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On Friday’s edition of “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” president and CEO of Liberty Institute, Kelly Shackelford, joins Tony to discuss the important role religious liberty will play in the 2016 election cycle. Also, Pastor and father of Senator Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, is here to highlight his new book, A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America.

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  • Learn more about religious freedom in American by viewing the Liberty Institute website
  • Buy Pastor Cruz’s new book, A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America
  • Check out the FRC store
  • Order your copy of Tony's new bookNo Fear: Real Stories of a Courageous New Generation Standing for Truth
  • Download FRC Action's 2016 Values Voter Republican Presidential Voter Guide
  • Learn more about the effort to force young women to register for selective service
  • Click here to see Tony's South Carolina schedule of events
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Take Action: Don't Draft Our Daughters

In a recent GOP presidential debate, candidates were asked about whether or not "young women [should] be required to sign up for selective service in case of a national emergency." Of the candidates who were asked, none seemed to have a problem with requiring America's young women to register for the draft.

We haven't had a draft in over 40 years, so it's not difficult to see how some may not think this is an important issue. But this issue is extremely important -- both to the readiness of our military forces and to the future fabric of our country.

For years, women have served in the U.S. military honorably and with distinction. That fact is indisputable. But these women have served on a voluntary basis -- the choice to serve was theirs alone. Requiring women to register for the draft is to forcibly put our daughters in harm's way against their will.

Everyone in the military knows that once in, you don't get to choose where you will end up serving. As the current administration has made abundantly clear, the U.S. military is now operating as a testing ground for social change -- at the expense of military readiness. As combat infantry and Special Forces specialties are opened to women, it only follows that if a draft should occur, conscripted women would inevitably be placed in units where the mission is to find and engage the enemy, ... (more)

Watch ProLifeCon 2016

On January 22, 2016, pro-life digital activists gathered at Family Research Council headquarters for the ProLifeCon Digital Action Summit, the premier conference for the online pro-life community. As Americans become increasingly pro-life, digital activism will be all the more critical in keeping the momentum going into 2016. 

Confirmed speakers include: 

  • Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
  • Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.)
  • Jeanne Mancini, President, March for Life
  • David Daleiden, Founder, Center for Medical Progress
  • And many more!

Click here to watch the entire conference!


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Investigating Planned Parenthood and Research Using Aborted Babies

by Arina Grossu

The purpose of this issue analysis is to investigate Planned Parenthood’s abortion practices and its harvesting of aborted babies. This information is meant to synthesize what we know of Planned Parenthood, its aborted baby parts harvesting, the operations of biotech companies involved in this industry, and its end consumers, including NIH and FDA taxpayer-funded programs. Planned Parenthood performs about 30 percent of all abortions in the U.S. Summary Part I delineates how many facilities at Planned Parenthood perform medication ... (more)

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Daddy's Girl: How Fatherlessness Impacts Early Sexual Activity, Teen Pregnancy, and Sexual Abuse

by Rob Schwarzwalder and Natasha Tax

The pathologies and moral crises of our era do not stand in isolation. They are entwined, inextricably. The pound of flesh demanded by Shylock from Antonio in “The Merchant of Venice” could not be removed without the loss of Antonio’s blood. The veins of the victim, laced throughout his body, were impossible to segregate from the flesh itself. So it is with the intersecting layers of family life, human sexual behavior, public policy, and the well-being of our children. Certainly among these layers, fatherhood is a theme ... (more)

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Unconditional: Christian love when a child 'comes out'

by Rob Schwarzwalder

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