
Economic Express Chaitra 25 2069 part 1
more on: http://www.aarthiknews.com/
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at 9:05 PM(Nepalese Time). This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD).Our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivat
Nepal Is The Input To South Asian, Regional And Global Economy – Krishna Prasad - Hybiz.tv
Nepal Is The Input To South Asian, Regional And Global Economy – Krishna Prasad - Hybiz.tv
► Watch More Business Videos at Indias Leading online business channel http://www.hybiz.tv
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CE Construction part 2 -Economic Express poush 29
Load shedding Report
more on:http://www.aarthiknews.com/
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is continuously released from Himalayan television every Sunday evening at This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD)our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivative market and all economic sector. There are
Nepal's Earthquake Could Cripple Its Vital Tourism Economy
An estimated 3-4 percent of the country's GDP comes directly from tourism. Saturday's earthquake could change that, though.
Follow Matt Moreno: http://www.twitter.com/TheMattMoreno
See more at http://www.newsy.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Use-The-World/1424937741134408?fref=ts
NDTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9GP26hkNY4
BBC http://www.bbc.com/news/business-218261
A journey towards formalization
A large number of people in Nepal work in informal business. Their contribution to the country's economy remains unseen and unmeasured. This affects not only the country's budget, but also hampers the economic planning and the country's development goals. The ILO/Japan Way Out of Informality (WOI) project works with the government of Nepal, employers and workers' organizations to create awareness
Power Talks on 'Nepal's Economy', TYA 104
Training to Local governments for a Greener Economy in Nepal
The Poverty Environment Initiative is supporting the Government of Nepal to provide trainings to local planning professionals in areas such as sustainable infrastructure development, biogas, bioengineering to increase soil fertility and reduce land slides, organic farming, labor intensive road construction, poverty reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation and disasters risk reduction.
Quake devastates Nepal's economy
The devastating 7.9-magnitude quake struck central, western, mid-western and far-western parts of the country at midday on Saturday.
The quake, the worst to hit Nepal in over 80 years, has caused damage to property worth billions of U.S. dollars, while the Nepalese government has yet to be able to determine the number of houses and properties destroyed in the earthquake.
EU Commissioner Andris Piebalgs Talks About Nepalese Economy
Nepal invites Indian investors to boost economy(Jan 12, 2016)
Nepal invites Indian investors to boost economy(Jan 12, 2016)
FNCCI chief suggests liberal economy for building 'new Nepal
President of Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), Kush Kumar Joshi, has said that the upcoming Maoist-led government should adopt liberal economic policy. Nepalnews.com, (www.nepalnews.com) is a leading Internet destination dedicated to bring you news, events, polls, discussions, forums about and from Nepal. Our primary objective is to bring "news as it happens"; qualit
Nepal's Top 15 Best Cities to Live In 2013 by GRG Rankings & Reveiws
GRG Rankings & Reviews
Website: http://www.grgrankings.com
Please LIKE us at: https://www.facebook.com/GRGRankingsandReviews
Welcome to Gelal Research Group's ranking of Nepal's best cities to live in. If you are wondering where to live, raise your kids, or start a business, this ranking of "Nepal's Top 15 Cities" may be of interest. We
Nepal’s Slowing Economy Set for Freefall Without World’s Help
Nepal was already slowing before a 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed thousands from the capital to the unforgiving slopes of Mount Everest. Now near-term growth is set to contract without the world’s help.
Bee Keeping in Nepal
Inclusive Development of the Economy (INCLUDE) Programme is a joint Nepali-German Programme under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry (MoI). Technical assistance to the Programme is provided by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, which acts on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It contributes towards socia
Doing Business in Nepal, How Difficult is it?
Arpita Nepal is cofounder and director of research at Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation in Kathmandu, Nepal. Robin Sitoula is also cofounder of the foundatio...
Arpita Nepal is cofounder and director of research at Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation in Kathmandu, Nepal. Robin Sitoula is also cofounder of the foundation and executive director of the same. Both, from Nepal, talk about free market and democracy.
Robin starts explaining the political system of Nepal and makes emphasis on the idea that to understand it is important to know the political history of the place. He says that in Nepal they have a democratic system with a good political freedom. Is a federal republic and a secular state.
Arpita tells about how was Samriddhi born and makes emphasis on the idea that democracy only happens if both political and economic freedom exist. With the foundation she says they want to show Nepal that they can be rich with the right institutions functioning.
They also speak about the challenges of having an open economy and what policies should be implemented in order to achieve their goals, and what has been the role of their foundation to impact positively in society and help economy grow. To conclude they express their opinion on the free market and liberty.
A New Media Production| UFM 2015
wn.com/Doing Business In Nepal, How Difficult Is It
Arpita Nepal is cofounder and director of research at Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation in Kathmandu, Nepal. Robin Sitoula is also cofounder of the foundation and executive director of the same. Both, from Nepal, talk about free market and democracy.
Robin starts explaining the political system of Nepal and makes emphasis on the idea that to understand it is important to know the political history of the place. He says that in Nepal they have a democratic system with a good political freedom. Is a federal republic and a secular state.
Arpita tells about how was Samriddhi born and makes emphasis on the idea that democracy only happens if both political and economic freedom exist. With the foundation she says they want to show Nepal that they can be rich with the right institutions functioning.
They also speak about the challenges of having an open economy and what policies should be implemented in order to achieve their goals, and what has been the role of their foundation to impact positively in society and help economy grow. To conclude they express their opinion on the free market and liberty.
A New Media Production| UFM 2015
- published: 10 Feb 2015
- views: 3545
Nefcast - Nepali Economy: Challenges and Potential
The Neftalk: Nepali Economy -- Challenges and Potential was held on May 16, 2012, with the US Ambassador H.E Scott DeLisi describing the future of Nepal's econo...
The Neftalk: Nepali Economy -- Challenges and Potential was held on May 16, 2012, with the US Ambassador H.E Scott DeLisi describing the future of Nepal's economic potential as unlimited. The Ambassador provided a perspective of Nepali economy during his two years of stay in Nepal and what he sees unfolding in the future. He identified three key economic challenges that country is faced with:
Integrating into the world economy, Changing the country's business culture and Attracting foreign investments.
He further added that in order for Nepal to transform and realize its full potential, vision passion and leadership is paramount.
wn.com/Nefcast Nepali Economy Challenges And Potential
The Neftalk: Nepali Economy -- Challenges and Potential was held on May 16, 2012, with the US Ambassador H.E Scott DeLisi describing the future of Nepal's economic potential as unlimited. The Ambassador provided a perspective of Nepali economy during his two years of stay in Nepal and what he sees unfolding in the future. He identified three key economic challenges that country is faced with:
Integrating into the world economy, Changing the country's business culture and Attracting foreign investments.
He further added that in order for Nepal to transform and realize its full potential, vision passion and leadership is paramount.
- published: 30 May 2012
- views: 1680
Nepal Earthquake: Difficult Economic, Political Situation
April 27 -- Council on Foreign Relations India, Pakistan and South Asia Fellow Alyssa Ayres discusses Nepal’s economy and the country’s worst earthquake in deca...
April 27 -- Council on Foreign Relations India, Pakistan and South Asia Fellow Alyssa Ayres discusses Nepal’s economy and the country’s worst earthquake in decades. She speaks on “Bloomberg Surveillance.”
-- Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Bloomberg
Bloomberg Television offers extensive coverage and analysis of international business news and stories of global importance. It is available in more than 310 million households worldwide and reaches the most affluent and influential viewers in terms of household income, asset value and education levels. With production hubs in London, New York and Hong Kong, the network provides 24-hour continuous coverage of the people, companies and ideas that move the markets.
wn.com/Nepal Earthquake Difficult Economic, Political Situation
April 27 -- Council on Foreign Relations India, Pakistan and South Asia Fellow Alyssa Ayres discusses Nepal’s economy and the country’s worst earthquake in decades. She speaks on “Bloomberg Surveillance.”
-- Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Bloomberg
Bloomberg Television offers extensive coverage and analysis of international business news and stories of global importance. It is available in more than 310 million households worldwide and reaches the most affluent and influential viewers in terms of household income, asset value and education levels. With production hubs in London, New York and Hong Kong, the network provides 24-hour continuous coverage of the people, companies and ideas that move the markets.
- published: 27 Apr 2015
- views: 23921
Remittance is backbone of Nepali economy
Trends of onward remittance to Nepal; discussion with remittance business person and economist,...
Trends of onward remittance to Nepal; discussion with remittance business person and economist,
wn.com/Remittance Is Backbone Of Nepali Economy
Trends of onward remittance to Nepal; discussion with remittance business person and economist,
- published: 06 Mar 2012
- views: 674
The economic impact of Nepal's earthquake
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Nepal is home to the world's highest mountain and is wedged between two growing economic superpowers, but i...
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Nepal is home to the world's highest mountain and is wedged between two growing economic superpowers, but it is one of the poorest countries in the world.
Now it is struggling to cope with the worst earthquake to hit the Himalayan nation in 80 years. The magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck some 80km northwest of the capital Kathmandu and has affected eight million people, just under one-third of the population with upwards of 5,000 people killed.
The economic losses could be as much as $10bn, according to an estimate from US Geological Survey. The cost of rebuilding is $5bn, according to IHS. All this in a country with economic growth that was already expected to slow, with an unemployment rate of more than 40 percent, and a reliance on agriculture, tourism and remittances to support its $19bn economy. What will it take to rebuild Nepal's shattered economy? What lessons can be learned? And who will step up to help one of the world's poorest nations?
Kenichi Yokoyama, the Nepal country director for the Asian Development Bank, is joining us via Skype from Kathmandu to talk about aid efforts and the economic cost of Nepal's earthquake.
Also on Counting the Cost: ''Oceanomics, electric cars, and Brits abroad.
wn.com/The Economic Impact Of Nepal's Earthquake
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Nepal is home to the world's highest mountain and is wedged between two growing economic superpowers, but it is one of the poorest countries in the world.
Now it is struggling to cope with the worst earthquake to hit the Himalayan nation in 80 years. The magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck some 80km northwest of the capital Kathmandu and has affected eight million people, just under one-third of the population with upwards of 5,000 people killed.
The economic losses could be as much as $10bn, according to an estimate from US Geological Survey. The cost of rebuilding is $5bn, according to IHS. All this in a country with economic growth that was already expected to slow, with an unemployment rate of more than 40 percent, and a reliance on agriculture, tourism and remittances to support its $19bn economy. What will it take to rebuild Nepal's shattered economy? What lessons can be learned? And who will step up to help one of the world's poorest nations?
Kenichi Yokoyama, the Nepal country director for the Asian Development Bank, is joining us via Skype from Kathmandu to talk about aid efforts and the economic cost of Nepal's earthquake.
Also on Counting the Cost: ''Oceanomics, electric cars, and Brits abroad.
- published: 02 May 2015
- views: 7581
A Brand New Nepal
New Nepal With New Hopes And Dreams To Live In. SONG : REWIND from JINDABAAD Video Edited By : Nepal, The Greater Nepal Develop Inn
New Nepal Develop Developmen...
New Nepal With New Hopes And Dreams To Live In. SONG : REWIND from JINDABAAD Video Edited By : Nepal, The Greater Nepal Develop Inn
New Nepal Develop Development Progress Entertainment Mount Everest Skydiving Paragliding Parahawking Pokhara Kathmandu City Life Night Building South Asian Prabal Gurung Anuradha Koirala Country Nepal's Economy Business Tourism Industry Media Fun Adventure Excitement Future 2020 Bryan Adams in Asia Nepal Kathmandu Naya Nepal Natural Beautiful Annapurna Base Camp Nepal Cities Infrastructure
wn.com/A Brand New Nepal
New Nepal With New Hopes And Dreams To Live In. SONG : REWIND from JINDABAAD Video Edited By : Nepal, The Greater Nepal Develop Inn
New Nepal Develop Development Progress Entertainment Mount Everest Skydiving Paragliding Parahawking Pokhara Kathmandu City Life Night Building South Asian Prabal Gurung Anuradha Koirala Country Nepal's Economy Business Tourism Industry Media Fun Adventure Excitement Future 2020 Bryan Adams in Asia Nepal Kathmandu Naya Nepal Natural Beautiful Annapurna Base Camp Nepal Cities Infrastructure
- published: 03 Jan 2012
- views: 352137
Banks of Nepal (Economic Express)
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at 9:05...
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at 9:05 PM(Nepalese Time). This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD).Our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivative market and all economic sector. There are three segment in this program,i.e. 1.HOT NEWS EXPRESS, 2.BUSINESS EXPRESS, 3.COMMODITY EXPRESS.
wn.com/Banks Of Nepal (Economic Express)
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at 9:05 PM(Nepalese Time). This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD).Our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivative market and all economic sector. There are three segment in this program,i.e. 1.HOT NEWS EXPRESS, 2.BUSINESS EXPRESS, 3.COMMODITY EXPRESS.
- published: 24 Apr 2012
- views: 1596
Everest earthquake puts Nepal's economy at risk
Mount Everest is more than just a symbol of the Nepal, it's the lifeblood of it's tourism economy. CNN's Clare Sebastian reports....
Mount Everest is more than just a symbol of the Nepal, it's the lifeblood of it's tourism economy. CNN's Clare Sebastian reports.
wn.com/Everest Earthquake Puts Nepal's Economy At Risk
Mount Everest is more than just a symbol of the Nepal, it's the lifeblood of it's tourism economy. CNN's Clare Sebastian reports.
- published: 29 Apr 2015
- views: 8516
Nepal quake devastates Himalayan Kingdom's already fragile economy
"A country on a war-footing". That's how Prime Minister Sushil Koirala described Nepal as his government struggles to help survivors after Saturday's quake. The...
"A country on a war-footing". That's how Prime Minister Sushil Koirala described Nepal as his government struggles to help survivors after Saturday's quake. The tragedy has cost thousands of lives, it has also devastated an already fragile economy.
Rebuilding it will top the 10 billion dollar mark and take years according to the country's Finance Minister Ram S Mahat. It's an estimate which is equivalent to about half of Nepal's 20 billion dollar economy and that's smaller than all 50 US states…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/04/28/nepal-quake-devastates-himalayan-kingdom-s-already-fragile-economy
euronews business brings you latest updates from the world of finance and economy, in-depth analysis, interviews, infographics and more
Subscribe for daily dose of business news: http://bit.ly/1pcHCzj
Made by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.
wn.com/Nepal Quake Devastates Himalayan Kingdom's Already Fragile Economy
"A country on a war-footing". That's how Prime Minister Sushil Koirala described Nepal as his government struggles to help survivors after Saturday's quake. The tragedy has cost thousands of lives, it has also devastated an already fragile economy.
Rebuilding it will top the 10 billion dollar mark and take years according to the country's Finance Minister Ram S Mahat. It's an estimate which is equivalent to about half of Nepal's 20 billion dollar economy and that's smaller than all 50 US states…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/04/28/nepal-quake-devastates-himalayan-kingdom-s-already-fragile-economy
euronews business brings you latest updates from the world of finance and economy, in-depth analysis, interviews, infographics and more
Subscribe for daily dose of business news: http://bit.ly/1pcHCzj
Made by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.
- published: 28 Apr 2015
- views: 48
Ground apple nepal (Economic Express Chaitra 25 2069 part 1)
Economic Express Chaitra 25 2069 part 1
more on: http://www.aarthiknews.com/
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is ...
Economic Express Chaitra 25 2069 part 1
more on: http://www.aarthiknews.com/
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at 9:05 PM(Nepalese Time). This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD).Our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivative market and all economic sector. There are three segment in this program,i.e. 1.HOT NEWS EXPRESS, 2.BUSINESS EXPRESS,
more on: http://www.aarthiknews.com/
wn.com/Ground Apple Nepal (Economic Express Chaitra 25 2069 Part 1)
Economic Express Chaitra 25 2069 part 1
more on: http://www.aarthiknews.com/
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at 9:05 PM(Nepalese Time). This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD).Our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivative market and all economic sector. There are three segment in this program,i.e. 1.HOT NEWS EXPRESS, 2.BUSINESS EXPRESS,
more on: http://www.aarthiknews.com/
- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 17978
Nepal Is The Input To South Asian, Regional And Global Economy – Krishna Prasad - Hybiz.tv
Nepal Is The Input To South Asian, Regional And Global Economy – Krishna Prasad - Hybiz.tv
► Watch More Business Videos at Indias Leading online business chann...
Nepal Is The Input To South Asian, Regional And Global Economy – Krishna Prasad - Hybiz.tv
► Watch More Business Videos at Indias Leading online business channel http://www.hybiz.tv
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wn.com/Nepal Is The Input To South Asian, Regional And Global Economy – Krishna Prasad Hybiz.Tv
Nepal Is The Input To South Asian, Regional And Global Economy – Krishna Prasad - Hybiz.tv
► Watch More Business Videos at Indias Leading online business channel http://www.hybiz.tv
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► Subscribe to HYBIZTV Channel: goo.gl/EEXqfu
- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 15
CE Construction part 2 -Economic Express poush 29
Load shedding Report
more on:http://www.aarthiknews.com/
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is continuously releas...
Load shedding Report
more on:http://www.aarthiknews.com/
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is continuously released from Himalayan television every Sunday evening at This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD)our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivative market and all economic sector. There are three segment in this program,i.e. 1.HOT NEWS EXPRESS, 2.BUSINESS EXPRESS, 3.COMMODITY EXPRESS
Episode:paush, 29, 2069 (Part2)
wn.com/Ce Construction Part 2 Economic Express Poush 29
Load shedding Report
more on:http://www.aarthiknews.com/
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is continuously released from Himalayan television every Sunday evening at This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD)our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivative market and all economic sector. There are three segment in this program,i.e. 1.HOT NEWS EXPRESS, 2.BUSINESS EXPRESS, 3.COMMODITY EXPRESS
Episode:paush, 29, 2069 (Part2)
- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 9117
Nepal's Earthquake Could Cripple Its Vital Tourism Economy
An estimated 3-4 percent of the country's GDP comes directly from tourism. Saturday's earthquake could change that, though.
Follow Matt Moreno: http://www.twit...
An estimated 3-4 percent of the country's GDP comes directly from tourism. Saturday's earthquake could change that, though.
Follow Matt Moreno: http://www.twitter.com/TheMattMoreno
See more at http://www.newsy.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Use-The-World/1424937741134408?fref=ts
NDTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9GP26hkNY4
BBC http://www.bbc.com/news/business-21826181
PBS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8QL7Ijas_w
CNN http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/26/asia/nepal-earthquake-mount-everest-avalanches/
Government of Nepal http://www.tourism.gov.np/uploaded/TourrismStat2013_final%20integrated.pdf
The World Travel and Tourism Council http://www.wttc.org/-/media/files/reports/economic%20impact%20research/country%20reports/nepal2014.pdf
CIA https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/np.html
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otb51QEtWYs
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGSIU39Y7WU
The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/28/world/asia/nepal-earthquake.html
Image via: Getty Images / Omar Havana
wn.com/Nepal's Earthquake Could Cripple Its Vital Tourism Economy
An estimated 3-4 percent of the country's GDP comes directly from tourism. Saturday's earthquake could change that, though.
Follow Matt Moreno: http://www.twitter.com/TheMattMoreno
See more at http://www.newsy.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Use-The-World/1424937741134408?fref=ts
NDTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9GP26hkNY4
BBC http://www.bbc.com/news/business-21826181
PBS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8QL7Ijas_w
CNN http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/26/asia/nepal-earthquake-mount-everest-avalanches/
Government of Nepal http://www.tourism.gov.np/uploaded/TourrismStat2013_final%20integrated.pdf
The World Travel and Tourism Council http://www.wttc.org/-/media/files/reports/economic%20impact%20research/country%20reports/nepal2014.pdf
CIA https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/np.html
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otb51QEtWYs
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGSIU39Y7WU
The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/28/world/asia/nepal-earthquake.html
Image via: Getty Images / Omar Havana
- published: 27 Apr 2015
- views: 851
A journey towards formalization
A large number of people in Nepal work in informal business. Their contribution to the country's economy remains unseen and unmeasured. This affects not only th...
A large number of people in Nepal work in informal business. Their contribution to the country's economy remains unseen and unmeasured. This affects not only the country's budget, but also hampers the economic planning and the country's development goals. The ILO/Japan Way Out of Informality (WOI) project works with the government of Nepal, employers and workers' organizations to create awareness on informality issues and formalize informal business and employment relation.
For more information, visit http://www.ilo.org/kathmandu/whatwedo/projects/WCMS_195423/lang--en/index.htm
wn.com/A Journey Towards Formalization
A large number of people in Nepal work in informal business. Their contribution to the country's economy remains unseen and unmeasured. This affects not only the country's budget, but also hampers the economic planning and the country's development goals. The ILO/Japan Way Out of Informality (WOI) project works with the government of Nepal, employers and workers' organizations to create awareness on informality issues and formalize informal business and employment relation.
For more information, visit http://www.ilo.org/kathmandu/whatwedo/projects/WCMS_195423/lang--en/index.htm
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 470
Training to Local governments for a Greener Economy in Nepal
The Poverty Environment Initiative is supporting the Government of Nepal to provide trainings to local planning professionals in areas such as sustainable infra...
The Poverty Environment Initiative is supporting the Government of Nepal to provide trainings to local planning professionals in areas such as sustainable infrastructure development, biogas, bioengineering to increase soil fertility and reduce land slides, organic farming, labor intensive road construction, poverty reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation and disasters risk reduction.
Local planners take decisions, such as how to develop infrastructure or how to generate energy based on Annual Planning Guidelines and on data collected on the ground.
The Poverty-Environment Initiative ensures that these guidelines and data collected promote Sustainable Development.
During trainings, Planners are asked to revise activities from an environmental perspective. Trainers demonstrate them that poverty reduction requires environmental conservation. And that a healthy environment is the basis of human wellbeing.
Trainings have already led local governments to allocate more budget to environmental sustainability.
This has promoted the conservation of watersheds, biogas development, energy efficient cooking stove or the ban of heavy equipment such as bulldozers to construct roads.
As well as an increase use of EIAs and IEEs before developing economic activities.
Training people that plan development assign budget and that take crucial decisions has proven in Nepal to be one of the most effective ways of achieving Sustainable Development.
wn.com/Training To Local Governments For A Greener Economy In Nepal
The Poverty Environment Initiative is supporting the Government of Nepal to provide trainings to local planning professionals in areas such as sustainable infrastructure development, biogas, bioengineering to increase soil fertility and reduce land slides, organic farming, labor intensive road construction, poverty reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation and disasters risk reduction.
Local planners take decisions, such as how to develop infrastructure or how to generate energy based on Annual Planning Guidelines and on data collected on the ground.
The Poverty-Environment Initiative ensures that these guidelines and data collected promote Sustainable Development.
During trainings, Planners are asked to revise activities from an environmental perspective. Trainers demonstrate them that poverty reduction requires environmental conservation. And that a healthy environment is the basis of human wellbeing.
Trainings have already led local governments to allocate more budget to environmental sustainability.
This has promoted the conservation of watersheds, biogas development, energy efficient cooking stove or the ban of heavy equipment such as bulldozers to construct roads.
As well as an increase use of EIAs and IEEs before developing economic activities.
Training people that plan development assign budget and that take crucial decisions has proven in Nepal to be one of the most effective ways of achieving Sustainable Development.
- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 838
Quake devastates Nepal's economy
The devastating 7.9-magnitude quake struck central, western, mid-western and far-western parts of the country at midday on Saturday.
The quake, the worst to hi...
The devastating 7.9-magnitude quake struck central, western, mid-western and far-western parts of the country at midday on Saturday.
The quake, the worst to hit Nepal in over 80 years, has caused damage to property worth billions of U.S. dollars, while the Nepalese government has yet to be able to determine the number of houses and properties destroyed in the earthquake.
wn.com/Quake Devastates Nepal's Economy
The devastating 7.9-magnitude quake struck central, western, mid-western and far-western parts of the country at midday on Saturday.
The quake, the worst to hit Nepal in over 80 years, has caused damage to property worth billions of U.S. dollars, while the Nepalese government has yet to be able to determine the number of houses and properties destroyed in the earthquake.
- published: 28 Apr 2015
- views: 58
Nepal invites Indian investors to boost economy(Jan 12, 2016)
Nepal invites Indian investors to boost economy(Jan 12, 2016)...
Nepal invites Indian investors to boost economy(Jan 12, 2016)
wn.com/Nepal Invites Indian Investors To Boost Economy(Jan 12, 2016)
Nepal invites Indian investors to boost economy(Jan 12, 2016)
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 50
FNCCI chief suggests liberal economy for building 'new Nepal
President of Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), Kush Kumar Joshi, has said that the upcoming Maoist-led government should adopt li...
President of Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), Kush Kumar Joshi, has said that the upcoming Maoist-led government should adopt liberal economic policy. Nepalnews.com, (www.nepalnews.com) is a leading Internet destination dedicated to bring you news, events, polls, discussions, forums about and from Nepal. Our primary objective is to bring "news as it happens"; quality news which is impartial, timely and independent. Our equally important other objective is to make this a web community for all people around the globe who have any interest, or need any information about Nepal.
wn.com/Fncci Chief Suggests Liberal Economy For Building 'New Nepal
President of Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), Kush Kumar Joshi, has said that the upcoming Maoist-led government should adopt liberal economic policy. Nepalnews.com, (www.nepalnews.com) is a leading Internet destination dedicated to bring you news, events, polls, discussions, forums about and from Nepal. Our primary objective is to bring "news as it happens"; quality news which is impartial, timely and independent. Our equally important other objective is to make this a web community for all people around the globe who have any interest, or need any information about Nepal.
- published: 15 Apr 2008
- views: 2112
Nepal's Top 15 Best Cities to Live In 2013 by GRG Rankings & Reveiws
GRG Rankings & Reviews
Website: http://www.grgrankings.com
Please LIKE us at: https://www.facebook.com/GRGRankingsandReviews
GRG Rankings & Reviews
Website: http://www.grgrankings.com
Please LIKE us at: https://www.facebook.com/GRGRankingsandReviews
Welcome to Gelal Research Group's ranking of Nepal's best cities to live in. If you are wondering where to live, raise your kids, or start a business, this ranking of "Nepal's Top 15 Cities" may be of interest. We have ranked the cities based on a number of factors, including medical and health considerations, economic atmosphere, green-space, infrastructure, and law-enforcement, with a greater emphasis on city planning, environment, and overall living standard.
