15 February 2016

Washington denounces Russia, backs escalation of Syria war

By Alex Lantier, 15 February 2016

The NATO powers are supporting plans for a Turkish and Saudi invasion of Syria that could engulf the entire Middle East in war and trigger a global conflict.

Syrian war continues after Munich deal

The US “Plan B” for Syria and the threat of world war

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Japanese PM pushes to remove constitutional constraints on military

By Ben McGrath, 15 February 2016

Far from backtracking from last year’s unconstitutional military laws, Abe is pressing forward with long-held plans for wholesale constitutional revision.

Republican debate in South Carolina: Lies, mudslinging and an important truth

By Patrick Martin, 15 February 2016

The degrading verbal brawl was overshadowed by the unexpected admission by billionaire Donald Trump that the war in Iraq was launched by the Bush administration based on lies.

Torture, murder and Donald Trump

Wall Street donors account for 40 percent of super PAC funds in US election

More on the 2016 elections »

Detroit bankruptcy judge appointed to restructure public schools

By Nancy Hanover, 15 February 2016

Michigan’s governor, facing the twin crises of Flint and Detroit public schools, has called in Judge Steven Rhodes to reorganize the Detroit schools.

Parents express support for protesting Detroit teachers and students

Detroit and Chicago teachers fight to defend public education

More on the defense of public education »

Obama urges Illinois legislature to adopt bipartisan plan for austerity

By Alexander Fangmann, 15 February 2016

With Republican Governor Rauner and state Democrats at an impasse over how to impose deep budget cuts, Obama visited Springfield to encourage a bipartisan agreement.

Coup threatened in Venezuela amidst deepening economic crisis

By Eric London, 15 February 2016

In the midst of skyrocketing inflation, food scarcity and economic stagnation, the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable is maneuvering for the removal of Maduro.

Regional tensions and falling oil prices deepen crisis of Saudi monarchy

By Jean Shaoul, 15 February 2016

The Saudi monarchy is seeking to impose onto the working class the full cost of the deepening economic crisis and its disastrous military interventions.

The German president’s imperialist mission in Africa

By Gustav Kemper, 15 February 2016

German President Joachim Gauck’s trip to Nigeria and Mali is a sign of Germany’s growing economic and political influence in Africa.

Housing legislation to escalate “social cleansing” of UK cities

By Barry Mason, 15 February 2016

Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservative government has announced plans to impose market-level rents on council tenants deemed to be high earning.

Australian government-union conspiracy to sack “underperforming” teachers

By Richard Phillips, 15 February 2016

The unions have torn up teachers’ hard-won struggle for job security by implementing new anti-democratic inspection regimes and streamlined sacking procedures.

New in Turkish

ABD’nin Suriye için “B Planı” ve dünya savaşı tehdidi

Bill Van Auken, 15 Şubat 2016

IŞİD’le mücadele örtüsü altında yürütülecek ancak Esad hükümetini devirmeye yönelecek olan “B Planı”, Suriye’de ABD askeri müdahalesinin keskin bir tırmanmasından ibaret olacaktır.

New in French

Après l’accord de Munich la guerre continue en Syrie

Par Bill Van Auken, 15 février 2016

L’accord sur un arrêt des hostilités et une aide humanitaire ne peut masquer le fait que Washington et Moscou poursuivent des objectifs diamétralement opposés.

Dans le débat démocrate, Clinton presse Sanders sur les questions de race, de genre et du soutien à Obama

Par Patrick Martin, 15 février 2016

La mise en avant des questions identitaires par l’élite dirigeante reflète son inquiétude devant les signes qui montrent que ce sont les questions de classe qui dominent la pensée politique de larges couches de la population.

Le Canada va tripler ses forces spéciales en Irak

Par Roger Jordan, 15 février 2016

Washington s'est empressé de féliciter le gouvernement Trudeau pour la façon dont il compte étendre le rôle du Canada dans la guerre au Moyen-Orient.

Other Languages


Inequality, class and life expectancy in America

15 February 2016

The widening disparity in life expectancy between the poor and the rich is a stark commentary on the growth of social inequality and class polarization in the United States.

Earlier Perspectives »


The legacy of Antonin Scalia

By Tom Carter, 15 February 2016

Scalia has personified the rightward march of the American political establishment over the past three decades, as it jettisoned what remained of its commitment to democratic institutions.


