The Thinking 

Killing the Imagination

February 16, 2016


Girl with a Hound, Unknown artist, 1700s

Girl with a Hound, Unknown artist, 1700s

ALAN writes:

In a 1989 column, Chicago newspaper columnist Bob Greene wrote about two letters to grandmothers, written 38 years apart. In the first letter, a nine-year-old girl wrote to her grandmother who lived on a farm. The girl wrote the letter in 1950 in response to a Christmas gift of $1.  Bob Greene wrote:

“This is what the letter said: 

‘Dear Grandma,

‘How are you?  We are all good out here.  How’s Dick and the rest of you?  Thank you very much for the dollar you gave me for Christmas.  It is 7:30 now and we are going to listen to [ the radio program ] Baby Snooks.  Is Dick still on the Honor Roll?  I hope so.  Jimmy is going to be 10 years old on Grandpa’s birthday.  Would you say Happy Birthday to Grandpa for me, please?  Margaret and Virginia were out Monday.  I made you a Christmas present but I won’t send it till mother sends hers.  We hope that won’t be long.  I hope you will come down one of these days.  Ann is in second grade and Jerry is in sixth and I am in fourth.  I got a new coat for Christmas.’

“That was the letter from the 9-year-old, thanking her own grandma for the $1 gift.”

In 1988, the mother of that nine-year-old girl received a thank you letter from her granddaughter in response—three months late—to a $100 graduation gift.  Bob Greene continues: Read More »


Sexual Liberation as Exploitation

February 16, 2016


AN INTERVIEW with Dr. E. Michael Jones on his book Libido Dominandi, Sexual Liberation and Political Control.

Dr. Jones has been the victim of “dynamic silence” in the mainstream media, which treats him and his works as if they did not exist.


The Model Minority: Turn-Signal Edition

February 16, 2016


This anecdote from an article in New York magazine about why China’s super-rich send their children to America sums up Asian culture today in a nutshell. Asians make stereotypical aggressive New Yorkers look like Quakers:

“When I first drove in Asia, I flashed my signal and immediately people, instead of slowing down, all sped up to cut me off. It was so maddening, and then, after a little while, I became like everyone else. I never signal when I turn in Asia. I just do it. You don’t have a choice.”


The Americanist Religion

February 16, 2016


A READER writes:

This study by Catholic scholar Dr. John Rao is hands-down the best historical and philosophical explanation as to why America seemingly cannot be a normal nation and why Americans seemingly cannot be or, more appropriately, are not allowed to be a normal people.

As the author demonstrates, the Americanist Religion has both a left-wing and a right-wing, a liebral and a conservative (or ‘cuck$ervative,’ as we now so affectionately know it) version of its “Exceptionalism” (even amongst the putative ‘far-Right’) and as we see in reality, are merely the left and right wings of the same bird — the Americanist Vulture — the replacement for the American Eagle.

An excerpt:

Generations of European observers, beginning with Alexis de Tocqueville in his Democracy in America, have remarked upon the effectiveness with which American society, motivated by its Anglo-Saxon spirit, has quietly repressed the emergence of sharp differences of opinion, and channeled its population’s efforts into limited, peaceful, but indiscriminately vulgar material goals. Their commentaries have been supported by numerous American writers who have felt the obligation to “drop out” of this society in order to live as full human beings. I am speaking here of men of the Right, and not of liberals, whose “anti-Americanism” is itself a form of the same Americanist mentality. One is reminded, for example, of T.S. Eliot’s assertion that the thinking American often sought to “lose himself” somewhere outside the national mainstream, in places like New York City, in order to maintain at least the illusion of intellectual and spiritual survival. Read More »


The Appalling Coverage of Scalia’s Death

February 16, 2016

I DEFER again to Mike King of The Anti-New York Times on the subject of Scalia’s sudden death while alone and unguarded at a Texas luxury resort owned by a multi-millionaire Obama-supporter:

In examining the post-Scalia-death mania which continues to dominate the front pages of Sulzberger’s Slimes [The New York Times], we can’t help but notice the conspicuous absence of two elements that should be part of this wall-to-wall coverage: Read More »


Hoisted on their Own Petard

February 15, 2016

HERE ARE two recent letters to the editor of the Chestnut Hill Local in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia:

Local Episcopal congregations committed to inclusion

Our neighbors in Chestnut Hill and Mt. Airy may have seen the news out of Canterbury, U.K., that the Episcopal Church is “temporarily sanctioned” by the leaders of the Anglican Communion because our church created a marriage service for same-gendered couples.