We evaluated thirty of the country's best cities and, surprisingly, some cities, such as Bhairahwa, Dhangadhi, and Mahendranagar, did not make this list. The methodology used to order this list applied statistical analysis based on environmental factors (i.e. parks, climate, and air quality), transportation facilities (i.e. highway connection, road quality, airport proximity, and parks), healthcare facilities (i.e. hospital bed size, eye hospitals, private nursing homes), education (i.e. colleges, graduate schools, student:faculty ratio), security (i.e. police:citizen ratio, army barrack, armed police force bases), urban planning (city planning, real estate, housing architecture), and economy (i.e. banks, availability of goods and services, businesses). The cities on the list are Pokhara, Kathmandu, Butwal, Bharatpur, Hetauda, Dharan, Birgunj, Biratnagar, Banepa, Nepalgunj, Janakpur, Ghorahi, Tansen, Damauli, and Itahari.
wn.com/Nepal's Top 15 Best Cities To Live In 2013 By Grg Rankings Reveiws
GRG Rankings & Reviews
Website: http://www.grgrankings.com
Please LIKE us at: https://www.facebook.com/GRGRankingsandReviews
Welcome to Gelal Research Group's ranking of Nepal's best cities to live in. If you are wondering where to live, raise your kids, or start a business, this ranking of "Nepal's Top 15 Cities" may be of interest. We have ranked the cities based on a number of factors, including medical and health considerations, economic atmosphere, green-space, infrastructure, and law-enforcement, with a greater emphasis on city planning, environment, and overall living standard.
We evaluated thirty of the country's best cities and, surprisingly, some cities, such as Bhairahwa, Dhangadhi, and Mahendranagar, did not make this list. The methodology used to order this list applied statistical analysis based on environmental factors (i.e. parks, climate, and air quality), transportation facilities (i.e. highway connection, road quality, airport proximity, and parks), healthcare facilities (i.e. hospital bed size, eye hospitals, private nursing homes), education (i.e. colleges, graduate schools, student:faculty ratio), security (i.e. police:citizen ratio, army barrack, armed police force bases), urban planning (city planning, real estate, housing architecture), and economy (i.e. banks, availability of goods and services, businesses). The cities on the list are Pokhara, Kathmandu, Butwal, Bharatpur, Hetauda, Dharan, Birgunj, Biratnagar, Banepa, Nepalgunj, Janakpur, Ghorahi, Tansen, Damauli, and Itahari.
- published: 20 Jul 2013
- views: 17970
Nepal’s Slowing Economy Set for Freefall Without World’s Help
Nepal was already slowing before a 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed thousands from the capital to the unforgiving slopes of Mount Everest. Now near-term growth i...
Nepal was already slowing before a 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed thousands from the capital to the unforgiving slopes of Mount Everest. Now near-term growth is set to contract without the world’s help.
wn.com/Nepal’S Slowing Economy Set For Freefall Without World’S Help
Nepal was already slowing before a 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed thousands from the capital to the unforgiving slopes of Mount Everest. Now near-term growth is set to contract without the world’s help.
- published: 27 Apr 2015
- views: 711
Bee Keeping in Nepal
Inclusive Development of the Economy (INCLUDE) Programme is a joint Nepali-German Programme under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry (MoI). Technical assi...
Inclusive Development of the Economy (INCLUDE) Programme is a joint Nepali-German Programme under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry (MoI). Technical assistance to the Programme is provided by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, which acts on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It contributes towards socially inclusive economic growth, taking into account the special needs of the poor and ultra-poor inhabitants, who could be economically active, including women, marginalised castes, and ethnic/religious groups as well as people affected by conflicts and disabilities.
wn.com/Bee Keeping In Nepal
Inclusive Development of the Economy (INCLUDE) Programme is a joint Nepali-German Programme under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry (MoI). Technical assistance to the Programme is provided by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, which acts on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It contributes towards socially inclusive economic growth, taking into account the special needs of the poor and ultra-poor inhabitants, who could be economically active, including women, marginalised castes, and ethnic/religious groups as well as people affected by conflicts and disabilities.
- published: 19 Dec 2014
- views: 4399
PATAN DUBAR SQUARE (299 AD), NEPAL (Documentary)- City of Deities, Art, Culture & Ancient Temples
Patan Dubar Square is a UNESCO world heritage site situated in Lalitpur, Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The Patan city is famous among travelers from around the world over last few decades as city of deities, temples, art & culture. Smiling & hard working Newari people are native people of this city & also of Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The city is full of wooden to metal to stone sculpture arts, and you w
Tasting Nepal - A Food Documentary Official Trailer
Nepal, a country full of abounding cultures and traditions has infinite and boundless food heritage, which is culturally inspired and nature-infused. However, the promotion of Nepalese food and taste has been not been performed satisfactorily.
Two Tables & nepalesetaste.com.au, focusing on the promotion of Nepalese food culture to the world through media, chose to create a documentary. In brief,
Documentary Nepali Art Exhibition
Introduction - Artist Sarita Dongol
Artist Sarita Dongol is a freelance visual artist from Nepal. She also runs a gallery and coordinate art events in order to promote art and create social awareness in the society. In her twenty years of career. She has found that so much can be done through creativity to uplift the surroundings, culture and the overall social awareness in the country. Through v
Nepal day 2012 BY Motherland Nepal in San jose state university ,California
For the most recent upload please visit to http://motherlandnepal.org
Nepal day was organize by motherland Nepal (www.motherlandnepal.org) 2012
SJSU's Campus Reading Program invited students for free food, music and dance performances on the lawn of the A.S. House to celebrate SJSU's first-ever Nepal Day yesterday afternoon.
From dancing and music to free henna tattoos and food, Nepal Day ho
We are the world for Nepal is an effort to draw more attention to the earthquake victims of Nepal and their families especially children and women. Shenpenn and his small team went to Nepal after the earthquake to help the children and the vulnerable ones. Shenpenn spent 6 weeks in Nepal with relief efforts and trauma counselling through music, art, story telling and martial arts. This production
Nepal Night in Christchurch, New Zealand
Saturday 8th of Sept 2012, the Non-Resident Nepali Association New Zealand and Nepal New Zealand Friendship Society of Canterbury Inc. (NNZFS) jointed organised a cultural plus fundraising event. This Nepal Night Fundraising Event was held at Templeton Community Hall (Christchurch) in Support of Samata School System in Nepal, also known as Bamboo Schools.
The organising team was very pleased to re
INDIAN MUSLIM WEDDING : Rizwan + Fatimah // Henna Night | Solemnization by NEXT ART
Cinematography by http://www.facebook.com/nextartstudio
“And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put Love and mercy between your (hearts), verily in that are signs for those who reflect.” ~ [ar-Room 30:2]
Nepal Tour 2016, Kathmandu tour, jungle safari Tour Nepal, Kathmandu Pokhara tour, Nepal tour
More information or tour / trip/ trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailash Operator
Phone: + 97714700348
Fax: + 977 1 4700556
Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674
E-mail: monterosa1993@gmail.com
Nepali folk dance from Sikkim in India
Young girls perform Nepali folk dance at the Sikkim Winter Carnival, India.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highli
Nepali Cooking Workshop - Rising Nepal x Shinjuku Art Project
This is the quick video of the fund raising charity event where we held a Nepali food cooking workshop! The event was organised by a group of students from Nepal living in Tokyo in collaboration with Shinjuku Art Project.
Comedy act by Nepalese stand-up comedian in Sikkim
Local comedian welcomes and greet the crowd during the Sikkim Winter Carnival.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main hig
Dhimay and Lakhey Dances Performed at Edmonton Heritage Festival 2015
The popular Lakhey mask dance and Dhimay dance along with verities of ethnic dances of Nepal were performed by local artists during the 40th annual Edmonton Heritage Festival in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The three-day long heritage festival that honors Alberta’s vibrant cultural heritage and diversity was held during the recent long weekend (August 1 to 3, 2015) at the William Hawrelak Park. Th
Nepali girl sings beautifully in Sikkim
Song presentation by Nepali girl during Sikkim Winter Carnival in Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highligh
Maruni Dance – Nepalese dance in Sikkim, India
Group of young girls performing Maruni dance during the Sikkim Winter Carnival, Sikkim - India.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east
Bhim Shakya's interview Nepal Mandal (Newari) Nepali artist (Bhim Handicraft)
follow us:
Born 83 years ago in Okubahal, Patan, the center of Nepalese art and architecture, Mr. Bhim Shakya is a living legend in his field. Influenced by the famous works of Arniko, Bhim Shakya has been both spiritually and artistically inspirational for the c
Americans Try Unusual Japanese Food Inventions
“Maybe this will be fun?”
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Model of Nepali ethnic house - interior and exterior
Ethnic sculpture and figurines of the Nepali culture in the model of Nepali ethnic house in Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa Ranka, East Sikkim.
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Manoj Rai sings Nepali song in Sikkim
Manoj Rai singing Nepali song during Sikkim Winter Carnival, 2014 in the Indian state of Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east
Jungle Safari Nepal Tour, Nepal tour, Jungle Activities Kathmandu Chitwan, Pokhara tour, Kathmandur
More information or tour / trip/ trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailash Operator
Phone: + 97714700348
Fax: + 977 1 4700556
Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674
E-mail: monterosa1993@gmail.com
Food, Culture & Culinary Arts
Overviews the Study Abroad Program at Apicius Culinary Institute in Florence, Italy
Things to do in Kathmandu
Nepal is safe to visit now! After much cleaning up, tourists are visiting in larger numbers to see the many wonders of Nepal. Whether you are interested in trekking Annapurna, trekking Mount Everest, or exploring Kathmandu, we have a holiday package that suits you.
WEVTE adventure travel guides have over 15 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. We have taken large number of gr
Nepali song sung in Sikkim, India
Nepali song sung by Sikkimese singer during Winter carnival in Ranka, East Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main
INDO - CHINESE MEETING - Delhi Exploration
My friends from China came last week to New Delhi on their business trip. As you know the business between India & China is growing every single day. These both countries are going to be 21st century's super powers, No doubt in it. It was their first visit to India, before it they have heard about India, Taj Mahal and Indian culture only in books and YouTube. They have got only 1 evening with me,
PATAN DUBAR SQUARE (299 AD), NEPAL (Documentary)- City of Deities, Art, Culture & Ancient Temples
Patan Dubar Square is a UNESCO world heritage site situated in Lalitpur, Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The Patan city is famous among travelers from around the world...
Patan Dubar Square is a UNESCO world heritage site situated in Lalitpur, Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The Patan city is famous among travelers from around the world over last few decades as city of deities, temples, art & culture. Smiling & hard working Newari people are native people of this city & also of Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The city is full of wooden to metal to stone sculpture arts, and you will certainly find one temple in ever nook and corner, I can bet with you, in every 50 meter of distance, you will find 2-3 temples. The people of Patan or I will say Kathmandu valley are Buddhist -Hindu in religion. They pray both Hindu gods & goddesses as well as Lord Gautam Buddha. In recent October I got an opportunity to travel this incredibly crafted old city of goddesses, full of beautiful pagoda styled wooden temples.
This video had not been possible without the help of following people and bands. Specially thanks to them. Go check out their channel.
1. The Magic of Kathmandu - Binod Katuwal
Channel link - https://www.youtube.com/user/Binodkatuwal
Used Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7puBCRI2Bc
Buy the song - http://vibedeck.com/binodkatuwal/
2. Lekali Ho Ho Choya Ko Guitar tune - Nepali E-chords
Channel Link -https://www.youtube.com/user/NepaliEChords
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8Al05BMuog
3. Festival Footage - Krishna Shilpakar
Video link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6oyCmKVM-Q
4. Resham Firi - Ramesh Rai & Hill Boys/U n Us Band/Gurkha Band
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcdSRKgulEo
5. Traditional Nepali Folk Song of a Child & Man with Sarangi - BP Khanal & Street talented players who plays for food
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-GcbpEw3_c
6. Aafnai Chhaya le Pani - Nepali Folk Song
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJvL9LYMqXM
7. Playing Harmony - Delli Llama Orchestra Missouri
Thanks for watching,
❤ Find me on Facebook - http://facebook.com/TheAnilMahato
❤Find me on Twitter - http://twitter.com/TheAnilMahato
❤Fine me on Google Plus - http://plus.google.com/+AnilMahato
❤Visit my Website for more - http://www.anilmahato.com
❤Subscribe to Anil Mahato YouTube Videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/doodlesfan?sub_confirmation=1
WATCH MY OTHER NEPAL TRAVELLING VIDEOS HERE -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPKJXlYePpIboeFU8SS06dk-
WACH MY INDIA TRAVELLING VIDEOS PLAYLIST -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPJkeOfTMcakF3jsbFRUOnT2
WATCH MY NEPALI FOOD TRY VIDEOS PLAYLIST HERE -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPJ0pQXNO410daE2fHo-L1li
WATCH MY INDIAN FOOD VIDEOS HERE - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPIVUfMSyaKBhOb6uhBdjmnA
WATCH MY INDIAN CULTURE VIDEOS HERE -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPJPtepaCFow4WnFhtbhuF9z
A Brief History of Patan City
Based on the information so far we have gathered, this town was developed around 299 AD by Kirat Dynasty King - King Veer Deva, but many historians do not agree with this and they say, the town was developed much before Kirat came to Kathmandu valley. After Kirat Dynasty, Lichhavis Dynasty came into power then Malla dynasty then Shah Dynasty. The Gurkha took over this town in 1768 and added in Gorakha Kingdom. Nepal lost a lot of land in several poor treaty Sugauli Treaty is one major, at the time of Anglo-Nepal war all in the favor of British East India company, and all the treaty lands were given to present India, not returned to Nepal by British government.
Historical monuments
The city was initially designed in the shape of the Buddhist Dharma-Chakra (Wheel of Righteousness). The four thurs or mounds on the perimeter of Patan are ascribed around, one at each corner of its cardinal points, which are popularly known as Asoka Stupas. Legend has it that Emperor Asoka (the legendary King of India) visited with his daughter Charumati to Kathmandu in 250 BC and erected five Asoka Stupas, four in the surrounding and one at the middle of the Patan. The size and shape of these stupas seem to breathe their antiquity in a real sense. There are more than 1,200 Buddhist monuments of various shapes and sizes scattered in and around the city.
The most important monument of the city is Patan Durbar Square, which has been listed by UNESCO as one of seven Monument Zones that make up the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site. The seven monument zones were included in the World Heritage List in 1979 as one integrated site. The monument zones are declared as protected and preserved according to the Monuments Preservation Act of 1956.
wn.com/Patan Dubar Square (299 Ad), Nepal (Documentary) City Of Deities, Art, Culture Ancient Temples
Patan Dubar Square is a UNESCO world heritage site situated in Lalitpur, Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The Patan city is famous among travelers from around the world over last few decades as city of deities, temples, art & culture. Smiling & hard working Newari people are native people of this city & also of Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The city is full of wooden to metal to stone sculpture arts, and you will certainly find one temple in ever nook and corner, I can bet with you, in every 50 meter of distance, you will find 2-3 temples. The people of Patan or I will say Kathmandu valley are Buddhist -Hindu in religion. They pray both Hindu gods & goddesses as well as Lord Gautam Buddha. In recent October I got an opportunity to travel this incredibly crafted old city of goddesses, full of beautiful pagoda styled wooden temples.
This video had not been possible without the help of following people and bands. Specially thanks to them. Go check out their channel.
1. The Magic of Kathmandu - Binod Katuwal
Channel link - https://www.youtube.com/user/Binodkatuwal
Used Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7puBCRI2Bc
Buy the song - http://vibedeck.com/binodkatuwal/
2. Lekali Ho Ho Choya Ko Guitar tune - Nepali E-chords
Channel Link -https://www.youtube.com/user/NepaliEChords
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8Al05BMuog
3. Festival Footage - Krishna Shilpakar
Video link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6oyCmKVM-Q
4. Resham Firi - Ramesh Rai & Hill Boys/U n Us Band/Gurkha Band
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcdSRKgulEo
5. Traditional Nepali Folk Song of a Child & Man with Sarangi - BP Khanal & Street talented players who plays for food
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-GcbpEw3_c
6. Aafnai Chhaya le Pani - Nepali Folk Song
Video Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJvL9LYMqXM
7. Playing Harmony - Delli Llama Orchestra Missouri
Thanks for watching,
❤ Find me on Facebook - http://facebook.com/TheAnilMahato
❤Find me on Twitter - http://twitter.com/TheAnilMahato
❤Fine me on Google Plus - http://plus.google.com/+AnilMahato
❤Visit my Website for more - http://www.anilmahato.com
❤Subscribe to Anil Mahato YouTube Videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/doodlesfan?sub_confirmation=1
WATCH MY OTHER NEPAL TRAVELLING VIDEOS HERE -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPKJXlYePpIboeFU8SS06dk-
WACH MY INDIA TRAVELLING VIDEOS PLAYLIST -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPJkeOfTMcakF3jsbFRUOnT2
WATCH MY NEPALI FOOD TRY VIDEOS PLAYLIST HERE -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPJ0pQXNO410daE2fHo-L1li
WATCH MY INDIAN FOOD VIDEOS HERE - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPIVUfMSyaKBhOb6uhBdjmnA
WATCH MY INDIAN CULTURE VIDEOS HERE -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPJPtepaCFow4WnFhtbhuF9z
A Brief History of Patan City
Based on the information so far we have gathered, this town was developed around 299 AD by Kirat Dynasty King - King Veer Deva, but many historians do not agree with this and they say, the town was developed much before Kirat came to Kathmandu valley. After Kirat Dynasty, Lichhavis Dynasty came into power then Malla dynasty then Shah Dynasty. The Gurkha took over this town in 1768 and added in Gorakha Kingdom. Nepal lost a lot of land in several poor treaty Sugauli Treaty is one major, at the time of Anglo-Nepal war all in the favor of British East India company, and all the treaty lands were given to present India, not returned to Nepal by British government.
Historical monuments
The city was initially designed in the shape of the Buddhist Dharma-Chakra (Wheel of Righteousness). The four thurs or mounds on the perimeter of Patan are ascribed around, one at each corner of its cardinal points, which are popularly known as Asoka Stupas. Legend has it that Emperor Asoka (the legendary King of India) visited with his daughter Charumati to Kathmandu in 250 BC and erected five Asoka Stupas, four in the surrounding and one at the middle of the Patan. The size and shape of these stupas seem to breathe their antiquity in a real sense. There are more than 1,200 Buddhist monuments of various shapes and sizes scattered in and around the city.
The most important monument of the city is Patan Durbar Square, which has been listed by UNESCO as one of seven Monument Zones that make up the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site. The seven monument zones were included in the World Heritage List in 1979 as one integrated site. The monument zones are declared as protected and preserved according to the Monuments Preservation Act of 1956.
- published: 07 Dec 2014
- views: 5258
Tasting Nepal - A Food Documentary Official Trailer
Nepal, a country full of abounding cultures and traditions has infinite and boundless food heritage, which is culturally inspired and nature-infused. However, t...
Nepal, a country full of abounding cultures and traditions has infinite and boundless food heritage, which is culturally inspired and nature-infused. However, the promotion of Nepalese food and taste has been not been performed satisfactorily.
Two Tables & nepalesetaste.com.au, focusing on the promotion of Nepalese food culture to the world through media, chose to create a documentary. In brief, nepalesetaste which works with dedication, commitment and innovation to enlighten the world with the art of Nepalese food has arrived at the conclusion that food could be promoted through new innovative approach of visual marketing, this documentary is a result of the same.
In this way, approximation and idea of travel food documentary in Nepal was enrooted and designed.
There is a world of food beyond just daal-bhaat- and tarkari.
Let’s together explore our food heritage, natural beauty and stories.
Tasting Nepal
In search of foodie stories
CAMERA : Lok Chandra Thapa and Sunil Kapali
EDITOR : Arpan Regmi (Yuva Arts and Studio)
POSTER DESIGN : Ananda K. Maharjan
SCRIPT & NARRATION : Bulson Lamgade
wn.com/Tasting Nepal A Food Documentary Official Trailer
Nepal, a country full of abounding cultures and traditions has infinite and boundless food heritage, which is culturally inspired and nature-infused. However, the promotion of Nepalese food and taste has been not been performed satisfactorily.
Two Tables & nepalesetaste.com.au, focusing on the promotion of Nepalese food culture to the world through media, chose to create a documentary. In brief, nepalesetaste which works with dedication, commitment and innovation to enlighten the world with the art of Nepalese food has arrived at the conclusion that food could be promoted through new innovative approach of visual marketing, this documentary is a result of the same.
In this way, approximation and idea of travel food documentary in Nepal was enrooted and designed.
There is a world of food beyond just daal-bhaat- and tarkari.
Let’s together explore our food heritage, natural beauty and stories.
Tasting Nepal
In search of foodie stories
CAMERA : Lok Chandra Thapa and Sunil Kapali
EDITOR : Arpan Regmi (Yuva Arts and Studio)
POSTER DESIGN : Ananda K. Maharjan
SCRIPT & NARRATION : Bulson Lamgade
- published: 25 Feb 2015
- views: 38004
Documentary Nepali Art Exhibition
Introduction - Artist Sarita Dongol
Artist Sarita Dongol is a freelance visual artist from Nepal. She also runs a gallery and coordinate art events in order to...
Introduction - Artist Sarita Dongol
Artist Sarita Dongol is a freelance visual artist from Nepal. She also runs a gallery and coordinate art events in order to promote art and create social awareness in the society. In her twenty years of career. She has found that so much can be done through creativity to uplift the surroundings, culture and the overall social awareness in the country. Through various art events and especially by conducting community art projects for little children inside and out of the Kathmandu valley, she has attempted to achieve the objective of promoting art and raise social awareness through creativity.
Sarita has done 11 solo exhibitions and numerous group exhibitions in Nepal and abroad. She has also participated in art residencies in Japan 2002 and S. Korea 2006. She has coordinated various art projects for artists and general public, especially for community children through various art organizations. Presently, She runs a community children art school, which is an organization completely dedicated to uplift the creative imagination of the young ones.
Message from Artist Sarita Dongol
This exhibition 'Voices of Nature' is one of my ambitious projects, because showcasing my artworks in Australia is like blending with a new perspective towards life. The attitude, culture and art phenomenon here are different from what they are in Nepal. And, as an artist, I have a nature of finding the creative fragments in my surroundings and rearranging them in order to reveal and express the hidden and deeper purpose of my life. So, since this is my first exhibition in Australia I believe it will make me a better artist. Here, through this event I want to take this opportunity to introduce the art and the aura of Nepal from a creative viewpoint. The foremost objective of this event is to create a platform for creative dialogue between Nepal and Australia. Immobile objects really fascinate me -- objects like plants, fruits and vegetables. I feel that nature is part of our life and that we, as humans beings, share a special bond with it. What I feel towards these objects has motivated me and has influenced my creativity, has filled me with a sense of enthusiasm, which is explains why I prefer these subjects over others. I believe that immobile objects also go through various sensations and emotions such as happiness, pleasure, pain, fear and satisfaction just as we humans do -- the only difference being that they don't have the ability and the capacity to express them. Basically, my art is an effort to link the hidden yet significant messages that these immobile objects are trying to share with us. And through my own language of art, I have tried my best to portray it.
I want art lovers who come to the exhibition to go home with a positive message. I feel nature is more powerful than us. With their unique character, color, forms and different tastes, natural objects stand out. Unlike humans, they aren't selfish -- they provide us with food to fill our stomach and fresh air to breathe. In various ways, they try to give a positive message to us but we tend to ignore it. Through this exhibition, I hope to convey this message to art lovers and maybe make them acknowledge the fact that we are here because of them.
In this series of artworks I have made an effort to link the hidden but significant interrelation between various immobile and mobile life forms. I have expressed this relationship through my personal language by assorted colors, shades and images, composing all of them on my canvas.
wn.com/Documentary Nepali Art Exhibition
Introduction - Artist Sarita Dongol
Artist Sarita Dongol is a freelance visual artist from Nepal. She also runs a gallery and coordinate art events in order to promote art and create social awareness in the society. In her twenty years of career. She has found that so much can be done through creativity to uplift the surroundings, culture and the overall social awareness in the country. Through various art events and especially by conducting community art projects for little children inside and out of the Kathmandu valley, she has attempted to achieve the objective of promoting art and raise social awareness through creativity.
Sarita has done 11 solo exhibitions and numerous group exhibitions in Nepal and abroad. She has also participated in art residencies in Japan 2002 and S. Korea 2006. She has coordinated various art projects for artists and general public, especially for community children through various art organizations. Presently, She runs a community children art school, which is an organization completely dedicated to uplift the creative imagination of the young ones.
Message from Artist Sarita Dongol
This exhibition 'Voices of Nature' is one of my ambitious projects, because showcasing my artworks in Australia is like blending with a new perspective towards life. The attitude, culture and art phenomenon here are different from what they are in Nepal. And, as an artist, I have a nature of finding the creative fragments in my surroundings and rearranging them in order to reveal and express the hidden and deeper purpose of my life. So, since this is my first exhibition in Australia I believe it will make me a better artist. Here, through this event I want to take this opportunity to introduce the art and the aura of Nepal from a creative viewpoint. The foremost objective of this event is to create a platform for creative dialogue between Nepal and Australia. Immobile objects really fascinate me -- objects like plants, fruits and vegetables. I feel that nature is part of our life and that we, as humans beings, share a special bond with it. What I feel towards these objects has motivated me and has influenced my creativity, has filled me with a sense of enthusiasm, which is explains why I prefer these subjects over others. I believe that immobile objects also go through various sensations and emotions such as happiness, pleasure, pain, fear and satisfaction just as we humans do -- the only difference being that they don't have the ability and the capacity to express them. Basically, my art is an effort to link the hidden yet significant messages that these immobile objects are trying to share with us. And through my own language of art, I have tried my best to portray it.
I want art lovers who come to the exhibition to go home with a positive message. I feel nature is more powerful than us. With their unique character, color, forms and different tastes, natural objects stand out. Unlike humans, they aren't selfish -- they provide us with food to fill our stomach and fresh air to breathe. In various ways, they try to give a positive message to us but we tend to ignore it. Through this exhibition, I hope to convey this message to art lovers and maybe make them acknowledge the fact that we are here because of them.
In this series of artworks I have made an effort to link the hidden but significant interrelation between various immobile and mobile life forms. I have expressed this relationship through my personal language by assorted colors, shades and images, composing all of them on my canvas.
- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 1235
Nepal day 2012 BY Motherland Nepal in San jose state university ,California
For the most recent upload please visit to http://motherlandnepal.org
Nepal day was organize by motherland Nepal (www.motherlandnepal.org) 2012
SJSU's Camp...
For the most recent upload please visit to http://motherlandnepal.org
Nepal day was organize by motherland Nepal (www.motherlandnepal.org) 2012
SJSU's Campus Reading Program invited students for free food, music and dance performances on the lawn of the A.S. House to celebrate SJSU's first-ever Nepal Day yesterday afternoon.
From dancing and music to free henna tattoos and food, Nepal Day hosted Nepali-centric activities provided by Alameda's Motherland Nepal, SJSU's Campus Reading Program and volunteers.
Motherland Nepal is a nonprofit organization aiming to educate students about Nepali culture, according to chairman Anil Pandey.
The event was organized to accompany the Campus Reading Program's Fall 2012 book selection, "Little Princes" by Conor Grennan, a nonfiction story about child trafficking in Nepal.
"We're encouraging people to have shared books to talk about collectively and intellectually," said Scot Guenter, director of the Campus Reading Program at SJSU.
According to Guenter, the Campus Reading Program is an interactive program to get students, faculty and staff discussing a common topic.
He said each academic year the program chooses one book to discuss, and this year they chose "Little Princes" to inform students about human trafficking in the modern world.
"This year it's about celebrating Nepali culture and understanding Nepal on a deeper level," he said.
Lasting from 2 to 6 p.m. on the lawn of the A.S. House, Nepali dancers and singers kicked off the event with a concert of Nepali-centric entertainment.
Additionally, the Campus Reading Program raffled off free copies of "Little Princes," and a Nepali esthetician did free henna and eyebrow arching.
Henna, a brownish temporary tattoo-like skin art, is an esthetic practice typical of Nepali culture.
Guenter and Motherland Nepal also set up a one-time special donation-based scholarship fund called Students Helping Students to help students in Nepal pay for school.
"It's a small way to gather all students together to show them something about Nepal," he said.
At any time there were about 50 people at Nepal Day.
Several guests lounged on the grass during the concert after receiving free food and henna, taking pictures of the art on display and visiting the Motherland Nepal and Campus Reading Program booths.
"The paintings were nice," said recreational therapy major Sam Lachica, who was on her way off campus when she stopped by to get a free henna temporary tattoo. "I'm hoping to learn more about Nepal while I'm here."
Niti Shah, a Nepal native and junior communication studies major, said she was looking forward to Nepal Day since she heard about it last week.
"It's nice to see that even though I'm living far away from my culture that people are still involved," she said, adding that she was excited to see the Nepali dances and eat some food from home.
Business major Amanda Lam said the food was good.
"It covered a whole spectrum of flavors ... like spicy, but sweet
wn.com/Nepal Day 2012 By Motherland Nepal In San Jose State University ,California
For the most recent upload please visit to http://motherlandnepal.org
Nepal day was organize by motherland Nepal (www.motherlandnepal.org) 2012
SJSU's Campus Reading Program invited students for free food, music and dance performances on the lawn of the A.S. House to celebrate SJSU's first-ever Nepal Day yesterday afternoon.
From dancing and music to free henna tattoos and food, Nepal Day hosted Nepali-centric activities provided by Alameda's Motherland Nepal, SJSU's Campus Reading Program and volunteers.
Motherland Nepal is a nonprofit organization aiming to educate students about Nepali culture, according to chairman Anil Pandey.
The event was organized to accompany the Campus Reading Program's Fall 2012 book selection, "Little Princes" by Conor Grennan, a nonfiction story about child trafficking in Nepal.
"We're encouraging people to have shared books to talk about collectively and intellectually," said Scot Guenter, director of the Campus Reading Program at SJSU.
According to Guenter, the Campus Reading Program is an interactive program to get students, faculty and staff discussing a common topic.
He said each academic year the program chooses one book to discuss, and this year they chose "Little Princes" to inform students about human trafficking in the modern world.
"This year it's about celebrating Nepali culture and understanding Nepal on a deeper level," he said.
Lasting from 2 to 6 p.m. on the lawn of the A.S. House, Nepali dancers and singers kicked off the event with a concert of Nepali-centric entertainment.
Additionally, the Campus Reading Program raffled off free copies of "Little Princes," and a Nepali esthetician did free henna and eyebrow arching.
Henna, a brownish temporary tattoo-like skin art, is an esthetic practice typical of Nepali culture.
Guenter and Motherland Nepal also set up a one-time special donation-based scholarship fund called Students Helping Students to help students in Nepal pay for school.
"It's a small way to gather all students together to show them something about Nepal," he said.
At any time there were about 50 people at Nepal Day.
Several guests lounged on the grass during the concert after receiving free food and henna, taking pictures of the art on display and visiting the Motherland Nepal and Campus Reading Program booths.
"The paintings were nice," said recreational therapy major Sam Lachica, who was on her way off campus when she stopped by to get a free henna temporary tattoo. "I'm hoping to learn more about Nepal while I'm here."
Niti Shah, a Nepal native and junior communication studies major, said she was looking forward to Nepal Day since she heard about it last week.
"It's nice to see that even though I'm living far away from my culture that people are still involved," she said, adding that she was excited to see the Nepali dances and eat some food from home.
Business major Amanda Lam said the food was good.
"It covered a whole spectrum of flavors ... like spicy, but sweet
- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 7313
We are the world for Nepal is an effort to draw more attention to the earthquake victims of Nepal and their families especially children and women. Shenpenn and...
We are the world for Nepal is an effort to draw more attention to the earthquake victims of Nepal and their families especially children and women. Shenpenn and his small team went to Nepal after the earthquake to help the children and the vulnerable ones. Shenpenn spent 6 weeks in Nepal with relief efforts and trauma counselling through music, art, story telling and martial arts. This production was executed in 48 hours with only one rehearsal and having to arrange sound, camera crew, Nepali musicians, public figures and kids within those two days. Everyone had to learn the song in two days and close to a 100 people including the kids came together to do a live recording of this beautiful song with a Nepali flair. Please kindly share and help spread the love for children all over the world. Thank you so much.
Produced and Directed by Shenpenn Khymsar
wn.com/We Are The World For Nepal By Nepali Artists, Nepal Earthquake2015
We are the world for Nepal is an effort to draw more attention to the earthquake victims of Nepal and their families especially children and women. Shenpenn and his small team went to Nepal after the earthquake to help the children and the vulnerable ones. Shenpenn spent 6 weeks in Nepal with relief efforts and trauma counselling through music, art, story telling and martial arts. This production was executed in 48 hours with only one rehearsal and having to arrange sound, camera crew, Nepali musicians, public figures and kids within those two days. Everyone had to learn the song in two days and close to a 100 people including the kids came together to do a live recording of this beautiful song with a Nepali flair. Please kindly share and help spread the love for children all over the world. Thank you so much.
Produced and Directed by Shenpenn Khymsar
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 14361
Nepal Night in Christchurch, New Zealand
Saturday 8th of Sept 2012, the Non-Resident Nepali Association New Zealand and Nepal New Zealand Friendship Society of Canterbury Inc. (NNZFS) jointed organised...
Saturday 8th of Sept 2012, the Non-Resident Nepali Association New Zealand and Nepal New Zealand Friendship Society of Canterbury Inc. (NNZFS) jointed organised a cultural plus fundraising event. This Nepal Night Fundraising Event was held at Templeton Community Hall (Christchurch) in Support of Samata School System in Nepal, also known as Bamboo Schools.
The organising team was very pleased to receive highly positive feedback from many guests and members of our own society.
Around 400 Nepali and Non-Nepali guests attended the event. Main attractions of the night were live Nepali cultural performances, traditional Nepali food and Nepali arts and crafts for display and also for sale. The net saving of this charity event has been around $7000.
Mr. Mark Inglis (Patron, NNZFS), Mrs Mellisa Lee (MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary for Ethnic Affairs), Dr Rod Karr (Vice Chancellor of the University of Canterbury) and Prof. David Simmons from Lincoln University (Patron of Nepal NZ Alumni Association) were our honorary guests of the event.
wn.com/Nepal Night In Christchurch, New Zealand
Saturday 8th of Sept 2012, the Non-Resident Nepali Association New Zealand and Nepal New Zealand Friendship Society of Canterbury Inc. (NNZFS) jointed organised a cultural plus fundraising event. This Nepal Night Fundraising Event was held at Templeton Community Hall (Christchurch) in Support of Samata School System in Nepal, also known as Bamboo Schools.
The organising team was very pleased to receive highly positive feedback from many guests and members of our own society.
Around 400 Nepali and Non-Nepali guests attended the event. Main attractions of the night were live Nepali cultural performances, traditional Nepali food and Nepali arts and crafts for display and also for sale. The net saving of this charity event has been around $7000.
Mr. Mark Inglis (Patron, NNZFS), Mrs Mellisa Lee (MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary for Ethnic Affairs), Dr Rod Karr (Vice Chancellor of the University of Canterbury) and Prof. David Simmons from Lincoln University (Patron of Nepal NZ Alumni Association) were our honorary guests of the event.
- published: 14 Sep 2012
- views: 745
INDIAN MUSLIM WEDDING : Rizwan + Fatimah // Henna Night | Solemnization by NEXT ART
Cinematography by http://www.facebook.com/nextartstudio
“And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in...
Cinematography by http://www.facebook.com/nextartstudio
“And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put Love and mercy between your (hearts), verily in that are signs for those who reflect.” ~ [ar-Room 30:2]
wn.com/Indian Muslim Wedding Rizwan Fatimah Henna Night | Solemnization By Next Art
Cinematography by http://www.facebook.com/nextartstudio
“And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put Love and mercy between your (hearts), verily in that are signs for those who reflect.” ~ [ar-Room 30:2]
- published: 12 Nov 2015
- views: 118618
Nepal Tour 2016, Kathmandu tour, jungle safari Tour Nepal, Kathmandu Pokhara tour, Nepal tour
More information or tour / trip/ trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailas...
More information or tour / trip/ trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailash Operator
Phone: + 97714700348
Fax: + 977 1 4700556
Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674
E-mail: monterosa1993@gmail.com
Skype ID: nepal_2011
Yahoo Messenger: ganesh_neupane2005@gmail.com
Kathmandu has often been by some as a flawless jewel in a unique setting. Nepal other place in the world has the concentration of culture, art and tradition that exists in the Kathmandu valley (1300m.). Kathmandu is the crossroads for the many ethnic groups of Nepal and for visitors from all over the world every year. Nestled in the central hills of Nepal, Kathmandu is at once medieval and modern. The Kathmandu valley sprawls at the junction of two sacred rivers, Bagmati and Bishnumati. Just cross the Bagmati River to the south is Patan, on ancient city of temples, while Bhadgoon with its thousands of homes and temples shrines lies six miles to the east. More then two hundred years ago these three cities housed the Royal places of three different kingdoms that divided the valley palaces surviving today in Nepal.
They say there are more temples than houses in Kathmandu valley in past. Great temples with heavily carved exteriors, massive white-domed Buddhist stupas and hundreds of smaller Buddhist chaityas small temples with low, ornate archways-and tiny temples containing once lone idol all are an integral pieces of the unique mosaic that is Kathmandu city of Nepal. To really discover the Kathmandu valley you need to begin exploring from well beyond the city limits, and travel in from the outside of Nepal in order to touch its roots. Fortunately there are many very beautiful walks within the Kathmandu valley that combine cultural experience and natural heritage.
Nepal, Kathmandu city is the capital city of Kingdom of Nepal. In Kathmandu you can visit Machendra Nath Temple, Pasupati Nath temple Akash Bhairabv temple, Katmandu Durbar Square, Kumari Temple, Kasthmandap, Ashok Vinayak, Jaishi Dewal, Tundikhel, Martyr's memorial. Bhadrakali temple, Singh Durbar, Narayanhiti Durbar, Kaiser Library, Budhanil kanth. Balaju Water Garden, Sowyambhunath temple, The National Museum, Natural History Museum, Guheswary Temple, Chabhil, Chandra vinayak and Buddha nath temple.
wn.com/Nepal Tour 2016, Kathmandu Tour, Jungle Safari Tour Nepal, Kathmandu Pokhara Tour, Nepal Tour
More information or tour / trip/ trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailash Operator
Phone: + 97714700348
Fax: + 977 1 4700556
Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674
E-mail: monterosa1993@gmail.com
Skype ID: nepal_2011
Yahoo Messenger: ganesh_neupane2005@gmail.com
Kathmandu has often been by some as a flawless jewel in a unique setting. Nepal other place in the world has the concentration of culture, art and tradition that exists in the Kathmandu valley (1300m.). Kathmandu is the crossroads for the many ethnic groups of Nepal and for visitors from all over the world every year. Nestled in the central hills of Nepal, Kathmandu is at once medieval and modern. The Kathmandu valley sprawls at the junction of two sacred rivers, Bagmati and Bishnumati. Just cross the Bagmati River to the south is Patan, on ancient city of temples, while Bhadgoon with its thousands of homes and temples shrines lies six miles to the east. More then two hundred years ago these three cities housed the Royal places of three different kingdoms that divided the valley palaces surviving today in Nepal.
They say there are more temples than houses in Kathmandu valley in past. Great temples with heavily carved exteriors, massive white-domed Buddhist stupas and hundreds of smaller Buddhist chaityas small temples with low, ornate archways-and tiny temples containing once lone idol all are an integral pieces of the unique mosaic that is Kathmandu city of Nepal. To really discover the Kathmandu valley you need to begin exploring from well beyond the city limits, and travel in from the outside of Nepal in order to touch its roots. Fortunately there are many very beautiful walks within the Kathmandu valley that combine cultural experience and natural heritage.
Nepal, Kathmandu city is the capital city of Kingdom of Nepal. In Kathmandu you can visit Machendra Nath Temple, Pasupati Nath temple Akash Bhairabv temple, Katmandu Durbar Square, Kumari Temple, Kasthmandap, Ashok Vinayak, Jaishi Dewal, Tundikhel, Martyr's memorial. Bhadrakali temple, Singh Durbar, Narayanhiti Durbar, Kaiser Library, Budhanil kanth. Balaju Water Garden, Sowyambhunath temple, The National Museum, Natural History Museum, Guheswary Temple, Chabhil, Chandra vinayak and Buddha nath temple.
- published: 07 Feb 2013
- views: 90946
Nepali folk dance from Sikkim in India
Young girls perform Nepali folk dance at the Sikkim Winter Carnival, India.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Wint...
Young girls perform Nepali folk dance at the Sikkim Winter Carnival, India.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
wn.com/Nepali Folk Dance From Sikkim In India
Young girls perform Nepali folk dance at the Sikkim Winter Carnival, India.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
- published: 14 Apr 2015
- views: 1627
Nepali Cooking Workshop - Rising Nepal x Shinjuku Art Project
This is the quick video of the fund raising charity event where we held a Nepali food cooking workshop! The event was organised by a group of students from Nepa...
This is the quick video of the fund raising charity event where we held a Nepali food cooking workshop! The event was organised by a group of students from Nepal living in Tokyo in collaboration with Shinjuku Art Project.
wn.com/Nepali Cooking Workshop Rising Nepal X Shinjuku Art Project
This is the quick video of the fund raising charity event where we held a Nepali food cooking workshop! The event was organised by a group of students from Nepal living in Tokyo in collaboration with Shinjuku Art Project.
- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 1577
Comedy act by Nepalese stand-up comedian in Sikkim
Local comedian welcomes and greet the crowd during the Sikkim Winter Carnival.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim W...
Local comedian welcomes and greet the crowd during the Sikkim Winter Carnival.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
wn.com/Comedy Act By Nepalese Stand Up Comedian In Sikkim
Local comedian welcomes and greet the crowd during the Sikkim Winter Carnival.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
- published: 21 Apr 2015
- views: 1226
Dhimay and Lakhey Dances Performed at Edmonton Heritage Festival 2015
The popular Lakhey mask dance and Dhimay dance along with verities of ethnic dances of Nepal were performed by local artists during the 40th annual Edmonton Her...
The popular Lakhey mask dance and Dhimay dance along with verities of ethnic dances of Nepal were performed by local artists during the 40th annual Edmonton Heritage Festival in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The three-day long heritage festival that honors Alberta’s vibrant cultural heritage and diversity was held during the recent long weekend (August 1 to 3, 2015) at the William Hawrelak Park. This is the first time in the history of Edmonton Heritage Festival where Lakhey mask dance, Dhimay dance and other ethnic Nepali dances such as Chabru and Sakela along with ethnic music were performed on Nepalese pavilion for the public entertainment free of cost.
All the Newa music and dances were performed by participants and instructors from the Newa Music and Dance Heritage Project of Newa Cultural Society of Alberta (NCSA). These Newa music and dances were directed by Mr. Prsanta Baidya, Mr. Radhesyam Malakar and Mrs. Poonam Malakar of NCSA. Meanwhile, NCSA has been conducting the music and dance heritage project in the community since last year with the support from the City of Edmonton. NCSA is a non-profit organization incorporated in April 22, 2013 under Societies Acts of Alberta to practice, promote and preserve Newa culture and tradition in Alberta, Canada. Dr. Hemanta Joshi is the founding president of NCSA.
The Edmonton Heritage Festival (also known as Servus Edmonton Heritage Festival) is one of the largest multicultural festivals in the world. This year, the festival showcased more than 85 cultures at the Hawrelak Park. There were 62 ethnic pavilions (including one from Nepal) representing 85 countries with more than 500 unique food items from across the world to taste. There were also 25 stages that hosted free cultural performances during the festival. Each pavilion served their ethnic food, entertainment, arts and crafts, and costumes. The Nepalese pavilion served Mashu Bhat as ethnic food along with Nepalese arts, crafts and costumes at a nominal price. Nepalese pavilion was managed by Nepalese Canadian Societies of Edmonton (NECASE). NECASE has been representing Nepal in the heritage festival since 2000. This year, about 400,000 people from various ethnic backgrounds attended the heritage festival.
wn.com/Dhimay And Lakhey Dances Performed At Edmonton Heritage Festival 2015
The popular Lakhey mask dance and Dhimay dance along with verities of ethnic dances of Nepal were performed by local artists during the 40th annual Edmonton Heritage Festival in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The three-day long heritage festival that honors Alberta’s vibrant cultural heritage and diversity was held during the recent long weekend (August 1 to 3, 2015) at the William Hawrelak Park. This is the first time in the history of Edmonton Heritage Festival where Lakhey mask dance, Dhimay dance and other ethnic Nepali dances such as Chabru and Sakela along with ethnic music were performed on Nepalese pavilion for the public entertainment free of cost.
All the Newa music and dances were performed by participants and instructors from the Newa Music and Dance Heritage Project of Newa Cultural Society of Alberta (NCSA). These Newa music and dances were directed by Mr. Prsanta Baidya, Mr. Radhesyam Malakar and Mrs. Poonam Malakar of NCSA. Meanwhile, NCSA has been conducting the music and dance heritage project in the community since last year with the support from the City of Edmonton. NCSA is a non-profit organization incorporated in April 22, 2013 under Societies Acts of Alberta to practice, promote and preserve Newa culture and tradition in Alberta, Canada. Dr. Hemanta Joshi is the founding president of NCSA.
The Edmonton Heritage Festival (also known as Servus Edmonton Heritage Festival) is one of the largest multicultural festivals in the world. This year, the festival showcased more than 85 cultures at the Hawrelak Park. There were 62 ethnic pavilions (including one from Nepal) representing 85 countries with more than 500 unique food items from across the world to taste. There were also 25 stages that hosted free cultural performances during the festival. Each pavilion served their ethnic food, entertainment, arts and crafts, and costumes. The Nepalese pavilion served Mashu Bhat as ethnic food along with Nepalese arts, crafts and costumes at a nominal price. Nepalese pavilion was managed by Nepalese Canadian Societies of Edmonton (NECASE). NECASE has been representing Nepal in the heritage festival since 2000. This year, about 400,000 people from various ethnic backgrounds attended the heritage festival.
- published: 05 Aug 2015
- views: 838
Nepali girl sings beautifully in Sikkim
Song presentation by Nepali girl during Sikkim Winter Carnival in Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter...
Song presentation by Nepali girl during Sikkim Winter Carnival in Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
wn.com/Nepali Girl Sings Beautifully In Sikkim
Song presentation by Nepali girl during Sikkim Winter Carnival in Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
- published: 18 Apr 2015
- views: 8710
Maruni Dance – Nepalese dance in Sikkim, India
Group of young girls performing Maruni dance during the Sikkim Winter Carnival, Sikkim - India.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2...
Group of young girls performing Maruni dance during the Sikkim Winter Carnival, Sikkim - India.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
wn.com/Maruni Dance – Nepalese Dance In Sikkim, India
Group of young girls performing Maruni dance during the Sikkim Winter Carnival, Sikkim - India.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
- published: 12 Apr 2015
- views: 851
Bhim Shakya's interview Nepal Mandal (Newari) Nepali artist (Bhim Handicraft)
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Born 83 year...
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Born 83 years ago in Okubahal, Patan, the center of Nepalese art and architecture, Mr. Bhim Shakya is a living legend in his field. Influenced by the famous works of Arniko, Bhim Shakya has been both spiritually and artistically inspirational for the careers of his family members and students who work alongside him today. His family members carry on his uniquely skillful Chasing/Carving, Repousse and the innovative artistry of Painting on metal.
A spiritual guru in his community who focuses on study and research; artists from everywhere gather around this master to learn from his brilliance. Bhim travelled from a very young age throughout Nepal and into Tibet, practicing/ sharing traditional Newari/Tibetan art with many artisans. His illustrious carrier spans seven decades and his work graces many private collections throughout the world.
wn.com/Bhim Shakya's Interview Nepal Mandal (Newari) Nepali Artist (Bhim Handicraft)
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Born 83 years ago in Okubahal, Patan, the center of Nepalese art and architecture, Mr. Bhim Shakya is a living legend in his field. Influenced by the famous works of Arniko, Bhim Shakya has been both spiritually and artistically inspirational for the careers of his family members and students who work alongside him today. His family members carry on his uniquely skillful Chasing/Carving, Repousse and the innovative artistry of Painting on metal.
A spiritual guru in his community who focuses on study and research; artists from everywhere gather around this master to learn from his brilliance. Bhim travelled from a very young age throughout Nepal and into Tibet, practicing/ sharing traditional Newari/Tibetan art with many artisans. His illustrious carrier spans seven decades and his work graces many private collections throughout the world.
- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 3073
Americans Try Unusual Japanese Food Inventions
“Maybe this will be fun?”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
J-Pop Party
Audio Network
SFX provided by Audio...
“Maybe this will be fun?”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
J-Pop Party
Audio Network
SFX provided by Audioblocks.
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
BuzzFeed Motion Picture’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo
wn.com/Americans Try Unusual Japanese Food Inventions
“Maybe this will be fun?”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
J-Pop Party
Audio Network
SFX provided by Audioblocks.
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
BuzzFeed Motion Picture’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo
- published: 10 Nov 2015
- views: 4336481
Model of Nepali ethnic house - interior and exterior
Ethnic sculpture and figurines of the Nepali culture in the model of Nepali ethnic house in Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa Ranka, East Sikkim.
In order to promo...
Ethnic sculpture and figurines of the Nepali culture in the model of Nepali ethnic house in Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa Ranka, East Sikkim.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
For the locals of Ranka and tour operators in Sikkim where the tourist villa cum park has been built, such a mega project will vastly benefit their economy as tourist flow will increase. Since the project is a new feature in the region of in and around Gangtok, the capital city of Sikkim, tourist may extend their visit by a day or few in order to visit this place. The government is spending another Rs. 30 crore for reviving local economy so that the place can be given good marketing publicity in addition to the project and the tourist can be persuaded to extend their stay in Gangtok and visit Ranka.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
wn.com/Model Of Nepali Ethnic House Interior And Exterior
Ethnic sculpture and figurines of the Nepali culture in the model of Nepali ethnic house in Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa Ranka, East Sikkim.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
For the locals of Ranka and tour operators in Sikkim where the tourist villa cum park has been built, such a mega project will vastly benefit their economy as tourist flow will increase. Since the project is a new feature in the region of in and around Gangtok, the capital city of Sikkim, tourist may extend their visit by a day or few in order to visit this place. The government is spending another Rs. 30 crore for reviving local economy so that the place can be given good marketing publicity in addition to the project and the tourist can be persuaded to extend their stay in Gangtok and visit Ranka.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
- published: 29 Mar 2015
- views: 387
Manoj Rai sings Nepali song in Sikkim
Manoj Rai singing Nepali song during Sikkim Winter Carnival, 2014 in the Indian state of Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival ...
Manoj Rai singing Nepali song during Sikkim Winter Carnival, 2014 in the Indian state of Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
wn.com/Manoj Rai Sings Nepali Song In Sikkim
Manoj Rai singing Nepali song during Sikkim Winter Carnival, 2014 in the Indian state of Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
- published: 12 Apr 2015
- views: 1630
Jungle Safari Nepal Tour, Nepal tour, Jungle Activities Kathmandu Chitwan, Pokhara tour, Kathmandur
More information or tour / trip/ trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailas...
More information or tour / trip/ trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailash Operator
Phone: + 97714700348
Fax: + 977 1 4700556
Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674
E-mail: monterosa1993@gmail.com
Skype ID: nepal_2011
Yahoo Messenger: ganesh_neupane2005@gmail.com
The ancient city of Patan, Lying 5km south east of Kathmandu city, is known as call Lalitpur city of the city of fine and best arts in Nepal. The city is fully of Hindu temples and Buddhist monuments. The diversity of medieval culture that allowed both Hinduism and Buddhism to flourish has left legacy of impressive sightseeing in the old city. At
Patan you can visit: Patan Darbar square, Patan museum, Krishna Mandir, Mahabuddha, Hinranya varna Mahavihar, Kumbheswhwar, Jagatnarayan temple, Rudra Varna Mahavihar, The Ashok Stupa, Achheswor Mahavihar, Temple of Machchendranath and Minnath, the zoo and Patan.