What is behind Varoufakis’s “Democracy Movement to Rescue Europe?”

By Ulrich Rippert, 15 January 2016

Behind Varoufakis’s defence of the European Union is the defence of the sinecures and privileges of the well-off layers for whom Varoufakis speaks.

NATO sends a flotilla to repulse refugees in the Aegean Sea

By Martin Kreickenbaum, 13 February 2016

German Chancellor Merkel announces NATO intervention in Aegean Sea

International Viewpoint joins in racist anti-refugee agitation

More on the refugee crisis »

UK: Second undercover police officer exposed infiltrating Socialist Party

By Trevor Johnson and Chris Marsden, 13 February 2016

Shankill revelations expose British state informants’ role in mass killings in Ireland

By Steve James, 13 February 2016

Former Los Angeles County sheriff pleads guilty in jail scandal

By Tom Carter, 13 February 2016

New York police officer convicted of killing Akai Gurley

By Philip Guelpa, 13 February 2016

More on police violence in America »

Worker killed at Tonawanda Coke near Buffalo, NY

By Steve Filips, 13 February 2016


The detection of gravitational waves: A scientific milestone

By Bryan Dyne, 13 February 2016

Astronomers detect gravitational waves predicted by Einstein

25 years ago: US rejects Iraqi offer to withdraw from Kuwait

As the war in Iraq entered its second month, the Bush Administration brushed aside the February 15, 1991 offer of the Iraqi government to withdraw from Kuwait.

More »

50 years ago: Meany denies CIA funding of AFL-CIO

On February 21, 1966, AFL-CIO President George Meany brazenly denied well-documented reports that the labor federation was receiving funds from the CIA.

More »

75 years ago: US big business condemns high school textbooks

On February 21, 1941, a panel of academics, commissioned by the National Association of Manufacturers to review social science textbooks announced a substantial portion were critical of American capitalism.

More »


100 years ago: Russian offensive captures Ottoman fortress city of Erzurum I

On February 16, 1916, Russian troops captured the eastern Turkish city of Erzurum, then the third most powerful fortress city of the Ottoman Empire.

More »

The 2016 US Elections

On-the-spot report from NH primary
New Hampshire students discuss Sanders and socialism

By Kate Randall, 13 February 2016

In Democratic debate, Clinton presses Sanders on race, gender and support for Obama

By Patrick Martin, 13 February 2016

Socialist Alternative defends Sanders’ support for imperialist war

By Eric London, 13 February 2016

The International Socialist Organization, Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party

Sanders and the left feint in capitalist politics

Sanders wins New Hampshire Democratic primary

More on the 2016 US elections »

Autoworkers Struggles

UAW President Dennis Williams denounces role of “outside groups” in 2015 auto contract negotiations

By Shannon Jones, 13 February 2016

As its hometown of Flint remains poisoned, GM makes record 2015 profit

More on autoworkers struggles »

Arts Review

Jia Zhangke’s Mountains May Depart: Three periods in modern China, a good deal of confusion

By David Walsh, 13 February 2016

Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace dramatized in a new television series

By Joanne Laurier, 11 February 2016

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

GM and UAW donate $3 million to Flint: Criminals covering their tracks

By Jerry White, 12 February 2016

Flint inmates forced to use contaminated water

The World Socialist Web Site and the Flint water crisis

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Workers Struggles

United Steelworkers offers ArcelorMittal millions in concessions

By Evan Winters, 13 February 2016

“If the company gets away with this, they will do it with other workers”
Locked out Allegheny Technologies workers to lose jobless benefits

By Evan Winters, 9 February 2016

Featured video

Video: Retirees speak on Teamsters pension cuts in Detroit

11 February 2016

Who is Kenneth Feinberg?
Kenneth Feinberg and the victim compensation racket

The looting of US workers’ pensions

NHS Fightback

Government to impose contract on junior doctors after second England-wide strike

By Robert Stevens, 12 February 2016

British junior doctors speak from the picket lines

By our reporters, 12 February 2016

Mehring Books

Twenty-five years since the first Gulf War
Desert Slaughter: The Imperialist War Against Iraq—an enduring contribution to waging war on war

By Eric London, 21 January 2016

In 1991, the Workers League, forerunner of the SEP, published this valuable compendium of articles and statements providing a Marxist analysis of the imperialist war in Iraq and the breakdown of the postwar international order.

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky