No n'hi ha prou Les Santes 2015
Ebri Knight [FOC!] - 4 - Nit de Santes
DOWNLOAD THE FULL ALBUM FOR FREE: http://www.ebris.cat
Amb la trikitixa de Xabi Arakama.
Lletra, música i arranjaments: Ebri Knight
Era nit de Santes, prop de mitjanit,
havíem esperat aquell dia amb delit.
Petons amagats entre el fum i el soroll,
saltaves i te m'abraçaves al coll.
Samarretes xopes, la gent als balcons,
espurnes omplint c
NIT DE SANTES | Ebri Knight [Videoclip]
Videoclip de la cançó "Nit de Santes" ("FOC!"; 2015)
La Crida - Les Santes de Mataró 2011 (25/07/2011) (I)
"Amb la rauxa necessària i el seny imprescindible, Glòria a les Santes!" [...] Enrere queda ja aquesta frase que, amb el temps, s'havia convertit amb un referent d'aquest acte tant massiu i estimat per la canalla.
A tres quarts de vuit, i al so d'un gran espetec, les comparses mataronines van sortir des de diferents punts del casc antic i, acompanyats per una gran munió de gent, van anar en cer
Desvetllament Bellugós - Les Santes de Mataró 2011 (25/07/2011)
Sense cap dubte el Desvetllament Bellugós es l'acte més massiu i participatiu de tota la Festa Major de Les Santes. Passaven cinc minuts de dos quarts de dotze, la banda començava a col·locar-s'he al seu lloc, els suports feien lloc per a les figures, davant de la porta de l'Ajuntament quedava un buit difícil de creure amb la gentada que hi havia... I va ser doncs quan la Família Robafaves, encapç
Santé Les Amis - Brasil
'Sudamericana' on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sudamericana/id870566226
and Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sudamericana-Sant%C3%A9-Amis/dp/B00KMH2QNU/
La Crida · Les Santes de Mataró 2014 (25/07/2014)
La Crida - Les Santes de Mataró 2014 (25/07/2014)
“Amb la rauxa necessària i el seny imprescindible, Glòria a les Santes!” […] Enrere queden ja aquestes paraules que, amb el temps, s’havien convertit amb un referent d’aquest acte tant massiu i estimat pels mataronins.
A tres quarts de vuit, i al so d’un gran espetec, les comparses mataronines van sortir des de diferents punts del casc antic i, acompanyats per una gran munió de gent, van anar en
Y Cariadon - Santes Dwynwen (fersiwn arall gyda geiriau ar y sgrin yma http://youtu.be/S_c_S0t2niw)
Fersiwn arall gyda'r geiriau ar y sgrîn yma: http://youtu.be/S_c_S0t2niw
Y Cariadon -- 'Santes Dwynwen' (geiriau isod)
Prynwch yma: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZ...
Label: Rheidol Records
Dyddiad Rhyddhau: 14.01.14
Ar gael ar iTunes a phlatfformau ddigidol eraill.
Santes Dwynwen
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn tywynnu
Ionawr dau ddeg pump, gwnawn dy gofio di
Santes Dwynw
"Libre soy - Let it go" FROZEN - Mafer Santes
La compañía de teatro musical Coreografos.com presenta
"Frozen... EL MUSICAL" (Función del 16/08/14)
Teatro La Fortaleza. Acapulco, Guerrero.
Dirección: Carlos Ávila
Redes sociales: https://www.facebook.com/MaferSantes
Reportatge Club Esportiu Santes Creus
LES SANTES 2014 MATARÓ Nit boja: Desvetllament bellugós
Desvetllament bellugós
23.30 h / Des de l’Ajuntament
Moment únic de la Festa. L’acte que ens defineix: devoció compartida als nostres Gegants, la nostra identitat comuna, el compte fins a 15 i el salt endavant corejant el Bequetero que interpreta sense descans la Banda de l’Agrupació Musical del Maresme. El desvetllar de la Família Robafaves que ens uneix com cap altre moment de l’any. Això és Mat
Dydd Santes Dwynwen
Pob blwyddyn ar y 25ain o Ionawr, mae pobl ledled Cymru yn dathlu Dydd Santes Dwynwen / Every year on the 25th of January, people all over Wales celebrate St Dwynwen's Day.
Desfilada - Les Santes de Mataró 2011 (27/07/2011) (II)
Acabada la Missa de Les Santes, i esquivada la mobilització de Mossos d'Esquadra (que cadascú valori, però la nostra opinió està totalment en contra de la seva presència i interrupció de la festa...) toca tornar cap a l'Ajuntament amb un acte que també s'ha guanyat el seu petit públic, la Desfilada.
Sortint de la Plaça de Santa Maria i endinsant-s'he al Carrer d'en Pujol, toca fer la reverència u
Reial Monestir de Santes Creus (full version) Aeroproduccions
Por los primeros 100 suscriptores, he creado este hit que romperá todos los altavoces de los coches, hará chunda chunda en la discoteca y pum pum en tu movil mientras te duchas.
Quillo quillo quillo, quillo quillo quillo este es el baile, el baile del ladrillo
Quillo quillo quillo, quillo quillo quillo este es el baile, el baile del ladrillo
Sacale brillo sacale bril
10 Welsh Words - Santes Dwynwen Day (Learn Welsh +)
10 Welsh words that you can use on Dydd Santes Dwynwen.
This is the special Welsh version of Valentines Day (January 25th).
Welsh+ is a channel preparing to be filled with useful grammar, vocabulary and tips - if you're learning Welsh, remember to subscribe.
Even if you're not learning, I'm sure you'll find a few gems on here soon enough...!
(Music - Alumo)
Santes Creus • Tarragona
La ruta del Cister en Tarragona comprende:
- Real Monasterio de Santes Creus
- Real Monasterio de Santa María de Poblet
- Real Monasterio Santa María de Vallbona
Más información: http://www.viajesylugares.es/espana/tarragona/monasterio-de-santes-creus.html
Santes Dwynwen
Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus i bawb! Happy St Dwynwen's Day to everyone!
NADALA 3r MD Serra - Montblanc
Les Santes Retro, tràiler
Primer tràiler del film sobre Les Santes de Mataró del segle XX que s´estrenarà l´estiu de 2016.
Nit Boja Les Santes 2012 Mataró
Desvetllament Bellugós, Correfoc i Ruixada Les Santes Mataró 2012
Gegantada - Les Santes de Mataró 2011 (24/07/2011) (II)
Un any més EGS, i dins l'especial de Les Santes de Mataró 2011, acompanyem a la Família Robafaves durant la Gegantada de Les Santes, un acte que reuneix més d'una cinquantena de figures i totes mataronines.
Puntualment, a les 6 de la tarda, les quatre cercaviles que formen la Gegantada van començar el seu recorregut en busca de La Riera, punt neuràlgic de la Festa Major.
Una a una les colles van
Ebri Knight [FOC!] - 4 - Nit de Santes
DOWNLOAD THE FULL ALBUM FOR FREE: http://www.ebris.cat
Amb la trikitixa de Xabi Arakama.
Lletra, músic...
DOWNLOAD THE FULL ALBUM FOR FREE: http://www.ebris.cat
Amb la trikitixa de Xabi Arakama.
Lletra, música i arranjaments: Ebri Knight
Era nit de Santes, prop de mitjanit,
havíem esperat aquell dia amb delit.
Petons amagats entre el fum i el soroll,
saltaves i te m'abraçaves al coll.
Samarretes xopes, la gent als balcons,
espurnes omplint carrerons.
La música fent tremolar les parets,
ja havíem deixat de ser nens.
I totes les lluites que havien de venir,
tot just neixien i esperaven.
I tots aquells somnis que havíem de tenir
ens acaronaven abans d'anar a dormir.
El món s'acabava entre quatre carrers,
la nit era eterna i no vèiem res més.
Cantàvem les notes de cada cançó
i cada nou dia seria el millor.
Samarretes xopes, la gent als balcons,
espurnes omplint carrerons.
Els primers estels pintats a les parets,
ja havíem deixat de ser nens.
I totes les lluites que havien de venir,
tot just neixien i esperaven.
I tots aquells somnis que havíem de tenir
ens acaronaven abans d'anar a dormir.
wn.com/Ebri Knight Foc 4 Nit De Santes
DOWNLOAD THE FULL ALBUM FOR FREE: http://www.ebris.cat
Amb la trikitixa de Xabi Arakama.
Lletra, música i arranjaments: Ebri Knight
Era nit de Santes, prop de mitjanit,
havíem esperat aquell dia amb delit.
Petons amagats entre el fum i el soroll,
saltaves i te m'abraçaves al coll.
Samarretes xopes, la gent als balcons,
espurnes omplint carrerons.
La música fent tremolar les parets,
ja havíem deixat de ser nens.
I totes les lluites que havien de venir,
tot just neixien i esperaven.
I tots aquells somnis que havíem de tenir
ens acaronaven abans d'anar a dormir.
El món s'acabava entre quatre carrers,
la nit era eterna i no vèiem res més.
Cantàvem les notes de cada cançó
i cada nou dia seria el millor.
Samarretes xopes, la gent als balcons,
espurnes omplint carrerons.
Els primers estels pintats a les parets,
ja havíem deixat de ser nens.
I totes les lluites que havien de venir,
tot just neixien i esperaven.
I tots aquells somnis que havíem de tenir
ens acaronaven abans d'anar a dormir.
- published: 24 Feb 2015
- views: 7001
NIT DE SANTES | Ebri Knight [Videoclip]
Videoclip de la cançó "Nit de Santes" ("FOC!"; 2015)...
Videoclip de la cançó "Nit de Santes" ("FOC!"; 2015)
wn.com/Nit De Santes | Ebri Knight Videoclip
Videoclip de la cançó "Nit de Santes" ("FOC!"; 2015)
- published: 07 Jan 2016
- views: 6060
La Crida - Les Santes de Mataró 2011 (25/07/2011) (I)
"Amb la rauxa necessària i el seny imprescindible, Glòria a les Santes!" [...] Enrere queda ja aquesta frase que, amb el temps, s'havia convertit amb un referen...
