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Top Stories Worldwide | 2016-02-12

Canadian Man Missing For 30 Years Remembers Who He Is

A Canadian man who had been suffering from memory loss for the last 30 years recently started to regain his memory, and turned out to be someone who had been... | 2016-02-12

FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke Suspended For 12 Years For Ethics Breach

Former FIFA official Jerome Valcke, a long-time associate of suspended FIFA president Sepp Blatter, was banned from all soccer-related activity for 12 years... | 2016-02-12

Mexico Considers Extraditing Drug Lord 'El Chapo' To Federal Court In Brooklyn, N.Y.

Mexican authorities have taken on “a different mindset” now that Mexican drug trafficker Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman Loera is in custody after escaping from jail...

Dawn | 2016-02-12

Twin grenade attacks in Karachi leave residents panicked

CCTV footage showing the attackers on motorcycles. KARACHI: Twin grenade explosions in different parts of Karachi on Friday left residents panicked. A police...

Open Minds Worldwide

The Los Angeles Times | 2016-02-13

Ready for your close-up, Lagunans?

It's been a year since Laguna Beach police started automatically scanning license plates, and...

Alternet | 2016-02-12

What the Democratic Primary Contest Is Missing, When It Comes to Women

Getting past the Berniebros and Hillary surrogate swipes. As the 2016 presidential primary race...

The Washington Post | 2016-02-12

Philippe Reines rips Beltway media, Erik Wemple Blog for ‘hypocrisy’

Earlier this week, Gawker reporter J.K. Trotter highlighted a new set of documents exposing the...

Alternet | 2016-02-12

$15 Minimum Wage Is Deciding Factor for Many Low-Wage Voters (VIDEO)

Fight For 15 protesters clash with presidential candidates on defining a living wage. Outside last...

Creators Syndicate | 2016-02-12

The Obama Economy and the Election

WASHINGTON — Well, well, the stock market has, of a sudden, caught up with the Obama economy....