As the Rectors of Saint Paul’s and St. Martin’s Episcopal Churches we would like to tell the community that nothing has changed nor will it at our congregations due to this news from our communion, the third largest church in the world. Read More »


Snow Realism

February 15, 2016


Snowbound house, Montague, New York 1997

FROM a weather forum discussion between a man who loves snow and a man whose enthusiasm for the stuff has waned. The man who wants more snow writes:

 Sometimes I have flashes of a life in a parallel universe where I live in a snowbelt region that receives 200+ inches. I’m just wondering if anyone who considered themselves a snow weenie ever got tired of that much snow. I think being born and raised in central Virginia I’m hardwired to appreciate what I get and the rarity of the snow events lends intself to the awe of heavy snowfall. Who here has moved from a sparse snow region to the jackpot regions? After a few season did you ever lose the passion for winter weather? I’m seriously considering a move north once the kids are out of the house.

Read More »


The Purpose of Temptations

February 15, 2016

The Temptation of Christ, Duccio

The Temptation of Christ, Duccio

FROM an 1891 sermon by Bishop Joseph Georg von Ehrler:

1. God has given us various powers and faculties, of body and soul, that all being tried and tested by temptation may be employed for his service. Our eyes must be tried in order to ascertain whether, being led astray by the deceitful phantoms of sin, they are directed to evil, rather than to the true and unchangeable goods of heaven. Our ears must be tested in order to know whether they are open to evil and eagerly listen to it, or, on the contrary, open to God and his holy word, and closed to sinful words and discourses. Our tongue, our hands and feet, and all the members and senses of our body must be tested, in order to find out whether they serve the world, rather than God. For the same purpose, God searches the various powers and faculties of the soul, in order to test their fidelity to Him, and their real love for Him. He tries our understanding, to see if in the holy obedience of faith it bows to the teachings of revelation or rather relies upon its own narrow conceits. He searches our heart and our memory, the imagination and the will, and all the depths of our souls in order to discover whether we love him or adore another before Him. He tries the king upon his throne, and the lowest beggar among his subjects; he tries the father and the mother, the son and daughter, the master and the servant, the rich and the peer–everyone according to his calling and position in life, in order to test and to reward each man according to the depth of his love and the strength of his fidelity. Read More »


More on Scalia

February 14, 2016



MIKE KING writes at The Anti-New York Times:

With the conveeenient passing of strict constitutionalist conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the last remaining threads holding together the remnants of true America has been severed. A closely contested court that had been ruling 5-4 or 4-5 on very important matters will most certainly shift to 4-5 and 3-6 with the Marxist usurpers winning every single time. Unless, of course, we are to believe that the Republican’t Senate will suddenly ‘grow a pair’ and block the path of the inevitable ultra-libtard replacement nominee — sure to be another “minority” and sure to be sold to us by the [The New York Slimes] as a “moderate” — until the new President is sworn in next January.

Away on a quail-hunting trip in Texas, Scalia had left a private party of 40 people at a secluded ranch and retired to his cabin. When he failed to show up for breakfast, a person involved with the ranch went to his room and discovered his body. A federal official, who asked not to be named (hmmmm), said there was no evidence of foul play (how would he know that without an autopsy?) and that Scalia died of “natural causes”.

Is it possible that a 79 year old man, even one who was seemingly healthy and remained active, simply died in his sleep of “natural causes?” Of course it is. Read More »


Love Rules

February 14, 2016

Pair of Lovers, 1480

Pair of Lovers, 1480

SOME St. Valentine’s Day wisdom from Dawn Eden, author of The Thrill of the Chaste:

Human beings are created for bonding, and we attain our individual empowerment — I would prefer to say flourishing — to the extent that we are able to actualize our full potential in society. For that reason, the sexual revolution has disempowered women, because it has fed them the lie that they will gain power to the extent that they are atomized — removed from the so-called dependence of husband and children.

[Image courtesy of It’s About Time.]


Justice Antonin Scalia

February 14, 2016

MAY Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died this weekend at a resort in Texas, rest in peace. Scalia suffered many defeats, but was an influential intellectual force who strove mightily for the impossible and defended doomed, outdated ideas such as that a man should not marry a man.

May Constitutionalism, a cause which Scalia upheld against the tide, also rest in peace.

Constitutionalism is the view that the original intention of the American Founders should be upheld by jurists. It is a dead cause. The Supreme Court, influenced for much of its history by the anti-Christian philosophy of Freemasonry, is the leading enforcer of practical atheism, of causes and federal interventions that the Founders never would have embraced. No matter who is appointed in Scalia’s place, that fact will not change.

If you want to get a sense of what a theocratic bogeyman Scalia, who was Catholic, is believed to have been by many, read the comments at The New York Times. They’re scaryAmericans are so unschooled in the basics of religion, many believe that Scalia, who publicly distanced himself from Catholic teaching on the proper relation between Church and state, personified theocratic tyranny and was the embodiment of the Christian Taliban. Read More »


“Why I Support Drafting Women”

February 13, 2016


They think they want ‘equality?’ Then they should get it, good and hard.