"Amb la rauxa necessària i el seny imprescindible, Glòria a les Santes!" [...] Enrere queda ja aquesta frase que, amb el temps, s'havia convertit amb un referent d'aquest acte tant massiu i estimat per la canalla.
A tres quarts de vuit, i al so d'un gran espetec, les comparses mataronines van sortir des de diferents punts del casc antic i, acompanyats per una gran munió de gent, van anar en cercavila fins a l'Ajuntament on es retrobaren totes.
Després del discurs d'en Joan Mora, nou alcalde de la ciutat, va tronar la traca que donaria inici a la festa. Una a una les comparses van anar realitzant els seus balls protocol·laris fins que, com mana la tradició, en Robafaves es va quedar sol i es va fer un fart de ballar davant la mirada atenta de tots els allà presents.
En definitiva, tot i els crits i cants polítics acompanyat de pancartes, una crida lloable i molt senyorial!
Podeu veure més imatges de l'acte a http://elsgegantssom.wordpress.com/imatges/any2011/les-santes-%C2%B7-festa-major-de-mataro/crida-a-la-festa-major/
wn.com/La Crida Les Santes De Mataró 2011 (25 07 2011) (I)
"Amb la rauxa necessària i el seny imprescindible, Glòria a les Santes!" [...] Enrere queda ja aquesta frase que, amb el temps, s'havia convertit amb un referent d'aquest acte tant massiu i estimat per la canalla.
A tres quarts de vuit, i al so d'un gran espetec, les comparses mataronines van sortir des de diferents punts del casc antic i, acompanyats per una gran munió de gent, van anar en cercavila fins a l'Ajuntament on es retrobaren totes.
Després del discurs d'en Joan Mora, nou alcalde de la ciutat, va tronar la traca que donaria inici a la festa. Una a una les comparses van anar realitzant els seus balls protocol·laris fins que, com mana la tradició, en Robafaves es va quedar sol i es va fer un fart de ballar davant la mirada atenta de tots els allà presents.
En definitiva, tot i els crits i cants polítics acompanyat de pancartes, una crida lloable i molt senyorial!
Podeu veure més imatges de l'acte a http://elsgegantssom.wordpress.com/imatges/any2011/les-santes-%C2%B7-festa-major-de-mataro/crida-a-la-festa-major/
- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 11144
Desvetllament Bellugós - Les Santes de Mataró 2011 (25/07/2011)
Sense cap dubte el Desvetllament Bellugós es l'acte més massiu i participatiu de tota la Festa Major de Les Santes. Passaven cinc minuts de dos quarts de dotze,...
Sense cap dubte el Desvetllament Bellugós es l'acte més massiu i participatiu de tota la Festa Major de Les Santes. Passaven cinc minuts de dos quarts de dotze, la banda començava a col·locar-s'he al seu lloc, els suports feien lloc per a les figures, davant de la porta de l'Ajuntament quedava un buit difícil de creure amb la gentada que hi havia... I va ser doncs quan la Família Robafaves, encapçalada per la Toneta, va sortir de l'Ajuntament per donar pas a l'inici de l'acte.
Tres cops de bombo van ser els encarregats de fer sonar els primers compassos del Bequetero que faria giravoltar els Gegants i fer ballar a la gent durant més de dues hores per La Riera. Tot i els problemes de cada any l'acte va transcórrer amb "normalitat", tot i que des de EGS volem fer saber a la gent que aquest acte es per viure'l, però no a costa de dos geganters a l'hospital per les imprudències de la gent...
Podeu veure més imatges de l'acte a http://elsgegantssom.wordpress.com/imatges/any2011/les-santes-%C2%B7-festa-major-de-mataro/desvetllament-bellugos/
wn.com/Desvetllament Bellugós Les Santes De Mataró 2011 (25 07 2011)
Sense cap dubte el Desvetllament Bellugós es l'acte més massiu i participatiu de tota la Festa Major de Les Santes. Passaven cinc minuts de dos quarts de dotze, la banda començava a col·locar-s'he al seu lloc, els suports feien lloc per a les figures, davant de la porta de l'Ajuntament quedava un buit difícil de creure amb la gentada que hi havia... I va ser doncs quan la Família Robafaves, encapçalada per la Toneta, va sortir de l'Ajuntament per donar pas a l'inici de l'acte.
Tres cops de bombo van ser els encarregats de fer sonar els primers compassos del Bequetero que faria giravoltar els Gegants i fer ballar a la gent durant més de dues hores per La Riera. Tot i els problemes de cada any l'acte va transcórrer amb "normalitat", tot i que des de EGS volem fer saber a la gent que aquest acte es per viure'l, però no a costa de dos geganters a l'hospital per les imprudències de la gent...
Podeu veure més imatges de l'acte a http://elsgegantssom.wordpress.com/imatges/any2011/les-santes-%C2%B7-festa-major-de-mataro/desvetllament-bellugos/
- published: 28 Jul 2011
- views: 25672
Santé Les Amis - Brasil
'Sudamericana' on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sudamericana/id870566226
and Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sudamericana-Sant%C3%A9-Amis/dp/B00KMH2QN...
'Sudamericana' on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sudamericana/id870566226
and Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sudamericana-Sant%C3%A9-Amis/dp/B00KMH2QNU/
wn.com/Santé Les Amis Brasil
'Sudamericana' on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sudamericana/id870566226
and Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sudamericana-Sant%C3%A9-Amis/dp/B00KMH2QNU/
- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 56849
La Crida - Les Santes de Mataró 2014 (25/07/2014)
“Amb la rauxa necessària i el seny imprescindible, Glòria a les Santes!” […] Enrere queden ja aquestes paraules que, amb el temps, s’havien convertit amb un ref...
“Amb la rauxa necessària i el seny imprescindible, Glòria a les Santes!” […] Enrere queden ja aquestes paraules que, amb el temps, s’havien convertit amb un referent d’aquest acte tant massiu i estimat pels mataronins.
A tres quarts de vuit, i al so d’un gran espetec, les comparses mataronines van sortir des de diferents punts del casc antic i, acompanyats per una gran munió de gent, van anar en cercavila fins a l’Ajuntament on es retrobaren totes.
Després de la crida d’en Joan Mora a participar a la Festa Major, precedit per la sortida de l'Àliga, va tronar la traca que donaria inici oficialment a Les Santes de Mataró.
Una a una les comparses van anar realitzant els seus balls protocol·laris fins que, com mana la tradició, en Robafaves es va quedar sol i va fer les delícies dels mes menuts al crit de "no n'hi ha prou!".
wn.com/La Crida Les Santes De Mataró 2014 (25 07 2014)
“Amb la rauxa necessària i el seny imprescindible, Glòria a les Santes!” […] Enrere queden ja aquestes paraules que, amb el temps, s’havien convertit amb un referent d’aquest acte tant massiu i estimat pels mataronins.
A tres quarts de vuit, i al so d’un gran espetec, les comparses mataronines van sortir des de diferents punts del casc antic i, acompanyats per una gran munió de gent, van anar en cercavila fins a l’Ajuntament on es retrobaren totes.
Després de la crida d’en Joan Mora a participar a la Festa Major, precedit per la sortida de l'Àliga, va tronar la traca que donaria inici oficialment a Les Santes de Mataró.
Una a una les comparses van anar realitzant els seus balls protocol·laris fins que, com mana la tradició, en Robafaves es va quedar sol i va fer les delícies dels mes menuts al crit de "no n'hi ha prou!".
- published: 10 Dec 2014
- views: 5041
Y Cariadon - Santes Dwynwen (fersiwn arall gyda geiriau ar y sgrin yma http://youtu.be/S_c_S0t2niw)
Fersiwn arall gyda'r geiriau ar y sgrîn yma: http://youtu.be/S_c_S0t2niw
Y Cariadon -- 'Santes Dwynwen' (geiriau isod)
Prynwch yma: http://phobos.apple.com/W...
Fersiwn arall gyda'r geiriau ar y sgrîn yma: http://youtu.be/S_c_S0t2niw
Y Cariadon -- 'Santes Dwynwen' (geiriau isod)
Prynwch yma: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZ...
Label: Rheidol Records
Dyddiad Rhyddhau: 14.01.14
Ar gael ar iTunes a phlatfformau ddigidol eraill.
Santes Dwynwen
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn tywynnu
Ionawr dau ddeg pump, gwnawn dy gofio di
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn serennu
Trwy y flwyddyn yn ein calonnau ni
Dwynwen, prydfertha’r wlad
mewn cariad â Maelon, ond ei thad
yn gwrthod iddi briodi,
a rhoi iddynt ei ganiatâd
“O plîs plîs dad, dwi ishe priodi
Fy nghariad a’r unig un i mi!”
“Brychan, Syr,” medd Maelon
O na wnewch chi wrando arnom ni?”
Gwrthod wna Brychan
A Dwynwen - rhedodd allan
- y goedwig amdani
a’i chalon hi yn torri
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn tywynnu
Ionawr dau ddeg pump, gwnawn dy gofio di
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn serennu
Trwy y flwyddyn yn ein calonnau ni
Mewn breuddwyd daeth Angel ati
“Dwynwen, be’ sy’ arnat ti?”
“Rwyf wedi torri fy nghalon
ni allai anghofio Maelon”
“Paid â chrio, Dwynwen
Fyddi di’n ‘Santes Cariadon’
bendithia Gariad ar draws ein gwlad
yn Ionawr a thrwy’r flwyddyn”
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn tywynnu
Ionawr dau ddeg pump, gwnawn dy gofio di
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn serennu
Trwy y flwyddyn yn ein calonnau ni
Geiriau/Cerddoriaeth: Lloyd, David
Hawlfraint Rheidol Records 2014 / Rheidol Publishing 2014
wn.com/Y Cariadon Santes Dwynwen (Fersiwn Arall Gyda Geiriau Ar Y Sgrin Yma Http Youtu.Be S C S0T2Niw)
Fersiwn arall gyda'r geiriau ar y sgrîn yma: http://youtu.be/S_c_S0t2niw
Y Cariadon -- 'Santes Dwynwen' (geiriau isod)
Prynwch yma: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZ...
Label: Rheidol Records
Dyddiad Rhyddhau: 14.01.14
Ar gael ar iTunes a phlatfformau ddigidol eraill.