Chitwan Jungle Safari
One of the most exciting wildlife reserves in the World, lies 75 miles Southwest (165K m) of Kathmandu. Chitwan is now one of the finest protected forests & dense grassland regions in Asia and the home of magnificent and rare wildlife. Among the 14 national parks and wildlife reserves in the Kingdom of Nepal, The Royal Chitwan National Park (932 sq. km) is the most popular safari destination. More than 43 speciesof animals are still found in Chitwan. The endangered one-horned rhino, Royal Bengal tiger, Gharia crocodiles, four-horned antelope, striped hyena, and the gangetic dolphin are the main attractions here.
The park is Very closed to Kathmandu, which is easily accessible (only 165km) by bus and air. Bharatpur airport adjoins the park is a 25 minutes away (there are dailyflights from Kathmandu). Many adventures also intent to go down by raft. However you go, a jungle safari is an experience you will remember for a long time.
Chitwan Jungle Safari tour that will be 2 nights 3 days offers you high quality hotel/lodge/ tented camp Accommodation, food and other services.
wn.com/Jungle Safari Nepal Tour, Nepal Tour, Jungle Activities Kathmandu Chitwan, Pokhara Tour, Kathmandur
More information or tour / trip/ trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailash Operator
Phone: + 97714700348
Fax: + 977 1 4700556
Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674
E-mail: monterosa1993@gmail.com
Skype ID: nepal_2011
Yahoo Messenger: ganesh_neupane2005@gmail.com
The ancient city of Patan, Lying 5km south east of Kathmandu city, is known as call Lalitpur city of the city of fine and best arts in Nepal. The city is fully of Hindu temples and Buddhist monuments. The diversity of medieval culture that allowed both Hinduism and Buddhism to flourish has left legacy of impressive sightseeing in the old city. At
Patan you can visit: Patan Darbar square, Patan museum, Krishna Mandir, Mahabuddha, Hinranya varna Mahavihar, Kumbheswhwar, Jagatnarayan temple, Rudra Varna Mahavihar, The Ashok Stupa, Achheswor Mahavihar, Temple of Machchendranath and Minnath, the zoo and Patan.
Chitwan Jungle Safari
One of the most exciting wildlife reserves in the World, lies 75 miles Southwest (165K m) of Kathmandu. Chitwan is now one of the finest protected forests & dense grassland regions in Asia and the home of magnificent and rare wildlife. Among the 14 national parks and wildlife reserves in the Kingdom of Nepal, The Royal Chitwan National Park (932 sq. km) is the most popular safari destination. More than 43 speciesof animals are still found in Chitwan. The endangered one-horned rhino, Royal Bengal tiger, Gharia crocodiles, four-horned antelope, striped hyena, and the gangetic dolphin are the main attractions here.
The park is Very closed to Kathmandu, which is easily accessible (only 165km) by bus and air. Bharatpur airport adjoins the park is a 25 minutes away (there are dailyflights from Kathmandu). Many adventures also intent to go down by raft. However you go, a jungle safari is an experience you will remember for a long time.
Chitwan Jungle Safari tour that will be 2 nights 3 days offers you high quality hotel/lodge/ tented camp Accommodation, food and other services.
- published: 02 Mar 2013
- views: 10592
Food, Culture & Culinary Arts
Overviews the Study Abroad Program at Apicius Culinary Institute in Florence, Italy...
Overviews the Study Abroad Program at Apicius Culinary Institute in Florence, Italy
wn.com/Food, Culture Culinary Arts
Overviews the Study Abroad Program at Apicius Culinary Institute in Florence, Italy
- published: 22 Feb 2008
- views: 2986
Things to do in Kathmandu
Nepal is safe to visit now! After much cleaning up, tourists are visiting in larger numbers to see the many wonders of Nepal. Whether you are interested in trek...
Nepal is safe to visit now! After much cleaning up, tourists are visiting in larger numbers to see the many wonders of Nepal. Whether you are interested in trekking Annapurna, trekking Mount Everest, or exploring Kathmandu, we have a holiday package that suits you.
WEVTE adventure travel guides have over 15 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. We have taken large number of groups on various tours of Kathmandu city as well as safe trekking holidays to Mount Everest and Annapurna.
Kathmandu is a historical city with at least 300 years history. Past and present meet in an explosion of colors, sights, smells and action. Kathmandu is like no other city in the world and our guides are here to help you get the most out of your stay.
There is never a dull moment in Kathmandu. It is fast paced, exciting, has many world heritage sights, breath taking temples, many local markets, tasty food, museums, art galleries, and much more.
The Nepalese people have bounced back from the April earthquake and warmly welcome visitors from all over the world to show case their beautiful country and culture.
Take the stress out of planning your holiday by organising an all inclusive holiday package that meets all of your needs. Our website has all the information you require. Visit https://www.wevte.com and find out more. Our friendly staff At WEVTE are available 24/7 to answer all of you enquiries.
Book a life changing holiday today. Many great rates are currently available. Your support of Nepal is helping many families that rely on tourism.
#iaminnepal #nepalissafe #ilovenepal
Video owned by: Wonderful Everest view treks and expedition
Directed and Edited: Synematico
Background music: The Kalibox
Supported by: Dormitory Nepal (http://www.dormnepal.com) & Pailo Paila (http://www.pailopaila.org)
wn.com/Things To Do In Kathmandu
Nepal is safe to visit now! After much cleaning up, tourists are visiting in larger numbers to see the many wonders of Nepal. Whether you are interested in trekking Annapurna, trekking Mount Everest, or exploring Kathmandu, we have a holiday package that suits you.
WEVTE adventure travel guides have over 15 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. We have taken large number of groups on various tours of Kathmandu city as well as safe trekking holidays to Mount Everest and Annapurna.
Kathmandu is a historical city with at least 300 years history. Past and present meet in an explosion of colors, sights, smells and action. Kathmandu is like no other city in the world and our guides are here to help you get the most out of your stay.
There is never a dull moment in Kathmandu. It is fast paced, exciting, has many world heritage sights, breath taking temples, many local markets, tasty food, museums, art galleries, and much more.
The Nepalese people have bounced back from the April earthquake and warmly welcome visitors from all over the world to show case their beautiful country and culture.
Take the stress out of planning your holiday by organising an all inclusive holiday package that meets all of your needs. Our website has all the information you require. Visit https://www.wevte.com and find out more. Our friendly staff At WEVTE are available 24/7 to answer all of you enquiries.
Book a life changing holiday today. Many great rates are currently available. Your support of Nepal is helping many families that rely on tourism.
#iaminnepal #nepalissafe #ilovenepal
Video owned by: Wonderful Everest view treks and expedition
Directed and Edited: Synematico
Background music: The Kalibox
Supported by: Dormitory Nepal (http://www.dormnepal.com) & Pailo Paila (http://www.pailopaila.org)
- published: 14 Sep 2015
- views: 1458
Nepali song sung in Sikkim, India
Nepali song sung by Sikkimese singer during Winter carnival in Ranka, East Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikk...
Nepali song sung by Sikkimese singer during Winter carnival in Ranka, East Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
wn.com/Nepali Song Sung In Sikkim, India
Nepali song sung by Sikkimese singer during Winter carnival in Ranka, East Sikkim.
Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more.
In order to promote Tourism, the Govt. of Sikkim has decided to setup a, Tourist cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park at Ranka. It islocated 15 kms. from Gangtok coming up over sprawling 16 acres of land. The project comprises of 24 tourist accommodations of traditional Sikkimese architecture, Villa Club with bars, restaurant, indoor swimming pool, multi-gym, open-air theatre, children’s park, Food Court, Exhibition Halls showing arts, handicraft, ornament, musical instruments etc. It will have Centralized A.C in the Reception cum Information Center, Multipurpose hall, Amusement Park with Rides, Simulators, Musical Fountain, Water Chute, Closed Circuit TVs, laser-cum-video show on water screens, Rain Forest Cafe, etc, along with all infrastructure developments works and tourism facilities.The small state of Sikkim is East India, nestled among the Eastern Himalayan mountains has an ace up its sleeve for tourist attraction.
The state has presented a mega tourism project which is a combination of provision of modern facilities combined with the cultural heritage of Sikkim. The project was open to tourist after President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil inaugrates Khangchendzonga Tourist Complex cum socio-cultural amusement park at Ranka, East Sikkim on 15th April.
The project is the first of its kind in the state of Sikkim. It was conceived in 2005 by the Chief Minister of Sikkim and work started on the same in June 2006.
The park spread over 16 acres of land has many cultural attractions like the dome shaped Sikkim Panaroma, swimming pools, bowling alleys, colourful and musical fountains and laser shows. The Sikkim Panaroma houses relief features of important places of Sikkim including the state’s low lying areas and going higher up to Mt Khangchendzonga. These relief features are made from fiber glass. There are also murals of the ethnic communities of Sikkim in the Sikkim Panorama along with traditional huts. Also in keeping with the serenity and surroundings of the region, the park has a rain forest café, a unique food joint with glass floors over a natural stream with lots of greenery.
Ranka also has other tourist attractions such as Lingdum Monastery and Banjakhri Falls. Also with limited recreational and entertainment facilities in Gangtok, the locals can visit Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum park for their own entertainment benefit as well.
Khangchendzonga Tourist Villa cum Socio-Cultural Amusement Park is a pioneering standalone project of its kind, celebrating the many gifts Sikkim is endowed with. It is a landmark not only in the state but in all of Northeastern India. It is the pride of the people of Sikkim and brings joy to visitors to this enchanting land.
Source: www.ktcranka.com
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at www.clipahoy.com , India's first video-based social networking experience!
Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
- published: 31 Mar 2015
- views: 743
INDO - CHINESE MEETING - Delhi Exploration
My friends from China came last week to New Delhi on their business trip. As you know the business between India & China is growing every single day. These both...
My friends from China came last week to New Delhi on their business trip. As you know the business between India & China is growing every single day. These both countries are going to be 21st century's super powers, No doubt in it. It was their first visit to India, before it they have heard about India, Taj Mahal and Indian culture only in books and YouTube. They have got only 1 evening with me, so I tried to show some of the giant Delhi. We visited
1. Palika Bazaar (Connaught Place, New Delhi)
2. Bangla Sahib Gurudwara, (CP, New Delhi) - Beautiful sikh religion temple , similar to golden temple of Amritsar Punjab
3. Red fort ( Old Delhi) - Historical place
4. Shiv Shankar Temple (Old Delhi)
5. Guru dwara Sis ganj, Chandani Chowk ( famous temple of Sikh)
6. Chandani chowk area ( old down town of Delhi)
7. Jama Masjid (Mosque) - (largest mosque of India)
8. Karim Restaurant - famous for Mughalai food.
On the way to travelling through old streets of Delhi , we met chaotic busy, roads, horns, and many more... They were often comparing things with China, and how different it is, from dresses of Indian people to way of doing work, look, appearances, traffic, management, taking care of old heritage, the beauty of them & many more..
They totally loved that day of India. The happiness of seeing, living India was all the time in their face. And at last, they loved Indian food whether it was Chiken tikka masala or Chicken Tandoori or tandoori roti.. Even spicy food for me, was normal for them, that means Chinese people are ok with Spice.
I have not yet visited China ever, but I am always crazy about Chinese martial arts, Chinese traditional music & songs, their disciplined culture and always moving forward attitude. Soon, hopefully I will visit China, may be 2016 !
Stay Happy & Love travelling !! Happy India -China Relationship !
Read more about China - India Relations here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93India_relations
Enjoy more travel videos from Nepal, India & beyond, don't forget to subscribe to my channel. ♥♥SUBSCRIBE♥♥ https://www.youtube.com/user/doodlesfan?sub_confirmation=1
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CLICK TO SEE MY OTHER NEPAL TRAVEL VIDEOS & GUIDES - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPKJXlYePpIboeFU8SS06dk-
CLICK TO SEE MY OTHER NEPAL TRAVEL,CULTURE & FOOD VIDEOS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tGHTmltDT4&index;=5&list;=PLSzKbnydlhPKJXlYePpIboeFU8SS06dk-
CLICK TO SEE MY INDIA TRAVEL VIDEOS & GUIDES -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPJkeOfTMcakF3jsbFRUOnT2
CLICK TO SEE MUMBAI TRAVEL VIDEOS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iygugHgCQjc&index;=1&list;=PLSzKbnydlhPJkeOfTMcakF3jsbFRUOnT2
CLICK TO SEE MANALI TRAVEL VIDEOS -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iu4ZDoRQmuw&index;=38&list;=PLSzKbnydlhPJkeOfTMcakF3jsbFRUOnT2
CLICK TO SEE KASHMIR TRAVEL VIDEOS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPIelQXhlbkWz9TUPTAW5aZG
wn.com/Indo Chinese Meeting Delhi Exploration
My friends from China came last week to New Delhi on their business trip. As you know the business between India & China is growing every single day. These both countries are going to be 21st century's super powers, No doubt in it. It was their first visit to India, before it they have heard about India, Taj Mahal and Indian culture only in books and YouTube. They have got only 1 evening with me, so I tried to show some of the giant Delhi. We visited
1. Palika Bazaar (Connaught Place, New Delhi)
2. Bangla Sahib Gurudwara, (CP, New Delhi) - Beautiful sikh religion temple , similar to golden temple of Amritsar Punjab
3. Red fort ( Old Delhi) - Historical place
4. Shiv Shankar Temple (Old Delhi)
5. Guru dwara Sis ganj, Chandani Chowk ( famous temple of Sikh)
6. Chandani chowk area ( old down town of Delhi)
7. Jama Masjid (Mosque) - (largest mosque of India)
8. Karim Restaurant - famous for Mughalai food.
On the way to travelling through old streets of Delhi , we met chaotic busy, roads, horns, and many more... They were often comparing things with China, and how different it is, from dresses of Indian people to way of doing work, look, appearances, traffic, management, taking care of old heritage, the beauty of them & many more..
They totally loved that day of India. The happiness of seeing, living India was all the time in their face. And at last, they loved Indian food whether it was Chiken tikka masala or Chicken Tandoori or tandoori roti.. Even spicy food for me, was normal for them, that means Chinese people are ok with Spice.
I have not yet visited China ever, but I am always crazy about Chinese martial arts, Chinese traditional music & songs, their disciplined culture and always moving forward attitude. Soon, hopefully I will visit China, may be 2016 !
Stay Happy & Love travelling !! Happy India -China Relationship !
Read more about China - India Relations here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93India_relations
Enjoy more travel videos from Nepal, India & beyond, don't forget to subscribe to my channel. ♥♥SUBSCRIBE♥♥ https://www.youtube.com/user/doodlesfan?sub_confirmation=1
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CLICK TO SEE MY OTHER NEPAL TRAVEL VIDEOS & GUIDES - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPKJXlYePpIboeFU8SS06dk-
CLICK TO SEE MY OTHER NEPAL TRAVEL,CULTURE & FOOD VIDEOS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tGHTmltDT4&index;=5&list;=PLSzKbnydlhPKJXlYePpIboeFU8SS06dk-
CLICK TO SEE MY INDIA TRAVEL VIDEOS & GUIDES -https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPJkeOfTMcakF3jsbFRUOnT2
CLICK TO SEE MUMBAI TRAVEL VIDEOS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iygugHgCQjc&index;=1&list;=PLSzKbnydlhPJkeOfTMcakF3jsbFRUOnT2
CLICK TO SEE MANALI TRAVEL VIDEOS -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iu4ZDoRQmuw&index;=38&list;=PLSzKbnydlhPJkeOfTMcakF3jsbFRUOnT2
CLICK TO SEE KASHMIR TRAVEL VIDEOS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSzKbnydlhPIelQXhlbkWz9TUPTAW5aZG
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 2332
Health Care in Nepal
Damodar Adhikari, a technical advisor for RTI's Asia region, discusses the work RTI International has been doing in health care in Nepal.
Zika Virus Nepal 100% health news FINALL
Nepal's rural populations struggle to receive health care
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
In the aftermath of Nepal's earthquake, the country's rural populations are struggling to receive healthcare.
In one district, some patients walk for days in order to find medical outposts, which often bear the signs of quake damage.
Al Jazeera's Faiz Jamil reports from the Sindhupal-chowk district.
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJ
Maternal health in Nepal
To read the full case study on maternal health in Nepal visit: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Media-Room/News-Stories/2010/MDGs-in-focus-Maternal-health-in-Nepal/
To take part in our maternal health consultation visit: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/choiceforwomen
An audio-visual slideshow exploring a DFID-funded project to help reduce maternal mortality in Nepal.
U.S. Global Health Initiative -- Nepal Female Community Health Volunteer Program
President Obama's Global Health Initiative (GHI) is the next chapter in the way the U.S. Government conducts global health activities. Nepal is one of eight GHI focus countries where stories like this one demonstrate the impact U.S. programs are having for women, children and families around the world. The Female Community Health Volunteer program started in 1988 in Nepal under the Ministry of Hea
Nepal quake impacts survivors' mental health
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
3 months on, Nepal's devastating earthquake continues to take its toll. In cities, villages and camps, thousands of survivors are now battling mental health issues.
Follow our Nepal quake coverage: http://bit.ly/1EwyNds
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish
Find us on Facebook
Check our website
magne takme earthquake 2015 Nepal health awareness Tupche Nuwakot.
Nepal's Female Community Health Volunteers - Saving Lives, Empowering Women
The Government of Nepal started the Female Community Health Volunteer Program in 1988 with support from USAID, UNICEF and UNFPA. In its 25 years, the country now proudly boasts a cadre of 52,000 women who work in every district in Nepal and hail from diverse ethnic backgrounds. These ordinary women perform the extraordinary task of bringing health education and outreach services to Nepali families
Nepal Women's Health 2014
Two painful and often debilitating conditions that continue to plague women of developing countries post childbirth are uterine prolapse and obstetric fistula. Recent population-based estimates by the World Health Organisation reveal that in Nepal one in every ten women of reproductive age is suffering from uterine prolapse.
Open Heart International is currently implementing projects in Nepal fo
Public Health Study in Nepal
Rick Peltier and Kabindra Shayka of UMass Amherst’s School of Public Health and Health Sciences filmed this report in Kathmandu, where they are leading a multinational study identifying air pollutants and tracking their effects on local police.
Free health care in rural Nepal
It is the moments of personal connection we shared with the patients arriving daily through our door that fills us with both gratitude for being able to make a difference in their lives and a bittersweet realization of the immense need for accessible healthcare in these places.
A big thank you to our donor's, supporters, healthcare providers, and volunteers that helped make the 2014 Himalayan Que
Mental Health Response to the Nepal Earthquakes
About the Lecture
This lecture is part one in Healing After Disaster: A Two-Part Series on Duke's Global Health Work Following the 2015 Nepal Earthquake. The speakers will discuss the mental health response to the Nepal earthquake and their work with WHO and other organizations on the mental health response to the Nepal earthquake.
This event is co-sponsored by the Global Mental Health Group at D
Mental Health Situation In Nepal
This documentary "Search for light" depicts the situation of Mental Health In Nepal . The prevailing problems and the activities are shown in this documentary
health care Primary Health Care in Rural Nepal Nyaya Health care
Collection of health care home health care health care insurance health care center health care services health care products family health care national health care online health care florida health care alberta health care dog health care child health care baby health care women's health care Videos
free diet food diet fat diet best diet healthy diet flat belly diet diet day diet carb south
My Rights, My Voice Nepal - Our Right to Health Care
As part of the My Rights, My Voice (MRMV) programme, 12 youth campaigners from the Nepal project took part in a Participatory Video workshop in January 2014. This video shows extracts from the three films which they made on community health care issues as part of their ongoing advocacy work for MRMV. The youth campaigners will screen their films to local decision-makers and community members durin
Obstacles yet to overcome: a documentary on women's health problem in Nepal
Camera/Producer/Director/Editor/Copyright: Sudarson Karki
Scripts: Bishnu Rimal
Narration: Deepak Thapa
Performers in video: Pasupari Kuwar, Tuli B.K., Shere B.K., Hiun Kala Bhandari, Ram Chandra Khanal, Sarita Rana, Padma Bohara, Binod Paudel, Dr. Aruna Karki, Dr. Sushil Mani Pokhrel
Behind the video: UP3 Nepal, Scheer Memorial Hospital of Seventh-day
Nepalese health care system
We operate with the most revered and trusted international medical insurance coverage who are dedicated to servicing the needs of the increasing globally expat community. Our long term associations with them have been developed on trust, and we can typically get far more competitive prices than if you went di
Nepal health volunteers struggle to provide services
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Women volunteering as healthcare workers have contributed to improving the care given to new mothers and their babies in rural parts of Nepal.
The services that they provided were vital in poor communities. But since April's earthquake, many are struggling to go back to work.
Al Jazeera's Subina Shrestha reports from Kavre district.
Delivering Mobile Reproductive Health in Nepal
After a truce in Nepal's civil war, a mobile reproductive health team is reaching isolated communities that have had no health services for years.
Promoting Public Health in Nepal
Following the recent earthquakes, Christian Aid's partners in Nepal continue to work with affected communities to promote public health.
Mental Health, Nepal
Nepal quake: fears grow about health of survivors
Fears are growing about the health of those who survived Nepal's devastating earthquake.
With scores of homes destroyed, thousands of people are living in camps in the capital Kathmandu, where living conditions are basic.
"I'm worried that my children may get sick because it is so dirty here. People defecate everywhere and water for washing hands and dishes is not clean," said one woman who is l
ETSC Nepal- Health Literacy
Mothers Health Literacy is important for healthy family
Health Care in Nepal
Damodar Adhikari, a technical advisor for RTI's Asia region, discusses the work RTI International has been doing in health care in Nepal....
Damodar Adhikari, a technical advisor for RTI's Asia region, discusses the work RTI International has been doing in health care in Nepal.
wn.com/Health Care In Nepal
Damodar Adhikari, a technical advisor for RTI's Asia region, discusses the work RTI International has been doing in health care in Nepal.
- published: 07 Nov 2013
- views: 513
Nepal's rural populations struggle to receive health care
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
In the aftermath of Nepal's earthquake, the country's rural populations are struggling to receive healthcare...
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
In the aftermath of Nepal's earthquake, the country's rural populations are struggling to receive healthcare.
In one district, some patients walk for days in order to find medical outposts, which often bear the signs of quake damage.
Al Jazeera's Faiz Jamil reports from the Sindhupal-chowk district.
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At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.
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wn.com/Nepal's Rural Populations Struggle To Receive Health Care
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
In the aftermath of Nepal's earthquake, the country's rural populations are struggling to receive healthcare.
In one district, some patients walk for days in order to find medical outposts, which often bear the signs of quake damage.
Al Jazeera's Faiz Jamil reports from the Sindhupal-chowk district.
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish
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Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.
Social Media links:
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- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 1551
Maternal health in Nepal
To read the full case study on maternal health in Nepal visit: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Media-Room/News-Stories/2010/MDGs-in-focus-Maternal-health-in-Nepal/
To read the full case study on maternal health in Nepal visit: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Media-Room/News-Stories/2010/MDGs-in-focus-Maternal-health-in-Nepal/
To take part in our maternal health consultation visit: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/choiceforwomen
An audio-visual slideshow exploring a DFID-funded project to help reduce maternal mortality in Nepal.
wn.com/Maternal Health In Nepal
To read the full case study on maternal health in Nepal visit: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Media-Room/News-Stories/2010/MDGs-in-focus-Maternal-health-in-Nepal/
To take part in our maternal health consultation visit: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/choiceforwomen
An audio-visual slideshow exploring a DFID-funded project to help reduce maternal mortality in Nepal.
- published: 03 Aug 2010
- views: 4643
U.S. Global Health Initiative -- Nepal Female Community Health Volunteer Program
President Obama's Global Health Initiative (GHI) is the next chapter in the way the U.S. Government conducts global health activities. Nepal is one of eight GHI...
President Obama's Global Health Initiative (GHI) is the next chapter in the way the U.S. Government conducts global health activities. Nepal is one of eight GHI focus countries where stories like this one demonstrate the impact U.S. programs are having for women, children and families around the world. The Female Community Health Volunteer program started in 1988 in Nepal under the Ministry of Health and has expanded with U.S. support over the years to become a country-wide program. Through a multi-tiered training model, village women are empowered to help educate other women and children in their communities about health topics and to provide them with basic health services.
wn.com/U.S. Global Health Initiative Nepal Female Community Health Volunteer Program
President Obama's Global Health Initiative (GHI) is the next chapter in the way the U.S. Government conducts global health activities. Nepal is one of eight GHI focus countries where stories like this one demonstrate the impact U.S. programs are having for women, children and families around the world. The Female Community Health Volunteer program started in 1988 in Nepal under the Ministry of Health and has expanded with U.S. support over the years to become a country-wide program. Through a multi-tiered training model, village women are empowered to help educate other women and children in their communities about health topics and to provide them with basic health services.
- published: 26 Jul 2011
- views: 7025
Nepal quake impacts survivors' mental health
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
3 months on, Nepal's devastating earthquake continues to take its toll. In cities, villages and camps, thous...
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
3 months on, Nepal's devastating earthquake continues to take its toll. In cities, villages and camps, thousands of survivors are now battling mental health issues.
Follow our Nepal quake coverage: http://bit.ly/1EwyNds
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish
Find us on Facebook
Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.
Social Media links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera
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wn.com/Nepal Quake Impacts Survivors' Mental Health
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
3 months on, Nepal's devastating earthquake continues to take its toll. In cities, villages and camps, thousands of survivors are now battling mental health issues.
Follow our Nepal quake coverage: http://bit.ly/1EwyNds
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish
Find us on Facebook
Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.
Social Media links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ajenglish
Website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
google+: https://plus.google.com/+aljazeera/posts
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 855
Nepal's Female Community Health Volunteers - Saving Lives, Empowering Women
The Government of Nepal started the Female Community Health Volunteer Program in 1988 with support from USAID, UNICEF and UNFPA. In its 25 years, the country no...
The Government of Nepal started the Female Community Health Volunteer Program in 1988 with support from USAID, UNICEF and UNFPA. In its 25 years, the country now proudly boasts a cadre of 52,000 women who work in every district in Nepal and hail from diverse ethnic backgrounds. These ordinary women perform the extraordinary task of bringing health education and outreach services to Nepali families throughout the country, despite the country's poor infrastructure and geographical challenges.
Today, Nepal is among the few countries on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, related to maternal health and child mortality -- an achievement that would not be possible without the special, dedicated Female Community Health Volunteers of Nepal.
wn.com/Nepal's Female Community Health Volunteers Saving Lives, Empowering Women
The Government of Nepal started the Female Community Health Volunteer Program in 1988 with support from USAID, UNICEF and UNFPA. In its 25 years, the country now proudly boasts a cadre of 52,000 women who work in every district in Nepal and hail from diverse ethnic backgrounds. These ordinary women perform the extraordinary task of bringing health education and outreach services to Nepali families throughout the country, despite the country's poor infrastructure and geographical challenges.
