Building a just society that values the inherent dignity of all people

What We Do

The Center provides media consulting and helps build the organizing capacity of advocacy organizations at the state, local and national levels.
CNC supports organizations, journalists and academics by conducting investigative research and producing free resources in the form of reference guides, backgrounders, and in-depth reports.

February 12, 2016There Goes the Neighborhood is a weekly series from Imagine 2050 staff highlighting upcoming nativist events. This week, nativist activists will gather in Florida, Texas, and California for events either organized by or featuring groups and individuals with ties to the organized anti-immigrant movement. On Saturday, February 13, the Fort Lauderdale Tea Party weekly meeting will feature noted […]
February 10, 2016It appears that Donald Trump and his foreign policy team have consulted with Daniel Pipes, a thought leader within the organized anti-Muslim movement. This information was included in a recent Bloomberg View article titled “The Trump Doctrine Revealed” by national security columnist Josh Rogin. This is not the first time the real estate mogul and politician has […]