Santes Dwynwen
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn tywynnu
Ionawr dau ddeg pump, gwnawn dy gofio di
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn serennu
Trwy y flwyddyn yn ein calonnau ni
Dwynwen, prydfertha’r wlad
mewn cariad â Maelon, ond ei thad
yn gwrthod iddi briodi,
a rhoi iddynt ei ganiatâd
“O plîs plîs dad, dwi ishe priodi
Fy nghariad a’r unig un i mi!”
“Brychan, Syr,” medd Maelon
O na wnewch chi wrando arnom ni?”
Gwrthod wna Brychan
A Dwynwen - rhedodd allan
- y goedwig amdani
a’i chalon hi yn torri
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn tywynnu
Ionawr dau ddeg pump, gwnawn dy gofio di
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn serennu
Trwy y flwyddyn yn ein calonnau ni
Mewn breuddwyd daeth Angel ati
“Dwynwen, be’ sy’ arnat ti?”
“Rwyf wedi torri fy nghalon
ni allai anghofio Maelon”
“Paid â chrio, Dwynwen
Fyddi di’n ‘Santes Cariadon’
bendithia Gariad ar draws ein gwlad
yn Ionawr a thrwy’r flwyddyn”
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn tywynnu
Ionawr dau ddeg pump, gwnawn dy gofio di
Santes Dwynwen - dy gariad yn serennu
Trwy y flwyddyn yn ein calonnau ni
Geiriau/Cerddoriaeth: Lloyd, David
Hawlfraint Rheidol Records 2014 / Rheidol Publishing 2014
- published: 16 Jan 2014
- views: 1900
"Libre soy - Let it go" FROZEN - Mafer Santes
La compañía de teatro musical Coreografos.com presenta
"Frozen... EL MUSICAL" (Función del 16/08/14)
Teatro La Fortaleza. Acapulco, Guerrero.
Dirección: Carl...
La compañía de teatro musical Coreografos.com presenta
"Frozen... EL MUSICAL" (Función del 16/08/14)
Teatro La Fortaleza. Acapulco, Guerrero.
Dirección: Carlos Ávila
Redes sociales: https://www.facebook.com/MaferSantes
wn.com/Libre Soy Let It Go Frozen Mafer Santes
La compañía de teatro musical Coreografos.com presenta
"Frozen... EL MUSICAL" (Función del 16/08/14)
Teatro La Fortaleza. Acapulco, Guerrero.
Dirección: Carlos Ávila
Redes sociales: https://www.facebook.com/MaferSantes
- published: 21 Aug 2014
- views: 58175
LES SANTES 2014 MATARÓ Nit boja: Desvetllament bellugós
Desvetllament bellugós
23.30 h / Des de l’Ajuntament
Moment únic de la Festa. L’acte que ens defineix: devoció compartida als nostres Gegants, la nostra identit...
Desvetllament bellugós
23.30 h / Des de l’Ajuntament
Moment únic de la Festa. L’acte que ens defineix: devoció compartida als nostres Gegants, la nostra identitat comuna, el compte fins a 15 i el salt endavant corejant el Bequetero que interpreta sense descans la Banda de l’Agrupació Musical del Maresme. El desvetllar de la Família Robafaves que ens uneix com cap altre moment de l’any. Això és Mataró i la seva Festa Major!
wn.com/Les Santes 2014 Mataró Nit Boja Desvetllament Bellugós
Desvetllament bellugós
23.30 h / Des de l’Ajuntament
Moment únic de la Festa. L’acte que ens defineix: devoció compartida als nostres Gegants, la nostra identitat comuna, el compte fins a 15 i el salt endavant corejant el Bequetero que interpreta sense descans la Banda de l’Agrupació Musical del Maresme. El desvetllar de la Família Robafaves que ens uneix com cap altre moment de l’any. Això és Mataró i la seva Festa Major!
- published: 26 Jul 2014
- views: 7512
Dydd Santes Dwynwen
Pob blwyddyn ar y 25ain o Ionawr, mae pobl ledled Cymru yn dathlu Dydd Santes Dwynwen / Every year on the 25th of January, people all over Wales celebrate St Dw...
Pob blwyddyn ar y 25ain o Ionawr, mae pobl ledled Cymru yn dathlu Dydd Santes Dwynwen / Every year on the 25th of January, people all over Wales celebrate St Dwynwen's Day.
wn.com/Dydd Santes Dwynwen
Pob blwyddyn ar y 25ain o Ionawr, mae pobl ledled Cymru yn dathlu Dydd Santes Dwynwen / Every year on the 25th of January, people all over Wales celebrate St Dwynwen's Day.
- published: 26 Jan 2014
- views: 1249
Desfilada - Les Santes de Mataró 2011 (27/07/2011) (II)
Acabada la Missa de Les Santes, i esquivada la mobilització de Mossos d'Esquadra (que cadascú valori, però la nostra opinió està totalment en contra de la seva ...
Acabada la Missa de Les Santes, i esquivada la mobilització de Mossos d'Esquadra (que cadascú valori, però la nostra opinió està totalment en contra de la seva presència i interrupció de la festa...) toca tornar cap a l'Ajuntament amb un acte que també s'ha guanyat el seu petit públic, la Desfilada.
Sortint de la Plaça de Santa Maria i endinsant-s'he al Carrer d'en Pujol, toca fer la reverència una rere l'altre de les comparses de la ciutat cap a l'altar de les Santes Patrones, Juliana i Semproniana. De nou, pujant la Riera, es torna a l'Ajuntament on es repeteix de nou la tradicional Dormida dels elements festius de la festa major mataronina.
Al finalitzar l'acte, els reporters de EGS no van dubtar i van aprofitar per fer-s'he una fotografia de record de Les Santes amb en Joan Mora, actual alcalde de la ciutat.
Podeu veure més imatges de l'acte a http://elsgegantssom.wordpress.com/imatges/any2011/les-santes-%c2%b7-festa-major-de-mataro/la-desfilada/
wn.com/Desfilada Les Santes De Mataró 2011 (27 07 2011) (Ii)
Acabada la Missa de Les Santes, i esquivada la mobilització de Mossos d'Esquadra (que cadascú valori, però la nostra opinió està totalment en contra de la seva presència i interrupció de la festa...) toca tornar cap a l'Ajuntament amb un acte que també s'ha guanyat el seu petit públic, la Desfilada.
Sortint de la Plaça de Santa Maria i endinsant-s'he al Carrer d'en Pujol, toca fer la reverència una rere l'altre de les comparses de la ciutat cap a l'altar de les Santes Patrones, Juliana i Semproniana. De nou, pujant la Riera, es torna a l'Ajuntament on es repeteix de nou la tradicional Dormida dels elements festius de la festa major mataronina.
Al finalitzar l'acte, els reporters de EGS no van dubtar i van aprofitar per fer-s'he una fotografia de record de Les Santes amb en Joan Mora, actual alcalde de la ciutat.
Podeu veure més imatges de l'acte a http://elsgegantssom.wordpress.com/imatges/any2011/les-santes-%c2%b7-festa-major-de-mataro/la-desfilada/
- published: 28 Jul 2011
- views: 25711
Por los primeros 100 suscriptores, he creado este hit que romperá todos los altavoces de los coches, hará chunda chunda en la discoteca y pum pum en tu movil mi...
Por los primeros 100 suscriptores, he creado este hit que romperá todos los altavoces de los coches, hará chunda chunda en la discoteca y pum pum en tu movil mientras te duchas.
Quillo quillo quillo, quillo quillo quillo este es el baile, el baile del ladrillo
Quillo quillo quillo, quillo quillo quillo este es el baile, el baile del ladrillo
Sacale brillo sacale brillo sacale brillo al baile del ladrillo
Saca saca sacale saca saca sacale sácale brillo al baile del ladrillo
Imita a un grillo imita a un grillo imita aun grillo en el baile del ladrillo
Imita a un grillo imita a un grillo imita a un grillo en el baile del ladrillo
Seamos un bocadillo seamos un bocadillo seamos un bocadillo en el baile del ladrillo
Seamos un bocadillo seamos un bocadillo seamos un bocadillo en el baile del ladrilloooo
Mete el tornillo mete el tornillo mete el tornillo en el baile el baile del ladrillo
Mete el tornillo mete el tornillo mete el tornillo en el baile el baile del ladrillo
Hagamos un anillo hagamos un anillo hagamos un anillo en el baile del ladrillo
Hagamos un anillo hagamos un anillo hagamos un anillo en el baile del ladrillo
Yo en este baile lo tengo muy claro, hago lo que quiera y con música no paro, me muevo de lado ,me mantengo callado tiro los dados pero siempre con cuidado.
Este ritmo bueno sabroso y nada soso este ritmo bueno me tiene conquistado
Este ritmo sano manzano y marrano Lo bailo con la mano justo en el llano
Baja lentillo baja lentillo baja lentillo en el baile del ladrillo
Baja lentillo baja lentillo baja lentillo en el baile del ladrillo
Baila pillo pillo baila pillo pillo baila pillo pillo en el baile del ladrillo
Baila pillo baila pillo baila pillo en el baile del ladrillo
@Victor_emeterio https://www.youtube.com/user/victorlepero15/videos
@josepablocelric www.youtube.com/josepabloceloricoric
@amcr11 https://www.youtube.com/user/AnaMCamachodelaRosa/videos
@Juliaancala https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGKx7r6Kxgco3ut9tsQty5g
wn.com/Fry Santes El Baile Del Ladrillo
Por los primeros 100 suscriptores, he creado este hit que romperá todos los altavoces de los coches, hará chunda chunda en la discoteca y pum pum en tu movil mientras te duchas.
