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The great Australian social divide

March 29, 2004

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The best way to increase the birthrate is to encourage people to embrace marriage, writes Bettina Arndt.

Is marriage the key to boosting Australia's birthrate? The idea makes sense. Most women remain convinced marriage is not just a piece of paper but provides a little extra security for the task of raising children. So they prefer those wedding bells to ring before they choose to conceive. And while more women are having children on their own or in de facto relationships, most in these less stable circumstances limit the size of their families.

This makes changing patterns of partnering, and particularly a decline in marriage, vital factors influencing birthrates. Today a provocative new report is released that makes the connection: Men and Women Apart: The Decline of Partnering in Australia, by Bob Birrell, Virginia Rapson and Clare Hourigan, from the centre for population and urban research at Monash University.

The Birrell report shows Australia is experiencing a sharp decline in levels of partnering, and particularly marriage, during the peak childbearing years. In 1986, 72 per cent of 30 to 34-year-old women were married, compared with 55 per cent in 2001. Those young women who do marry show no hesitation in starting their families - since 1986 there has been no drop in the proportion (85 per cent) of married women aged 35 to 39 who have at least one child. Although more women are now having children on their own or in de facto relationships, birthrates are far lower for these unmarried women.

So it's hazardous partnering patterns that are screwing up our birthrates, say the researchers. Increasing numbers of women waste precious child-rearing years in de facto relationships and end up partnerless as their fertility declines. The number of partnerless women in their 30s nearly doubled between 1986 and 2001, according to Birrell's data.

But the big surprise is that more educated women are no longer more likely to miss out on partners. Remember all those headlines back in the 1980s about university-educated women ending up on the shelf? Well, it was true then that more women with degrees were on their own in their 30s, but by 2001 it was the less educated women who were more likely not to have a mate.

Then there are the growing number of women who have a child on their own or in a de facto relationship (30 per cent of all births in 2001). Sure they still contribute to the country's birthrate, but most of the women now falling into this pattern are from the group who in the past did most to boost our birthrate - the less educated women who used to have the most children.

This group is now missing the key ingredient that encouraged them to start families and have more children: the stability and commitment provided by marriage.

"Most women will not choose to have a child until they are in a secure relationship," the researchers write. So while there are large numbers of single mothers emerging from this group - in 2001 almost half (45 per cent) of unpartnered women with no post-school qualifications were lone parents - their overall birthrate has declined significantly.

"For an increasing proportion of women, the establishment of a partnered relationship is being delayed, never occurs at all, or if it does occur, subsequently breaks down. On this logic, the link between partnering and declining fertility seems incontrovertible," the researchers write, adding that if the number of women marrying continues to fall, it will lead to a further decline in the birthrate.

The Birrell data shoots a very large hole in the major thesis that has dominated the birthrate debate in this country - namely that inadequate support for working mothers is holding women back from having children.

Women worry about losing out financially when they have children, suggests feminist Anne Summers as she argues for more child care. Work-family provisions are "the principal factor around the world of why women give birth or not", argues demographer Peter McDonald as he criticises the Howard Government for failing to provide more support for working mothers.

But in fact, these economic disincentives aren't putting married women off having children, as Birrell's analysis shows. (Note that the available data only proves married women show no drop-off in the age at which they start their families and says nothing about ultimate family size. The fact that so many women are marrying later is likely to mean these families are smaller.)

The change in marriage patterns is not a topic that has received much attention among Australian social analysts. In the US the social impact of similar changes is the subject of intense debate, with strenuous government efforts being made to seek ways of reversing these patterns by supporting marriage. But here the "M" word remains a taboo topic among the bureaucrats and academics who determine social policy.

Yet the impact of these changes is profound and not just on birthrates. There is also the impact on children.

The Birrell researchers talk about the "ominous divide" between children born in married-couple households and lone-parent households: "Those growing up in couple families have the advantage of both higher family income and the presence of two parents. Those raised in lone-parent families must cope with the disadvantage of low family income and the absence (at least in the household) of one parent (usually the father)." Sadly, most children in de facto families also fall into the higher risk category, with many more low-income fathers and unstable parental partnerships.

Then there are the large numbers of low-income men destined to spend their lives on their own. In 2001, 41 per cent of men aged 30 to 34 earning less than $16,000 were partnered, compared with 71 per cent earning $52,000 or more. One in four unpartnered men in this age group still live at home with their parents.

The researchers conclude that increasingly, young men without post-school education are being left on the shelf due to their poor financial prospects. Since almost half the unpartnered women they meet are likely to be single mothers, a man without a full-time job simply can't compete with the financial incentives offered by the Government to lone mothers who remain single.

Birrell and colleagues stress the importance of job creation in improving the economic and hence the social prospects for these men. But their situation also highlights the importance of the boy problem in schools. If the current trend continues for large numbers of boys to drop out from school, our society faces a dim future - with more and more children growing up in fatherless families.

There's a worrying divide emerging in Australian society. Most educated, affluent women still see marriage as more than a piece of paper. They wait until they have that extra security before starting their families - and the delay means fewer children.

But many other women are embarking on a far riskier course: bringing children into more casual, often chaotic relationships. These complicated relationships mean they too end up with smaller families - fewer children, and with fewer chances in life.

Bettina Arndt is a staff writer.

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