Today, Nepal is among the few countries on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, related to maternal health and child mortality -- an achievement that would not be possible without the special, dedicated Female Community Health Volunteers of Nepal.
- published: 05 Dec 2013
- views: 7077
Nepal Women's Health 2014
Two painful and often debilitating conditions that continue to plague women of developing countries post childbirth are uterine prolapse and obstetric fistula. ...
Two painful and often debilitating conditions that continue to plague women of developing countries post childbirth are uterine prolapse and obstetric fistula. Recent population-based estimates by the World Health Organisation reveal that in Nepal one in every ten women of reproductive age is suffering from uterine prolapse.
Open Heart International is currently implementing projects in Nepal for women suffering uterine prolapse and obstetric fistula.
wn.com/Nepal Women's Health 2014
Two painful and often debilitating conditions that continue to plague women of developing countries post childbirth are uterine prolapse and obstetric fistula. Recent population-based estimates by the World Health Organisation reveal that in Nepal one in every ten women of reproductive age is suffering from uterine prolapse.
Open Heart International is currently implementing projects in Nepal for women suffering uterine prolapse and obstetric fistula.
- published: 20 May 2014
- views: 877
Public Health Study in Nepal
Rick Peltier and Kabindra Shayka of UMass Amherst’s School of Public Health and Health Sciences filmed this report in Kathmandu, where they are leading a multin...
Rick Peltier and Kabindra Shayka of UMass Amherst’s School of Public Health and Health Sciences filmed this report in Kathmandu, where they are leading a multinational study identifying air pollutants and tracking their effects on local police.
wn.com/Public Health Study In Nepal
Rick Peltier and Kabindra Shayka of UMass Amherst’s School of Public Health and Health Sciences filmed this report in Kathmandu, where they are leading a multinational study identifying air pollutants and tracking their effects on local police.
- published: 17 Sep 2014
- views: 754
Free health care in rural Nepal
It is the moments of personal connection we shared with the patients arriving daily through our door that fills us with both gratitude for being able to make a ...
It is the moments of personal connection we shared with the patients arriving daily through our door that fills us with both gratitude for being able to make a difference in their lives and a bittersweet realization of the immense need for accessible healthcare in these places.
A big thank you to our donor's, supporters, healthcare providers, and volunteers that helped make the 2014 Himalayan Quests Health Camp a reality -- none of this would have been possible without you!
We are already excited to continue our adventure in 2015.
wn.com/Free Health Care In Rural Nepal
It is the moments of personal connection we shared with the patients arriving daily through our door that fills us with both gratitude for being able to make a difference in their lives and a bittersweet realization of the immense need for accessible healthcare in these places.
A big thank you to our donor's, supporters, healthcare providers, and volunteers that helped make the 2014 Himalayan Quests Health Camp a reality -- none of this would have been possible without you!
We are already excited to continue our adventure in 2015.
- published: 07 Jun 2014
- views: 962
Mental Health Response to the Nepal Earthquakes
About the Lecture
This lecture is part one in Healing After Disaster: A Two-Part Series on Duke's Global Health Work Following the 2015 Nepal Earthquake. The sp...
About the Lecture
This lecture is part one in Healing After Disaster: A Two-Part Series on Duke's Global Health Work Following the 2015 Nepal Earthquake. The speakers will discuss the mental health response to the Nepal earthquake and their work with WHO and other organizations on the mental health response to the Nepal earthquake.
This event is co-sponsored by the Global Mental Health Group at Duke Global Health Institute.
About the Speakers (pictured left to right)
Brandon Kohrt, MD, PhD
Dr. Kohrt is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Global Health, and Cultural Anthropology at Duke Global Health Institute. He conducts global mental health research focusing on populations affected by war-related trauma and chronic stressors of poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to healthcare and education. Kohrt has worked in Nepal for 16 years using a biocultural developmental perspective integrating epidemiology, cultural anthropology, ethnopsychology, and neuroendocrinology. Since 2000, he has conducted a prospective study of adults in rural Nepal examining the effects of political trauma, ethnic discrimination, gender-based violence, and poverty on mental health. With Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) Nepal, he designed and evaluated psychosocial reintegration packages for child soldiers in Nepal.
Suraj Koirala, MA
Suraj Koirala is the Executive Manager of Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) Nepal (www.tponepal.org), a leading psychosocial/mental health NGO in Nepal that works in research, intervention, training and advocacy. The organization has a broad geographical coverage in Nepal and is working closely with government and several international institutions including Duke Global Health Institute for mental health promotion and system development. Mr. Koirala has worked extensively in mental health promotion in conflict-affected communities with population including child soldiers, refugees and IDP's (Internally Displaced People). He has a Master's degree in Population Studies from Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Nagendra Prasad Luitel, MA
Mr. Nagendra Prasad Luitel is the Head of Research at Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) Nepal (www.tponepal.org), a leading psychosocial and mental health organization that aims to promote psychosocial well-being and mental health of children and families and especially vulnerable communities in Nepal. Mr. Luitel holds Masters’ degree in Population Studies from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He is also a PhD candidate at University of Utrecht the Netherlands and doing his PhD on Integration of Mental Health into the Primary Health Care System in post conflict Nepal. Mr. Luitel has co-led a number of large mental health research programs over the past years including PRIME (www.prime.uct.ac.za). He has published more than 15 papers on mental health in peer-reviewed journals.
wn.com/Mental Health Response To The Nepal Earthquakes
About the Lecture
This lecture is part one in Healing After Disaster: A Two-Part Series on Duke's Global Health Work Following the 2015 Nepal Earthquake. The speakers will discuss the mental health response to the Nepal earthquake and their work with WHO and other organizations on the mental health response to the Nepal earthquake.
This event is co-sponsored by the Global Mental Health Group at Duke Global Health Institute.
About the Speakers (pictured left to right)
Brandon Kohrt, MD, PhD
Dr. Kohrt is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Global Health, and Cultural Anthropology at Duke Global Health Institute. He conducts global mental health research focusing on populations affected by war-related trauma and chronic stressors of poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to healthcare and education. Kohrt has worked in Nepal for 16 years using a biocultural developmental perspective integrating epidemiology, cultural anthropology, ethnopsychology, and neuroendocrinology. Since 2000, he has conducted a prospective study of adults in rural Nepal examining the effects of political trauma, ethnic discrimination, gender-based violence, and poverty on mental health. With Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) Nepal, he designed and evaluated psychosocial reintegration packages for child soldiers in Nepal.
Suraj Koirala, MA
Suraj Koirala is the Executive Manager of Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) Nepal (www.tponepal.org), a leading psychosocial/mental health NGO in Nepal that works in research, intervention, training and advocacy. The organization has a broad geographical coverage in Nepal and is working closely with government and several international institutions including Duke Global Health Institute for mental health promotion and system development. Mr. Koirala has worked extensively in mental health promotion in conflict-affected communities with population including child soldiers, refugees and IDP's (Internally Displaced People). He has a Master's degree in Population Studies from Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Nagendra Prasad Luitel, MA
Mr. Nagendra Prasad Luitel is the Head of Research at Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) Nepal (www.tponepal.org), a leading psychosocial and mental health organization that aims to promote psychosocial well-being and mental health of children and families and especially vulnerable communities in Nepal. Mr. Luitel holds Masters’ degree in Population Studies from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He is also a PhD candidate at University of Utrecht the Netherlands and doing his PhD on Integration of Mental Health into the Primary Health Care System in post conflict Nepal. Mr. Luitel has co-led a number of large mental health research programs over the past years including PRIME (www.prime.uct.ac.za). He has published more than 15 papers on mental health in peer-reviewed journals.
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 80
Mental Health Situation In Nepal
This documentary "Search for light" depicts the situation of Mental Health In Nepal . The prevailing problems and the activities are shown in this documentary...
This documentary "Search for light" depicts the situation of Mental Health In Nepal . The prevailing problems and the activities are shown in this documentary
wn.com/Mental Health Situation In Nepal
This documentary "Search for light" depicts the situation of Mental Health In Nepal . The prevailing problems and the activities are shown in this documentary
- published: 15 Oct 2011
- views: 1591
health care Primary Health Care in Rural Nepal Nyaya Health care
Collection of health care home health care health care insurance health care center health care services health care products family health care national health...
Collection of health care home health care health care insurance health care center health care services health care products family health care national health care online health care florida health care alberta health care dog health care child health care baby health care women's health care Videos
free diet food diet fat diet best diet healthy diet flat belly diet diet day diet carb south
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wn.com/Health Care Primary Health Care In Rural Nepal Nyaya Health Care
Collection of health care home health care health care insurance health care center health care services health care products family health care national health care online health care florida health care alberta health care dog health care child health care baby health care women's health care Videos
free diet food diet fat diet best diet healthy diet flat belly diet diet day diet carb south
beach diet recipes
- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 779
My Rights, My Voice Nepal - Our Right to Health Care
As part of the My Rights, My Voice (MRMV) programme, 12 youth campaigners from the Nepal project took part in a Participatory Video workshop in January 2014. Th...
As part of the My Rights, My Voice (MRMV) programme, 12 youth campaigners from the Nepal project took part in a Participatory Video workshop in January 2014. This video shows extracts from the three films which they made on community health care issues as part of their ongoing advocacy work for MRMV. The youth campaigners will screen their films to local decision-makers and community members during 2014 to bring about change on the issues raised.
wn.com/My Rights, My Voice Nepal Our Right To Health Care
As part of the My Rights, My Voice (MRMV) programme, 12 youth campaigners from the Nepal project took part in a Participatory Video workshop in January 2014. This video shows extracts from the three films which they made on community health care issues as part of their ongoing advocacy work for MRMV. The youth campaigners will screen their films to local decision-makers and community members during 2014 to bring about change on the issues raised.
- published: 28 Apr 2014
- views: 939
Obstacles yet to overcome: a documentary on women's health problem in Nepal
Camera/Producer/Director/Editor/Copyright: Sudarson Karki
Scripts: Bishnu Rimal
Narration: Deepak Thapa
Performers ...
Camera/Producer/Director/Editor/Copyright: Sudarson Karki
Scripts: Bishnu Rimal
Narration: Deepak Thapa
Performers in video: Pasupari Kuwar, Tuli B.K., Shere B.K., Hiun Kala Bhandari, Ram Chandra Khanal, Sarita Rana, Padma Bohara, Binod Paudel, Dr. Aruna Karki, Dr. Sushil Mani Pokhrel
Behind the video: UP3 Nepal, Scheer Memorial Hospital of Seventh-day Adventists, Dr. Dale Mole, Dr. Binod Aryal, Sundar Thapa Magar, Aune Greggas
wn.com/Obstacles Yet To Overcome A Documentary On Women's Health Problem In Nepal
Camera/Producer/Director/Editor/Copyright: Sudarson Karki
Scripts: Bishnu Rimal
Narration: Deepak Thapa
Performers in video: Pasupari Kuwar, Tuli B.K., Shere B.K., Hiun Kala Bhandari, Ram Chandra Khanal, Sarita Rana, Padma Bohara, Binod Paudel, Dr. Aruna Karki, Dr. Sushil Mani Pokhrel
Behind the video: UP3 Nepal, Scheer Memorial Hospital of Seventh-day Adventists, Dr. Dale Mole, Dr. Binod Aryal, Sundar Thapa Magar, Aune Greggas
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 199
Nepalese health care system
We operate with the most revered and trusted international medical ins...
We operate with the most revered and trusted international medical insurance coverage who are dedicated to servicing the needs of the increasing globally expat community. Our long term associations with them have been developed on trust, and we can typically get far more competitive prices than if you went direct to the insurance provider.
Nepal company health insurance
For firms, businesses and groups , a group coverage plan may be the ideal coverage solution.
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Are you tired of being given advice on policies that seem to profit the insurer more than you as the insured person? We are an autonomous coverage expert who will always put the needs of our customers above the insurers that we work with. this means that you are supplied with unbiased advice about various medical insurance policies in Nepal that best fit you.
What is maternity coverage?
The costs associated to having children abroad can be an enormous financial load if insurance policies has not been taken out. Medical center charges together with post-natal, pre-natal, labour and delivery costs and unforeseen complications can frequently exceed usd 15,000. In the unlucky event of a kid getting born with inborn problems the fees can much exceed this. Although most international health insurance policies expat policies do have a maternity choice, there are restrictions on the volume that can be claimed and for clear reasons a waiting time period of not less than 10 months prior to any statements for maternity connected expenses can be recognized.
Health insurance coverage and vaccination in Nepal
To obtain ample defense against conditions it is essential to check out what vaccinations are needed or suggested in the intended area of holiday. Some global insurance coverage organizations do contain cover for vaccinations as component of the international health care services in their plans, but there will be limits relying on the plan and the insurance supplier. If this advantage is integrated as element of the worldwide health care services then it will usually cover vaccinations for newborns.
wn.com/Nepalese Health Care System
We operate with the most revered and trusted international medical insurance coverage who are dedicated to servicing the needs of the increasing globally expat community. Our long term associations with them have been developed on trust, and we can typically get far more competitive prices than if you went direct to the insurance provider.
Nepal company health insurance
For firms, businesses and groups , a group coverage plan may be the ideal coverage solution.
Medical insurance broker in Nepal
Are you tired of being given advice on policies that seem to profit the insurer more than you as the insured person? We are an autonomous coverage expert who will always put the needs of our customers above the insurers that we work with. this means that you are supplied with unbiased advice about various medical insurance policies in Nepal that best fit you.
What is maternity coverage?
The costs associated to having children abroad can be an enormous financial load if insurance policies has not been taken out. Medical center charges together with post-natal, pre-natal, labour and delivery costs and unforeseen complications can frequently exceed usd 15,000. In the unlucky event of a kid getting born with inborn problems the fees can much exceed this. Although most international health insurance policies expat policies do have a maternity choice, there are restrictions on the volume that can be claimed and for clear reasons a waiting time period of not less than 10 months prior to any statements for maternity connected expenses can be recognized.
Health insurance coverage and vaccination in Nepal
To obtain ample defense against conditions it is essential to check out what vaccinations are needed or suggested in the intended area of holiday. Some global insurance coverage organizations do contain cover for vaccinations as component of the international health care services in their plans, but there will be limits relying on the plan and the insurance supplier. If this advantage is integrated as element of the worldwide health care services then it will usually cover vaccinations for newborns.
- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 277
Nepal health volunteers struggle to provide services
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Women volunteering as healthcare workers have contributed to improving the care given to new mothers and the...
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Women volunteering as healthcare workers have contributed to improving the care given to new mothers and their babies in rural parts of Nepal.
The services that they provided were vital in poor communities. But since April's earthquake, many are struggling to go back to work.
Al Jazeera's Subina Shrestha reports from Kavre district.
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wn.com/Nepal Health Volunteers Struggle To Provide Services
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Women volunteering as healthcare workers have contributed to improving the care given to new mothers and their babies in rural parts of Nepal.
The services that they provided were vital in poor communities. But since April's earthquake, many are struggling to go back to work.
Al Jazeera's Subina Shrestha reports from Kavre district.
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
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At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.
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- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 846
Delivering Mobile Reproductive Health in Nepal
After a truce in Nepal's civil war, a mobile reproductive health team is reaching isolated communities that have had no health services for years....
After a truce in Nepal's civil war, a mobile reproductive health team is reaching isolated communities that have had no health services for years.
wn.com/Delivering Mobile Reproductive Health In Nepal
After a truce in Nepal's civil war, a mobile reproductive health team is reaching isolated communities that have had no health services for years.
- published: 18 Dec 2008
- views: 1431
Promoting Public Health in Nepal
Following the recent earthquakes, Christian Aid's partners in Nepal continue to work with affected communities to promote public health.
Following the recent earthquakes, Christian Aid's partners in Nepal continue to work with affected communities to promote public health.
wn.com/Promoting Public Health In Nepal
Following the recent earthquakes, Christian Aid's partners in Nepal continue to work with affected communities to promote public health.
- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 535
Nepal quake: fears grow about health of survivors
Fears are growing about the health of those who survived Nepal's devastating earthquake.
With scores of homes destroyed, thousands of people are living in camp...
Fears are growing about the health of those who survived Nepal's devastating earthquake.
With scores of homes destroyed, thousands of people are living in camps in the capital Kathmandu, where living conditions are basic.
"I'm worried that my children may get sick because it is so dirty here. People defecate everywhere and water for washing hands and dishes is not clean," said one woman who is living in a camp.
Government officials say there is no sign of any outbreak. But UN research shows …
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/05/01/nepal-quake-fears-grow-about-health-of-survivors
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
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wn.com/Nepal Quake Fears Grow About Health Of Survivors
Fears are growing about the health of those who survived Nepal's devastating earthquake.
With scores of homes destroyed, thousands of people are living in camps in the capital Kathmandu, where living conditions are basic.
"I'm worried that my children may get sick because it is so dirty here. People defecate everywhere and water for washing hands and dishes is not clean," said one woman who is living in a camp.
Government officials say there is no sign of any outbreak. But UN research shows …
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/05/01/nepal-quake-fears-grow-about-health-of-survivors
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe
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- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 658
ETSC Nepal- Health Literacy
Mothers Health Literacy is important for healthy family...
Mothers Health Literacy is important for healthy family
wn.com/Etsc Nepal Health Literacy
Mothers Health Literacy is important for healthy family
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 27
Nepal Tourism Naturally
Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, is one of the world's oldest cities. The old part of the city, with narrow medieval streets and lovely little shrines, centers on the Durbar Square. Here one can find distinctive pagoda-roofed temples, stone sculptures, old monasteries and historic monuments.
Video brought to you by Travelindex Network and Travel & Tourism Foundation. Travelindex.com is the
Nepal - The Most Amazing and Beautiful Place on Earth ( VISIT NEPAL 2011 ) ( HD )
Like page & Support : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Channelnicky/194324308689
My Country, My Pride , Long live Nepal. Video itself Explains how beautiful is our Country.
""" Nepal - The Birthplace of Lord Buddha """"
Let's make it Happen " Nepal Tourism Year 2011.
" Please favorite/rate/comment this Video, it will help this video to rise in youtube , Share with the world "
" This Vid
Video For Nepal, Tourism promotion video by Ncell
On August 2, 2015, Ncell reached out to the people of Nepal, asking them to submit videos depicting the most beautiful aspects of the country. This film is a collection of some of the best entries we received and is a collaboration of Nepali people to showcase how beautiful the country still is despite the devastating earthquake of April 25, 2015.
If Nepal is on your mind, then it's time...Welcom
Nepal Tourism Promotional Campaign 2011
© Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Nepal Tourism Board.
This video is a production of Nepal Tourism Board {www.welcomenepal.com}.
The full video or any portion may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without permission.
If you want to embed or share this video, you must give a source credit to Nepal Tourism Board, with a properly visible link to this youtube video
Kathmandu, Nepal Tourism & Vacations 2015
Kathmandu, Nepal Tourism & Vacations 2015 - Kathmandu, Nepal trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kathmandu is the largest city and capital of Nepal and the namesake of the Kathmandu Valley. Once thought to be the fabled and inaccessible Shangri-La, Kathmandu is now a hub for independent travellers as well as a growing vacat
Nepal Through The Eyes Of Tourists
We interviewed around 25-30 tourist around few touristy places in kathmandu. A random idea of asking few interesting question to foreigners took a shape of a almost 7 and half minute video. One of the hardest part was to shorten the huge content we had collected over the course of interviewing.
It was quite an interesting experience for us to get to know about our country from people who come to
Nepal Tourism Place to see!!
Nepal Promotional Video by an Leading travel company Liberty Holidays Inc.
Tourist views about Nepal after the earthquake
After two months from the devastating earthquake, this is what tourist have to say about Nepal
Aamir Khan Nepal Tourism Brand Ambassador
Please subscribe and check my new channel "Bollywood Wali Bai" for latest news from Bollywood Life
Ye Jo Desh Hain Swadesh Hain Tera" is one stop video Channel for Forwarding India. We are showing Globalizing India by various Videos.
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zaid hamid,India VS Pakistan,Pakistani
Visit Nepal 2016 || Nepal Tourism || Trekking In Nepal || Himalayas || CCP Inc.
** Battered But Not Shattered **
Find Us On Social Sites !!!
The Nepal Documentary
Video by Robin Wallace. Documentary i made a few years ago covering the entire trek from Lukla to Everest Base camp, staying in Tea Houses. Also included in this HD documentary is a tour of Bhaktapur city, Kathmandu city and Chitwan National Safari park. Enjoy :-)
most dangerous roads driving Manaslu Area . Please comment & Share Your Friend.
one of Nepal's most dangerous roads driving in Nepal . Please comment & Share Your Friend. ( Promote - Travel and Tourism in Nepal)
More Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1OoLf3T6Ls
Nepal Tourism: Bandipur, Beautiful Place To Visit – Glamour Nepal
Bandipur (बन्दीपुर) is a hilltop settlement and a municipality in Tanahun District, (Gandaki Zone) of Nepal. This municipality was established on 18 May 2014 by merging with existing Dharampani and Bandipur VDCs.Because of its preserved, old time cultural atmosphere, Bandipur has increasingly been coming to the attention of tourism. At the time of the 2011 Nepal census it had a population of total
Village Tourism - homestay & canyoning in Lwang Ghalel Nepal
Lwang Ghalel village of Nepal is one of the most successful models village tourism. The village is in easy access from Pokhara, the capital of western region of Nepal. Yet it retains its century old cultural heritage. The village is self sufficient and people are simple with less expectation to be happier. Life style is primitive and labor intensive with simple handmade tools.
You can learn about
Visit Nepal 2011 Naturally Nepal-Nepal tourism year 2011
The official Video of Visit Nepal 2011
The ultimate place to link Nepal to the world.
Top 40 Most Beautiful Places to visit in Nepal - Visit Nepal 2015
List of top 40 most amazing and beautiful places to visit in Nepal which is the country of peace. NEPAL is heaven on earth.
Nepal is a small, landlocked country situated between India and China. Famous for the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest, and the birthplace of Lord Buddha.
Nepal offers amazing and diverse holiday opportunities. With its ancient culture and the Himalayas as a backdrop,
Nagarkot - Nepal Tourism Year 2011
For best mountain views resort in Nagarkot Hillstation, Nepal, we recommend you Peaceful Cottage & Cafe du Mont in Nagarkot.
For any inquiries:
nagarkott@gmail.com visitnagarkot@yahoo.com
Nepal Tourism Board Promotional montage
NTB montage
Deepak Raj Joshi, CEO, Nepal Tourism Board LIVE (Full Episode) (HUAWEI Namaste TV Show)
Newly appointed CEO of Nepal Tourism Board, Deepak Raj Joshi LIVE on HUAWEI Namaste TV Show.
HUAWEI Namaste TV Show is a daily show that broadcasts itself LIVE on Nepal Television Plus .
The format of Namaste TV Show is live interaction based on telephone conversations. Namaste has innovative means of doing the same. Namaste also incorporates interaction on different online platforms as content
Kathmandu to Pokhara Beautiful High Way Road Nepal Tourism
This visit gives you the greatest opportunity to knowledge the most amazing architectures near in Kathmandu valley as well as the the majority striking natural scenarios.
Sajha Sawal Episode 288: Prospects of Tourism in Nepal
बर्सेनी ३० हजारभन्दा बढी पर्यटकहरू लुक्ला विमानस्थल अवतरण गरी पदयात्रा र सगरमाथा आरोहणका लागि सोलुखुम्वु जिल्लाको खुम्वु क्षेत्र जाने गर्छन् । योसहित देशका अन्य विभिन्न क्षेत्रमा घुम्न जाने पर्यटकहरू कस्ता छन् त? यिनीहरूबाट देशले के फाइदा लिन सकेको छ? त्यसो त, तेन्जिङ शेर्पा र एडमण्ड हिलारीले सगरमाथाको सफल आरोहण गरेको पनि यसै साता ६० बर्ष हुँदैछ भने नेपालमा पर्यटन व्यवसाय शुरू भएको पनि लगभग त्यति
Welcome song of Nepal, tourism song, Nepali geet. national song of Tourism, hit song of Nepal
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Nepal Tourism Naturally
Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, is one of the world's oldest cities. The old part of the city, with narrow medieval streets and lovely little shrines, cen...
Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, is one of the world's oldest cities. The old part of the city, with narrow medieval streets and lovely little shrines, centers on the Durbar Square. Here one can find distinctive pagoda-roofed temples, stone sculptures, old monasteries and historic monuments.
Video brought to you by Travelindex Network and Travel & Tourism Foundation. Travelindex.com is the World's largest Travel Directory. We invite you to submit your tourism, travel or destination site for publication, its free, at http://www.Travelindex.com
Publish and distribute your Travel News and Press Releases for free at http://www.TravelCommunication.Net
More travel and tourism information and travel videos at:
and more...
wn.com/Nepal Tourism Naturally
Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, is one of the world's oldest cities. The old part of the city, with narrow medieval streets and lovely little shrines, centers on the Durbar Square. Here one can find distinctive pagoda-roofed temples, stone sculptures, old monasteries and historic monuments.
Video brought to you by Travelindex Network and Travel & Tourism Foundation. Travelindex.com is the World's largest Travel Directory. We invite you to submit your tourism, travel or destination site for publication, its free, at http://www.Travelindex.com
Publish and distribute your Travel News and Press Releases for free at http://www.TravelCommunication.Net
More travel and tourism information and travel videos at:
and more...
- published: 08 Feb 2012
- views: 109368
Nepal - The Most Amazing and Beautiful Place on Earth ( VISIT NEPAL 2011 ) ( HD )
Like page & Support : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Channelnicky/194324308689
My Country, My Pride , Long live Nepal. Video itself Explains how beautiful...
Like page & Support : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Channelnicky/194324308689
My Country, My Pride , Long live Nepal. Video itself Explains how beautiful is our Country.
""" Nepal - The Birthplace of Lord Buddha """"
Let's make it Happen " Nepal Tourism Year 2011.
" Please favorite/rate/comment this Video, it will help this video to rise in youtube , Share with the world "
" This Video is uploaded to promote visit Nepal 2011 " This is not an official Video for 2011.
Please Join and Promote Nepal !!! : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Visit-Nepal-2011/115647540921#!/pages/Nepal-Tourism-Year-2011/99334707231
Simple Step how you can help...