Quillo quillo quillo, quillo quillo quillo este es el baile, el baile del ladrillo
Quillo quillo quillo, quillo quillo quillo este es el baile, el baile del ladrillo
Sacale brillo sacale brillo sacale brillo al baile del ladrillo
Saca saca sacale saca saca sacale sácale brillo al baile del ladrillo
Imita a un grillo imita a un grillo imita aun grillo en el baile del ladrillo
Imita a un grillo imita a un grillo imita a un grillo en el baile del ladrillo
Seamos un bocadillo seamos un bocadillo seamos un bocadillo en el baile del ladrillo
Seamos un bocadillo seamos un bocadillo seamos un bocadillo en el baile del ladrilloooo
Mete el tornillo mete el tornillo mete el tornillo en el baile el baile del ladrillo
Mete el tornillo mete el tornillo mete el tornillo en el baile el baile del ladrillo
Hagamos un anillo hagamos un anillo hagamos un anillo en el baile del ladrillo
Hagamos un anillo hagamos un anillo hagamos un anillo en el baile del ladrillo
Yo en este baile lo tengo muy claro, hago lo que quiera y con música no paro, me muevo de lado ,me mantengo callado tiro los dados pero siempre con cuidado.
Este ritmo bueno sabroso y nada soso este ritmo bueno me tiene conquistado
Este ritmo sano manzano y marrano Lo bailo con la mano justo en el llano
Baja lentillo baja lentillo baja lentillo en el baile del ladrillo
Baja lentillo baja lentillo baja lentillo en el baile del ladrillo
Baila pillo pillo baila pillo pillo baila pillo pillo en el baile del ladrillo
Baila pillo baila pillo baila pillo en el baile del ladrillo
@Victor_emeterio https://www.youtube.com/user/victorlepero15/videos
@josepablocelric www.youtube.com/josepabloceloricoric
@amcr11 https://www.youtube.com/user/AnaMCamachodelaRosa/videos
@Juliaancala https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGKx7r6Kxgco3ut9tsQty5g
- published: 08 Nov 2015
- views: 3510
10 Welsh Words - Santes Dwynwen Day (Learn Welsh +)
10 Welsh words that you can use on Dydd Santes Dwynwen.
This is the special Welsh version of Valentines Day (January 25th).
Welsh+ is a channel preparing to be...
10 Welsh words that you can use on Dydd Santes Dwynwen.
This is the special Welsh version of Valentines Day (January 25th).
Welsh+ is a channel preparing to be filled with useful grammar, vocabulary and tips - if you're learning Welsh, remember to subscribe.
Even if you're not learning, I'm sure you'll find a few gems on here soon enough...!
(Music - Alumo)
wn.com/10 Welsh Words Santes Dwynwen Day (Learn Welsh )
10 Welsh words that you can use on Dydd Santes Dwynwen.
This is the special Welsh version of Valentines Day (January 25th).
Welsh+ is a channel preparing to be filled with useful grammar, vocabulary and tips - if you're learning Welsh, remember to subscribe.
Even if you're not learning, I'm sure you'll find a few gems on here soon enough...!
(Music - Alumo)
- published: 13 Jan 2015
- views: 2889
Santes Creus • Tarragona
La ruta del Cister en Tarragona comprende:
- Real Monasterio de Santes Creus
- Real Monasterio de Santa María de Poblet
- Real Monasterio Santa María de Val...
La ruta del Cister en Tarragona comprende:
- Real Monasterio de Santes Creus
- Real Monasterio de Santa María de Poblet
- Real Monasterio Santa María de Vallbona
Más información: http://www.viajesylugares.es/espana/tarragona/monasterio-de-santes-creus.html
wn.com/Santes Creus • Tarragona
La ruta del Cister en Tarragona comprende:
- Real Monasterio de Santes Creus
- Real Monasterio de Santa María de Poblet
- Real Monasterio Santa María de Vallbona
Más información: http://www.viajesylugares.es/espana/tarragona/monasterio-de-santes-creus.html
- published: 05 Mar 2011
- views: 2494
Santes Dwynwen
Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus i bawb! Happy St Dwynwen's Day to everyone!...
Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus i bawb! Happy St Dwynwen's Day to everyone!
wn.com/Santes Dwynwen
Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus i bawb! Happy St Dwynwen's Day to everyone!
- published: 25 Jan 2016
- views: 92
NADALA 3r MD Serra - Montblanc...
NADALA 3r MD Serra - Montblanc
wn.com/Nadala Pasqües Santes De Nadal
NADALA 3r MD Serra - Montblanc
- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 296
Les Santes Retro, tràiler
Primer tràiler del film sobre Les Santes de Mataró del segle XX que s´estrenarà l´estiu de 2016....
Primer tràiler del film sobre Les Santes de Mataró del segle XX que s´estrenarà l´estiu de 2016.
wn.com/Les Santes Retro, Tràiler
Primer tràiler del film sobre Les Santes de Mataró del segle XX que s´estrenarà l´estiu de 2016.
- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 269
Nit Boja Les Santes 2012 Mataró
Desvetllament Bellugós, Correfoc i Ruixada Les Santes Mataró 2012...
Desvetllament Bellugós, Correfoc i Ruixada Les Santes Mataró 2012
wn.com/Nit Boja Les Santes 2012 Mataró
Desvetllament Bellugós, Correfoc i Ruixada Les Santes Mataró 2012
- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 10120
Gegantada - Les Santes de Mataró 2011 (24/07/2011) (II)
Un any més EGS, i dins l'especial de Les Santes de Mataró 2011, acompanyem a la Família Robafaves durant la Gegantada de Les Santes, un acte que reuneix més d'u...
Un any més EGS, i dins l'especial de Les Santes de Mataró 2011, acompanyem a la Família Robafaves durant la Gegantada de Les Santes, un acte que reuneix més d'una cinquantena de figures i totes mataronines.
Puntualment, a les 6 de la tarda, les quatre cercaviles que formen la Gegantada van començar el seu recorregut en busca de La Riera, punt neuràlgic de la Festa Major.
Una a una les colles van passar per davant de l'Ajuntament, on estaven les més grans autoritats de l'acte, la Família Robafaves. Seguidament, i darrera d'en Mossèn Biscuter, la família es va unir a la cercavila que va finalitzar a la Plaça Santa Anna.
Un cop allà, es van realitzar 2 balls amb el so dels flabiols de les colles assistents, 2 balls amb el so de la Borsa de Musics de la CCGM, i un ball de la Família Robafaves tocat pels seus flabiolaires.
Per finalitzar l'acte, la família va tornar a pujar Riera amunt on, a l'Ajuntament, van realitzar la primera dormida no oficial de la Festa Major.
Podeu veure més imatges de l'acte a http://elsgegantssom.wordpress.com/imatges/any2011/les-santes-%C2%B7-festa-major-de-mataro/gegantada-2011/
wn.com/Gegantada Les Santes De Mataró 2011 (24 07 2011) (Ii)
Un any més EGS, i dins l'especial de Les Santes de Mataró 2011, acompanyem a la Família Robafaves durant la Gegantada de Les Santes, un acte que reuneix més d'una cinquantena de figures i totes mataronines.
Puntualment, a les 6 de la tarda, les quatre cercaviles que formen la Gegantada van començar el seu recorregut en busca de La Riera, punt neuràlgic de la Festa Major.
Una a una les colles van passar per davant de l'Ajuntament, on estaven les més grans autoritats de l'acte, la Família Robafaves. Seguidament, i darrera d'en Mossèn Biscuter, la família es va unir a la cercavila que va finalitzar a la Plaça Santa Anna.
Un cop allà, es van realitzar 2 balls amb el so dels flabiols de les colles assistents, 2 balls amb el so de la Borsa de Musics de la CCGM, i un ball de la Família Robafaves tocat pels seus flabiolaires.
Per finalitzar l'acte, la família va tornar a pujar Riera amunt on, a l'Ajuntament, van realitzar la primera dormida no oficial de la Festa Major.
Podeu veure més imatges de l'acte a http://elsgegantssom.wordpress.com/imatges/any2011/les-santes-%C2%B7-festa-major-de-mataro/gegantada-2011/
- published: 26 Jul 2011
- views: 26492
36 Hours in Santa Fe, New Mexico | The New York Times
No matter what the season, food, culture and nature buffs will find ample reason to linger in and around Santa Fe.
Produced by: Fritzie Andrade and Aaron Wolfe
Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1HRS9KF
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Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA in HD
Views from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA in HD.
Recorded September 2012 in HD with Panasonic TM900.
Gentry Bronson & Dave Hoover - Santa Fe Sky - 01 - Santa Fe Sky
Available here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0019TOC1Y/
More from New Mexico, USA:
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Achilles inflatable Boats. Cap Sante.org
Achilles boats with aluminum florring roll up after the dive. Video by Mike Hughes at 2013Tacoma Dive & Adventure Travel Expo, Author of "The North American Dive Guide" covering all 50 states plus selected locations in Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean, as well as "The Northwest Dive Guide by Harbour Publishing", both available on Amazon.com. Electronic books include: "To Kill A Diver", and "B
Health Benefits of Sante Pure Barley Testimonials by Kuya Kim Atienza
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Sante Pure Barley is a Potent product from New Zealand. It is a Biblical food with USFDA Approved Health Claim. This is a complete food packed with vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, amino acids, proteins, active enzymes, and chlorophyll which supplies important nutrients that strenthens the body's defenses against free radicals, flushes out toxin
Vespa 150 Super 1965 - Sante Marie HD Tour -Abruzzo - Italy
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My Life After 44 Years In Prison
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Université Mohammed VI des Sciences de la Santé - JT Arabe MEDI1TV 05/01/2015
Sa Majesté le Roi pose la première pierre de l’Université Mohammed VI des Sciences de la Santé.
"SANTE FE TO BUENOS AIRES" Nealandjune's photos around SANTE FE, Argentina (province of santa fe)
Preview of Nealandjune's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/nealandjune/free_spirits/1145847120/tpod.html
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
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Visiting Santa Fe and Taos New Mexico - Weekend Getaway
Visiting Santa Fe? Help plan your trip with our informative guide through the following points of interest:
City of Santa Fe
Palace of Governors/Native American Vendors
Adobe Architecture
Southwest Architecture
La Fonda on the Plaza Hotel Interior -- Santa Fe
The French Pastry Shop & Creperie Interior --Santa Fe
Tesuque Pueblo Flea Market
City of Taos
Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range
Taos Pueblo
Travel Guide New Mexico tm San Miguel Mission, Santa Fe , New Mexico
San Miquel Mission 401 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, NM 87501 Phone (505) 983-3974
The city of Santa Fe was founded in 1610, and El San Miguel (St. Michael's) Mission Church was built between 1610 and and 1628. It is the oldest church still in use in the United States, this simple adobe structure was built by the Tlaxcalan Indians of Mexico, who came to New Mexico as servants of the Spanish. B
36 Hours in Santa Fe, New Mexico | The New York Times
No matter what the season, food, culture and nature buffs will find ample reason to linger in and around Santa Fe.
