
Tag Archives: Diversity Is Strength


Little Clinic On The Prairie–Muslim Immigrant Gynecologist Charged With Multiple Counts Of Sexual Assault In Saskatchewan

One of the amusing products of multicultural propaganda is Little [...]
Sixty years later, their grandchildren are demanding black dorms.

America Edging Back To Segregation Lite—Led By Blacks.

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb,[UPDATED WITH TRANSCRIPT] now available exclusively on] I'm going to bundle up three
A noticeably increased police presence has been seen in San Francisco and Santa Clara.

San Francisco Bay Area Endures Security-Strangled Super Bowl Because The Threat Of (Muslim Immigrant) Terror

Major sporting events are a huge magnet for jihad terror [...]

Duct-Taped Baby “Offered For Sex” Case Involves Gay, Cross-Dressing Illegal Alien. Hello MSM?

A disgusting case of child abuse in Maricopa County, Arizona [...]

Merkelism Spreads To U.S. FaceBook?

“Merkelism Spreads To U.S. FaceBook?” That was the headline I [...]
Naive Europe regrets having lost control of its borders with the unfriendly Muslim world, because foreigners have repaid kindness with violence and rape. New Years turned into a riot including hundreds of sexual assaults of German women in front of the iconic Cologne cathedral.

FBI Screening for Syrian Refugees Is Proposed

The SAFE Act will be voted in the Senate this [...]

Pakistan: Suicide Bomb Kills 15 at Polio Center

In Pakistan, the Taliban’s war against public health efforts to [...]

Surf City Sweden: 11.3 Boys for Every Girl

From Politico: Europe’s Man Problem Migrants to Europe skew heavily [...]

Migrants’ War on Women In Occupied Germany

Something tells me you won’t see any feminists protesting this. [...]
Pro-Isis immigrants protest in the Netherlands.

Basic Income Watch: Radical Left and Right Pushing for Payouts–But It Needs To Be For Citizens ONLY

Basic income: it’s  inevitable and it is spreading.  The city of [...]