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Preservation: practical information sheets

Preventive preservation

Preventive preservation refers to the range of direct and indirect actions undertaken on collections and aimed at preventing degradation and prolonging document life spans: carrying out environmental checks, preparing and monitoring an emergency plan, transferring to alternative media (micrography for archiving, digitization and printing substitute documents for consultation), etc.

Environment and preservation of library collections

By Astrid-Christiane Brandt and Jean-François Foucaud
(Recommendations on the Book and Reading Directorate (Direction du Livre et de la Lecture/DLL) website)

Environmental conditions and warehousing methods have a significant influence on the preservation of graphic materials. Initial preventive measures consist of carrying out environmental checks and ensuring that suitable storage conditions are in place. Degradation can be slowed by acting on factors such as temperature, relative humidity, light, biological decay agents (mold, insects, and rodents), and chemical and mechanical decay agents (pollutants and dust). It is also possible to avoid or limit degradation caused by human agents.

la fiche pratique [fichier .pdf - 124 Ko - 03/03/1999 - 10 p.]

Photographic reproduction: making microfilm and microfiche

Recommendations for the reproduction of periodicals, printed books, and music scores held by libraries
By Else Delaunay, Bernard Fages
(Recommendations on the Book and Reading Directorate (Direction du Livre et de la Lecture/DLL) website)

The photographic reproduction (on microfilm and microfiche) of documents of various types and sizes requires the application of certain technical principles and standards which are now commonly adopted by major institutions at an international level: identification and signaling; flatness and state of preservation; reduction scale, image position, and partition; quality, treatment, and packaging; and checking.

la fiche pratique [fichier .pdf - 69 Ko - 03/03/1999 - 8 p.]

Reproduction of heritage documents

General issues
By Jacques Deville
(Recommendations on the Book and Reading Directorate (Direction du Livre et de la Lecture/DLL) website)

Environmental conditions and warehousing methods have a significant influence on the preservation of graphic materials. Initial preventive measures consist of carrying out environmental checks and ensuring that suitable storage conditions are in place. Degradation can be slowed by acting on factors such as temperature, relative humidity, light, biological decay agents (mold, insects, and rodents), and chemical and mechanical decay agents (pollutants and dust). It is also possible to avoid or limit degradation caused by human agents.

la fiche pratique [fichier .pdf - 103 Ko - 03/03/1999 - 9 p.]

Friday, April 1, 2011