Produced by: Fritzie Andrade and Aaron Wolfe...
No matter what the season, food, culture and nature buffs will find ample reason to linger in and around Santa Fe.
Produced by: Fritzie Andrade and Aaron Wolfe
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Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube.
36 Hours in Santa Fe, New Mexico | The New York Times
wn.com/36 Hours In Santa Fe, New Mexico | The New York Times
No matter what the season, food, culture and nature buffs will find ample reason to linger in and around Santa Fe.
Produced by: Fritzie Andrade and Aaron Wolfe
Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1HRS9KF
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Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube.
36 Hours in Santa Fe, New Mexico | The New York Times
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 36123
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA in HD
Views from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA in HD.
Recorded September 2012 in HD with Panasonic TM900.
Gentry Bronson & Dave Hoover - Santa Fe Sky - 01 - Santa...
Views from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA in HD.
Recorded September 2012 in HD with Panasonic TM900.
Gentry Bronson & Dave Hoover - Santa Fe Sky - 01 - Santa Fe Sky
Available here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0019TOC1Y/
More from New Mexico, USA:
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This video is licensed/shared under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
You can use any parts of the video (except for the music) for non-commercial purposes, given that you provide proper attribution to this YT channel.
wn.com/Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA In Hd
Views from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA in HD.
Recorded September 2012 in HD with Panasonic TM900.
Gentry Bronson & Dave Hoover - Santa Fe Sky - 01 - Santa Fe Sky
Available here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0019TOC1Y/
More from New Mexico, USA:
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- published: 23 Oct 2012
- views: 59337
Achilles inflatable Boats. Cap Sante.org
Achilles boats with aluminum florring roll up after the dive. Video by Mike Hughes at 2013Tacoma Dive & Adventure Travel Expo, Author of "The North American D...
Achilles boats with aluminum florring roll up after the dive. Video by Mike Hughes at 2013Tacoma Dive & Adventure Travel Expo, Author of "The North American Dive Guide" covering all 50 states plus selected locations in Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean, as well as "The Northwest Dive Guide by Harbour Publishing", both available on Amazon.com. Electronic books include: "To Kill A Diver", and "Best of Intentions" are available on Kindle and Nook Books. Dive News Network
wn.com/Achilles Inflatable Boats. Cap Sante.Org
Achilles boats with aluminum florring roll up after the dive. Video by Mike Hughes at 2013Tacoma Dive & Adventure Travel Expo, Author of "The North American Dive Guide" covering all 50 states plus selected locations in Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean, as well as "The Northwest Dive Guide by Harbour Publishing", both available on Amazon.com. Electronic books include: "To Kill A Diver", and "Best of Intentions" are available on Kindle and Nook Books. Dive News Network
- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 1648
Health Benefits of Sante Pure Barley Testimonials by Kuya Kim Atienza
What are the Health Benefits of Sante Pure Barley?
Sante Pure Barley is a Potent product from New Zealand. It is a Biblical food with USFDA Approved Health Cl...
What are the Health Benefits of Sante Pure Barley?
Sante Pure Barley is a Potent product from New Zealand. It is a Biblical food with USFDA Approved Health Claim. This is a complete food packed with vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, amino acids, proteins, active enzymes, and chlorophyll which supplies important nutrients that strenthens the body's defenses against free radicals, flushes out toxins and promotes cardiovascular health.
Pinapatibay po nito ang ating immune system upang maiwasan natin ang mga sakit at pagalingin tayo sa mga karamdaman.
Sante Pure Green Barley is a Herbal Food Supplement that is proven to be organic and natural. Barley was mentioned in the Holy Bible as one of the best food and cure to some known ailments.
Sante Pure Barley is a complete health food packed with vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, amino acids, proteins, active enzymes and chlorophyll which supplies important nutrients that strengthens the body's defenses against free radicals, flushes out toxins and promotes cardiovascular health.
As one of the most potent and popular food supplement, Green Barley also has many uses from supplement, detox, cure diseases.
Ang Sante Pure Barley ay napatunayan na na nakakapagpagaling ng ibat ibang karamdaman tulad ng:
* Cancer & Tumor Formation, Dysmenorrhea, Edema, Endometriosis, Epilepsy
* Prostate Cancer, Goiter, Gout, Halitosis, Hepatitis, Hypercholesterolemia
* Diabetes, Immunodeficiency, Insomnia, Jaundice, Liver Cirrhosis, Leptospirosis
* High Blood Pressure, Leukemia, Low Sperm Count, Muscular Degeneration
* Kidney Disease, Mental Tiredness, Migraine, Muscle and Nerve Pain
* Cyst, Muscular Dystrophy, Myoma, Kidney Stones, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis
* Heart Disease and Complication, Paralysis, Pre-menopausal syndrome
* Amenorrhea, Prolapse of Stomach, Psoriasis, Acne, Rheumatoid Arthritis
* Anemia, Shortness of Breath, Skin Rash, Stroke, Spinal Diseases, Thrombosis
* Asthma, Thyroid Problem, Tonsilitis, Toxins in the Body, Urethritis, Vertigo
* Beriberi, Bronchial, Bronchitis, Burns, Cataract, Cervical Ulcer
* Cholelithiasis-Gallstones, Colon Prolapsed, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Hepatitis
Visit http://BestGreenBarley.com/
Call Melo Villareal
[Smart] 0928-4050898
[Globe] 0917-6440215
[Sun] 0932-8850895
Email melovillareal@gmail.com
Get 30% Discounts and up to 50% by becoming a member
Benefits of Sante Pure Barley
Like us on Facebook:
Our Website:
wn.com/Health Benefits Of Sante Pure Barley Testimonials By Kuya Kim Atienza
What are the Health Benefits of Sante Pure Barley?
Sante Pure Barley is a Potent product from New Zealand. It is a Biblical food with USFDA Approved Health Claim. This is a complete food packed with vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, amino acids, proteins, active enzymes, and chlorophyll which supplies important nutrients that strenthens the body's defenses against free radicals, flushes out toxins and promotes cardiovascular health.
Pinapatibay po nito ang ating immune system upang maiwasan natin ang mga sakit at pagalingin tayo sa mga karamdaman.
Sante Pure Green Barley is a Herbal Food Supplement that is proven to be organic and natural. Barley was mentioned in the Holy Bible as one of the best food and cure to some known ailments.
Sante Pure Barley is a complete health food packed with vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, amino acids, proteins, active enzymes and chlorophyll which supplies important nutrients that strengthens the body's defenses against free radicals, flushes out toxins and promotes cardiovascular health.
As one of the most potent and popular food supplement, Green Barley also has many uses from supplement, detox, cure diseases.
Ang Sante Pure Barley ay napatunayan na na nakakapagpagaling ng ibat ibang karamdaman tulad ng:
* Cancer & Tumor Formation, Dysmenorrhea, Edema, Endometriosis, Epilepsy
* Prostate Cancer, Goiter, Gout, Halitosis, Hepatitis, Hypercholesterolemia
* Diabetes, Immunodeficiency, Insomnia, Jaundice, Liver Cirrhosis, Leptospirosis
* High Blood Pressure, Leukemia, Low Sperm Count, Muscular Degeneration
* Kidney Disease, Mental Tiredness, Migraine, Muscle and Nerve Pain
* Cyst, Muscular Dystrophy, Myoma, Kidney Stones, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis
* Heart Disease and Complication, Paralysis, Pre-menopausal syndrome
* Amenorrhea, Prolapse of Stomach, Psoriasis, Acne, Rheumatoid Arthritis
* Anemia, Shortness of Breath, Skin Rash, Stroke, Spinal Diseases, Thrombosis
* Asthma, Thyroid Problem, Tonsilitis, Toxins in the Body, Urethritis, Vertigo
* Beriberi, Bronchial, Bronchitis, Burns, Cataract, Cervical Ulcer
* Cholelithiasis-Gallstones, Colon Prolapsed, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Hepatitis
Visit http://BestGreenBarley.com/
Call Melo Villareal
[Smart] 0928-4050898
[Globe] 0917-6440215
[Sun] 0932-8850895
Email melovillareal@gmail.com
Get 30% Discounts and up to 50% by becoming a member
Benefits of Sante Pure Barley
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Our Website:
- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 13612
Vespa 150 Super 1965 - Sante Marie HD Tour -Abruzzo - Italy
Vespa Piaggio 150 Super 1965 - anno immatricolazione 1967. Vespa ride in Sante Marie - Abruzzo - Italy con Mauro Di Giovanni. Una realizzazione TaliaVision©20...
Vespa Piaggio 150 Super 1965 - anno immatricolazione 1967. Vespa ride in Sante Marie - Abruzzo - Italy con Mauro Di Giovanni. Una realizzazione TaliaVision©2015 http://taliatv.altervista.org/
wn.com/Vespa 150 Super 1965 Sante Marie Hd Tour Abruzzo Italy
Vespa Piaggio 150 Super 1965 - anno immatricolazione 1967. Vespa ride in Sante Marie - Abruzzo - Italy con Mauro Di Giovanni. Una realizzazione TaliaVision©2015 http://taliatv.altervista.org/
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 1179
Is Sante Pure Barley effective? What are the Side Effects?
Sante Pure Barley Business Plan - You can do this as your part time job or even your home business.
Santé Pure Barley New Zealand is a powdered drink of 3 gram...
Sante Pure Barley Business Plan - You can do this as your part time job or even your home business.
Santé Pure Barley New Zealand is a powdered drink of 3 grams per sachet while Santé Barley Pure New Zealand is in a capsule form of 500mg powdered pure young barley grass. Sante Pure Barley is more than just a food supplement, Its a complete food that can cure any desease.
To Order Contact:
Melo Villareal
[Smart] 0928-4050898
[Globe] 0917-6440215
[Sun] 0932-8850895
wn.com/Is Sante Pure Barley Effective What Are The Side Effects
Sante Pure Barley Business Plan - You can do this as your part time job or even your home business.
Santé Pure Barley New Zealand is a powdered drink of 3 grams per sachet while Santé Barley Pure New Zealand is in a capsule form of 500mg powdered pure young barley grass. Sante Pure Barley is more than just a food supplement, Its a complete food that can cure any desease.
To Order Contact:
Melo Villareal
[Smart] 0928-4050898
[Globe] 0917-6440215
[Sun] 0932-8850895
- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 6941
France Travel Guide - Cuisine in the South of France (French Cuisine)
Experience Provencal cuisine in Paris amidst a setting from South of France.
Other Information
Featured Restaurant
la Bastide d'Opio
9 rue Guisarde
Experience Provencal cuisine in Paris amidst a setting from South of France.
Other Information
Featured Restaurant
la Bastide d'Opio
9 rue Guisarde
+33 1 43 29 01 84
We are on a lovely little road in the 6 arrondissement, Rue Guisarde. And we are going to go to number 9 to la Bastide d'Opio, a lovely Provencal restaurant. Provence, a region in the south of France, is known for its cuisine. It is known to have one of the healthiest cuisines throughout the world. What distinguishes Provencal cuisine from other French cuisine is that it uses olive oil as the main ingredient to prepare the food, unlike other regions that tend to use cream and butter. And we are going to visit the Provencal restaurant, la Bastide d'Opio.
"The name of the restaurant, the Bastide d'Opio, comes from the name of the village Opio that is located in Provence. It is in between Nice and Grasse. (Colors) are exactly what you would find on every Provencal house." Provencal cuisine evokes all the different flavors of a lovely, warm, sunny climate. "Many things are cooked in olive oil with the Herbes de Provence and the "sun" vegetables like tomatoes. You have also got herbed bread, lots of basil, the pistou sauce."
If you are not sure what to order while you are here, you may want to take a look at the suggestion board. As an appetizer today they are recommending salmon. For the main dish they recommend today a rump steak in a pepper sauce. And the dessert looks really interesting. It is prunes that have been marinated in some type of orange liqueur. "We specialize more so in fish, because it is a Mediterranean style of food with the sea, and the freshest ingredients possible. We serve very little meat, just some lamb and some beef."
This is really not an experience you are going to want to rush. In fact, you may want to order an aperitif before you have your food. So, I am going to try Pastis, it is the most famous aperitif perhaps of Provence. Its base is anise and you want to drink it with water as an aperitif. Thank you. Sante. This is Guenol, showing you Paris. Sante.
wn.com/France Travel Guide Cuisine In The South Of France (French Cuisine)
Experience Provencal cuisine in Paris amidst a setting from South of France.
Other Information
Featured Restaurant
la Bastide d'Opio
9 rue Guisarde
+33 1 43 29 01 84
We are on a lovely little road in the 6 arrondissement, Rue Guisarde. And we are going to go to number 9 to la Bastide d'Opio, a lovely Provencal restaurant. Provence, a region in the south of France, is known for its cuisine. It is known to have one of the healthiest cuisines throughout the world. What distinguishes Provencal cuisine from other French cuisine is that it uses olive oil as the main ingredient to prepare the food, unlike other regions that tend to use cream and butter. And we are going to visit the Provencal restaurant, la Bastide d'Opio.
"The name of the restaurant, the Bastide d'Opio, comes from the name of the village Opio that is located in Provence. It is in between Nice and Grasse. (Colors) are exactly what you would find on every Provencal house." Provencal cuisine evokes all the different flavors of a lovely, warm, sunny climate. "Many things are cooked in olive oil with the Herbes de Provence and the "sun" vegetables like tomatoes. You have also got herbed bread, lots of basil, the pistou sauce."
If you are not sure what to order while you are here, you may want to take a look at the suggestion board. As an appetizer today they are recommending salmon. For the main dish they recommend today a rump steak in a pepper sauce. And the dessert looks really interesting. It is prunes that have been marinated in some type of orange liqueur. "We specialize more so in fish, because it is a Mediterranean style of food with the sea, and the freshest ingredients possible. We serve very little meat, just some lamb and some beef."
This is really not an experience you are going to want to rush. In fact, you may want to order an aperitif before you have your food. So, I am going to try Pastis, it is the most famous aperitif perhaps of Provence. Its base is anise and you want to drink it with water as an aperitif. Thank you. Sante. This is Guenol, showing you Paris. Sante.
- published: 04 May 2010
- views: 6611
My Life After 44 Years In Prison
Otis Johnson went to jail at the age of 25. When he got out at 69, he rejoined a world that was starkly different from the one he remembered. This is his story....
Otis Johnson went to jail at the age of 25. When he got out at 69, he rejoined a world that was starkly different from the one he remembered. This is his story.
Find out more about Otis:
More AJ Shorts:
Elena Boffetta - https://twitter.com/ElenaBoffetta
Jenna Belhumeur - https://twitter.com/jenna_bel
Executive Producer:
Yasir Khan - https://twitter.com/khanundrum
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wn.com/My Life After 44 Years In Prison
Otis Johnson went to jail at the age of 25. When he got out at 69, he rejoined a world that was starkly different from the one he remembered. This is his story.
Find out more about Otis:
More AJ Shorts:
Elena Boffetta - https://twitter.com/ElenaBoffetta
Jenna Belhumeur - https://twitter.com/jenna_bel
Executive Producer:
Yasir Khan - https://twitter.com/khanundrum
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish
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- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 10973229
Sante Barley- Health & Business Presentation - www.easiestway.wix.com/santepurebarleygrass
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/thebarleyauthority
Add me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/wyllesanpedro
My SanteBarley Site: www.santebarley.com/barleyman
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/thebarleyauthority
Add me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/wyllesanpedro
My SanteBarley Site: www.santebarley.com/barleyman
Contact No. 0923-889-1142
Barley is good for diabetes because it contains a higher amount of Arginine (14.3mg/gm) and this amino acid is used to release insulin from the pancreas and helps increase glucose uptake in the muscle cells.
It has Chromium that increases the ability of insulin to bind to cells and leads to increase insulin sensitivity of the body tissue. It leads the body to be more efficient in absorbing the blood sugar. "Travel Guide" or it opens the door for the insulin to enter into the bodies cells. Lowers blood sugar and insulin levels in those with type II diabetes.
It has Vanadium which activates insulin receptors making the Beta cell of the pancreas produce more insulin resulting in the decrease of blood sugar.
wn.com/Sante Barley Health Business Presentation Www.Easiestway.Wix.Com Santepurebarleygrass
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/thebarleyauthority
Add me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/wyllesanpedro
My SanteBarley Site: www.santebarley.com/barleyman
Contact No. 0923-889-1142
Barley is good for diabetes because it contains a higher amount of Arginine (14.3mg/gm) and this amino acid is used to release insulin from the pancreas and helps increase glucose uptake in the muscle cells.
It has Chromium that increases the ability of insulin to bind to cells and leads to increase insulin sensitivity of the body tissue. It leads the body to be more efficient in absorbing the blood sugar. "Travel Guide" or it opens the door for the insulin to enter into the bodies cells. Lowers blood sugar and insulin levels in those with type II diabetes.
It has Vanadium which activates insulin receptors making the Beta cell of the pancreas produce more insulin resulting in the decrease of blood sugar.
- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 404
Sante Pure Barley and Cancer
"There's a price to pay for our health. You can pay now to stay healthy or pay more later to relieve pains & sufferings..."
"There's a price to pay for our health. You can pay now to stay healthy or pay more later to relieve pains & sufferings..."
Watch this short video by Kuya Kim Atienza and find out how a capital for as low as PHP15,988 can give you:
☞ Earn P10,000 up to P50,000 additional income DAILY
☞ Earn monthly income of Php 200,000 or more.
☞ Potentially earn Php 2 Million within a year
☞ Get FREE gadgets, travel and car incentives!!!
☞ Earn in DOLLAR$$$
☞ Get your dream House & Lot, Dream Car and Travel around the world in 5 years!
☞ A long-term and international business that can transform your life and the lives of others.
WATCH THE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/X_C-Kz9VaBo
For more info:
Simply follow this simple steps:
1. Watch This Video:
Murang Negosyo Malaking Kitaan by Kuya Kim
2. Text or Call us:
Ms. Che Flora +63 915 1336063 / +63 949 3673228
Ms. Tin Flora-Jueves - +63 915 5188531 / +63 9334545716
3. Like and send us a private message on our Facebook Page.
4. Visit our website:
wn.com/Sante Pure Barley And Cancer
"There's a price to pay for our health. You can pay now to stay healthy or pay more later to relieve pains & sufferings..."
Watch this short video by Kuya Kim Atienza and find out how a capital for as low as PHP15,988 can give you:
☞ Earn P10,000 up to P50,000 additional income DAILY
☞ Earn monthly income of Php 200,000 or more.
☞ Potentially earn Php 2 Million within a year
☞ Get FREE gadgets, travel and car incentives!!!
☞ Earn in DOLLAR$$$
☞ Get your dream House & Lot, Dream Car and Travel around the world in 5 years!
☞ A long-term and international business that can transform your life and the lives of others.
WATCH THE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/X_C-Kz9VaBo
For more info:
Simply follow this simple steps:
1. Watch This Video:
Murang Negosyo Malaking Kitaan by Kuya Kim
2. Text or Call us:
Ms. Che Flora +63 915 1336063 / +63 949 3673228
Ms. Tin Flora-Jueves - +63 915 5188531 / +63 9334545716
3. Like and send us a private message on our Facebook Page.
4. Visit our website:
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 149
A glimpse of the city of Calgary Alberta during October of 2012. It's a great place to call home. Travel to Calgary now!
Calgary is the largest city in Alberta...
A glimpse of the city of Calgary Alberta during October of 2012. It's a great place to call home. Travel to Calgary now!
Calgary is the largest city in Alberta, with a metro population of 1.3 million people. It's Located around 80 km (50 mi) east of the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies.
Calgary has the most sunny days year round of Canada's 100 largest cities, with just over 332 days of sun. Calgary has a dry climate similar to other cities in the western Great Plains and Canadian Prairies.
