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Conversations with Andrew Harvey

Carolyn and Andrew Harvey on How To Respond To Catastrophic Climate Change.

Carolyn and Andrew discuss collapse.

Living Resiliently

Carolyn’s Latest Books

NY Times Video: Fracking Sucks, Blows, And Kills

What The Frack? US Natural Gas Drilling Contaminates Water


Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, uses pressure blasts to release natural gas but leaves highly toxic waste water . . . → Read More: What The Frack? US Natural Gas Drilling Contaminates Water

It’s The Inequality, Stupid, By Dave Gilson and Carolyn Perot


A huge share of the nation’s economic growth over the past 30 years has gone to the top one-hundredth of one percent, who now make an average of $27 million per household. The average income for the bottom 90 percent of us? $31,244. . . . → Read More: It’s The Inequality, Stupid, By Dave Gilson and Carolyn Perot

Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops On U.S. Senators

McCain & General


[A jaw-dropping and terrifying expose of how the U.S. military uses psychological operations to coerce legislators to vote in favor of the Afghanistan War.–CB]

The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone . . . → Read More: Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops On U.S. Senators

Oil Price Spike Threatens Global Recovery, By John Schoen MSNBC


[Well you heard it from me and from Mike Ruppert in his “Collapse” book and movie. We told you that 1) There never was a “recovery,” and 2) We told you that another spike in oil prices would be a lethal body blow to an already-collapsing civilization. So here we are—and the only way from here is further down.–CB] . . . → Read More: Oil Price Spike Threatens Global Recovery, By John Schoen MSNBC

Beyond Affluenza And Into The “New Normal”: Carolyn Baker Interviews David Wann


We are a nation on the edge of a nervous breakdown. We consume two-thirds of the world’s anti-depressants as we battle for position in the economy. Why not just declare a cease-fire with the Joneses we’ve been trying to keep up with? We’ve bought into the notion that if we’re not wealthy, we’re not good enough, which creates horrible stress and anxiety. Why not become citizens again, creating employee-owned businesses and member-owned credit unions that can reduce both killer stress and unnecessary expenses? (Credit unions save $8 billion a year in interest on loans because they are non-profit) Why not invest in community bonds, portfolios and banks and make living returns on our investments? . . . → Read More: Beyond Affluenza And Into The “New Normal”: Carolyn Baker Interviews David Wann

Food Crisis Coming, By Christopher Wager

Food Crisis


Food could soon hold a greater value than gold to many people of the world with rising prices, civil unrest and food products such as corn being converted into fuel. Americans could come to understand what other countries such as Egypt already know.

Regardless what country you live in everyone could agree they . . . → Read More: Food Crisis Coming, By Christopher Wager

Market Crash 2011: It Will Hit By Christmas, By Paul Farrell

APTOPIX Wall Street


Politicians lie. Bankers lie. Yes, they’re liars. But they’re not bad, it’s in their genes, inherited. Their brains are wired that way, warn scientists. Like addicts, they can’t help themselves. They want to sell stuff, get rich.

We want to believe they’re telling us the truth. Silly, huh? Both trapped in this eternal . . . → Read More: Market Crash 2011: It Will Hit By Christmas, By Paul Farrell

The Transition Movement In The U.S. And Deep Transition: Alex Smith Interviews Michael Brownlee


ORIGINAL ARTICLE [with link to podcast]

Alex Smith : The Transition movement has spread from the United Kingdom to North America. Michael Brownlee is a gateway for many people discovering this new vision of living and community building. Brownlee co-founded Transition Colorado.

Michael, welcome to Radio Ecoshock.

Michael Brownlee : Thanks Alex, glad to be . . . → Read More: The Transition Movement In The U.S. And Deep Transition: Alex Smith Interviews Michael Brownlee

The Economics of Happiness: A Film Review By Carolyn Baker

Happy Kids

Helena Norberg-Hodge, Steven Gorelick, and John Page have spent three decades raising awareness and the past five years creating an extraordinary documentary which offers a big-picture analysis of globalization and demonstrates both the imperative and the potential which localization offers our species. The “Economics of Happiness” (2010) gives us a fresh, inspiring look at how . . . → Read More: The Economics of Happiness: A Film Review By Carolyn Baker