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Thanks and Hope you will suggest Your friends to Join the Campaign . . . .
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Video copyright to Nepal Tourism board !
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Please need your Support ! Join Me in facebook ,
Please Join me and Support me because i still need your support !
For more updates : - facebook.com/pages/Channelnicky/194324308689
This is just start so please Keep making me alive for more Nepali stuffs and updates !
God Bless Nepal ,God Bless Nepali
Respect Nepal , Respect Nepali
Jai Nepal , Jai Nepali !
wn.com/Nepal The Most Amazing And Beautiful Place On Earth ( Visit Nepal 2011 ) ( Hd )
Like page & Support : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Channelnicky/194324308689
My Country, My Pride , Long live Nepal. Video itself Explains how beautiful is our Country.
""" Nepal - The Birthplace of Lord Buddha """"
Let's make it Happen " Nepal Tourism Year 2011.
" Please favorite/rate/comment this Video, it will help this video to rise in youtube , Share with the world "
" This Video is uploaded to promote visit Nepal 2011 " This is not an official Video for 2011.
Please Join and Promote Nepal !!! : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Visit-Nepal-2011/115647540921#!/pages/Nepal-Tourism-Year-2011/99334707231
Simple Step how you can help...
1. Join NTY2011 Page
2. Click on Suggest to Friends.
3. Select all your Friends
4. Invite Them to Join.
Thanks and Hope you will suggest Your friends to Join the Campaign . . . .
Links :
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Video copyright to Nepal Tourism board !
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Please need your Support ! Join Me in facebook ,
Please Join me and Support me because i still need your support !
For more updates : - facebook.com/pages/Channelnicky/194324308689
This is just start so please Keep making me alive for more Nepali stuffs and updates !
God Bless Nepal ,God Bless Nepali
Respect Nepal , Respect Nepali
Jai Nepal , Jai Nepali !
- published: 05 Mar 2010
- views: 609400
Video For Nepal, Tourism promotion video by Ncell
On August 2, 2015, Ncell reached out to the people of Nepal, asking them to submit videos depicting the most beautiful aspects of the country. This film is a co...
On August 2, 2015, Ncell reached out to the people of Nepal, asking them to submit videos depicting the most beautiful aspects of the country. This film is a collection of some of the best entries we received and is a collaboration of Nepali people to showcase how beautiful the country still is despite the devastating earthquake of April 25, 2015.
If Nepal is on your mind, then it's time...Welcome to Nepal!
Copyright: Ncell
wn.com/Video For Nepal, Tourism Promotion Video By Ncell
On August 2, 2015, Ncell reached out to the people of Nepal, asking them to submit videos depicting the most beautiful aspects of the country. This film is a collection of some of the best entries we received and is a collaboration of Nepali people to showcase how beautiful the country still is despite the devastating earthquake of April 25, 2015.
If Nepal is on your mind, then it's time...Welcome to Nepal!
Copyright: Ncell
- published: 08 Nov 2015
- views: 1073
Nepal Tourism Promotional Campaign 2011
© Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Nepal Tourism Board.
This video is a production of Nepal Tourism Board {www.welcomenepal.com}.
The f...
© Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Nepal Tourism Board.
This video is a production of Nepal Tourism Board {www.welcomenepal.com}.
The full video or any portion may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without permission.
If you want to embed or share this video, you must give a source credit to Nepal Tourism Board, with a properly visible link to this youtube video page : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJDZPoMqX1w .
A Project of : Nepal Tourism Board { http://welcomenepal.com}
Developed by: Moksha Design Studio { http://mokshastudio.com }
Developed in: 2010
wn.com/Nepal Tourism Promotional Campaign 2011
© Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Nepal Tourism Board.
This video is a production of Nepal Tourism Board {www.welcomenepal.com}.
The full video or any portion may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without permission.
If you want to embed or share this video, you must give a source credit to Nepal Tourism Board, with a properly visible link to this youtube video page : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJDZPoMqX1w .
A Project of : Nepal Tourism Board { http://welcomenepal.com}
Developed by: Moksha Design Studio { http://mokshastudio.com }
Developed in: 2010
- published: 19 Dec 2010
- views: 49754
Kathmandu, Nepal Tourism & Vacations 2015
Kathmandu, Nepal Tourism & Vacations 2015 - Kathmandu, Nepal trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user...
Kathmandu, Nepal Tourism & Vacations 2015 - Kathmandu, Nepal trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kathmandu is the largest city and capital of Nepal and the namesake of the Kathmandu Valley. Once thought to be the fabled and inaccessible Shangri-La, Kathmandu is now a hub for independent travellers as well as a growing vacation spot catering to all budgets. As a result of considerable urban growth in recent decades, it is now part of one continuous urban area together with Patan to the south.
See in Kathmandu, Nepal
Swayambhu (स्वयम्भू) aka Monkey Temple - A site on a hill overlooking the city with a large stupa and other Buddhist and Hindu iconography. One of the most sacred Buddhist sites in the country. There are 350 steps to the top - the back route is less steep but the views on the way up are not as nice. Aside from the views over the city and the ancient carvings in every available space, it's crowded with monkeys mingling with the visitors. The base of the hill is a 30 minute walk from Thamel (make sure you have a map as there are several confusing intersections along the way), or take a taxi or rickshaw. As with the Boudha Stupa, are plenty of Buddhist and Tibetan-inspired trinkets for sale. There are also drinks for sale at the top, and at least one small restaurant selling momos. For those that have their own transport or have difficulty climbing stairs there is a parking lot at the back entrance that significantly reduces the number of stairs that need to be climbed to gain access to the main compound. This is one of seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Kathmandu Valley. Foreigners: NPR750 for a multiple entry pass. NPR200 for single entry
Boudha Stupa in Boudha (बौद्ध). One of the most sacred sites for Tibetan Buddhism. This huge stupa is one of the largest in the world. It is located to the north-east of Dwarikas' Hotel and just to the north of the airport area. This is another World Heritage Site.
Narayanhiti Palace Museum - This is the former Royal palace which was turned partly into a Museum and partly into the Foreign Ministry after the abolition of the monarchy in 2009. Now you can visit the splendid Halls of the main building of the palace. Giant fruit bats hanging from the tall trees and 20 foot-tall bamboo around the otherwise modern (and still well secured) former palace are a sight, especially around sunset when the bats depart en masse. Foreigners: NPR500
Thamel Chowk - a tourist neighborhood with many restaurants and shops.
Freak Street - Historic street where western hippies seeking enlightenment would stay. Now just a few restaurants and hotels.
Pashupatinath - An important Hindu temple to Shiva in the form of Lord of Animals. See monkeys, cremation, sadhus and meditation caves. Morning or sunset are great times to go. 1000 Rupess for foreigners, though you can sneak in through the park at the North side of the temple, as many locals do (beware of police though, who try to catch people doing exactly this). No entry inside the main temple for foreigners, though you can peer inside from the doorway. Also, there are stairs on the East side of the river leading to the Boudha Stupa (a short walk away).
Garden of Dreams / Kaiser Mahal [2] - Relax in this beautiful and peaceful walled garden close to Thamel and the former Royal Palace. Beautifully renovated in partnership with Austrian government. Currently has two pavilions depicting two of the six annual seasons in the Hindu calendar. It has several expensive cafes and a bar. Nice toilets. NPR200.
wn.com/Kathmandu, Nepal Tourism Vacations 2015
Kathmandu, Nepal Tourism & Vacations 2015 - Kathmandu, Nepal trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kathmandu is the largest city and capital of Nepal and the namesake of the Kathmandu Valley. Once thought to be the fabled and inaccessible Shangri-La, Kathmandu is now a hub for independent travellers as well as a growing vacation spot catering to all budgets. As a result of considerable urban growth in recent decades, it is now part of one continuous urban area together with Patan to the south.
See in Kathmandu, Nepal
Swayambhu (स्वयम्भू) aka Monkey Temple - A site on a hill overlooking the city with a large stupa and other Buddhist and Hindu iconography. One of the most sacred Buddhist sites in the country. There are 350 steps to the top - the back route is less steep but the views on the way up are not as nice. Aside from the views over the city and the ancient carvings in every available space, it's crowded with monkeys mingling with the visitors. The base of the hill is a 30 minute walk from Thamel (make sure you have a map as there are several confusing intersections along the way), or take a taxi or rickshaw. As with the Boudha Stupa, are plenty of Buddhist and Tibetan-inspired trinkets for sale. There are also drinks for sale at the top, and at least one small restaurant selling momos. For those that have their own transport or have difficulty climbing stairs there is a parking lot at the back entrance that significantly reduces the number of stairs that need to be climbed to gain access to the main compound. This is one of seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Kathmandu Valley. Foreigners: NPR750 for a multiple entry pass. NPR200 for single entry
Boudha Stupa in Boudha (बौद्ध). One of the most sacred sites for Tibetan Buddhism. This huge stupa is one of the largest in the world. It is located to the north-east of Dwarikas' Hotel and just to the north of the airport area. This is another World Heritage Site.
Narayanhiti Palace Museum - This is the former Royal palace which was turned partly into a Museum and partly into the Foreign Ministry after the abolition of the monarchy in 2009. Now you can visit the splendid Halls of the main building of the palace. Giant fruit bats hanging from the tall trees and 20 foot-tall bamboo around the otherwise modern (and still well secured) former palace are a sight, especially around sunset when the bats depart en masse. Foreigners: NPR500
Thamel Chowk - a tourist neighborhood with many restaurants and shops.
Freak Street - Historic street where western hippies seeking enlightenment would stay. Now just a few restaurants and hotels.
Pashupatinath - An important Hindu temple to Shiva in the form of Lord of Animals. See monkeys, cremation, sadhus and meditation caves. Morning or sunset are great times to go. 1000 Rupess for foreigners, though you can sneak in through the park at the North side of the temple, as many locals do (beware of police though, who try to catch people doing exactly this). No entry inside the main temple for foreigners, though you can peer inside from the doorway. Also, there are stairs on the East side of the river leading to the Boudha Stupa (a short walk away).
Garden of Dreams / Kaiser Mahal [2] - Relax in this beautiful and peaceful walled garden close to Thamel and the former Royal Palace. Beautifully renovated in partnership with Austrian government. Currently has two pavilions depicting two of the six annual seasons in the Hindu calendar. It has several expensive cafes and a bar. Nice toilets. NPR200.
- published: 19 Jan 2015
- views: 9149
Nepal Through The Eyes Of Tourists
We interviewed around 25-30 tourist around few touristy places in kathmandu. A random idea of asking few interesting question to foreigners took a shape of a al...
We interviewed around 25-30 tourist around few touristy places in kathmandu. A random idea of asking few interesting question to foreigners took a shape of a almost 7 and half minute video. One of the hardest part was to shorten the huge content we had collected over the course of interviewing.
It was quite an interesting experience for us to get to know about our country from people who come to travel here. A lot of funny moments, interesting and few surprising too. Not that we didn't knew about our country but this experience has certainly made us realize more on how luck and beautiful we people are.
We hope this video will certainly make you feel more positive and proud at the same time.
Jai desh Jai Nepal
Special thanks to :- Susana Rana and Saugat Adhikari
wn.com/Nepal Through The Eyes Of Tourists
We interviewed around 25-30 tourist around few touristy places in kathmandu. A random idea of asking few interesting question to foreigners took a shape of a almost 7 and half minute video. One of the hardest part was to shorten the huge content we had collected over the course of interviewing.
It was quite an interesting experience for us to get to know about our country from people who come to travel here. A lot of funny moments, interesting and few surprising too. Not that we didn't knew about our country but this experience has certainly made us realize more on how luck and beautiful we people are.
We hope this video will certainly make you feel more positive and proud at the same time.
Jai desh Jai Nepal
Special thanks to :- Susana Rana and Saugat Adhikari
- published: 18 Feb 2015
- views: 101521
Nepal Tourism Place to see!!
Nepal Promotional Video by an Leading travel company Liberty Holidays Inc....
Nepal Promotional Video by an Leading travel company Liberty Holidays Inc.
wn.com/Nepal Tourism Place To See
Nepal Promotional Video by an Leading travel company Liberty Holidays Inc.
- published: 16 Apr 2012
- views: 9628
Tourist views about Nepal after the earthquake
After two months from the devastating earthquake, this is what tourist have to say about Nepal...
After two months from the devastating earthquake, this is what tourist have to say about Nepal
wn.com/Tourist Views About Nepal After The Earthquake
After two months from the devastating earthquake, this is what tourist have to say about Nepal
- published: 13 Jul 2015
- views: 3771
Aamir Khan Nepal Tourism Brand Ambassador
Please subscribe and check my new channel "Bollywood Wali Bai" for latest news from Bollywood Life
Ye Jo Desh Hain Swadesh Hain Tera" is ...
Please subscribe and check my new channel "Bollywood Wali Bai" for latest news from Bollywood Life
Ye Jo Desh Hain Swadesh Hain Tera" is one stop video Channel for Forwarding India. We are showing Globalizing India by various Videos.
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wn.com/Aamir Khan Nepal Tourism Brand Ambassador
Please subscribe and check my new channel "Bollywood Wali Bai" for latest news from Bollywood Life
Ye Jo Desh Hain Swadesh Hain Tera" is one stop video Channel for Forwarding India. We are showing Globalizing India by various Videos.
Please Subscribe https://goo.gl/MFlK6Q
Dont forget to share these videos via various social networks.
zaid hamid,India VS Pakistan,Pakistani Media On Narendra
Modi,Pakistani Media On India,Developing India,India Against Corruption,India Against Pakistan,Narendra Modi,Make In India,Pakistan Against India,Pakistan Jealousy,Arvind Kejilwal,BJP Congress,pakistan on india, india pakistan,pakistani media on india,pakistan india,india in pakistani media,tarek fatah,modi pakistan,hassan nisar,ajit doval,najam sethi,india and pakistan
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 921
Visit Nepal 2016 || Nepal Tourism || Trekking In Nepal || Himalayas || CCP Inc.
** Battered But Not Shattered **
Find Us On Social Sites !!!
** Battered But Not Shattered **
Find Us On Social Sites !!!
+977 9819114515
wn.com/Visit Nepal 2016 || Nepal Tourism || Trekking In Nepal || Himalayas || Ccp Inc.
** Battered But Not Shattered **
Find Us On Social Sites !!!
+977 9819114515
- published: 28 Jan 2016
- views: 598
The Nepal Documentary
Video by Robin Wallace. Documentary i made a few years ago covering the entire trek from Lukla to Everest Base camp, staying in Tea Houses. Also included in thi...
Video by Robin Wallace. Documentary i made a few years ago covering the entire trek from Lukla to Everest Base camp, staying in Tea Houses. Also included in this HD documentary is a tour of Bhaktapur city, Kathmandu city and Chitwan National Safari park. Enjoy :-)
wn.com/The Nepal Documentary
Video by Robin Wallace. Documentary i made a few years ago covering the entire trek from Lukla to Everest Base camp, staying in Tea Houses. Also included in this HD documentary is a tour of Bhaktapur city, Kathmandu city and Chitwan National Safari park. Enjoy :-)
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 993348
most dangerous roads driving Manaslu Area . Please comment & Share Your Friend.
one of Nepal's most dangerous roads driving in Nepal . Please comment & Share Your Friend. ( Promote - Travel and Tourism in Nepal)
More Videos https://www.you...
one of Nepal's most dangerous roads driving in Nepal . Please comment & Share Your Friend. ( Promote - Travel and Tourism in Nepal)
More Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1OoLf3T6Ls
wn.com/Most Dangerous Roads Driving Manaslu Area . Please Comment Share Your Friend.
one of Nepal's most dangerous roads driving in Nepal . Please comment & Share Your Friend. ( Promote - Travel and Tourism in Nepal)
More Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1OoLf3T6Ls
- published: 21 Apr 2014
- views: 755656
Nepal Tourism: Bandipur, Beautiful Place To Visit – Glamour Nepal
Bandipur (बन्दीपुर) is a hilltop settlement and a municipality in Tanahun District, (Gandaki Zone) of Nepal. This municipality was established on 18 May 2014 by...
Bandipur (बन्दीपुर) is a hilltop settlement and a municipality in Tanahun District, (Gandaki Zone) of Nepal. This municipality was established on 18 May 2014 by merging with existing Dharampani and Bandipur VDCs.Because of its preserved, old time cultural atmosphere, Bandipur has increasingly been coming to the attention of tourism. At the time of the 2011 Nepal census it had a population of totals (Bandipur and Dharampani) 15591 people living in 3750 individual households.
Read More @ WIKI
Thumb Image: Travel Fashion Series - Bandipur Nepal 01 by digital-addict
Background Music: You Tube Audio Library
Happy_Mandolin - Media Right Productions
Glamour Nepal, Nepal's No. 1 Entertainment Online Magazine : Nepali Model, Actress, Celebrities HD Photos and Wallpaper, Videos, News & Gossips, Fashion News, Music, Life Style & More.
Feel Free to visit website and follow on social media.
Log on: http://glamournepal.net
Facebook: https://facebook.com/glamournepalofficial
Twitter : https://twitter.com/GlamourNepal
wn.com/Nepal Tourism Bandipur, Beautiful Place To Visit – Glamour Nepal
Bandipur (बन्दीपुर) is a hilltop settlement and a municipality in Tanahun District, (Gandaki Zone) of Nepal. This municipality was established on 18 May 2014 by merging with existing Dharampani and Bandipur VDCs.Because of its preserved, old time cultural atmosphere, Bandipur has increasingly been coming to the attention of tourism. At the time of the 2011 Nepal census it had a population of totals (Bandipur and Dharampani) 15591 people living in 3750 individual households.
Read More @ WIKI
Thumb Image: Travel Fashion Series - Bandipur Nepal 01 by digital-addict
Background Music: You Tube Audio Library
Happy_Mandolin - Media Right Productions
Glamour Nepal, Nepal's No. 1 Entertainment Online Magazine : Nepali Model, Actress, Celebrities HD Photos and Wallpaper, Videos, News & Gossips, Fashion News, Music, Life Style & More.
Feel Free to visit website and follow on social media.
Log on: http://glamournepal.net
Facebook: https://facebook.com/glamournepalofficial
Twitter : https://twitter.com/GlamourNepal
- published: 10 Jan 2016
- views: 652
Village Tourism - homestay & canyoning in Lwang Ghalel Nepal
Lwang Ghalel village of Nepal is one of the most successful models village tourism. The village is in easy access from Pokhara, the capital of western region of...
Lwang Ghalel village of Nepal is one of the most successful models village tourism. The village is in easy access from Pokhara, the capital of western region of Nepal. Yet it retains its century old cultural heritage. The village is self sufficient and people are simple with less expectation to be happier. Life style is primitive and labor intensive with simple handmade tools.
You can learn about the village tour package at http://www.itournepal.com/villagetour/village_tourism_lwang.php
Lwang village is perched high up above the Mardi river draining southwest face of Mt Fishtail and Mardi Himal. The silvery Annapurna South (7,216 m), Huinchuli (6,460 m,) Mardi Himal and Mt Fishtail makes the backdrop of the charming Lwang village with honeycombed two storied houses with slated roofs.
Money is less used in the village as they grow and produce almost everything they need. Trading of goods and exchange of labor still thrives. People love merry making and festivity. The traditional institution of ‘Rodhi’ is still the way of entertainment. Bedecked in traditional attire, the teenagers group up to sing duet in special occasions and weekend.
The insurgency and political instability in last couple of decades however changed the sociodynamics of the Nepal. Villages like Lwang saw mass exodus of young population. Hundreds of thousands of youths flee the country to work in middle east, Malasya and other countries. The money sent home made their family abandon farming and live lazy life in nearby town or big cities. 25% of Nepal’s GDP now is from remittance. As a result country suffered badly during the unofficial Indian blockade of 2015.
However village like Lwang were less effected and the life was normal as a result of village tourism. About 12 houses in Lwang village have prepared guest rooms under community homestay. The household are dedicated to cook organic vegetables and cereals grown in their garden and fields. With the help of Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP), about 100 farmers established tea factory and planted tea in 50 hectors of abandoned land. Your homestay host have best handmade tea leaves to take as souvenir.
wn.com/Village Tourism Homestay Canyoning In Lwang Ghalel Nepal
Lwang Ghalel village of Nepal is one of the most successful models village tourism. The village is in easy access from Pokhara, the capital of western region of Nepal. Yet it retains its century old cultural heritage. The village is self sufficient and people are simple with less expectation to be happier. Life style is primitive and labor intensive with simple handmade tools.
You can learn about the village tour package at http://www.itournepal.com/villagetour/village_tourism_lwang.php
Lwang village is perched high up above the Mardi river draining southwest face of Mt Fishtail and Mardi Himal. The silvery Annapurna South (7,216 m), Huinchuli (6,460 m,) Mardi Himal and Mt Fishtail makes the backdrop of the charming Lwang village with honeycombed two storied houses with slated roofs.
Money is less used in the village as they grow and produce almost everything they need. Trading of goods and exchange of labor still thrives. People love merry making and festivity. The traditional institution of ‘Rodhi’ is still the way of entertainment. Bedecked in traditional attire, the teenagers group up to sing duet in special occasions and weekend.
The insurgency and political instability in last couple of decades however changed the sociodynamics of the Nepal. Villages like Lwang saw mass exodus of young population. Hundreds of thousands of youths flee the country to work in middle east, Malasya and other countries. The money sent home made their family abandon farming and live lazy life in nearby town or big cities. 25% of Nepal’s GDP now is from remittance. As a result country suffered badly during the unofficial Indian blockade of 2015.
However village like Lwang were less effected and the life was normal as a result of village tourism. About 12 houses in Lwang village have prepared guest rooms under community homestay. The household are dedicated to cook organic vegetables and cereals grown in their garden and fields. With the help of Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP), about 100 farmers established tea factory and planted tea in 50 hectors of abandoned land. Your homestay host have best handmade tea leaves to take as souvenir.
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 1321
Visit Nepal 2011 Naturally Nepal-Nepal tourism year 2011
The official Video of Visit Nepal 2011
The ultimate place to link Nepal to the world....
The official Video of Visit Nepal 2011
The ultimate place to link Nepal to the world.
wn.com/Visit Nepal 2011 Naturally Nepal Nepal Tourism Year 2011
The official Video of Visit Nepal 2011
The ultimate place to link Nepal to the world.
- published: 15 Nov 2010
- views: 23463
Top 40 Most Beautiful Places to visit in Nepal - Visit Nepal 2015
List of top 40 most amazing and beautiful places to visit in Nepal which is the country of peace. NEPAL is heaven on earth.
Nepal is a small, landlocked countr...
List of top 40 most amazing and beautiful places to visit in Nepal which is the country of peace. NEPAL is heaven on earth.
Nepal is a small, landlocked country situated between India and China. Famous for the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest, and the birthplace of Lord Buddha.
Nepal offers amazing and diverse holiday opportunities. With its ancient culture and the Himalayas as a backdrop, it is known as the roof of the world.
Nepal is a landlocked country in the Indian subcontinent. Covering an area of 56,827 square miles. Located in South Asia, Nepal is bordered by the People's Republic of China on the north and by the Republic of India on the east, west and south.
Nepal is divided into fourteen zones and seventy-five districts. Nepali is the official language of Nepali. Other languages spoken in the country are: Tharu, Gurung, Awadhi, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Kiranti, Tamang, Sherpa, Magar, Limbu, etc.
The great Gautam Buddha, known as the Tathagata, was born in Lumbini, in the south-western Terai region of Nepal. It was a beautiful garden at the time of the great sage's birth. Today it is one of the many places of Buddhist pilgrimage and is visited by people from all across the world. It has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Mount Everest
Few Lake
Khaptad National Park
Annapurna Base Camp
Shey Poksundo National Park
Langtang Valley
Panch Pokhari
Manang Valley
Rara Lake
Gokyo valley
Begins Lake
Barun Valley
Mount Machhapuchhre
Bhaktapur Darbar SqUare
Gosainkunda Lake
Cho Oyu
National Museus Nepal
Tilicho Lake
Darbar Square
Devis Falls
Kala Patthar
Dashratha Rangashala
Chnagu Narayan Temple
Ama dablam
Arniko Highway
Kopan Monestry
Ganesh Himal
Khumbu Glacier
International Mountain Museum
Helambu Culture Trek
Shechen Monestry
Ngadi Chuli
Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve
Gauri Sankar
Janaki Mandir
Chitwan National Park
Muktinath Temple
Patan Museum
Bardia National Park
Rolwling Valley
Namche bazar
Bunjy Jumping
Cable Car
Mountain Flight
Jungle Safari
Elephant polo
wn.com/Top 40 Most Beautiful Places To Visit In Nepal Visit Nepal 2015
List of top 40 most amazing and beautiful places to visit in Nepal which is the country of peace. NEPAL is heaven on earth.
Nepal is a small, landlocked country situated between India and China. Famous for the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest, and the birthplace of Lord Buddha.
Nepal offers amazing and diverse holiday opportunities. With its ancient culture and the Himalayas as a backdrop, it is known as the roof of the world.
Nepal is a landlocked country in the Indian subcontinent. Covering an area of 56,827 square miles. Located in South Asia, Nepal is bordered by the People's Republic of China on the north and by the Republic of India on the east, west and south.
Nepal is divided into fourteen zones and seventy-five districts. Nepali is the official language of Nepali. Other languages spoken in the country are: Tharu, Gurung, Awadhi, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Kiranti, Tamang, Sherpa, Magar, Limbu, etc.
The great Gautam Buddha, known as the Tathagata, was born in Lumbini, in the south-western Terai region of Nepal. It was a beautiful garden at the time of the great sage's birth. Today it is one of the many places of Buddhist pilgrimage and is visited by people from all across the world. It has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Mount Everest
Few Lake
Khaptad National Park
Annapurna Base Camp
Shey Poksundo National Park
Langtang Valley
Panch Pokhari
Manang Valley
Rara Lake
Gokyo valley
Begins Lake
Barun Valley
Mount Machhapuchhre
Bhaktapur Darbar SqUare
Gosainkunda Lake
Cho Oyu
National Museus Nepal
Tilicho Lake
Darbar Square
Devis Falls
Kala Patthar
Dashratha Rangashala
Chnagu Narayan Temple
Ama dablam
Arniko Highway
Kopan Monestry
Ganesh Himal
Khumbu Glacier
International Mountain Museum
Helambu Culture Trek
Shechen Monestry
Ngadi Chuli
Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve
Gauri Sankar
Janaki Mandir
Chitwan National Park
Muktinath Temple
Patan Museum
Bardia National Park
Rolwling Valley
Namche bazar
Bunjy Jumping
Cable Car
Mountain Flight
Jungle Safari
Elephant polo
- published: 07 Feb 2015
- views: 26340
Nagarkot - Nepal Tourism Year 2011
For best mountain views resort in Nagarkot Hillstation, Nepal, we recommend you Peaceful Cottage & Cafe du Mont in Nagarkot.