Calgary has the warmest winters of all the major prairie cities in Canada. The climate is greatly influenced by the city's elevation and proximity to the Rocky Mountains. Calgary's winters are broken up by warm, dry Chinook winds that routinely blow into the city from over the mountains during the winter months. These winds are known to raise the winter temperature by 20 °C (36 °F), and as much as 30 °C (54 °F) in just a few hours, and may last several days.
The economy of Calgary includes activity in the energy, financial services, film and TV, transportation and logistics, technology, manufacturing, aerospace, health and wellness, retail, and tourism sectors. Calgary is home to the second-highest number of corporate head offices in Canada among the country's 800 largest corporations.
In 1988, Calgary became the first Canadian city to host the Olympic Winter Games.
With Google Maps, you may get an even better idea of these spots by cross referencing the image description to the map:
Camera equipment:
- Sony HDR AX2000 HD video camera
Camera Accessories:
- Glidecam HD-4000 hand-held camera stabilization (HDR AX2000)
- Glidecam 'Smooth Shooter' body mounted camera stabilization system. (HDR AX2000)
- Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
- Manfrotto 701HDV pro fluid video mini head / 055XB tripod legs.
wn.com/Calgary , Alberta Canada A Walking Travel Tour Hd 1080P
A glimpse of the city of Calgary Alberta during October of 2012. It's a great place to call home. Travel to Calgary now!
Calgary is the largest city in Alberta, with a metro population of 1.3 million people. It's Located around 80 km (50 mi) east of the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies.
Calgary has the most sunny days year round of Canada's 100 largest cities, with just over 332 days of sun. Calgary has a dry climate similar to other cities in the western Great Plains and Canadian Prairies.
Calgary has the warmest winters of all the major prairie cities in Canada. The climate is greatly influenced by the city's elevation and proximity to the Rocky Mountains. Calgary's winters are broken up by warm, dry Chinook winds that routinely blow into the city from over the mountains during the winter months. These winds are known to raise the winter temperature by 20 °C (36 °F), and as much as 30 °C (54 °F) in just a few hours, and may last several days.
The economy of Calgary includes activity in the energy, financial services, film and TV, transportation and logistics, technology, manufacturing, aerospace, health and wellness, retail, and tourism sectors. Calgary is home to the second-highest number of corporate head offices in Canada among the country's 800 largest corporations.
In 1988, Calgary became the first Canadian city to host the Olympic Winter Games.
With Google Maps, you may get an even better idea of these spots by cross referencing the image description to the map:
Camera equipment:
- Sony HDR AX2000 HD video camera
Camera Accessories:
- Glidecam HD-4000 hand-held camera stabilization (HDR AX2000)
- Glidecam 'Smooth Shooter' body mounted camera stabilization system. (HDR AX2000)
- Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
- Manfrotto 701HDV pro fluid video mini head / 055XB tripod legs.
- published: 14 Jun 2013
- views: 528040
Pourquoi étudier en santé publique à l'UdeM (ESPUM)?
Témoignages de finissants de l'École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal....
Témoignages de finissants de l'École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal.
wn.com/Pourquoi Étudier En Santé Publique À L'Udem (Espum)
Témoignages de finissants de l'École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal.
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 1515
April Boy Regino Sante Pure Barley Testimonial
Sante Pure Barley Business Plan - You can do this as your part time job or even your home business.
Santé Pure Barley New Zealand is a powdered drink of 3 gram...
Sante Pure Barley Business Plan - You can do this as your part time job or even your home business.
Santé Pure Barley New Zealand is a powdered drink of 3 grams per sachet while Santé Barley Pure New Zealand is in a capsule form of 500mg powdered pure young barley grass. Sante Pure Barley is more than just a food supplement, Its a complete food that can cure any desease.
To Order Contact:
Melo Villareal
[Smart] 0928-4050898
[Globe] 0917-6440215
[Sun] 0932-8850895
wn.com/April Boy Regino Sante Pure Barley Testimonial
Sante Pure Barley Business Plan - You can do this as your part time job or even your home business.
Santé Pure Barley New Zealand is a powdered drink of 3 grams per sachet while Santé Barley Pure New Zealand is in a capsule form of 500mg powdered pure young barley grass. Sante Pure Barley is more than just a food supplement, Its a complete food that can cure any desease.
To Order Contact:
Melo Villareal
[Smart] 0928-4050898
[Globe] 0917-6440215
[Sun] 0932-8850895
- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 2930
SANTEBARLEYMILLIONAIRES,BE OF OF THEM,JUST FREE TRAVEL TOUR,JUST INCENTIVE,ADDME;FOR MORE INFO;www.facebook.com/maealvizoednilan.(pages).,santepurebarleytaiwanc...
SANTEBARLEYMILLIONAIRES,BE OF OF THEM,JUST FREE TRAVEL TOUR,JUST INCENTIVE,ADDME;FOR MORE INFO;www.facebook.com/maealvizoednilan.(pages).,santepurebarleytaiwanchapter
wn.com/Sante Barley Trip To Beijing China,,,
SANTEBARLEYMILLIONAIRES,BE OF OF THEM,JUST FREE TRAVEL TOUR,JUST INCENTIVE,ADDME;FOR MORE INFO;www.facebook.com/maealvizoednilan.(pages).,santepurebarleytaiwanchapter
- published: 26 Apr 2014
- views: 67
Pueblo-Style Home in Sante Fe, New Mexico
Presented by Sotheby's International Realty - Santa Fe - Main Downtown Brokerage
Less than 15 minutes from the historic Santa Fe Plaza, this Pueblo-style home ...
Presented by Sotheby's International Realty - Santa Fe - Main Downtown Brokerage
Less than 15 minutes from the historic Santa Fe Plaza, this Pueblo-style home is the epitome of distinctive, modern Southwestern style. The 2.6-ac property — one of the finest lots in all of Las Campanas — offers sweeping panoramas that encompass both the Sangre de Cristo & the Jemez Mountains. The high desert landscape — with its native piñon, pine & juniper — envelops the home & its landscaped grounds. Introducing the home is a courtyard with a rock waterfall, trees & impeccably maintained mature landscaping sustained by a superior irrigation system & water-catchment basins with 1,000-gallon capacity. Numerous portales & patios encourage private relaxation, festive entertaining or simply enjoying the majestic views. The living spaces are generous but comfortable, with handsome handcrafted details & a surprising intimacy. The three main bedrooms —each with a private bath, the guesthouse & the casita are all restful, relaxing & quiet while maintaining an undeniable stylishness.
For more information go to http://www.sothebysrealty.com/sales/detail/180-l-1198-0574184/47-violet-circle-santa-fe-nm-87506?utm_source=YouTube&utm;_medium=Description%2BLink&utm;_campaign=Property%2BVideo
Property ID: 0574184
wn.com/Pueblo Style Home In Sante Fe, New Mexico
Presented by Sotheby's International Realty - Santa Fe - Main Downtown Brokerage
Less than 15 minutes from the historic Santa Fe Plaza, this Pueblo-style home is the epitome of distinctive, modern Southwestern style. The 2.6-ac property — one of the finest lots in all of Las Campanas — offers sweeping panoramas that encompass both the Sangre de Cristo & the Jemez Mountains. The high desert landscape — with its native piñon, pine & juniper — envelops the home & its landscaped grounds. Introducing the home is a courtyard with a rock waterfall, trees & impeccably maintained mature landscaping sustained by a superior irrigation system & water-catchment basins with 1,000-gallon capacity. Numerous portales & patios encourage private relaxation, festive entertaining or simply enjoying the majestic views. The living spaces are generous but comfortable, with handsome handcrafted details & a surprising intimacy. The three main bedrooms —each with a private bath, the guesthouse & the casita are all restful, relaxing & quiet while maintaining an undeniable stylishness.
For more information go to http://www.sothebysrealty.com/sales/detail/180-l-1198-0574184/47-violet-circle-santa-fe-nm-87506?utm_source=YouTube&utm;_medium=Description%2BLink&utm;_campaign=Property%2BVideo
Property ID: 0574184
- published: 13 Oct 2011
- views: 15253
My Everyday Makeup Routine | Zoella
My Everyday Makeup Routine
The one you've all been waiting for
Thumbs up for more in the future
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer "No.2 L...
My Everyday Makeup Routine
The one you've all been waiting for
Thumbs up for more in the future
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer "No.2 Light"
Real Techniques Expert Face Brush
Nars Sheer Glow Foundation "Mont Blanc" & "Santa Fe"
Burts Bees Mango Lip Balm
Laura Mercier Secret Concealer "No.2"
Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder
Real Techniques Contour Brush
Nars Eyeshadow Primer
Mac Eyeshadow "Charcoal Brown"
Mac Angled Brush "266"
Estee Lauder Palette "Raisins"
Mac Eyeshadow Brush "239"
Mac Blending Brush "217"
Mac Pencil Brush "219"
Mac Eye Pencil "Coffee"
Mac Smudge Brush "228"
Benefit "They're Real" Mascara
Bare Escentuals Mineral Foundation "Medium Beige"
Real Techniques Blush Brush
Mac Angled Contour Brush "168"
Sleek Contour Kit "Light"
Mac Contour Brush "109"
Estee Lauder Illuminating Powder Gelee "Tease"
Mac Mineralize Skinfinish "So Ceylon"
Mac Vanilla Pigment
Mac Blending Brush "222"
YSL Lipstick "No.13 Peach Passion"
SECOND CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/morezoella
BLOG : http://www.zoella.co.uk
FACEBOOK : http://facebook.com/zoe.zoella
TWITTER : http://twitter.com/Zozeebo
INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/Zozeebo
TUMBLR : http://zoella.tumblr.com/
C/O Gleam Digital
12 Dryden Street
Top - Ted Baker
Nails - Essie "Fiji"
Lipstick - Estee Lauder "peach passion 13"
Rings - H&M;
Watch - Michael Kors Rose Gold
Earrings - Forever 21
If you see this, comment below saying "Zoe blends like a BOSS"
wn.com/My Everyday Makeup Routine | Zoella
My Everyday Makeup Routine
The one you've all been waiting for
Thumbs up for more in the future
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer "No.2 Light"
Real Techniques Expert Face Brush
Nars Sheer Glow Foundation "Mont Blanc" & "Santa Fe"
Burts Bees Mango Lip Balm
Laura Mercier Secret Concealer "No.2"
Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder
Real Techniques Contour Brush
Nars Eyeshadow Primer
Mac Eyeshadow "Charcoal Brown"
Mac Angled Brush "266"
Estee Lauder Palette "Raisins"
Mac Eyeshadow Brush "239"
Mac Blending Brush "217"
Mac Pencil Brush "219"
Mac Eye Pencil "Coffee"
Mac Smudge Brush "228"
Benefit "They're Real" Mascara
Bare Escentuals Mineral Foundation "Medium Beige"
Real Techniques Blush Brush
Mac Angled Contour Brush "168"
Sleek Contour Kit "Light"
Mac Contour Brush "109"
Estee Lauder Illuminating Powder Gelee "Tease"
Mac Mineralize Skinfinish "So Ceylon"
Mac Vanilla Pigment
Mac Blending Brush "222"
YSL Lipstick "No.13 Peach Passion"
SECOND CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/morezoella
BLOG : http://www.zoella.co.uk
FACEBOOK : http://facebook.com/zoe.zoella
TWITTER : http://twitter.com/Zozeebo
INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/Zozeebo
TUMBLR : http://zoella.tumblr.com/
C/O Gleam Digital
12 Dryden Street
Top - Ted Baker
Nails - Essie "Fiji"
Lipstick - Estee Lauder "peach passion 13"
Rings - H&M;
Watch - Michael Kors Rose Gold
Earrings - Forever 21
If you see this, comment below saying "Zoe blends like a BOSS"
- published: 23 Jun 2013
- views: 9325435
Sante Fé Sport hace tu vida más fácil
Liftgate automático, motor 2.0, todos los powers.