I’ve become convinced that the only way to even possibly reverse public policy lunacy like women in combat roles and unchecked immigration is to allow, even encourage, implementing these policies to their logical conclusions – which will then result in disaster, and force change via public backlash. This is what is happening in the EUSSR with regards to Muslim immigration today.

It’s essentially utilizing Marxist tactics in order to counter cultural Marxism:

‘The worse, the better.’ — V.I. Lenin


Smart Phone Addiction

February 12, 2016

JOE A. writes:

I see articles like this one, by a woman who quit her smart phone, all the time now.  There is an inherent human yearning for companionship and experience.  Virtual reality is novel, and thereby attractive in a way, but it is not satisfying and, apparently, it starts to grate on a person.

Organizations that further true human contact, experience, and camaraderie will be the new leaders, even priests, reintegrating the lost and the never-found into human society.

Oh and for the record, there are no smartphones in my house.  No tablets.  We haven’t had cable television in years.  We use the internet for reading and research but otherwise we do real things with real people, just as Man did for the last 200,000 years of his existence.


Political Commentary

February 12, 2016

A READER writes:

The other day, a boy asked my teen-aged daughter whether she supported Trump or Hillary. She replied, “I don’t know much about either. I’m a troglodyte.” Her interlocutor looked confused, and when my daughter asked him whether he was familiar with troglodytes, he replied, “Sure. I just don’t remember who are the Troglodyte Party’s candidates for president.”


How To Survive the Holocaust

February 11, 2016


WHETHER one million Jews (possibly less) or six million Jews (extremely unlikely) died in the Holocaust, many Jews died and were treated cruelly and callously. Brother Nathanael Kapner, an “Orthodox” Christian who was raised as a religious Jew, looks at the evidence in this video that the death camps were actually slave labor camps and that there were no gas chambers in any of the famous camps that held Jews in Germany and Poland. Read More »


Gloria’s Loss

February 11, 2016


THE feminist war horse has suffered a serious blow. It wouldn’t be so bad if she hadn’t come out and campaigned for Hillary Clinton right before the New Hampshire primary, and told women they would vote for Bernie just to attract guys. But she did, and Hillary’s serious defeat among young women (and all age groups except senior citizens) is a slap in the face to Gloria too. Perhaps women don’t want to be like the former CIA operative who was supported by foundations and major corporations in establishing her career as a phony anti-establishment figure. Perhaps they don’t want to be childless and discontented in old age, living with a three-legged black cat in an apartment. Perhaps many of them know that the feminist bargain (exchange dependence on a man for dependence on large organizations that will never love them) is not such a good deal. It’s not that she dedicated her life to something other than family that’s bad. Not everyone should marry and have children. It’s that she dedicated her life to satanic destruction and darkness. Perhaps she has lived too long, and is seeing the eclipse of her dark powers. Read More »


The Genteel Case for Trump

February 11, 2016

JAMES KALB writes that only someone as brash and forceful as Donald Trump could break through the tyranny of political correctness:

Trump’s been called a clown by those who guard the purity of our political culture.  The name-calling is silly in a country in which respectable opinion insists that two grooms make a wedding, and an organization that tears living babies apart and sells the pieces is a model of honor and public spirit.  They may paint Trump as a court jester who would be king.  But who wouldn’t root for the court jester—at least a little—in a world of supple place-seeking courtiers?

Since Mr. Trump is not “susceptible to pressure,” perhaps he could call a real investigation into 9/11. A New York real estate developer must know something about how skyscrapers collapse. Read More »


A Plan for American Economic Renewal

February 11, 2016



A NATION can be for God or for mammon. America is for mammon.

It’s not mammon for the people so that they can form healthy families and communities. It’s not mammon as an instrument for human virtue. It’s mammon as an end in itself and as a tool of power and control. Multiculturalism is a psy op. Sexual liberation is a psy op. Free trade is a scam. All are tools of financial exploitation.

We are an occupied nation. Just drive through the Midwest or the Northeast. Look at all the closed factories. You think that’s normal? You think that’s progress? You think that’s free enterprise? Yeah, it’s about as free as Soviet industry. Oh, what black deeds have been done in the name of freedom.

We need to defund a sick globalist oligarchy that upholds the rootless, cosmopolitan homosexual as its highest ideal* and destroys our borders and the middle class. We need to break up an enormous concentration of wealth in the hands of debt financiers and reclaim our money supply, ending the mass immigration, foreign wars and free trade this monetary system has brought us. Usury (the private sale of money at compound interest) is evil — a sin that cries out for vengeance because it is parasitic and leads to systematic failure over time.

The lengthy essay below is food for thought on this issue. It’s the final chapter from The Tyranny of the Federal Reserve, by Brian O’Brien, a book I have quoted here before. Any presidential candidate who embraces the Federal Reserve system is not working for substantial reform. Read More »