For best mountain views resort in Nagarkot Hillstation, Nepal, we recommend you Peaceful Cottage & Cafe du Mont in Nagarkot.
For any inquiries:
nagarkott@gmail.com visitnagarkot@yahoo.com
wn.com/Nagarkot Nepal Tourism Year 2011
For best mountain views resort in Nagarkot Hillstation, Nepal, we recommend you Peaceful Cottage & Cafe du Mont in Nagarkot.
For any inquiries:
nagarkott@gmail.com visitnagarkot@yahoo.com
- published: 05 Apr 2010
- views: 23011
Deepak Raj Joshi, CEO, Nepal Tourism Board LIVE (Full Episode) (HUAWEI Namaste TV Show)
Newly appointed CEO of Nepal Tourism Board, Deepak Raj Joshi LIVE on HUAWEI Namaste TV Show.
HUAWEI Namaste TV Show is a daily show that broadcasts itself LIVE...
Newly appointed CEO of Nepal Tourism Board, Deepak Raj Joshi LIVE on HUAWEI Namaste TV Show.
HUAWEI Namaste TV Show is a daily show that broadcasts itself LIVE on Nepal Television Plus .
The format of Namaste TV Show is live interaction based on telephone conversations. Namaste has innovative means of doing the same. Namaste also incorporates interaction on different online platforms as content of the show. The show is an open forum for thought sharing.
Call us @ 4200209
EVERYDAY 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
REPEAT: 10:30 pm -12:00 am
wn.com/Deepak Raj Joshi, Ceo, Nepal Tourism Board Live (Full Episode) (Huawei Namaste Tv Show)
Newly appointed CEO of Nepal Tourism Board, Deepak Raj Joshi LIVE on HUAWEI Namaste TV Show.
HUAWEI Namaste TV Show is a daily show that broadcasts itself LIVE on Nepal Television Plus .
The format of Namaste TV Show is live interaction based on telephone conversations. Namaste has innovative means of doing the same. Namaste also incorporates interaction on different online platforms as content of the show. The show is an open forum for thought sharing.
Call us @ 4200209
EVERYDAY 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
REPEAT: 10:30 pm -12:00 am
- published: 02 Feb 2016
- views: 247
Kathmandu to Pokhara Beautiful High Way Road Nepal Tourism
This visit gives you the greatest opportunity to knowledge the most amazing architectures near in Kathmandu valley as well as the the majority striking natural ...
This visit gives you the greatest opportunity to knowledge the most amazing architectures near in Kathmandu valley as well as the the majority striking natural scenarios.
wn.com/Kathmandu To Pokhara Beautiful High Way Road Nepal Tourism
This visit gives you the greatest opportunity to knowledge the most amazing architectures near in Kathmandu valley as well as the the majority striking natural scenarios.
- published: 13 Aug 2015
- views: 873
Sajha Sawal Episode 288: Prospects of Tourism in Nepal
बर्सेनी ३० हजारभन्दा बढी पर्यटकहरू लुक्ला विमानस्थल अवतरण गरी पदयात्रा र सगरमाथा आरोहणका लागि सोलुखुम्वु जिल्लाको खुम्वु क्षेत्र जाने गर्छन् । योसहित देशका अन्य...
बर्सेनी ३० हजारभन्दा बढी पर्यटकहरू लुक्ला विमानस्थल अवतरण गरी पदयात्रा र सगरमाथा आरोहणका लागि सोलुखुम्वु जिल्लाको खुम्वु क्षेत्र जाने गर्छन् । योसहित देशका अन्य विभिन्न क्षेत्रमा घुम्न जाने पर्यटकहरू कस्ता छन् त? यिनीहरूबाट देशले के फाइदा लिन सकेको छ? त्यसो त, तेन्जिङ शेर्पा र एडमण्ड हिलारीले सगरमाथाको सफल आरोहण गरेको पनि यसै साता ६० बर्ष हुँदैछ भने नेपालमा पर्यटन व्यवसाय शुरू भएको पनि लगभग त्यति नै भएको छ । पर्यटन क्षेत्रमा देशको लगानी र त्यसले दिने प्रतिफलका बारेमा सोलुखुम्वुमा तयार गरिएको यो साझा सवालमा संस्कृति, पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्ययन मन्त्रालयका सहसचिव बालकृष्ण घिमिरे, ट्रेकिङ एजेन्ट्स एसोसियसन अफ नेपाल (टान) का अध्यक्ष महेन्द्रसिंह थापा र पर्यटन व्यवसायी बच्चुनारायण श्रेष्ठ हुनुहुन्छ ।
wn.com/Sajha Sawal Episode 288 Prospects Of Tourism In Nepal
बर्सेनी ३० हजारभन्दा बढी पर्यटकहरू लुक्ला विमानस्थल अवतरण गरी पदयात्रा र सगरमाथा आरोहणका लागि सोलुखुम्वु जिल्लाको खुम्वु क्षेत्र जाने गर्छन् । योसहित देशका अन्य विभिन्न क्षेत्रमा घुम्न जाने पर्यटकहरू कस्ता छन् त? यिनीहरूबाट देशले के फाइदा लिन सकेको छ? त्यसो त, तेन्जिङ शेर्पा र एडमण्ड हिलारीले सगरमाथाको सफल आरोहण गरेको पनि यसै साता ६० बर्ष हुँदैछ भने नेपालमा पर्यटन व्यवसाय शुरू भएको पनि लगभग त्यति नै भएको छ । पर्यटन क्षेत्रमा देशको लगानी र त्यसले दिने प्रतिफलका बारेमा सोलुखुम्वुमा तयार गरिएको यो साझा सवालमा संस्कृति, पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्ययन मन्त्रालयका सहसचिव बालकृष्ण घिमिरे, ट्रेकिङ एजेन्ट्स एसोसियसन अफ नेपाल (टान) का अध्यक्ष महेन्द्रसिंह थापा र पर्यटन व्यवसायी बच्चुनारायण श्रेष्ठ हुनुहुन्छ ।
- published: 19 May 2013
- views: 32035
Welcome song of Nepal, tourism song, Nepali geet. national song of Tourism, hit song of Nepal
More information or Nepal tour / Kailash Tour / Holy Tour Nepal / trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane (Owner & General Manage)
More information or Nepal tour / Kailash Tour / Holy Tour Nepal / trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane (Owner & General Manage)
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailash Operator
Phone: + 97714700348
Fax: + 977 1 4700556
Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674
E-mail: monterosa1993@gmail.com
Skype ID: nepal_2011
Yahoo Messenger: ganesh_neupane2005@gmail.com
wn.com/Welcome Song Of Nepal, Tourism Song, Nepali Geet. National Song Of Tourism, Hit Song Of Nepal
More information or Nepal tour / Kailash Tour / Holy Tour Nepal / trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us:
Ganesh Neupane (Owner & General Manage)
Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailash Operator
Phone: + 97714700348
Fax: + 977 1 4700556
Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674
E-mail: monterosa1993@gmail.com
Skype ID: nepal_2011
Yahoo Messenger: ganesh_neupane2005@gmail.com
- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 6516
Nepal Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Nepal.
At the foot of the huge peaks of the Himalayas is Pokhara and it is from here that we begin our journey through Nepal. In the past, Pokhara was an important trading link between India and Tibet but the trading of salt and wool came to an end after Tibet closed its doors to the outside world.Kathmandu is a melting pot of both race and religion, a metropolis in
Nepal Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Nepal.
At the foot of the huge peaks of the Himalayas is Pokhara and it is from here that we begin our journey through Nepal. At one time this high valley contained seven fresh water lakes named Pokhari and they gave this holiday paradise its present day name. In the past, Pokhara was an important trading link between India and Tibet but the trading of salt and wool
Nepal Travel, Tours HD
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas Travel, Vacation, Tours HD
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas http://youtu.be/Ai7gztu__Tk
Travel to Nepal with OAT and trek the Annapurna mountains, experience Seti River rafting, Tour Buddhist and Hindu temples in Kathmandu, ride an elephant, and more.
Travel to Nepal & the Mystical Himalayas | Overseas Adventure Travel
Annapurna Circuit, Trekking NEPAL [Travel Guide]
Around the famous Annapurna circuit in Nepal. From Besisahar to Chame, Dharapani, Manang and over the Thorung Phedi Pass in 5600m back to the Valley of Pokhara.
Visit my channel:
A Tourist's Guide to Kathmandu, Nepal
We visit the capital of Nepal and see the sights. We wander the streets of Thamel, take in the temples of Durbar Square, visit the Monkey Temple and see Patan. We also go on a mission to buy some false teeth!
Exploring Kathmandu, Nepal in the Himalayas
Walking around Kathmandu in the Himalayas of Nepal.
PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info, tips and tricks. And it's just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Or feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following
A Tourist's Guide to Pokhara, Nepal. wwwtheredquest.com
We see the World Peace Pagoda, take a boat out onto the lake, do some shopping, climb a small mountain to watch a Himalayan sunrise.
Read my book about visiting every former Soviet Republic. Visit www.theredquest.com
Suresh Shreshtha, tour guide to Nepal & Himalayas
Suresh Shreshtha, tour guide to Nepal & Himalayas - Suresh Shreshtha trip leader to Nepal
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Travel to Nepal with OAT and discover the mighty Himalayas, whose snowcapped peaks are the very rooftop of the world. Sinuous green terraces wind as far as the eye can see along mountain valleys. Prayer flags
Expert Travel Tips: Nepal - GlobalBasecamps.com
Global Basecamps travel specialist, Meagan, gives expert tips on traveling and trekking in Nepal. http://www.globalbasecamps.com/exclusive-deals/nepal-treks
Historical Place of Nepal - Dharahara (Bhimsen Tower) - Kathmandu Travel Guide
Kathmandu Nepal Travel Guide - Dharahara (Bhimsen Tower) is one of the historical place of Nepal. It is elder than Eiffel tower of France & Statue of Liberty, exceptionally incredible as no iron or metal has been used to make this tower. The purpose of making this tower is to gather all people at Tudikhel ( a huge ground in norther face of Dharahara) for announcements. It is made by first prime mi
Dashain Festival - Nepal Travel Guide
Dashain is the biggest festival of Nepalese celebrated as a symbol of victory of good over evil. Family members from every corner of the world and different parts of the country join together to receive blessings from elders. It is celebrated for 15 days. Government of Nepal provides five days of public holiday during Dashain.
Collection: Travels in Nepal - A detailed Visual Guide
Kathmandu Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Kathmandu in Nepal.
Kathmandu is a metropolis in the heart of the kingdom of Nepal, a land of snow-white mountains and home of the gods. For many centuries, this was the centre of Buddhist power and culture and it is here that the largest number of temples is found, dedicated to numerous deities.
In the heart of the city is Durbar Square, in which the country's roya
Nepal, Tomejhong Village tours 2015
Nepal, Tomejhong Village tours 2015 - Visit Tomejhong Village, Nepal
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
This morning, we embark on ‘A Day in the Life of a Nepali villager,’ a day of discovery during which we'll learn firsthand what it’s like to live in the shadow of the Annapurnas. First, we’ll enjoy a chance to meet local children
Lumbini - Birth place of the Budha - Nepal Travel Guide
Lumbini, situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, is famous as the birthplace of the Buddha. Every year thousands of tourists visit this site to explore the the Sacred Garden, which is spread over 8 sq.km and possesses all the treasures of the historic area, Maya Devi Temple, which houses a bas relief depicting the nativity, & Asok Pilar, carrying an inscription identifying the holy site as the
Bhaktapur Nepal Travel Guide - Juju Dhau (जुजु धौ) - King Yogurt
Bhaktapur Nepal Travel Guide - You must try King Yogurt Juju Dhau जुजु धौ) when you will travel Kathmandu Valley Nepal. Bhaktapur is one oldest town of Nepal with majority of Newari community.For your information, Bhaktapur is UNESCO world heritage site, one of the 7 world heritage site from small city of Kathmandu valley, Nepal And Newari community are so skillful in preparing several types of di
Is it Safe to Travel to Nepal After the Earthquake?
Read the full article about traveling to Nepal here: http://time.com/3851425/nepal-earthquake-tourism-impact-holiday-trekking/
Donate to Mercy Corps (or your preferred charity): http://www.mercycorps.org
My video about the Langtang trek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VRxtJID0VY
General information for trekking in Nepal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsJD1vQz9sI
Gear needed for trekking in the
Tihar Festival of Brother & Sisters - Nepal Travel Guide
Tihar is the second biggest festival of Nepalese.It is celebrated for five days in late autumn, which comes soon after Dashain. Two days from this festival are very popular. One day is celebrated for goddess Laxmi and the other one is celebrated to worship brothers for their long life by sisters. This festival is also known as the festival of lights. Candles and lamps are lit inside and outside th
Iceland Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
With a population of only 300,000, Iceland can feel like the most isolated place on earth, yet its capital Reykjavik, is only a three-hour flight from London and just under six from New York.
Reykjavik is relaxed and welcoming, yet possesses a cultural life that holds its own against other European capitals. Most buildings are built
Nepal Travel Guide 2015 - Travel Around The World 2015.mp4
Nepal Travel Guide 2015 - Travel Around The World 2015.mp4
Nepal Travel Vlog Guide - One Week of Cultural Encounter
One week at Nepal in 4 cities: Kathmandu, Chitwan, Pokhara, Bhaktapur.
Sights: Nyatapola Temple, Durbar Square, Elephant Safari, Paragliding Lake Pehwa, Patan, Nagarkot, Boudhanath Stupa, Swayambhunath Stupa.
Taken mostly with a Canon S120.
Eddie Caldwell - Edge Of The Night (Instrumental)
Website: http://www.broadjam.com/artists/songs.php?artistID=67208&mediaID;=437467
Famous Kathmandu Valley - Nepal Travel Guide
Kathmandu valley is one of the very unique destinations for travelers around the globe. It's geographical & cultural diversity is something that interests many foreigners. As government announced year 2011 to be a Tourism Year, Kathmandu saw a huge number of tourist arrivals. Find out in this video, information on this famous valley and activities one can do.
Travels in Nepal - A detaile
Nepal Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Nepal.
At the foot of the huge peaks of the Himalayas is Pokhara and it is from here that we begin our journey through Nepal. In ...
Travel video about destination Nepal.
At the foot of the huge peaks of the Himalayas is Pokhara and it is from here that we begin our journey through Nepal. In the past, Pokhara was an important trading link between India and Tibet but the trading of salt and wool came to an end after Tibet closed its doors to the outside world.Kathmandu is a melting pot of both race and religion, a metropolis in the heart of the Kingdom of Nepal, a country of snow-covered mountains inhabited by the gods. Kumari Chowk is the residence of the living goddess, Kumari, who is duly selected from childhood. She is not allowed to leave until puberty as her task is it affirm the king his power. Traditional ceremonies are celebrated throughout the year such as the Festival Of The Children that is a symbol of fertility and sexual purity. Patan is Nepal’s second largest city and has retained much of its original character due to its three hundred monasteries and temples. It is also one of the oldest settlements in Kathmandu Valley and during the 15th century was the capital of one of three kingdoms. Bhaktapur is the third ancient regal city of the thirty kilometre long Kathmandu Valley that has always been a prosperous trading route between China, Tibet and India. Through the golden gate of Sundhoka is the old royal palace complex. The Torana above the gate is richly gilded and features the ten-armed goddess, Taleju, and her loyal guards. Located on a 1,400 metre high hill, Swayanbunath is a Buddhist monastery complex and one of the most interesting sights in Nepal. The country’s oldest stupa dates back to the 5th century and is entered from an easterly direction up a staircase that contains three hundred and sixty-five steps. Endless rows of prayer mills and religious images are the instruments of the people’s deep faith. Hidden in a canyon and located on top of a mountain creek, Dakshinkali stands guard over the valley. This wonderful place is dedicated to the bloody goddess, Kali. The customs of the people in the ‘Kingdom On The Roof Of The World’ may seem somewhat strange. But this land of jungle and eternal snow has developed according to its own rich traditions and beliefs. Like magic!
wn.com/Nepal Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Nepal.
At the foot of the huge peaks of the Himalayas is Pokhara and it is from here that we begin our journey through Nepal. In the past, Pokhara was an important trading link between India and Tibet but the trading of salt and wool came to an end after Tibet closed its doors to the outside world.Kathmandu is a melting pot of both race and religion, a metropolis in the heart of the Kingdom of Nepal, a country of snow-covered mountains inhabited by the gods. Kumari Chowk is the residence of the living goddess, Kumari, who is duly selected from childhood. She is not allowed to leave until puberty as her task is it affirm the king his power. Traditional ceremonies are celebrated throughout the year such as the Festival Of The Children that is a symbol of fertility and sexual purity. Patan is Nepal’s second largest city and has retained much of its original character due to its three hundred monasteries and temples. It is also one of the oldest settlements in Kathmandu Valley and during the 15th century was the capital of one of three kingdoms. Bhaktapur is the third ancient regal city of the thirty kilometre long Kathmandu Valley that has always been a prosperous trading route between China, Tibet and India. Through the golden gate of Sundhoka is the old royal palace complex. The Torana above the gate is richly gilded and features the ten-armed goddess, Taleju, and her loyal guards. Located on a 1,400 metre high hill, Swayanbunath is a Buddhist monastery complex and one of the most interesting sights in Nepal. The country’s oldest stupa dates back to the 5th century and is entered from an easterly direction up a staircase that contains three hundred and sixty-five steps. Endless rows of prayer mills and religious images are the instruments of the people’s deep faith. Hidden in a canyon and located on top of a mountain creek, Dakshinkali stands guard over the valley. This wonderful place is dedicated to the bloody goddess, Kali. The customs of the people in the ‘Kingdom On The Roof Of The World’ may seem somewhat strange. But this land of jungle and eternal snow has developed according to its own rich traditions and beliefs. Like magic!
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 126307
Nepal Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Nepal.
At the foot of the huge peaks of the Himalayas is Pokhara and it is from here that we begin our journey through Nepal. At ...
Travel video about destination Nepal.
At the foot of the huge peaks of the Himalayas is Pokhara and it is from here that we begin our journey through Nepal. At one time this high valley contained seven fresh water lakes named Pokhari and they gave this holiday paradise its present day name. In the past, Pokhara was an important trading link between India and Tibet but the trading of salt and wool came to an end after Tibet closed its doors to the outside world. Its population is extremely tolerant and both the Buddhist and Hindu faiths coexist side by side.A safari by elephant is a real adventure as the mahuts skilfully lead the ambling giants through the bush. Travelling through the jungle on the back of an elephant offers good protection from rhinoceroses and other predators.Kathmandu is a melting pot of both race and religion, a metropolis in the heart of the Kingdom of Nepal. In the centre of the city is the ancient palace of Hanuman Dhoka. More than seven hundred thousand people live in the metropolis of Earth’s most ancient kingdom. It was only a few decades ago that ancient Nepal opened up its borders. Until then, due to the command of the ruling Gurkha Dynasty, the ‘Home of the Divine’ was totally isolated.Patan is Nepal’s second largest city and has retained much of its original character due to its three hundred monasteries and temples. It is also one of the oldest settlements in Kathmandu Valley and during the 15th century was the capital of one of three kingdoms. Two huge lions guard the entrance of the former royal palace that originated from a monastery complex. Bhaktapur is the third ancient regal city of the thirty kilometre long Kathmandu Valley that has always been a prosperous trading route between China, Tibet and India. Our journey through this fairytale land ends at the foot of the mighty Himalayas amidst a wonderful world in which the gods are still very much alive!
wn.com/Nepal Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Nepal.
At the foot of the huge peaks of the Himalayas is Pokhara and it is from here that we begin our journey through Nepal. At one time this high valley contained seven fresh water lakes named Pokhari and they gave this holiday paradise its present day name. In the past, Pokhara was an important trading link between India and Tibet but the trading of salt and wool came to an end after Tibet closed its doors to the outside world. Its population is extremely tolerant and both the Buddhist and Hindu faiths coexist side by side.A safari by elephant is a real adventure as the mahuts skilfully lead the ambling giants through the bush. Travelling through the jungle on the back of an elephant offers good protection from rhinoceroses and other predators.Kathmandu is a melting pot of both race and religion, a metropolis in the heart of the Kingdom of Nepal. In the centre of the city is the ancient palace of Hanuman Dhoka. More than seven hundred thousand people live in the metropolis of Earth’s most ancient kingdom. It was only a few decades ago that ancient Nepal opened up its borders. Until then, due to the command of the ruling Gurkha Dynasty, the ‘Home of the Divine’ was totally isolated.Patan is Nepal’s second largest city and has retained much of its original character due to its three hundred monasteries and temples. It is also one of the oldest settlements in Kathmandu Valley and during the 15th century was the capital of one of three kingdoms. Two huge lions guard the entrance of the former royal palace that originated from a monastery complex. Bhaktapur is the third ancient regal city of the thirty kilometre long Kathmandu Valley that has always been a prosperous trading route between China, Tibet and India. Our journey through this fairytale land ends at the foot of the mighty Himalayas amidst a wonderful world in which the gods are still very much alive!
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 1338
Nepal Travel, Tours HD
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas Travel, Vacation, Tours HD
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas http://youtu.be/Ai7gztu__Tk
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas Travel, Vacation, Tours HD
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas http://youtu.be/Ai7gztu__Tk
Travel to Nepal with OAT and trek the Annapurna mountains, experience Seti River rafting, Tour Buddhist and Hindu temples in Kathmandu, ride an elephant, and more.
Travel to Nepal & the Mystical Himalayas | Overseas Adventure Travel
Watch travelers experience traditional culture and the spirituality of Nepal, and observe stunning landscapes as they explore the region's rugged terrain in our video:
Lead an English lesson in a rural school
Visit with locals in Tomejhong Village
Hike along scenic Annapurna trails
Nepal & the Mystical Himalayas
Kathmandu • Pokhara • 3-Night Overland Trek • 2-Night River Camp • 2-Night J
Watch our video about our Nepal & the Mystical Himalayas adventure to learn how you can experience the country's traditional culture and deep spirituality.
A Home-Hosted Dinner, plus 34 more meals
Treks in the Annapurna Mountains
A rafting excursion down the Seti River
Day by Day Itinerary
Small Groups: Never more than 10-16 travelers—guaranteed!
Travel to Nepal with OAT and discover the mighty Himalayas, whose snowcapped peaks are the very rooftop of the world. Sinuous green terraces wind as far as the eye can see along mountain valleys. Prayer flags adorn lively temples that reveal ancient scrolls and exquisite carvings. This is Nepal. With OAT, you'll trek on stone paths threading pristine hillsides and sweeping valleys ... float on a river raft through untouched forest ... and ride by elephantback through lush jungle.
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas, Kathmandu, Pokhara, Overland Trek, River Camp, Travel Nepa, Vacation Mystical Himalayas, Overseas Adventure Travel, River Cruise, Small Ship Cruise, Land Tour Videos, Grand Circle, travel videos HD, Seti River rafting, Tour Buddhist, Hindu temples, Kathmandu, ride an elephant, Tomejhong Village, Annapurna trails, Tours HD
wn.com/Nepal Travel, Tours Hd
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas Travel, Vacation, Tours HD
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas http://youtu.be/Ai7gztu__Tk
Travel to Nepal with OAT and trek the Annapurna mountains, experience Seti River rafting, Tour Buddhist and Hindu temples in Kathmandu, ride an elephant, and more.
Travel to Nepal & the Mystical Himalayas | Overseas Adventure Travel
Watch travelers experience traditional culture and the spirituality of Nepal, and observe stunning landscapes as they explore the region's rugged terrain in our video:
Lead an English lesson in a rural school
Visit with locals in Tomejhong Village
Hike along scenic Annapurna trails
Nepal & the Mystical Himalayas
Kathmandu • Pokhara • 3-Night Overland Trek • 2-Night River Camp • 2-Night J
Watch our video about our Nepal & the Mystical Himalayas adventure to learn how you can experience the country's traditional culture and deep spirituality.
A Home-Hosted Dinner, plus 34 more meals
Treks in the Annapurna Mountains
A rafting excursion down the Seti River
Day by Day Itinerary
Small Groups: Never more than 10-16 travelers—guaranteed!
Travel to Nepal with OAT and discover the mighty Himalayas, whose snowcapped peaks are the very rooftop of the world. Sinuous green terraces wind as far as the eye can see along mountain valleys. Prayer flags adorn lively temples that reveal ancient scrolls and exquisite carvings. This is Nepal. With OAT, you'll trek on stone paths threading pristine hillsides and sweeping valleys ... float on a river raft through untouched forest ... and ride by elephantback through lush jungle.
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas, Kathmandu, Pokhara, Overland Trek, River Camp, Travel Nepa, Vacation Mystical Himalayas, Overseas Adventure Travel, River Cruise, Small Ship Cruise, Land Tour Videos, Grand Circle, travel videos HD, Seti River rafting, Tour Buddhist, Hindu temples, Kathmandu, ride an elephant, Tomejhong Village, Annapurna trails, Tours HD
- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 5364
Annapurna Circuit, Trekking NEPAL [Travel Guide]
Around the famous Annapurna circuit in Nepal. From Besisahar to Chame, Dharapani, Manang and over the Thorung Phedi Pass in 5600m back to the Valley of Pokhara....
Around the famous Annapurna circuit in Nepal. From Besisahar to Chame, Dharapani, Manang and over the Thorung Phedi Pass in 5600m back to the Valley of Pokhara.
Visit my channel:
wn.com/Annapurna Circuit, Trekking Nepal Travel Guide
Around the famous Annapurna circuit in Nepal. From Besisahar to Chame, Dharapani, Manang and over the Thorung Phedi Pass in 5600m back to the Valley of Pokhara.
Visit my channel:
- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 84755
A Tourist's Guide to Kathmandu, Nepal
We visit the capital of Nepal and see the sights. We wander the streets of Thamel, take in the temples of Durbar Square, visit the Monkey Temple and see Patan. ...