Para que disfrutes como te mereces....
Liftgate automático, motor 2.0, todos los powers.
Para que disfrutes como te mereces.
wn.com/Sante Fé Sport Hace Tu Vida Más Fácil
Liftgate automático, motor 2.0, todos los powers.
Para que disfrutes como te mereces.
- published: 27 Apr 2015
- views: 257507
Sante Pure Barley Business Presentation and Marketing Plan
Sante Pure Barley from New Zealand is the newest health product in the Philippines.
Santé Pure Barley New Zealand is a powdered drink of 3 grams per sachet wh...
Sante Pure Barley from New Zealand is the newest health product in the Philippines.
Santé Pure Barley New Zealand is a powdered drink of 3 grams per sachet while Santé Barley Pure New Zealand is in a capsule form of 500mg powdered pure young barley grass.
To Order Contact:
Melo Villareal
[Smart] 0928-4050898
[Globe] 0917-6440215
[Sun] 0932-8850895
wn.com/Sante Pure Barley Business Presentation And Marketing Plan
Sante Pure Barley from New Zealand is the newest health product in the Philippines.
Santé Pure Barley New Zealand is a powdered drink of 3 grams per sachet while Santé Barley Pure New Zealand is in a capsule form of 500mg powdered pure young barley grass.
To Order Contact:
Melo Villareal
[Smart] 0928-4050898
[Globe] 0917-6440215
[Sun] 0932-8850895
- published: 22 Nov 2012
- views: 892
Sante Pure Barley Unang Gimik sa Hongkong 2012
Leaders who qualified enjoy their Hongkong Tour, this is one of the travel incentive of the Company, apart from our earnings on direct selling, referring distri...
Leaders who qualified enjoy their Hongkong Tour, this is one of the travel incentive of the Company, apart from our earnings on direct selling, referring distributors, and group sales, we are having car and travel incentives... For those interested to join, you may call or text +639086449898, +639225933577, and +639058351552.
wn.com/Sante Pure Barley Unang Gimik Sa Hongkong 2012
Leaders who qualified enjoy their Hongkong Tour, this is one of the travel incentive of the Company, apart from our earnings on direct selling, referring distributors, and group sales, we are having car and travel incentives... For those interested to join, you may call or text +639086449898, +639225933577, and +639058351552.
- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 47
Université Mohammed VI des Sciences de la Santé - JT Arabe MEDI1TV 05/01/2015
Sa Majesté le Roi pose la première pierre de l’Université Mohammed VI des Sciences de la Santé....
Sa Majesté le Roi pose la première pierre de l’Université Mohammed VI des Sciences de la Santé.
wn.com/Université Mohammed Vi Des Sciences De La Santé Jt Arabe Medi1Tv 05 01 2015
Sa Majesté le Roi pose la première pierre de l’Université Mohammed VI des Sciences de la Santé.
- published: 13 Jan 2015
- views: 834
"SANTE FE TO BUENOS AIRES" Nealandjune's photos around SANTE FE, Argentina (province of santa fe)
Preview of Nealandjune's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/nealandjune/free_spirits/1145847120/tpod.html
Preview of Nealandjune's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/nealandjune/free_spirits/1145847120/tpod.html
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Learn more about these videos: http://www.travelpod.com/help/faq#youtube
wn.com/Sante Fe To Buenos Aires Nealandjune's Photos Around Sante Fe, Argentina (Province Of Santa Fe)
Preview of Nealandjune's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/nealandjune/free_spirits/1145847120/tpod.html
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Learn more about these videos: http://www.travelpod.com/help/faq#youtube
- published: 02 Mar 2011
- views: 64
Visiting Santa Fe and Taos New Mexico - Weekend Getaway
Visiting Santa Fe? Help plan your trip with our informative guide through the following points of interest:
City of Santa Fe
Palace of Governors/Native American...
Visiting Santa Fe? Help plan your trip with our informative guide through the following points of interest:
City of Santa Fe
Palace of Governors/Native American Vendors
Adobe Architecture
Southwest Architecture
La Fonda on the Plaza Hotel Interior -- Santa Fe
The French Pastry Shop & Creperie Interior --Santa Fe
Tesuque Pueblo Flea Market
City of Taos
Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range
Taos Pueblo
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge
El Meze Restaurant Interior/Exterior -- Taos
Ancient Native Ruins at Bandelier National Monument
wn.com/Visiting Santa Fe And Taos New Mexico Weekend Getaway
Visiting Santa Fe? Help plan your trip with our informative guide through the following points of interest:
City of Santa Fe
Palace of Governors/Native American Vendors
Adobe Architecture
Southwest Architecture
La Fonda on the Plaza Hotel Interior -- Santa Fe
The French Pastry Shop & Creperie Interior --Santa Fe
Tesuque Pueblo Flea Market
City of Taos
Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range
Taos Pueblo
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge
El Meze Restaurant Interior/Exterior -- Taos
Ancient Native Ruins at Bandelier National Monument
- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 16242
Travel Guide New Mexico tm San Miguel Mission, Santa Fe , New Mexico
San Miquel Mission 401 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, NM 87501 Phone (505) 983-3974
The city of Santa Fe was founded in 1610, and El San Miguel (St. Michael'...
San Miquel Mission 401 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, NM 87501 Phone (505) 983-3974
The city of Santa Fe was founded in 1610, and El San Miguel (St. Michael's) Mission Church was built between 1610 and and 1628. It is the oldest church still in use in the United States, this simple adobe structure was built by the Tlaxcalan Indians of Mexico, who came to New Mexico as servants of the Spanish. Badly damaged in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, the church vigas in the ceiling were burned, and in 1692 De Vargas ordered the church rebuilt.
In 1859 the church served as the chapel for the newly arrived Christian Brothers who took over control of St. Michael's School. In 1881 the Christian Brothers purchased the church, a recently completed school building, an adobe building and the land upon which they were situated from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
Since its creation, San Miguel has been used as a chapel and shrine to St. Michael, a military chapel, an oratory for the Christian Brothers, a school chapel and a barrio church. Today, in addition to being an historical treasure, cultural heritage and tourist attraction, it still serves as a shrine to St. Michael and a chapel where Mass is celebrated weekly
Some of the features of San Miquel Mission are:
Reredos - The reredos or altar screen dates from 1798 and is the oldest wooden reredos in New Mexico.
St. Michael the Archangel Statue - The carved gilded and painted wood statue of St. Michael the Archangel celebrates his victory over Satan and dates from at least 1709 when it was brought from Mexico. It occupies the center niche in the reredos.
The San Jose Bell - The bronze bell situated in the gift shop once hung in the bell tower. There is some speculation that it was cast in 1856 in the Parroquia in Santa Fe or in Cerrillos in 1836.
wn.com/Travel Guide New Mexico Tm San Miguel Mission, Santa Fe , New Mexico
San Miquel Mission 401 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, NM 87501 Phone (505) 983-3974
The city of Santa Fe was founded in 1610, and El San Miguel (St. Michael's) Mission Church was built between 1610 and and 1628. It is the oldest church still in use in the United States, this simple adobe structure was built by the Tlaxcalan Indians of Mexico, who came to New Mexico as servants of the Spanish. Badly damaged in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, the church vigas in the ceiling were burned, and in 1692 De Vargas ordered the church rebuilt.
In 1859 the church served as the chapel for the newly arrived Christian Brothers who took over control of St. Michael's School. In 1881 the Christian Brothers purchased the church, a recently completed school building, an adobe building and the land upon which they were situated from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
Since its creation, San Miguel has been used as a chapel and shrine to St. Michael, a military chapel, an oratory for the Christian Brothers, a school chapel and a barrio church. Today, in addition to being an historical treasure, cultural heritage and tourist attraction, it still serves as a shrine to St. Michael and a chapel where Mass is celebrated weekly
Some of the features of San Miquel Mission are:
Reredos - The reredos or altar screen dates from 1798 and is the oldest wooden reredos in New Mexico.
St. Michael the Archangel Statue - The carved gilded and painted wood statue of St. Michael the Archangel celebrates his victory over Satan and dates from at least 1709 when it was brought from Mexico. It occupies the center niche in the reredos.
The San Jose Bell - The bronze bell situated in the gift shop once hung in the bell tower. There is some speculation that it was cast in 1856 in the Parroquia in Santa Fe or in Cerrillos in 1836.
- published: 27 Jan 2010
- views: 4782