We visit the capital of Nepal and see the sights. We wander the streets of Thamel, take in the temples of Durbar Square, visit the Monkey Temple and see Patan. We also go on a mission to buy some false teeth!
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Kathmandu, Nepal
We visit the capital of Nepal and see the sights. We wander the streets of Thamel, take in the temples of Durbar Square, visit the Monkey Temple and see Patan. We also go on a mission to buy some false teeth!
- published: 13 Dec 2009
- views: 5889
Exploring Kathmandu, Nepal in the Himalayas
Walking around Kathmandu in the Himalayas of Nepal.
PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with...
Walking around Kathmandu in the Himalayas of Nepal.
PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info, tips and tricks. And it's just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Or feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventure travel stories from around the world. It's also available on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
Gabriel's travel page on Facebook:
Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Follow Gabriel on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below.
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit http://gabrieltraveler.com for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
Exploring Kathmandu, Nepal in the Himalayas
wn.com/Exploring Kathmandu, Nepal In The Himalayas
Walking around Kathmandu in the Himalayas of Nepal.
PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info, tips and tricks. And it's just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Or feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventure travel stories from around the world. It's also available on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
Gabriel's travel page on Facebook:
Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Follow Gabriel on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below.
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit http://gabrieltraveler.com for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
Exploring Kathmandu, Nepal in the Himalayas
- published: 01 Feb 2014
- views: 24555
A Tourist's Guide to Pokhara, Nepal. wwwtheredquest.com
We see the World Peace Pagoda, take a boat out onto the lake, do some shopping, climb a small mountain to watch a Himalayan sunrise.
We see the World Peace Pagoda, take a boat out onto the lake, do some shopping, climb a small mountain to watch a Himalayan sunrise.
Read my book about visiting every former Soviet Republic. Visit www.theredquest.com
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Pokhara, Nepal. Wwwtheredquest.Com
We see the World Peace Pagoda, take a boat out onto the lake, do some shopping, climb a small mountain to watch a Himalayan sunrise.
Read my book about visiting every former Soviet Republic. Visit www.theredquest.com
- published: 27 Feb 2010
- views: 106995
Suresh Shreshtha, tour guide to Nepal & Himalayas
Suresh Shreshtha, tour guide to Nepal & Himalayas - Suresh Shreshtha trip leader to Nepal
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscript...
Suresh Shreshtha, tour guide to Nepal & Himalayas - Suresh Shreshtha trip leader to Nepal
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Travel to Nepal with OAT and discover the mighty Himalayas, whose snowcapped peaks are the very rooftop of the world. Sinuous green terraces wind as far as the eye can see along mountain valleys. Prayer flags adorn lively temples that reveal ancient scrolls and exquisite carvings. This is Nepal. With OAT, you’ll trek on stone paths threading pristine hillsides and sweeping valleys … float on a river raft through untouched forest … and ride by elephantback through lush jungle.
wn.com/Suresh Shreshtha, Tour Guide To Nepal Himalayas
Suresh Shreshtha, tour guide to Nepal & Himalayas - Suresh Shreshtha trip leader to Nepal
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Travel to Nepal with OAT and discover the mighty Himalayas, whose snowcapped peaks are the very rooftop of the world. Sinuous green terraces wind as far as the eye can see along mountain valleys. Prayer flags adorn lively temples that reveal ancient scrolls and exquisite carvings. This is Nepal. With OAT, you’ll trek on stone paths threading pristine hillsides and sweeping valleys … float on a river raft through untouched forest … and ride by elephantback through lush jungle.
- published: 19 Jan 2015
- views: 398
Expert Travel Tips: Nepal - GlobalBasecamps.com
Global Basecamps travel specialist, Meagan, gives expert tips on traveling and trekking in Nepal. http://www.globalbasecamps.com/exclusive-deals/nepal-treks...
Global Basecamps travel specialist, Meagan, gives expert tips on traveling and trekking in Nepal. http://www.globalbasecamps.com/exclusive-deals/nepal-treks
wn.com/Expert Travel Tips Nepal Globalbasecamps.Com
Global Basecamps travel specialist, Meagan, gives expert tips on traveling and trekking in Nepal. http://www.globalbasecamps.com/exclusive-deals/nepal-treks
- published: 15 Jun 2010
- views: 2674
Historical Place of Nepal - Dharahara (Bhimsen Tower) - Kathmandu Travel Guide
Kathmandu Nepal Travel Guide - Dharahara (Bhimsen Tower) is one of the historical place of Nepal. It is elder than Eiffel tower of France & Statue of Liberty, e...
Kathmandu Nepal Travel Guide - Dharahara (Bhimsen Tower) is one of the historical place of Nepal. It is elder than Eiffel tower of France & Statue of Liberty, exceptionally incredible as no iron or metal has been used to make this tower. The purpose of making this tower is to gather all people at Tudikhel ( a huge ground in norther face of Dharahara) for announcements. It is made by first prime minister of Nepal, Bhimsen Thapa, that is why it is often called Bhimsen tower, but it is 2nd tallest tower made by Bhimsen Thapa.The original Bhimsen Tower was built in 1824 and was 11 stories high, two stories taller than the present day Dharahara. Dharahara was built for Queen Lalit Tripura Sundari, who was the niece of Bhimsen Thapa. She wanted a tower of her own next to Bhimsen's original tower.
There are 213 steps in the tower and at the top of the Dharahara there is a shiva temple.
The tower is made in Mughal style while walls of surroundings are made in European style while having Hindu temple at top, bringing all religion together.
For more information - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharahara
Watch another video of Kathmandu Travel Guide for Food - Bhaktapur Juju Dhau - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGhLe6AwH30
Subscribe My Videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/doodlesfan?sub_confirmation=1
wn.com/Historical Place Of Nepal Dharahara (Bhimsen Tower) Kathmandu Travel Guide
Kathmandu Nepal Travel Guide - Dharahara (Bhimsen Tower) is one of the historical place of Nepal. It is elder than Eiffel tower of France & Statue of Liberty, exceptionally incredible as no iron or metal has been used to make this tower. The purpose of making this tower is to gather all people at Tudikhel ( a huge ground in norther face of Dharahara) for announcements. It is made by first prime minister of Nepal, Bhimsen Thapa, that is why it is often called Bhimsen tower, but it is 2nd tallest tower made by Bhimsen Thapa.The original Bhimsen Tower was built in 1824 and was 11 stories high, two stories taller than the present day Dharahara. Dharahara was built for Queen Lalit Tripura Sundari, who was the niece of Bhimsen Thapa. She wanted a tower of her own next to Bhimsen's original tower.
There are 213 steps in the tower and at the top of the Dharahara there is a shiva temple.
The tower is made in Mughal style while walls of surroundings are made in European style while having Hindu temple at top, bringing all religion together.
For more information - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharahara
Watch another video of Kathmandu Travel Guide for Food - Bhaktapur Juju Dhau - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGhLe6AwH30
Subscribe My Videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/doodlesfan?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 03 Nov 2014
- views: 17220
Dashain Festival - Nepal Travel Guide
Dashain is the biggest festival of Nepalese celebrated as a symbol of victory of good over evil. Family members from every corner of the world and different par...
Dashain is the biggest festival of Nepalese celebrated as a symbol of victory of good over evil. Family members from every corner of the world and different parts of the country join together to receive blessings from elders. It is celebrated for 15 days. Government of Nepal provides five days of public holiday during Dashain.
Collection: Travels in Nepal - A detailed Visual Guide
Manufactured by: SAC Music International
wn.com/Dashain Festival Nepal Travel Guide
Dashain is the biggest festival of Nepalese celebrated as a symbol of victory of good over evil. Family members from every corner of the world and different parts of the country join together to receive blessings from elders. It is celebrated for 15 days. Government of Nepal provides five days of public holiday during Dashain.
Collection: Travels in Nepal - A detailed Visual Guide
Manufactured by: SAC Music International
- published: 23 Jul 2012
- views: 2534
Kathmandu Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Kathmandu in Nepal.
Kathmandu is a metropolis in the heart of the kingdom of Nepal, a land of snow-white mountains and home of th...
Travel video about destination Kathmandu in Nepal.
Kathmandu is a metropolis in the heart of the kingdom of Nepal, a land of snow-white mountains and home of the gods. For many centuries, this was the centre of Buddhist power and culture and it is here that the largest number of temples is found, dedicated to numerous deities.
In the heart of the city is Durbar Square, in which the country's royalty resided until 1908 and where the most important festivals take place. Jagannath is one of the oldest temples on the square and the original building dates back to 1560, as does the adjacent Taleju Temple.
The Shiva Parvati Temple was built in the early years of the Shah Dynasty. Its five-sectioned portal-like frame features text that is believed to be ancient Nepalese writing.
Kumari Chowk is the residence of the living goddess, Raj Kumari. For this role, a young girl is duly selected and is disallowed from leaving the palace until puberty. Her task is to affirm the king his power.
Over the years, the city has grown so much that Kathmandu is only separated from Patan by the sacred Bagmati River. The majority of the population is Hindu but Buddhists frequently use the Hindu sanctuaries. Here, religious coexistence is a reality.
The customs of the people in this 'Kingdom on the Roof of the World' may seem strange to those from beyond its borders. But this land of both jungle and everlasting snow has developed according to its own rich traditions and beliefs.
wn.com/Kathmandu Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Kathmandu in Nepal.
Kathmandu is a metropolis in the heart of the kingdom of Nepal, a land of snow-white mountains and home of the gods. For many centuries, this was the centre of Buddhist power and culture and it is here that the largest number of temples is found, dedicated to numerous deities.
In the heart of the city is Durbar Square, in which the country's royalty resided until 1908 and where the most important festivals take place. Jagannath is one of the oldest temples on the square and the original building dates back to 1560, as does the adjacent Taleju Temple.
The Shiva Parvati Temple was built in the early years of the Shah Dynasty. Its five-sectioned portal-like frame features text that is believed to be ancient Nepalese writing.
Kumari Chowk is the residence of the living goddess, Raj Kumari. For this role, a young girl is duly selected and is disallowed from leaving the palace until puberty. Her task is to affirm the king his power.
Over the years, the city has grown so much that Kathmandu is only separated from Patan by the sacred Bagmati River. The majority of the population is Hindu but Buddhists frequently use the Hindu sanctuaries. Here, religious coexistence is a reality.
The customs of the people in this 'Kingdom on the Roof of the World' may seem strange to those from beyond its borders. But this land of both jungle and everlasting snow has developed according to its own rich traditions and beliefs.
- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 34060
Nepal, Tomejhong Village tours 2015
Nepal, Tomejhong Village tours 2015 - Visit Tomejhong Village, Nepal
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=W...
Nepal, Tomejhong Village tours 2015 - Visit Tomejhong Village, Nepal
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
This morning, we embark on ‘A Day in the Life of a Nepali villager,’ a day of discovery during which we'll learn firsthand what it’s like to live in the shadow of the Annapurnas. First, we’ll enjoy a chance to meet local children in their school, if in session. Though formal education has existed in Nepal for 150 years, for the first century it was only available to members of the royal family. It has only been the last five decades that ordinary Nepali children are able to enjoy schooling as a result of the popular democratic uprising that ended the rule of the royal family. Today, five million students fill more than 20,000 schools (from elementary schools to universities). We’ll get to know a few of these promising young people when we visit.
Then we depart for nearby Tomejhong village where we'll explore and spend time with the hospitable people who live here. A Gorkha family will join us for lunch to share insight into their traditions and daily life. The Gorkha people arrived in western Nepal from India centuries ago, and trace their roots to the Rajput clan—part of the Kshatriya, or warrior class—from classic Hindu tradition. Known for their military prowess, courage, and loyalty, many Gorkhas were recruited by the British Army during their occupation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their culture is a fascinating blend of their Hindu roots and local traditions like shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism, as we'll learn during an exclusive opportunity for real cultural exchange.
Back at the lodge, we’ll enjoy leisure time in the late afternoon, and then come together for dinner.
wn.com/Nepal, Tomejhong Village Tours 2015
Nepal, Tomejhong Village tours 2015 - Visit Tomejhong Village, Nepal
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
This morning, we embark on ‘A Day in the Life of a Nepali villager,’ a day of discovery during which we'll learn firsthand what it’s like to live in the shadow of the Annapurnas. First, we’ll enjoy a chance to meet local children in their school, if in session. Though formal education has existed in Nepal for 150 years, for the first century it was only available to members of the royal family. It has only been the last five decades that ordinary Nepali children are able to enjoy schooling as a result of the popular democratic uprising that ended the rule of the royal family. Today, five million students fill more than 20,000 schools (from elementary schools to universities). We’ll get to know a few of these promising young people when we visit.
Then we depart for nearby Tomejhong village where we'll explore and spend time with the hospitable people who live here. A Gorkha family will join us for lunch to share insight into their traditions and daily life. The Gorkha people arrived in western Nepal from India centuries ago, and trace their roots to the Rajput clan—part of the Kshatriya, or warrior class—from classic Hindu tradition. Known for their military prowess, courage, and loyalty, many Gorkhas were recruited by the British Army during their occupation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their culture is a fascinating blend of their Hindu roots and local traditions like shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism, as we'll learn during an exclusive opportunity for real cultural exchange.
Back at the lodge, we’ll enjoy leisure time in the late afternoon, and then come together for dinner.
- published: 11 Feb 2015
- views: 4970
Lumbini - Birth place of the Budha - Nepal Travel Guide
Lumbini, situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, is famous as the birthplace of the Buddha. Every year thousands of tourists visit this site to explore the ...
Lumbini, situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, is famous as the birthplace of the Buddha. Every year thousands of tourists visit this site to explore the the Sacred Garden, which is spread over 8 sq.km and possesses all the treasures of the historic area, Maya Devi Temple, which houses a bas relief depicting the nativity, & Asok Pilar, carrying an inscription identifying the holy site as the birthplace.
Travels in Nepal - A detailed visual guide
Manufactured by:
SAC Music International
wn.com/Lumbini Birth Place Of The Budha Nepal Travel Guide
Lumbini, situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, is famous as the birthplace of the Buddha. Every year thousands of tourists visit this site to explore the the Sacred Garden, which is spread over 8 sq.km and possesses all the treasures of the historic area, Maya Devi Temple, which houses a bas relief depicting the nativity, & Asok Pilar, carrying an inscription identifying the holy site as the birthplace.
Travels in Nepal - A detailed visual guide
Manufactured by:
SAC Music International
- published: 28 Jul 2012
- views: 2981
Bhaktapur Nepal Travel Guide - Juju Dhau (जुजु धौ) - King Yogurt
Bhaktapur Nepal Travel Guide - You must try King Yogurt Juju Dhau जुजु धौ) when you will travel Kathmandu Valley Nepal. Bhaktapur is one oldest town of Nepal wi...
Bhaktapur Nepal Travel Guide - You must try King Yogurt Juju Dhau जुजु धौ) when you will travel Kathmandu Valley Nepal. Bhaktapur is one oldest town of Nepal with majority of Newari community.For your information, Bhaktapur is UNESCO world heritage site, one of the 7 world heritage site from small city of Kathmandu valley, Nepal And Newari community are so skillful in preparing several types of dishes that is why Newari dishes are famous all around Nepal and also in abroad. Here, one famous thing of Bhaktapur is JUJU DHAU which means King Yogurt in local language. I am going to show you the taste and locality of Bhaktapur Nepal.
For your information, Bhaktapur is UNESCO world heritage site, one of the 7 world heritage site from small city of Kathmandu valley, Nepal
Juju Dhau is made purely with water buffalo milk. They make it tastier with sugar and few dry fruits , but its optional. You will eat this in earthen pot made with again Kumhale, (people who makes earthen pot in Nepali language are called Kumhale)
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wn.com/Bhaktapur Nepal Travel Guide Juju Dhau (जुजु धौ) King Yogurt
Bhaktapur Nepal Travel Guide - You must try King Yogurt Juju Dhau जुजु धौ) when you will travel Kathmandu Valley Nepal. Bhaktapur is one oldest town of Nepal with majority of Newari community.For your information, Bhaktapur is UNESCO world heritage site, one of the 7 world heritage site from small city of Kathmandu valley, Nepal And Newari community are so skillful in preparing several types of dishes that is why Newari dishes are famous all around Nepal and also in abroad. Here, one famous thing of Bhaktapur is JUJU DHAU which means King Yogurt in local language. I am going to show you the taste and locality of Bhaktapur Nepal.
For your information, Bhaktapur is UNESCO world heritage site, one of the 7 world heritage site from small city of Kathmandu valley, Nepal
Juju Dhau is made purely with water buffalo milk. They make it tastier with sugar and few dry fruits , but its optional. You will eat this in earthen pot made with again Kumhale, (people who makes earthen pot in Nepali language are called Kumhale)
Subscribe to My Travel & Learning Channel
Get my updates on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/TheAnilMahato
Get my updates on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheAnilMahato
Visit and Explore my Website - http://www.anilmahato.com
- published: 03 Nov 2014
- views: 2170
Is it Safe to Travel to Nepal After the Earthquake?
Read the full article about traveling to Nepal here: http://time.com/3851425/nepal-earthquake-tourism-impact-holiday-trekking/
Donate to Mercy Corps (or your pr...
Read the full article about traveling to Nepal here: http://time.com/3851425/nepal-earthquake-tourism-impact-holiday-trekking/
Donate to Mercy Corps (or your preferred charity): http://www.mercycorps.org
My video about the Langtang trek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VRxtJID0VY
General information for trekking in Nepal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsJD1vQz9sI
Gear needed for trekking in the Himalayas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSf2pmLepSU
Feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventure travel stories from around the world: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
Or, Gabriel's practical travel guidebook, "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", is just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Gabriel's travel page on Facebook:
Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Follow Gabriel on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below.
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit http://gabrieltraveler.com for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
Is it Safe to Travel to Nepal After the Earthquake?
wn.com/Is It Safe To Travel To Nepal After The Earthquake
Read the full article about traveling to Nepal here: http://time.com/3851425/nepal-earthquake-tourism-impact-holiday-trekking/
Donate to Mercy Corps (or your preferred charity): http://www.mercycorps.org
My video about the Langtang trek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VRxtJID0VY
General information for trekking in Nepal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsJD1vQz9sI
Gear needed for trekking in the Himalayas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSf2pmLepSU
Feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventure travel stories from around the world: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
Or, Gabriel's practical travel guidebook, "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", is just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Gabriel's travel page on Facebook:
Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Follow Gabriel on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below.
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit http://gabrieltraveler.com for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
Is it Safe to Travel to Nepal After the Earthquake?
- published: 10 May 2015
- views: 3110
Tihar Festival of Brother & Sisters - Nepal Travel Guide
Tihar is the second biggest festival of Nepalese.It is celebrated for five days in late autumn, which comes soon after Dashain. Two days from this festival are ...
Tihar is the second biggest festival of Nepalese.It is celebrated for five days in late autumn, which comes soon after Dashain. Two days from this festival are very popular. One day is celebrated for goddess Laxmi and the other one is celebrated to worship brothers for their long life by sisters. This festival is also known as the festival of lights. Candles and lamps are lit inside and outside the house and businesses. Tihar shows reverence to not just the humans and the Gods, but also to the animals like crow, cow and dog, who maintain an intense relationship with the humans.
Collection: Travels in Nepal - A detailed Visual Guide
Manufactured by: SAC Music International
wn.com/Tihar Festival Of Brother Sisters Nepal Travel Guide
Tihar is the second biggest festival of Nepalese.It is celebrated for five days in late autumn, which comes soon after Dashain. Two days from this festival are very popular. One day is celebrated for goddess Laxmi and the other one is celebrated to worship brothers for their long life by sisters. This festival is also known as the festival of lights. Candles and lamps are lit inside and outside the house and businesses. Tihar shows reverence to not just the humans and the Gods, but also to the animals like crow, cow and dog, who maintain an intense relationship with the humans.
Collection: Travels in Nepal - A detailed Visual Guide
Manufactured by: SAC Music International
- published: 25 Jul 2012
- views: 8856
Iceland Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
With a population of only 300,000, Iceland can feel like the most isolated place on earth, yet it...
With a population of only 300,000, Iceland can feel like the most isolated place on earth, yet its capital Reykjavik, is only a three-hour flight from London and just under six from New York.
Reykjavik is relaxed and welcoming, yet possesses a cultural life that holds its own against other European capitals. Most buildings are built simple and low to beat the North Atlantic winds. However, the city is also graced with grand civic architecture inspired by Iceland’s natural beauty, such as the soaring central tower of Hallgrímskirkja.
Many of the country’s most popular sights are within easy reach of Reykjavík. Immerse yourself in the spirit of Iceland, at the Blue Lagoon. Then spend a day or two in The Golden Circle, an area which encompasses three of Iceland’s greatest natural wonders; Thingvellir National Park, the Geysir Geothermal Field, and Gullfoss.
Iceland’s main ring road strings together an endless series of epic landscapes. Less than two hours drive east of Reykjavik are two of the world’s most beautiful waterfalls, Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss. Continue eastward towards Vík, Iceland’s southern-most village, where you’ll find the dramatic landscapes of Black Beach, Reynisdrangar, and Dyrholaey. Follow the ring road for another two hours into the ethereal light of Jökulsárlón Lake, where icebergs break away from Europe’s largest glacier and float for years before tumbling out to sea.
Head north and feel the earth rumble at Europe’s mightiest waterfall, Dettifoss. Then explore the Myvatn region, a tranquil lake surrounded by nature in all its violent beauty. Take a careful walk through the boiling landscape of Namafjall, lose yourself amid the lava pillars of Dimmuborgir, and peer into the caldera of Krafla Volcano.
Known as the Capital of the North, Akureyri is the perfect place to warm up and enjoy some creature comforts, before heading off into the wilds again. In Iceland, every side road is a story waiting to unfold. So come, and live your own Icelandic story, it’s one you’ll keep telling for the rest of your days.
wn.com/Iceland Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
With a population of only 300,000, Iceland can feel like the most isolated place on earth, yet its capital Reykjavik, is only a three-hour flight from London and just under six from New York.
Reykjavik is relaxed and welcoming, yet possesses a cultural life that holds its own against other European capitals. Most buildings are built simple and low to beat the North Atlantic winds. However, the city is also graced with grand civic architecture inspired by Iceland’s natural beauty, such as the soaring central tower of Hallgrímskirkja.
Many of the country’s most popular sights are within easy reach of Reykjavík. Immerse yourself in the spirit of Iceland, at the Blue Lagoon. Then spend a day or two in The Golden Circle, an area which encompasses three of Iceland’s greatest natural wonders; Thingvellir National Park, the Geysir Geothermal Field, and Gullfoss.
Iceland’s main ring road strings together an endless series of epic landscapes. Less than two hours drive east of Reykjavik are two of the world’s most beautiful waterfalls, Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss. Continue eastward towards Vík, Iceland’s southern-most village, where you’ll find the dramatic landscapes of Black Beach, Reynisdrangar, and Dyrholaey. Follow the ring road for another two hours into the ethereal light of Jökulsárlón Lake, where icebergs break away from Europe’s largest glacier and float for years before tumbling out to sea.
Head north and feel the earth rumble at Europe’s mightiest waterfall, Dettifoss. Then explore the Myvatn region, a tranquil lake surrounded by nature in all its violent beauty. Take a careful walk through the boiling landscape of Namafjall, lose yourself amid the lava pillars of Dimmuborgir, and peer into the caldera of Krafla Volcano.
Known as the Capital of the North, Akureyri is the perfect place to warm up and enjoy some creature comforts, before heading off into the wilds again. In Iceland, every side road is a story waiting to unfold. So come, and live your own Icelandic story, it’s one you’ll keep telling for the rest of your days.
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 109850
Nepal Travel Guide 2015 - Travel Around The World 2015.mp4
Nepal Travel Guide 2015 - Travel Around The World 2015.mp4...
Nepal Travel Guide 2015 - Travel Around The World 2015.mp4
wn.com/Nepal Travel Guide 2015 Travel Around The World 2015.Mp4
Nepal Travel Guide 2015 - Travel Around The World 2015.mp4
- published: 22 Jan 2015
- views: 269
Nepal Travel Vlog Guide - One Week of Cultural Encounter
One week at Nepal in 4 cities: Kathmandu, Chitwan, Pokhara, Bhaktapur.
Sights: Nyatapola Temple, Durbar Square, Elephant Safari, Paragliding Lake Pehwa, Patan...
One week at Nepal in 4 cities: Kathmandu, Chitwan, Pokhara, Bhaktapur.
Sights: Nyatapola Temple, Durbar Square, Elephant Safari, Paragliding Lake Pehwa, Patan, Nagarkot, Boudhanath Stupa, Swayambhunath Stupa.
Taken mostly with a Canon S120.
Eddie Caldwell - Edge Of The Night (Instrumental)
Website: http://www.broadjam.com/artists/songs.php?artistID=67208&mediaID;=437467
wn.com/Nepal Travel Vlog Guide One Week Of Cultural Encounter
One week at Nepal in 4 cities: Kathmandu, Chitwan, Pokhara, Bhaktapur.
Sights: Nyatapola Temple, Durbar Square, Elephant Safari, Paragliding Lake Pehwa, Patan, Nagarkot, Boudhanath Stupa, Swayambhunath Stupa.
Taken mostly with a Canon S120.
Eddie Caldwell - Edge Of The Night (Instrumental)
Website: http://www.broadjam.com/artists/songs.php?artistID=67208&mediaID;=437467
- published: 12 Nov 2014
- views: 434
Famous Kathmandu Valley - Nepal Travel Guide
Kathmandu valley is one of the very unique destinations for travelers around the globe. It's geographical & cultural diversity is something that interests many ...
Kathmandu valley is one of the very unique destinations for travelers around the globe. It's geographical & cultural diversity is something that interests many foreigners. As government announced year 2011 to be a Tourism Year, Kathmandu saw a huge number of tourist arrivals. Find out in this video, information on this famous valley and activities one can do.
Travels in Nepal - A detailed visual guide
Manufactured by:
SAC Music International
wn.com/Famous Kathmandu Valley Nepal Travel Guide
Kathmandu valley is one of the very unique destinations for travelers around the globe. It's geographical & cultural diversity is something that interests many foreigners. As government announced year 2011 to be a Tourism Year, Kathmandu saw a huge number of tourist arrivals. Find out in this video, information on this famous valley and activities one can do.
Travels in Nepal - A detailed visual guide
Manufactured by:
SAC Music International
- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 1809